The Hakuryuukou and Meetings from the Past

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Hey guys Nightingale here! I hope you are excited because this chapter is fulled with a lot of surprises and different things. Is the aftermath of the great battle of Kuoh were our hero came face to face with a strange man dressed in white armour, or so Saji and the others think. Now without further ado, sit back, relax and enjoyyyy ...


Kuoh Academy

After a though battle and managing to win it without sacrifices against a being that fought in one of the greatest wars that the supernatural world has ever seen, Saji and the others thought that now, they could finally rest without having to worry about any more enemies anytime soon. Unfortunatly, fate seemed to enjoy their struggles far too much.

Saji: Wh-Who is he?!

Asked Sona's Pawn looking up at the white armored person flying above them.

Tsubaki: His magical power is off the charts!

True to Tsubaki's words, this man's power was definatly not normal by any means. 

Snow: (thoughts) So that is Divine Dividing's Balance Breaker state. It seems like both of the Heavenly Dragon's Balance Breakers are armours that boost all of the user's strenghts by a considerable amout. Interesting.

While Saji and the others were visualy astonished by Vali's power, Snow immediately started examining every detail it and making mental notes of it.

Vali: So, the filthy crow finally met it's downfall, and at the hands of devils none the less, how ironic. Even your wings were taken away, perfect for someone who fell so low. Not that it really matters, I always prefered Azazel's, they are more dimmer, like a everlasting night.

Vali expressed his own opinion on the fallen Cadre as he slowly floated down to the ground. 

Saji: Just who is this guy?!

Vali started to get closer and closer to the devils and the church girl as they shook in their battle stances. When only a meter between them was missing, Snow took a step foward and made him stop his advances.

Snow: The Hakuryuukou I presume?

Their eyes got wide as plates. The second Heavenly Dragon was in Kuoh? The other middle tier Longinus and the rival of the Sekiryutei was in the same place as his counterpart and right after a huge fight with a Cadre. This was a recipe for desaster.

Vali: Correct.

Snow: I'm curious. Just what does the holder of the Vanishing Dragon want with a fallen angel?

Vali: I'm here under a request from Azazel. He wanted to have Kokabiel back at Grigori before he could do anything stupid. Honestly I really don't care about that, I came here hoping for a bit of fun but since he's in that state, I came here for nothing. 

Vali leaned down and went to pick Kokabiel's body up until Saji decided to stop him from do it.

Saji: Don't touch it!!!

The girls looked at him like he was mad. Saji had the unnimaginable luck to fight and survive against one of the Cadres, and now wanted to pick up a fight against against a Heavenly Dragon?

Saji: That guy was a piece of trash! But that piece of trash will help prove the council that my King is by far the most worthy of respect in the new generation!

He wasn't trying to push his luck, he was trying to think about his King's future. Saji was thinking that, if it was heard that two of Sona's pieces were able to put down a Cadre, even if they had help, then the High-Class people of the Underworld would have to give Sona the respect that she deserved. For the sake of his King's dream, Saji faced the colossus in front of him.

Saji: If you take the only evidence we have, then no one will believe us! People will just think that it was you that took him out, that is why-

Snow raised a arm in front of him to stop him from getting near Vali.

Snow: Take him.

Saji couldn't believe his words. The strict teacher that taught them that there' s always a chance to win against someone, no matter how strong it was, was just giving up in the face of this man.

Saji: Frost-san, what are you saying?! Are you just gonna let him take away the only proof of what we managed to acomplish here?! This is not like you, this is-

Snow: Calm down Saji.

His mentor calmly interrupted him, never taking away his eyes from the men in front of them.

Saji: But ... !

Snow: Right now we are all too exausted from our previous fight. If we fight him now, we'll only be able to win by sacrificing at least one, no, two people, and that is if we are lucky. A dead piece is useless to a King. Swallow your pride and live another day, if you do that, a new chance will present itself to you.

Saji understood. He understood, but it was all too frustrating. The chance of getting Sona closer to her dream was right in front of them, soo close that if he streached his arm, he would be able to grasp it. And now, they had to let it go.

Saji: But ...

Snow: I understand how you feel, but be patient for her sake. I'm sure that she would rather have you and Tsubaki back by her side and safe, then a chance to rise up the rank with your lives as steps for her ascencion.

