Confronts with the Kings

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Hey guys Nightingale here. I hope you guys didn't let boredom get to you yet because this chapter will be extra long to compensate the time that you had to wait for it. It's time to prepare for the meeting and Snow will be making sure that he's ready, and come face to face with someone you guys were waiting for him to confront again.

With that being said, sit back, relax and enjoyyyyyy ...


Phenex State - Underworld

Reinor: (sigh) You know, I always thought that a quiet young man like you could stay out of trouble, but it seems like troubles love you too much.

After the entire mess caused by Kokabiel, life seemed to go back to the usual routine and right now, Snow was at the Phenex State having a conversation with Lord Reinor on his living room. It appears that the news about Kokabiel's death had already reached every person in the Underworld, Reinor included. The fact that the bloodthirsty Kokabiel was defeated by a group composed of a low-class, as well as two reicarnated devils and a exorcist from the church only added to the surprise of every person that heard the story.

Snow: As I explained, I was put on situation where I had no other choice but to fight Reinor-san.

Snow calmly asked, taking a sip of the cup of coffee Reinor offered him, and carefull not to reveal his face by accident.

Reinor: Sona Sitri's Pawn shouldn't have done something like calling you to the battlefield like that.

Reinor didn't enjoy the fact that a promising devil that he was betting on was somehow forced into a death battle because a King didn't have control over it's pieces.

Snow: Emotions are a very powerfull thing Reinor-san. It was merely a case of a Pawn desperatly wanting to protect his King.

Reinor: No one is questioning that Frost-kun! But the fact remains that you could have been sacrificed because of that!

The lord of the Phenex Clan couldn't understand his serenity with the situation he was put in.

Snow: But that worked in my favour too. If he had not summoned me, I could have lost a precious contact with the heiress of one of the remaining clans that stands as the only relation that I have with the nobility, aside from you and your family.

Reinor: That is ...

He could see the reasoning behind that. Being the head of a clan over hundreds of years tought him to be carefull and maintain the relations that the clan had, in the best way he could.

Snow: Besides ...

Reinor looked at Snow as he placed his cup of coffee down on the table.

Snow: Now Sona and her clan own me a favour. I saved two nobles and gained a possible political advantage in the future with Sona's support. Overall, a good day wouldn't you think, Reinor-san?

At that, Reinor sighed and started scratching the back of his head.

Reinor: There's no way to make you get a little mad is it?

Lord Phenex asked with a laugh.

Snow: It is possible, but not usual. But that aside, how is Riser doing?

Reinor's expression immediately fell into a more depressed one.

Reinor: My son is ... (sigh) not going that well.

Snow: Hmm?

Reinor: Ever since the day of the wedding, he locked himself in his room and refuses to leave. I honestly don't know what to do.

Snow: His pride took a major hit. The day of his greatest triumph became the day of his hardest defeat. It was expected that something like this would happen. May I do something to help?

Reinor smiled at the young man's kindness but shook his head from side to side, waving a hand in front of him to refuse.

Reinor: No, no, there is no need for you to do something. Don't take this as an offense Frost-kun, but if someone that Riser once ridicularized like you tried to help him, I think his pride would even get more damaged. But thank you for asking.

Snow: I see. You may be right. Family matters should be solved in family.


The door from living room was suddently slammed open gaining the attention of the two men in the room. Before they had time to think, Ravel, Isabela and Karlamine were already around Snow and checking out his body for possible wounds.

Ravel: Frost-sama are you alright?!!!

Isabela: We heard about the fight!

Karlamine: Have you got hurt?!

They bombarded Snow with questions whille trying their best to see if he had any wounds or if he showed any signs of pain when they touched him.

Snow: As you can see, I'm pretty much alive and healthy thank you very much.

He calmly answered making them stop with the body check. They all took a seat around him and letted out a long sigh.

Kalamine: Thank goodness ...

Ravel: When we heard that you faced against one of the 6 Cadres I feared the worst.

Isabela laughed giving Snow a pat in the back.

Isabela: Haha, I told you this guy wouldn't go down without a fight.

The two other girls just stared at her with a blank look.

Karlamine: Says the one that almost went to Kuoh because she was worried.

Isabela flinched.

Ravel: And also, who was that said, and I quote, "Oh hell no! That guy is not going to die, not on my watch".

Isabela gained a pink blush on her cheeks as both of her friends now had a small smirk directed at her.


The embarassed Rook yelled before turning her back to them. Ravel and Karlamine laughed and high-fived each other as Snow looked at them not really knowing what to say.

Reinor: Hahaha! One fight and you already have your first fans Frost-kun, this old man here is getting jealous you know?

Now, all the three girls had pink blushes on their cheeks. Isabela couldn't even get happy with the blushed that her friends had since she was being included in Reinor's tease too.

Snow: What should I do? I'm really shy.

The devil in white continued with Lord Phenex's tease placing a hand on his face to fake a shy expression.

Reinor: Hahaha! Well, you'll have to find a way to deal with that because you were already pretty famous because of the stunt you pulled against Sirzechs at the wedding, and now with your newest achivement, it will only get worse.

