Chapter 11

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We see the planters and y/n in the living room playing a card game

Hop pop:hmm got any threes?.

Polly:I ain't telling you nothing old man.

Y/n who is sitting next to Polly pats her head

Y/n:you make me proud Polly.

They then hear footsteps from the basement until Anne kicks open the door and screams



Y/n:WR-......nah I've done it to many times...



Anne:just look.

She said pointing to her face

All the planters gasped

Sprig:she's diseased!.

They then pulled out weapons


Hop pop:we have to quarantine her.

(Not again...)

Polly:don't struggle Anne.

Anne:what no guys it's not a disease these are pimples it's just a human thing.

Y/n:ya I can confirm.


Hop pop:false alarm everyone it's just a human thing.

Anne:everybody already treats me like a monster.

She says picking up a spoon and looking in the reflection of herself

Anne:this is just gonna make it ten times worse ugh...

Sprig:ah come on no one treats you like a monster Anne.


Anne:are you kidding I can't even go outside without making a scene.


Anne is seen walking threw the town whistling while frogs panic

Frog:ah it's hideous!.

Then a frog with her baby

Female frog:look away teddy look away.

Two frogs then scream and run inside the house as anne looks down sadly

Anne:ah poop....


Y/n:ha and that bothers you?.

Anne:yes! Doesn't it bother you?.

Y/n:nah I love it don't you remember?.


While Anne's looking down she then hears more frogs scream she then turns to see a group of frogs being chased by y/n




Y/n:I'm gonna get ya I'm gonna get ya!.

While chasing them y/n notices Anne

Y/n:hey Anne nice day isn't it!?.



Anne:oh ya...

Sprig:but who cares what they think we like you.

Anne:....uh-huh I'm going to go hide in the basement until with clears up.

Hop pop:sorry Anne but nobody's hiding anywhere today I need help at the vegetable stand.

He then put a bucket on the table

Hop pop:we got a bumper crop of scream beans that need selling.

Anne then drops her head on the table

Y/n then noticed his eel hound next to him

Y/n:you wanna tag along?.

The eel hound nods

Y/n:nice my plan will be more easy.

Now we see the rest of the frogs who set up they're stands

Frog1:crickets man always fresh.

Frog2:worms we got worms!.

With the planters we see and wearing sunglasses and tied a cloth around her head

Hop pop:all right kids get out there and sell like your lives depend on it!...because they do we...we really need this

Sprig:come one come all try the beans everybody's screaming about!.

Now with y/n he's doing his plan

Y/n:hey hey you.


Y/n:ya you come here.

The frog looks around frantically then try's to speed walk away but stop since y/n's eel hound blocked his way as y/n was now in front of the frog

Y/n:give me your money.


Y/n:give me it now right now.

The frog then quickly pulled out his money and handed it to y/n


He then shoved a handful of scream beans as the frog quickly runs away as y/n's eel hound stares at him


Now we see Anne who's still not enjoying being here

Anne:beans can you believe it...

Female frog:oh gracious!.

Frog:like I'd buy beans from a monster.


Y/n:hey hey!.

The frog that called Anne a monster turned around


Y/n:come here.

The frog then quickly walks away

Y/n:aye get back here!.

The frogs starts full on running now

Y/n:get em boy we'll show em a real monster!.

Y/n and the eel hound started to chase down the frog this brings a small smile to Anne's face but goes away

Behind Anne two kid frogs that were playing tag when one of them ran into Anne making her drop the beans but also making her cloth and glasses fall off as the rest of the frogs gasp

Frog:leaping larva look!.

Anne:No No don't look at me!.

Y/n then turned hearing the crowd

Y/n:uh oh.

Frog1:are you seeing what I'm seeing?.

Frog2:ya I think so.

Frog3:they're warts beautiful ruby-red warts.

Anne:wait huh?.

The crowd of frogs stared in awe at Anne's pimples saying things such as stunning and are they real and I wanna touch em

Frog:three cheers for the girl with the ruby-red warts!.

The frogs started throwing Anne into the air

(I actually forgot what to call it)

Y/n was watching Anne get thrown into the air while she lets out giggles


Now we see inside the mayors building with toadie making the charts ratings go all the way down

Mayor toadstool:oh this is bad toadie people hate us!.

