Calm before the Storm

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Hello everyone Nightingale here bringing you another chapter. This one will be a little more chilled before the next event in DxD which I'm dying to writte. I honestly hope you are enjoying this as much as I do, and without further ado, read and enjoyyyyyy...


Lucifaad, Underworld - Two weeks after the Khaos Brigade's events

Lucifaad, the old capital of the Underworld, home of the first Lucifer himself. Now it was the home of the current Leviathan. Unlike most of the actual Satan's, the one who possesses the title of the great devil king "Leviathan" was a women. That women was currently having her greatest battle so far against her eternal enemy. Paperwork.

The women in question was a beautiful girl looking in her late teens with black hair, tied into twin tails and pink eyes. She had a child-like body albeit with large breasts. Much to her dislike she was wearing a sort of formal suit instead of her usual Mahou Shoujo uniform. This beautiful girl's name is Serafall. 

Serafall: Hmm.

She was surrounded by big piles of paper, signing them as fast as she could.

Serafall: Hmmmmmm!

But the thing is....


She really hated to do this kind of work.


She whined.

Serafall: I wanna get out of here! I don't like being closed in this stupid office!!!

Serafall crossed her arms over the table and rested her head in them.

Serafall: (sigh) Why did I even became a Satan?


A knock on her office's door gained her attention.

Serafall: Come in.

At her response, the person behind the door opened it, and stucked her head in, it was one of the castle's maids.

Maid: Leviathan-sama I'm sorry to interrupted you, but something just arrived for you.

Serafall gained teary eyes at the maid's words.

Serafall: Please no more paper work!

The maids of the castle all knew just how much she hated to be closed in the office doing paperwork, so she was quick with her next words.

Maid: No! Please be at ease my lady it's not paperwork.

Serafall sighed in relief at the maid's words and then tilted her head to the side.

Serafall: It isn't? What is it then?

Maid: Well...

Rather then answering Serafall, the maid entered the room, showing her the thing that came for her. The maid was holding a basket with a small white cloth on top of it, hiding it's contents, in her arms. Serafall's expression immediately got brighter and her eyes gained stars.

Maid: As you can see it's the usual basket from an unknown...


Maid: ... person. 

In an instant the maid felt a air current passing her and her arms getting lighter. She looked down at them and saw that she wasn't holding the basket anymore. She turned around and saw the one who took it from her, seating on one of room's chairs in front of a table. Serafall squiled at the basket.

Serafall: (excited tone) I wonder what it has this time!!!

She took the small white cloth from it's top. Inside the basket were a number of delicacies, that she procedded to take out. There was bread, jam, cookies, donuts, and a couple of small tea bags, it even had things like an handkerchief and a small knife suposedly for her to use. By touching them she noticed that some of them were still warm, proving that they had been hand make and that they were just made.

Serafall: (excited tone) OHHHHH! EVERYTHING LOOKS SO GOOD!!!

The maid gained a small smile at her king's childish behaviour and approached her.

Maid: Leviathan-sama this also came with the basket.

The maid took a letter from one of the pockets on her uniform and gave it to her.

Serafall: Another one?

Maid: Yes.

Serafall carefully took the letter from the maid's hand and opened it,  immediately starting to read it's content.


To the kindest king of the Underworld, a small token of my gratitude for your unremitting effort for everyone's safety and well-being.

The tea is made from a special kind of herb that will help you relax, and there are plenty of sweets for your sweet-tooth.

P.S: Hopefully the things in this basket are as sweet as you.

Serafall blushed a bit at the final words written in the letter.

Maid: Does it have a name?

Serafall looked at the maid.

Serafall: No.

The maid sighed.

Maid: So, the same as in the other times. A basket full of things is send to you personally, but we never get any kind of clue of who this mistery person who sends them is.

Serafall puffed her cheeks.

Serafall: That's right! Why doesn't he just put his name so I can thank him?! Big meanie!

The maid laughed a bit.

Maid: Maybe he has some reason that we don't know about.

