Gremory vs Phenex

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Hey what's up guys Nightingale here with a new chapter for you all. Before anything else I'll apologize for the time that I took to publish this chapter, some things happened and I couldn't right, it wasn't anything bad but it stopped me from writting for a while but I'm back so no worries. So without further ado, read and enjoyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!


Phenex Castle - Underworld


There were only 2 days left before the promised day and like Riser said he would do, he did absolutely nothing in order to strengthen himself before the battle, just like most of his peerage. That however didn't mean that everyone had the same opinion. While his sister studied the notes brought by Snow, Isabela re-learned one thing from her encounter with the man in white, there's always someone stronger then her out there and she needed to train to be able to face them. Because of that, she started to train, and right now she was facing another peerage member, one of Riser's Knights to be precise, to compensate for her speed.

Her opponent is a young woman with light brown hair and green eyes. Her outfit consists of a full set of silver armor with black accents that appears to be a cross between a European knight's  and a Japanese Samurai, and wears a headband that goes across her hair and forehead. She is using a broadsword that is currently envolved in flames. This girl's name is Karlamine.

Karlamine: Yahhhhh!

The swordswoman tried to cut Isabela with a vertical slash, but the Rook timed her strike perfectly and punched the sword away from herself leaving Karlamine open for an attack.

Isabella: You're wide open!!!

With her newly acquired speed, Isabela went for a powerfull jab to Karlamine's face. Her strike however, was blocked by the Knight's broadsword that was fast enough to protect her in time.

Karlamine: Argh!!!

But that didn't mean she was completly safe. The strike sended her flying through the air, but just before she could hit the ground, she fliped herself mid-air and landed on her feet.

Both of them looked at each other, before they smiled and relaxed their stances.

Isabella: Haha, I though I got there, but I guess your reflexes are just to sharp.

Karlamine: Haha, maybe, but your speed and power are no joke now Isabela, because of that last punch my arms are numb.

She took one of her hands from her sword and her hand was shaking.

Isabella: What do you say, let's call it a tie?

Karlamine smiled and nodded.

Karlamine: Yes, but next time you will taste the blade of my sword I promise you, even if you're my friend I won't hold back!

Isabella: Haha, we'll see about that Knight girl, I'll show you how terrifying a Rook can be.

They shared a laugh and went to seat in the garden. They picked up a towel and started to clean their sweat.

Isabella: Ahhh! Feels good to train like this.

Karlamine: You're right, it feels so good to have someone you can train with like this.

They both seated down and enjoyed the breeze on their bodies. Isabela looked at her partner before looking at the sky.

Isabella: Karla.

The Knight looked at her friend and noticed that she was thinking about something.

Karlamine: What is it?

Isabella: You never told me, why did you start to train with me?

Karlamine stood in silence for a couple of seconds before looking at the sky to.

Karlamine: Why did you?

Isabela stared at the artificial stars on the underworld's sky.

Isabela: I got to arrogant. We won so many games without even trying that ... that I thought there was no one that could possibly best me or Riser-sama. Yeah that was what I thought, but ...

Karlamine: But that man in white appeared.

Karlamine interrupted her still looking at the sky.

Isabela: (sigh) Yes. That man, he came out of nowhere and shattered all of what I thought was true and turned my reality upside down. In that moment I kicked him with all that I got ... and I was defeated and the worse thing was ... he wasn't even trying. 

Karlamine looked at her friend with a worried look.

Karlamine: (utter) Isabela.

Isabella looked at the ground.

Isabela: Then, when he got closer, I felt terrified and trashed around like a child trying to run away fro the boggeyman, when all he wanted to do was help me. Haha, kinda pathetic ...

Karlamine was about to put her hand on her friend's shoulder, but Isabela clenched her fist and slammed it on the ground next to her making some cracks on it. Karlamine saw her angered expression as Isabela gritted her teeth.

Isabela: What the hell have I been doing?! Ever since I became a Devil I didn't take a single step foward! All I did was let myself become a doll to Riser-sama! And now ... and now ... this is so frustating.

Karlamine decided to stop trying to console her friend and decided to talk.

Karlamine: I'm the same.

Isabella stopped and looked at her companion that was now hugging her knees into her chest.

Karlamine: I'm just like you. I left myself be consumed by the pride and arrogance that I didn't notice how far I was straying from the path I decided to follow.