Saji clenched his fist with as most strenght as he had and bit his lip. They all paitiently wanted and eventually, he stopped. Vali took that as a sign that he could finish his assignement but, once again, was stopped.


Just as he was about to pick Kokabiel's body up, Snow slammed his foot down on the corpse's back to stop it.

Vali: What's the big idea?

Snow: ... With that being said, none of us will be leaving this place empty-handed. You can take the body, but ...

Leaning down, Snow grabbed Kokabiel's remaining wings ...


And ripped the remaing wings off, staining his suit even more and getting some drops of it's blood on Vali's helmet.

Snow: I hardly think that Kokabiel or even Azazel will miss these things so we'll be taking them. Do you have any problems with it?

Vali stood there in place just staring at the man in white, and now red, for a few seconds, before finally picking Kokabiel up and placing him over his shoulder.

Vali: No, you can take those filthy things if you want, I don't care. 

Ddraig: Are you going to ignore me, White One?

A voice echoed from the tree line. They all looked there to see Rias, Sona and the others looking incredulously at the scene before them. The voice seemed to come from Issei's Boosted Gear, meaning that it was Ddraig the one that made the question.

Albion: So you are still alive Red One?

The voice of Albion came from the wings on Vali's back.

Ddraig: Even if we are finally able to meet again, this are the cirscunstances huh?

Albion: It's fine. We are destined to fight one day. These things happen.

Rias: The Sekiryutei and the Hakuryuukou?

Albion: Let's meet again, Ddraig.

Ddraig: Yes, let's, Albion.

The old enemies said their goodbye, knowing that they would eventually meet again.

Issei: HEY! What's the meaning of this?! Who are you?!

Issei yelled.

Vali: Just get stronger, my archrival. We'll figh one day but right now, you are not even worth of me calling you that.

Before another word was said, Vali took of holding Kokabiel. But not before giving Snow a brief look.

Snow: (thoughts) Don't forget my request Vali.

Vali: (thoughts) Don't make that face, I won't.

And with that, their battle was finally, finally, over.

Sona: I can't belive that White Dragon would just burst in like that.

Sona calmly commented.

Rias: Yeah, but thanks to that the town is safe.

Snow: Oi Saji.

Snow suddently called.

Saji: Hmm?

Before he could react, Snow threw a wing at him. Saji instinctively caught it, but regreted it immeadiately.

Saji: UGH! Don't throw these nasty things at me! It's all bloody and still twitching!

The Pawn said disgusted with the bodypart that he was now holding.

Snow: Quit being a baby, it won't bite. Just clean yourself later.

Snow simply said placing the remaining wings inside of his pocket-dimension.

Snow: And shouldn't that nasty thing be a gift from you and Tsubaki to someone here?

Tsubaki and Saji looked at each other, and then their King. Looking back at each other, they nodded and started to walk in Sona's direction. Once close enough, Saji sat on his knees and offered the wing to her with a happy face.

Saji: We did it Kaichou, we worked together and managed to win. This is for you.

Tsubaki: It's not the actual remainings of a Cadre, but it should help convencing the Council that you are more than worthy of being respected.

Sona just stared at it in disbelive.

Sona: But I thought ... !

Rias: Wasn't the Hakuryuukou the responsble for Kokabiel's death?!

Both the Kings asked in disbelief.

Xenovia: No ...

Xenovia, who until now remained quiet until now, denied.

Xenovia: It was that man who managed to do it.

He said pointing at Snow. They all knew of his strenght, but apparently, not all of it.

Snow: You don't hold yourself in much regard Xenovia-san. It was you who took the killing blow. An let's not forget that those two also had an important role in his defeat.

Sona looked back at her pieces and did the other devils. 

Snow: Those are some fine pieces you got there Sona-san.

He complemented, gaining smiles from the pieces and their King too.

Sona: Yes. Yes they are.

Sona said with evident pride in her pieces. 


Before smacking Saji in the face.

Sona: Even if one of them happens to be a lot more  reckless and irresponsible then I could ever imagined!

Saji: AHHH!!! What was that for Kaichou?!

The confused Pawn asked holding his now red cheek. In response, Sona showed him a familiar piece of paper.

Sona: Remember this?!

Saji gulped as he remembered what he did a few minutes ago.


Sona: I'm sorry Saji. There's somethings you can't change.

Saji bit his lip, but his eyes gained a strong determination on them.

