Winter's visit

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Hey guys Nightingale here with a brand new chapter for you guys. In this chapter a new part of Snow's past will be revealed in his, little visit. Where will he go? Who is he visiting? To answer those questions read the chapter bellow. Enjoy.


Capital of the Underworld - Lilith

No One's Pov:

Lilith, the capital of the land of the devils. Named after the original Lucifer's first wife, Lilith, it became the new capital after the death of Lucifer and the original devil kings. A beautiful city full of life were merchants and other business-man's try their luck in finding fame and fortune.

Currently, in the busy streets of the capital, a women, dressed in what looked like a french-maid uniform, was calmly walking trough the crowd. She was a beautiful woman appearing to be in her early twenties, with silver hair and equally silver eyes. Her hair flowed all the way down to her back, having a long braid on each side with small blue bows at the ends, while the rest is let down, ending in twin braids, and on her lips she used a red lipstick as a cosmetic accessory.

The people knew who she was and made way for her. This women was Grayfia Lucifuge, the underworld's  "Strongest Queen" and the wife of the current Lucifer.

Random Man: Look it's Grayfia-sama!

Random Woman: Good morning Grayfia-sama!

Old woman: Oh Grayfia-sama, good morning. Have you come to do make the orders for the castle again?

The people greeted her kindly with her returning their politeness with politeness.

Grayfia: A good morning to you to. Yes lady Mariah, I'm currently going to order the usual things...

At this moment, she wasn't simply making her job as the head-maid of the Gremory clan, she was also trying not to get involved in the current talk between the Gremory's and the other clan's guests, not that she had anything against them but...

Grayfia: (thoughts) I knew this was going to happen eventually. Since she was a child, Rias never liked Riser, this outcome was obvious.

She left a sigh escape her red lips

Grayfia: (thoughts)  I know it was because Zeoticus-sama and Reinor-sama are long date friend, but I simply don't get why did you have to get yourself involved in this, Sirzechs.

After a small stop at some shops, the orders were almost done, one more shop and she could go home.

Grayfia: (thoughts) What's worse, is that you're trying to go back on your word in the agreement. As a Satan that just can't happen, and if you are the Lucifer even less. If the High-Class devils start doubting your word then that could lead to seriously complicated governmental problems, and you're acting like it's all a big joke.

She was worried. If that were to happen, her husband may put himself, herself and their child Milicas in a dangerous position. She feared what could happen to her child.

Grayfia: (thoughts) If something like that puts Milicas's life in danger the i-

Random man: (low tone) Oi look at that.

She was pulled out of her thoughts by the low tone that the people around her were using while other were whispering and poiting at a person at the other side of the street. Out of curiosity she followed their line of sight and saw that they were looking at someone.


Random man: (low tone) Haha! What the hell is that guy wearing, is not even that cold yet.

Random woman: (low tone) Doesn't he have anything better to wear?

Random child: So bigggg!

Random woman: (low tone) Shhhhh! He might hear you!

The man in question was very tall, covered from head to toe in a dark cloak with the exception of a big white scarf, and by the sound, was wearing spurs in his feets. Not Grayfia nor the people could have a good look at his face. Then suddently one guy from a group of devils that were walking from it's opposite direction, went against him and do to the size difference he fell into the ground.



The first one got up and the three of them went in front of the cloaked man. The enormus man said nothing.

Random Devil 3: ARE YOU DEAF TO, HUHHH?!!!

The confusion started to gain the attention of the other people who stoped to see what was happening. The man remained silent one more time.



He remained silent once again.


The second member of the group decided to kick the cloaked man on it's leg. But he didn't move at all, the kick seemed to hurt him more than his target

Random Devil 2: (holds his leg) FUCK!!! THAT HURT!

Random Devil 1: OH!!! SO YOU'RE A TOUGH GUY TO, HUHHH?!!

Random Devil 3: No guys, i think i know why he's acting like this.