Isabella: (utter) Karla.

Karlamine: If we are talking about pathetic then look at me. I swore to follow the knight's code of honor and train everyday, honing my swordsmanship in order to protect others, but I did everything other than that, until eventually, I to, became nothing but a pretty doll in someone's hands.

Then she turned to Isabela.

Karlamine: Back then, I was supposed to act faster then anyone to protect Ravel-sama and everyone of us, but you did it even though you are the Rook. And then when I saw you falling to the ground in pain, I couldn't do nothing, I was paralysed. I felt like I couldn't stand up to him or even help you, I felt ... so small.

Isabela laughed a bit at their conversation.

Isabela: Haha, so I think we got the same idea to try and solve our weaknesses.

Karlamine: Haha, I guess you're right.

Isabela: Hey Karla, who do you think is that man?

Isabela decided to ask her friend the question that as been bugging her for quite some time now.

Karlamine: Haha, even if you ask me that, he was hidding his face so I know just as much as you.

Isabella laughed and jumped up, landing on her feet.

Isabela: I guess there's no point in thinking about it then! Let's just get stronger and stronger until we can face him like equals! What do you say Karla?

Isabela stretched her hand to help Karlamine get up, the Knight smiled and grabbed it with Isabella putting her up on her feet to.

Karlamine: You're right my honored friend, we will fix our mistakes with our own two hands.

Isabela: Damn right we will!


They heard a clapping and turned to where the sound was coming from. Seated on the castle's wall, was the man in white clapping at them.

Snow: It's good to see that someone other than his sister has something other than a pretty face to show.

Karlamine quickly picked up her sword and took a stance.

Snow: There is no need for that Karlamine-san. It seems like what I said came out wrong, I wasn't mocking both of your efforts.

Isabela got to her friends side and placed a hand on hers.

Isabela: You can lower your sword Karla, I don't fell like he's lying and besides it wouldn't matter, he's to strong for us for now.

Karlamine took a deep breath and place her sword in her scabbard.

Karlamine: My apologies.

Snow: It was a natural reaction so there is no need to apologize.

Karlamine: Thank you for understanding.

Isabela: Did you came to deliver today's papers?

Snow: Yes just like it was agreed I do want to kepp my word after all.

Snow decided to get closer to them.

Snow: May I give you some advice?

They both got curious.

Isabela: About what?

Snow: About your fighting styles of course.

Karlamine: Please don't be offended, but why?

Snow: None taken. You can say that I have a grat respect towards determined people. Both of you have the determination that all of your teammates seemed to lack so think of this as a warrior giving his respect to another one.

Isabela approached him.

Isabela: What do you have in mind?

Snow took a couple of steps back still facing them.

Snow: Please take your battle stances, both of you.

They did as he told. He hummed and got in front of Isabela.

Snow: Isabela-san, it seems like you got a lot of power and durability even for a Rook's standarts, however, it looks like you have basically no technique at all.

Isabela: What do you mean?

On his feat a magic circle appeared and created a block of ice in front of her, with Snow now sitting on top of it.

Snow: Please try and break this block of ice with your fist.

Isabela nodded and took her stance. With one swift punch, she hitted the block of ice, but the block didn't break.  

Isabela: Fuck! This thing is hard as hell!!!

She holded her fist shaking him in hopes of making the pain go away.

Snow:  Hahaha! Of course it is, after all, I made it.

Snow jumped down and got behind her. He then placed his hands on her shoulders surprising her.

Isabela: Hey! what are you...

Snow: I'm just fixing your position, don't worry I won't touch you anywhere without your consentiment.

Snow took some time to adjuste her stance.

Snow: Now please pay attention to what I'm going to say.

Isabela nodded. He did the same stance as her and explained the stepsexemplifying it with a demonstration.

Snow: Now before you punch the block, please make sure that both your feet are firmly placed in the ground or else the force of your blow will be lost. Then make sure to rotate your waist as the punch goes foward, make sure to have the muscles in your arm relaxed there's no need to have them tensed before the impact with your target or you may get hurt. Lastly, this is just an little touch of mine, gather your demonic power in your arm and make it stay in there, and right before the impact, release it all at once. Did you get it?

Isabela took a few seconds imitating what she saw before answering.

Isabela: Yeah I think I got it.

Snow: Then please try again.

He took a step to the side and allowed her to be face to face with the ice block again.

