Titans Clashing

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Hello guys! Nightingale here! And today I bring you the winner of poll for the next chapter of the story that you wanted to see updated next. Finally the fight between Snow and Kokabiel will start and it will be glorious. And kind of tricks did our hero prepare for the Fallen Angel? Well, to find out you need to sit back, relax and enjoyyyyyyy ...


Kuoh Academy - Human World

For what seemed the longest time, Kokabiel dreamed of the battlefields of the great war. The taste of blood, the sound of the screams and the sight of corpses as far as the eye can see was something that he wished to live again. But that desire was ruined by his leader once he forced every fallen angel to abandon the battlefiels in fear of extincion of the entire race.

Unable to control his bloodthirst, Kokabiel made a seemingly perfect plan to reignite the flames of war once again. Stealing holy swords so the church would get involved. Kill the sisters of two of the current Devil Kings so the devils would also be involved. And lastly, he would be the cause that would make the fallen angels get involved as responsables. 

So far, everything went as he expect. Yes, so far ...

Kokabiel: Who the hell are you?

Asked the Cadre with a not really caring tone to the man seated on his throne. The man simply crossed one leg over the other and leaned to the side with his arm supporting his head on the side of the throne while he stared at him behind his mask.

Snow: Do you really care?

The cadre smirked evily creating a light sword on his right hand.

Kokabiel: Not really.

On the ground, while the two were talking, Rias and her peerage stood there wide eyed.

Rias: That man ... !

Akeno: How did he get passed throught Sona-sama's barrier?

Issei: Do you think he's with Kokabiel?

Rias: If he is, then he has a really weird way of showing it.

She said as she looked at the giant icycle that was stabbed on the ground a few seconds ago.

Rias: But this works in our favour.

Kiba: What do you mean buchou?

Rias simply took a few steps foward before flying over the two man with her wings.

Rias: Frost!

Snow lazily looked to the side as did Kokabiel now interested in the situation.

Rias: That man is a Cadre, even with your strenght you are not able to defeat him. Let's join forces and-

Snow: I will have to stop you right there little girl.

Interrupted Snow as he slowly got up from the throne.

Rias: What?!

Snow: Honestly it's pitefull to see you and your entire peerage getting soo destroyed in a one sided fight. In this situation where he's after your life, you are not even a decent meat shield, so just get out of here, you'll all just be in my way.

He coldly replied.

Kokabiel: That's a really cold thing to say to your allies.

Snow: Please don't think so low of me to think that if I had allies they would be on this level.

Issei: OI! What's the big idea! Rias was just trying to help you bastard!

Snow: Then stay out of my way, that will be more than enough.

Kokabiel: Confident are we? Aren't you underestimating me a bit too much devil?

Snow grabbed the throne he was previously seated and raised it in the air.

Snow: There's no need to worry ...

He then threw the large, bulky throne at the fallen that in response, sliced it like butter. Looking foward, Kokabiel saw that his opponent was no longer in front of him. At that moment, he felt demonic power above him and looked up to see Snow floating over him with a couple more icycles around him, all pointing at him.

Snow: I'll be fighting you with intention to kill.

All of the icycles immeadiately shoot towards Kokabiel who smirked and used his wings as a shield to block the incoming projectiles.

Kokabiel: HAHAHAHA!!! I guess you are not just bark after all devil!!!

He laughed creating and launching his own projectiles at his opponents. Snow simply took his coat, that in a way, blocked Kokabiel's vision on him.


Kokabiel watched as all of his spears stabbed the white coat, but saw no blood. Once the coat was out of the way, Snow was not there anymore.

Kokabiel: Tch! Again?

The Cadre started to look around but saw no sign of his opponent.


Hearing a sound under him, he quickly looked down and saw Snow with  both of his hands on the ground an a second later, a sharp ice pillar raising from the ground on his direction. It was fast and because of the surprise factor, Kokabiel only had a second to dodge the giant pillar that almost impaled him. He didn't came unscatered though and got a cut on his shoulder.

Snow: I'm not done yet.

All around Kokabiel, giant pillars of ice rose from the ground and going towards him. He dodged and dodged, managing to avoiding Snow's attacks from hitting him.

Kokabiel: Enough of this!

