Deals with the Devil

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Hey guys Nightingale here with another chapter for you. We are now entering in the part of the story I'm dying to writte, so I won't spoil anything and let you read. So sit back, relax and enjoyyyyyyyyy!


Gremory's moutain Mansion - Human World

After a long walk to the top, the Gremory's peerage finally got to the place where they will spend the next 10 days training for the Rating Game against Riser in hopes of gaining their King's freedom. The two new members were surprised that a mansion that big could to hidden in there without anyone noticing.

Asia: (smile) Wow it's so beautiful!

Rias: (smile) Alright everyone let's get inside and change, we have a lot of ground to cover before our match.

Issei was shocked.

Issei: Ehhhhh!!! But we just got here, that is just evil, it's not fair.

He was crying anime tears.

Rias: (smile) Why thank you Issei.

Koneko: Move it Perv!  

The group started to pick their things and went inside to change. What they didn't notice was a shadow of a figure seated in a branch of one of the many trees that surrounded the mansion.

Snow: So that's the entire group? (sigh) For someone who always wanted to get out her marriage, she sure did a whole bunch of nothing to try and do it.

Snow looked at his lap, laying there was Kuroka in her cat form.

Snow: Is the small white-haired one your sister?

She turned to look at him.

Kuroka: That's right, that is Shirone Nyah!

Snow: Are you happy to see her again?

Kuroka: What kind of question is that? Of course I am Nyah!

Snow laughed and started petting her in the head and ears.

Snow: You're right, that was a dumb question, forgive me.

Kuroka stood there, enjoying his touch.

Kuroka: No problem Nyah ... Not that I'm not happy but, why are we here Nyah?

Snow looked towards the mansion seeing the Gremory's peerage coming out in their training gear.

Snow: For what I'm planning to do, I need to acquire precise data of everyone of that girl's pieces. 

Kuroka narrowed her eyes a bit at him.

Kuroka: I hope you're not getting Shirone hurt in this plan of yours Nyah.

He looked at her in the eyes.

Snow: Please don't worry, I only need her data, I have no intention of letting her get hurt from my plans, especially now that I know she is your sister. I only ask you to trust me.

Kuroka looked at him trying to find any signs of deceit, but found none.

Kuroka: That's good then Nyah.

Snow saw the group moving deeper into the forest so he picked Kuroka up and put her on his shoulder, then he started jumping from branch to branch, as quietly as he could, after the people he was spying.

Snow: You know, I will be doing this for the next 10 days, it can be boring just me by myself in here, I could use some company meanwhile.

Kuroka immediately turned her face towards his.

Kuroka: Then your saying...

Snow: If you come with me, for the next 10 days you can see your sister anytime you want, so long as you don't give way our position of course.

Kuroka gained teary eyes and rubbed her face against his.

Kuroka: Thank you Snow-kun Nyah!

He closed his eyes for a second thinking on how happy she must be.

Snow: You're welcome, my lady.

And with that, the Rias and her group trained the whole day, not noticing the two spy's on her territory, getting every bit of information they could about them.

Snow's Castle - Afternoon

A white magic circle glowed in the living room of the castle, and from it came Snow and Kuroka still in her cat form. The young nekoshou shivered once they got home, not feeling the warmness coming from the fireplace.

Kuroka: Damn it! That stupid Banana Brains didn't lit the fireplace, it was his turn this time Nyah!

Snow sighed.

Snow: Don't worry Kuroka-san I will lit it right now.

Snow went towards the fireplace and placed Kuroka on the big couch. At that moment he took his cloak and placed it gently on top of her.

Snow: As for Bikou, the ones who don't work, don't eat...

He placed the firewood in it's place and with a basic fire spell, lit the fireplace.

Snow: (turns around) Don' you think?

Kuroka was now in her normal form holding his cloak around her.

Kuroka: Nyahaha, that should make him learn to keep this place warm, lazy bastard!

Snow went towards the couch and sat next to her. She looked at the cloak he gave him.