The other two looked at him

Random Devil 2: You know?

Random Devil 3: Yeah. Hey big guy why don't you show us your face?

Random Devil 1:  Now that i think of it. Are you perhaps a stray or wanted criminal, HUH? You got my new pants dirty, if you are one then your reward will pay me a pair of new ones.

He remained quiet. The crowd around them also though that his choice of outfit was suspicious.


The first one streached his arm in the white scarf's direction trying to take it of. This was the time that the man chose to move. In an instance, his gloved hand grabbed his assaulter's arm.

Grayfia: (thoughts) He's fast!


He tried and tried, he used all of it's strengh but he couldn't get his arm free from the huge guy's hand.

Random Devil 1:  I SAID LET-


In a fast sequence of moviments, the cloaked man twisted his arm a little and gave it a knee strike, effectively breaking it. The loud sound of his bones breaking made some of the people in the crowd cringe.


He was now crying holding his broken arm.

Random Devil 2: OH NOW YOU DID IT!!! WE WILL-


Before the second one could finish his sentence, he got punched and, do to the impact, his face broke a part of the stonewalk. The man was now unconcious and lost quite a few teeth.

The third one turned around and tried to run.



Random Devil 3: (gasp)

The stranger grabbed the back of his head with his huge hand when the devil turned around to escape. He felt his feet leave the ground and the man's hold in his head getting tighter with the tips of his fingers digging into his skull at each passing second.

Random Devil 3: AHHH!!! Please let go! I'M SORRY! I'M SO-


The stranger didn't want his apologies and slammed his head in the stonewalk, destroying another part of it, right next to his unconcious colleague, silencing it.

The stranger left his head go, raised himself up and at that moment, Grayfia and the crowd heard the armored steps of the city's guards.


Seeing an oportunity, the first member of the group decided to play the role of the victim.


That guard looked at the devil in the ground, along side his two knocked out friends, and then at the stranger.

City Guard: His this true?


The guard looked at the stranger one more time and narrowed his eyes.


Grayfia: That man is lying.

Grayfia's calm voice came from the crowd. The people opened way for her to walk. The Guard immediately recognized her.

Random Devil 1: "The Stongest Queen"?!

City Guard:  G-G-Grayfia-sama?!

Grayfia: I saw every thing.(points at Snow) That man was simply walking around here, and those three (points at the group) went against him and started harassing him, they went as far as attacking him not only verbally but also physically to.

City Guard: What?! T-Then-

Grayfia: It was the other way around.

She interrupted him. The guard was now fuming with rage and turned to fallen devil.

City Guard: So you think your funny, huh! Trying to trick me huh! Well, me, you and your friends are going to have a long talk at the Police Station about trying to trick an officer.

The guards grabbed them and started dragging them away.

City Guard: (salute) Thank you for your cooperation Grayfia-sama!

Grayfia:  There is no need for that I was just reporting the truth that is all. However I would like to ask you for something.

City Guard: O-Of course!!! Please tell me what you require from me.

Grayfia looked to her side and the guard followed her line of sight until he saw the man that he was previously trying to arrest.

Grayfia:  I would like you to apologize to him. You were about to arrest him based on his appearance alone and didn't bother to listen to his side of the story, so please apologize to him.

City Guard:  Y-Yes!!!

The guard approached the man gaining his attention. The size difference and the look on the stranger's eyes unnerved him.

City Guard:  I-I would like to apologize to you Sir. W-What i did was highly unprofessional, a-and because of that, I-I showed you a b-bad side of our justice. W-What I am trying to say

Seeing that his words didn't come out like he wanted, he did a ninety degree angle bow to the stranger.

City Guard: I-I'M SORRY!!!

The man remained in the same place but reached his hand out to touch the officer's shoulder.

Snow: There's no need for that officer.