Serafall then turned her attention back at the letter in her hands and gained a small smile.

Serafall: Maybe. But, it makes happy knowing that someone our there appreciates my job and sends me gifts like this.

She stood there for a second, before picking some of the small tea bags from the basket and  giving them to the maid.

Serafall: Could you make me some tea with these please?

The maid took the small bags and bowed her head.

Maid: Of course my lady, I will go prepare it immediately.

Serafall: Thank you!

The maid went to the door but, before she went out of the room she turned to her king.

Maid: Leaviathan-sama!

Serafall turned to the maid.

Serafall: Yes, what is it?

The maid smiled at her.

Maid: That person is not the only one that is grateful for your efforts, everyone here is happy to serve you because of what you do for everyone. 

And with that she went to prepare Serafall's tea, leaving Serafall alone in the room again.

Serafall: (thoughts) Everytime you send me one of this baskets, my day simply gets better. I wish to find you one day and thank you to for your kindness.

The turned once again to the delicacies on the table.

Serafall: Ok! What should it eat first?!

She started eating some of the sweet things that were on the table. 5 minutes had passed and she heard another knock on her door.

Grayfia: Serafall-sama I am coming in.

The one who entered the room was not the maid with her tea, but Grayfia.

Serafall: Hello Grayfia-chan! What brings ...

The called for her friend happily as usual, but then she saw what she was carring with her and paled. More paperwork.

Grayfia: Hello Serafall-sama. I brought you some documents that need your signature in them.

Serafall: Ehhhhh! More?!!! Grayfia-chan you big meanie!!!

Grayfia: (sigh) I am not being mean, these are important documents that need to be signed.

Serafall pouted knowing that she couldn't escape Grayfia.

Serafall: Booo! Your no fun Grayfia-chan! I will do it, but only after my pause!

Grayfia noticed the basket and the things on the table.

Grayfia: From your parents I presume.

Serafall gained a big smile and shook her head from side to side.

Serafall: Nope!

Grayfia: No? Then who?

Serafall: I don't know!

She answered her friend with a happy smile.

Grayfia:  You don't know?

Serafall: It doesn't matter. Wanna join me Grayfia-chan?! The are plently of things to chose from!

Serafall invited her friend. Grayfia looked at the office's watch and saw that she had quite a bit of time to spare.

Grayfia: I guess the will be no harm in taking a small pause from work.

Serafall: Yay! Take a seat Grayfia-chan, I already asked a maid to make some tea she should be-


Serafall: Right here! Come in!

The maid entered the room holding a tray with the tea, and took notice of Grayfia's presence.

Maid: Good afternoon Grayfia-sama. (turns to Serafall) Serafall-sama I brought you your tea.

She placed the tray on the table, and procedded to fill two cups with tea and handing them to the two women in the room.

Serafall: Thank you!

Maid: You are welcome my lady. Please excuse me.

She then proceeded to leave the room, leaving them alone once more. Serafall took a sip of the warm tea and a bite of one of the donuts.

Serafall: Ahhhhhhhhh! So good!!!

Grayfia decided to take a sip of the tea, and when she did, she was amazed.

Grayfia: It leaves such a relaxing feeling!

Serafall: I know right!

Grayfia: Who did send you this? These are all very well made.

Serafall put her tea cup down.

Serafall: I really don't know. For a few years now, someone sends me things like these and a letter with motivating words once in a while, but never signed his name or something to identify himself.

Grayfia: Did anyone see the one who brough this?

Serafall shook her head.

Serafall: No. In a moment there is nothing, and the in  the other, there's a basket for me on top of one of the tables.

Grayfia took another sip and showed a rare smile.

Grayfia: It would seem like you have a secret admirer Serafall-sama.

Serafall gained a small blush on her cheeks and placed her hands on them.

Serafall: You think so?! I wonder what does he look like!

Grayfia: Who knows? Maybe in do time you will know.

Serafall squilled like a school girl before turning to Grayfia again.

