The Khaos Brigade

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Hello everyone Nightingale here with one more chapter. I hope you are enjoying it so far. In today's chapter Snow will meet the Khaos Brigade and it's members. Will he get along with them? Probably not. But read to know. Now with that is out of the way, enjoy!


Snow's Castle, Underworld - 11:50h

The day of the meeting had come and Vali's Team was ready. After a normal morning routine of breakfeast, reading, and training session for some of the members, they now stood in the middle of one of the castles's rooms. Le Fay was about to create a teleportation circle when Vali interrupted her.

Vali: Wait just a moment Le Fay.

The young magician gained a questioning expression on her face.

Le Fay: Eh? Why Vali-san? If we don't hurry up, we will be late.

Vali stood near one the walls with his arms crossed and his eyes closed.

Vali: He are missing one person.

Now everyone in the group gained a question mark on their heads. Kuroka looked around counting the members of the group.

Kuroka: Vali, I think you are still sleepy Nyah. Everyone is here, me, you, Le Fay, Arthur and Bikou. No one is missing Nyah.

Vali: I know that the team is all here, but we are still missing of person.

Arthur: You are not making any sense Vali. Just who is this person you are waitin-


A familiar sound of spurs was heard echoing in the halls of the castle, interrupting Arthur's question. Vali left his position and went to the group's side.

Vali: He's here at last.

Kuroka: He's here Nyah? But the only other person around here is-

The realisation hit her, and eventually the others.

Bikou: Oi! You don't mean...

Arthur: The person we are missing...

Le Fay: The one we are waiting is...

A moment later, the door of the room opened, revealing the white-haired giant dressed in his usual outfit.

Everyone but Vali: SNOWWWW/-KUN/-SAN!!!

Vali approached Snow while the group was still trying to process what was happening.

Vali: Took you a while.

Snow: My apologies, it took me some time to make sure that everything would be functioning at 100% within the castle. I made it's defense system quite complex after all.

Vali: Haha, we can't have our hideout found or attacked while we are out, is that it?

Snow: Precisely.

The other went to talk with them.

Bikou: Oi Vali! What the hell is happening?

Snow look at the team and their questioning faces before looking at Vali again.

Snow: You didn't told them?

Vali shrugged is shoulders.

Vali: No, not really. They were all sleeping yesterday when we ended our talk.

Snow: True. But you had the entire morning, what is your excuse for that?

Vali: Training.

Snow sighed as his hand went to his face.

Kuroka: Hey don't ignore us, what the hell happened? Explain Nyah!

Le Fay: I-I would also like to know.

Vali turned to his team.

Vali: Yesterday, while you all went to sleep, I stayed up and waited for Snow to comeback. When he did, I made him a proposition. I figured that he would eventually find that we belonged to a larger organization, and that could bring trouble for all of us. So, I thought "if he will find out eventually, why don't spill it out now, and have both of us gain something from it?". After a short talk we came with an agreement, he comes with us, pretending to belong to our team helping us raise our rank, and in return, he gains acess to all the information that the Khaos Brigade has to offer.

Le Fay was the first one of the group to speak.

Le Fay: I see, it's a win, win for both sides of our secret alliance, and that way, we don't risk losing Snow-san's trust.

Vali: Correct.

The group finally understood the situation and one by one, they gave their opinions.

Bikou: Kakaka! You're right, with this big guy by our side, we will be stronger than ever.

Arthur: We are not exactly the biggest group within the organization, so having another pair of helping hands will be very useful to us.

Kuroka: Safety in numbers. It will make me fell safer knowing that Snow-kun here is coming with us Nyah!

Vali gained a smirk.

Vali: So, is anyone here against him coming with us?

The group smiled and shaked their heads from side to side.

Vali: Good, lets go then, we have a meeting to attend.

The group went, once again, to the center of the room, this time in the company of the gentle giant.

Vali: Le Fay, if you will...

Le Fay nodded and gently hitted the floor with her staff, making a big purple magic circle appear at the team's feet.

Le Fay: We are ready to go Vali-san.

Vali: Then let's go.

The circle started glowing brighter and brighter, and in a flash, the group was gone, leaving the castle's room empty once again.

Khaos Brigade Headquarters

A purple circle appeared in the terrorist organization's headquarters, and from it came Vali, his team and Snow.

The place was dark, the only source of light was the candles in the candle holders and halls. There was almost no windows, and the ones that existed, were small, pratically not letting any natural light come in.

Kuroka: We're here.

Kuroka was the first to talk when they reached their destination.

Le Fay: I really don't like this place.

Vali started walking.

Vali: Let's go, it's almost time.

The group started following their leader. They entered the place, went through some stairs and halls, passing many people each one being from a different race. Then they reached a really big hall. It was dark like everywhere in the hideout and had a big purple carpet going trough it. At he end of it, was a set of two big doors.

????: Well, if it isn't Vali and the group.

Vali stoped, as well as the team and Snow, and looked back at the one that spoke to him. The person in question was a tall bespectacled woman with a voluptuous figure. She had tan skin with long brown hair tied into a bun with a headset and she had blue-grey eyes. She wore an extremely low-cut dress and it had a high slit which exposed a large portion of her breasts.