Slightly annoyed with the continuous barrage of attacks, Kokabiel lunged down towards Snow, slicing any ice pillar coming in his way with a pair of light swords. Not waiting, Snow jumped towards him and as Kokabiel went to slice him, Snow grabbed both of his swords with his hands incased in ice.

Kokabiel: I see you have countermeasures to my light.

Smirked Kokabiel.

Snow: Obviously.

Then the swords started to become surrounded with ice too and almost got Kokabiel's hands had he not let go of his weapons and create a pair of new ones.

Kokabiel: Now this is more like it!!!

The two started to exchange blows in close combat, Kokabiel using his swords and Snow his fists. Soon enough their going in and out of everyone's sight with increadible speed.

Kiba: I-Incredible.

Akeno: We couldn't even lay a finger on Kokabiel, but that man is ...

Koneko: He's fighting him on an equal level.

Rias's peerage could only watch in silence and admiration as the man in white fought their wrost enemy so far in a way that not even all of them together could. Xenovia stood in place, seemingly in just as much of a shock as they were, just staring at the fight happening above her. Meanwhille the two titans stopped their clash and exchanged glances at each other.

Kokabiel: Hahaha!!! Now this is fun!

Snow: ... Glad you're enjoying yourself.

Snow said without the appearent joy that his opponent had.

Kokabiel: C'mon don't be like that. You are also enjoying this fight aren't you?

Kokabiel asked.

Kokabiel: I mean how couldn't you? The feeling of your blood pumping and boiling inside of your veins, our instincts running wild and this freedom to unleash all of the agression inside on someone else. This is pure bliss!

The Cadre was having the time of his life.

Snow: I may be able to enjoy it, if we stop with the warm-up. 

The devils eyes became wide as plates at Snow's words.

Kokabiel: You're right. It doesn't really feel good to hold back does it?

Answered the fallen with a bloodthirsty smirk on his face.

Issei: I-Impossible!

Rias: You're telling me that they were just playing around?!

Snow suddently started to float down towards the ground with Kokabiel following him with a questioning look on his face.

Kokabiel: What are you thinking devil?

The man in white raised his foot up and then slammed it down.


At the moment where his feet touched the ground the entire academy started to shake violently.

Akeno: Kyahhhhh!

Kiba: It's an earthquake!

From the bottom of Snow's feet, the ground splitled itself and the giant crack started going towards Kokabiel.

Kokabiel: Fun trick.

Said Kokabiel before he returned towards the sky with a flap of his wings before he could fall into the hole created by the splited earth.

Kokabiel: But it doesn't mean anything if I stay away from the ground kiddo.

Snow: Believe me I know that ...

Kokabiel heard Snow's voice on his left and saw him floating with his arms crossed.

Snow: That was just a greeting.

Kokabiel: How polite.

Raising his hand above himself, Kokabiel created a giant light javelin and pointed it at Snow.

Kokabiel: Here's mine.

The javelin was then throwned at Snow. As the devil slaying weapon flyed towards him, he simply opened his hand in the grounds direction. From bellow, came a giant rock and following his hand's command, stopped in front of him, shielding him from the light weapon.

Kokabiel: Ohhh. Not only ice, but earth too.

Snow: Everyone needs a couple of tricks up their sleeves. 

Raising both of his hands to his sides. Snow made more stones come from the ground and float around him in a circle and one of them float bellow him where he landed.

Snow: This is just one of the ones that I have.

Kokabiel's smirk only got bigger.

Kokabiel: Good. If ice was the only thing you could do, then this fight would be over before I could have my fun!

Once again the fallen lunged foward towards Snow who only scoffed at his poor decision. With a simple moviment from his arm, some of the stone were shoot foward towards his enemy.

Kokabiel: C'mon! Stop using this cheap tricks and fight me like a man!!!

Slicing one stone after the other, Kokabiel appeared in front of Snow in a matter of seconds. 

Kokabiel: You're mine now!

Snow: I was going to tell you the exact same thing.

Before Kokabiel could even get confused, several stone looking hands appeared from the stone bellow him and went to grab him.

Kokabiel: Out of my way!!!

Screamed the Cadre as he sliced the hands before they could hold him.

Snow: Poor decision.