Rachel: Oh, I think it already got worse dear.

The voice of Lady Rachel Phenex was suddently heard at the door. Looking there, they all saw her with one of the house maids near the door.

Reinor: Hello honey. How long have you been there?

Rachel: I just got here dear.

Answered Rachel as she entered the room.

Snow: Good morning Rachel-san. What do you mean by "it already got worse"?

Instead of answering, Rachel gave the maid room to move foward in his direction.

Maid: There are some soldiers outside of the Castle asking for you Frost-sama. They are wearing the uniforms from the Satans personal guards.

They all became quiet at the maid's news. The Satan's personal guards? Just what could one of the Satans want from their guest? Was Sirzechs trying to do something to him? 

As more and more questions appeared on the Phenex member's minds, Snow just had one haunting his mind at the moment.

Snow: (thoughts) Did they found out?

Snow thought frowing behind his mask and scarf as he bit his lower lip.

Snow: (thoughts) No, that's impossible. I made sure to suppress my aura before entering Kuoh and during the battle I didn't use any large technique or any complex one.

They all looked at him, waiting for his reaction.

Snow: (thoughts) Or was it exactly because of that? The fact that someone so normal managed to face a Cadre head on with simple skills.

Ravel: Frost-sama?

The soft voice of Ravel reached Snow's ears dragging him out of his toughts. Back in reallity, he saw her and everyone looking at him with worry clearly present on their expressions. 

Snow: Very well, let's see what they want with me. Please guide me there.

Snow asked the maid once he got up from the couch and picked his hat, placing hit on top of his head.

Maid: (bow) Understood.

Snow: (thoughts) It's no use thinking about it. I'm not even sure that they found out that I'm not who they think I am. If my worries sadly become true, then I'll just break my way out and re-start with a different plan.


Hearing steps behind him he turned around, but not stopping, to see Ravel and the others next to him.

Snow: What are you all doing?

The confused devil asked.

Kalamine: I don't like the idea of a bunch of guards appearing out of nowhere and demanding your presence. As a Knight, I'll acompany you.

The first one to answer as Kalawarner in her knightly way has she placed one of her hands on the hilt of her sword to show that she was ready to defend him in case he needed.

Isabela: If they try something funny I'm gonna break their teeth.

Isabela decided to be straight foward and blunt with her intentions as she walked beside him.

Ravel: We are going whether you like it or not, Frost-sama.

Snow could see that nothing that he could say would make them change their minds, so he looked foward again.

Snow: Do as you please.

He smiled behind his mask knowing that the girls, someone he trusted, had his back in case things went wrong.

Soon, they reached the entrance of the castle and outside of the gate, they could see a couple of men and woman dressed in neat uniforms and armor, standing in formation looking at them.

Snow: (turns to the maid) Thank you, you can go now.

The maid nodded and bowed before going back inside. Both sides stood quiet for a couple of seconds just staring at each other, creating a large amout of tension in the air. Snow made the first move and, after going down the stone steps, he aproached the man in front of the squad.

Leader: Are you the one called Frost?

The leader asked with no real rage or joy, just a professional tone.

Frost: That depends. Who's asking?

Leader: We are members belonging to the special army's squad made with the objective to serve as the Satans bodyguards. Our King asked us to come here and bring you to the capital. I'm gonna have to ask you to acompany us.

Sirzechs. That was the one name that came to the girls minds.

Frost: Is that so? And who, of the Four Great Devil Kings, wishes for my presence.

Snow and the Leader stared at each other for the longest time in an agonizing silence that was making the girls even more worried.

Leader: ... The one who sent us here was Leviathan-sama.

That was surprising. A Maou which Ravel and the others believed that Snow has never came in contact with, asked for his presence? And on the capital away from her domain too.

Frost: ... I see. Did she mention the reason?

He was surprisingly calm. A few moments ago, the man near them looked ready for a possible fight, but now, he returned to his usual serene state. It didn't mean by no means that he wouldn't be in danger, but he dropped his guard just like that? They guessed that ot was because it wasn't Sirzechs the one doing the call.

Leader: Unfortunatly we were not informed about her reason. We were simply tasked by her to come pick up up.

Isabela: Then why did you bring soo many soldiers?

The Rook decided to ask tired of being quiet for so long.

Leader: It's merely a formality. Any guest called by the Maous has the right to make use of a squad from that Moau's personal guard force to reach his destination in safety.

It appears that it was the other way around. Rather then a squad assembled to hunt Snow down in case of him fighting back, it was a squad meant to guard him.

Isabela: Oh! I-

Leader: It's alright. Our duty is mostly the protection of the Devil Kings or the arrest and extermination of threats and criminals. Since you didn't see us do the first option, it was only natural to think the second.

Isabela: Yeah, sorry about that.

Leader: It's quite alright. (turns to Snow) So? Will you please acompany us?

Snow nodded.

Snow: Yes, please take me to Leviathan-sama.

Leader: Understood.

The squad leader made his soldiers a signal, and they cleared a path towards a carriage that was now just waiting from him and Snow to go in.

Leader: Please follow me.

Snow: Yes.

