A New Dawn

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Hello everyone Nightingale here with a new chapter for you. I hope you are enjoying the story. In the last chapter we had a brief fight between Snow and Bikou, and after Vali's negotiation failed, it seemed like it was all over. If it had not been for Le Fay's fast thinking a new alliance wouldn't have been born in the underworld. Now, read to see how things are going to turn out for them now.


Mountain somewere in the Underworld

No One's P.O.V

The night went by while they waited for the promised hour, the long, cold afternoon seemed like a distant memory but the fact remained that it was only happened a few hours ago.

Vali's Team arrived at the agreed place. Just like the young man had told them, they brought all of their belongings and were waiting for the one that was going to pick them up. Everyone, especially Kuroka, was wearing warm clothes like they had been advised to.

Kuroka: Hey Arthur what time is it Nyah?

The young nekomata asked the blond swordsman. In response, Arthur hand went inside his coat and a second latter, with her, came a golden pocket watch. With a*click* he oppened the watch and checked the time.

Arthur: Currently the time is 8:50, only ten more minutes before the one that comes to pick us up comes, if they are punctual.

Kuroka: (bored tone) Ehhhh? We still have to wait Nyah? I'm hungry, couldn't we at least be here after some breakfeast?

The young magician of the group looked at her with an upset expression on her delicate face.

Le Fay: You are not the only one Kuroka-san. I'm hungry to, and I could have prepared something for us to eat, if it wasn't for you and Bikou-san starting a fight. Thanks to that, what was left of the hideout collapsed and buried the last bit of food we had with us.

Now Bikou decided to speak.

Bikou: OI!!! Don't try to blame this on me Le Fay. Ever since we got back to the hideout (points to Kuroka) that Aho Neko started saying nothing but "One strike, one strike" over and over again trying to piss me of...

Arthur and Vali: (thoughts) Which she successfully did.

Bikou:... I'm the victim here!!! And now i'm angry and hungry!!!

Kuroka: Shut it Banana Brains!!! You are the one who made things complicated to begin with Nyah!!! I went through all that trouble to bring him to us peacefully so we could negotiate, and you went and did the stupidest thing possible Nyah!!! Because of that you lost, in.one.strike!

Multiple tick-marks appeared in Bikou's head.

Bikou: (turns to Kuroka) DO YOU WANNA FIGHT KITTY CAT?!!!

Kuroka: (turns to Bikou) DO YOU, ONE PUNCH BAG?!!!

The tension started rising as sparks appeared between them and Vali decided to talk.

Vali: Stop it you two, you look like two children fighting over a toy.

While that was happening, Le Fay felt a small energy source approaching them and decided to warn the group.

Le Fay: Everyone stop with that for a second, i think Snow-san familiar is here to get us.

Just like that, all the discutions were over. Le Fay then pointed at the top of the path towards the mountain.

Le Fay: It's coming from there.

The group started to pick their belongings, waiting for the one that was coming to pick them up. Then they saw a small light in the distance.

Kuroka: Is that him Nyah?

Le Fay: I believe so.

Then they hear a small voice.


They tilted their heads to the side not knowing what to think as the childish voice and his owner got closer.


Eventually he got close enough for them to see. The familiar was small, probably the size of a child's Teddy Bear. It wasn't walking towards them but rather floating in the air. It looked like a small spirit dressed in a simple black gown with a red bow-tie around it's neck. In his hands were a pair of white golves, with one of them holding an old style steel lantern. His most eye-catching feature, was his pumpkin head with a glowing pair of eyes and mouth that seemed to be carved in her, and on top of it, a dark top hat.

Once he got to place were they were waiting, he procceded to give light pats to his cloths, trying to get any dust that it may had got during his trip of, and then looked at the people in front of him.

????: Hello! Hello! Are you the people master's guests?! Are you?! Are you?!

He looked at everyone individualy after his question, waiting for an answer. The group looked at the newcommer and was Arthur that took a step foward gaining his attention, deciding to speak with him.

Arthur: Yes that's us.

The familiar smiled.

????: I see! I see! Do you have a watch for me to see the time?! Please?! Please?!

He excitedly asked Arthur who raised an eyebrow at this.

Arthur: Yes i do have one with me.

Arthur once again took the pocket watch out of his inside pocket of his coat,and was going to see the time to tell the little one, but before that could happen, the little spirit floated in his direction and grabbed his hand.