Now, Snow was on the offensive and with his arm now incased in rocks he punched the fallen angel before he had time to guard, sending him flying in the academy's direction and slamming against one of the floating rocks.

Kokabiel: AHHHH!

Rias: H-He's actually overpowering a Cadre.

Issei: Buchou!

Rias looked at Issei to see him up and with his Boosted Gear equipped.

Issei: Now it's our chance!

Ddraig: Give it up partner.

The red dragon emperor's voice was heard before Issei and Rias could get anymore ideas, giving them a warning.

Issei: Ddraig.

Ddraig: None of you can fight at their level, you would just get in the way.

Rias: What makes you think that?

Rias asked him not liking the words that came from the spirit inside of Issei's sacred gear.

Ddraig: They are just starting to get serious. If you couldn't handle the Cadre's warm-up, then you can't even hope to leave that fight alive if you get between them.

Issei: Yeah but now we have someone who can fight him! If we join forces then-

Ddraig: Have you forgotten what that man said?

Interrupted Ddraig.

Ddraig: That Fallen is after Rias Gremory. If he kills even one of the heiresses, then a war will break out again, making him the winner regardless of what happens after that. That's what he wants. If you want to help then get her out of here partner.

The others didn't like that he was right, but it was the truth.

Issei: FUCK THAT!!!

Yelled Issei as he used his wings to go towards the place where Kokabiel had been sent flying.

Kiba: ISSEI-KUN!!!


Issei: EAT THIS!!!

Yelled Issei creating a ball of energy on his fingertips to launch at the fallen, when all of Kokabiel's ten wings suddently changed their shape into spike and were pointed at him.

Kokabiel: I hate flies.

He was about to impale the foolish devil in front of him, had it not been for the energy he felt behind him. With no other choice, he changed his wings back into their usual form and quicly flyed up.

Issei: What are you-


Issei gasped feeling his body being cut from many directions. Not only was the thing that harmed him sharp, but also very cold.

Snow: Tch! I missed.

The others were horrified to see their friend surrounded by ice swords and blood flowing from his wounds into them.

Rias and the group: ISSEI/PERVERT!!!

The heiress glared at the person responsable for his Pawn's condition.

Rias: What the hell are you doing?! You could have killed him!!!

Rias screamed at Snow, who kept his eyes on the threat in front of him.

Snow: I know. If only he had stayed in place for one more second, I could've caused a considerable amout of damage to him.

Rias was horrified. The thought of having her Pawn caught on their crossfire didn't even cross this man's mind for a second.

Rias: I'm talking about my Pawn that you almost killed!!!

Snow looked at the place where Issei was, but quickly looked at Kokabiel again.

Snow: Oh, that ...

Rias waited but nothing else came from his mouth.

Rias: That's all?!

Snow: I'm with my hands full at the moment, could you please be quiet?

Akeno: You almost killed one of your own race! Don't you have any regret?!

Kokabiel: (mocking tone) Yeah, don't you feel sorry for what you did?

Mocked Kokabiel, loving how the devils fought among themselves.

Snow: No. Not really.

He was actually surprised by the immediate answer. No, not the answer itself, but the way that he said it. His simple and monotone answer reminded him of someone who accidentaly stepped on a bug. Rather than be sorry, he didn't seem to care about what he just did.

Rias: How can you say that so hearthlessly?!

The man in white simply looked down at Rias.

Snow: "How"? You ask. It's quite simple actually. You are not my friends, my allies or family. None of you is some I love and most of your group doesn't interest me ...

Koneko noticed that he didn't actually said "everyone" in his last sentence. Was there anyone in Rias group that interested him?

Snow: Then tell me. Why should I feel sorry for your stupid Pawn?

His words were as cold as his power and sent shivers down everyone's back. 

Rias: Even so, he's still a devil like you! Don't you feel any regrets about almost killing one of your own?

Snow: Grown up already.

He immediately answered.

Snow: Did you ever stop to think about that before killing a Stray Devil?

By Rias's silence, he could imagine her answer.

Snow: Did you ever stop to think why they did what they did or ever stopped yourself from killing them even though they are of the same race as you?

Rias: T-That's-

Snow: You didn't. So shut the hell up and let me focus on what I'm doing. If you want to give someone sermons then try to become a saint and give them to those who care.

He then pointed at Issei.