By her side was a handsome man dressed in black armor with a cape. He had long brown hair that goes to his hips with many bangs covering his right eye. They had a group of armored guards behind both of them.

Vali looked disinterestedly at them.

Vali: What is it Katerea?

Katerea aproached the group followed by her companion and their guards, and stopped in front of Vali.

Katerea: Fufufu, such a cold reply, I was saying hi, no need to be like that.

The entire group seemed to lose their happy demeanor and watched in silence.

Vali: Do you, or do you not have something to say? If not then we are going to go now.

????: Hmph, it looks like you still don't know how to speak to your superiors, half-breed.

The man beside Katerea talked, irked by Vali's demeanor towards them.

Vali: I will talk more respectfully to my superiors when I see one, Shalba.

That pissed Shalba.

Shalba: You talk to arrogantly. Even if you have the blood of first devil king running through your veins, you are nothing but a filthy half-breed that came as a result in one of his cases with a human woman.

Vali yawned at his words getting Shalba even more angry.

Vali: Yeah! yeah! Half-breed, pureblood, bigger then me, bla,bla,bla. Can we go now?

Shalba: You damned half-bree-

Katera decided to intervene.

Katerea: Now, now, calm down Shalba. We didn't came here to pick up a fight.

By the time that she started to try and calm him down, Vali had already turned around and started walking towards the big set of doors at the end of the hallway. That once again Shalba got mad. He then finally took notice at the giant shadow that was with the group. Seeing like his companion wouldn't let him start a fight, he decided to make him start it.

Shalba: Well, the half-breed brought another toy with him. You really like to collect trash don't you?

Those words made Vali stop. Katerea looked confused at Shalba's words, "another toy"? It was when she looked at Vali's Team and saw a huge man covered in a black cloak, that she understood his words.

Katerea: (thoughts) S-Since when is he here?

Vali turned around to face Shalba, and his glare showed that he wasn't happy.

Vali: Did you say anything weakling?

Shalba ignored the insult for the time being, and smiled at Vali's reaction.

Shalba: You know, no matter how hard you try to recycle, trash is still trash.

Arthur put a hand on his leader's shoulder.

Arthur: (whisper) Don't listen to him, he is just trying to make you do something stupid. It's not worth it.

Vali continued to glare at the pureblood devil.

Shalba: Eheheh, I mean what are you even trying to do? A circus troup perhaps?

Shalba looked at all the members behind Vali.

Shalba: Let me see...

He pointed at Bikou.

Shalba: We have a monkey...

He pointed at Arthur.

Shalba: A human four-eyed butler.

Then at Le Fay, who went to Snow's side.

Shalba: A little girl who has barely left her diapers.

Then at Snow.

Shalba: The new guy, the one who is so big , but so afraid to show his face.

Lastly, he gained a particularly evil smile, and pointed at Kuroka.

Shalba: And how could we forget about the stray cat who left her own sister behind in order to run.

Some of his guards laughed at their leaders remarks. That last one hurted Kuroka. She closed her fist and bit her lip. What did he know? The things she did, the things she sacrificed, all the things in order to protect her sister. Le Fay saw her sadness and went to her side while the others looked ready to break some bones.

Le Fay: Kuroka-san don't listen to him.

Shalba: Eheheh, honestly you look good with each other, a big, happy pile of tras-


In a second he was smiling, and in a second, Shalba was sent flying against the wall at the other end of the hallway.


The guards panicked seeing their leader smashed against the wall in the other side of the room.


Once she looked at Vali's Team again, only to see their biggest member walking past her.


Snow: You have a really big mouth don't you?

He spoke in the coldest tone she ever heard. To her, the temperature of the room they were in seemed like it was dropping at a fast rate. She felt a shiver going down her spine not only at his words, but also at the bloodlust that hovered around this man.

Snow: But even that, pales in comparison, to your death wish.


Snow: Out of my way minion.

The bloodlust around Snow, made every guard freeze. As he was walking between them in order to get to Shalba, some of the guards started sweating and others started shaking, the bloodlust made it look like he was a real titan and with each step, they could be crushed right beneath his feet.

Katera: (thought) How could this happen! One look. A simple look into this man's figure, that all it took to break our men's spirit, and now, they look so pathetic.

Shalba started to recover from the blow he took and looked at the one responsable for his state.

Shalba: You dare to attack me MUTT?!!!

Snow walked slowly in his direction not paying attention to his words.

Snow: I have nothing to say to you. You are just to pathetic, for me to say anything.

Arthur looked to the side, feeling his sister pulling his sleve.

Arthur: Le Fay?

She was trembling and she looked breathless.

Le Fay: (scared tone) T-That is not Snow-san. It's just to cold. T-This feeling, it's like I am slowly sinking further and further into a cold dark sea. I-I can't take it anymore!

Now she was shaking even more and tears were starting to form in the corners of her eyes.

Le Fay: (scared tone) P-Please just *sniff* just make it stop!

Before he could say something to comfort his sister, Arthur heard someone fall into the floor. It was Kuroka. She was on her knees with her arms around herself. Much like his sister, she was shaking, only much more.

Arthur:(thoughts) Why is this happening to them? Is it because they have best sensory abilities out of everyone of the group?