Arthur was confused to why would he need to see the time by himself, but concided in the end.

Arthur: Very well.

The familiar took his gloved hand out of Arthur's hand as he turned the watch in his direction.

????: Lets see! Lets see! The big pointer is here and the small is there so...

The members of Vali's Team watched as the spirit raised and lowered is fingers, as if he was a child making counts, until he stoped with a happy expression on his little face.

????:.. it's 9 o'clock, Wisp made it in time! Yes! Yes!

He suddently stopped his little cheer as he remembered something and turned to the group.

Wisp: Sorry! Sorry! I am so sorry! I forgot to say my name to you, and thank you for the letting me see the time! Thank you! Thank you!

Vali: It's no problem.


With that, he put his lantern gently on the ground, took his top hat and holded him near his chest while doing a small bow.

????: Hello! Hello! Everyone! My name is Wisp! Master told me to come take you to our home so follow me closely so you don't get lost! Please! Please!

He putted his hat back on his head and picked his lantern waiting for them to confirm what he said.


Le Fay approched Wisp and hugged him, gently pressing her cheeks against his pumpkin face.

Le Fay: It's a Jack o'Lantern!!!

A question mark appeared on top of Bikou's head.

Bikou: A what?

Arthur turned to him and answered his question as his sister continued to hug the small familiar.

Arthur: A Jack o'Lantern. It's a solitary spirit who guides the souls of the dead to their rightful path to the after life.

Kuroka decided to continue the explanation.

Kuroka: They wander alone and sometimes play tricks on the living to amuse themselves. They are usually very silent and disobedient but this one his kinda of different.

Vali looked at Kuroka.

Vali: What do you mean?

Kuroka: Like i said they are normaly very silent and disobedient, not having the ability to speak and do to their tricky nature, don't obey anyone.

Arthur: Not to mention that, as a spirit, they try not to be seen by the living.

Bikou: (points at Wisp) But this one-

Arthur: Yes. This one is seems like an irregular.

Wisp extended his hand towards the group and a white magic circle appeared on the ground in front of them.

Wisp: This is a circle for a pocket dimension! Put your things in here so you don't have to carry them to the top! Please! Please!

One by one, they put their belongs on the top of it, except for...

Arthur: Le Fay! Let him go for a second and come pick your things.

Le Fay left the Jack o'Lantern, her cheeks a little red in embarrassment.

Le Fay: Oh no! I'm sorry i did it without thinking.

Wisp: (Turns to Le Fay) It's no problem! No! No! Wisp likes hugs! Yes! Yes!

As Le Fay went to put her things in the circle, Kuroka approched Wisp, lowering herself to be able to speak with him face to face.

Kuroka: Hey little Wisp! Why do you speak like that? Why do you repeat everything you say Nyah?!

And she got another cheerful answer from the little pumpkin.

Wisp: AH! Master taught me that, if you repeat something many times, it will help you remember it! Yes! Yes!

Kuroka gained a small smile at his childish antics and decided to ask him a few more questions.

Kuroka: I see. Hey little Wisp. What kind of person his your master Nyah?

Wisp: (happy tone) A VERY VERY KIND PERSON! YES! YES!

Kuroka: Ok what more can you tell me Nyah?

Vali: You can ask those questions later, lets get going.

Wisp closed the magic cyrcle and made them a signal for them to follow him.

Wisp: Ok! Now please follow me closely so you won't get lost! OK?! OK?!

Vali: Ok, we will follow you so show us the way.

Wisp started floating up the montain path with Vali's Team following close behind. They walked until snow started appearing all around them, and at that moment Wisp stopped and turned to them.

Wisp: Master told me that some of you don't like the cold! No! No! So i have something to help!

Before the group could ask anything, Wisp opened the small metal door in is lantern. A small flame glowed inside of it. It was tiny, but it was also very warm. The little flame started to move around inside the lantern ,like it was alive for a second, and then 5 fireballs floated out of it and went around the group. Once it was done Wisp closed the small door of the lantern.

Wisp: If you are cold, please get near those flames! Please! please!

In an instant Kuroka and Le Fay went near the flames and raised their hands towards them.

Kuroka and Le Fay: So warmmm!

Wisp: I'm glad! Yes! yes!

Once again the group started walking. The more they walked, the colder it got, even the wind got stronger and stronger.