Isabela: (thoughts) Alright, place both your feet firmly in the ground

She took her stance making sure to place her feet in place.

Isabela: (thoughts) Relax your arm and gather your demonic power in him.

Her demonic power enveloped her right arm.

Isabela: (thoughts) Then ...

She started her punching motion, steady in place and rotating her waist.

Isabela: (thoughts) Rotate my waist as the punch goes foward and now ...

Her fist was inches away from the block.

Isabela: (thoughts) Unleash the demonic power all at once!!!


As her fist colided with the ice block, the impact shattered it into a thousand pieces sending them flying everywhere,  causing a shock wave that broke the glass of some of the castle's windows. The ground that was behind the ice block also looked completly destroyed. Isabela was amazed.

Isabella: W-Wha ... What is this power?!

Snow: That, is your punch's true power.

She turned around to face him.

Snow: No matter how much power or stamina you have, if you don't know how to properly use them, then you will just waste your strenght and easely get tired. That's why technique is also important Isabela-san.

Isabela looked at her clenched fist.

Isabela: I never thought this could make such a difference.

Snow: How did it felt?

She looked at him once more and laughed a bit.

Isabela: It felt amazing.

Snow: Glad I could help. Now Karlamine-san.

Karlamine: Y-Yes!!!

Snow made another ice block this front of Karlamine and approached her.

Snow: Relax, take a deep breath.

She did as he told her and took a deep breath and then exaled.

Snow: Better?

Karlamine: Yes!

Snow: Good, then please follow me.

Karlamine: Yeh?!

He passed her and she eventually followed him with Isabela close behind, until they were about 20 meters from the ice block.

Snow: Hmm, this should be enough.

Karlamine: Not trying to be rude but we are a bit far from the target Frost-san, my sword won't be able to reach it.

Snow: I am perfectly aware of it Karlamine-san. This is an exercise to cover one of your weaknesses.

Both of the girls looked confused.

Snow: As a Knight you shine when in a close combat, but not everyone will allow you to get close to them. A Bishop for example can attack you from a distance. That will make impossible for you to aproach him without taking damage or worse. What I'm about to show you is a way for you to close that distance faster.

Karlamine's eyes shined with excitement.

Karlamine: How can I do it?!

Snow: First please take your stance.

Karlamine: Hai!!!

She took her stance with a smile on her face. Much like with Isabela, Snow got behind her to adjust her stance but since he didn't have a sword with him he had to hold her as he explained the motion in order to guide her. In response to his contact Karlamine blushed.

Karlamine: (thoughts) He's so close!

Snow: First do what you were doing with your sword before, enchant her with your flames.

Karlamine: O-Ok!

In a second her sword was burning with bright flames.

Snow: Now, before you dash towards your target, put your sword in this position.

He took both her hands and put them in a position where her sword's tip was pointing behind her.

Snow: That's right just like that. Now before the next step you'll gather your flames and concentrate them in your sword instead of letting them flow around like they are now. Next, before you start your dash, flex your knees and incline your body just a little bit foward.

Snow gently pushed his chest into her back to make her bend her body slightly foward.

Snow: Finally, release the concentrated flames in your sword all at once like Isabela-san did with her fist.

Snow released her and went to her side. Karlamine was a complete blushing mess and her friend tried her best not to laugh at the innocence of her friend.

Snow: Did you understood it all?

Karlamine jumped a little bit and nodded frantically.

Snow: Then give it a try.

The young Knight took her stance and changed it so that her sword was horizontaly pointing backwards.

Karlamine: (thoughts) Ok calm down! Now that you did the stance focus on your target.

She looked at the ice block.

Karlamine: (thoughts) Now gather your flames around the sword not letting them flow around it.

The flames started spinning around her sword, and she started to glow in a bright orange.

Karlamine:(thoughts)  Now before the dash, flex your knees, bend the body slightly foward and before the dash, UNLEASH THEM!!!


With a sudden burst, the flames on her sword propeled her like a jet engine towards her target at an incredible speed.

Karlamine: YAHHHHHHHH!!!

Once she got close to block she made a horizontal slash. Do to her sword being heated by the flames she cutted the block in half with almost no effort. 

Karlamine: Incredible.

