A Fight for Peace

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Hey guys, Nightingale here! I hope you guys are ready for the last chapter for the second season of Highschool DxD. As you all remember, the previous chapter was the start of the meeting between Angels, Fallen Angels and Devils, and while everything seemed to be going fine, Katerea and Vali had other plans for it. Needless to say that when Vali revealed who he really was,  Snow was not happy at all. What will he do now? Well, to find that out, you need to sit back, relax and enjoyyyyyyyy ...


Kuoh Academy - Human World

The meeting was not going as well as the ones involved thought it would go. Only a couple of minutes after having started, Rias piece, Gasper, was caught by a group of terrorists and forced to use his powers against them, they had to fight a ton of Magicians, one of the descendants of the original Devil Kings came after Serafall's life and now, the traitor that allowed all of that to become possible revealed himself to be none other then Azazel's bodyguard, Vali. 

Issei: Vali you bastard! You were the one that betrayed us!

Issei yelled.

Azazel: Hey Vali. I want to ask you something ...

The leader of the fallen angles said, dusting the dirt from his clothes after being sent against the ground, and taking flight again to speak with Vali.

Vali: Hmm?

Azazel: Shemhazai, my governor, noticed that rebels from the three factions were banding together. The "Khaos Brigade" was it?

Snow was not liking this. As Vali was right now, he would simply blurt out everything he knew. Yet, he couldn't do anything right now but hope that for miracle, nedding to stay quiet about it. If he stopped Vali from talking, then everyone would suspect him.

Snow: (thoughts) Don't you dare open your mouth Vali.

Sirzechs: Khaos Brigade?

Serafall: A group of rebels?! There aren't that many people who can control a bunch of guys like that.

Azazel: It appears that their leader is the Ouroboros Dragon, Ophis.

They eyes became wide at the mention of that name. The dragon of infinity and one of the two strongest creatures in the entire world, was the leader of the supernatural's most powerfull group of terrorists.

Vali: Indeed, I am working for Ophis ...

His white haired friend clenched his teeth in anger at the carefree in which Vali was giving away his identity and information about them.

Vali: However. None of us want to rule the world. Some idiots just decided to come to us for power.

Vali explained.

Azazel: Well, that explains a thing or two. I thought you'd gotten all friendly with Katerea, since neither of you could become a Satan.

Serafall: Neither of them?!

Asked Serafall confused by Azazel's words.

Vali: My name is Vali Lucifer. 

Another revelation that how certainly make a mess once the rest of the Underworld knew about it. 

Sirzechs: What?!

Vali: I'm a descendant of the previous Satan. Sired by the grandson of a pure-blooded Satan, and birthed by a human mother, I'm a half-devil.

Sirzechs: It's no wonder we never heard of you then.

His explanation made perfect sense. Being one of the most descriminatory races during the great war, and in part now, a high-class devil would never admit that a half-human, half-devil was his son, much less the greatest devil to have ever existed.

Azazel: Even though he shares blood with a Satan, his human half allowed him to become the host of the Vanishing Dragon. You're entire existence just sounds like a bad joke.

Vali: Perhaps the word "miracle" actually exists because me.

Vali joked showing them eight devil wings in addition to the ones of his Scared Gear, further proving his point that he had indeed the blood of a powerfull devil running inside his veins.

Asia: Those wings ...

Azazel: Out of every host of the White Dragon Emperor from past, present and future, he's without a doubt the most powerfull that will ever exist.

Issei: The most powerfull ...

Vali: Hyoudou Issei!

Vali called, gaining Issei's attention.

Vali: Fate is a cruel thing isn't it? 

Vali expressed in a condescendant way.

Issei: What?!

Vali: With a power of a Satan and a dragon, I'm the mightiest dragon host of all. But you, in comparison, are merely a human. Someone that until being reborn as a devil, was just an average high-schooler. In other words, without the Boosted Gear you are nothing. So pitefull. So laughably piteful. Our Sacred Gears are fated enemies, but our abilities are worlds apart. No. Far too many worlds apart.

The white devil understood it now, the real reason for Vali's attitude.

Snow: (thoughts) All of this ... just for a stupid fight that you know you can win.

Vali was definately stronger then Issei, that was a given fact. Even so, he wanted to fight his rival hoping that, if forced into a struggle and against the wall, the Sacred Gear in him would adapt and make him grow stronger.

Issei: Where do you want to get with that?!

Issei asked, still confused by the obvious facts that Vali was speaking about.

Vali: I know! How about this? 

The White Dragon Emperor suddently said, as if he gained a revelation and an answer for his problem.

Vali: I'll turn you into avenger, by killing your parents ...


Snow's hearth stopped for a second as those last words as they began echoing in his mind. 