City Guard: B-But-

Snow: Everyone makes mistakes. Today simply happened to be you doing one. My outfit also didn't help our situation, even if it is because of my condition. However, if you wish to do something for me, then please learn from this mistake and carry on with your duty. Could you do that for me?

The guard straightened his back and hit his chest with his closed fist, inspired but this stranger's words.


The stranger went past him, continuing his path, but not before saying something more.

Snow: (whisper) Explendid dedication. Don't ever lose it.

That officer smiled, like a child who was complemented by it's idol. He gave one last salute to the stranger and moved on with his duty.

As for Grayfia. She found herself being watched. That look came from the stranger in front of her.

Snow: Thank you Lady Grayfia. Because of you, the situation didn't got out of hand and the truth was revealed, for that, I thank you.

Grayfia was taken back. Someone so big and with that kind of outfit looked more like a shaddy person or a delinquent, but instend she got a polite young man.

Grayfia: (thoughts) A member of someone's peerage perhaps?

Grayfia: It was no problem, I just couldn't let a group of scoundrels like them go and have you pay for their mistakes.

Snow: Even so. If we see each other once again in future, then...

He turned around and started walking in his original way.

Snow:...please. Allow me to repay you, for your kindness.

And just like that he was gone, lost in a sea of people, while Grayfia remembered something.

Grayfia: I wish I could speak with you once again in the future, (turns around) but for now it's time for me to return to the Gremory household. (sigh) I hope they came with a peaceful conclusion for the arranged marriage.

And with that, she started her trip to the Gremory's territory.

Kyoto, Japan - Yasaka's Temple 

Japan. A country of many mysteries and legendary creatures. Unknown to the japanese, they live right next to them, just by their side. These creatures known as Youkai, represented another faction of the Supernatural World, and their base of operations was here in the old capital of Japan, the beautiful city of Kyoto.

Inside a room in a great temple, was a gorgeous woman with a voluptuous figure and very long blonde hair tied in a loose ponytail, and on top of her head two fluffy fox ears, with matching eyes. She is a woman with delicate facial features and her eyebrows are cut very short and round as a symbol of nobility. She is wearing a traditional shrine maiden attire, and over that she wore a white coat held closed by a red ribbon, nine golden tails came from her back.

This is Yasaka, a Kitsune Youkai, and the leader of the Yokai Faction. She was in a seiza position and around her, was a large set of tools, all carefully placed around her. She was preparing something with the said tools until she heard a door open and a woman dressed in a similar shrine maiden attire came and bowed to her leader.

Maiden: I'm sorry to interrupt Yasaka-sama. I came to inform you that your guest as arrived .

Yasaka's lips curved in small smile.

Yasaka: I see. (giggle)He always comes in at the right time. Very well tell him to come in, and I would like to talk with him alone.

The maiden panicked at her leader's words.

Maiden: Y-Yasaka-sama! Please reconsider this, that person his a-

Yasaka: A friend!

Yasaka interrupted her servant with a serious tone leaving no room for further discutions.

Maiden: I-I understand, I will call him right way.

She bowed, closed the door and went to get her leader's guest.

Yasaka: (sigh) After so many years, even though he is innocent, they still resent him for something he had nothing to do with.

The leader resumed her activity while she waited for her "friend". The same door of the room opened once again after a while, with the same maiden and a tall figure behind her covered in a black cloak with a large bag over his shoulder.

Maiden: (nervous tone) Y-Yasaka-sama, I brought your guest.

The maiden took a step to the side so that the one behind her could enter the room.

Snow: Thank you for receiving me.

Yasaka: (giggle) Welcome Snow-kun, I already told you that you don't need to be so uptight didn't I?

Snow: Even so, do to your position here in Kyoto, I have to pay you the necessary respect Yasaka-sama.

Yasaka: (turns to the maiden) You can leave now, thank you.

The maiden simply bowed her head and left the room soon after.

Yasaka: Please take a seat Snow-kun, I'm almost done with the tea ceremony, but before that, take that cloak of.