Kuroka: (thoughts) Stop! Just stop! What is this? It's not like the Snow-kun we met! I can't move! I'm like a small animal, hoping that if I don't move, the beast that is in this room right now won't notice me.

Vali also felt his bloodlust and took notice of his friends state.

Vali: (thoughts) You were right Albion! This man is not normal! I made the right choice by having him on our side, rather then against us.


????: Why, is it, so noisy, in here?

A monotone voice made everyone stop what they were doing in the room. Snow's eyes widened. He took a long jump back, going over Katerea and her guards, and landed in a crouched position in front of the team, turning his arms into snowy wings, opening them as much as he could. The temperature dropped even further and an animal like growl was heard coming from him as he looked to the ceiling of the room.

The others calmed down and looked at where is was looking. There, they saw a cute young girl with long black hair down to her hips and gray eyes. Her ears differed from a normal human's as they had pointed tips, although her long black hair made this feature difficult to notice. Her dark grey eyes had reptilian slitted pupils. Her attire consisted of a black Gothic Lolita Fashion dress.

Every person in the the froze.

????: I, do not, like, noise.

Katerea: O-Ophis-sama!!! W-We were just settling something, we didn't knew you were around or else we would be quiet.

Ophis looked at her with her empty looking grey eyes unnerving her even further.

Ophis: I, see. Then, stop it, or, I will, become angry.

Katerea: Y-Yes o-of course!

Ophis looked around at everyone in the room and noticed that they stopped. Then she saw something pass in front of her eyes, something white. It was a snowflake. First one, then two and then a lot of them. As they were gently falling, she stretched her arm and opened her hand, letting some of them fall on her hand.

Ophis: How, strange.

Vali's Team knew that this sudden snowfall was the work of their companion.


Ophis: Is it, you, the one, who is making this, snowflakes?

Bikou panicked when he saw Ophis right in front of Snow. Even through his hood, he could tell that they were looking directly at each other's eyes. Their faces were so close, that seemed like their noses were touching. In response to her approach, Snow's body started to turn white and the snowfall became more agressive. While everyone was still in shock, Kuroka, looked at Snow's back and noticed something.

Kuroka: (thoughts) H-He, is shaking Nyah!

True to her words, Snow's shoulders and wings were shaking, even if barely.

Kuroka: (thoughts) I guess even he can't maintain his coolness in front of the Infinity Dragon Nyah.

He didn't move. He was staring into the eyes of an abyss made of pure power, yet, he didn't move. Not like he was paralyzed in fear, but rather he didn't want to leave that spot no matter what.

Kuroka: (thoughts) Why aren't you falling back? Why are you trying to compete with her? I know you are smart, so you should know that she is far above you and everyone here, so why?

He was completly open to attacks with is snowy wings spread out like that. It was like he wasn't even trying at all. It looked as if he was trying to cover something. Something that was behind him.

Kuroka: (thoughts) I-It's because of us! You are not even thinking are you? Everything you did since you first heard her voice was on instinct! No wonder you weren't acting like usual Nyah!

He was trying to make sure that she didn't see them, as if he was protecting them.

Ophis: It is, you, isn't it?

She asked once again. It was at this time that Vali approached them and put a hand on Snow's shoulder.

Vali: Yeah it's him Ophis. (whosper)Snow, you can stop that, the one in front of you is your future boss.

Ophis looked at Vali as the snowstorm stopped. Snow's arms slowly started to return to normal and he got up, looking a bit calmer.

Ophis: Another, member?

Vali: Yes, I found him a while ago in a trip and offered him a place in the team.

Ophis attention returned to Snow that now on his feet towering over her. She decided to float to look at him in his eyes once again.

Snow: It looks like I made a mistake, my apologies. I never thought that the person Vali told me I was going to work for was the Ouroboros Dragon herself so I lost my coolness for a second.

Ophis floated around him, observing him. After a few turns, she stopped in front of him once again.

Ophis: It's, no problem. Just, don't make, any loud, noises.

Snow: Rest assured. Much like you, I am not fond of loud and unnecessary noises, Ophis-sama.

Ophis: Good.

She then started floating in direction of the big doors.

Ophis: Come. We have, a meeting.

The Old Satan faction were the first to go after her. As Shalba passed Snow, he threw a few words.

Shalba: I will remeber this mutt!

Snow: Good for you.

Hurt and angry Shalba reunited with his group and went after Ophis.

Vali turned his attention to Snow.

Vali: That was a close one wasn't it?

He didn't answer Vali, and went towards the two girls of the group.

Le Fay: I-I am glad that everything went-

She didn't get to finish what she was going to say, because Snow pulled her into his arms.

Snow: I'm sorry.

He apologized to her in a strangely sad tone.

Snow: I scared you didn't I? I let that man's words get to me, and in return, I almost scared you to death. I am sorry.

Le Fay blushed of the warm contact.

Le Fay: I-I-It's ok, we all got angry, a-and you did it for us, s-so it's ok.

Snow released Le Fay.

Snow: I will be more carefull in the future.

Le Fay: Haha, please do.

Kuroka approached them.

Kuroka: Nyahaha, things got wild really-

And she to, was pulled into a hug by Snow.

Kuroka: -fast?

Snow: You were probably the most affected out if everyone in here by my bloodlust. I'm sorry Kuroka-san.