Vali: If someone like me was too kill your parents, then even someone like you would be forced to grow stron-


As Vali was about to continue to explain his plans, he was hit on the side of the face and sent flying across the academy grounds. The other saws that the responsable for that, was Snow. Completly taken back for a second, the leaders of each faction looked to the place where he used to be, only to see that he, in fact, was not there anymore.

Michael: When did he ... ?

Meanwhille, Vali recovered from the blow on his face and sat down to see Snow flying over him, with his face facing towards the night sky. 

Vali: (thoughts) Ow, ow, there was no need to hit me that hard.

Albion: (telepathy) Raise your guard Vali!

Albion warned his host from inside of the Sacred Gear.

Vali: (telepathy) Huh?

Albion: (telepathy) The young Snow has completly lost it. You pressed his buttons too much this time.

Serafall noticed the lack of anything around Snow as he stared up at the sky. No moviment, no signs of emotion, nothing but a haunting quietness.

Serafall: Frost-kun?

She tried to call for him, but sadly, this time, her sift voice was not enough to bring him back to reality. 

Snow: (thoughts) I don't care about it anymore ...

Snow thought as, one by one, spikes of ice suddenly bursted from the ground into seemingly random directions around him.

Snow: (toughts) So long as I can reap him apart ...

The devil in white looked down allowing Vali to see the intensity of his eyes, hidden behind the mask, as Snow's stare gave his entire being a coldest chill on the spine that he had ever felt. The amout of bloodlust unleashed by him was felt by everyone in the entire academy, making some of the younger devils just want to puke under the pressure, while the older and more powerfull beings shivered at the amount of negativity in the air. 

Snow: (thoughts) Then I don't care anymore.

Faster then they all ever saw him be, Snow dashed foward and slammed his knee into Vali's gut making him lose the air in his lungs and cough a bit of blood.

Vali: *cough*

The area around them sunk, creating a large crater as Vali tried to get air back on his lungs. But Snow wasn't going to wait. With a wingbeat, he flew directly up into the sky and immediately dived down, trying to create another, more powerfull, blow. Fortunatly, Vali was fast enough to dodge it at the last second ...


Everyone felt the entire academy shake at the intensity of blow, as the ground around it broke and shattered creating fissures.

Grayfia: What power!

Azazel: It looks like Silver Mask's power was not solely ice as we expected.

Azazel: (thoughts) Just as I thought.

As the snowflakes around the two fights settled back down, it became possible to see that Snow's knee had landed only couple of centimeters away from Vali's head.

Vali: (thoughts) The bastard. He tried to kill me. He clearly aimed for my head.

Albion: (telepathy) Gain some distance from him Vali!

Listening to the dragon inside him, Vali jumped back and opened his wings taking off to the sky to gain some distance away from his comrade. Sadly, Snow knew he would be doing that, and was already prepared to do to him, what he did to the magicians. In an instance, Vali looked like a trapped settled as Snow flew around him like a bird of prey just waiting for the right oportunity to sink it's talons on his prey.

Vali: Trying to freeze me with that? Unfortunately for you ...

Vali dashed after Snow and dived into the cold ice that he had floating after him.

Issei: He's crazy! Vali'll just get frozen like those guys were!

Azazel: That would be truth ...

Albion: DIVIDE !

Azazel: If he wasn't the Vanishing Dragon.


The voice of Albion kept being heard and soon enough, Vali bursted out of the mantle of snow, slightly cold, but not frozen.

Vali: Unfortunatly for you, I'm not on the same level as those magicians.

Snow said nothing and dived down towards the ground with Vali following him. Thehad been turned and the fight had now became cat-and-mouse game, with Snow being the mouse.

Michael: He's in quite a pinch here.

Said Michael.

Sirzechs: Yes. Divine Dividing has the ability to divide the power of its opponents by half after coming into physical contact with them every 10 seconds and that power is then added to it's own owner's power. One mistep and this fight will get even harder for him.

Explained Sirzechs.

Vali: You can't run away forever.

But Snow wasn't intending on doing that. Faster then Vali could ever react, a vertical wall of stone errupted from the ground, right between Snow and him.

Vali: WHAT?!


Do to the speeds in which he was going, Vali didn't had the time to stop or change his direction mid-flight and rammed face first into the stone wall, which Snow made even harder with an earth enchatment magic. 

Vali: Argh!

Michael: Earth too?

The man that was with them truely seemed to be a lot more than it meets the eye.

Albion: (telepathy) Don't chase him around without thinking Vali! Have you forgot who are you fighting against?!

Warned Albion, reminding Vali that his opponent has someone which already saw him fight and was a great strategist. 

Vali: (telepathy) Then what do you suggest?

Asked Vali, getting off the stone wall.

Albion: (telepathy) Make him do a mistake and use it to give you the edge.

Vali laughed.

Vali: That's easier said then done Albion.

Feeling Snow's presence above, Vali looked up to see him using the same move that he used against Shalba and Heracles, seeing giant boulders of snow floating around him with an orange glow around them and launching them down at him. As he tried to escape, Vali felt something grab his legs and looking down to see stone looking hands coming from the wall and holding them.