Like he was told to do, he took of his cloak and folded it before taking a seat in front of her put it by his side. The sound of the warm water came from kettle that Yasaka used to pour it  into their  two tea cups. She then took one of them and gave it to her guest before picking the other.

Yasaka: Here you go.

Snow: (takes the cup) Thank you.

She the took a small sip of tea. Once the beautiful kitsune saw her friend simply standing there, looking at his cup of tea she decided to say something to him, using the kindest tone that she could muster.

Yasaka: You can drink it you know? I already told everyone to leave us alone, so no one will come in here. Besides, there is nothing wrong with your face. You can relax, ok?

Snow eyes meet her's before going back at the tea cup in his hands.

Snow: Thank you. Then, Itadakimasu.

His right hand went for his white scarf and tugged it down little, just a little, the scarf continued to cover most of his lower face,but now, he could finnally take a sip at the tea prepaired by Yasaka. A happy sigh left his lips once he tasted it.

Snow: Ahhhhh. No matter how many times I try other varieties, this tea is always the one who helps calm my heart down.

Yasaka smile got bigger at his complement.

Yasaka: You are over exaggerating. It's just a normal green tea that you can find anywhere. But it makes me happy, ever since you were a child this tea was your favorite.

Snow: Yes ... it was.

She heard the sadness in his voice and decided to change the subject.

Yasaka: I-I see you brought something with you.

She was refering to the bag that he brought with him that was currently by his side near the folded cloak.

Snow: Oh this. I almost forgot.

Yasaka gained a playfull tone in her voice.

Yasaka: Oh Snow-kun, you shouldn't have bothered. To think that you would bring a gift to a   single women. I could get the wrong impression you know?

Snow gained a small smile at the playful kitsune, and decided to play her game.

Snow: Oh no I couldn't! A mere low-class devil trying to seduce the most beautiful youkai in Kyoto! Ohhh, how sad! No, i couldn't, not even with this simple offerings.

Yasaka gained a more flirty tone.

Yasaka: Fufufu. So it is for me. Well can i see what chances do you have then?

In response he putted his tea cup down, as well as Yasaka, and took the bag and handed it to her. Once she took it in her hands, she opened the bag and gained a questioning face. She put her hands in the bag and took...

Yasaka: A Teddy Bear?

Not just a teddy bear, a huge teddy bear! It was so big that seemed to take the entire space of the bag who now looked empty.

Snow: Yes, for Kunou. I saw it at a toy shop in the underworld and thought she would like it.

Yasaka looked at Snow with puffed cheeks.

Yasaka: I'm glad you thought of my Kunou, but...

She pointed a finger at him.

Yasaka: ...SNOW-KUN! You shouldn't play with a damsel's heart like that!

Snow raised an eyebrow and gained a playful tone again.

Snow: Oh! Please do tell, in what way did I play with your heart my lady?

Yasaka: You said there was a present for me in here, but the is only one for Kunou. Snow-kun you big liar.

Snow remained with his smile.

Snow: Oh! And since when did I say that there was only one gift in that bag, hum?

Yasaka dropped her cute act and looked in Snow's eyes to see if he was trying to play a trick on here, but saw no hint of deceit. She quickly grabbed the bag once again, and searched inside one more time. True to his words there was something more thing in there, a small box with no real decoration.

Yasaka: What is it?

Snow: Haha. It wouldn't be fun to ruin the surprise would it?

She puffed her cheeks again making him smile. Seeing that he wouldn't reveal the contents of the box, she decided to open it, and find it herself. Her eyes widened. Inside the small box, was a silver hand mirror. It had a gorgeous silver glow and had small roses sculped around it. She looked at her reflection in the mirror.

Yasaka: I-It's beautiful.

Snow: So, what are my chances?

Snow resumed their playful conversation. That earned him a small laugh from Yasaka.