Kuroka: It's just like in that day.

Snow turned to her and tilted his head.

Snow: What are you talking about?

Kuroka got closer to him and leaned her head on his shoulder.

Kuroka: The day when we met each other. It was cold like today, you appeared out of nowhere and gave me your cloak to keep me warm Nyah.

She hugged the cloak.

Kuroka: Just like now Nyah.

Snow looked at her for a bit before turning back at the fireplace.

Snow: That happened didn't it? Well, I will give it to you as many times as you need it, it's against my pride to make a women feel that kind of cold.

Kuroka gained a blush on her cheeks and smile on her lips. She then turned to him, putting her hand on his face to turned him towards her.

Kuroka: It's that so, Nyah?

Snow: Yes.

She then gained a teasing smile and tone, very familiar to a certain kitsune that he knows.

Kuroka: You know. There's another you can keep me warm~

Snow gained a small blush. She became more bold and got on top of him and...

Snow: K-Kuroka-san what are you...

Sat on his lap.

Snow: W-Wh-

Kuroka: Nyahaha! You thought on something echii didn't you?

Snow turned his head to the side.

Snow: I-I did no such thing.

Kuroka: The red on your cheeks tells me another story Nyah.

She took his arms and made them go around her waist, then she picked his cloak and covered both of them with it.

Kuroka: Nyahhhh! This feels better.

Snow placed his head on her shoulder. Kuroka looked at him and saw that has struggling to keep himself wake.

Kuroka: Are you tired Nyah?

Snow: A little.

Kuroka: Close your eyes for a little bit, you have been working and training no-stop. Don't worry, I will wake you up when dinner is ready, it's Le Fay's turn today so you don't have to cook Nyah.

His eyes started to close.

Snow: Thank you ... very ........ much.

In a second he fell asleep still holding her, with his head placed comfortably on her bare shoulder. She gave him a kiss on his forehead.

Kuroka: Sweet dreams Nyah.

They stood there alone for a couple of minutes, before the door of the room opened to reveal that it was Vali the one that was entering the room.

Vali: I thought I heard you two coming back, how did it go?

He asked Kuroka while going in their direction.

Kuroka: From what he said, everything is going as he wants for now Nyah.

Vali: I see.

He took a seat and saw Snow sleeping behind her.

Vali: To think that a man so suspicious of others like him would fall asleep on you.

Kuroka: You can't blame him, everyday he wakes up earlier the most of us, not to mention the meals he prepares, the hours he spends making sure that the golems and the defense system of the entire zone are fully operational, the spars with you, Bikou and Arthur and the magic lessons that he and Le Fay give each other. It's impressive that he hasn't fell from exhaustion yet Nyah.

Vali: Yeah, I guess your right. And thanks to him everyone's power, mine included, it's going up really well.

Kuroka: Fighting is all you think about isn't it Nyah?

Vali: Pretty much yeah.

Kuroka sighed.

Kuroka: We need to get you another hobby Nyah.

Vali looked at Snow.

Vali: Can you tell me what you and him have you been doing?

Kuroka thought for a bit before answering, she didn't saw any harm in telling him.

Kuroka: Nothing much, went to the human world to spy the Gremory girl and her group, apparently he needs their combat data for his plan to work Nyah.

Vali: (sigh) I still don't understand why is he so interrested in that stupid arranged marriage. What can he, or us, possibly gain from it?

Kuroka: Well, there is no reason to doubt him, let's just wait and see what happens Nyah.

Vali: I guess so.

The door of the room opened once again gaining their attention. This time it was Le Fay who entered the room, wearing a pink apron.

Le Fay: So this is were you were. Please get ready, the dinner will be done in a couple of minutes so please come to the kitchen.

Kuroka and Vali nodded.

Kuroka: Ok Nyah.

Le Fay then left the room. Kuroka was about to wake Snow when Vali spoke to her once again.

Vali: Wait!

Kuroka: What's wrong Nyah?

Vali got on his feet and the Dividing Gear's wings appeared on his back.