Vali: (thoughts) Tch! I should have known that you wouldn't do the same thing twice.

Albion: (telepathy) They are just meant to buy him some time, get rid of them!

Albion: DIVIDE

Dividing the amount of magic on them, Vali managed to escape the earth's grasp and soar above the first snow boulders directed at him. He soared up, down, and in any possible way to dodge the large snowballs falling while going up towards Snow. Rather then panick, Snow forced the snowballs to stop mid-air confusing everyone.

Sirzechs: Serafall, what's he doing now?

The Satan asked the best ice-user he knew if she understood what was Snow's plan.

Serafall: I don't know! The way in which he uses his magic is completly different from mine!

Vali: What now?

With a swing from his arms, Snow made the large boulders fly towards Vali who was now in the center and surrounded by them.

Albion: (telepathy) It's a trap!


Vali was hit from every direction and compressed inside a snow cocoon. Slowly, Snow raised his hand up, and from the ground below, a giant earth spike rose and stabbed the white cocoon right in the middle where Vali should be trapped, before opening his hand and more earth spikes errupted, but this time, from inside of the giant snowball.

Issei: Did he do it?!

Issei wondered.

Azazel: No.

The icy prison that holded Vali inside started to glow and soon exploded revealing that Vali was still alive and relatively uninjured.

Azazel: It was too shallow.

Vali placed a hand on the left side of his abdomen to feel the lack of armor in it and blood. It was a rather small cut from what he was used to so he didn't particularly matter.

Vali: Say, you are pretty good. Just who are you really?

As he expected, Snow said nothing.

Albion: (telepathy) Stop it Vali. You already made him angry enough. If you keep doing that, then I don't know what young Snow may do.

Said Albion worried about what could happen if their companion got even more blinded by rage.

Vali: (telepathy) If we continue with this, then I'm going to lose Albion. Don't forget that Snow's battle style is based on cold and precise plans while he slowly saps away his opponent's strenght. Not to mention that he has a field advantage right now.

Albion: (telepathy) So what are you hoping to acomplish with this?

Vali: (telepathy) The only advantages I have right now are you and the fact that he can't use his full power in front of the others. That's why he's being so carefull. If I can make him lose focus for even a second, then I'll have a chance to finish this.

Vali said.

Vali: Why don't you show us your face Mr.Silver Mask? A man like you certaintly must have nothing to fear. Or do you?

Vali asked hoping to get Snow to lose his focus by saying things that could, if barely, compromise his disguise. But nothing. He was getting out of options, until he remembered something.

Vali: (thoughts) It's not really my style to do this in a fight, but I don't have that many options in this situation.

The White Dragon Emperor surprisingly turned his back on his opponent and started to fly towards Azazel and the others. This time, Snow acted and went after him, just as he wanted. 

Snow: (thoughts) You bastard ...

Vali: (thoughts) That's right, follow me.

Sirzechs: He's after us!

The Satan warned everyone so they could be prepared, as Vali chose them to become his next targets. Looking back, Vali saw that Snow was now close enough.

Vali: Worried about them are we? Then try to protect them!

The Vanishing Dragon launched a great beam of demonic power directly towards the alliance, making Snow panick and forget his chase. He flew as fast as he could and placed himself in front of the beam, tanking the hit for them.


Azazel: Silver Mask!

Azazel didn't understand. Why was he panicking so much? The leaders would definatly be able to guard everyone from the attack by joining forces, so why did he made such a poor choice?

The cloud of smoke soon was cleared allowing them to see that Snow was ok, aside from some minor bruses and a destroyed coat and hat. Vali wasted no time and dashed directly at him to finally engage him in close-quarters. What happened next, was something that he wasn't expecting ...


Snow was the one to throw the first punch and send him flying back.

Sirzechs: You idiot!

Serafall: Now your power will be halved Frost-kun!

The leaders of the Underworld panicked.

Albion: (thougts) No, it was the best choice. If he didn't send us flying, then we would just keep draining his power hit by hit.

Vali: (thoughts) But that punch he gave will cost him a bit.

Albion: DIVIDE !

Issei: The masked guy's power was divided.

They feared that the fight was now over, with Vali adding half of Snow's power to his own. But that was not the case.

Vali: What's happening? I'm sure I divided his power! Why am I not getting any extra power?!


As if to answer his question, Snow's skin around the arm that punched him started cracking and breaking. It fell off his arm slowly, but it was not skin, it was very thin layer to ice.

Azazel: I see ...

Azazel suddently expressed. Everyone looked at him waiting for an answer on what just happened, only to see him laugh.

Azazel: Hahaha! Just how far do you think things ahead Silver Mask?

Sona: What did just Frost-san do right now Azazel-san?