Bikou: Oi little fella! Are we there yet?!

Wisp: No! no! Not there yet!

Arthur: Will it still take a while?

Wisp stopped and looked around.

Wisp: No! no! Only a small obstacle left!

He rose his lantern in the air and opened it, and at that moment, another magic circle appeared, this time in front of them.

Wisp: Once we get past the magic circle we wil closer to master! We will!

The familiar went through the magic circle.

Bikou: Damn it, how long do have to walk around?!

Vali: Don't complain. He said there was only one more obstacle left right? Stop being a child.

Vali went after wisp, then Bikou, the girls and lastly Arthur.

Once they crossed the magic circle they opened their eyes. Around them were trees, they weren't that many so the place they were in now couln't be called a forest. In the distance they saw a big castle very close to the top a mountain.

Le Fay: T-That was an illusion spell!

Vali: And a very powerfull one. I believe we are standing at the limits of that spell and that the castle in the distance is at it's center.

Kuroka: Yeah, it's not easy to create and mantain such a large spell like this one active all the time.

Wisp raised his head and puffed his chest out.

Wisp: Ha! ha! ha! That's right master is a very, very strong person! He is impressive isn't he?!

The little spirit said with evident proud in his voice and laugh.

Vali: (turns to Wisp) So Snow is in there right?

He pointed at the castle in the distance

Wisp: Yes! yes! That is where master is!

Bikou: Then lets go. I'm still hungry and i'm done with walking around.

The group, plus Wisp, restarted their walking again going towards the great castle. As they got closer they could see the it getting bigger and bigger. From the top to the bottom, the outside walls of the castle were decorated with statues, from Maidens, to Warriors, to Gargoyles. Some of the windows had big colorful stained glass decorating it. Once they got close enough they also saw that the castle was surrounded by a big stone wall with a great iron gate.

Le Fay: Wowww! I looks like a grand cathedral, it's so pretty.

Kuroka: Nice house Nyah! I bet he has a lot of space in there Nyah!

Vali: Not too shabby, not to shabby at all.

Arthur: Yes, and it's location and the spell hidding it make it a very good place for a base of operations, difficult to be found, and easy to protect.

The group gave their opinions once they got to front of the castle's gate.

Bikou: Yeah, yeah! That's fun and all but since we got here let's go inside.

Bikou went past everyone, outside the circle of fireballs made from Wisp's lantern and with a push, opened the gate. The little pumpkin panicked as he entered the castle's grounds.


Bikou turned his face back a little to speak with him, while walking deeper and deeper into the castle's direction.

Bikou: No need little fella, you did good in bringing us here, but now we can find your master by ourselves.

Wisp: NO! NO! NO! You don't understand you will-


A loud cracking sound echoed.

Le Fay: (worried tone) What was that?!


Vali: Calm down and explain.

Vali tried to calm Wisp down so he could explain what was happening to he never got an answer as they heard another loud crack sound followed by another, and another.

*Crack* Crack*Crack*

Arthur then noticed something.


They did as he said and saw the hands of some of the Gargoyles started twitching. The ice that had been covering their surface do to the cold, started to crack and fall down. One by one, the stone statues seemed to gain life, cracking their necks, swinging their tails from side to side and some reachead for weapons that were near them. Then three of them jumped from their place, and into the ground...


... and right in front of Bikou, has he paled from almost being squashed.

Vali: (hushed tone) Bikou.

The leader of the group silently called for him. He answered, not taking is eyes from the stone creatures that were looking down at him, each one holding a big spear and a round shield.

Bikou: (hushed tone) Y-Yes?!

He answered with a high-pitched voice.

Vali: (hushed tone) Take slow back steps in our direction, and don't make any sudden movements. Don't worry i saw this in a movie once.

Le Fay: (hushed tone) Vali-san, i don't think that they are related to a T-rex!

Bikou ignored Le Fay's words.

Bikou: (hushed tone) Y-Yeah good idea, maybe if i go back then they-


The three Gargoyles simultaneously roared right in front of Bikou's face, blowing some of his hair back.


Bikou started running around in the castle grounds like a disoriented chicken, while the three Gargoyles started chasing after him with their polearms raised in the air.


And of course Kuroka was having the time of her life righ now, laughing at her comrade's current situation.



Bikou: WHAT?