Slowly but surely, both the men started walking towards the carriage. Once Snow was about to enter it, he turned back to look at the girls.

Ravel: Take care Frost-sama.

They all smiled at him. Truely, having people caring for you and your safety was the best feeling in the world, Snow though.

Snow: You too.

And with that, the leader followed and closed the door behind him.  Snow trip to the capital had oficially started.

Lilith - Underworld

After a couple of hours seated inside the carriage, Snow and the guards reached the capital of the devil kingdom, Lilith. The streets continued busy as he remembered, as well as noisy. Not the place he would usually hang out to enjoy some quality time, but he liked to see it triving, to him it was a sign of progress, something that the devils desperatly needed in his opinion.

After leaving their vehicle, the squad leader guided Snow towards the entrance of the castle belonging to the current Lucifer. To say that Snow was not happy with that was as underestimation, not to mention that he couldn't  exactly relax with being inside Lucifer's castle surrounded by him and an army of people loyal to him. Even so, he kept quiet. If they lied to him, then they would regret doing it soon enough.

After identifying himself at the entrance of the castle, the leader dismissed the squad and guided Snow through the halls of the giant castle, until they were face to face with giant set of doors.

Leader: Please wait here while I inform Leviathan-sama that you arrived.

Snow silently nodded and as soon as the elite soldier got inside the room on the other side of the doors, Snow started glacing at everyone and everything to see if there was any suspicious.

Snow: (thoughts) Everything is normal so far. For now, it seems like I wasn't tricked. Even so, I can't let my guard down just yet. He may be behind this doors with an entire group of soldiers ready to eliminate my as soon as I go in.

As he thought, the doors were opened slightly to reveal the man that brought him to the capital.

Leader: You may enter now.

Preparing himself, Snow took small steps and entered the room. On the other side, stood a somewhat large group of old looking people together, that he recognized as the Council, with the oldest devil alive in the New Faction, Zekram Bael, ahead of them. As if a man that is said to have more influence then the Four Great Devil Kings was not enough, not only Serafall, but also the other three devil kings stood there. As of that moment, he was clearly outmatched and outnumbered and lost all means of escaping the castle without a scratch.

Sirzechs: Ah, it seems like our guest is finally here.

Although Sirzechs said that out loud with one of his usual smiles, he couldn't say that he was overjoyed to have the man that caused a bit of a downfall to the image that he tried to give to everyone. From the letters demanding answers, to meetings with the media and longer meetings with the council and the nobles, he suffered through a lot of things that he hated with twice the force that they would use have, because of the masked man.

Zekram: ... So it would seem.

The oldest devil in the room studied the new commer as he aproached them with caution. If there was one thing that Zekram cared about, that was his people. For that, after the war, he did his best and managed to keep everyone together until the new Satans were elected and raised to power. Now, he spended his days continuing to find ways to keep or improve the peacefull times that his people lived in, and for that, he needed people. Not just any person, but individuals that he saw as promissing and/or competent. To him it didn't matter the class, just what that individual could eventually offer to the devil society. And right now, one of those possible candidates was in front of him.

Ajuka: Oh? So that's him?

Ajuka asked intrigued by the devil in white, as well as his, choice of clothing.

Falbium: Yeah I think so. (Yawn) C'mon let's get his thing over with, I want to go take a nap.

The leader of the Military Affairs, Falbium Asmodeus, didn't seem to share his colleges enthusiasm, looking like he was about to fall asleep on his feet at any second.

Serafall: Oh, c'mon Falbi. Don't be a party pooper.

The entusiastic Satan said with her usual cheerfull atitude, trying to get her friend pumped up about something for a change.

Snow continued to calmly walk towards where everyone was gathered in the center of the room taking quick glances behind his mask at every person inside. Once he was close enough, Sirzechs decided to be the one greating their guest, much to Ssnow's displeasure.

Sirzechs: Hello. It has been a while since we last saw each other hasn't it?

As they got closer, Sirzechs showed him a close eyed smile trying to ease the tension that he tought had been created during the weading party.

 Sirzechs: I hope you had a pleasent trip here,  welcome to-

But Snow didn't stop, or even acknoledged his presence ,and went past him. They were shocked. A low-class, just ignored the leader of all devils, like he was someone that he casually went by on the street. No. Like he didn't exist at all. What arrogance.

Council 1: Such insolence!

Council 2: Just who does this men think he is?!

Sirzechs stood still in the place they had crossed each other, still with his arm up for a shake. It was the first time ever, that someone just outright ignored him in such a blunt way, and in front of so many important figures none the less.

Ignoring Sirzechs current state as well as the words of blasphemy directed at him by the old devils in the room, Snow keep his own way, straight ahead in the direction of the remaining Satans. They were as confused as they could be, it was not usual for someone so popular as Sirzechs to be ignored in such a way. 

At first it looked like Snow was going towards Ajuka that stood in the middle of the other two, but he wasn't his objective. It was Serafall. At the last second, he turned left and, ignoring the other two Satans as well, he got face to face with Serafall. It couldn't actually be said "face to face", since the man in white was a lot taller then her, but it was when he got in front of her, that he finally said something for the first time.