Even her, Sona Sitri, a brilliant strategist couldn't understand what just happened, surprising Rias and the others.

Azazel: His actual body never touched Vali since the beggining of this fight.

Serafall: What do you mean?

Azazel: I found it strange that Vali wasn't able to divide his power after the first blow he took in the start of the fight. But the fact is that Silver Mask over there, covered parts of his body in a very thin layer of ice. That way he managed to hit Vali and not be affect by Divine Dividing's power.

Sona: I already knew that he thought things ahead of time, but something like this ... !

They couldn't be more surprised. His level was at High-Class level, or even beyond at the moment and with a mindset like that he could go even beyond. Vali could only look at Snow, as his plan cumbled apart.

Albion: (telepathy) Your plan failed Vali, and now you won't be able to get to the leaders anymore. I hope you have a backup plan.

Vali sighed.

Vali: (telepathy) So this is the feeling of being completly outsmarted. I could actually enjoy it, if he was fighting me seriously.

Albion: (telepathy) You speak like you're using all of your power.

Vali: (telepathy) Of course not, but I need to keep my trump cards up my sleeve. But right now, I have no choice but to reveal one of them. We're doing "that", Albion.

The dragon got the mensage and got ready.

Albion: (telepathy) Understood.

With no other option, Vali flew up as the light from his wings become larger and more intense.


Every person inside the academy felt a strange pulse of energy coming from Vali as he raised his hand towards the Academy's main building and to their surprise, as he closed it, the entire building stated to become smaller and smaller.

Issei: What the hell is he doing?!

Michael: He's bending the space! That's extremely dangerous!

Rias: He's mad!

Azazel: The host of the dragon are always mad in one way or the other.

Noticing what was happening behind him, Snow didn't spare it a second though flying towards Vali, knewing that after the academy, the others were the next in line, and he had to stop him, but he couldn't at that distance. Any long range attack would simply be divided into nothingness by Albion. The Academy got smaller as he got closer and closer to Vali, until the shrinking suddently stopped. Snow knew immediately what he had done. He had fallen into Vali's trap.

Vali: Finally you got close enough!


Using every bit of strenght he could, Vali smashed his fist right in Snow's face, sending him flying towards the main building and going through every wall it had.

Albion: DIVIDE !

Vali: (thoughts) Now I'm sure that I took half of his power.

Vali felt the power being absorbed and released by his winds do to being too much.

Serafall: Frost-kun!!!

They all watched in silence, waiting to see if their friend would come out of the whole that the school now had in it's main building. But they only got silence.

Michael: He took that attack directly on his head. He must have lost his conscience.

Michael thought out loud. 

Vali: Finally. You are indeed strong, if I didn't have Divine Dividing within me, then the result could have ended differently. Now, (looks at Issei) where were we?

Serafall kept looking, hoping that he would come out of that place safe and sound.


Vali: Hmm?!

The sudden sound of steps coming from the hole behind them gave Serafall hope as they all looked back waiting for him to come out. Soon enough, he did. He looked fine, except for the part of his face that was punched.

Sona: Frost-san!

What came next, schocked them. Maybe because of the anger or the pain, Snow took his hand from his face, revealing a half broken mask and showing them for the first time, what his eye looked like. The gold, cold and seemingly beast looking eye that they could see frightned some of them, but deeply enchanted others.

Snow looked at the palm of his hand to see his red blood mixed with pieces of his now broken silver mask, seemingly lost in thought.

Issei: What's up with his eye?!

Gasper: I-It's soo scary!

The white devil didn't mind their thoughts, as it was to be expected in his eyes, and kept staring with empty eyes at the blood and broken shards of his mask on his hand. 

Vali: Oh! So that's what they look like. You have the eyes of a beast, and you can certainly bite as one, but I was expecting something more sinister for you to hide them so desperatly.

Serafall saw Snow's eyes getting colder as he clenched his fist tight and started taking deep breaths to try and calm himself down. But he failed.

Snow: You're dead. 

The devil finally broke his silence, having had enough of Vali.



Snow wasn't happy at all with people taking looks at the exposed part of his face. His loud shout forced everyone, including Vali, to cover their ears as his demonic power sky-rocked to levels that none of them was expecting.

Sirzechs: What's with this power?!

Not giving answers to anyone, Snow slammed both his hands in the ground making the entire academy shake. From up in the sky, Vali saw the entire snow around the academy grounds moving and going behind the main building as the entire earth shake and almost made the buildings around collapse. Snow's demonic power was seen in the form of sparks around his arms, do to it's intensity, and going into the ground and ss soon as it all begun, it also stopped.

Azazel: (thoughts) What did he do?


A sickning sound came from above them. Either by curiousity or fear, one by one, they looked up to see a giant skeleton looking ice hand grabbing a good portion of the academy's roof and freezing it with his touch. They didn't have to wait long to find to who did it belong to, as a tall frozen figure of a thin giant made of icicles appeared from behind the academy and towered over it by a large margin.