One of the stone spears landed in front of him forcing him to turn into another direction.


Both Vali and Wisp face-palmed and left a sigh escape their mouths.

Vali: Seriously, who did i kill to deserve this?

Kuroka was rolling in the ground, holding her stomach and laughing harder then before. The blond siblings sweatdropped at the sight in front of them: Three new Gargoyles joined the first three ones and started chasing Bikou throwing spear after spear at him.


Le Fay turned to Wisp.

Le Fay: Are they perhaps golems? Also, they are the reason why we had to always stay close to you isn't it?

Wisp: Yes! They are the castle's guards that master made and will attack anything, other than me and master, that enters the barrier! Yes! Yes!

Vali: Please tell me you can stop them.



Wisp floated a bit in front of them.


Bikou desperately started running in their direction, chased by four more Gargoyles.


In one last effort, he jumped into the fire circle, face-first into the cold ground, and the Gorgoyles's spears stoped inches away from his butt.

Kuroka looked at him and continued to laugh.


The Gargoyles looked at the flames for a second, then retracted their weapons. With a wingbeat, they flyed to their original places in the walls of the castle, returning to their original stone static position.

Bikou: *pant*pant* Those things will haunt my worst nighmares *pant*.

Vali: (turns to Wisp) Can we move on?

Wisp: Yes! Yes! We should get going!

Le Fay: (thoughts) EH?! They are ignoring what happened!!!

Arthur grabbed Bikou arm and helped him getting up, putting it in his own shoulder.

Arthur: Yes, we lost a lot of time, so lets get going.

Kuroka: I freaking love this place Nyah!

Le Fay sweatdropped.

Le Fay: (thoughts) Stop it Le Fay, just let it go.

The group started walking once again towards the castle, hoping, some more than others, that nothing happened in during their way.

Small timeskip - Inside the Castle's Walls

Once Vali's Team got inside the castle and has they started walking they noticed something in the stairs, halls, and inner walls of the halls, . Even tough the outside of the castle was beautifully decoraded, the interior was the oposite. The place was very clean, but had almost nothing at all. No furniture, no paintings on the walls, not even a jug of flowers. The only things it would have, were a red carpet on the floor and a couple white curtains in the windows.

After a bit of moving around the castle, the small Jack o' Lantern stopped in front of a big set of doors, knocked twice and waited.

Snow: Come in.

Snow's told him with his usual tone of voice. In response Wisp gently opened the big door and went inside.

Wisp: (turns to the group) Come! Come! Master is waiting!

One by one, they entered the room and when the last one got inside, Wisp closed the door and went floating past them at a fast pace in the direction of the couches that were in front of a fireplace that seemed to be currently burning. The members looked at each other and went after the small spirit.

Wisp stoped at the side of the biggest couch.

Wisp: Master! master! Wisp brought the ones you told me to get!

A sound of a book closing was heard.

Snow: Isee. Was there a problem Wisp? I heard someone screaming outside and felt the Gargoyles activation.

Wisp cheerfull attitude vanished and he hung is head low.

Wisp: W-Well one of them got outside Wisp's circle, so the guards attacked, Wisp is very sorry master.

The little Jack o' Lantern looked like it was going to cry. That was until a hand took his top-hat out of his head and placed herself in there.

Snow: It's no problem Wisp.

Finnaly the group saw the giant's features once he got up on his feet and started petting Wisp.

Snow: You did good. I have an idea on who was the one that did that. Don't worry, That's his own fault, not yours.

Wisp childish smile return two times stronger than before.

Wisp: You think so master! Thank you! Thank you!

Snow: I guess i should give a reward to such a hard working familiar, shouldn't i?

Snow went near the fireplace and grabbed a small bag that has at it's side and opened it. From the inside of the bag, he took a small piece of coal.

Snow: Open up.

He trew a the small piece of coal gently at Wisp, who opened his mouth and started munching happily the small treat.


The others watched their interactions in silence.

Kuroka and Le Fay: (thoughts) He can tell it's from a pine tree?!

Snow petted his familiar one last time before giving him the whole bag.

Wisp: Eh?! Wisp can have the whole bag!

Snow: Today is an exception, don't eat it all at once ok? I don't want to have to put out a fire or change the burned curtains again.

Wisp grabbed the small bag of treats and gave Snow a salute.

Wisp: Aye! Aye! Sir!