Snow: It's a pleasure to be able meet you in person, Serafall-sama. Thank you for inviting me and for going through all of that trouble to make sure that I would get here in safety. I'm deeply thankfull.

Snow gretted her and procceded to take his hat and thank her with a bow. 

Serafall: Oh! It's alright. I hope they treated you-

Council 2: OI YOU THERE!

Her pleasentries were sadly interrupted by one of the Council members that spoke over her to gain Snow's attention.

Council 2: Do you have any idea who was the person that you ignored? 

Even if she couldn't see past the mask and scarf, Serafall felt, somehow, like her guest wasn't exactly happy with the interruption. Slowly however, Snow looked over his shoulder towards the council members, and then at Sirzechs, tilting his head slightly to the side.

Snow: Oh? You were here Sirzechs?

The audacity of this person. Not only ignoring the highest figure of authority of the entire race but now, openly disrespecting it and not ever adressing Sirzechs by his title, speaking to him like he was completly unnimportant.

Council 2: You disrespectfull peasent, in who's presence do you think you are to speak in such a carefree way?! 

Snow: (menacing tone) Keep it down.

Snow's response was a cold and sinister order filled with maliciousness and opression. Beyond the silver mask, the men sweared that he could see two maleficent dots of gold staring at him. The air around him seemed to get heavier almost forcing him on to his knees, It felt cold on his skin, but excruciatingly hot as it got into his lungs. Every second look like an eternity as he seemed to lose sight of the people around the room, only managing to look at men who stared at him like a beast thirsty for his blood. 

It was too much, the old man thought, every second of that was pure misery. If it was to be like this, then he would rather just end it all. Overwelmed by the pressure of his opressor and his thoughts born from the terror ...


He passed out.

Council 1: O-Oi! What happened?

They all looked at the body of their college, just laying there on the ground near them as he fell down so suddently. He didn't even got the chance to close his eyes has his conscience abadoned him, staring right at them with a terrified expression on his now pale skin.

Snow: Respect is not given, it's earned. Learn that first and don't ever interrupt a lady while she's talking.

Grayfia: (thoughts) What did he do?! I didn't see a thing happening!

Sirzechs wife, Grayfia, asked herself trying to understand what just happened before her own eyes.


The sound of Serafall's magical girl wand hitting Snow's head was then heard in the room.

Serafall: Bad.

She said pointing at Snow who stood unfazed by her way discipline someone.

Serafall: Don't make people faint like that. Do you know how much paperwork will I have to sign to get new Council members if the old guys of the council all die from hearth attacks in the same day?! A lot!

The smaller devil kept scolding the devil in white like a mother would do with her child. In response, he tilted his head to the side, slightly unsure of what to do now.

Snow: I'm sorry?

He akwardly apologized. Serafall looked at him a serious expression, or as serious as a cheerfull woman like her could, before giving him a smile and retract her wand from his head.

Serafall: Good.

Now, she got on the tip of her toes to pat his head. To the others around them, the day only got weirder and weirder by each passing second. First, their guest looked ready to rip someone's troat at one moment, only for them to see him being treated like a child a minute later.

Ajuka: (thoughts) I don't know what to think about this.

To be able to confuse one of the greatests minds in the underworld  was a big achievement in itself, and one that Snow didn't know he managed to do.

Zekram: *cough*.

The sound of Zekram Bael clearing his throat gained the attention of everyone in the room once again.

Zekram: It seems like we got q bit of topic before we could even bring it up. Frost-kun, was it?

Snow turned around and nodded once.

Snow: Correct.

He simply answered.

Zekram: Do you have any idea why have you been called here?

Snow stared at Zekram's eyes and carefully chose his next words.

Snow: The incident with Kokabiel in Kuoh I presume?

Zekram: Indead, that is one of the reasons why we called here with such a hurry ...

Snow narrowed his eyes behind his mask at a small detail.

Snow: (thoughts) One of the reasons?

Zekram: Tell me, how where you able to do such a feat by yourself?

Snow: That is incorrect Zekram-san. I was not alone when it came the time to face Kokabiel.

Snow denied his suspicion immediately. If possible, the young devil wanted to raise a bit of the levels of trust in Sona, for her and his future as well.

Snow: Sona-san's pieces were a valuable key to his downfall. Have it not been for them, I could have died in that night and we wouldn't be having this conversation right now.

On the inside, Serafall was bursting out with joy. Finally the old fools would have to give her sister some credit for her efforts and stop treating her like some child with a head filled with unreachable dreams.

Zekram: But the fact remains that it was you who came up with the plan for Kokabiel's defeat and faced the Cadre head on. Please don't try to deny it. This information came from Sona Sitri herself on her report on the incident.

He should have expected it.

Snow: (thoughts) So that's why she was soo quiet before I left Kuoh. Is this your way of saying "thank you" Sona?

It would seem like the young heiress was too, trying to take him to a higher place in the devil society. Truely, great minds think alike.

Snow: You are indeed correct.

Sirzechs: If you don't mind ...

The voice of the Lucifer made everyone look at Sirzechs who appeared to have recovered from the side-sided greeting from before.