Snow: That is what waits you if want to stand between me and him (points at Kokabiel). "You are not even decent meat shields", I believe that was what I said when I got here. If you have memory problems then writte it down because I won't remind you again.

Not wasting anymore words with the silent group, Snow sprinted from rock to rock and clashed his armored fists with Kokabiel's swords.

Kokabiel: HAHAHA! That was cruel even by my standards.

Snow: Don't get the wrong idea. You and I are nothing alike.


Snow: I care for the devil race. I just don't care for weaklings that can only lick each others wounds.


Kokabiel: Hahaha! I can relate to that.


Their clash contined for a couple of minutes before they jumped back to gain some distance from each other. On Kokabiel's face, some drops to sweat could be seen going down on his skin.

Kokabiel: (thoughts) Is it my impression or is he getting faster?

Snow: What's the matter?

Snow's voice caught the attention of his enemy.

Snow: You seem tired. Want to take break?

Kokabiel scoffed at the devil's words.

Kokabiel: Don't worry. After over a thousand years without a proper fight your muscles tend to get a bit soft that's all.

Snow: I see. What a shame.

Kokabiel: Huh?

Snow: It seems like I won't be able to fight seriously after all.

He seemed to drop his guard as Kokabiel looked at him.

Kokabiel: Oi! What he big idea?

Snow: Get out of here. 

Snow said pointing at the horizon far away from Kuoh.

Snow: It won't take long for the Satans and the army to get here so I'm giving you a chance to run away.

Kokabiel: What?

Snow: Tormenting the old and the weak is not something that I personally enjoy doing so I'm allowing you to go.

The Cadre was not angry with his words. He was furious. How dared a no-name low-class devil  think that he was above him, Kokabiel, one of the great Cadres of the Fallen Angel race just by withstanding a couple of his blows.

Kiba: Kokabiel is getting angry.

Koneko: That is bad.

Kokabiel: You seem to be a little too proud of yourself devil.

Snow: Getting old is nothing to be ashamed off, Kokabiel. You are actually in good shape for a relic from the past. But you should leave the battlefields for the younger ones from now on. It would taint the legends about your battles if you were defeated by a low-class devilone of these days. Now go, I don't wish to harm someone who's already at his limit.

Kokabiel: Are you serious?!

Snow: Yes. I promise to not attack you when you turn around.

Kokabiel's power immeadiately spiked after Snow's words and made everyone shake from it's intensity. The only one, aside from Snow, that seemed to be immune to the murderous feeling was Xenovia who didn't take away her eyes away from the fight.

Kokabiel: I've had enough. I had my fun with you devil, I don't need you anymore. You are just pissing me off now.

The area around him became full with light spears illuminating the entire academy.

Koneko: Light spears!

Kiba: And a whole bunch of them!

Rias: Everyone let's retreat for now!

Yelled Rias as she and Akeno took the ice swords from around Issei and started to fly towards the school gates. Kiba and Koneko looked at each other and nodded, it was best if they got away for now.

Kiba: Xenovia-san let's get out of here.

The Knights call was ignored by Xenovia who stood still in her place.

Kiba: Xenovia-san?

Kokabiel: If you had just kept your mouth shut, then I could still be fighting and enjoying myself for a bit longer. And didn't even get a name to put in your grave.

Snow: You should watch your back.

Warned the man in white, but Kokabiel just scofed not sensing anything behind him.

Kokabiel: Tch! Now you are trying the oldest trick in the book? You really disappoint-


Kokabiel was interrupted by something grabbing two of his wings. Shocked, he looked back to see Snow there using his back as a support while he gripped his wings.

Snow: That's why I told you to watch your back. Don't you know that it's important to listen to other people's advices?

The Cadre looked foward and the original Snow was not there.

Kokabiel: What the hell?! How did you get behind me?!

In response Snow started pulling his wings out.

Kokabiel: Let go!

He started to move around a lot trying to get Snow of, but seeing that he didn't have any intention of letting him go. He turned his other wings into blades and pointed them at Snow and tried to stab him. Snow was forced to let go using Kokabiel's back as a springboard to get away.

Kokabiel: Fucking brat! You're really getting on my nerves now!


