Short 2

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A day has gone by since the whole pimples thing and y/n was out in town wondering until he spotted Mrs croaker

She was carrying bags full food from the store but struggling to hold them all so y/n went to help

Y/n:hi Mrs croaker need some help?.

Mrs croaker:why hello there young man it would be appreciated.

Y/n then grabbed all of Mrs croakers groceries y/n also noticed she had a confused look for a second before her look changed

Mrs croaker:you sure you can carry all those groceries I could hold a couple?.

Y/n:it's fine Mrs croaker I got it we wouldn't want you to strain your self now would we?.

Mrs now your making me feel bad.

Y/n:what do you mean?.

Mrs croaker:honestly I can carry these bags easily I was just faking it so someone would carry them for me.

Y/n:heh I would've done the same but why do you feel bad for me?.

Mrs croaker:well any frog here I would've let them carry it all but have this aura around you it's dangerous and silly but nice and kind.

Y/n:aww thanks Mrs croaker but I'd still be happy to carry them for you.

Mrs croaker:your a good kid y/n.

She then reaches up and pats y/n's head as he smiles but when she stops he opens his eyes with sparkles

Y/n:whoooa...that felt nice.

Mrs croaker:what never had a pat on the head before?.

Y/n:I...I don't think so how do I get more!?.

Mrs croaker:well I could give you more pats but for others I guess you could help them like you helped me.


Y/n then ran off but came back

Y/n:oh right your groceries which way is your house again?.

Mrs croaker:just follow me and once we get there you could meet Archie.

Y/n:who's Archie?.

Mrs croaker:my pet spider careful he's venomous.

Y/n:I'd love him already.

              •                     •                    •

Y/n is seen helping one frog pick apples from a tree as he finally picks the last one

Frog1:man that went a lot quicker with you here thanks for the help.

Y/n:no problem.

Frog1:so how much do I owe you.


Frog1:How much do I pay you you know for the help?.

Y/n:no money needed.

Y/n then crouched down to the frog

Y/n:just a pat.

Frog1:you just want a pat on the head?.


The frog then looked at his hand then at y/n's head and pats him as y/n looks very happy then stands up and starts running to the next

Y/n:thank you!.

The frog then looks down at his hand and stares at it

Frog1:....why did that feel incredibly wholesome...

               •                     •                    •

Then y/n helps a frog finds his snail and as expected requests pats as the frog reacted the same way as the other frog

               •                     •                    •

Then y/n helps a lady frog and her two kids get a ball out of a tree as the lady frog and even her two kids pat y/n's head he then even said a few minutes to play with the kids

              •                     •                    •

Y/n went to frog to frog helping them then getting what he wanted and now he was in front of a house as he knocked on the door then the same frog who he threatened to take the scream beans opened the door

Y/n:oh shoot it's okay I'm not here to be mean I was going to house to house seeing if anyone needed help I'll get out of your hair!.

Y/n was about to leave until the frog spoke

Frog:wait! Actually I've been enjoying these things.

He pulls out a scream bean then eats it in one bit before it could finish screaming

Frog:so I'm thankful you got me to buy them so thanks.

The frog then hopped and pat y/n on the head as he went star eyed again

Frog:have a nice day.

The frog closed the door as y/n felt happy and walked back home

              •                     •                    •

We see Anne sitting on the couch then y/n opens the front door walking in with a smile then sitting down next to Anne

Anne:hey dude where have you been you seem happy?.



Y/n then faced Anne and tilted his head down and pointed to the top

Y/n:on my head.

Anne:by who?.

Y/n:mmm pretty much everyone.

They sit in silence for a few seconds before Anne asked y/n a question

Anne:can I pat your head?.

Y/n:yes please.

Anne then reached out and started to pat y/n's head but it was a different feeling the past few pats he got made him feel happy and a little energetic but this one made him feel calm and relaxed and even save

Y/n:..out of all the head pats yours feels the nicest...

Hearing this Anne quickly pulls her arm away with a huge blush on her face leaving a confused y/n

Y/n:aww why'd you stop?.

Anne:*blushing* I...I...I have to help hop pop yep definitely that he needs help with dinner!.

She then quickly hops off the couch and speed walks into the kitchen

Once she got there she covers her face with her hands which is still blushing and sits near a wall rocking back and fourth letting out muffled screams with one word in her mind

You can thank  @stillepieceal12cheese for this short idea very nice

Also look fanart

The art you see is made by @Toriwit this is their depiction of what y/n would look like Very talented person as you can see

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