Vali: I wanna test something, don't move.

Before she could say anything, Vali started to raise his magical power and a bit of bloodlust and directed it towards Snow. In an instance, Kuroka was lifted from the couch and was now in the air. Once she felt herself stop, Kuroka saw that Snow and her were now in the center of room, with him holding her bridal-style. She felt his magical power starting to freeze the ground. His long white hair was flowing wildly with his power and she heard an animal like snarl coming from him. Once she looked at his eyes, she saw that he was still not totaly wake. Once again I did things on instinct alone.

After a couple of seconds Vali made his gear disappear and stopped with his little test.

Vali: Hm, fast reflexes

Snow: You know that there are better ways to wake a person up, Vali.

Vali: Maybe but this was the most interesting one.

Kuroka: Well...

Snow looked down at his arms to see Kuroka in there, with him holding her bridal-style and got flustered.

Kuroka: You sure know how to sweep a women of her feet Nyah~

Snow gently put her back on her feet.

Snow: I-I'm sorry.

Kuroka: Nyahahaha, don't worry Snow-kun.

Vali: Let's go the food his ready.

The three went out of the room into the hall.

Snow: Vali.

Vali heard Snow's call and turned to him.

Vali: Yes?

Snow: I will be leaving for a couple of hours later in the evening.

Kuroka: Another step in your plans Nyah?

Snow nodded.

Snow: That's right Kuroka-san.

Vali: I see, do what you wish. I want to see what you can possibly obtain from this situation.

They kept walking until they reached the kitchen where the others were already waiting for them.

Snow: (thoughts) Oh don't worry. You will see it soon enough.

Phenex's Castle - Underworld

The Phenex Clan. The Devil Clan who have inherent powers that are equivalent to that of the legendary creature, the fire bird Phoenix. As such, their abilities reflect that of the legendary bird, where they can regenerate from almost any injuries immediately and are practically impossible to defeat.

Inside their huge castle were the Phenex family.

Riser the man Rias should marry by contract, is a tall and handsome young man in his early 20's with short blond hair and dark blue eyes. His outfit consists of a burgundy blazer with gold embroidery on the right with matching pants and black dress shoes. Underneath his open blazer is a white dress shirt that is not fully buttoned by just one button short, giving a slight view to his chest. 

On one of the chouches beside him was a beautiful young girl with dark blue eyes. She has long blonde hair tied into twintails with large, drill-like curls and blue ribbons keeping them in place.  Her outfit consisted of a light purple dress with dark purple accents and a blue bow at the front. At the back, three feather-like extensions mimicking a bird's tail protrude from the dress. This girl was Ravel Phenex, the only daughter of Lord and Lady Phenex and Riser's younger sister.

Seated next to her was Lady Phenex. She looked exactly like her daughter, Ravel, in her early twenties with the same blonde hair and blue eyes, with the only exception of her hair being done up very high with ornate hair decorations.

Around them were all the members of Riser's peerage.

Lady Phenex: (sigh) So that happened.

Ravel: Yes mother, unfortunately the meeting didn't go peacefully, even with Grayfia-sama's presence.

Riser laughed, surrounded by most of the the girls from his peerage.

Riser: It doesn't matter Ravel. In 10 days, Rias will have no more excuses to run from this marriage and I will keep the family's name honored.

Ravel gained a tick mark on her head.

Ravel: Please shut up Onii-sama! I just wanted to go there and hopefully solve this in a quiet way, but you had to go and provoke Rias-sama and her peerage like that didn't you?!

Riser laughed again.

Riser: It was hard not to. I mean she his placing her hopes on a bunch of amateurs and a pervert with a sacred gear who is also an amateur.

Ravel: Even so, please remember our position as nobles. And Grayfia-sama was also in there.

Lady Phenex decided to interrupt their discution.

Lady Phenex: Stop it you two, do not argue over something like this.

Ravel and Riser: Hai.

Lady Phenex turned towards Riser.