Snow: Do to the flames gathered around the sword being unleashed all at once the sudden explosion caused by them will propel you in the opposite direction your sword was pointing at a great speed allowing you to move incredibly fast. Not only that, do to the fact that you focused your flames in the sword instead of just having them flowing around it, you wil not lose as much magical power as before and the sword will become super heated, allowing you to cut through things like butter, just look at the ice block.

True to his words, the cutted zone was melted the ice block and it was steaming

Snow: So, what did you both thought?

They both turned at him.

Isabela: To think that something that looks so simple could make this much difference.

Karlamine: Yes and we are just starting! If we adapt this into our battle style, the possibilities are endless.

Snow: Hahaha, I'm glad that my advice helped you both.

Snow took a pocket watch from his coat and looked at the time.

Snow: Well ladies, it looks like our time together as come to an end. I have to go and deliever this papers to lady Ravel. Good luck with your training.

He tipped his hat and started to go away.

Karlamine and Isabela: WAIT!!!

He looked around and saw both girls doing a small bow.

Karlamine and Isabela: Thank you very much!

Snow looked at them for a few seconds before continuing with his path.

Snow: I'm anxious to see your fight in the Rating Game.

His words made them feel good. It was rare for them to be complemented for anything other then their bodies and face, so having this strong person paying attention on them and encouraging them, gave them a sense of joy and pride in their efforts. When he was gone they both turned to each other and took their new battle stances and dashed at each other continuing with their training, now stronger then ever.

Phenex Castle - 10th day

Snow: With this, I bring to you the last portion of my part of the deal lady Ravel.

It was finally the last day before the Rating Game, and Snow just delivered the last papers with the Gremory's peerage combat data to Ravel. After a bit of reading Ravel nodded.

Ravel: It looks like everything is in order, there are no problems with this papers. I already sended someone to pick up your payment so please wait just a little bit Frost-sama.

Snow: Very well.

Ravel then sighed which Snow took notice.

Snow: Is there something wrong lady Ravel?

She panicked and started to wave her arms around.

Ravel: T-There is no problem at all Frost-sama!!! W-W-What made you think that way?!!!

Snow: It's your brother isn't it?

Snow bluntly said. Ravel lowered her head.

Ravel: (sigh) Nothing escapes you, does it Frost-sama?

Snow: Let's just say that it was very evident.

Ravel took a seat in one of the couches of the room.

Ravel: I like my Onii-sama, I really do, but ...

Snow: But?

Ravel: Why doesn't he make an effort to show that he can be a good King? He has everything he could ask for to be one, yet, he doesn't study, he doesn't train and made an entire peerage based on fetishes. Even now, a golden opportunity came knocking to his door and he didn't took it, if only he knew just how many wished to have a portion of the things he has.

Snow kept quiet letting the young girls vent everything out.

Ravel: And that attitude rubbed on his peerage to. They all think that they can win with no problems at all, the only ones taking this seriously are me, Isabela and Karlamine, but how far will that take us? We can win tomorow or the day after, but what will we do when we hit a wall that we can't just break through?

Ravel noticed that she was the one doing all the talking while Snow, or Frost, stood there listening to her.

Ravel: I-I'm so sorry Frost-sama! You certanly have your own problems to deal with and I'm here making you listen to mine instead, how shameful of me.

Snow:  There is no problem lady Ravel. The fact that you are sharing this with me, means that you feel comfortable with me and that makes me happy. Besides, everyone needs to let some anger and doubts out once in a while, me included.

Ravel: I guess your right, thank you for listening to my problems Frost-sama.

Snow: May I give you my personal opinion?

Ravel tilted her head to the side.

Ravel: I see no problem with that Frost-sama.

Snow: Then I will be blunt. Your brother is an idiot.

Ravel widened her eyes at this man's words.

Snow: I don't know about the other members of the peerage, and honestly I don't really care for dolls with no will, but from what I saw in these 10 days coming here, Isabela-san, Karlamine-san and you, all have a tremendous amout of talent, staying with Riser is a waste of that potential. I truly believe that ones that will shine in this Rating Game will not be either of the Kings or even the Red Dragon Emperor, but you three.

Ravel blushed at his words.

Ravel: You're overestimating us Frost-sama we are not that-

Snow: Don't doubt yourself!

He interrupted her.

Snow: You're smart so you know very well that power alone is not enough to win battles, and you all know your weakness that is why you will become stronger than anyone here in Phenex state I guarantee you.