Saji: Yes I can.

He calmly but fiercly said as he took Snow's special panflet from his pocket.

Ruruko: Saji-senpai that is ... !

Tsubaki: When did you get that?! That was on Kaichou's desk!

Sona understood what he was about to do and tried to stop him.



But was too late. Before she could finish, Saji slammed the paper on the ground and placed his magic on it, activating the seal. A few seconds later, the man in white stood there looking around and then at Sona.

Snow: Good evening Sona-san. I believe that we didn't schedule a training for tonight, or did I somehow forget?

One of Sona's last possible whishes tsadly became a reality.

Tsubaki: N-No there's no training scheduled for today Frost-san, this is just-

Saji: Frost-san we need your help!

As Tsubaki tried to explain the situation, Saji wasted no time and immediately begged the strongest person he knew for help in their dire situation.

Sona: Saji you went too far! You are trying to involve an outsider in our fight!

Saji: This is not a battle Kaichou, this is a one sided fight that will end in a bloodbath. I'm aware of how coward I'm being but I didn't see any other choice.

Snow looked back and foward between the two before looking at the other pieces for answers.

Snow: I would highly apreciate if any of you explaned to me the current situation that I'm in right now.

They looked at each other before Momo decided that now that he was already there, he should know what was happening in their academy.

Momo: It's a complicated situation Ffrost-san, but I'll try to be brief. We are currently being attacked by former church members who stole pieces of the Excalibur from the different Catholic Churchs and a Cadre. If we don't do anything, the Cadre will use Sona-sama and Rias-sama's lives to start a war between the three factions again. 

Snow calmly looked over his shoulder in the direction of the fight ocurring in the middle of the Academy.

Snow: So that's what's giving this intense holy auras.

He deducted.

Sona: I'm truely sorry that my Pawn got you involved in this Frost-san. I don't know what was he thinking by summoning you here but please, for your safety, go back.

But he didn't he simply turned towards the tree line and crossed his arms, humming in thought.

Snow: Hmmmmmm ...

Sona: Please, I don't want you being sacrificed because of me or my Pawns poor decision.

Having gathered his toughts, he turned towards Sona with his answer.

Snow: Sadly I can not do what you asking me Sona-san.

Their couldn't believe him. Did he actually want to die?

Sona: Please leave.

Snow: I can't.

Sona: Please!

Snow: I can't.

Sona: Please just get out of here!

Snow: What I mean is, I really can't get out.

They blinked once, then twice and then ...

All: Huuuuuuh?!!!

Snow: You may have not noticed, but the man you are fighting made sure that wouldn't be able to escape this academy once you got inside.

He opened his wings, flew towards Sona and streached his arm foward. His hand soon came in contact with a yellow colored barrier.

Snow: See? I can't get out. This is made so no one can't teleport out of here too, so in other words, I'm stuck here.

Sona: So that's why he went trough all of the trouble of finding us and telling out his plan. It was a trap.

Sona deduced the cruel reallity.

Snow: Unfortunatly.

In the middle of her thoughts and fear, she managed to feel another emotion. One that was actually able to extinguish her fears, even if just for just a second. Anger.

Sona: SAJI!!!

The Pawn's skin became pale as Snow's clothes and began sweating a whole lot. Maybe if Kokabiel was going to kill him, then he would make it less painfull then his King.

Snow: Now, now. This is not the time for that. We have more important business to take care off. Did you contact the Maou's yet?

Snow asked.

Tsubaki: Lucifer-sama was informed a couple of minutes ago. An army should get here in a couple of minutes if we are lucky.

Snow: (sigh) Good enough.

He clearly didn't have much trust in their reinforcements, but accepted it none the less.

Snow: So instead of a fight to the death against our enemies, it will be a battle against time huh?

Sona: Only if we manage to survive that long.

Snow: Who is facing them right now?

Sona: Rias, her peerage and one of the exorcists you met the other day.

Snow: Which one?

Sona: Xenovia.

Snow: (sigh) So basically just one or two helpful persons in this situation.

Once again, the man in white crossed his arms and tilted his head in thought. Sona and her pieces looked at their last hope, hoping that he could give them an answer to take them from the hell that they were in. 

Snow: I understand.

He simply said before floating down and land near the trees.

Snow: Saji, Shinra-san. Please follow me.