Yasaka: Fufufu, if you continue to play your cards right, I would say they are pretty good.

Both of them laughed at their own antics.

Snow: Then I guess I should continue to try ... Yasaka-sama.

The tone of his voice turned serious and gained all of Yasaka's attention.

Yasaka: What's bothering you Snow-kun?

He took a deep breath and answered her.

Snow: I have some information for you.

Yasaka made him a motion with her hands for him to continue.

Snow: I have information, from a viable source, that things can get... messy, in the town of Kuoh. A group of fallen angels as been despached by their leader, Azazel, to enter the devil's territory and keep an eye on a possible sacred gear wielder. But the most worrying thing are the actions of the Cadre Kokabiel.

Yasaka's gained an angry scowl in her expression.

Yasaka: Do you think he will make a move in Kuoh.

Snow: No. I'm sure he will make a move. Unlike Azazel, Kokabiel is a warmonger, a bloodthirsty animal. He didn't like the decision that Azazel took on leaving the Great War. In a town were two heirs of two devil clan's and both are sisters of two Maou's live, if he were to attack them with the fallen that he controls or himself, no doubt the will be another war. At first it will be between the devils and the fallen angels, but soon after, the angels in heaven would be forced to enter the fray and their battlefield and casualities would most likely be, Japan and their people, your people Yasaka-sama.

Yasaka's face dropped. Her people, her friends, her precious daughter. Would they suffer once again because of other's mistakes? That question echoed again and again in her mind.

Snow: But please don't be worried!

His voice desperately called for her attention, and she saw the serious look on his face.

Snow: I give you my word! No such thing shall happen now that I am aware of this! If necessary, I will bring you that crow's head in a silver platter! I swear that I will not let nothing happen to you or Kunou.

Her cheeks gained a little tip of red. This boy that she knows ever since he was a child, was willingly offering himself to enter a possible bloodbath between three factions, just for her and her daughter.

Yasaka: I can't ask you that! What you're heading for his a possible battlefield with some of the strongest beings of the Supernatural, I won't-

Snow: There is no need to ask. I have already made my decision.

She was stoped by his words. After a brief moment of silence, he smiled for her once again.

Snow: I don't intent on throwing my life away. No, not this life that you once saved.

His hand went to his heart.

Snow: I will try and make sure that things don't go out of control, and use my head, not my brawn to solve this. If things get to complicated, then I will retreat and warn you once again. I simply told you this so that you and the Shinto Gods can be prepared in case things go wrong, nothing more.

Yasaka wanted to say something, anything. But the words that she wanted to use to disencourage him didn't came out. Those eyes. His golden eyes, they told her that nothing that she could say would make him go back on his word.

Yasaka: (sigh) Please, just please. Be carefull. 

Snow: I will, I promise you.


The door of the room was suddendly opened. Snow quickly hid his face with his scarf.


A blur passed by her and hit Snow making him almost spill his tea. The blur's origin, a young girl with the appearance of an elementary school student. She had golden, blonde hair tied in a ponytail and matching eyes. She also has nine golden fox tails and matching ears much like Yasaka. This was Kunou, Yasaka's daughter.

She was hugging Snow's waist and raised her head to look at him.

Kunou: Snow-nii-chan you're here!!!

Snow gained a tender look in his cold eyes and raised his hand to pet her in the head, gaining a laugh from the little kitsune.

Snow: Hello Kunou. Have you been a good girl?

She nodded her head to quickly that I looked like it would fall of.

Kunou: Of course, I'm always a good girl.

Snow picked her up and gave her a big hug.

Snow:  You grew so much since the last time I saw you. You will be a gorgeous woman like your mother in no time.

She returned the hug the best she could. The two then heard Yasaka cleaning her troat gaining both of their attention.

Yasaka: Not that I don't love to see you two being getting along as always, but...

She turned to face Kunou.

Yasaka: Kunou, I already told you not to do things like that didn't I? You almost made him spill his tea.