Toadie:with a passion sir!.

Mayor toadstool:and it doesn't help that someone broke in and stole from us they took my favorite golden slippers!.

Toadie:outrageous sir!.

Mayor toadstool:it's as if embezzling money from the town makes you the bad guy!.

He says letting out a groan as toadie starts massaging the sides of toadstools head

Mayor toadstool:if we don't fix things soon we'll lose next month's election for sure the only thing that can save us now is a miracle!.

He then hears cheering as he looks out his window to see the crowd carrying Anne

Mayor toadstool:oh my dear toadie I do believe that our miracle has arrived.

Back with the planters they're in the kitchen with a bunch of presents

Sprig:this is awesome just look at all these gifts!.

Anne:the town's people like me they really really like me.

Polly then rips open a present to reveal choco magg

Polly:*gasp* choco chocolate maggots come to mama!.

She then pours the snack into her mouth

Anne:whoa y/n there was golden slippers in one of the presents!?.


Y/n looks down to see he's wearing golden slippers

Y/n:oh no I've always had these...

He says a bit grumpy

Anne:you alright dude?.

Y/n:yaaaaa....just peachy.

Polly:you want a choco magg?.


Hop pop:yeah they really seem to like your human bumps Anne.

Anne:*gasp* I better take care of these moneymakers if I wanna keep this up.

Anne then grabbed a stick of butter

Anne:babies...babies are hungry...

She then started to smear the butter all over her pimples as the planters look disturbed much?.

Y/n:you keep making me prouder and prouder.

They then heard a honk outside the house as Anne's checks and opens the door to reveal mayor toadstool

Mayor toadstool:Anne my dear care to join me for a joyride?.

Toadie:we brought the fancy snail.

Anne:get out!.

She says amazed


Sprig:we all get to ride in that!? awesome!.

Hop pop:finally the luxury I deserve.

Hop pop was about to get on until mayor toadstool stop him with his Cain

Mayor toadstool:nope I'm afraid only Anne is invited just look at those beautiful warts.

His eyes then catch y/n

Mayor toadstool:why if it isn't...uh


Mayor toadstool:y/n right right tell me do you have warts growing in?.


Mayor toadstool:ohh then yup I'm afraid only Anne is invited.

Anne:don't look so glum guys it's just a ride I'll be back in a few.

She says putting on the same sun glasses as the snail speeds away

Y/n's eyes glow red for a second before he closes them while taking a deep inhale then exhales then opens them to reveal they're back to normal

Hop pop:it's begins...


Hop pop:fame changes people kids and not in a good way.

Y/n:hmph now I'm glad about stealing his slippers.

Hop pop:wait what?.

Now with Anne and toadstool

Anne:whoo man this snail is fast.

Mayor toadstool:Anne we can help each other I can make sure you stay popular and in turn you can help me improve my reputation how does that sound?.

Anne:sounds harmless can I honk the horn?.

Mayor toadstool:ya sure.

She honks the horn two times

Mayor toadstool:oh and be on the lookout for anyone with golden slippers they've been taken from me.

Anne:*sweats*uh s-sure.

                       •               •                •

We see a line of frogs waiting to get a autograph from Anne while the frog up front got they're letter and a wink from Anne making them faint

                      •                •                 •

Now we see the planters plucking they're crops from the ground with y/n helping with his eel hound but then Anne and mayor toadstool came riding threw on the fancy snail over the crops crushing some of them but then a crowd of Anne's fans who was chasing them ran over the crops damaging them

                      •                 •                 •

We now see Anne cutting a ribbon to a orphanage

Then a community center

Then cutting a ribbon to reveal the new statue

                       •                 •                 •

Then we see the planters and y/n at they're scream beans stand but once again Anne and mayor toadstool pass by on the snail with a crowd chasing them ruining the stand and spilling the scream beans

                      •                 •                  •

Now we see y/n down in the basement with his eel hound sitting on the mattress watching him Pace back-and-forth

Y/n:It was better when it was the two of us being treated like monsters but now she's famous it's not rude of me to want it back to the way it was right!?.