Lady Phenex: Even so Riser, your sister is right. Please try to behave in front of other people, you gain absolutely nothing getting on people's bad side.

Riser: I understand mother.

Lady Phenex: Now. What do you intent to do in these next 10 days Riser?

Riser just smirked.

Riser: Me? Nothing.

Lady Phenex sighed once again, this time in disappointment.

Lady Phenex: (thoughts) All of my children were born with a good head on their shoulders, why did Riser turned out so arrogant like this?

Lady Phenex: Your not even bother to train or give some thought on some strategies for the Ranting Game?

Ravel: It's exactly what I was thinking Onii-sama, it's not good to underestimate our opponents, I sugges-

Riser: No need.

Her brother arrogantly said, interrupting her.

Riser: Like I said, they are just a bunch of amateurs trying to play in the big leagues, they have no chance against me and my ladies. In 10 days from now, I will put them in their place.

Ravel felt slightly sad by her opinion being ignored this way by her brother. Lady Phenex was about to say something to scold Riser, but she was interrupted by Ravel.

Ravel: Mother, can we know were father is? He left as soon as he ended his dinner.

She was trying to push her sadness and this conversation that they were having away.

Lady Phenex: (thoughts) She is such a sweet girl.

Lady Phenex: He went out in a last minute request from Lord Sitri about the supplies of Phoenix Tear's to the hospitals.

Ravel: I see.

Lady Phenex felt a air current in the room, and to her left she saw that the window that lead to the balcony was open. 

Lady Phenex: Isabella can you please shut the window, it's starting to get a little chilly in here.

Lady Phenex asked one of her son's Rooks. In return she nodded and went to close the window.

Ravel: (thoughts) I thought one of the maids closed that window before we went to dinner.

Riser got up from his seat and stretched his body.

Riser: Well then, now that we finished our talk about the reunion. I'm gonna take a bath.

He started walking towards to end of the room with his Queen Yubelluna following him.

Ravel: Wait a second Onii-sama! We are not done with our-

????: How disapointing.

Every person in the room froze. The voice definitely belonged to a male, but the only male in the room was Riser. Or so they though. Ravel noticed that her mother immediately turned towards her in a panicked state. The others soon followed, Ravel started to panic, and slowly turned to look behind the couch.

There, right behind her, stood a tall figure seated with it's back turned towards her.

????: To think that this is one of the favourite contestants of the new generation of kings for the Ranting Games. And I came all the way here in hoping to offer my services.

Yubelluna raised her staff and the other members of the peerage made a battle stance or took out their weapons.

Yubelluna: How did you get inside?!!!

The figure got on his feet and turned around. Ravel and the others could finally see his features. This person was definatly a male, dressed in a full white suit with a black shirt inside and a white tie. On his hands were a pair of white gloves. His face was completly covered in his lower face by a big white scarf and the top part of it with a silver mask. He had a long snowy like hair, tied with a black ribbon, going down on his back and on top of his head a small white hat.

????: Let's just say that your guards are not that good at what they do.

Ravel nervously decided to ask the question that was on everyone's mind.

Ravel: W-Who are you?

The tall figure looked down into her eyes. His eyes could not be seen but she could see a small golden glow coming from them and that gave her shivers. He crouched down slightly, getting very close to her face.

????: Haha, there is no need to be scared my lady. I'm mean no harm.

His small laugh and words, they were so melodic and sincere that Ravel got surprised and relax a bit withou knowing.

Lady Phenex: (thoughts) I can't fell nothing coming fromthis person. Did he use some kind of spell? With just a couple of words, he managed to make Ravel drop her guard. This man may be very dangerous.

Isabela dashed towards the figure's direction and when she was behind him she went for a kick to his ribs.

Lady Phenex: Isabela stand down!!! 



The hit connected perfectly with her target. Riser got a smirk on his face.

Riser: Ha! Stupid low-life, did you thought you could get in here and-


Riser was interrupted by his Rook's screams. He saw her fall into the ground holding her leg in pain. The figure in the other hand, didn't move at all.