Saji and Tsubaki: Eh?!

Snow: Don't just stand there. We are going to stop them before the Cadre can get what he wants.

Saji: Why us?!!!

Asked a scared Saji.

Snow: For "one", you are the responsable for getting me in this mess, so if I for some reason die, I'll be dragging you to your grave too ...

Saji gulped.

Snow: And "two", both of your Sacred Gears can help me stand up to the Cadre and get us enough time before the army's arrival. 

Saji: Do I have any other choice?

Snow: Of course you do. Either you do it, or all of us get slaughtered.

He said the morbid words in such a calm way, that Saji had to cry.

Saji: That's not an option.

Sona: Please ...

Sona begged him once again ...

Sona: Look after them, Frost-san.

But not for the reasons that they were all thinking.

Snow: ... You have my word. Let's go you two!

At his signal, both Tsubaki, and a relutant Saji flew down and acompanied him to the battle that they were about to have.

Back to reallity


Sona: I don't want to hear any excuses! Prepare yourself for the consequences Saji!

As the poor Pawn tried to beg his King for mercy, Xenovia continued to look at back of the man who saved their lifes in a deep thought.

Xenovia's flashback

Xenovia: (thoughts) God is dead. Ever since the day that we were born, none of our answers have been even heard. All that I did in my life, was for nothing.

Those were the thoughts haunting her mind ever since Kokabiel revealed to them the terrible truth. The fallen continue to torment them has the believers like her and Asia felt their entire world shatter into a thousand pieces.

Xenovia: (thoughts) Do I have any reason to fight any longer?

She continued to wonder as she used Durandal to support her. The ferocity that her eyes once had, lost all it's light as she stared blankly at the ground bellow her.

Snow: My~ ...

She heard behind her.

Snow: You don't look so good Xenovia-san.

Taking her eyes from the ground, Xenovia looked over her shoulder to see the white dressed devil just a couple of meters away from her.

Xenovia: ...

Snow: What? No glares or a cold reply? A "I'll judge you in the name of God" perhaps?

He asked walking closer to her.

Xenovia: (monotone tone) What do you want?

Snow: It seems like his words really did a number on you.

Xenovia: (monotone tone) Just leave me alone.

She continued to throw dead words at the devil that now stood beside her.

Snow: I guess the God's followers really are easy bring down. Even if you have a holy weapon in your possesion, you all give up so easely.

Those words brought back a bit of life back to Xenovia's eyes, even if in the form of a burning rage.

Xenovia: What?!

Snow: What's with that look? With just a couple of words from an enemy you lost all faith and stopped caring about your life-long beliefs. Pathetic. You threw your lifes away in the name of something you never saw, and then threw it away again the moment you realise that he doesn't exist. Simply pathetic.

Snow kept pushing her against the wall, until she snapped and raised her weapon against his neck.


Faster than she could finish, Snow dashed foward and placed his hands on her face, forcing her to look up into his eyes.

Snow: That's more like it. Those eyes look a lot better then those dead ones you had moments ago. You can't face a Cadre if you keep falling apart like you where.

Xenovia: Yo-You ... !

Snow: Don't forget that way of thinking or that burning feeling  ...

With a swift moviment, he turned her around and made her look at Kokabiel laughing. Both him and the other didn't seem to be noticing what they were doing at all, what kind of witchcraft did this devil do?

Snow: Even if God is not beside you, his teachings are still alive inside of you aren't they?

He whispered in her ear.

Snow: Doesn't it infuriate you? Seeing that thing mocking all that you and your friend believed like it trash? Doesn't it make your blood boil?

He continued to whisper.

Xenovia: Yes ...

She quietly answered back. 

Snow: Don't you want to make him scream and beg for God to help him, knowing that his prayers won't ever be heard?

Truely, what Xenovia was hearing right now, was the devil's whisper.

Xenovia: I do ...

She said clenching Durandal's handle tighter.

Snow: Then give me a hand, and I promise that you will be able to complete your mission and make that man repent for his sins.

He said letting her go and taking a step back.

Snow: Just wait for my signs. Until then, avoid any of his attacks and keep Durandal's aura hidden for as long as you can. 

Those were the last words that she heard from him, before the start of the clash between the two titans.

Back to reality

Xenovia: (thoughts) What should I do now?

