The Three Great Powers gather

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Hey guys Nightingale here! Didn't expect me so soon did you? Well since I got a lot of work done for school, I had time to make this ultra long chapter for your entertainment. As you probably guessed it, it will be the start of the meeting between the Three Great Powers and Snow got a front row seat to it, being Serafall's bodyguard. If you're curious to know what happens next, then sit back, relax and enjoyyyyy ...


Snow's Castle - Underworld

The time for the promised day had arrived. I was the day of the meeting between the leaders of the three factions where they would sit down at the same table on neutral grounds, in this case Kuoh Academy, and discuss Kokabiel's incident, and hopefully, end the conflicts amongst themselves once and for all.

In the morning of such an important day, Snow and Vali's team were all in the living room just enjoying each other's company until it came the time for Snow and Vali to leave and fufil their "roles" as bodyguards for Serafall and Azazel respectively.

Le Fay: I'm so glad for you Snow-san. 

The young magician truely was happy that her friend's lifetime of efforts towards his dream would be finally paying off, he deserved it in her eyes. 

Snow: Thank you Le Fay-san. Honestly it all still feels like I'm inside a dream.

After fighting and waiting for so long, a part of what he wished for during his entire life was just waiting for him a couple hours from that moment. It felt like he was really just inside a dream that would eventually disappear once he opened his eyes, bringing him back to the cruel reality that it was nothing more than just an illusion.

Kuroka: Oh this is all very real Snow-kun.

Kuroka told him from his lap, that she was using as a pillow as usual.

Wisp: Yes! Yes! You did it master! You did!

The little familiar in his arms cheered for his sucess, guaranteeing him that the day where he would be rewarded had came. On the other side of the couches, Arthur noticed that Vali and Bikou were being really quiet during the whole conversation. Vali had a grin decorating his face as he expected, but Bikou being soo quiet was strange.  Very strange.

Arthur: How about you two? Excited for today?

Vali left their side and went towards the window to see the white landscape with the Underworld's artificial sun glowing brightly in the distance.

Vali: With so many powerfull opponents all gathered on one single place? I feel my entire body burning with excitement.

From the fact that they could feel pulses of his energy being released once in a while since the moment he woke up, they knew Vali was in heaven today.

Bikou: Hahaha! That's our battle maniac leader alright.

Bikou finally said, breaking his silence with an answer that they all expected from him.

Snow: Do I need to remember you that you have a cover to mantain and that the meeting is something I want to be sucessfull Vali?

The tall devil reminded Vali losing a bit of the warmness in his voice.

Vali: Eheh, calm down Snow. I just want to measure their powers and compare them to mine. My rival is also there, so you can't really blame me.

Snow: I was just making sure you didn't forget Vali. I placed too much time and efforts of my life to help create this one chance. I sincerely hope you don't make something to get in the way of that.

Looking over his shoulder, the host of the Vanishing Dragon could very clearly see the cold golden eyes of his friends sending him a silent but dangerous message warning him of the consequences if he tried something. 

Vali: No, you'll do your thing and I'll do mine, that's all.

Le Fay: C'mon Snow-san, Vali can be very impulsive at times, but he will not try anything today.

Arthur noticed a small flinch coming from Bikou once his sister said that. Something was wrong with him.

Kuroka: How the hell do you even do this things Snow-kun? First the thing with the Phenex clan and now a promotion and the right to protect the Leviathan. Got any secret on how you do this things?

Raising up the hand he injurred in the day before, Snow answered his friend.

Snow: Time, patience and a lot of this.

Snow was still a great mistery that they were all still trying to solve. Was he mentioning wounds and pain, or blood? Either way, his words were a proff that he did sacrifice a lot for this one moment. 

In the silence, Snow remembered how he got the wound and the person holding the sword at that time. 

Snow: (thoughts) Sirzechs ...

His little familiar looked up to see the cold angry stare of his master. 

Wisp: Master?

He carefully called for Snow, floating out of his arms to be face to face with him, hoping to gain his attention.

Kuroka: Everything alright Snow-kun Nyah?

His breath was slowly, but surely, started to become heavier and the temperature around him lower. They became worried at the sudden change of mood that was so abnormal from how their companion usually acted, something felt too wrong with him.

Le Fay: Snow-san?!

Quickly, Le Fay dropped her book on the couch and walked towards Snow, crouching down in front of him to see the blank look on his eyes. She noticed the snowflakes starting to cover part of his face and tried to reach out for him to bring him back from whatever dark thoughs were haunting her friend.


As she tried, Snow suddently used his right hand and pierced the skin of his left shoulder with his fingers, gripping it with a lot of strengh. They watched in panick as the blood fell from the wound and all over his arm.

Snow: ... When I become like this, please don't touch me Le Fay-san. With you being a human, I may freeze your entire body without wanting to.

He warned the magician as he took the fingers from his flesh and the blood immediately began freezing, shatter and float away like small red rose petals being taken away by the wind.

Le Fay: Y-Yes, are you ok now?

Even slightly scared from what just happened in front of her eyes, Le Fay asked, worried by his sudden change. In response,Snow placed a hand on top of her head.

Snow: Yes. Don't worry, this won't happen again, I promise.

The warmness that she was used to feel from his voice returned, proving her that he was back to normal. While he was continuing with his afectionate act, Snow felt Kuroka's hands on his wound and a tender glow that he knew too well from his time on Kyoto. Senjutsu.

Kuroka: I won't ask what happened Snow-kun. But please, don't do that again Nyah.

She said as the wound started to close because of her powers. 

Snow: Thank you, I won't.

From the corner of their eyes, they all saw Vali getting up and going towards the door.

Snow: Where are you going Vali?

Vali: I'm going to make an early visit to my rival in Kuoh.

Snow stopped what he was doing with Le Fay, and after Kuroka healed his wound, he immediately got up. 

Snow: I'm going too.

Vali: You make it look like you don't trust me.

Vali commented as Snow swinged his hand to the side and changed his clothes to this "Frost" disguise in a flash, holding it's mask on his hand, and walked closer to him.

Snow: I just don't trust your battle mania. Besides, the Maou's will be there too, I need to keep an eye for the one I must protect.

Vali: Aren't you being a little too paranoid?

Snow: Better safe then sorry Vali. I don't trust half the people that I'm going to share that meeting room with.

He expressed placing the mask over his eyes.

Vali: Well, you're free to do what ever the hell you want, let's just go.

Vali shrugged off his warning without a worry, just wanting to get all of this over with so he could pay a visit to Kuoh before the meeting.