Kunou: But mother, I haven't seen Snow-nii-chan since the last time he came here!

The small child whined.

Snow: Oh! You missed me?

Kunou: Yeah.

Her quick happy response made him laugh.

Snow: Hahaha. Good answer, then I think I have something for such a sweet girl that missed little old me.

Kunou's gained little stars and became even more hyperactive.


Snow: Hahaha, your just like your mother. Yes I brought something with me. As for were it is and what it is, why don't you ask your mother.

He pointed at Yasaka. Once Kunou turned around to ask her mother about her gift, she saw her with a huge white teddy bear. In an instance the tackled the big bear out of her mother's hands.


She hugged the big teddy bear, rubbing her cheeks against the soft surface.

Snow: Glad you liked it.

Once she stoped with the hugs, she went towards Snow with a shy face and tugged his gloved hand.

Kunou: Hey Snow-nii-chan, can you ... come and play with me.

Snow: Well Kunou, I-

He looked at the young girl's expression and it could only be descibed as a puppy expression. He tried to tell her that he was busy, but those eyes made him lose all of his strengh to say no. He turned to Yasaka, who was just loving the situation he was right now and then to Kunou.

Snow: I-I guess there's not a problem with that. I already finished the businesses that I had with your mother, and I also some time to spare so-

Kunou: Thank you Snow- nii-chan!!! Lets go!!!

In an flash, she grabbed his hand and started to drag both him and the huge teddy bear out of the room, with surprising strengh for a girl of her age. Once she got of the room for a moment she stuck her head back inside and called her mother.

Kunou: Mother! C'mon, you to! Hurry! Hurry!

And like that she was gone again.

Yasaka: Haha! Ok Kunou I'm coming.

She got up and started walking after them.

Yasaka: (thoughts) No matter how much time passes, this moments remain the same, and I hope, that they continue forever.

Yasaka's Temple - Night time.

The hours had passed and it was night time already in Kyoto. After a long afternoon of running, laughing and playing around, Kunou fell asleep in Snow's arms. Yasaka looked at the tenderness of the moment with a smile on her face.

Yasaka: I guess she is really tired, if "that" Kunou, fell asleep after playing with you, I must say you have a gift Snow-kun. It usually takes me an eternity to put her to sleep.

Snow: She is not the only one. Honestly, I don't get how can someone so small can have so much energy inside her.

Yasaka looked at her daughter's face before looking at Snow.

Yasaka: (turns to the side) Pfffffff!

As she looked at Snow she almost bursted out laughing. The long white hair of the young man was a complete mess, disheveled on some places, unkempt in others, and as the cherry on top of the cake, a long braid on each side with small pink bows at the ends.

Snow: Oh, so you think this is funny?

He asked her in a serious face.

Yasaka: N-No.

But one more look it was all it took for her to have to cover her mouth to surpress her laugh so she wouldn't wake up Kunou.

Snow: (sigh) Sometimes I wonder which one of you two is the real child.

She continued to laugh silently. Once she was done she extended her arms at him.

Yasaka: Give her to me, I will put her in bed.

He shaked his head.

Snow: There is no need, I will do it.

Yasaka lowered her arms.

Yasaka: I see, thank you Snow-kun. I will take you to her room.

After a small walk around the temple, they both reached the young kitsune's room. Snow pulled the covers down and gently placed her in her bed. Before he pulled the covers over her, he put the white teddy bear he bought her, next to her. In her sleep, she reached fot the fluffy toy and hugged him with a smile in her face. Before they both left the room they gave her a kiss in her cheek.

Yasaka: You know...

She spoke to him while they walked around the temple, going for it's entrance, gaining his attention.

Yasaka: Kunou is very dependent of you. She may call you "Nii-chan", but I think she sees you more like a fatherly figure she never had.

Snow looked at her.