Tsubaki: Wh-What is that thing?!

They were all visibly shocked at the giant and were unable to speak. Sadly it was not the only surprise that they would get.


Another tremble was felt on the entire school again, but one that disappeared in a second.

Azazel: What now?!

Asked Azazel, annoyed that he wasn't getting anything that was happening at the moment anymore. Out of instinct, Sona and Serafall slowly glanced to the other side of the academy not occupied by the large frozen colossus, to see the haunting image of a mountain rising from behind them with their own eyes.

Another Colossus. This time one made of solid rock and with two heads. Although it was about the same size as it's companion, this one was much, much builkier being soo massive that casted a large shadow over the entire school and them. 

Koneko: What are, those things?!

The usually emotionless Koneko could keep her usual straight face as she felt smaller then ever as she looked up at the two giants coming from behind her school and looked with their souless eyes at the White Dragon Emperor. 


The cold giant extended his arm towards Vali and he obviously tried to dodge the giant's hand, but as he went past it, his armour started to become frozen.

Vali: What?! That thing didn't even hit me!

Seeing as his hand was avoided, the giant took in a breath and unleashed a cold gust of wind in Vali's direction. Unable to dodge it, he was caught in the coldest winds that he ever expirienced. As that wasn't enough, the air was soo cold that it created icicles that were being carried by that same wind, and launched at Vali.

Vali: ARGH!

Snow wasted no more time and run past everyone and directly into the cold winds and taking a deep breath, he too unleashed a current of snow and ice, trapping Vali in the middle of the two breath attacks.

Issei: Va-Vali is ...

Sona: He's overpowering the Vanishing Dragon, even with his power divided!

The earth colossus as the next and taking a loud, booming step foward, he raised it's giant stone fist high up in the air ...


And with a earth piercing roar brought it down on the trapped Vali, hitting him and completly obliterating the ground like a meteor.


The others did their best just to not get blown away by the gusts of wind created from the attack.

Irina: Ahhhhh!!!

Xenovia: IRINA!!!

As Irina was about to be sent flying away, Xenovia grabbed her hand, and thanks to having Durandal stabbed in the ground, none of them was sent flying.

Irinia: Thank you.

Xenovia: You're welcome.

Michael: Where does he have so much strenght left in him?!

Azazel: Intense emotions can make people get stronger. The fact that Vali did something that would give away what he looked like to everyone must have really pissed him off.

As the leaders discussed their opinion, the earth colossus raised his hand up to reveal Vali without his armor, the only reason why he was alive right now. But Snow was not stisfied yet, not by a long shot. Now, he made the earth colossus raise his feet in the air right above Vali. 

Snow: Die.

Vali had only a second to react and get away from the giant's feet before it came crushing down on the place where he previously was and breaking the ground even more. Seeing the Ice Colossus from the corner of his left eye, he equipped his Balance Breaker again and started to fly up, hoping to gain the upper ground against the giants.

Snow: You won't get away.

Snow announced making his snowy wings appear around his arms and flying after him. But he wasn't by himself.

Snow: Climb up!

The others were confused, until they saw the ice giant starting to climb his comrade's back to follow his master in his chase. The entire scene looked like a battle of biblic proportions, with giants, dragons and destruction within each second. Soon enough, Vali felt the giant, cold grip of the icicle giant around his body.

Vali: Fuck! Albion!

Albion: DIVI-

But Snow was done with that trick and, landing on the giants hand, he grabbed Vali's helmet and it immediately started freezing it.

Snow: I've already seen through that! I'll just drain your power until you don't have enough to activate your Sacred Gear anymore!

 Vali: (whisper) Oi Snow! You're going too deep into your character.

Vali tried to reason with him, but he didn't listen and kept freezing more and more of his body.

Vali: (thought) Shit! Snow has completly lost it! I have no other choice ...

Vali: I, who is about to awaken-


As Vali was about to begin with his chant, one of the ice giant's legs and hit by something and broke, making him and the ones on his hand, start to fall down. 


The cold giant fell right on top of the other giant and both made the entire city shake once they reached the ground.

Issei: What happened?! That giant's leg was suddently blown to pieces for no reason.

Issei said, expressing with his words the doubts that most of them had. Once the cloud of dirt had setled down, the answer became clear. One of Vali's friends had come to his rescue.

Vali: Bikou? Why are you here?

Vali asked surprised for seeing Bikou in Kuoh.

Bikou: Forget that! We have to get out of here, we have an urgent meeting about the conquest on the north, against the Nordic Gods.

Bikou immediately answered in a panicked tone seeing the giants getting back up and staring down at them.

Vali: Oi! I'm not done yet-

Bikou: (whisper) Shut the hell up! What the fuck happened in here?!

The monkey yokai asked in a hushed tone as he desperatly created a teleportation circle to get them out of there.