Snow: I'll see you all later everyone.


Le Fay suddently called gaining his, and everyone's attention and making Snow look back at her.

Le Fay: See you later.

The young magician softly said with a smile on her lips. 

Snow: Eheh, I'll be going now, Le Fay-san.

He said, returning her kind words before leaving the room with Vali. Once they were gone, Bikou saw the look in Arthur's eyes on the other side of the room. Without saying anything, he gestured him with is head to follow him.

Bikou: Well, I guess we have the entire day for ourselves. Wanna go have a spar Arthur?

The monkey yokai knew that his friend noticed his strange behaviour, but since it looked like he was the only one that noticed it, he made up an excuse so they could talk alone.

Arthur: ... Sure. I was feeling slightly rusty myself, this came in a perfect timing.

Le Fay: Be carefull you two.

Arthur's little sister warned them in a motherly tone before both of them left the room. Oh! If only the girls knew what Bikou, and eventually Arthur was going to know. The meeting may not go as peacefully as they and Snow thought.

Kuoh Academy - Human World

 The two allies reached Kuoh soon enough through a teleportation circle. Vali was the first to start the walk as Snow stood still in place.

Vali: Well, I'm gonna find my rival real quick. You should stay out of sight, with your look, people around here will definatly get suspicious and-

Looking behind, Vali saw that he was no longer there, only a few snowflakes falling gently on the floor.

Vali: At least wait for me to finish.

He sighed at his companions antics but soon walked away with the Red Dragon Emperor as his sole objective.

 Meanwhille, Snow already reached the school grounds and started following the devil signatures inside the main building. Soon, he realised that he would never be able to aproach none of the younger devils outside their clubs, so he went towards the Student Council's room and entered using the window. Needless to say, no one was inside.

Snow: I should have expected it. 

Without no one to speak for the time being, he placed a barrier around the room so no human could enter and made himself comfortable as he planned for every possible outcome while he had the time. His magic signature was not missed however, all devils in Kuoh felt it and most sighed in relief knowing that it was their ally. But not all of them.

Sirzechs: He's here.

Even in the company of his wife and friend at the moment, Sirzechs couldn't help but gain a scowl at the arrival of that man. 

Sirzechs: It's him again.

Grayfia: Yes. He got here early.

Serafall: OH! Frost-chan arrived!

Unlike her friend, Serafall gained a huge smile at the news that her bodyguard was in Kuoh. Sirzechs just kept glaring at the main building, not enjoying the man's presence. 

Grayfia: Stop it Sirzechs. He's the one that's suposed to serve as Serafall-sama's bodyguard for this evening. Show some manners.

Serafall: She's right Sirzechs-chan, don't you dare bully my bodyguard you hear me?

Serafall warned pointing at him.

Sirzechs: I tried everything to befriend him, you two saw it.

Grayfia: Yes. But you also disrespected the Phenex clan, which he has good relations with, with your plans before. While he should have controled his temperament a bit more, you're also to blame in this situation.

Sirzechs: There's jsut something strange about him. He came out of thin air, from Maou knows where, and now just keeps getting more and more support. But, honestly, it's the fact that he hides his face all the time that bothers me the most.

Serafall: Now, now, I get you are free to do dislike him, but someone's personal life is not something you should talk about without actually knowing him.

Warned the cheerfull Maou.

Sirzechs: You may be right Serafall. But right now, we need the other factions to trust us if we want peace. How can I ask them to trust us when I bring a man with us that I don't even know what his face looks like?

Grayfia: But the fact remains that he brings great results to the ones he allies himself to. That, and he proved quite a couple of times that he's on our side, shoul be reason enough for you to giv him a chance.

Serafall: Yeah, he saved So-chan and even Rias-cha too so he's good in my eyes. Oh! Maybe I should ask him to meet us!

Snow: You asked for me Serafall-sama?

Serafall: Kyah!

The sudden voice make Serafall yelp and look up to the top of the tree branches to see "Frost" looking down at them, hiding in the shade of the branches.

Serafall: Dummy! You scared me!

Serafall yelled, pouting as she pointed up at him.

Snow: My apologies. I just came here to greet you when you mentioned me, so I thought I should make myself noticed.

Grayfia: For how long have you been there?

Asked a curious Grayfia.

Snow: I just got here.

The other Devil King didn't exactly believed in such coincidences as much as both of the woman.

Sirzechs: The timing looks a bit too perfect don't you think?

Snow glance a bit at him, but ignored his words, prefering to give his attention to Serafall.

Snow: Do you need something from me Serafall-sama?

Serafall: No. I just wanted to know if you wanted to join us until we have to go to the meeting later.

In response, he got up on the three branch and made a bow towards her.

Snow: If you allow me, then it would be a honor to acompany you.

Serafall: Yay! We got another member to our group.

Serafall cheered at the oportunity to get to know the misterious man.

Grayfia: Actually, me and Sirzechs will be going to the town. It's been a while since we got some alone time for yourselves so we wanted to use this chance.

Grayfia commented grabbing Sirzechs arm.

Sirzechs: We are-


Before he said something, Grayfia stepped on his feet, forcing him to shut up and go along with her plan. The last thing she wanted, was trying to stop her husband and the devil in white from reaping each others throats during the whole day.

Grayfia: We'll be leaving now.

And those were her last words, before starting to drag Sirzechs away to Kuoh.

Serafall: Enjoy your time together you love birds!

Serafall said as she waved at the couple, while they got farther and farther away from her and her new friend. 

Serafall: Aren't you hot with all those clothes?

Serafall suddently asked, looking up at Snow.  Her answer was Snow's body starting to produce a cold mist before ice began forming on the edges of his mask and right side.

Snow: Being an ice user has it's advantages, don't you think Serafall-sama?

He rethorically asked, knowing that the woman in front of him was the strongest ice-user in the entire underworld.

Serafall: Sure does. Now, if I could only get Sona-chan to come with us, then we would be even merrier.

Now that Sirzechs was out of his sight, Snow jumped down to be on the same level as the bubbly girl. 

Snow: Sadly, I think she still has to be in classes until later in the evening. As the president of the Student Council of the academy, she has an image to protect.

Serafall puffed her cheeks, not liking that.

Serafall: Boooooo! Classes are boring. Why can't she just spend some time with her big sister?

Snow: Hahaha, my apologies if my company alone doesn't satisfy you Serafall-sama.