Kuroka wasn't expecting these much contact from the reserved Snow.

Kuroka: I-It's ok. Thank you, you punched him because of us didn't you?

Snow: He got on my nerves. Speaking like he was a god, like he knew you. I was taught to respect a woman so his attitude brough the worst in me.

They separated from their hug and started to walk to the meetings's room.


Snow turned to Bikou.

Snow: You're a man right?

Bikou: Yeah.

Snow turned and started to walk again.

Snow: Then deal with it.

Bikou sweatdroped.

Bikou: (thoughts) He is becoming like Vali.

And with that, everyone went into the meeting room.

Khaos Brigade Headquarters - Meeting Room

Once the fight outside was done, both Ophis and the two groups entered the room, were some people were already waiting.

????: Hmph, it looks like the devils and their associates can't see the time.

The first person to talk was a handsome young man with short black hair and blue eyes. He wears a combination of a Japanese school uniform and ancient Chinese atti. By his side was a two-meters tall man with a well-built body and shoulder length gray hair. He was wearing what appears to be an attire of a Japanese school uniform, covered by what could possibly to be Greek inspired armor.

Katerea: Carefull human. You are in front of royalty.

????: I would laugh, if that joke you just said was funny.

As she was about to answer back someone cutted into their conversation.

Ophis: I, already said, I, don't like, noise.

Her words forced them to calm down. In the middle of the forced silence everyone took their seats and with their teams by their side.

Ophis: Good. Let's, begin, with the, reports.

The first one to talk was the young man with the chinese attire.

????: I will start.

Ophis: Very well.

????: But first...

He pointed at Vali.

????: Vali. Who or what is that thing behind you? I refuse to speak in the presence of someone who isn't trustworthy.

Vali: Calm your pants down Cao Cao. You will know in a while, just do your thing and wait for my turn.

Cao Cao: Don't play games with me, Hakuryukou! I said-

Ophis: Continue, with your, report, Cao Cao.

Cao Cao turned to Ophis who was floating in the air.

Cao Cao: You can't be serious Ophis, that could comprom-

Ophis: Vali, gave me, is report, outside. I know, he is, trustwhorty. So, continue.

Cao Cao sighed and decided to continue with his report.

Cao Cao: In the past few weeks, me and my faction, found and recruted a good number of sacred gear wielders. They are being trained as we speak.

Ophis: More, people, to our, ranks, good. Any, strong, gears?

Cao Cao shaked his head from side to side.

Cao Cao: Unfortunatly no high-ranking sacred gears, but they will be usefull none the less, they should help us gain strengh.

Ophis: Good. Anything, else?

Cao Cao: No that's all for now.

He then seated in his chair again.

Ophis: Next.

(One hour later)

Katerea: And concludes the Old Satan Faction's reports, Ophis-sama.

After an hour listening to all the reports, they seemed to have ended. It was at this moment that the man near Cao Cao chosed to talk.

????: Now would be a good time to reveal that man's identity, Hakuryuukou.

The eyes of everyone in the room went instantly to Vali and Snow.

Shalba: Even if I don't like it, I must agree with the human. Who the hell is that man standing behind you Vali?!

Shalba gave his thoughts on the matter in hand. Vali just stood there with a smirk in his face.

Vali: My, my so impatient. You're just said that your faction gained a big number of people into your ranks and no one said anything about it, but I get a new teammate and you make it seem like the end of the world. Don't you think it's a little unfair, Heracles?


Heracles slammed is hand in the table, making cracks all over it.

Heracles: The difference is that not one of the people that you talked about is here in the meeting, unlike him.

Vali: (sigh) You are no fun.

Heracles started to gain a orange glow around him. Vali made a signal for Snow to get closer.

Vali: Some of you may have heard of a certain rumor that is going around for quite a while in the underworld.

Katerea narrowed her eyes, getting tired of Vali's games.

Katerea: Which one?

Vali smirked.

Vali: Silent Frost.

Those words created two kinds of groups in the room. The confused ones and the even more pissed ones.

Shalba: We ask you something and you talk about a story to scare children!

Cao Cao saw Vali's smile getting even widder and he didn't like it.

Cao Cao: Why did you brought that story up Vali?

Vali: What if I told you, that the creature you say it's just a fairy tail, something made up to scare children, and all of his abillities are true, and he is right by my side. Would you believe me?

The attention of everyone turned to Snow as Vali got up from his seat and put his hand in Snow's shoulder.

Vali: I present to you, Frost, The man colder than winter.

Whispers and small talk errupted in the room.

Le Fay: (thoughts) So Vali-san is trying to hide Snow-san identity with another name.

Cao Cao: Good story Vali, but can you prove it? You can't just expect to come here tell something like that and expect us to believe it without any evidence. What is next? "The Three Little Pigs"?

That made some people laugh.

Vali: If you believe it or not, that is up to you, I simply said the truth.

At that moment Hercules left Cao Cao's side and started walking in Vali's direction.

Heracles: If that is true, then that fella over there will have no problem showing it right?

Cao Cao looked as his companion got closer and closer to Vali and his team.

Cao Cao: What are you suggesting Heracles?

Heracles stopped near Vali and right in front of Snow. For the first time someone surpassed Snow in terms of height if if just by a few centimeters.