Kokabiel had a horrible sense of déjà vu once he felt the same wings being grabbed again. Looking back he saw, that it was Snow again. Quickly he looked foward to see that Snow was not there again.

Kokabiel: (thoughts) I-Impossible! A devil managed to get behind my back not once but twice?!

Once again, he felt his wings being pulled, only this time with a lot more strenght.

Kokabiel: (thoughts) He's getting stronger?! WHY?!

Snow: I'll be taking these.



The fallen screamed from the top of his lungs as two of his wings were violently ripped from his back. The amout of blood that came out was enough to spill into Snow's clothes, staining part of it with a crimson red color as hr holded his prizes on his hands.


He twisted and turned in pain once he landed on the ground. Never in his life, did Kokabiel feel such an intense pain.

Snow: Two down, eight more to go.

Snow letted the wings go, showing his bloodstained hands at everyone around as he floated down and landed on the ground. 

Kiba: Wh-What the hell is happening? How is he doing that?!

The Knight asked the Rook of the group only to see her as panicked as him.

Koneko: I-I don't know. It feels familiar, but I can't remember it.

By the time she told Kiba her answer, the Cadre was already up and ready to fight again, only this time he seemed ready to kill someone rather then playing around.


He created countless light spears above him and immediately launched them at the hatefull devil that took his wings away.

Snow: Earth Wall !

Slamming his foot on the ground, Snow created a wall made of stone in front of him and instantly placed a hand on it.

Snow: Enchantment of the Giant !

The wall glowed with a vibrant orange aura around it and took all of Kokabiel's light spears before starting to crumble down.

Snow: Fiendish Ground !

As soon as the wall broke down, Snow slammed his hand on the ground again and it started to lose it's solid state. Kokabiel soon found himself sinking into the now muddy grounds like it was made of quicksand.

Kokabiel: One stupid spell after another!

From the mud, multiple pairs of hands started to emerge and grab him and soon enough, he started to see devilish smiling faces giggling as they dragged him further and further into the ground.


Using a light sword, he decapitated the devilish figures and tried to float up using his remaining wings.

Snow: Ice Ground !

From the bellow Snow, a thin layer of ice started to cover the entire ground and sucessfully stopped Kokabiel from escaping.


He furiously yelled at Snow, but he was already gone and now came crashing down in his direction with a big ice broadsword. 

Snow: Die.

Kokabiel: Not yet!

In order to protect himself, Kokabiel crossed his two swords and blocked the attack and pushed Snow back. Seeing an opportunity to strike, he went in for the kill.

Kokabiel: DIE- Argh!

The Cadre was not able to attack as Snow suddently appeared on his side and slammed his fist in his face sending him flying.

Kokabiel: *pant*pant* I won't die here *pant*pant* and I'll not be humiliated by a low-class devil like you!!!

Finally reaching his limit, Kokabiel flew up and raised his hands in the air. He started to create a small light spear and gradually, he put more and more power into it. When he was done, he had a light spear with the size of the Academy's building above him. He then slowly and menacingly pointed it down at Snow, patting from the effort.

Snow: I would highly recommend you not to point that at me.

Kokabiel: I don't give a shit about you or this place anymore. If I can't get you, THEN I'LL FUCKING OBLITERATE THE ENTIRE TOWN WITH YOU AND HEIRESSES IN IT!!! 

He pulled the giant weapon back ...


And he launched it. The weapon got closer and closer and Snow just stood there in place looking at it, before he made a square motion with his arms in front of it.

Snow: Mirror Alice!

In front of him, appeared a large full-body mirror that stood on the spear's way. Kokabiel immeadiately recognized the energy signature that the mirror had.


The spear clashed with mirror and at first started to crack. But a familiar orange aura soon appeared around it and the cracks soon stopped and eventually the spear disappeared.

Kokabiel: M-My attack ... !

Snow: Here. You can have it back.

From inside the mirror, light could be seen, before it reflected Kokabiel's attack back at him with double the strenght. Using his wings, he tried to shield himself from his attacks but was soon overpowered and swallowed by the light.



 Kiba and Koneko: Argh!

The two members of Rias's group that stayed behind tried their best to protect their eyes from the bright shockwave and hold their ground hoping that it would all end soon. And eventually, it did. The only thing could be seen in the air was a huge dark cloud of smoke created from the explosion. Soon enough, they saw Kokabiel's body fall down and hit the floor with a heavy thud and then, only silence remained.