Snow: (menacing tone) You're not getting away.

The cold voice of Snow made Bikou look up to see him flying in the middle of the two giants. He was a messed, but it was the fact that his mask was broken and the expression the he was making that made Bikou lose his calmness.


Both the giants raised their hands in the air and Bikou paled at the size of the fists.

Bikou: (whisper) C'MON! C'MON! C'MON! C'MON!

He begged for the magic circle to teleport them away as the fists started to make their way towards them.

Bikou: (thoughts) C'MON!!!


Luckly they were lucky enough to be teleported away just in time as the two meteors came and obliterated the place where they landed. 


The white devil yelled from the top of his lungs, frustrated that Vali had managed to escape. With no other choice now, he came back down, and his fight, was finally over. 

With a quick thought, Snow made both the giants slowly begging to lose their immense shape and fall apart piece by piece, as he landed with shaky legs and fake hard breaths.

Serafall and Sona: FROST-KUN/SAN!!!

The sisters were the first to react and started to run towards him, with Tsubaki right behind them. As he was about to fall back, he was caught by them and he continued with his act. Snow was indeed tired, but nothing too serious, he however, needed to make sure that what they saw now was the effects of strong emotions giving him power, not see it as his real power.

Snow: *pant*pant* Is it over? *pant*

He asked with his usual monotone, but gentle tone making both of the girls sigh in relief. He was back to normal.

Sona: Yes, it's over now. Thank you for your hard work.

Sona told him with a smile as she and Serafall helped him sit down.

Serafall: Oh no, you're bleeding! Does your head hurt?! 

Serafall became worried, seeing the wound just obove his eye. The only eye that they could see got wide and immediately, Snow placed a hand over it to hide the eye and wound from them.

Snow: P-Please rest assured, I'm fine. I'm tired, but fine.

He said hoping that they would just leave it like that. Unfortunatly, things never go as we want.

Serafall: No you're not. (turns to Sona) So-chan, got get me a first-aid kit. You have one of those here in school right?

Sona nodded and got up.

Sona: There must be one in the infirmary. Help me look for one Tsubaki.

Tsubaki simply nodded as both of them ran towards the building to start their search.

Serafall: Now let me see it.

Said Serafall worried that some shards from his mask may have made a big wound or even got into his eye.

Snow: I'm fine, there's no need for that Sera-chan.

Snow continued to insist that he was ok, but Serafall was getting impatient with him and grabbed his hand to take it away from his eye.

Serafall: No, let me see it! 

Snow: There's no need for that. 

Serafall: Let me see it!

Serafall insisted putting even more strenght in her efforts, with Snow continuing to fight back. They kept going back and forth until Sona got back with Tsubaki, holding a first-aid kit on her hands.

Sona: Onee-sama we found one.

Sona's voice was enough to distract Snow for a second and allowed Serafall to take his hand of his face, finally letting her see the wound over his eye. 


The sound of their hearths beating together as one could be heard if one was silent enough, once Serafall's eyes met Snow's eye. Now up close, Serafall felt like she knew it, it felt soo familiar but no one that she remembered at the moment had such intense honey-like eyes as the man in front of her. Yet, she felt like she knew the warmness that they had. Their eye contact lasted only for a second, before Snow looked away from her with the tips of his ears red.

Serafall: A-Ah, see?! There was no need to make a big deal out of it was it dummy?

Snow simply nodded not saying anything as Sona got near them and placed the kit between her and Serafall. Whille everyone was watching the angels, fallen angels and devils work together for the first time and reconstuct Kuoh Academy, they started to clean Snow's wound.

Serafall: This will sting a little ok?

Said the Satan as she holded a cloth with alchool in her hand. Snow's response, was a small, silent nod while he was still looking away avoiding any eye contact with them. Now with his confirmation, Serafall placed the cloth on the wound to disinfect and clean it .

Azazel: Ohhhh! So that's how it looks without the mask on.

The voice of the fallen angel was heard behind the girls as he leaned down to take a better look at Snow's eye and face before he would eventually cover it up again. As much as Snow wanted to cover it up again or leave, Serafall wouldn't let him, so he just decided to just shut is eye.

Azazel: C'mon Silver Mask, there's no need to be all embarassed. 

Michael: That's right ...

The voice of the Archangel Michael was heard as he approached the group with Xenovia and Irina next to him.

Michael: You fought bravely in everyone's behalf, even though you were at a clear disavantage. Be proud of yourself, Frost-kun.

Xenovia: Michael-sama is right. That was a good fight, so let me see it.

Xenovia bluntly said what was on her mind. 

Irina: Xenovia, you're being to pushy again.

Xenovia: How I'm I being pushy? 

Irina: It's obvious that he doesn't people to see it, so don't do that.

Xenovia: Don't you want to see it?


Xenovia: You should be more honest Irina like me.