Snow: I don't know if I would call it dependent, it's more like an attachment, after all I've known her ever since she was a baby. I'm probably the one who is dependent of both her, and you. So calling me a father is a bit of an exaggeration.

Yasaka: That girl. She asks me everyday "Mother, do you think he will come today?". I even often see her at the window of her room, just looking at the entrance of the temple. She looks like a child who is waiting for her dad to come back from work.


He stopped, with Yasaka doing the same, and looked at the stars in the sky.

Yasaka: Are you okay Sno-

Snow: You don't know just how much those words make me happy.

He told her, surprising her. It was not often that Snow shared is feelings.

Snow: To think, that a person like me, has a such a sweet person waiting everyday for my return, it makes me happy.

Yasaka placed a hand on his shoulder.

Yasaka: You don't have to leave you know? You can stay here with me and Kunou, it would be like-

Snow: We both know that things are not that easy Yasaka-sama.

He interrupted her with a sad tone in his cold voice.

Snow: Ever since the "Nekomata Massacre" 8 years ago, living by your side was no longer an option I had. My presence here would make people doubt your authority, and with that, put you and Kunou in danger.

Yasaka lowered her head as she remembered the disaster caused by the devil race.

Snow: But...

She turned to him once again.

Snow: I thank you Yasaka-sama, for wanting me be your side.

They stood there looking at each other's eyes, with light of moon and star watching over both of them. 

Snow: I think is time for me to go, Yasaka-sama. Thank you for both the tea and the company.

Yasaka smiled.

Yasaka: No problem. Thank you for the gifts, the information and playing with Kunou. But before you go...

Before he could ask her something, she was already in front of him. She quickly and gently pulled his scarf down and placed a kiss in his cheek. She saw a small tint of red in them before pulling his scarf back up.

Yasaka: Think of it as a "thank you" S-N-O-W-K-U-N.

The playful tone returned to her voice.

Snow tugged his scarf up slightly.

Snow: What happened to the "don't play with someones heart"?

She started walking in front of him.

Yasaka: Fufufu, what makes you think I am?

Snow left a small laugh escape before going after Yasaka. Once they got to the entrance they turned to each other one last time.

Yasaka: Please be safe out there Snow-kun.

Snow: I will, I promise.

Snow was going to take the first step down the stone stairs to leave the temple, but decided to get closer to Yasaka.

Snow: And before I forget...

Much like Yasaka, he placed one of his hands gently on her face, and, with a swift motion pulled his scarf down and placed a kiss in her cheek, surprising her.

Snow: Your daughter got one, so I think it's only fair if you get one to. Or you can think of it as a " payback", M-Y-L-A-D-Y.

His body started to turn white.

Snow: Please tell Kunou...

Part of his face and arm turned into snowflakes that were being slowly taken away by the wind.

Snow: ...that Snow-nii-chan will try to come here more often.

And with those last words, the last of his snowflakes disappeared with the night breeze.

Yasaka stood there watching the snowflakes getting farther and farther away.

Yasaka: Fufufu, it seems he got me there.

And with that she went back inside waiting for the winter's next visit.

Snow's Castle - Underworld

After his visit in Kyoto, Snow went directly to his castle. Once he got there, he was greeted by his familiar Wisp.

Wisp: HELLO! HELLO! Master, did your visit went well?

Snow: Yes Wisp, it went very well.

Then he noticed something strange.

Snow: Wisp, why is the castle so quiet? I know it's a normal thing with us, but with our guests now living here, I thought it woul be more ... lively.

Wisp: Yes! Yes! It's true master. But most of them already went to sleep! Yes! Yes!

Snow: "Most"? Not all of them?

Wisp nodded.

Snow: No! No! Vali-san is still wake, waiting for you, he told Wisp he wanted to talk to you master! Yes! Yes!

Snow nodded this time.

Snow: I see, where is he Wisp?

Wisp: Still in the second floor's living room master! Yes! Yes!

Snow: Thank you Wisp, you can go to sleep to if you want Wisp.