Sirzechs: I would like to know how were you able to do it in the first place.

Snow: ... What are you talking about?

Sirzechs: How were you able to clash against a fallen angel of the highest class and get away with it.

The members of the council nodded at Sirzechs thought. They found the entire situation entirely suspicious. A low-class, fighting against Kokabiel and winning? Preposterous.

Sirzechs: As far as I have been informed, you don't possesse a Sacred Gear, a unique devil trait and you seem far too young to possesse any experience in battlefields of such dimension, so I'm curious. How did you do it?

From Snow, only silence was heard. It seemed like maybe, the story of a miraculous victory was nothing but an exageration created by the younger devils after all.

Sirzechs: This has me buggered ever since yesterday. I'm the type that-

Snow: So tiny.

The entire room fell silent at those two simple words, filled with what appeared to be disappointement.

Snow: Tiny words, from tiny thoughts, coming from a tiny noble. Everything about what you just said ...

If they were not enraged before, the council members definatly were now, staring at Snow with anger as he walked closer to Sirzechs.

Snow: It's so tiny.

Once again, silence. Was there no limit from this man's arrogance? Even the tolerant Lucifer seemed to be losing his last bits of patience with the man before him.

Sirzechs: Oh? Mind explaining what, in my thoughts, so tiny like you say.


With those words, Snow's demonic power exploded around him, giving Sirzechs a seat in the front row to see it. In what could be no longer then a second, the floor, walls, windows, celling and furniture around them got covered with a thin layer of ice as little snowflakes started falling gently around them.

Falbium: (thoughts) He's fast!

The sleepy Maou was definatly awaken right now. The chilling power of their guest felt like a bucket of cold water in the morning, forcing him out of his dazzed state.

Serafall: (thoughts) I-Incredible! 

Coming from the only female Maou in history to have ascended to her position with her use of ice-magic, that was a serious complement.

Snow: Since when did our race became so dependant on the toys that the deceased leader of Heaven left behind? 

Snow asked Sirzechs tilting his head to the side making everyone's eyes wide at his words.

Zekram: How did you know about that young man?

Zekram, being the calmest at the moment, made him the question.

Snow: Not only was the crow dumb, but he also had a big mouth too. Every devil in Kuoh already knows about this too.

One of the greatest secrets of the three factions had been discovered, and by children none the less. The consequences could be catastrophic, if even one of them accidently opened it's mouth.

Snow: And that limited way of talking ...

Snow ignored all of that, and focused on the man in front of him.

Snow: Tell me. Do you believe that no one, among your people is capable of doing extraordinary things without the use of a Sacred Gear or belonging to a line of nobility with a trait? Hmph! So tiny.

He took a step closer and stared down at the red-headed devil.

Snow:Everything about you is tiny. Tiny words, coming from tiny thoughts, from a tiny noble. 

Snow leaned down slightly so he could stare directly into Lucifer's eyes.

Snow: So tiny.

Sirzechs kept a smile on his face, but his frown expressed feelings far different from happiness.

Ssirzechs: You're a little too close.

His crimson aura appeared around him, destroying some of the ice at his feet. In a desperate act to solve a conflict, Serafall and the other Maous decided that it was for the best if they intervened.

Ajuka: Hahaha, c'mon you two, we didn't came here to talk about filosofic questions or nothing similar.

Not fully trusting on her friend's attempt to defuse the situation, Serafall placed her hand on Snow's chest and gently pushed a bit back, away from the Crimson-Satan.

Serafall: If he insulted you in any way then I'll apologize. He didn't mean to do it so please forgive him.

Taking a look into Serafall's honest eyes, Snow lost all signs of hostility and tenderly grasped her hand.

Snow: My apologies. I have been having some issues lately. The words just came out without a warning.

She couldn't think of him as arrogant or just rude. There was more to his atitude then it mets the eye.

Falbium: I really think we should inform him about the real reason why he's here.

The bald Satan decided that it was time to end the useless chatter and actually reason with Snow, before something bad triggered a conflict between him and Sirzechs.

Zekram: Yes, I believe that enough time was lost with questions regarding the incident.

Moving for the first time since Snow entered the room, the oldest devil among them walked towards him as he took a simple, but beautifully crafted, sword from a magic circle.

Zekram: The reason why we called you here is none other then reward you for your efforts in Kuoh against the fallen angel treat and the rescue of two noble heiresses of the remaining devil clans. It was a voted by the majority, that as of today, you should ascend to the middle-class of the our society.

A promotion? Now this was unexpected even for him. Raising in ranks this fast? He couldn't predict something like this happening so soon. 

Zekram: In all honesty, with what you did and showed us today, I wished to be able to give you the title above it, but sadly, according to our laws, no devil is allowed to skip ranks in his ascencion to High-Class and above.

Now close enough, Zekaram handled the sword to Sirzechs.

Zekram: The procedure his simple. You will simply have to kneel as one of the Great Devil Kings places the blade on your shoulders and you make a vow in front of the person present here. Think of it as a knight's oath.

Sirzechs slowly took the sword from it's scarab as the others gave them some space so they could conduct the cerimony.