Ravel: (whisper) Frost-sama.


Their talk was interrupted by a knock on the door.

Ravel: Come in.

Ravel though it was the maid that she sended earlier to pick the last Phoenix Tear vial, but to her surprise it was a middle aged man that looked like an older version of Riser with sharper eyes and a small beard.

Ravel: F-F-Father!!! 

????: Hello Ravel, I came here to see how are your negotiations going on.

Ravel immediately stood up.

Ravel: H-Hai!! It's going very well, thank you father, we were just waiting for one of servant to bring Frost-sama's payment.

Lord Phenex looked to his daughter's side and saw the tall white figure.

????: So this is the man in white that your mother told me about?

Ravel: Mother told you?

????: Hahaha, of course she did,  there's nothing that goes around in this house that I don't know dear daughter.

Lord Phenex walked in front of Ravel and then took a vial out of his inner pocket placing it in her hands.

????: This is what you promised to this man correct?

Ravel: H-Hai!

????: Then go and keep your part of the bargan Ravel.

Ravel nodded and went towards Snow.

Ravel: With this, Frost-sama, both you and me will have kept our word.

She holded the vial in the palm of her hand and Snow took it placing him carefully in his inner pocket.

Snow: With this our contract is concluded. A pleasure making business with you lady Ravel.

He extended his hand to her and they both shook their hands.

Ravel: The feeling is mutual Frost-sama.

Lord Phenex went to thir side.

????: Well done Ravel, you did the best trade possible, let no one tell you other wise.

The young girl's heart was filled with pride because of her father's words.

Ravel: T-Thank you very much Father!!!

He nodded and turned to the other person in the room.

????: It's good to finally had a face to man everyone has been talking about. I apologize for the lateness of my introduction, my name is Reinor Phenex the current head of the Phenex Clan and the father of the lovely lady that you were talking to.

He extended his hand for a shake and Snow took it.

Snow: A pleasure, you can call me Frost, just Frost, a simple person hoping to gain something in exchange of my services.

Reinor laughed at his words.

Reinor: HAHAHA! From what I can see you're everything but a "simple person" Frost-san.

He then sighed.

Reinor: I must apologize for my son's behavior a while ago.

Snow: There is no need for you to apologize for something you didn't do, it didn't help that I didn't came in from the front door like a normal person so we were both to blame here.

Ravel: (smile) That's right, back then you almost scared me to death Frost-sama.

 They all shared a good laugh at the memory. Then another knock was heard on the door.

Isabela: Ravel-sama it's us, we're coming in.

From the door came Isabela and Karlamine, once they took a step inside they saw that Ravel was acompanied by Lord Reinor and Snow.

Isabela: I'm sorry we'll come back another time.

Reinor: There is no need I was just about to leave Isabela.

At that Snow decided to speak to.

Snow: Me to. I'll leave you ladies to discuss tomorow's game. But before that I will give you this lady Ravel.

He took a three small envelops sealed with red wax and gave them to Ravel.

Ravel: What are these Frost-sama?

Snow: If you or the two ladies behind you liked my services then please feel free to use the magic panflet inside those cards to summon me and I will be glad to come here. There is one for everyone of you.

Isabela and Karlamine got closer and Ravel gave them two of the envelopes.

Karlamine: I will gladly accept a chance to train with you again.

Isabella: Be sure to watch the game, we'll be making a blast.

A magic circle appeared bellow him.

Snow: I sure hope you do, after all ...

The magic circle glowed brighter.

Snow: I'm betting on your sucess ladies.

And with that he was gone. Ravel immediately turned around and looked at both of her companions.

Ravel: Alright Isabela and Karlamine let's go to my room and discuss the our strategies before tomorow's game.

Isabela and Karlamine: Right!!!

The three of them turned to Reinor.

Ravel: Father we'll be in my room planning for tomorow, please excuse us.

She and both of the girls bowed to him and left the room in a hurry, forgeting to close the door.

Reinor: Haha, when was the last time I saw those girls so excited about something? (sigh) If only Riser could learn a little from them.

He left the room and closed the door going in his office's direction.

Reinor: And that man ... It's just as my wife said, he was right in front of my eyes, yet, I couldn't feel his energy. That and the fact that the shy Ravel spoke so openly in front of him, makes me think he can't just be a "simple person".

A smile made is way into his face.