????: That's dangerous you know ... ?

He turned around.

Ravel: (thoughts) I-It's impossible! Isabela is physically the strongest out of everyone in Onii-sama's peerage! He took a direct blow with no time to dodge! His ribs on his left side should be either shattered or be piercing his lung with that kick!

????: You could have hurted me.

Isabela remained on the ground holding her leg as the figure approached her. The temperature in the room got higher as Riser got angry.

Riser: You're gonna pay for that insect!

Lady Phenex looked as the figure crouching down and grabbing Isabela's leg.

Riser: YOU'RE DEAD!!!

His flaming wings came from his back.

Lady Phenex: Stand down Riser!

Riser turned towards his mother.

Riser: But mother-

Lady Phenex: I SAID STAND DOWN!!!

Her voice boomed through the room making everyone stop.

Ravel looked at his brother's Rook as she tried to make the figure let go of her leg.

Isabela: Let go.

She continued to trash around until he got enough of it.

????: STAY STILL!!!

Ravel and her mother were the first to feel the pressure coming from this man. His outburst made Isabela stop. The man in white took his gloves and placed his hands on her leg.

Isabella: So cold.

????: Clench your teeth please, I'm gonna put the bone back in it's place. Ready?

Isabela was confused but nodded none the less.

????: Relax your muscles, at the count of 3 I will put it back. Alright one...


Isabella: Argh!

Isabella clench her teeth and subconsciously grabbed the man's arm, gripping it with a lot of strenght.

????: Three.

A cold fog appeared in his hands afterwards helping her relieve the pain. After a few minutes of silence the figure picked her up bridal-style, much to her embarrassment and walked around the couch placing her beside Ravel, who looked at him with a surprised face.

????: With a bit of ice and healing magic you should be good to go in 3 days.

Isabela: O-Ok.

The figure turned around to face every person in the room and raised both of his hands.

????: It seems some of you got it wrong I didn't came here to fight.

Riser: That doesn't answer who you are, or how did you get in here scum!

Ravel: ONII-SAMA!!!

????: Eheheheh.

Ravel was about to scold her brother when she heard the figure next to her laugh.

????: No, no, no. Those are not the question you should be asking. "Who are you?", "How did you get here?". (shakes his head) The real question is, "What can you offer me?".

Ravel: What do you mean?

The figure got close to Ravel. His hand went inside his suit and took a few papers from it. Theman  gave them to her. Curious, Ravel hesitantly took them from his hand and started to look to the papers. Her eyes widened.

Riser: Papers? That is all? Ah! You should really learn how to negociate before-

Ravel: T-THIS IS...!!!!

Lady Phenex also got curious has Ravel turned page after page in a quick sucession.

Lady Phenex: Ravel! What are those?

Without thinking she went past the figure running towards her mother and gave her the papers.

Ravel: It's combat data about Rias-sama's servants, all of them.

Lady Phenex turned page after page.

Ravel: They are all very detailed, each with a description of all of their abilities, traits, sacred gears, stats and the level that everyone of them is in right now.

Ravel: (turns to the figure) Where did you get this?

????: Well my lady, if you want a job well done, you have to do it  yourself.

That surprised Lady Phenex.

Lady Phenex: You managed to find and get in the Gremory's territory in the human world where Rias is training without being found?

????: A simple task, but that is not important.

He did a small twist.

????: I heard about the game to decide the future of the marriage contract between the Gremory's and yourselves and decided, why not give the Phenex's a hand?

Then he turned to Riser.

????: How about it Riser? Would you like to made a deal with me?

Riser raised and eyebrow.

Riser: A deal?

The man walked passed all of his peerage members and stopped right in front of him.

????: Correct. I will provide you with daily updates on Rias , her servants combat data and strategies ,and in return-

Riser: I refuse. How stupid! Me, Riser Phenex, hiring a spy like a coward, to get information on a bunch of amateurs. This is beyond ridiculous.