Serafall:  How about you Grayfia-chan? How are things going on?

Grayfia put her cup down and sighed.

Grayfia: Honestly, not that good.

Serafall: Eh? What happened?!

Grayfia: Nothing to bad, it's just...

She sighed once again.

Grayfia: Rias marriage contract is not going all that well. The Phenex's found about some governing mistakes that Rias made, and because of that, they want the wedding to happen as soon as possible. They even have the elders in the council to back them up. Later in the evening I will have to go to the human world to a reunion between the two young ones envolved and make sure that they don't kill each other.

Serafall nodded in understanding.

Serafall: So that happened. Even so, it's not like you to be like this.

Grayfia: The thing is, Sirzechs has agreed to this marriage contract.

Serafall gained a rare serious expression on his face.

Serafall: His he trying to go back on his word now?

Grayfia hesitantly nodded.

Grayfia: Yes unfortunat-

Serafall: That can't happen!!!

She interrupted Grayfia, making her look at Serafall with a surprised expression.

Serafall: I understand how he feels, but that doesn't mean that he can go back on his word. When So-chan was put into an arranged marriage contract, I had to stay out of it even if I didn't want it to happen to her, all because of my position.  So I will not allow him to do something as stupid and egoist as that. The political consequences of his favoritism towards his sister can make the high and low-class devils lose not only their trust in him, but also in me and the other two Satans since we all agreed to stay out of old clan's business and not favoring them in no circunstance what so ever.

Grayfia nodded.

Grayfia: That is why I am in this state. Like you, he loves his sister very much, so I am afraid that he will make something stupid.

Serafall: Let's hope that he doesn't make anything like that. But I will warn you now Grayfia because you are my friend...

They both looked at each other's eyes.

Serafall: If he dares to do something that stupid, then he will have to clean that mess himself. What ever the council decides as punishment for that, I will support their decision on this case.

Grayfia nodded. 

Grayfia: Of course.

Serafall regained her bubbly demeanor.

Serafall: Ok let's end that talk now! How about some girl talk?

Grayfia smiled.

Grayfia: I would love that.

The two continued with their conversation, completely unaware of the time passing.

Snow's Castle - Underworld

Outside of the white castle the sound of strikes could be heard echoing though the snowy grounds. The origin of those strikes was a small spar between Bikou and Snow. Both were not using any weapons or magic, only their fists. Snow didn't have his cloak on, showing is form.

Bikou: You're good.

Snow: I could say the same thing about you.

They dashed towards each other hitting their fists together creating a shock wave. In that attack Snow's arm was slightly pushed back, so he decided to gain some distance and dash towards Bikou once again managing to hit him once in the face, before he could react, and jumped back once again.

Bikou: Kakaka! It looks like I have more power.

Snow: But in compensation, I'm faster.

Bikou: Kakaka! Can't argue with that.

Both were panting slightly, and then...


They heard Bikou's stomach.

Bikou: Eheh, pause?

Snow sighed and started to walk in the castle's direction with Bikou following after him.

Snow: I'm sure I prepared quite a bit of breakfast and lunch.

Bikou: And they were both delicious!

Snow: Then how can you still be hungry, do you perhaps have a hole in your stomach?

Bikou: Hey! This beautiful machine that his my body doesn't move on air and water you know?!

Snow: I don't know if would call your body "beautiful" or a "machine", more like a bottomless pit where you can trow anything inside.

Bikou narrowed his eyes.

Bikou: You are a great cook, but some times you can be a real asshole you know?

Snow: Thank you.

Bikou: It wasn't a complement!

Snow: I know.

Snow pointed to the kitchen's door when they got there.

Snow: There should still be some leftovers in the friedge, so eat and clean everything afterwards please.

Bikou licked his lips.

Bikou: Alright baby, come to papa.

And with that he entered the kitchen to start his feast. Snow continued to walk the hall going for the stairs that lead to the next floor, when he saw one of the room's door slightly open.