Deciding to have some fun, Snow apologized with a bow. Serafall thought that she had somehow offended him and panicked

Serafall: No! No! No! You got it wrong! I didn't mean it like-

Snow: Pffff!

But of course, it was all just a joke.

Snow: Hahahaha!

Serafall: AH! You big meany!

As Snow laughed at her reaction, Serafall started to punch him lightly on the chest. That of course, and the fact that she was shorter then him, didn't help with stopping him from laughing at all.

Snow: I jest, I jest. Just trying to break the ice Serafall-sama.

He admited cleaning a tear behind his mask.

Serafall: It wasn't funny! And stop with all that uptight way of speaking, I don't like when people do that.

Serafall was visibly upset, turning her back on Snow with a pout. Snow smiled behind his scarf, knowing that she wasn't really mad, just a bit upset.

Snow: If that's what you want, then ...

She glanced behind to see him putting his hand inside of his coat's inner pocket and taking a handbook with "Miracle☆Levia-tan" written on the cover.

Snow: Could you sign this?

He asked offering her the handbook and a pen.

Serafall: Eh?

It was hard for Serafall not to be surprised. The man in front of her harfly looked like the kind of guy that would watch her show.

Snow: I'm a big fan of your show. I hope you don't take offense to this ...

He leaned down and placed a hand near his mouth to whisper something to her.

 Snow: But I was really expecting to see you in your usual clothes.

Serafall gained a huge smile at his words and carefully took the book and pen from his hands, and opening it, she began to sign it.

Serafall: Oh! A fan! Of course I'll sign this, but you have to call me Sera-chan from now on.

Just as childish of her as he expected.

Snow: Of course, Sera-chan

Another image went by Serafall's mind. She could see someone running ahead of her, but couldn't make up the shape of that person or even the sounds around them, but it felt familiar.

Snow: Is everything alright Sera-chan?

Snow asked, worried for her sudden lack of energy that everyone was used to see in her.

Serafall: Yes, it must be from all the paperwork, I'm fine eheh.

She dismissed it as just being something caused by the endless hours signing papper back at her office.

Snow: Please tell me if you aren't feeling ok.

His voice felt so comforting. It was like having a long time friend worried for her health, even if she had just met him two days ago for a brief period.

Serafall: I will. Oh! I had an idea!

With a new objective in mind, Serafall grabbed his hand and dragged him out of the Academy. 

Snow: Sera-chan, where are we going?

Asked Snow, confused on her intentions. She wasn't exactly known for being predictable, so she could be thinking about anything really.

Serafall: To Kuoh of course.

She answered pointing at the town in the distance. Snow's mind immediately screammed "danger".

Snow: But I can't! It would look suspicious with the way I'm dressed.

Stopping for a second, Serafall took out her wand and with a swing from it, she was dressed in now in her usual Magical Girl outfit.

Serafall: Now we'll look like we are cosplaying together. Soooo, LET'S GO!!!

She yelled with a big cheer, continuing to drag the much taller devil with her towards the town. Snow as definitely in for a ride.

Later in the evening

The time had come and it was time for all the leaders of the three factions to gather and solve the mess created once and for all. On the table stood Sirzechs on the devil's side, with no signs of Serafall so far, and behind him his wife Grayfia, Sona, Tsubaki and surprisingly Xenovia. 

On the angels side, sat a handsome-looking man with long blond hair and green eyes, with twelve wings growing from his back, and unlike other angels whose wings are white, his wings were colored gold, further symbolizing his position as the leader. He wears a red robe with a gold cross on the front of his white alb. He has golden shoulder plates with a white sash and a golden halo set above his head. This was the curent leader of heaven after the death of God, his son and one of the Archangels, Michael, and with him, was Xenovia's friend, Irina, serving as his bodyguard for the day.

The remaining leader on the table was a tall man appearing to be in his twenties with an average build, black hair, golden bangs and black goatee. He possessed twelve jet-black feathered wings that grow out from his back and was dressed in a V-neck maroon long-coat with a wide,open high-collar that opens up at the hem , a long-coat that also featured two black belts around the waist and four black bands on each arm, two of the bands at the wrist and the other two near the elbow. He also wore grey slacks and brown shoes. This, was Azazel the leader of the fallen angels and Vali's "boss".

Michael: Serafall-san is taking her time.

The Seraphim commented with no real annoyance in his voice for her tardiness.

Azazel: Well, she still has time, and we also have to wait for some more people to get here so it's all good for now.

Azazel replied with a layed back atitude, using his hand as a support for his head.

Sona: (thoughts) Where are you, Onee-sama?


Sona's answer came soon enough in the form of her sister's voice and the sound of running that she hated soo much in the halls of her school. The door was soon opened to reveal Serafall and Snow there. 

Serafall: Sorry, I lost track of time.

She apologized as everyone's eyes then went to her and then towards the tall men next to her.

Michael: It's alright, you arrived just in time Serafall-san. If you don't mind me asking, who's that gentleman that you brought with you?

Azazel: Yeah, I didn't get any information that you had gained a new piece.

The leaders of the remaining factions asked curious to see if one if the Devil Kings had gained a new devil piece.

Serafall: Oh! No, no. This person is my bodyguard for today, not a peerage piece.

Serafall clarified.

Michael: I see.

Azazel looked back at Vali and, as if answering to a silent question, Vali nodded his head at his "leader".

Azazel: (thoughts) Ohhhhh? So it was him that took care of Kokabiel. He certainly looks ... unique.

Snow took a step foward and stood near Serafall, taking of his hat and placing it on his chest.

Snow: (bow) It's a pleasure to meet you Michael-san, Azazel-san. My name it's Frost, pleased to be here before you two.

Michael: The pleasure is all mine.

Michael politely answered back.

Azazel: Hey.

Azazel was, well, Azazel. With the pleasentries out of the way, Serafall made her way towards her sit, but,before she could get there though, Snow pulled her seat back for her.

Serafall: Thank you.

She thanked him for his gentlemanly act before seating down, and Snow pulling her seat foward, before taking his place by her side. Soon enough, a knock was heard at room's entrance door. It was Rias and her peerage. As soon as they got in Vali immediately stared at his "rival" making the tension in the room a bit too high.

Sirzechs: Let me introduce you. This is my little sister and her household. They fought with Kokabiel in the battle the other day.

Sirzechs introduced the new-commers to the other faction leaders so the situation wouldn't get out of hand with the presence of the two dragon emperors in the same room.

Michael: Thank you for the hard work. Please allow me to express my gratitude once more.