Wisp nodded one last time and floated away up the stairs with Snow following soon after.

Once the got to the second floor he went to the living room and, like Wisp said, Vali was there, seated in one of the couches, waiting for him.

Vali: You're home late.

Snow aproached him and sat in couch in front of the one Vali was seated.

Snow: My apologies. My visit suffered a little setback, nothing bad I assure you.

Vali: I see.

Snow looked Vali in the eyes.

Snow: Wisp told me you wanted to speak with me.

Vali: That's right. I have something I wish to tell you, and something I wish to ask you.

His serious tone got Snow's totaly focused in his next words.

Snow: Do tell.

He made him a signal to talk.

Vali: You see, me and my team are affiliated with another, larger organization. This "organization" is not a very peaceful one. It's made of several people from different factions, each making a smaller group inside of it. Most wish to change this world by force using the organisation's forces to do it. In a way they want do want to create chaos in this world. It's name, is Khaos Brigade.

Snow narowered his eyes as they got more soulless and cold. The flames in the fireplace went out, and the temperature in the room got lower and lower, with ice forming in the ground and the windows.

Snow: (menacing tone) I see. Vali. Give me one good reason, why I shouldn't keep my word to Albion, and turn you into a frozen scarecrow and place you in front of my gate, because I really think it would really help complement this castle's image.

Vali's eyes never left his own and his seriousness remained in his voice . He wasn't playing around with this man.

Vali: Calm down Snow. Me and my team have no illusions of world domination or destuction. We are just making use of this organization, that's all, I swear.

Snow remained silent. The temperature of the room slowly returned to normal.

Snow: Why are you telling me this?

Vali took a deep breath before deciding to make his request.

Vali: Snow, tomorow we will have to go to a meeting in this organization and I would like you to come with us.

Snow's eyes narowed once again.

Snow: You must be jokin-

Vali: Please hear me out!

Vali told him again. Snow sighed.

Snow: Go on.

Vali: You said you needed information right? Think about it, being the most secret and powerful terrorist organization of the Supernatural World, will give you all the information you desire. Because of your strengh, you would be welcomed quickly into the ranks and if you pretend to be in my team, it will be even easier for you. You instantly be at a good rank in the group and help us raising our's at the same time. You can also keep an eye on people that may become a pebble in your way.

Snow closed is eyes, crossed his arms and leaned back in the couch. After what looked like a silent eternity, he gave him is answer.

Snow: Very well.

Vali relaxed.

Vali: Ok , then-

Snow: I wasn't finished.

Snow interrupted Vali.

Snow: I will acompany you and the team, but I will do things my way. Like you suggested it's for the best that I pretend to be part of your team but don't push your luck. That and I won't reveal my identity to no one. If you respect that, then we have an agreement.

He raised his hand which Vali shoked, agreeing with the terms, and both raised from their seats and left the room they were in.

Vali: The meeting will be tomorow at 12 o'clock, we will use a teleportation circle to get there.

Snow: I understand, I will be sure to be ready at that time, see you tomorow Vali.

Vali: Yeah, see ya tomorow.

They both went into opposite directions of hall, going for their rooms.

Vali and Snow: (thoughts) With this I will be one step closer.


Annnnnnnnnnnd done! It seems like Yasaka was the one that Snow went to visit, he seems very close to the beautiful youkai and her daughter Kunou, what kind of story do they have between them? 

Before that he even made contact for the first time with the Underworld's "Strongest Queen"and by his words it won't be their last time either.

 Next chapter Khaos Brigade makes it's appearence. Will Snow peacefuly sit trough the meeting or will there be a conflit? 

A special thanks to DragLuard for his support since the begining and Tauquir7, because of your comment I managed to create a bigger, and hopefuly, better chapter by including Grayfia in here, so thank you both. 

Like always leave your comments, suggestions and questions and I will see you all in the next chapter.

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