Snow: (thoughts) The Library?

Snow went towards the door and looked inside. Like he said, it was a libray inside. It wasn't to big or to small, but all the books in there had been personally bought by him based on their quality, every single one of them had precious information. Inside surrounded by  a small pile of books was Le Fay, reading a Grimmoire with a smile on her face.

Snow: I thought it was you, Le Fay-san.

Thr young magician looked up from the book to see Snow coming in her direction.

Le Fay: Hello Snow-san.

She said with her cheerful voice.

Snow: Hello. (looks at the table) You know, if you continue to read like that, soon there won't be enough books in here for you to read.

Le Fay panicked and started to pick up the books.

Le Fay: I'm so sorry, I have been taking your books like that nonstop, I will put them back in their place.

Before she could get up Snow took the books from her and put them back on her table.

Snow: Hahaha. It seems like you misunderstood me. When I said a few days ago that you could use this library as you wanted, I meant it. I only gave you that warning because if you read them all, then you will be bored with nothing to do afterwards.

Le Fay: O-Oh! Thank you, but don't worry, with this many books I will be entertained for a while. Besides, you are one to talk. I find you almost every morning sleeping near a window with piles of them around you.

Snow: Hahaha, you got me there.

They both laughed. During the two weeks that went after the meeting with the Khaos Brigade, Snow opened himself more and more to the team, that same being said for them. He was now an essecial member for them. From place to live, to cook, to sparing partner, or even for a simple talk, all of the team members appreciated all that he did.

Snow: Well I'm going to take a shower now, please put the books back on their place once you finish ok?

Le Fay smiled and saluted him like a familiar pumpkin he knew.

Le Fay: Yes sir!

Snow laughed and patted her in her head.

Snow: Try not to become Wisp n°2.

Le Fay smiled.

Le Fay: Hai!

And with that he turned around and left the room.

Le Fay: I gues he is right, I can't read them all at once. Hmmmm maybe I will see what Onii-sama and the others are doing.

Le Fay raised from her seat and started to put everything back in it's place before closing the door and starting to look for the others in the castle.

Snow's Castle - Snow's Room

Snow entered his room and proceeded to lock the door. The entire floor belonged to him, and he warned the team that they weren't allowed to be there without him for now, which they understood.

Snow: Let's go and get clean.

The first thing he took was his scarf, and put it gently on his bed, then he took some comfortable cloths from his wardrobe, before going for the shower. There he took all of his dirty cloths and put them in a washing machine. Inside the shower, he turned on the water, closed his eyes and let the warm water flow through his body, relaxing his muscles.

Snow: (thoughts) Things are going good. Having found this team really helped me getting both stronger and wiser. If things continue this way, the day where I can put my plan in pratice is not that far way.

He was so lost in though that he didn't notice that someone was behind him.

Snow:(thoughts) I only need a chance now, so long as I have it I can set everything into motion, and then my dream will eventually become tru-

He stoped his thoughts when he felt someone hugging him from behind. He panicked and turned around to look at the person, only to find a pair of gray eyes staring directly at him.

Ophis: So this, is where, you were.

It was Ophis. She was floating in the air in front of him, now hugging his torso. He didn't look down at her but from the felling and the heat, he knew she was naked, and because of that, he gained a small tint of red in his cheeks.

Snow: O-Ophis-san, why are you here?

Ophis: I, wished to, take a bath.

Snow: T-There are plenty of other places where you can take a bath in the castle.

Ophis: The quietest, place, is in, this floor. And, the only, shower, is in, your room.

Snow actually forgot how she liked the quiet.

Snow: C-Couldn't you have waited for me to finish?

In reponse she pressed herself harder against him, making him get even redder.

Ophis: I, wanted you, to, whash, my hair. It feels, good, when you, do it.

Yes. This was not the first time this happened to him. Ever since she came back with them she has been spending a lot of her time with him, although he suspected that was because of the sweets he made. She went as far as sleep in his bed, saying that his room was the quietest one. Normally he would murder anyone that entered his floor or worse, saw what the big white scarf he used hid. But in front of him was a being much stronger than everything he knew so there wasn't much he could do.