The Durandal user thought. Now that she knew that God was gone, she couldn't feel the same kind of loyalty towards the church as before, and even she still felt that way, once the higher ups on the church find out that she knows something like that, she will probably be branded a heretic and expelled from any catholic association.

Snow: Now that this mess is solved, I'll be going my way.

Snow suddently said turning his back on them and walking towards the school gates. 

Momo: Already?!

Snow: There's no longer a reason for me to be here. Besides, I'm somewhat tired from the fight, so I believe it's time for me to leave you to your things and head back home to sleep.

This man was like the waves in the sea. He came and went as it pleased him. Naturally strong but gentle at the same time, and above else, untamable. They wanted to celebrate this great victory with him, but they knew that they already caused him enough problems for a day.

Saji: Sorry about getting you envolved in this mess Frost-san.

Saji honestly apologized for his selfishness that could have made him die in that night as Snow simply laughed.

Snow: No one died so please forget it Saji. If I was on your position, I most certantly would done the same as you. Now, excuse me.

And with no funder words, he stepped inside a teleportation circle and disappeared from their sight. Sona, continued to look at the place where he was seconds ago. 

Sona: (thoughts) I won't let it all end without a retribution Frost-san. I will make sure that you'll be reward for this.

Kyoto - Japan

While the conflict ended in a part of Japan, on Kyoto it was the night for the elders of each Yokai Clan to gather and discuss the current situation of the faction as well as how to procced if any problem ocured.

????: OI! When the hell will we start?! I would like to get this done while I'm young!

The loud voice in the room came from a tall red-skinned man with long white hair that he keeps combed back and also tied into a wild bushy ponytail. He has a somewhat sinister-looking appearance, with a pair of fierce-looking eyes and sharp pointy teeth.  His most notable trait is his very long nose. He was wearing a black shirt and white pants along with a white jacket and a pair of wooden sandals. The somewhat rude man is Brunch, the new leader of the Tengu Clan that recently took the place of his father.

????: Can you shut your mouth Brunch? (sigh) Why the hell did they let a kid inside?

The upset voice came from a short, light yellow haired girl, with two curled bangs on the sides of her head and cut straight after reaching her thighs.Her eyes are of a glimmering gold and her ears are pointed with earrings  resembling black beads. Her most distint trait are the horns that protrude right out of her forehead, going from black to red. On her body, she weared a loosely worn, short-skirted yukata with a white, low-cut undershirt. Dispite her young looking age, this girl was the second strongest Oni alive and their second in command, Ibaraki-douji.

????: Stop it Ibaraki. A child as he may be, he's still the leader of one of our clans.

The more mature and alluring voice came from beside Ibaraki. Layed on the tatamis next to her, was another short girl with pale skin, almost resembling silver and purple and short hair, reaching only her neck and her bangs cut past her forehead. Her eyes were lustrous purple, with red makeup painted right above them further enchancing her natural charm. On her she had only a extremely long,bluish-purple kimono without sash, leaving it open and exposing the body underneath that had almost nothing else covering it. Just like Ibaraki, she had horns proving that she was an Oni, but this was Shuten-Douji the leader of all Onis.

Ibaraki: But Shuten ... !

Shuten: Leave him be. All of us know that is how he acts, so you shouldn't lose your coolness because of it.

The beautifull Oni explained before taking a sip from her cup of sake.

Ibaraki: (sigh) Understood.

Brunch: Eheh! Listen your chief Banana Oni.

A tick mark appeared on Ibaraki's forehead at the insult.

Ibaraki: I'm gonna kill you shitty brat!

She declared gritting her teeth against each other.

Brunch: Ah! Between us, who is the one that looks more like a kid.

Brunch continued with his provocations, now simply trying to get some entertainment while he waited for the meeting to start.

Ibaraki: Humph! That's why you are still kid. Still thinking that everything is exactly as you see it.

Brunch: If you at least had a nice pair then that would let people see past the nasty personality, but I guess that a chick with a kid's mind could only fit on a kid's body.

Ibaraki's aura exploded as she glared at the Tengu in front of her that mentioned the size of her bust.

Ibaraki: Once you stop being soo naive, then you can call me a kid, shitty brat.

At those words, Brunch visibly got upset, understanding the meaning behind her words.

Brunch: (menacing tone) Carefull little girl, you are entering a dangerous territory.