Sirzechs: We'll be starting your promotion right away. Please kneel down so we can start.

But he didn't. Sirzechs and the others waited and waited, but he didn't bow down.

Sirzechs: Don't worry, I won't cut you or anything, the edge of the blade it's not even sharpened, it's just for simbology.

He joked, gaining laughs from some members of the Council and his friends. But even then, the young devil didn't kneel.

Snow: ... I refuse.

The shock was immediate around the room. A devil, refusing to go up in their hierarchy was unheard of in their entire history.

Zekram: Don't you not wish to get a higher social rank young devil?

Snow: That's not it.

Slowly they saw Snow's right arm raising up from his side as his hand pointed foward. By the end of it, Snow as pointing directly at Sirzechs.

Snow: I refuse to kneel down and bow to you.

At that moment, while everyone eyes got even widder by his words, Sirzechs finally lost his smile, fully embracing a displeased face as he looked at the creature that since their first meeting, did nothing more than bluntly disrespect him, regardless of the situation.

Sirzechs: ... I already had my suspicions back at the party.

Sirzechs suddently said.

Sirzechs: You seem to have something against me.

Snow: What made you think that?

The devil in white answered in a cold, sarcastic tone.

Sirzechs: Tell me. Have we met somewhere before the party? Did I do anything to you in some way?

Memories flowed in Snow's mind, making him grit his teeth against each ohter as he scowled at the men in front of him.

Snow: (thoughts) It's not what you did ... it's what you didn't do.

Snow: There's no need to try so hard to find a answer for something that is so simple Sirzechs ...

Everyone in the room silently waited for his next words with antecipation. Just what could his reason be?

Snow: I simply despise you and everything you did so far. Nothing more. Nothing else.

Pure, bland, repulsive hate, all with no apparent reason.

Snow: The vow that I must make here today is towards a King, and I don't acknowledge you as one.

Snow hatefully said as he took loud, heavy steps in Sirzechs direction and suddently grabbed the sword he was holding by the blade, making everyone panick.

Snow: There for, I refuse to bow.

With a tight grasp, Snow squeezed the blade, making strings of blood go down the sword and into the ground. The sound of the sword trembling by both their strenghts was quietly heard by everyone. From behind Sirzechs, Grayfia placed a hand on top of his. Sirzechs looked back at her to see her pleading eyes. His image had already suffered a lot because of the incident after Rias's party, if it was heard that he hurt the man that made the accusation, people could lose their faith in him even more. 

As if answering to her prayers, Sirzechs letted the sword go.

Snow: Lying doesn't really help you either. (raises the sword) It's edge has been sharpened.

As if trying to mock him, Snow showed the blade which he was holding, showing how bloodstained it was.

Snow: If to receive my reward I must bow ...

Without giving Sirzechs another glance, or wasting more time, Snow turned around and walked away and towards where the others were gathered. As he walked among them, he used a sleeve of his white coat on his shoulders to clean the blood of the blade, staining it with a crimson red colour. He kept walking until he stopped ...

Snow: Then I would rather bow down to you.

Right in front of Serafall. The poor girl didn't understood what was happening until he raised the sword in his hands carefully to offer it to her.

Snow: A real King.

Serafall: Huh? Me?

Serafall confusely asked pointing at herself.

Snow: Yes, if you would give me the honor.

Zekram sighed and took a step towards them.

Zekram: It's allowed Serafall. The law only says that it has to be a Great Devil King to promote a devil and while it's usually the one responsable for the Domestic Affairs of the kingdom, it doesn't mean that the remaining Satans can't be responsable for one.

The leader of the Bael Clan explained. Serafall looked foward once again and then at Snow.

Snow: Please?

This duality was really making a mess out of everyone's mind. 

Ajuka: (thoughts) Agressive, rude and cold or educated, kind and warm, just which side of his is the right one?!

Ajuka was getting crazy. As a cientist, myteries and unsolved questions always had a charm in his eyes, but this one just didn't make any sense at all. Sirzechs was obviously one of the keys to solve it, but the extense hate of the other devil towards him, without any fundament, was making this problem far more complicated then it should be.

As for Serafall, she was just as confused as the others, why did he treat her friend so differently from any other person? As a woman, she was proud of her 6th sense, and it told her that this person was not evil or hatefull. Then why was he acting like a rabid animal every time he was near Sirzechs?

Serafall: Ok, if you are alright with being me.

Serafall knew he wasn't bad, and a person like that was needed in the higher ranks, especially someone from the lower classes, that way, things might eventually change. Believing her hearth, she took the sword from his hands and, not waiting for anyone else, Snow immeadiately fell on one knee.

Snow: (whisper) I wouldn't accept anyone else.

Her cheeks gained a small tint of pink at his quiet, but gentle words. Taking a dept breath to calm herself down, Serafall started the ceremony.

Serafall: Do you swear to be loyal?

She asked.

Snow: I swear.

Serafall: To be kind for those in need?

Snow: I swear.

Serafall: To serve the devil race and it's people?

Snow: I swear.

Serafall: And to protect our people from every threat that may come to harm them, for as long as you live?