Snow: (sigh) Could you at least put on a towel please.

She floated back giving him a clear view of her body, before he turned his head to the side.

Ophis: I, find it, acceptable.

With a glow, she created a light purple towel around her.

Snow: Let's hurry up.

He took a towel and warped it around his waist and took a seat, waiting for Ophis to seat in front of him. To is surprise, she floated in front of him and sat on his lap. He got extremely flustered.

Snow: O-O-Ophis-san! What are you doing?!

Ophis: This is, the most, comfortable place.

He took a deep breath to calm down his nerves and started to clean the Infinity Dragon's long black hair.

Snow: Please close your eyes so the shampoo doesn't get in your eyes.

She nodded. He carefully washed her hair with his hands, doing his best to not pull her hair by accident and carefull with her pointed ears.

Snow: Is this ok?

Ophis: Yes.

He finished his work and started washing the shampoo away with the water.

Snow: You can open your eyes now.

Ophis did what he said and looked back at him and paused.

Snow: Is there something wrong?

She said nothing and turned around, sitting in his lap with her legs spread, facing him. Before he could get flustered with their position, she placed her hands on his cheeks making him freeze.

Ophis: I, do not, understand. Why, do you, hide, your face?

In all honesty she didn't knew why. He smiled at the innocence of the eternal creature in front of him.

Snow: To you, this may be nothing, and it may be the same to some other people out there, but. To me, this brings nothing but bad memories. Memories that I don't wish to remember.

Ophis looked at him in the eyes and said nothing.

Snow: Shall we get out?

Ophis nodded.

Ophis: Yes.

She floated from is lap into his right shoulder and seated there.

Snow: I guess you will want me to dry your hair to?

Ophis: Yes.

He chuckled a bit before both of them left the shower.

Snow's Castle - Living room

While Snow and Ophis were doing their things, the team, minus Vali, was together in the living room just speaking with each other.

Arthur: It's already been two weeks.

Kuroka was laid in the biggest couch in front of the fireplace, loving the heat and comfort.

Kuroka: Yeah, it's been two weeks since we found Snow-kun. Best finding ever Nyah!

Bikou: Kakaka! Can't deny that. A big place full of space, a friedge always full of food, one hell of a cook and a brand new sparing partner, I said we hitted the jackpot with that guy.

Kuroka: For the first time, I agree with you Bikou. It was one hell of an upgrade to our life style.

Le Fay: Yeah, no more going from place to place or turns keeping watch at night, and now I'm not the only one of the group who knows how to cook so that helps a lot.

Arthur nodded at his sister's words.

Arthur: Honestly is surprising how someone can accomplish all of this by himself. He definitely didn't have a normal life, to be able to think and behave in that way, I wonder, for how much time did he lived here surrounded by this cold land as his only company.

Bikou seemed to think about his words.

Bikou: Yeah, he made his best to stay way from everyone, so at first, I thought he was going to be one of those anti-social pricks, but he's the complete opposite.

Kuroka changed her position so she was looking at he ceiling.

Kuroka: He like a mixture of a butler, a cook and the definition of a gentleman. He obviously knows how to deal and/or treat a person.

Arthur looked through the window seeing the artificial sun of the underworld setting in the horizon.

Arthur: Not to mention his knowlege and power. Snow is a man of many mysteries, and even if I feel like I have known him for years, I know nothing about him other than his name.

Le Fay looked at the fireplace, seeing the flames dance as they burned the wood.

Le Fay: Did ...

The attention of the members went towards Le Fay.

Le Fay: Did you ever noticed that he never ate at the same table as us? 

Arthur turned once again towards the window.

Arthur: Yes, he served our meals plenty of times and even stood by our side talking with us while we ate, but never once he seated with us to eat.

Bikou sighed.

Bikou: Doesn't he trust us?