Heracles: Nothing to bad, just a little fight for him to prove himself. It has been a while since I had a punching bag that I didn't have crouch to hit.

Cao Cao: Do as you want.

Shalba: For the first time, you humans said something right. And the one who's gonna do it is me.

Heracles turned to Shalba.

Heracles: You got a lot of nerve, just who said that you would do it?

Shalba: Me, so get out of my way!

Heracles and Shalba looked at each other with a glare.

Heracles: You know, I said I wanted a fight, but you can be my warm up if you want, shortie.

Shalba created a magic circle in his hand.

Shalba: If you wanted to die all you had to do was ask, no need for a bravado.


They both looked to their side and saw the man in question there still covered with is dark cloak.

Snow: Not that I don't enjoy two idiots making a fool out of each other, but I really don't have time to serve both of you ladies, so come at me, the two of you.

Heracles and Shalba got very angry at this man's words.

Heracles: So you can talk. But in this case it would have been better for you to stay quiet, rookie.

Shalba: I looks like you are also incredibly stupid. To think that someone would dare to-

Snow looked to Ophis ignoring Shalba that was fuming with rage.

Snow: Is there a place were we can solve this?

Ophis floated in their direction.

Ophis: The, underground. You can, do it, there.

He did a bow to the Dragon God.

Snow: Thank you very much. (looks at the team) Let's go everyone I have a show to prepare.

Vali: Hahaha, not even gonna call it a match.

The group passed everyone and went to the exit.

Snow: I would, if I had someone who I could "fight".

Bikou: Kakaka! Confident aren't you?

His two opponents were boiling with rage.

Kuroka:(thoughts) Fools, you already lost Nyah.

Khaos Brigade Headquarters - Underground arena.

Now in the underground arena, Snow, Heracles and Shalba stood in the fighting grounds, while the rest took their seats around it. Vali aproached Cao Cao, leaving his team to their things for a while.

Cao Cao: You look confident in your subordinate.

Vali: What do I have to worry about?

Cao Cao: I think you are underestimating Heracles.

Vali: No I'm not. You are the the one underestimating Frost.

Cao Cao narrowed his eyes into a glare.

Cao Cao: What do you mean Vali?

Vali smirked at Cao Cao's face.

Vali: Make no mistake Cao Cao, Frost already won.

With that he started to go into his team's direction.

Vali: Those two morons already gave him everything he needed to win.

And those were his last words to Cao Cao.

Cao Cao: (thoughts) Is that simple confidence (turns to the arena) or...

At the fighting grounds, the three fighters looked at each other. Waiting for someone to make the first move.

Shalba: It looks like fate favored me mutt. I can pay you back for what you did to me a few moments ago, and now you don't have your team to protect you.

Heracles started to laugh.

Heracles: HAHAHAHA! He isn't even in the organization yet, and you already lost to him, you devils sure work fast hahahaha!

Shalba looked at Heracles.

Shalba: You will have to wait a little mutt. I will just take the human out before we can resume our business.

At that moment Heracles jumped in Shalba's direction.


Shalba created a magic circle in his hand and started launching demonic blasts at his bigger opponent. Heracles dogged his blasts with surprising speed for a man of his size, and got closer to Shalba. He pulled his fist back, as his body started radianting an orange glow, and went to punch Shalba.

Heracles: GET OUT OF MY MATCH!!!

Shalba managed to dodge, but wasn't expecting Heracles trick. As soon as the fist came in contact with the ground...


The ground exploded. As a result, Shalba, who was close to the blast zone got hit by the shock wave, going through the air.

Shalba: Ahhhhh!

Shalba showed his devil wings and twisted himself in mid air to regain balance.

Shalba: Tch! A Sacred Gear.

Heracles smiled.

Heracles: Correct. It's name is Variant Detonation, my sacre gear turns my aura into a sort of explosive substance. Think of everything that I trow at you as a bomb.

Shalba: Hmph! Child's tricks nothing more. In others words, as long as I maintain this distance you can't do anything to me. Rejoice mutt, it looks like this will end faster then I thought.

Both of them turned to the side, only to see that he as no longer there.

Shalba and Heracles: Where did he go?!!!

The two of them started to look around in hopes of finding their other opponent.

Meanwhile at the seats, Vali's team looked at the match quietly.

Arthur: (sigh) Idiots. To think that they would ignore his presence right at the beginning.

Kuroka: The fight started a few moments ago and they already made the worst possible mistake against Snow-kun Nyah.

Le Fay: Even so, where is Snow-san?

She started to look around the arena, until Vali pointed to the ceiling.

Vali: He is there.

Le Fay and the team looked at the sky and they paled.

Bikou: OI! OI! OI! Isn't that a little to much?!!!

Kuroka: H-He is going all out isn't he Nyah?

Le Fay: I-I will make a barrier just in case.

Ophis: There is, no, need.

The group look up to see Ophis floating above them.

Le Fay: O-Ophis-sama!

Ophis: The, one , you call, Snow, won't, attack anyone, other then, those two.

Vali's Team: (thoughts) SHE ALREADY FOUND HIS REAL NAME!!!

Vali looked at the small girl.

Vali: Oh! Never thought you would still be around. You usually avoid noisy situations like this.