The polite angel expressed his gratitude in an honest way.

Azazel: Sorry about that.

The leader of the fallen decided that it was for the best if he apologized for his lack of control on his subbordinate as soon as possible.

Azazel: It looks like one of my guys caused you a lot of trouble.

Issei: (Whisper) Tch! What's with that attitude?

The dragon emperor said, refering to the carefree way in which Azazel made his apologie.

Azazel: However ...

Azazel continued.

Azazel: I heard that the ones who stopped him were not them. I'm I wrong?

It was truth. But it seemed like Sirzechs forgot to mention it to them.

Michael: Eh?

The achangel was confused. If it wasn't the Red Dragon Emperor and it's group, then who did it?

Azazel: Aren't I right, Mr. Silver Mask over there?

Azazel asked while looking at the man at Serafall's side. Snow glanced towards him, looking at the fallen angel that had a smug look on his face as he seamingly analysed what he could from him.

Snow: I wonder what are you talking about, Azazel-san? Kokabiel's defeat was a colaborative work between me, Sona-san over there (points over his back) and her pieces. 

Snow dismissed the fact that the achievement belonged to him alone, making the leader of the fallen angel let out a laugh.

Azazel: Hahaha! That's right! Sorry about that.

Deciding that it was time, Sirzechs initiated the meeting.

Sirzechs: I believe all the participants are now present. Let's begin.

Rias took a step foward holding a couple of papers in her hand.

Rias: Then I'll give my report of the incident now.

Michael: Actually ...

The archangel softly interrupted her.

Michael: Would it be acceptable, if it was Serafall-san's sister to give the report?

He asked with no ill-intent at all. Of course he didn't mean to offend anyone in the room, but he would rather get the report from someone who was envolved from start of the incident to the end, or her pieces. 

Rias: I-I see nothing wrong with that. Can you Sona?

The heiress of the Sitri clan was not expecting to be called by the leader of heaven to speak, but quickly regained her composture and nodded, taking a step foward.

Sona: Very well. I shall give you my report instead.

For the next couple of minutes Sona explained the incident by her expirience on it and her peerage's envolviment to the very last detail.

Sona: Those are the details of the incident my household and I were involved.

She expressed, finishing her report on the incident.

Rias: I confirm that there were no lies in my friend's statement.

Sirzechs: Good work. You may step down.

Serafall: Thank you So-chan, Rias-chan.

Serafall thanked them for their reports in her usual childish way, making her sister red with the lack of professionalism that her sister was showing right now. Why couldn't she act like a Maou even in these kind of situations?

Sirzechs: I would like to hear the Fallen Angel's Governor General's opinion on their reports.

The devil king expressed wanting to know if it was truely something that had just Kokabiel's involviment on this or if it all just a plan where one of the ones involved made a mistake.

Azazel: I don't think it really matters what I think about it. Kokabiel acted on his own.

Azazel quickly dismissed that idea.

Michael: Are you saying that you did not know about his intentions?

Azazel: I allowed him to make his moves, until I knew what he was planning. I bet he didn't knew that I was infiltrated on this town too. This is a pretty nice town.

He explained, getting slightly off topic.

Sirzechs: Please don't change the subject.

Azazel: I had the White Dragon Emperor take care of that didn't I?

Azazel said pointing at Vali behind him.

Azazel: Now Kokabiel is dead too. He won't be able to cause any more trouble.

Snow: The problem here was his motivation for his actions, not his punishment.

Snow suddently said interrupting the meeting where only the leaders of each faction should freely talk.

Sirzechs: This is a meeting between the leaders, please refrain from-

Michael: No, he made a valid point.

Michael agreed with Snow and looked over to Azazel.

Michael: It seems that Kokabiel was dissatisfied with you.

Azazel: Yeah, it seems like he wasn't really happy with the war being put to an end halfway through. I have no interest in war this late in the game.

He seemed like he was teeling the truth. Azazel was known for disliking war and was even the first leader to withdraw from the previous war because of it. It looked like he did not change his opinion about it over the years.

Serafall: "Seeds of discontent", huh?

Serafall commented.

Azazel: Aren't there some like that in your factions too?

Asked Azazel to every leader in the table.


A low growling sound was heard from next to where Serafall was seating. It was Snow. In someway, it seemed like Azazel's words brought some undesirable thoughts into his mind.

Serafall: (whisper) You ok?

Her soft and caring tone seemed to put an end to whatever he was going through and brought Snow back to reallity.

Snow: Yes, it's nothing, please don't worry.

Azazel: Sorry about that. It seems like a brought back some sensitive topic to you.

Snow: ... No, it's alright. You had no way to know.

Snow accepted Azazel's apologie without directing any anger at him. Vali noticed that since the start of the day, Snow was getting more and more unstable. For someone who whished for peace this was the best possible situation, so why the lack of control over his emotions?

Sirzechs: The ones you mentioned had nothing to with the matter in hand. The purpose of this meeting his-

Azazel: Enough with the fancy words.

Interrupted Azazel, tired of playing around with words.

Azazel: Let's just quickly make peace.

That was, very blunt. However it was true, what they all they wanted from this meeting as peace amongst them. Azazel was just trying to skip over the unimportant things and make peace as fast as possible. 

Azazel: That's really all we are all after isn't it? The current three-way headlock is only harming this world. You can all agree on that can't you?

Michael: ... The two war generals, God and the Devil King, both passed away.

Those words coming from the archangel's mouth, only served to burry the last remaining bit of hope on the followers hearths that were present on the meeting. Xenovia looked at her former friend worried, seeing her with her head down. 

Xenovia: (thoughts) Irina. I suppose you were told about it too.

Azael: And that's the thing. 

Azazel continued gaining their attention once again.

Azazel: The problem now lies with two outside of the three powers, the Red and White Dragon Emperors who hold the power to change the world. I would like to-

Snow: So tiny.

Both the leader of the underworld froze with those two words. Sona reconigned the voice, but didn't want to believe that it's owner would say something like that in such a delicate situation like this.

Azazel: Hmm? Something wrong Silver Mask?

He asked not really offended, using the nickname he now had given to Snow.

Snow: ... No. I just find that way to thinking too small for someone who's famous for being soo open-minded to people and things around him.

Michael: What do you mean?

Asked Michael, curious about this man's words. Sirzechs on the other hand ...

Sirzechs: Oi! Stop with that.

Didn't really apreciate the constructive criticism of their ally.

Azazel: Let him be Sirzechs. As the responsable for the death of my subbordinate, I wanted to hear his opinion anyways. What did you mean by that?