Some of the members of his peerage laughed at the man's proposition.

Riser: Hahahaha! How incredibly stupid, of all the things, you decided-

????: Yes, yes. So that's a no right? Then I have no more interest in you.

The figure turned around and started to walk towards the window, ignoring Riser completly having lost all of it's interest. In response flames appeared around Riser.


Riser threw a fireball at his back. 


In a flash the man in white disappeared and the fireball went outside trough the window. Everyone started to look around trying to find him.



Riser's eyes widened. He looked behind him to see that the man in question was there with his hand inside his torso.

????: Has expected from the Phenex family's trait. If it was any other person stabed like this,  would most certainly have died by now.

Riser started to generate flames around them.

Riser: You are going to pay for that you bastard. I'm gonna burn you to cris-


Riser: ARGHHH!!! My heart! You bastard-

The man in with squeezed his heart once again making him cry in pain.

????: First of all your voice as started to become really annoying to my ears, so what we're going to do his shut you up for a little bit ok? 

The flames continued to burn around them.

????: And these stupid flames are getting really annoying to.

The flames went out in a second surprising everyone. The ground around them started to become enclosed in ice, as well as the wall behind them. Riser started hitting his teeth against each other and he got very pale.

Riser's peerage and Ravel: Riser-sama/Onii-sama!!!

????: Nobody moves!

They all stoped.

????: If I see any of you trying to do something I will continue to freeze the Magic Flow in his body and shatter his heart, do you understand?

They all nodded.

????: As for you Chicken Boy. The battle as already started from the moment you accepted your fiancée's challenge, so want's wrong with gathering information about them? Where is the shame in that? You are nothing but an overgrown chicken nugget, born with a golden crown on your head and a silver spoon on your mouth. You believe so blindly in your clan's ability that you thought you were invencible, and look at you now. You became a bird with no wings to fly away from the little beast you though it would never reach you. Let me tell you a secret. A bird with no wings it's nothing but a prey! And let's not forget the fact that you have a man that is currently inside you right now, giving it to you from behind and are just standing there, taking it all, must be pretty embarassing with all these girls watching or are you just enjoying the feeling?!

Riser: Ah,ahg-

????: (mocking tone) Ah, ahg... A little louder blondie! Don't tell me it's your first time? I just put the tip in, so don't lose your breath yet.

Ravel and some of the girls got red at the man's words. Lady Phenex  decided it was time she did something.

Lady Phenex: I apologize for my son's behaviour, could you please let him go? Rest assured no one in here will lift a finger to hurt you, that was his punishment for his arrogance, you will be free to leave at your want.

The man looked at the blonde woman and after a few minutes he took his hand from Raiser. He fell into the ground like a marionette who had it's strings cut.

Yubelluna: Raiser-sama!!!

His Queen immediately went to his side.

????: My, it looks like I had to pull it out Riser.

He then turned towards Ravel, Isabella and Lady Phenex's direction.

????: I hope you understand why I did that. I don't want any bad relation between us, even if your son refused, I would like to extend my offer of services to both of you.

Lady Phenex nodded.

Lady Phenex: Yes we understand, and we would be glad to make use of your services in the future.

The man tipped his hat.

????: Very well then, I wish you ladies a good night.

The man started to walk towards the window. Ravel stood there thinking for a second. Before the man could leave she called him.


The man stoped dead on his tracks and turned to see Ravel getting up and running in his direction. She stopped in front of him.

Ravel: Would you like to make that proposition to me?

That surprised every women in the room. Her mother was particularly happy with her.

Lady Phenex: (thought) To think that my Ravel would initiate a negociation by herself. She is growing so much.

Yubelluna: Ravel-sama you can't be serious! Riser-sama just got attacked by-

Ravel: SILENCE!!!

They were all surprised that the normally quiet Ravel decided to raise her voice at someone from her brother's peerage.

Ravel: That was Onii-sama's fault! No one told him to attack this person from behind, he asked for this to happen. Now maybe next time he will stop and think before doing something so  stupid again!