His eel hound just stares at him

Y/n then sits on the floor leaning on the wall

Y/n:*sighs*it's not like I'm jealous I'm actually very happy for her...but now I'm scared when she sees me she's not gonna wanna be friends with me anymore...since you know how I act?...

The eel hound hops of the mattress and sits next to y/n then leans onto him

Y/n:heh glad I can talk to you thanks for listening lil buddy.

Then the basement hatch is then flung open revealing sprig

Sprig:Y/N we're visiting Anne wanna tag along!?.

Y/n:...ya I'm coming!.

Y/n looks over to his eel hound

Y/n:you wanna come to?.

The eel hound then quickly runs over to his little dog house and lays inside


                     •                 •                 •

And now finally we're at the mayors building

Mayor toadstool:and here we are.

He says open two doors to a room

Mayor toadstool:from now on Anne this is your home.


Anne:this is awesome and to think just yesterday people were treating me like a monster look at me now baby!.

Mayor toadstool:heh glad you're enjoying yourself stick with me and I'll make sure you never go out of style now take care of those warts toodles.

He tossed Anne a stick of butter then left the room she takes one more glance around before the planters and y/n open the window

Sprig:hey Anne got time for a visit?.

Sprig asked as they all look around amazed at the room

Anne:oh hey guys just look at this place epic right?.

Sprig:ya it's great.

Y/n:noticing a lack of webs disappointing.

Anne then lays back on a couch that has a bowl of grapes and a statue of herself

Anne:can you believe I was living in your basement? HA it was cold dusty not to mention smelly...oh no offense.

Hop pop:...none taken.


Y/n:*mumbles*ya not like anyone's still living there.

Then the grandfather clock in Anne's room started to chime

Anne:oh shoot we gotta wrap this up I've gotta sign autographs kiss tadpoles and do some interviews all before dinner.

She then started to push the group out until they were fully out of the room

Anne:so good to talk to you guys love you mean it muah.

She then closes the door as a few seconds go by she then opens the door again

Anne:oh wait.

She then grabs y/n by the shoulders and lightly pulls him back into the room then closes the door again

y/n:wait what?.

Anne:like I said no offense to hop pop but we can't have you living in a dirty basement now can we *gasp* maybe I can have them make a little house in here for your little eel hound too!.

Y/ your not...gonna leave me?.

Anne:what? No! Like you said we have each other right?.

Y/n then looked down to the ground thinking then looked back to Anne

Y/n:...I gotta think about something

He said with a monotone voice before walking over to the window and opening it he also didn't even bother to raise his foot he just tripped outside the window got up and walked away as Anne is standing there in confusion

She then heard sprigs muffled voice on the other side of the door

Sprig:what the heck was that!? It's like she's a different person!.

Polly:yeah a crazy person!.

Sprig:this stinks...

Hop pop:hey none of that!.

Hop pop then bonks sprig on top of his head

Hop pop:kids when one of your own makes it big you support them no matter what because deep deep deep deep deep deep deep down they're the same person.


Sprig:*sighs* you're right hop pop.

As Anne listens she starts to feel a bit sad until toadie pops up

Toadie:ma'am I think I found the perfect dress for tonight.

Anne:oh...ya okay.

                     •                 •                 •

It was now the next day as anne is sleeping in her new bed until knocking could be heard at her door

Anne:*groans*five more minutes...

Over at a wall is a little door with a sign that says service with a little bell to call toadie

A note slides under the door as anne picks up and opens it

Anne:be at the assembly at noon sharp.

She then walks into her bathroom looking into her mirror

Anne:good morning my greasy babies time to get ready for the-*GASP*NO no no no no!.

Only to reveal her pimples are gone


She then walks out of her bathroom while she runs a stick of butter all over her face in a panic

Anne:what do I do what do I do what do I do!? *Gasp*

She sees a note and a quill pen on a table and rushes over and begins writing a letter then goes over to the little door and knocks

Anne:uh hello anyone there?.

Then toadie quickly opens the door

Toadie:just me toadie!.

But Anne quickly slams the door pushing toadie back inside as he lets out a wow

Anne:uh can you deliver this note to the planters?.

She then slides the note under the door to toadie

Toadie:of course ma'am but before I do could I get an autograph? I am a huge fan.

Anne:ya sure why not.