Ophis kept looking at the ceiling.

Ophis: (points up) He, interests, me. He, is like, my home.

The others got confused.

Le Fay: W-What do you mean Ophis-sama?

She gained a small smile and explained.

Ophis: Like my, home, he is, silent, cold, and looks, empty. But that, is exactly, why, he is, so dangerous.

Back to the battle grounds, Heracles and Shalba were still looking around, trying to find "Frost".


Shalba: Stupid barbarian, he won't reveal himself like that.

Heracles looked angrily at Shalba.


His eyes widened as he looked at Shalba that was in the air.

Shalba: What? Did the last neuron in your brain finally went out?

He noticed that he wasn't really looking at him, but at something above him. He turned around and froze. Snow was there above them with his snowy wings opened and around him, multiple snow balls with the size of boulders floating.

Snow: So, finally took notice of what was happening above you? Unfortunately, it is a little to late. By the way, do you like snowball fights?

Snow: (thoughts) Enchantment: Aura of the Giant.

The large snowballs gained a orange glow around them.

Snow: Sadly I am the only one with ammunition at my disposal. But, you don't mind it, do you?

Vali looked at Le Fay who looked like a kid at a toy's shop right now.

Vali: You seem happy Le Fay.

She turned around to Vali, with stars twinkling in her eyes.

Le Fay: Of course I am. (turns to the fight) What Snow-san made may look like a simple spell but it's much more complex. He had to gather a lot of humidity from the air or else he couldn't make that many snowballs and all so big, and he did it without most of the people here noticing! Not only that, if the snow is so compacted like that, then they don't just look like boulders, they will hit as boulders! And that last spell looked like an enchantment earth type magic to make them even tougher, and, and-

Arthur: Calm down Le Fay, you are to excited.

Le Fay: But Onii-sama, I never saw a combination of spells like that anywhere, I am learning so much from this, it's just wonderful!

Kuroka: You really like to study don't you Nyah?

As the group continued their talk, Shalba and Heracles were thinking of a way to get out of their situation.

Snow: Get out of my sight you pair of idiots, NORTHERN IMPACT!!!

And like that the white boulders started to fall. In a desperate effort to escape, Shalba tried to fly over the snowballs, but was intercepted by Snow in the middle of the air.

Snow: Who said you could fly in the same place as me?


With a swift kick, Snow sent Shalba in Heracles's direction.



In response Heracles punched Shalba, exploding him out of his way. But when he was out of his way, he saw that the white boulders were already to close.

Heracles: (thoughts) SHIIIITTTT!!!


The sounds of explosions and crashes were heard through out all the arena. Heracles managed to blast some of the huge snowballs, but was eventually overwhelmed by their numbers. The heavy rain of white boulders continued on and on, making the ground shake like small earthquake.

Cao Cao: (thoughts) How long will this last?

Eventually, Snow's attack ended. The results were an snow covered battle ground and three missing people.

Cao Cao: (thoughts) Were is he? Heracles and Shalba should be under the snow, but were is he? One second he is there and the in the other, puff, he is gone. I can't even predict his moviments because his power hidding trick.

Out of the snow came an arm, and then Heracles. He look absolutly exhausted, and his clothes were all torn apart. Shalba came out a few moments later in the same state, but with a bit of burned skin near his ribs caused by the punch Heracles gave him before Snow's attack started.

Behind Heracles, the snow started to move like it was alive and started to take a humanoid shape. Heracles was unware of this, as the snow white form turned into Snow who looked down at his opponent.


One of the Heracles subordinates screamed at his leader making him turn around, only go get punched in face. He was sent flying hitting the ground several times before coming to a stop. But at that moment Snow had already repeated the process of turning his body into snow and traveled to the place where he was and gave him a kick in his ribs.

Heracles: (coughs blood) Ahhhhhhh!!!

Snow repeated the process again and again, unforgivingly hitting his downed opponent.

Snow: What is the matter? Fell down and can't get up? Hurry up and get on your feet. It's been a long time since I had a punching bag that I didn't have to crouch in order to hit, so get up I am not even warmed up yet.

Snow attacked him with the exact same words that were used against him by his opponent a little while ago. Enraiged with his opponent's cockiness, Heracles got up and glared at him.

Heracles: Don't get cocky rookie, I will be sure punch it out of you.

Snow: Oh! Then please do.

He extended his arms to his sides welcoming any blow.

Heracles: What are you doing?

Snow: Did my snowballs hit you that hard? You said you would punch the cockiness out of me, so, I'm giving you a chance to do it

That was his last straw, and he pushed his arm back and started to glow in a furiously orange aura.


Heracles yelled as he was going to punch him. His fist got closer and closer but Snow didn't move. Then out of Snow's torso came a demonic blast.

Heracles: (toughts) W-WHAT?!!!


Before the punch could reach Snow's body, the demonic energy blasted Hercules away and sent him flying.

Snow: Such a shame. I guess you forgot about the other opponent. I even gave you a free shot, and you just wasted it.

Snow turned around with a hole in his torso, and saw Shalba down in the ground, breathless and tired, with a fuming magic circle in his right hand.

Snow: The same goes for you to.

Shalba: Damn monster, how can you still be alive with that hole in your chest?!!!