Kiba: I-Is he dead?

Kiba asked out loud and for sometime it would seem so.


If it wasn't for Kokabiel's arm moving up and creating a thin light sword and starting to get up. He looked like a complete mess. Most of his clothes were either destroyed or bloodied. His left arm as well as all of the wings in his left side were all gone. His face was burned but still managed to look at the devil responsable for his state with a furious glare.

Kiba: How is he still alive?!

Kokabiel: Noooo ....

He whimpered.

Kokabiel: Not yet ...

He started walking towards Snow with his sword as a cane to help him.

Kokabiel: I'm Kokabiel, the Star of God ... the one who'll bring war to this world ...

He took clumsy steps towards Snow barely managing to keep himself up. When he got close enough, his eyes burned with rage and raised his sword up.



His speech was soon interrupted when he felt something in his abdomen. With shaky eyes, he looked down and saw the tip of a sword and then back to see Snow holding it. This time when he looked foward, Snow was still there.

Kokabiel: (Whimper) There were, two devils?!

Snow: I guess it's about time I revealed my secret.

With a snap from his fingers, the sword on his abdomen shattered and in it's place, stood a familiar holy sword.

Kokabiel: (Whimper) Durandal?!

Kiba: That's impossible! There's only one Durandal and the only one with her his ...

He looked at Xenovia, only to see her figure getting twisted and soon disappear like it was made of steam. Looking back at the Snow behind Kokabiel, everyone saw his body shatter and reveal Xenovia holding Durandal.

Kokabiel: (Whimper) How?!

Xenovia: Hard to believe isn't it? I wouldn't believe it if I hadn't been fighting with him as well.

Snow: Didn't you find it strange that my strenght, speed and batlle style were continuously changing through out our fight?

Kokabiel was so shocked that he wasn't able to answer.

Snow: Here is the secret to that too.

With another snap from his fingers, they could all see a blue line going around the wrist of Kokabiel's remaining arm and they followed it with their eyes to see Saji standing next to him with two small black bracers in the form of a small black Chameleon-like lizards with violet eyes and a deformed face and the line coming from one of them.

Snow: The second secret is none other then Genshirou Saji.

Kokabiel: Wh-What?

Saji: My Sacred Gear allows me to take away someone's power as soon as a line is created and connects me with that person. I've been taking away your powers since the beggining of the fight.

Kiba: From the start?!

Snow: And last, but not least, the last secret that allowed us to reflect your light spear back at you and was here in case you would try any suicide attacks against us.

He raised his hand up on his left side and snapped his finger for the third time. Much like it happened with Saji, a mist apperead and soon was dispersed revealing Tsubaki holding Snow's hand.

Snow: Tsubaki Shinra. The Sacred Gear that you previouslyclaimed to be me, actually belonged to this lovely lady.

Tsubaki: Mirror Alice, that is my Sacred Gear's name. As you probably felt, it has the ability to reflect attacks with double the damage on my enemies.

Snow: It  cannot be summoned repeatedly without a cool-down period, so she had to become the trump up our slevee.


Now besides from Durandal on his abdomen, Kokabiel also had Snow's hand stabbed on his chest.

Snow: Goodbye, bloodthirsty idiot.

Both Snow and Xenovia took their arm and swords respectively from Kokabiel at the same time and he dropped down. Finally it was all over and they took a breath out of relieve.

Saji: Finally, it's over.


Sadly their relieve didn't last long as someone crashed through Sona's barrier, shattering it. The one who broke was someone dressed in a white armor with blue jewels glowing on it and white wings with blue energy feathers behind him. The person in question gave of a very strong dragonic feeling.

Vali: I was looking for you ...

... Old crow


Annnnnnnd done! Finally! Half of the second season is done and you all managed to see Snow's cunningness, as well as a fraction of his real power. The entire situation to how the actually got there and the whole planning will be further explained in the next chapter and let's not forget that up next is the Faction Meeting and I promise a lot of things will happen as well as a part of Snow's past will get revealed, and it's deeply connect to a certain character, can you guess who?

As always leave me your comments, suggestions and doubts and I'll see you all in the next chapter. Ciao!

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