She then quickly grabs a paper and signs it then slides it under the door

Anne:here now go.

Toadie:uh this is a little hard to read-

Anne:JUST GO!.

Toadie:yes ma'am!.

Toadies little footsteps could be heard retreating as Anne lets out a sigh

                     •                 •                 •

We see The planters now at the front of Anne's door as sprigs knocks

Anne then quickly opens the door

Sprig:we got your note.

Hop pop:we came as fast as we could.

Sprig:what's the emergency?.

She then quickly brings them inside the room and closes the door

Anne:my life is ruined my zits they're gone without them I'm...I'm nothing...

Sprig:ugh Anne that's ridiculous I'm sick and tired of this and...and...

Sprig looks back at hop pop who gives him a nod

Sprig:*sighs* we'll do everything we can to help you.

Anne:oh thank goodness...wait a minute where's y/n?.

Polly:we don't know haven't seen him all morning.

With y/n he's seen sitting somewhere on the ground eating mushrooms while crying

And next to him was his eel hound having a tired look

Y/n:*sniff*I was jealous over nothing*sniff* I'm a bad friend...i Gotta stop eating these I'm starting to see that a floating triangle?.

Now back with the others

Sprig started thinking until he got an idea

Sprig:I got it what if we stuck some of these swamp berries to your face?.

He then pulls out a book then flips to the page showing Anne

Sprig:they kinda look like pimples.

Anne:great but how can we get to the swamp without me being seen I have f-Anne's everywhere.


Anne:f-Anne's it's what we're calling my fans


Hop pop:...

Polly:...I don't want to live on this planet anymore.


Hop pop:don't worry about the crowds Anne I have a pla-anne.


                      •                 •                 •

We now see a crowd of frogs with frogs either holding a sign that says Anne or just cosplaying as her standing at the entrance blocking the way until the planters come out with a cart of towels

Sprig:make way!.

Hop pop:plague towels everyone plague towels!.

The crowd lets out gasps and makes a why for the cart to get threw as the planters began to walk pass

Polly:if you don't wanna cough up your organs stay back!.

But then the wheel of the cart rolls over a small stone which makes the cart bump and makes Anne's foot poke out

Frog:hey everyone that's Anne's foot!.

Anne:uh oh.

Sprig:the jigs up run!.

The planters began quickly pushing the cart as the crowd chases after them

Anne:we'll never make it!.

Hop pop:not without a diversion we won't Anne give me your shoe.


Anne then hands hop pop her shoe as he stops and holds the shoe up

Hop pop:hey everyone lookie I've got Anne's shoe!.

Anne:hop pop no!.

Frog1:he's got Anne's shoe!.

Frog2:get him!.

Hop pop then looks back with a smile

Hop pop:fly you fools...

The crowd then dog piled hop pop as the group looks back with sadness he'll be fine.

They push threw a bush until sprig spots the berries

Sprig:look over there!.

Anne then gets out of the carts and grabs the berries and puts them on her face

Anne:how to I look?.

Sprig then placed one more berry on the left side of her face

Sprig:that should do it.

Anne then looks at her reflection in a river to see the berries

Anne:thanks for helping me guys.

Sprig:that's what we're here for.

Polly:not me I'm here for the drama.

Anne then looks down a bit sad

Sprig:what's wrong Anne?.

Anne:it's just that y/n would've said "same" or something funny I just hope he's okay where ever he is.

Back with y/n he's seen leaning back on a tree with swirls still in his eyes but now he had a golden robe on and his eel hound was also leaning against the tree next to y/n who also has swirls in his eyes since y/n convinced him to take a bite

Y/n:bruh you know what I'm thinking?...

Eel hound:*bark*...

Y/n:if your leg gets cut off will it hurt?...

The eel hound gave y/n a are you kidding me look


Y/n:how tho? Where you gonna feel the pain?...

Eel hound:*bar-

The eel hounds eyes then widen in shock

Y/n:mmm-hmm how you gonna feel the pain of your leg is gone

Eel hound:dang I didn't even think about that.


                     •                 •                 •

Now we see a crowd of frogs in front of a giant stage as mayor toadstool is seen waiting

Mayor toadstool:where is she I'm losing a point in the polls every minute she's late and it doesn't help that someone stole my favorite robe.