He nodded and turned his attention toward his guests and walked in their direction, leaving the small glutton with his bag of "sweets".

*Clinck* Clinck* Clinck*

Snow: Good morning everyone, it seemes like Wisp brought you here safe and sound.

Bikou was going to give him a piece of his mind, before Vali punched him in the head.

Vali: Yes, it was a ... fun trip.

Kuroka giggled.

Kuroka: Yes, a very fun trip Nyah!

Le Fay took a step foward towards Snow.

Le Fay: Hello Snow-san.

Snow: (turns to Le Fay) Why hello to you to Le Fay-san, i hope you had a good night of sleep.

Le Fay: Yes i did thank you!

Now it was Kuroka's time to talk.

Kuroka: Nice place Snow-kun, how did you get your hands on it Nyah?

He turned his attention towards the young nekoshou.

Snow: I found it by accident. It's foundations were hidden in the ice and i found them while i was walking through the underworld. It seems that it belonged to the Flauros Clan before it got caught in a avalanche, and after the extinction of the clan, it's location was lost in time.

Arthur: Just the foundations?

Arthur decided to join the conversation.

Snow: Yes, the rest of it was long gone, so i decided to use it as a base to rebuild it.

Kuroka: YOU REBUILD IT?!!!

Snow: Yes. I have a good affinity towards the Earth Element. Of course it wasn't made in a single day, i had to make a spell to hide it's location, and the weather certainly didn't help either, took a whole month to get the entire structure done.

Le Fay's eyes twinkled with small stars.

Le Fay: That's impressive Snow-san!!! To think that i would find such a good Earth Magic user in the underworld!!! What other kinds of magic can you-


A sound escaped Le Fay's stomach. The group, including Snow, looked at her. She gained a small tint of red in her checks, but tried to act like nothing appened.

Le Fay: W-What other kinds of magic can you-


Once again the sound came from Le Fay. She face gradually turned red in embarrassment, so she crouched down andhid it with her hands.

Snow and Kuroka: (thoughts) So cute.

Arthur: It's ok Le Fay, there is nothing to be embarrassed about, we didn't had the chance to eat before coming here.

Le Fay remained in the same position while Snow looked at Vali.

Snow: You didn't?

Vali: No we didn't, because some of us...

Bikou and Kuroka turned their faces to the side.

Vali: ... destroyed the place and buried the food we had.

Snow: (turns to Le Fay) I see.

The white-haired man took a step in Le Fay's direction, and crouched down so he could be at the same level as her.

Snow: Le Fay-san.

She didn't answer.

Snow: Le Fay-san, please look at me.

Once again she didn't answer, so Snow decided to try something different. He took his gloves of, and then his hands gently grasped her's, slowly taking them out of her face. She was still red and wasn't looking him in the eyes, so he made one more change in his plan. He left her hands go, and tenderly cupped her cheeks. The gentle contact didn't help Le Fay with her red face, who got worse, but now she was looking him in the eyes like he wanted.

Snow: Le Fay-san, do you want to eat something? I made somethings for all of you, so everyone could eat while we talked.

She remained silent for a while hipnotized by the sweetness that was in his voice, before she nodded a single time.

Le Fay: H-Hai.

Snow: Also...

He kindly caressed her, still red, cheeks with his thumbs.

Snow: ... you have such a cute face, so please, don't hide it anymore, ok?

At that time she became even more red and speachless.

Le Fay: (thoughts) W-What?!!!

Kuroka: Oh! Looks like found yourself a heart breaker Le Fay Nyah!

The nekoshou joked looking at Le Fay who got red as a tomato. Snow took his hands of Le Fay's face and got back up.

Snow: (turns to Kuroka) I assure you, i have no intention of breaking anyone's heart Kuroka-san.

Kuroka: Nyahaha we will see about that Nyah!

Snow turned himself to Le Fay once more. He made his usual bow position, only now, his right hand was not in his heart, but stretched out for her to take.

Snow: What do you say? Shall we go, my lady?

She looked at his hand and then took it, and he raised her back on her feet.

Snow: Lets get going everyone, i hardly believe Le Fay-san is the only one hungry.

The others nodded and started following the owner of the castle to outside the room. Le Fay stayed a little behind, a bit of red still remained in her cheaks. She touched her right one with her hand.