Snow took some time to carefully chose his next words and then, gave him his opinion.

Snow: I assume that you were about to ask them both, their opinions about peace and war. I'm I right?

Azazel: Yup, you're right. What's wrong with that?

Snow: Do you honestly believe that from the ones currently inside this room, they are the only ones that possesse the power to change the world, just because of the two dragons inside them?

Azazel raised an eyebrow.

Azazel: Hmm? Care to elaborate a bit on that?

He asked, hoping for a clearer answer to his question.

Snow: Every person in here holds the power to change the world in one way or the other. Not only the Dragon Emperors, but also you and the remaining leaders of each faction, and the other Sacred Gear and Holy Blade users here present. As you know, even me and some low-class devils were able to defeat an opponent far above our current power level and create this situation that can too, change the world as we know it. I just find it strange that you, out of everyone here, are the one that it's making such an assumption, based on such tiny things, like the fame that both their Longinus hold.

They looked back at Azazel to see him looking at the devil with a serious face. But that didn't last long.


Azazel laughed like he had heard the best joke ever.

Azazel: God you're right! It's not really in my character to say things like that is it? Makes me look like I'm playing favourites here, hahahaha!

A sign saying "playing favourites" comically pierced Sirzechs in the chest making flinch as Grayfia looked at him. 

Snow: It's just my opinion, nothing to be taken too seriously.

Azazel: No. I also wanted to hear your opinion on this matter, since you are one of those who allowed this situation to be created. Tell us, which path do you honestly want to see?

The man in front of him was different. Very different. From the vibes he was getting from him , Azazel knew that it was impossible for someone like him to have defeat Kokabiel even with the help of all the devils in Kuoh, with his current power level. Yet, Vali assured him that it was him that took care of Kokabiel. Not only that, but to be able to speak out his genuine opinion on the thoughts of another faction leader, he was either very confident, or he didn't show them his true power yet. Either way, it was interesting. Very interesting. 

Snow: Peace has always been a dream for me. Honestly, I'm sick of useless struggle and battle were none of us gains anything from it. It makes us look like our ancestors and will only get us killed. A future where we can see each other as friends, that is the thing I wish for the most.

Michael smiled at the sincere way that he proclamed his wish in front of them.

Michael: That's quite a beautifull thing you dream off. 

Azazel: Yeah, but that makes me wonder. Just who are you?

The million dollar question. Who was this misterious man that was with them? Were his true intentions really the ones that he spoke? Who was the man behind the mask? 

Snow: I'm no one. Just a devil tired from fighting it's entire life just to be able to survive another day. The future is not a certainty, it's a hope. And I hope that we can have a future for us.

Snow's answer just added more questions then answers to their minds. A pulse of a strange energy was then felt by everyone, and made Issei's Boosted Gear appear on his arm.

Issei: What was that?!

They all looked around to see that most people looked like they were paralyzed.

Kiba: It can't be ...

Kiba expressed, recognizing this power.

Issei: Has time .. Stopped?

It was Gasper.

Azazel: It looks like it.

Serafall looked to the her side to see her bodyguard in the same state as her siste, still as a statue. 

Azazel: It looks like besides us with superior power ...

Vali: Us with the power of dragons and those guys with the holy swords were protected from it's effects.

Vali complemented.

Rias: I guess I'm ok thanks to Issei.

Rias said while holding her Pawn's hand.


A loud explosion was heard outside of the room. They went towards the windows to see a bunch of people wearing robes coming from tons of magic circles in the sky.

Issei: Who are these guys?!

Serafall: They are magicians.

Serafall answered with a serious look

Serafall: How rude! Ignoring a Magigirl like me!

Michael: Even so, what is this power?

Azazel: They probably got the half-vampire Bishop of Rias Gremory and forced his Gear's activation with Balance Breaker conditions.

Azazel shared his hipotesis on what happened with everyone, looking outside of the window to see more and more magicians coming from the magic circles in the sky.

Issei: Gasper?!

Sirzechs: Very few people can stop time. We can only assume that Gasper fell on the hands of the enemy.

Sirzechs confirmed Azazel suspicion. It was indeed Gasper's power.

Kiba: Buchou!

Rias: ... For terrorists to use a member of my household. What an insult!

Michael noticed that the magic circles looked slightly strange.

Michael: That's, Teleportation Magic?

Sirzechs: There seems that someone is directly connected to their Gate within the barrier.

Grayfia: On the other hand, our magical teleportation troops are completly sealed off.

Azazel: They got us.

Michael: Yes. With this timing, using a member of Rias Gremory's household and to attack us ...

Irina: Someone must have betrayed us.

Irina sadly deduced the truth.

Sirzechs: We can't exactly stay quietly like this. If Gasper's power gets any stronger, then even we will ...

Azazel: We need to do something about the vampire kid first, or it'll be too dangerous to fight back.

Thinking of a plan, Rias suggested to use her unused Rook piece in the ORC to get quickly to Gasper. Sirzechs agreed to send her and Issei there, intending to do a "Castling" trading the unsued Rook piece in the basement of the club with her sister and her Pawn.

Vali: Wouldn't it be easier to just blast away the half-vampire along with the terrorists? If you want, I'll do it for you.

The White Dragon Emperor offered with a smirk on his face as he looked at Rias and Issei.

Issei: You bastard!

Azazel sighed at his atitude.

Azazel: Think about the situation a little, will ya Vali? We are trying to make peace here you know?

Vali: It's against my nature to just stand around and do nothing.

Snow: Then you have a ton of moving targets out there ready to be shoot down, so make yourself usefull.

The eyes of every still moving devil in the room became wide. Slowly, they all turned around to see Snow moving and walking towards them with naturality.

Kiba: Impossible!

Issei: How the hell are you moving?!

Azazel: Oi! Oi! Oi! You for real?

Vali noticed the lack of control in his voice and smirked.

Vali: (thoughts) Ops. I guess he found out already. It's going to be a mess later at the hideout.

Vali: It does sounds better then just staying here doing nothing.

Activating Divine Dividing, Vali jumped out of the window and flew above the enemies.

Vali: Balance Break!


As soon as the white armor appeared on his body, Vali started to fly around slaughtering every enemy that got in front of him.

Issei: He did it so easely.

Snow: For how long are you two going to be standing around here?! Move it! Don't you have someone to save?! You're an eyesore so get out of my sight!