Kuroka: That's not it Nyah!

The group's attention was now on Kuroka.

Le Fay: What do you mean Kuroka-san?

Kuroka: (sigh) I know the feeling of distrust better than all of you, no offense Nyah. When I look into his eyes I don't see a hint of that, every word he says is what he feels. I genuinely think that, even through this all started as an alliance, by now he sees us as true friends and trusts us Nyah.

Bikou: Then why?

Kuroka got up and looked at everyone.

Kuroka: You all saw how he hiddes his face behind that huge scarf of his don't you?

They all nodded.

Kuroka: I think that's his way to hide something that happened in the past. To eat with us, he would have to take it and show us that, that is why he doesn't eat with us. He's trying to not get us involved with his problems. We need to respect that and hope that in the future he will open up to us.

Le Fay: T-That is right! Snow-san is still Snow-san, he never gave us a reason to suspect him, let's wait for him to feel ready to tell us.

Arthur and Bikou looked at each other before they both nodded.

Arthur: That's right. It's his life, it would be disrespectful, as a swordsman, to pry in his affairs.

Bikou: Kakaka! That's right, I'm not gonna lose my friedge full of food and my cook because of that.

Kuroka: Nyahaha! Damn right none of you will do anything, I got best couch to lay on, right in front of a big fireplace, this kitty will do anything to keep it Nyah!

Le Fay: I finnaly found someone who I can speak about magic, so I will make sure to be the best teammate he ever had.

They gained a colective laugh and continued with their conversations. Behind the door was Snow and Ophis. He was frozen in place, with his hand right near the door handle. At that moment, he was happy. Their words, their appreciation towards him he could feel them even now echoing in his mind and heart. He gripped his chest with teary eyes. Ophis who was seated on his shoulder, looked silently at him.

Ophis: Won't you, enter?

Snow shook his thoughts and looked at her.

Snow: Yes. Can I ask you to remain silent about this?

Ophis continued to look at him for a while and nodded.

Ophis: I shall, remain, quiet, in return, of, donuts.

Snow smiled.

Snow: Deal.

With those words he twisted the door handle and entered the room gaining the groups attention.

Bikou: Hey there big guy!

Le Fay: Oh! Hello again Snow-san.

Arthur: Good evening Snow.

Kuroka: Snow-kun, Snow-kun come sit here Nyah!

Snow made his way towards them as Kuroka looked at Ophis who had a purple pajama on her, and the slightly wet hair proved that she was taking a bath earlier, just like Snow.

Kuroka: Nyahaha! Did she enter in your shower again when you were there Nyah?!

Snow sighed.

Snow: Yes.

He took a seat near Kuroka and picked Ophis up, putting her on his left side, in an instance Kuroka laid once again on couch with her head in his lap.

Kuroka: Since she did the usual, I want the usual to.

Snow: It wasn't exactly consensual but guess that doesn't matter does it?

Kuroka smile.

Kuroka: Nope.

He placed his hand on her head near her cat hears, and gently started stroking them, much to her pleasure.

Kuroka: (purr) Nyahhhhh, this is a paradise Nyah.

Snow: Glad you are enjoying it, you have very soft ears.

Kuroka: (purr) Thank you Nyahhhh!

Le Fay looked at how Snow gave attention to her friend and Ophis, not noticing her brother aproaching her with a rare teasing smile.

Arthur: (whisper) You know, he still has one more hand, if you ask him I bet will give you the same thing Kuroka is having.

Le Fay got flustered and turned to her brother.

Le Fay: (whisper) O-Onii-sama it's not like that!

Arthur: (whisper) Sure it's not.

Le Fay: (whisper) I SAID IT'S NOT LIKE THAT! IT' JUST-

Before she could come back with an answer, a magic circle appeared in the room and from it came Vali.

Vali: (sigh) Finally I'm back.

Arthur: Welcome back Vali.

Vali: It's good to be back.

He went towards the couch and saw how everyone was doing, especially Snow and the three girls.