Le Fay: (thoughts) His hands, they were so .... warm.

Arthur: C'mon Le Fay! If you don't hurry up, Bikou might eat everything.


Her friends voices snapped her out of her thoughts and she went running after them.

Le Fay: H-Hai!

Small timeskip - Castle's Kitchen

On the table, waiting for the group, was a variaty of delicacies, all colorfull and with a sweet aroma around them. The steam that was going up from them proved them that the food was still warm. In the table were also 5 plates just waiting for them to sit and serve themselves.

Kuroka: Wow! It smells so good.

Bikou had stars in his eyes and was currently making a waterfall of drool with his mouth.

Bikou: Y-Yeah it does.

Snow: Please, make youselves at home.

Vali and Bikou were the first ones to get to the table. Vali went to pick a piece of bread but, in an instance the giant was by his side and slapped his hand.

Vali: Oi! what's the big deal.

Snow looked at him and said four words.

Snow: Go wash your hands.

Vali gained a question mark in his head.

Vali: Huh?

Snow: Your hands, go wash them.

Vali: You got be kidding!

Snow: Try me.

Bikou took the oportunity to try and take some food without Snow knowing ...


.... key word, "tried". In a second a knife has stabed between his fingers.


Snow: That goes for you to. Let me make myself clear.

The two of them turned towards Snow who had a murderer look in his eyes.

Snow: My house, my food, my rules. So, go.wash.your.hands.

The two warriors seeing no other way around this, got up from their seats and went to the other part of the kitchen to do what he told them to. From there came Le Fay, Kuroka and Arthur, which each one with an handcrief, drying their hands. Bikou and Vali stood there and looked at them.

Le Fay, Kuroka and Arthur: What?

Once that was done the group started eating their meal.


Vali: It's not bad.

Kuroka: Finnaly i got to eat something today Nyah!

Arthur looked at his sister who was crying while munching her food.

Arthur: L-Le Fay are you okay.

She turned to him with a comical crying face.

Le Fay: I'm fine Onii-sama, it's just...

Arthur: Just...?

Le Fay:*sniff*sniff* It's the first time i eat a decent meal with the Team *sniff* that i don't have to cook myself *sniff*.

She sniffed while trying to clean her tears with the sleeve of her sweatshirt.

Arthur: (thoughts) She is not wrong.

Snow: Glad that you like my cooking Le Fay-san.

Le Fay: Yes, thank you very much.

Snow: Now ...

The grouped stared at him, eating, and waiting for him to talk.

Snow: As for our alliance i have a proposition of my own. I will allow my castle to be the base of our operations, and i shall let you live here and assist you in any way i can. But. In exchange i ask you to be carefull not to reveal it's location to anyone, and give me one thing. Information.

Kuroka: Information Nyah?

Snow: Yes Kuroka-san, information. No matter how big or small, information for me is a weapon, and one that i like to have in my arsenal.

Vali: It's sounds like a good deal, we accept. As for information, i believe i might have some for you right now.

Snow: Please do tell.

Vali: A few days ago, Azazel sent a group of low-rank fallen to a small town in japan, Kuoh i believe was it's the name, that is the territory of two devil families.

Snow: And how to do know about the orders of the leader of the fallen angels?

Vali: You could say that i'm infiltrated there, and i got a pretty high-rank within the Gregori.

Snow: It's hard to belive. You are a half-devil if i remember correctly, so the fallen angels shouldn't receive you with open arms.

Vali: Lets say i have something that interests Azazel.

Snow:... A sacred gear.

Vali made a sharp whistle.

Vali: Bingo, you catch on fast.

Snow: He is knowned to be a sacred gear fanactic and collector, i heard he even tried to make his own artificial sacred gears.

Vali: You are well informed.

Snow: Like i said "information for me is a weapon, and one that i like to have in my arsenal".

Vali: I can see that.

Snow: Then, can you reveal to which one?

Out of Vali's back, two white armored wings with blue energy as feathers, came out. Snow looked at them for a second, before looking back at Vali.

Snow: The middle tier Longinus, the wings of the White Dragon Emperor, Divine Dividing.

Snow said simply.

Vali: Hahaha! Correct once again.

Kuroka: How did you know from just one look Nyah?

Snow: It has a dragonic feeling to it. The white coloration, and the power that it posesses that it's not on normal levels helped to. I wasn't completly sure, but you two confirmed my suspicions.