He warned gaining yellow sparks of electricity around his body. The Oni just smirked, knowing that she managed to get on his nerves.

Ibaraki: What? Do you still believe that the traitor had nothing to do with the massacre?  

The leaders around the room gained a painfull or hatefull expression at the mention of the Nekomata massacre.

Brunch: (menacing tone) Say one more word about him and I'll rip out your horns and stab your troat with them bitch.

The sparks became more intense as he glared at Ibaraki. In response she picked a big bone sword that she left against the wall behind her and pointed it at Brunch.

Ibaraki: (smirk) Why don't you make me?

Shuten: Ibaraki, put your sword away.

Shuten ordered softly, taking another sip from her drink.

Ibaraki: But boss he was the one that-

Shuten opened her eyes and stared into Ibaraki's with a cold look sending shivers down her spine.

Shuten: I don't like to repeat myself Ibaraki.

With no other way around, Ibaraki placed the sword back against the wall behind them and sat down without another word. Shuten placed her cup down and sat up looking at the young leader of the Tengus.

Shuten: It seems like my subordinate crossed the line of a sensitive topic for you Brunch-san, my apologies.

It took him a bit of time, but Brunch seemed to calm down enough to answer back to Shuten's sincere apologie.

Brunch: Don't worry about it.

 Yasaka that until now stood quiet, decided that it was about time to start the meeting and that no one else would come for the night. As she was about to start the meeting, one of the soldiers that was supposed to be on guard outside entered the room and sat on his knees.

Soldier: Forgive me for interrupting your meeting with the Clans, Yasaka-sama. 

Yasaka: What seems to be the matter?

The soldier raised his head for her to see a disgusted expression on his face. 

Soldier: That "thing" is back.

The leader's eyes for the most part narrowed down into a glare at the soldiers words, now sharing the same disgusted face as him.

Ibaraki: Tsch! Speak of the devil and he will come running.

Yasaka: And what's the reason for his return?

While on the outside Yasaka remained neutral and serious, on the inside she couldn't be more happy that the "thing" decided to return to Kyoto. Sadly she couldn't show it since it could compromise her position.

Soldier: He says that he brings something very important with him for you.

Everyone's eyes went towards the gorgeous Kitsune as she pondered on what to do. Just what could it be?

Yasaka: Bring him here.

She said.

Soldier: Of course, I shall bring you what he brought to you right away-


The young Tengu yelled at the soldier for his proposed misunderstanding of Yasaka's words. The poor soldier stood there shaking looking at the one who yelled at him.


Soldier: Y-YES!!!

The sacred soldier almost fell as he started running to fufill the order that was given to him.

Brunch: Fucking retard.

The wait lasted for a few minutes, as the leaders stared at the door and didn't dare to take their eyes from it.


Aa familiar sound of spur reached their ears and the bodyguards took their weapons and got ready to defend their chiefs in case something happened. The room continued to get colder and colder as the sound of the spurs got closer and stopped in front of the door. They saw the outline of the tall person taking off a pair of boots, before he opened the door. On the other side, stood Snow dressed in his usual dark clothes and without his Frost disguise.

Snow: Excuse me.

He said before taking the first step inside and proceding to walk foward, with Yasaka as his only objective. As he walked foward, he ignored the glares and stares tha most people in the room were giving him, as well as the armed bodyguards that were ready to attack him at any moment.

Shuten: (thoughts) Ohhh~ You became quite a handsome man since the last time I layed my eyes on you. Eheh! It's a shame that scarf doesn't let me have a better look a it ~

Brunch: (thoughts) Eheh! You didn't change a bit snowy bastard.

Brunch thought with a toothy smile as he looked at the calm Snow walking.

Ibaraki: What are you doing here, you filthy traitor?

Ibaraki rudely asked while holding her sword.

Snow: Still as straight foward of a woman as I remember, Ibaraki-san.

Ibaraki: Don't call my name with your filthy mouth devil!

Yasaka: That will be enough Ibaraki-san.

Yasaka calmly ordered before looking at Snow. 

Yasaka: Hello Snow-kun, what brings you here to Kyoto, and on the night of the Clans meeting none the less?

Snow: The reason for my visit is quite simple Yasaka-sama, I have something that I wish you to see. 