This was a part of Snow that no one had really seen before. He spoke with everything but his usual calmness. But he was right, they needed to get Gasper back if they wanted to fight back for real, so Grayfia teleported Rias and Issei away. 

Sirzechs: Once Rias and Issei get Gasper back, we can start our conter-attack.

As soon as those words left his lips, a orange magic circle appeared in the room.

Sirzechs: This magic ...

Ssirzechs knew it and Snow too, knew that magical circle all too well.

Snow: (thoughts) That shitty woman!

From the magic circle, came none other then Katerea Leviathan.

Katerea: Good day, current Devil Kings, Sirzechs and Serafall.

Greeted Katerea with a fake bow.

Serafall: Why are you here?!

Asked Serafall surprised by seeing a descendant of the original Devil Kings here.

Sirzechs: Katerea Leviathan, the descendant of the original Leviathan.

Katerea: I came her to bring chaos and destruction to the world.

She answered by raising her staff and using her magic to blow the entire room with it. Or at least she tried. Once the smoke was dispersed, she saw that in front of her stood a big sphere made of snow. The snow soon began to lose it's shape and getting smaller, until it took the form of Serafall's bodyguard.

Katerea: For a devil to protect the leaders of the other factions, my race really fell into disgrace.

The women said with a laugh, not recognizing the men in front of her as the one that gave her the warning to not set her feet on the meeting she was currently interrupting.

Serafall: Thank you, Frost-kun.

Snow: ... Don't worry about it. It's my job to protect you after all Sera-chan.

Even if he was angry, he answered back to Serafall's sincere gratitude, never taking his eyes away from his enemy.

Sirzechs: What are you trying to do here Katerea?

Katerea: My thinking is the absolute oposite of those of you in the meeting. If God and the Devil King aren't around, then there should be a revolution in this world.

Serafall: Katerea-chan stop it! Why are you doing something like that?

Katerea scowled at Serafall and her words.

Katerea: Serafall, you sure are slacking off after stealing the title of Leviathan from me.

Serafall: I ...

It was never Serafall's intetion to steal Katerea's title. All that she wanted back then when she got it was to help her people after their losses in the great war. She didn't want to take nothing away from no one.

Snow: Carefull with your words woman. If you want some mercy when this is all over, I suggest you stop with attitude towards Serafall-sama while I'm here.

The descendant of the old kings looked over to the man that spoke in her enemy's defence.

Katerea: Hmm? Who are you?

She asked, not even suspecting who truely was the person in front of her.

Snow: Her bodyguard.

Snow said it simply as he got up from his position.

Katerea: How cute~ You really did a number on this one, dear Serafall. I bet if you tell him to bark for you, he'll ask "how loud?", eheheh! Don't worry, I'll kill just kill her and take my title of Devil King Leviathan back, that's all.

Snow: So you wish to hear me bark?

Katerea raised her eyebrow as he the others did the same at Snow's words.

Snow: Then clean those filth filled ears of yours and listen well.

Snow took a deep breath and holded it in. Aand soon enough, he lettedit all go.


A booming shout, followed by Snow's aura bursting in every direction, was heard by everyone forcing them to cover their ears as it destroyed the glass of every window in the entire academy.

Azazel: At least warn us before trying to destroy our timpani away.

The aura contined to envelop the entire area until ...

Sona: Argh! What's this yell?!

Serafall looked back to see her sister along with her Queen covering their ears just like them.

Serafall: Sona-chan?!

Michael: How is this possible?! They were frozen in time a second ago!

They could feel the air in the area they were in getting less and less heavy and Grayfia managed to get a look at their soldiers to see some of them looking around confused about the current situation.

Grayfia: The soldiers!

Sirzechs: What's this?! How is he making time continue when it should be stopped by Forbidden Balor's View?!

With no more air inside his lungs, Snow stopped to take in a bit of air in and look at Katerea.

Snow: Now that's better. I can fight without that thing bothering me anymore.

Katerea: What did you do?!

Asked an angry Katerea, seeing her entire plan just falling apart because of someone that she didn't even recognize.

Snow: Please don't look so surprised. No matter how strong the Sacred Gear is, if the will of the user sustaining it is fragile, then I can easely overpower it with my own. But it takes bit of effort to hold back the time stopping power from getting to the ones around me, if that makes you any happy.

Snow casually said like it was nothing special.

Azazel: And here I thought that we got caught in a devil's coup d'état. 

Michael: But it sounds like you want to take over the world.

Snow: I couldn't care less about any of that. The fact remains that she wanted to kill Serafall-sama and re-ignite the flames of war once again. The last one that said with that objective that crossed me is a cold, dead corpse now. She won't be any different when I'm done.

He treatened making the right side of his body gain a layer of snow over it.

Snow: Sera-chan, your orders?

Snow asked looking back at her.

Serafall: You think you can take care of her?

Snow: I know I can.

He immediately answered with no hesitation on his voice.

Azazel: This is nothing like it was with Kokabiel. You don't have time to think about a plan now.

The leader of the fallen angels reminded him taking a place at his side.

Snow: And?

Snow simply asked. He really didn't seem to care about it at all.

Azazel: Well, so long as you know what you're getting into.

Snow turned around to look at Serafall again.

Snow: Your orders my lady?

He asked once again waiting for her answer.

Serafall: Go get her.

Serafall told him with a smile on her lips. She didn't knew why, but she felt like if it was him, then he could do it. Now that that Snow had her permission, he wanted to make some damage. Permanent damage.

Snow: Understood.

Katerea: Are you mocking me?!

Katerea wasn't happy. She was able to fight any of the leaders one on one and they sended a no-name low-class to be her opponent? The outrage.

Snow: There's just no need to bother Sera-chan with someone of your level.

Katerea glared at the man who dared to direct those words at her.

Snow: A vulgar and jealous woman thinking about the greatness of a past where she doesn't even belong too. How tiny.

Before he could initiate a fight, he felt a hand on his shoulder.

Azazel: Now, now, I know you are mad and all, but leave her to me.

Snow glanced to the side, allowing Azazel to see the golden eerie glow from his eyes behind the mask.

Snow: Do you intent on getting on my way?

Azazel: Not really, but while you are there having fun with her, who will protect Serafall if more enemies appear?

Azazel remined making him stop.

Azazel: Don't forget that we have a traitor between us too. If you want to do something then take care of the flyes flying over there and have an eye on her. Don't worry, if you get every one of those bastards before I'm done then she's all yours. How about it? Wanna have a competition to see who can get it's job done faster?

Snow looked over his shoulder at Serafall to see her nod, making him relax.