Snow tilted his head to the side.

Snow: Hole?

The hole in his torso started to close do to the effect of the white snow.

Snow: What is this hole that you speak of?

In his team's seat, Bikou looked at the action.

Bikou: (thoughts) So that is how he didn't get hurt by my attack two days ago. He must have turned his body into snow as my staff passed through him and then he immediately turned it back to normal, giving us the ilusion that I missed or that it went just through him like if he was a ghost.

Snow: Now you will have to wait a moment, I have something to finish first.

Before Shalba could even say a word, he turned into snow, and travelled through the one that was in the ground until he reached Heracles who was having troubles keeping himself up.

Heracles saw the snow taking a humanoid shape and tried to punch it, but his arm got grabbed by a snow tendril.

Snow: I have already wasted to much time with you. So please go to sleep.

Snow walked to his left side and put a hand across his chest and on his right shoulder, and he immediately felt cold.

Heracles: (thoughts) He is so cold, like a block of ice.

At that moment he saw a thin layer of snow appearing where he was touching him.

Heracles: H-Haha, trying to freeze me are you? But it's useless I will just blow it away with my sacred gear.

He tried to activate his Variant Detonation, but nothing happened.

Heracles: W-What is happening?! Why won't it activate?!

Snow: You see...

Heracles turned his face to Snow, while more and more of his body started to be covered by a thin layer of snow.

Snow: The snow I create is not a normal one. From the moment you come in contact with these beautifull snowflakes, they will start to sap your stamina and strengh little by little. Both of those are necessary in order to wield a sacred gear, and by the looks of it, you don't have much of either left. That is why your Variant Detonation isn't working. You just chosed the worst type of opponent to a close range fighter like you.

Heracles: T-Then your first attack, it was-

Snow: It was not meant to finish you both of, but to give me a field advantage without either of you knowing.

Most of Heracles body was already covered in a layer of snow.

Snow: But enough of it, you must be tired right? Just close your eyes and let this gentle cold take you to sleep, and become a...

Like Snow said, Heracles eyes started to close.

Hercules: You.......bas........tar............d.

Snow: White Statue.

And just like that, Heracles tall figure became a snowy white statue. Snow took his arm from his white statue and started walking in Shalba's direction.

Cao Cao: (thoughts) Heracles, you fool.

Cao Cao eyes turned to Vali who was smirking at him.

Cao Cao: (thoughts) I see it now. That this is why you were so confident Vali. Since the first step he took into the headquarters, that man has been observing everything, hearing everything, learning, from the number of our forces, to our interactions and even our personalities, and immediately started to create counter measures for all of us, hidding behind that dark cloak and ice cold demeanor. Damn it! The Hakuryuukou just became even more dangerous with that monster by his side!

Snow finally reached Shalba who was laid in the snowy ground. He stoped right in from of him just looking at him.

Shalba: That look...!

He remained quiet

Shalba: THAT LOOK...!

Everyone looked at the pathetic state the pureblood was.


Snow crouched down a bit, and grabbed him by his hair, and started dragging him.

Shalba: Argh!!! Let go you useless mutt !!!

He walked from one side of the arena to the other, dragging Shalba in his way, and stoped right in front of his Team's seats. He threw the pureblood devil foward, right in front of him.

Shalba: Argh!!!

Snow: Now that we are here, we can solve our problem at last.

His team looked on, confused by his action.

Kuroka: What is he doing Nyah?

Arthur shrugged his shoulders.

Arthur: Who knows?

Shalba looked back at him.

Shalba: What are you trying to do here mutt?!!!

Snow: What else. I brought you here so you can apologize to my team of course.

The Team's eyes widdened.

Bikou: Awwww! He does like us.

Shalba: You must be joking! I will never do such a thing to a pile of trash like the-


Snow interrupted him with a kick to his burned side.

Shalba: ARGHHHH!!!

Snow: I don't remember giving you an option in this. I said you will do it, so you will do it.

Shalba stood there grunting and holding the side of his body.

Snow: What is the matter? Everyone is waiting, please hurry up.

In response Shalba glared at him.

Snow: Ohhhhh! I see it now. How could I be so distracted.

The snow behind Shalba morfed into a hand, and grabbed Shalba by the back of his cape, and putted him back up. Snow then went o his side.

Snow: Of course! It's not like you don't want to apologize to them, you just don't know how to do it. Please be at ease, I will personaly show you how you can do it in the best way possible.

Shalba: What nonesense are you-


Shalba: (coughs blood) Argh!!!

Snow punched Shalba in his gut, making him bent over to hold it.

Snow: Let's start. First that position you are right now it's called a bow. You should do it when you are apologizing to someone, especially a lady, it will help you show them that you are really sorry for what you did.

Everyone looked at Snow's little etiquette lesson with a mixed look of feelings.

Bikou: He is a little brutal for a teacher of manners don't you think?

Kuroka: I don't know, I'm really enjoying his lesson Nyah!

Vali: Quite a good show, but now let's pay attention to the class. If not, Snow-sensei may do to us what he is doing to Shalba-kun.

Kuroka: (dramatic tone) Oh no, the horror Nyah!

The three of them snickered at their colective imagination.

Shalba had yet to say anything.