The wings started glowing in a blue color before a new voice was heard in the room

????: You don't sound to surprised young devil. On normal circunstances one would have their jaws dropping to the floor or something similar.

Snow answered the voice.

Snow: The Great White Dragon Emperor Albion i presume?

Albion: The one and only.

Snow: My name is Snow, pleased to make your acquaintance.

Albion: Hahaha! You are an amusing one young devil, not a bit of wonder nor fear in your voice when talking to a Dragon Emperor. Are you brave? or simply a fool?

Snow: Only a fool would fear his own allies.

Those words got the dragon's attention.

Albion: Oh! And if my host wasn't your ally? What would you do then?

Snow: If that was the case then i would ignore it, or in case he crossed me...

The room started to get cold, very cold. Snow started to appear in his arms and the right side of his face.

Snow: ... (turns to Vali) i would rip his wings out, freeze his insides and use him as a scarecrow in front of my castle for all to see.

His cold tone and words made a smirk on Vali's face.


The dragon laughed like a friend just told him the best joke ever, and eventually calmed down

Albion: (thoughts) Vali.

The Dragon called him from inside his sacred gear

Vali: (thoughts) What is it Albion.

Albion: (thoughts) Keep this one close. I was joking, but he's serious, the look on his eyes told that.

Vali: (thoughts) I know, that is why it's so great.

Albion: (thoughts) Haha, still the same battle maniac i see. But be careful this one, he's different, i can't say why, but feel like he is.

Vali: (thoughts) Sacred Gear?

Albion: (thoughts) No i don't think so. He is a complete devil, not a human-hybrid like you.

Vali: (thoughts) Oh! That just makes things even more interesting.

Albion: (thoughts) Beware what i just said Vali. He is strong i can feel it, so he can be useful for your objectives.

Vali: (thoughts) I know and thank you for the warning.

They stopped their inner talk so Albion could continue with his talk with Snow.

Albion: Haha! I see you are one of the brave ones, forget the things i just said. I hope you can get along with my host here.

Snow: I believe that, while he respects me and our agreement, the three of us won't have any problems in the near future.

Albion: I see. Then lets talk another time, goodbye for now, young Snow.

Vali retracted the wings inside his body

Bikou: Well that was an interesting thing to watch.

Kuroka: You got that right Nyah!

Vali: I will continue with what i was a saying begore. Like i told you, Azazel sent a small group of Fallen to watch someone, a student of the town's academy, in order to see that the power he may have doesn't go out of control.

Snow: I see.

Vali: One more thing.

Snow: Yes?

Vali: Kokabiel. He is preparing to make some sort of move soon.

Le Fay: The bloodthirsty Cadre right?

Vali: Yes that one.

Snow: I see. Thank you Vali, this information is very useful.

Vali: Any time you need.

At that moment they heard the big wooden clock ring sound, echoing in the room.

Snow: My! It's this time already.

Kuroka: His there something wrong Nyah?

Snow: No, not at all. You will have to excuse me for a few hours while i go visit someone.

Kuroka: Oh! Ok, no problem Nyah!

Snow: Wisp i need you once again.

The little Jack o' Lantern came floating from the kitchen's door.

Wisp: Yes! yes! What can Wisp do for you master?

Snow: Wisp, once our guests are done eating, guide them to the room they like the most and give them their things, ok?

Wisp saluted him.

Wisp: Aye! Aye! Sir!

Snow: Good. (turns towards the group) Well everyone i will be gone for a few hours, so pleasure be at will and don't break anything please.

Snow turned around and went through the kitchen's door.

Snow: (thoughts) It has been sometime since i was able to go there.


Annnnnnd done! Another chapter of the story is done, this time with some quality time between the members of the group and Snow. They met the little bundle of joy that is Wisp, Bikou almost got "penetrated", much to Kuroka's enjoyment, talked to a legendary dragon and we even got some cute moments between Snow and Wisp and Snow and Le Fay. We now entered the DxD's kannon timeline so a lot more characters may appear now. Only one question remains now: Who is the one that Snow is in such a hurry to visit? Well that answer shall be answered in the next chapter of "An Act of Kindness". Stay good and i will talk to you in the next chapter, fell free comment or send me your suggestions and questions, see ya!

Also here is a drawing of mine on what Wisp looks like.

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