Snow: Do as you wish, just don't die.

Azazel: I won't.

Azazel assured him. From out of the nowhere, he entire academy started shaking.

Sirzechs: Honestly, one thing after another, what is it now?


From the ground, several geysers of water began errupting around them.

Snow: I'll be using the Academy's water supply for a while Sona-san ...

Snow said as the water began freezing and turning into snow. 

Snow: (menacing tone) I apologize in advance for the inconvience.

(Snow's Battle Theme)

Moving his arms to his sides, snow started gathering around them until they had the shape of two large white wings. With a single flap, he took up to the skies and the absurd amout of snow followed him through the sky.

Magician 1: Oi! What's that?

One of the magicians yelled pointing at the strange bird like creature flying towards them. 

Magician 2: How the hell should I know?! Just shoot it dow-


Before he could finish talking, Snow already flew past him and with him, the avalanche that he created going after him. In a second, both of the magicians and the large group that they belong too, where swallowed by Snow's white trail and once it had passed, every magician stood there frozen, before falling down and shattering into a thousand pieces like their entire bodies were entirely made of glass.

Irina: I-In a second?!

Xenovia: He took out an entire group just by going past them!

The church friends said in wonder as they just finished up with a group of magicians themselves. The magicians looked at the broken corpses of their allies shattered across the floor in horror.

Magician 3: IT'S COMING BACK!!!

One of the magician's yelled making everyone look as Snow slowly flew around and began going towards another group.

Magician 4: SH-SHOOT HIM DOWN!!!

The magician started focusing their blasts on Snow, who simply dodged every one of them with ease before going past another group that had the poor luck of being on his way, ending up in the same way as their friends.

Magician 3: I-It's no use! It's too fast!

Magician 4: B-Barriers! We need to create barriers!!!

The magic caster did as one of them suggested and together, they made a huge barrier in front of him.

Magician 4: Eheh, now ram face first into this barrier!

They thought that they were safe, but Snow just scoffed and made the avalanche disperse and float around them. In a couple of second, and even thought they were protected behind the barrier, they began freezing do to the low temperatures inside of it. 

Magician 3: I feel ... tired.

One by one, they either lost their strenght or freezed still conscient of their imminent death. With that group taken care off, Snow flew in the direction of the next group.

Michael: Incredible. To think that there was an ice-user of this level in the underword aside from Serafall-san.

Serafall looked on as her bodyguard took out the groups of magicians with extreme ease, and could only think one think. 

Serafall: (thoughts) It's so beautifull.

The gentle way in which he flapped his wings and the white snow around him, reminded her a white swan flying over the cold winter's sky. Beautifull, free and not chained down by anyone.

Azazel: And here I was treating that guy like a kid huh?

Katerea: Pay attention!

Warned Katerea as she tried to blast Azazel with her magic, but he just doged it like all the others.

Azazel: Sorry about that, you where saying?

His entire attitude got on her nerves. It was like he was playing around with her. But, reminding herself about something, she smiled.

Katerea: I hope you have prepared yourself, Azazel.

Azazel: Huh?

From a magic circle on her hand, a dark snake came and started going around her body. She laughed feeling her own strenght increasing at the time went on.

Azazel: (thoughts) A snake?

Not wanting to waste more time, Katerea sended a demonic blast of Azazel, only this time, the power that it had was nothing like the ones before, it was far faster and more powerfull. She smiled thinking that she had obliterated Azazel into ashes, only for her to hear his voice behind her.

Azazel: Let's just clear something up before we move on ...

She turned around to see Azazel with the smug look that she was used, but hated soo much, to see on his face and tried to punch him, only to be stopped by him.

Azazel: This amout of aura doesn't appear to be the power of the descendant of the devil kings. Where are you getting the extra power?

He asked.

Katerea: There's no point in answering that. Because you'll all die here.

She said using her power to push him back, not noticing that Gasper's power had already disappeared from the entire academy.

Azazel: Well then, here I go.

Azazel raised his arm up and light spears were created, and lauched at Katerea who used a barrier to take the hits. Issei, Rias, Koneko and Gasper soon joined everyone in taking down the magicians. Snow was getting real tired of the fact that the magicians just kept coming from the gate.

Snow: (thoughts) It must that women the one connecting this gate to the outside. Tch! I'm done with this. It may reveal a bit more of my power, but I don't want to take any more chances.

Snow turned around and flew towards the barrier created by the leaders, landing on top of it.

Snow: Sera-chan, I have a plan to get rid of all the magicians.

Serafall: Really?!

Snow: Yes, but I need everyone to be inside of this barrier.

Michael: Can you really take them all out by yourself? If that fails you'll be alone surrounded by an entire army of them.

Warned Michael.

Snow: Yes. I can clear them all with one hit, don't worry. Just make sure to fortify the barrier too. My attack will have a big range and I don't want anyone getting caught on it.

The leader looked at each other in a silence conversation, before nodding an looking at him.

Michael: Understood. Good luck.

Serafall: Go! Frost-kun!!!

Serafall cheered. He smiled and with a wingbeat he took of to the skies again.


Rias: Eh?! 

Issei: Why?!

Sirzechs: That doesn't matter, just get in here!

Confused, they all went towards the barrier created by the leaders of Heaven and Hell and looked as it took the magic blasts from the entire army witthout cracking.

Snow: (thoughts) Good, they are all inside aside from Azazel. I'm sure he'll able to survive either way.

Koneko: Look.

Koneko said pointing at Snow as he started flying around.

Irina: What's he doing?

Asked a confused Irina. Xenovia smiled and shrugged her shoulders.

Xenovia: Who knows?

Irina: Don't said that like it's the simplest thing in the world Xenovia! And don't smile, he can get himself killed out there.

Irina remined her friend, but she just continued to smile at the sight of Snow flying around in circles around the academy grounds.

Xenovia: You wouldn't understand it Irina.

She suddently said.

Irina: Eh?

Xenovia: You didn't get the chance to fight side by side with him like I did ...

Everyone looked at her to see her smiling with absolute trust in the devil flying around outside the barrier.

Xenovia: He has something planned just wait and see.

Snow continued to fly around in circles and beating his wings, going faster by the second. Serafall felt a wind coming from behind and gently making her twintails sway in front of her.

Serafall: Wind?

She wondered where did the sudden breeze come from as Snow flyed faster and faster. The wind became more and more furious coming from behind them where the academy was, something that shouldn't be possible. Even stranger then that, was the fact that such a cold wind could be felt. Even it was night time, this temperature shouldn't be possible in the current season. 