To her last question, Snow raised his wounded hand to show her the bloodstained white glove, and the drops of blood slowly falling to the floor.

Snow: Until the last drop of this blood it's spilled.


The honest answer made her hearth skip a beat as he looked at her. For a second she forgot what she was doing, but quickly came back to reallity and placed the sword on his left shoulder and then the other.

Serafall: Then by the powers bestowed to me by my title and with the presence of the council and the Great Devil Kings, I, Serafall Leviathan, promote you ....?

Serafall paused, remembering that she totally forgot to ask his name before the ceremony.

Snow: (whisper) Eheh, Frost.

But he didn't seem to be bothered by her innocence and answered her back quietly.

Serafall: F-Frost, to Mid-Class devil. Raise!

Doing as she said, he got up, never taking his eyes from her.

Serafall: (smile) Congratulations.


Now it was his hearth's time to skip a beat. Serafall's smile was soo pure and innocent as she congratulated the new Mid-Class devil for his ascencion, making it hard for Snow not to lose himself in it.

Zekram: As of today, you are a step closer to get the title of noble. How does it feel?

On the inside, Snow was grinning like never before.

Snow: (turns to Zekram) Esplendid.

Zekram: That's good. Now for the final thing to be solved in this meeting.

Snow: There's more?

Zekram: After the incident which you and the heiresses were involved in, both the leaders of Grigori and Heaven contacted us, saying that they would like to have a meeting with our leaders.

Azazel and Michael? What did they want with them after the incident? All the three factions were involved, in one way or the other, in the incident so it wasn't that strange, but why deliberatly want to place themselves face to face with the two leaders of the other enemy factions.

Zekram: Their intentions are still unclear, but we wanted to use this oportunity to possibly put an end to the conflicts between us and them.

Snow's eyes widdened at those words.

Snow: You mean ... ?!

Serafall: Yes.

Serafall decided to be the one answering him.

Serafall: The conflicts have been going on for far too long now. Now it's the time to forget the hate and create peace between us.

Finally. Finally a chance to end the meaningless slaughter between angels, fallen-angels and devils. Snow smiled like a child behind his mask. Part of his dream, was within his reach now.

Snow: Haha ...

A soft laugh escaped his lips at Serafall's words.

Snow: Hahahahahahahahahahahaha!!!

Of all the reactions that they should be expecting by now from this men, this, was not one of them.

Snow: Finally ...

While it was not possible for the others, Serafall could clearly see tears revealing themselves as they fell from behind his mask.

Snow: Finally it will be over, hahaha!

An image flashed on Serafall's mind. Those words and that way of speaking, they felt soo familiar. Where has she heard them before?

Zekram: Yes, it is possible. And that's why you were called here.

Snow: Eh?

Zekram: The ones going to Kuoh are Sirzechs and Serafall. As you probably know, Sirzechs has a full set of powerfull pieces to acompany and protect him in case things go wrong. Serafall on the other hand doesn't possesse that.

The childish Satan started to wave her arms around and pout like a child.

Serafall: I don't need no one to protect me! I'm strong enough to go by myself!

Snow: NO!

The tall devil said in a panicked tone, raising his voice for the first time, as he quickly turned around to Serafall, surprising her.

Snow: This is not a joke! A lot of things can go wrong! What would your sister do if you got hurt, or worse, in front of her! Please think of the consequences before saying something like that so nonchalantly!

Serafall eyes were wide with the scolding. Not the scolding, but the legit panick present on his voice as he grasped her shoulders and now stood in front of her panting breathlessly.

Serafall: W-Well I ...


Falbium was now fully awake and laughing at the situation that his friend found herself in.

Falbium: My goodness! The day where someone could actually stop Serafall's tantrum and leave her with no words finally came! And all in the same day! It's a miracle! Hahahaha!

Serafall: Shut up Falbi! This has nothing to do with you, you lazybutt!

The situation was out of control. Again. This was probably the least formal ceremony and meeting that Zekram was probably in, during his long life.

Zekram: But he's correct Serafall, you can't just go there with no protection. That would leave you and us vulnerable.

He then looked at Snow.

Zekram: And that's why we would like a man like you to acompany her to the meeting.

Snow: (points at himself) Me?

Zekram: Yes. Some disagree with this, but in this situation, I believe mind far surpasses power. Your quick thinking is exactly what we need in case of a confrontation between the leaders of the factions and their armies.

Snow lowered his head in though. There was no better way to unsure that the meeting went the way it wanted to happen then actually being there and next to one of the leaders. If this was really going to happen, then Vali would certainly be there too. Knowing Azazel and him, then the presence of the Red Dragon Emperor would certainly make sure that it happened. 

Zekram: So tell us. What's your answer?

This was the last question that Zekram and the others had for him and for certain, one of the most important in his entire life. The pressure was absurdly high, but he smiled.

Snow: I ...

Khaos Brigade Headquarters - Later in that same day

Inside the Khaos Brigade's headquarters, another meeting just ended and the plans for every group in the association for the near future had been decided and announced, well, at least most of them. It's always good to keep their most important secrets, a secret. After all, no one wants to have another group having an edge over them or even try something to make them fail.