Snow: Still nothing I see. No problem Shalba, we will just skip to the next part. Don't be discouraged, you will to do it eventually.

He took a step back and...


He hit Shalba once again in his burned side and gut, only with a kick this time. The devil fell on his knees into the ground, with one hand suporting him and the other around the place where he took the blow.

Snow: In case a simple bow doesn't earn you their forgiveness, do not despair. All you have to do his go even lower. Just like you are righ now, in all fours, with your head down.

Shalba wasn't used to this much pain and humiliation, and because of that, his spirit started to break.

Shalba: (whisper) Let me-

Snow: BUT!

He interupted him.

Snow: If, even by doing that, the people you insulted don't forgive you then...

Snow placed his feet on the back of Shalba's head.

Snow: There is only one thing you can do, and that his...

He started making pressure, forcing Shalba's head to go down, until his forehead was touching the ground.

Snow: To beg on your knees.

Everyone saw how Shalba was shaking. His pride, body and spirit were completly broken.

Snow: Now. From what we learned here, tell me, what do you say in this situation?

Shalba was tembling no-stop.

Shalba: (whisper) I'm sorry.

Snow: Now, now you will have to speak louder, or else no one will be able to hear you.

Shalba: I'm sorry.

Snow: Louder!

Shalba: I'M SORRYYYYY!!!

In the middle of his dispair, Shalba yelled his apologie for everyone around the arena to hear.

Snow: Good. I'm proud you learned so fast, so ... I don't need you anymore, you can go to sleep now.

The snow around Shalba started to cover him. He panicked and tried to get up, but Snow continued to make pressure in the back of his head, making sure he didn't leave his place. A few seconds of useless trashing around, Shalba to became covered by a layer of Snow.

Snow: White Statue.

He took his feet out of the frozen devil's head.

Snow: Now reflect on your actions, while you stay there in that position, beging for forgiveness.

The fight was over and Snow was the indisputable winner. Done with his fight, he jumped to his Team's side.

Snow: I take it you enjoyed the show?

Vali started to clap his hands.

Vali: Oh I loved the show, especially the etiquette lesson, nice touch.

Kuroka: And look, he took it so seriously that he is still doing what you said Nyahahaha!

She pointed at the frozen Shalba.

Snow: I aim to please.

Le Fay aproached him with the same twinkle in her eyes as before.


Snow interrupted her by putting one finger in her lips.

Snow: Le Fay-san please calm down. If you speak like that, then I won't be able to understand a thing that you are saying.

He took his finger out of her lips, as she gained a blush on her cheeks.

Le Fay: S-Sorry.

Snow: It's ok. I would love to talk to you, but let's go home first, ok?

Le Fay: O-Ok.

Vali: Ok then let's go guys.

As Le Fay started to create the teleportation circle that would take them home Vali turned around with a smug smile to Katerea and Cao Cao.

Vali: Well, that's all folks, we will be going now, so please clean this mess. After all, it was your members who had the idea to have this fight so, bye bye.

Has the circle started to glow, Kuroka threw herself at Snow, with her hands around his neck.

Kuroka: (whisper) Thank you.

He gently holded her.

Snow: Haha, your welcome my lady.

And with one last glow from the magic circle, they were gone.

Snow's Castle - Underworld

The room of the castle started glowing and in a flash they were back home.

Bikou started stretching.

Bikou: Hmmmmmm! That was fun.

Arthur: Well, we certantly made an impression in there.

Vali turned to Snow who still had Kuroka in his arms.

Vali: So, what did you think?

Snow: Most of them are easy to manipulate, with a few more of this meetings I will be able to understand them and defirenciate friend from foe, as well as the best route to take from here.

Vali: Very well. Everyone! I will be leaving for a while.

Snow: Grigori's work?

Vali: Yes, if I spend to much time in here Azazel may get suspicious. I will leave the team in your care.

Snow: Very well. I will be waiting for some good information Vali.

Vali: Haha, sure. See ya.

Vali created another magic circle and in a fash he was gone.

Snow: Ok Le Fay-san let's have our conversation in a bit, I will just go make some sweets and tea for us.

Le Fay: Ahhhh! Sweets and tea! Ok Snow-san I will be waiting in the leaving room then.

Kuroka immediately raised her hand in the air.

Kuroka: Can I come Nyah?

Snow: Of course.

Bikou: Snow I want something to eat.

Arthur: I'm not particularly fond of sweets, but would like some tea if you could.

Ophis: I, also wish, to eat, sweets.

There was a small pause.

Team minus Snow: Eh?

Everyone look at the center of the room and saw Ophis floating there.


Le Fay: O-O-Ophis-sama why are you here?!!!

Ophis: I, got curious, so I, decided, to come, with you, all.

Ophis floated in Snow's direction and took his hood of gently, showing his young face and long hair falling down to his back.

Ophis: Besides. I, never got, to see, your face, Snow.


Annnnnnnnd done! Seriously the biggest chapter I have wrote so far. Never though fighting scenes took that much time and effort to writte, but hopefully you guys enjoyed it. So we had verbal agression, physichal agression and even one agressive etiquette lesson, so pretty agressive all things considered. As always leave your comments, doubts and opinions, and I will see you all in the next chapter, see ya!

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