She turned once again towards the man to speak but he raised his hand to stop her.

????: I have a proposition for you Lady Ravel.

She understood that this man accepted what she asked and was trying to start the negotiation all over again like nothing happened. So, she answered him in the most professional tone that she could muster.

Ravel: Very well. Please tell me, what do you have to offer?

????: Hahaha, a simple deal. Every day, for the next 10 days, I shall bring you updated information about everyone in your opponent's team, I believe that the papers about their first day of training I brought you will be enough evidence of my skills.

Ravel: Yes from what I saw, the information you brough was both accurate and easy to understand. My question to you is, what do you wish in return?

????: The thing only your clan and you Lady Ravel, can provide.

Ravel: ... The Phoenix Tears.

????: Correct, they are both very useful in my line of work and very precious.

Ravel: I see. How many do you wish as a compensation for you work.

????: Five vials. One in every 2 days, that way you will be assured that I will give everything I have in this work for all the 10 days, and if you are not satisfied with the information that I bring, you can end the contract whenever you wish.

Ravel placed her hand in her chin and thought about the proposition that the man gave her.

Ravel: Very well, both the services, rewards and terms of your deal are good, so I, Ravel Phenex, want to hire youuuu...

????: You may call me Frost.

Ravel: I see, then Frost-sama I wish to hire you for this service.

Frost took the glove on his right hand and extended it to her.

????: All you need to do in order to get my services, is seal the deal now Lady Ravel.

She looked at him and slowly put his hand on his and shook it.

Ravel: (thoughts) I did it!!!

Ravel: I supose that tomorow you will back with more information and waiting for your first payment, so I will tell the guards to let you enter. Just tell them you have businesses with me and they will let you in.

The man still had her hand on his, and brought in close to his face, with the other pulling his scarf slightly down and gave her a kiss in the back of her hand, making her gain a small blush on her face.

Snow: I'm very thankfull my lady.

They let go off each others hands and he went towards the window.

????: I will be back tomorow then, I wish you all a good night, and the good recovery for you Isabela-san, once again, I'm sorry about what happened.

Before she could ask him how did he knew her name he already teleported away.

Ravel: (sigh) Let's go Isabela, I will help you walk to my room, I have some tears there to help you. I also need to check this notes.

The masked Rook got up and leaned on the smaller girl.

Isabela: Thank you very much Ravel-sama.

An with that, they both went out of the room.

Lady Phenex: I will leave my son to you girls, just make sure to warm him up and he should be fine.

After those words, she to went out of the room.

Lady Phenex: (thoughts) I need to tell this to Reinor when he comes back.

Snow's Castle - Outside the castle's grounds.

A small magic circle shined in the middle of a blizzard. From it came the man in white. Once he got there, he took his hat and undid the ribbon on his hair letting it flow with the violent cold winds, and put them both in his pocket dimension. In the end, he took his silver mask revealing that the man was in fact Snow.

He stood in the middle of the blizzard looking at the silver mask. Out of nowhere his shoulders started shaking, and then...


He bursted out laughing.

Snow: (thoughts) It's done! The first step is done!!! NOW, FINALLY THE PATH TO MY DREAM CAN BEGIN, AND NO ONE CAN STOP IT NOW!!!

He laughed and laughed, there, alone in the middle of the blizzard, where no one could see or predict what was the reason to his happiness, or the thing that he was about to do in the future, as his laugh echoed through the cold night.


Annnnnnnnnd done! One more chapter is done! I'm so freaking hyped for this Arc of the story! So we finally got to see the first step of his plan. We got to see some moments between Snow and Kuroka, and even if this hasn't a lemon, he already got inside of someone, bet Riser isn't going to forget that in the near future. But hey! At least Lady Phenex stoped Snow from blowing his load all over his insides (No homo!). In the next chapter, the preparation and the Rating Game between Rias and Riser. As always, all comments, suggestions and doubts are welcome  and I, will see you guys in the next chapter. Ciao!

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