Anne:I'm here I'm here!.

Anne quickly ran up the stairs to the stage

Mayor toadstool: there you are my dear I was so worried.

Anne:sorry I was caught up in this whole mob situation luckily the planters were there to help me and-

Mayor toadstool:the planters? Anne honey I thought we talked about this hanging out with those bumpkins will only pull you down to their level I think it's for the best that you not be seen with them anymore.

Anne then looks down to her locked phone screen to see a picture of the planters then unlocked the phone to see a picture of y/n trying to eat a mushroom but then it was the next words mayor toadstool said to make up her mind

Mayor toadstool:especially that y/n fellow ugh kid gives me the creeps

Anne then narrows her eyes at toadstool


Mayor toadstool:good now get out there your public awaits.

The stage curtains moved to reveal Anne as the crowd starts to cheer as Anne steps up to the mic

Anne:crazy week huh? couple days ago I was a monster and now I'm the pride and joy of wartwood I've got a nice apartment f-Anne's fame...but you know what I'm missing? The people who'll stick with me wether I'm a monster or not.

The crowd looks on in shock and confusion before Anne's grabs all the berries off her face and drops them the crowd gasp as some cover their child's eyes

Frog1:she's hideous again!.

Mayor toadstool then swipes the curtain out of his way

Mayor toadstool:Anne what are you doing!? You're throwing it all away now how am I supposed to convince these idiots to vote for me?.

Toadie:Um sir?...

Mayor toadstool:what is it toadie I...oh.

Mayor toadstool then realized the mic picked up what he said as the crown glares at him

Mayor toadstool:did I say idiot? I meant lovely lovely townspeople eh?.

He was then had a tomato thrown at his face by y/n who just now arrived who is still affected by the mushrooms with his eel hound next to him

Y/n:Hahah! That's what you get how's does that apple taste!?....that was a apple right?...or was it a pumpkin?...

The crowd then pulled out their own fruits and vegetables and started throwing them at toadstool as he ran off the stage

Now that that's over the frogs began leaving since they thought all of this was a waste of time now Anne was with the planters

Anne:uh...hey guys?.

Sprigs:these are horrifying.

Hop pop:yep.

Anne:thanks for sticking with me even when the attention got to my head.

Hop pop:just remember to do the same when I'm rich and famous.

Polly:never happening.

Anne:any chance I can go back to being the monster that lives in your basement?.

Sprig and Polly then hugged Anne

Sprig:of course!.

Anne:thanks you guys...y/n still isn't here I could've sworn he was the one to start the rio-

But she was interrupted by y/n tackling her into a hug


Anne:y/n!? What happened and what's wrong with your eyes?.

Y/n:*sniff* I-I ate mushrooms in the woods


Y/n:but *sniff* I'm sorry for being a bad friend I was jealous and sad that you were famous but then I realized i didn't need to be sad but then I got sad over being sad!.

Anne:why were you sad?.

Y/n:....I thought you were going to leave me and not be friends anymore...

Anne was shocked until she remembered what y/n said she smiles then let's out a sigh

Anne:oh y/n you knucklehead.

Y/n:I have knuckles on my head!?.

Anne:...and that is why I'm not ever leaving you.


Anne:y/n how long have we known each other?.

Y/n:*sniff*since we were eggs.


Y/n:sorry kids *sniff* these mushrooms are still making me feel weird.

Anne:well your right since we were kids and have I left you yet?.


Anne:and it's gonna stay like that I'm pretty sure we're gonna know we each other till we're old and wrinkly and I'm sure that goes for Sasha and Marcy too.

Anne then stands up as she extends her hand to y/n he then smiles and accepts as she helps pull him up and they hug again

Polly:aw this is nice...are you crying hop pop?.

Hop pop:*sniff* no just...something flew into my eye.

Anne:hey you know what I still have the key to the apartment you guys wanna try out the hot tub before they change the locks?.


He then falls face first into the ground


Hop pop:hm he must have eaten the yellow and black mushrooms luckily for us and him I have the antidote and it involves hot water.

Then y/n's eel hound walked up to the group with the same eyes

Anne:you too!?.

Eel hound:ey man these mushrooms are making me feel funny...

The second short is next and wholesome

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