The magicians continued to be try to either break the barrier or shoot Snow down, until Azazel noticed something weird.

Azazel: (thoughts) What's this feeling of being pulled by something?

Looking down he saw that the magicians, even if barely, were being pulled backwards from where they were and away from the barrier.

Azazel: (thoughts) What are you trying to do Silver Mask?

He wondered looking at Snow seemingly just flying in circle around the battlegrounds.

Katerea: Don't look around!

Azazel sighed dodging another one of Katerea's blasts.

Azazel: Sorry about that. How about we start getting serious here?

The fallen angel asked before taking from his coat, a gold looking dagger with a purple jewel on the tip of the handle.

Katerea: That's ... 

Azazel: Something way better then war. My hobby.

He said raising the object over his head and immediately starting to glow.

Azazel: This is the Downfall Dragon Spear. A artificial Sacred Gear that I developed.

Those words instantly got Snow's attention.

Snow: (thoughts) An artificial Sacred Gear. Let's see the level of research that you obtained, Azazel.

Azazel: Balance Break.

The fallen angel governor was consumed by a great light, blinding his opponent with it and once the radiant glow was gone, Azazel was covered from head to toe in a golden dragon armor with purple jewels on it.

Azazel: Armor of the Fallen Dragon, Downfall Dragon Another Armor.

Snow: (thoughts) A dragon armor. The spirit inside it it's very powerfull. I would like to take a good at it, but I have my own job to do.

Snow continued to speed up not showing signs to stop, until a huge gust of wind began going up in a spiral shape, forming a hurricane.

Magician 5: Shit! He's trying to drag us into that thing!

Snow: (thoughts) As if. I'm not that simple you idiots.

The winds became more and more violent, pushing them back towards the strong gust of winds. The magicians ceased their attack to be able to hold on into something. But sadly, the hurricane was not what the only thing that should be concerned about.

Magician 6: Ahhhh! My hand!!!

The hand of the magician's hand was slowly getting covered in ice and breaking away soon after. Not too long after, they were all getting covered in it and then breaking apart. 

Magician 5: AHHHHHHHHH!!!

One of the magicians lost the hands which were holding him in place and he was sucked towards the hurricane. They all watched in horror as he slowly broke away layer by layer before even coming in contact with the winds. First his skin was shattered and taken away, then his flesh until he was nothing more then a skeleton that broke into a thousand shards before his pieces was dragged away by the cold winds that now glowed with the small pieces of ice from the magicians that were unfortunate enough to break and die before even realising what actually killed them.


Snow showed no signs of stopping as he kept going even faster now that he had the magicians on his clutches. The others tried to not get dragged away too as the leaders made the barrier around them even stronger to hold them in place.

Michael: Such violent winds!

Said the Seraphim as he narrowed his eyes to protect them from the cold gusts of wind. The magicians we frozen and broke down one by one, until none of them remained. Seeing that there was no reason to keep doing it, Snow flew up, and with a giant wingbeat, he dispersed the wind and snow into every direction, leaving the entire academy covered in a white mantle.

Azazel: (shiver) Fuck that's cold!

The fallen said and looked to see most of Katerea's skin covered in freeze burns and cuts. The fact that he destroyed most of her clothes with his attacks surelly didn't help with it either.

Katerea: D-D-Damn you all!

The poor woman cursed as her teeth continuously went agains each other, do to the cold she was feeling.

Katerea: B-But I won't die alone. You are not needed on the world the creation of a new world.

Her arms extended and turned into more arms trying to grab Azazel. He didn't knew what she was thinking, but he knew it wasn't something good at all, so he dodged every single attack, but one of them managed to get a hold of his left arm. The arms around it seemed to merge into his skin like some kind of parasyte, stopping him from getting away anymore.

Katerea: If I can defeat at least one of the Three Great Powers, then destroying this body will be worth it!

Azazel: Eheh, a suicide attack? I don't want to make big deal out of it, so I believe this will be a good trade.

Azazel said before chopping of his own arm off. She was not expecting it at all, and could not stop the self-destruct magic anymore. By fate had other plans for her ending.


Snow: (whisper) I warned you didn't I, shitty woman?

Snow was now over Katerea's shoulders with his legs morphed into bird talons holding her. She didn't understood it at first, but then, she noticed the intense and cold glow behind the mask.

Katerea: Y-You ... ! You can't be ... !

Snow: (whisper) You ignored my warning. The price for that, will be your death.

Katerea: W-Wait! I-I -


Bending his body backwards, Snow gained balance by doing a flip and sended Katerea flying up towards the sky with immense speed. 


He didn't even need to finish her, her own magic did it for him.

Azazel: Nice throw. 

Snow looked to the side to see Azazel without his armor, holding the purple jewelof the Downfall Dragon Spear and with magic circle stopping the bleeding on his lost arm.

Snow: I finished up the magicians first, so I won.

Azazel's eyes widened for a seconf before understanding his joke.

Azazel: Hahahaha! You're right. You even had time to come here and-


Sadly the moment was not meant to last, as Azazel was suddently hit by something and sent flying towards the others.

Azazel: Ow ... I must be losing my edge. Vali.

The governor of the fallen angels said with no worries looking up at his attacker, Vali.

Vali: Sorry, but things on this side looked a lot more interesting, Azazel.

Snow was not happy with what his friend just did. He blurted away that he was the traitor and oficially left Azazel's side. While on the outside Snow looked calm, on the inside whoever, he wanted nothing more then get his hands on Vali and unleash all of today's anger on him.

Snow: (thoughts) Vali ...

Vali looked towards Snow noticing the silent anger of his friend.

Vali: (thoughts) Sorry about that Snow. I just can't continue with this "loyal guy" thing anymore.

Both of the allies stared at each other in silence trying to guess each other's thoughts. This could probably be a the greatest shock so far in their secret alliance and Vali was not going to be safe from it.

Snow: (thoughts) I'LL REAP YOU APART!!!


Annnnnnd done! Phew! That took a long time to do. This is probably my longest chapter so far aside from the one on Rias's Wedding Party. As you could see, there was bonding, there was violence, kindness, fights and forshadowing too, overall, I'm happy as hell with this, but give me your thoughts on it.

On the next chapter: The dragon's clash and winter shows is fangs, Vali will have a whole ton of things to explain to Snow and more story will get revealed. Until then, let your comments, suggestions and doubts, and I'll see you all in the next chapter. Ciao!

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