Vali: You seem to be getting along pretty well while I was out.

He then seated on one of the couches.

Snow: Is that a bad thing?

He asked while still petting Kuroka.

Vali: Not at all, just wasn't expecting that in the two weeks that I was out, you would be so comfortable with each other.

Bikou: How did things go?

Vali looked at Snow.

Vali: Let's say, I got quite a bit of information for our friend right here.

Snow raised his eyebrow.

Snow: Oh! Then don't keep me waiting.

Vali: Hahaha, so impatient, but I guess I promised you that information didn't I?

Snow: You did.

Vali: Very well then, let's start. First of all, the group of fallen dispached by Azazel was completely annihilated by the Gremory group.

Le Fay: Won't that be bad for them, killing a group of fallen just because they passed by them.

Vali: Kinda, but from what I heard the group changed from "Keeping an eye on the target" to "Killing the target".

Bikou: Why did they do that?

Vali: They were ordered to do that.

Arthur: Never thought Azazel would sent an order to kill a sacred gear wielder.

Snow: That is because he didn't.

They all looked at him as he looked at Vali.

Snow: I'm I right?

Vali laughed.

Vali: Still sharp as ever. That is right, their orders changed but that order never came from Azazel.

Snow closed his eyes in thought.

Snow: Kokabiel?

Vali nodded.

Vali: Most likely. After the incident he disappeared without leaving a trail, so Azazel thinks it was him.

Snow: I see, anything else.

Vali gained a smile.

Vali: Yeah, the one that they were watching got reincarnated by the Gremory girl, and apparently it turns out like he posesses the Boosted Gear.

The others looked at Vali.

Bikou: Congrats! It looks like you finally found your rival.

Vali: Nah! For now he is just to weak to even be a challenge.

Bikou: Jeez! That weak?

Vali: Yeah.

Snow: Anything else?

Vali: Not much, just something about an arranged marriage between the Gremory girl and another High-Class devil.

Snow's eyes widened and for a second he stoped his hands, before continuing to pet Kuroka.

Snow: Vali, give me all the details about that last thing.

Vali was confused.

Vali: Never though you would be interested in these things.

Snow: I'm not. But I can make good use of this, so tell me everything you know.

Vali looked into his eyes. He was serious.

Vali: Ok. From what I know, the Gremory girl had this arranged marriage ever since she was a kid. It was agreed by both of the two clans involved and the current Lucifer. Other than that, the only thing I know is that the other clan involved is the Phenex Clan.

There as a minute of silence, before the group heard a laugh, and it was coming from Snow.

Snow: Hahahahahaha!!!

Bikou: (nervous tone) D-Dude! I know I told you should really laugh more, but you're scaring the hell out of me right now.

The laugh eventually came to a stop.

Snow: Haha, I'm sorry, those news will really help you guys and me with a few things, thank you Vali.

Vali: May we know what are you planning to do with this information?

Snow: I need to prepare first, then, if everything goes according with my plan, you will know.

Vali looked on silently.

Vali: Very well, do what you have to do, but now can you guys tell me what happened in here while I was out?

Like that the group started talking about the most mundain things. Snow on the other hand was ecstatic with this new information.

Snow: (thoughts) Hahaha! Who would have thought?! I guess this team really is my lucky charm! Hahaha! Now that the opportunity presented herself to me ... I will be sure to make good use of it!


Annnnnnnnnnd done! One more chapter! It looks like the group is coming up together, even Ophis seems comfortable with them. Snow had some bonding moments with everyone, some a little more heated then others but was a bonding none the less. Now with Vali's return, came some news that made Snow very, very happy! What is Snow's plan for this arranged marriage? In what way will he use it to get closer to his objective? Wait for the next chapter to hopefully find all of your answers. As always leave your comments, suggestions and doubts and will try to answer them the best I can. Also a special thanks to DragLuard for his suggestion for this story, it is a little my friend but hopefully it's essence remains the same. Well that all folks. See Ya!!!

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