Irina: You're overly honest Xenovia!

The two friends continued to argue with each other as Serafall and Sona finished Snow's treatment with a band-aid over the wound.

Serafall: We're done.

Sona: The wound was not as deep as we thought, but I still think you should have someone have a look at it later.

The three of them got up.

Snow: Thank you. Don't worry I'll be sure to do that.

He thanked looking around at the destruction he made and then at the three armies working together.

Snow: I never thought I would live to see this.

They all followed his gaze and smiled at the scene.

Azazel: Yeah. I guess we could say that now, peace will be acheived at last. What do you guys think?

Azazel asked turning towards the other faction leaders. The first one to speak was Michael.

Michael: Yes. Heaven will fully support this alliance.

Serafall and Sirzechs smiled at this work.

Sirzechs: Obviously, we share the same opinion. The Underworld fully supports the union between the three factions.

Serafall: Yeah!

Snow couldn't be happier then he was right now. But he couldn't celebrate it, not yet. He still had things to take care off.

Snow: That's good to hear. Sera-chan.

He called.

Serafall: Hmm?

Snow: Would you like me to accompany you back to the Underworld?

She shook her head with one of her usual smiles.

Serafall: No ...

And then hugged Sona much to her embarassement.

Serafall: I'll stay here with So-chan for a whille.

Sona looked at him with pleading eyes and whispered.

Sona: (whisper) Help me.

The white devil just smiled at their interaction.

Snow: I see. Then I'll leave you in her care.

He said turning around and starting to leave.

Azazel: C'mon! No cheers or a celebration party after all of this?

Joked Azazel.

Snow: I had to deal with time being stopped, magicians, a dragon, my clothes are destroyed and I feel like my head was ran over by a truck ...

Azazel: And the mask.

Remembered Azazel.

Snow: Yes, that too. No offense, but I would rather take a bath and go to sleep right now. Take care everyone.

He said with a salute, before continuing on his way.

Snow: If you ever need me, Sona-san and the Phenex clan have the ways to contact me.

And with that, he was gone, leaving everyone to continue with their celebration. But one none of them could help but wonder, what kind of person was really the man behind the mask. Especially one.

Serafall: (thoughts) Why do you sound so familiar to me?

Snow's  Castle - Underworld

Back in Snow's Castle, the mood that the entire team shared was not the most pleasent. After Vali's sudden return, with him full of wounds and tired as they never saw him, they wanted an explanation, which took them to the current situation.

Vali's Team: YOU DID WHAT?!!!

They all shouted at the same time looking at Vali holding bags of ice in differents parts of his body.

Vali: I fought against Snow in the meeting.

Bikou: No! No! No! No matter how you looked at that, Snow was not fighting you! HE WANTED TO RIP YOUR GUTS OUT!!!

Bikou clarified what really was happening based on what he saw.

Le Fay: What did you do Vali-san?!

Vali: Why are you so sure that I'm the one responsable for this mess?

The entire team just looked at him in silence with blank looks on their faces.

Arthur: Did you seriously just asked us that?

Asked Arthur.

Kuroka: Of course it had to be you! Snow-kun was as happy as he could be before going to the meeting! And now he'll be coming back home even pissed because he'll think we knew about what you had planned to do Nyah!

Kuroka then pointed at Snow's familiar Wisp, that looked terrified on the corner of the room.

Kuroka: I mean, just look at little Wisp over there Nyah!

Wisp: Master is mad! Master is mad! Master is mad! This bad! Bad! Very bad!

The poor little Jack O'Lantern repeated again and again, shaking as he tried to to pull his own hat down to hide him. Feeling sorry for him, Le Fay went up to him and picked him up, making the little spirit hold on to her immediately.

Le Fay: It's ok Wisp, it's ok.

Wisp: No! No! Master never yelled at Wisp but I saw him mad once! I saw!

Gulping down the lump on his throat, Bikou decided to ask him something.

Bikou: Wh-What happened back then?

Wisp slowly looked at Bikou to show how terrified he was.

Wisp: Everyone died.

Those simple two words coming out so simply from the happy and repeating little ball of energy that was Wisp, only made them even more worried with their current situation. But after those words, Wisp started shaking even more and quickly floated out of Le Fay's arms, going directly inside of her hat.

Wisp: He's here! Master is here!

Before anymore questions could be asked, the window of the room was shattered and something came flying against Vali. Now inside of the room, holding Vali by the throat, was Snow, and just like Wisp said, he wasn't happy.

Snow: ... Tell me Vali ...

In an instance both the girls and Bikou were on the other side of the room using the table and chairs as a barricade and kitchen utensils as weapons, with Bikou wearing a pan as a war helmet on his head holding his staff.

Snow: Which one was it? In which fight did you get hit you soo hard, that you thought that blowing up your cover and reveal your identity was a good fucking idea?!

Vali stood there looking at him with narrowed eyes.