There was, however, one question in the minds of every person that was on the meeting. Just where was Vali and his team?

That simple, but so important, question has been bothering Katerea ever since the beggining of the meeting and even Ophis seemed more distant then ever before. Not only she had to get ready for the next day, since the meeting with the three factions would happen, but also to take care of it alone. Ever since the day when Vali brought his newest companion to the Khaos Brigade, Shalba became too afraid to appear, fearing the giant on Vali's team, even if he was too pridefull to admit it.

Katera: (thoughts) Seriously, do I have to do everything by myself? Useless, all of them!

Soldier: Is everything alright Katerea-sama?

One of the soldiers asked, wondering what was making the descendant of Leviathan look so distant.

Katerea: Everything is fine, I was just wondering why didn't Vali and his team attend to the meeting.

Soldier: Surely it's nothing important ma'am. He works undercover on the Grigori, so he may be getting ready for the meeting just like us.

Katerea: Hmmm, possibly. 

She then let out a giggle.

Katerea: Fufufu, I still can't believe that Sirzechs and the others want to go so low as to ally themselves with our enemies. They are basically asking to get stabbed in the back.

The soldiers laughed at her words.

Soldier: Fortunatly, we'll be there to stop it won't we Katerea-sama?

Katerea: Yes. Honestly, why were people like them even able to take away our titles?

Snow: I can think of a few answers for that.

The suden voice made everyone freeze in their places. 


Katerea looked towards the back of the group at the sound of spurs to see Snow walking towards them.

Katerea: The meeting it's already over if that's what you came for.

Katerea said as he got closer and closer with hauntingly slow steps. 

Snow: Oh. I'm not here for that, not after you mentioned something so interesting a second ago.

The soldiers made way for the giant to pass and get to Katerea.

Snow: May I hear more about that meeting?

She stopped for a second before gaining a evil smile.

Katerea: Interested are we?


Snow: Very.

He answered now near her. In response, she placed a finger on his chest.

Katerea: Any particular reason for that?~

She asked in a flirthy tone as her finger went up and down Snow's body.

Snow: As a devil, I find that situation quite ... appealing.

Oh she was gonna make use of this. Katerea considerated herself to be able to face any creature in that meeting head on, but if they all went against her together, she would be in trouble. And that's where this men enters the picture, her own bodyguard.

Katerea: You see, Sirzechs and the other devils that took our rightfull positions as descedants of the original Satans are wanting to meet with Azazel and Michael, we think that they may want to create a peace treaty among the three races. Don't you find it stupid ...?

The gorgeous woman asked taking a step closer and placing her entire hand on his chest.

Katerea: They are just asking to get our entire race killed with a surprise attack and wiped out the map. There's no way that this will work and it's just a desgrace for us devils~

Another step towards him, and her assets were now pressed against Snow.

Katerea: So we are going to stop them from making such a disgraceful thing tomorow. I also have this funny feeling that I'll be able to set my score with a certain woman too. What do you say? Want to give me a hand in helping our race to become great once again?~

It didn't took long for Snow's arm to go around her slender waist and pulling her closer.

Snow: It does sound very appealing. This is just as I expected that the Old Maou faction and it's members would act.

Katerea: (thoughts) Fufufu, this is why I can't thrust the others. You can never send a men to do a woman's job.

She smiled, thinking that she got this man locked in her charms. Until, she felt the temperature getting lower at a fast rate.

Snow: However, I'll have to refuse since you won't be going there.

It was his body. Katerea felt his warmth disappear and like she was now, in the embrace of an ice block.

Katerea: What are you saying?!

Snow leaned down, allowing her to see just two golden eyes glowing inside his dark hood.

Snow: This is a warning. Stay out of that meeting.

Snow calmly warned her with a serious tone.

Snow: I see some potential in you, so I won't do to you what I did to your mindless companion, IF, you do as I said.

Katerea: Those are some big words. Can you live up to them?


As soon as she made that question, four of her men were stabbed by giant icicles coming from the ground behind Snow.

Snow: I'm not sure if want to find that out for yourself. 

Now moveing his other arm around her, and placing it on her back, Snow gently brought her body closer into his cold embrace as he placed their foreheads together.

Snow: That was my last warning, do NOT, go in that meeting. While I see your potencial, make no mistake. I'll make sure to make you regret that choice and murder every single bastard that's behind me right now as an example if I have to.

Slowly, Snow undid his embrace on her and the ice holding the dead bodies of her four suborninates. She and the others could only stare at the back of the men that treated Katerea and the entire Old Maou Faction by himself as he got further and further away. 

Truely, the meeting will be an interesting thing to be a part of.



Annnnd done! Well guys, who's excited for the meetings between the factions on the next chapter? I sure am. Hopefully this will give you some new ideas about why Snow is like he his and how the next chapter will progress too. Aside from that, I hope I managed to satisfy you guys with the clash that you were all waiting for, because Sirzechs and Snow's relation will NOT improve in the slightlest as the chaptersgo on.

Next time, the Faction Meeting. You'll know shit is about to go down. As always, leave me your comments, suggestions and doubts, and I'll see you all in the next chapter. Ciao! 

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