The sound of drops falling was heard on the room and soon, they noticed the small pool of blood starting to gather near Snow's feet. Moving his cloack away from him, Snow revealed to them, two large dark wings covered in blood and dropped them in the floor in front of him. Some of the people inside whatched on with terrified stares at the freshly ripped off wings on the floor of the room.

Guard 1: Wi-Wings?!

Guard 2: Mo-Monster!

To most people, his action was nothing but a terrifying act of brutality and savagery. But Yasaka knew what it really was. He actually managed to do it ...

Snow: I have fufilled my promise to you.

He managed to take down a Cadre.

Snow: That was all I had to say. Please excuse me.

Having said what he wanted to say, Snow bowed his head down to Yasaka and started to walk back outside, closing the door and leaving everyone confused by what just happened. While most started discussing what could be the reason for the traitor's gift, Brunch got up from his place and went to pick one of the wings up, not caring for their bloody state.

Brunch: ... I see.

He suddently whispered, understanding what the wings actually where. Seeing the confused looks on everyone's face, he decided to elaborate.

Brunch: This are wings from a fallen angel, and a high-leveled one at that. It couldn't have less then 8 or 10 wings. 

Yasaka: I guess that I should explain the meaning behind that boy's actions. 

Yasaka decided to explain.

Yasaka: It's just as you said Brunch-kun, those wings used to belong to a fallen angel ...

But they were not prepared for her next words.

Yasaka: A Cadre to be exact. 

Snow's Castle - Underworld


As soon as Snow got back to the castle. Vali and the others were waiting for him, together with a binded and somehow alive Kokabiel. Not wanting to waste any more time with the fallen, Snow asked both Bikou and Arthur to hold him down as he prepared for what ever he was planning to do with him.

Bikou: For fucks sake, can't he be quiet?

Kuroka: That's exactly what I think about when I look at you Banana Brains.

Bikou: Don't start stupid cat!

From the couch near them, Snow and Le Fay got up, with the young magician holding in her hand a small brush with a bit of black ink on the tip.

Le Fay: Did I draw them corretly Snow-san?

Le Fay asked as both of them looked at the marks drawn along one of Snow's arms.

Snow: Yes, they are perfect Le Fay-san, thank you.

Le Fay: I'm glad then.

Snow's cold golden eyes then turned towards the broken Cadre. Never on his life, did Kokabiel fear something soo much as those eyes.

Snow: Now, let's start.

The marks on his arm suddently started to glow as he adjusted the glove on his hand and got closer to the fallen.


As he tried to get away from the man that got closer and closer, Bikou and Arthur holded him down so he couldn't escape.

Snow: For a fan of war, you don't seem to enjoy it's results.

Kokabiel: NO! LET ME GO!!!

Snow: Those who kill ...


Kokabiel: AHHHHHHHHHH!!!

Snow: Should be prepared to eventually get killed themselves.

The moment Snow stabbed Kokabiel with his tatooed arm, the marks started glowing more brightly.


Snow: Why don't you laugh? This are the screams that you soo desperatly wanted to hear for thousands of years.

He continued with the procedure as the other silently looked on. 

Snow: I hope you are ready to face the ones that you sended to the after life ...

Kokabiel's screams became quieter and quieter as his skin became paler by the second.

Snow: Because I'm sure that they are dying to see you again.

Eventually, the screams stopped. Once they did, Snow took his arm from the Cadre's chest to reveal the reason for his procedure, as the cold corpse of Kokabiel fell down to the floor.

Arthur: That's ...

Floating over the palm of his hand, was a large yellow orb of light with some sort dark energy  ocasionaly revealing itself around it.

Snow: Here you go Vali ...


Snow said as he kicked the deceased body of the fallen angel towards Vali's feet.

Snow: A body ready for delivery, just as I promised.


Annnnnnnd done! Finally Kokabiel's arc is over. Now, I know that you all wanted to see Sirzechs reaction when he came face to face with the man that screwed his plans, BUT, I thought that it was about time that I revelead a bit more of Snow's backstory to keep things interesting. There's no need to worry, in the next chapter Snow and Sirzechs will be face to face just like you guys want, along a couple of surprises and someone that will be an important part of Snow's past, I wonder if you can guess who, with the hints I have been giving since the beggining of the story :) 

Well, that will be all for now, please don't forget to leave me your comments, suggestions and doubts, and I'll see you all in the next chapter. Ciao!

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