Vali: I had enough with the boring life in Grigori. I was never meant to be a spy, I did that because it suited me at the time.


He shouted for the first time in front of them.

Snow: You can do whatever the hell you want! You can go and fight your rival or another battle maniac like you, I don't give a damn! But ...

He started squeezing Vali's neck even tigher.

Snow: From the moment when you risk revealing my plans because of your lack of control over your hobby, then you can be damn right that I'll do make sure you won't get in the way anymore.

Vali: You're the one that attacked first, I didn't do anything that would put you or your plans in risk.

Snow: Oh really ... ?

Arthur: Snow please let Vali go, I'm sure we can-

At the blond's words, Snow gave him a sideway glare leaving no room for negotiations before looking back at Vali.

Snow: Then tell me Vali. How did Katerea knew about the Half-Vampire's power? A guess maybe? Or how did she manage to seal of every way of teleporting everyone out aside from her and her goons? She needed information and someone inside the three factions that belonged to our side. So far as I know, aside from me the only one that belongs to the Khaos Brigade that was in that meeting it's you.

They knew that it all made sense. Vali did help Katerea's plan.

Vali: The only thing I wanted from that meeting was fight the Red Dragon Emperor, nothing else.

Vali simply said.

Snow: And with that, potentially hurt or kill one of the faction leaders!

Vali: You know that Katerea couldn't fight in equal terms with them-


Each time Snow raised his voice, it scared Wisp a little more. He knew that his rage was not directed at him, but the anger that he was seeing from his kind master triggered traumatic memories.

Snow: I only asked you one thing. I wanted you to behave at the meeting so that peace could be signed between the Three Great Powers with no problems, that was all. After that, you and the other Heavenly Dragon could kill each others as much as you wanted. But I guess that was asking for too much for that single-minded peanut that you call a brain!

Snow shouted in disapointment letting Vali go.

Snow: You can fight forever and ever, all of your life. But his chance could be the only one that I would ever get in mine. 

The white devil now said calmer while taking the broken mask from his face and dropping it on the floor. The door of the room then was opened, revealing Ophis.

Ophis: Why is it, so noisy, in here?

Even with the Ouroboros Dragon in the room, Snow kept looking down at Vali and Vali at him.

Vali: You're right, I was selfish in revealing my identity, but did you seriously thought that I would leave Azazel's side empty-handed?

Vali suddently asked making everyone confused at his words. With a snap from his finger, multiple magic circles appeared on the floor of the room, and from them a great amount of books. Snow simple stared at them not really impressed by Vali's display.

Kuroka: What's up all the books Nyah?

Vali got up as he rubbed his sore thoat before explaining what was the content of the books.

Vali: These are copies of all of Azazel's research on Sacred Gears. All of what he got in his centuries of studies.

The tall devil seemed to have calmed himself down and took a step towards a pile of books before opening one of them and starting to look at the pages.

Vali: You were interested on those kind of things weren't you?

Snow gave him a sideway glance, closing the book on his hand and said nothing. In the middle of his quietness, a group of the castle's gargoyles came inside the room from the whole where a window used to be and started picking the piles of books and flying towards the upper part of the castle.

Snow: Ophis-san, I would like a word with you.

The Ouroboros Dragon was not expecting it but nodded with her usual blank look in her eyes, floaring towards Snow and sitting on his shoulder like she was used now.

Ophis: I, understand.

Now with that out of the way, Snow went towards the door as the rest of the team finally left their furniture barricade and went to his side before he could leave.

Le Fay: Snow-san we- !

As soon as the blond magician was about to speak, Snow placed a finger over her lips stopping her from doing it.

Snow: I'm not in the best mood today, Le Fay-san. I don't want to lash out at any of you, so we'll talk tomorow morning when I'm calmer.

He took his finger from her lips and looking at her with tired eyes.

Snow: Don't worry, I don't blame any of you. Nothing will change between us. 

Aand without another word, he went towards the door and out of the room, but not before clarifying one thing.

Snow: (whisper) This changes nothing, Vali.

And with that he was gone, leaving the team by themselves as their friend left the day that was supposed to be one of the best in his life, but ended in disappointment against one of them.

Kuroka looked down to the floor and leaning down, she picked up Snow's broken mask, looking over the silver object with worry. Vali really went too far this time.


Annnnd done! Yes! Second season is done and now onto the next one! What did you though of Snow's power? I can tell you that he showed today it's not all that it has. The white devil and the white dragon clashed fiercely, ending in Snow's disappointment at Vali, but he seems to not hold a grudge against the others. Some more things were foreshadowed for the future and a some of Snow's deepest emotions and feelings unleashed, I hope that helped a bit with your theorys of who he really is and his past.

Overall, I'm happy with the chapter, but as always tell me what you think with your comments, suggestions and doubts, and I'll see you all in the next chapter. Ciao!

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