Reinor: Thank you Ravel, you may have not noticed but because of you, we got a powerfull ally at our service now. I can't wait to see just how much your presence changed those three, Frost the man in white, you trully seem like a fascinating person.

Snow's Castle - Day of the Rating Game

The promised day came and in Snow's Castle, everyone was in the living room in front of the fireplace, looking at the TV, waiting for the start of the game that got the attention of their mysterious comrade.

Bikou: Kakaka! It's about to start.

Kuroka: Let's see my Shirone kicking some ass Nyah!

Le Fay laughed at her friends demeanour and looked at Snow who was looking at the television quietly.

Le Fay: Are you excited Snow-san?

Snow looked at her.

Snow: I wouldn't say excited but there are somethings I wish to see Le Fay-san.

Vali was the next to speak.

Vali: I think it's time for you to finally tell us the meaning behind your actions Snow.

Snow: Hahaha, so impatient.

Vali: I'm not kidding Snow!

Snow noticed that besides Vali, everyone was looking at him waiting for his answer.

Snow: Alright I will show you ...

Vali: Then hurry up and-

Snow: However what I will show you is not my real objective, but one of the things I can get by chasing after that objective.

Before Vali could speak Snow created a small magic circle on top of the table. From it came 5 vials.

Bikou: What the hell is this?

Kuroka and Le Fay jumped from their place and went to pick a vial.

Le Fay: T-These are ...!!!

Kuroka: Phoenix Tears Nyah!!!

Arthur: The miraculous healing item made by the Phenex Clan?!!!

Le Fay: Yes. It's said that even a drop from this tears could heal even the worst wounds in seconds.

Kuroka: That and every small vial costs a small fortune, yet you got 5 of them Snow-kun Nyah!!!

Snow: A simple trade in exchange of the combat data of the Gremory's peerage.

He then turned to Vali.

Snow: Don't be impatient Vali. If things go as I want, you will know the truth in a couple more days. Trust me, it will be worth the wait.

Vali gave up for the time being and looked at the TV.

Vali: I sure hope this thing is worth it.

Arthur: Look it's about to start.

Rating Game

As soon as Grayfia gave the sign to start both teams began their moves to have a territory advantage. At first Issei and Koneko went to take control of the gym and face three of Riser's Pawns and one of his Rooks. Koneko managed to beat the Rook Xuelan and Issei used a perverted technique that destroyed their cloths leaveing them naked. Once they got out Akeno destroyed the Gym with the four pieces inside eliminating them from the game, but that came with a price, Yubeluna used her especiality, Explosive Magic, to blast a distracted Koneko eliminating her from the game to. Needless to say, Kuroka wasn't happy with it. Akeno then faced Yubeluna, while Issei and Kiba, who had defeated most of the Pawns and one of the Knights, re-grouped and went to the sport field hoping to catch Riser's pieces by surprise but that was short lived.


Karlamine pointed her sword at the place that they were hidden. Knowing that they were found they decided to leave the safety of the bushes.

Kiba: Hahaha, looks like it didn't work Issei-kun.

Issei: Whoaaa!!! They have some big oppai!!!

The pervert started to fantasize until a blast of energy passed by his side blowing a part of the tree line behind them.


Isabella: (menacing tone) The eyes are up here, got it?

Issei gulped and nodded.

Karlamine: You with the blond hair!

Kiba turned to Karlamine.

Karlamine: You are a Knight of Rias Gremory correct? If so I wish to have a fair one-on-one fight with you.

She took a hybrid stance between the one she used and the on Snow thought her.

Kiba: Issei-kun can I leave the other one to you? I really want to face this Knight by myself.

Issei smiled at him.

Issei: Yeah don't worry I got your back, go kick her ass Kiba!

Kiba: Thank you Issei-kun.

Kiba closed the distance between them and took his stance.

Kiba: I'm Kiba Yuuto, a Knight of Rias Gremory, for my master's future I will defeat you and move on.

Karlamine: I'm Karlamine, a Knight of Riser Phenex, for the sake of my friends and my future I will make you taste my reborned swordsmanship.

Kiba: Reborned?

Karlamine: Here I go!!!

Not giving him time to think, Karlamine dashed towards Kiba and their swords clashed. In the distance Isabela looked at her friend with a smile on her face.

Isabela: (whisper) Good luck Karla.

Issei: Don't take your eyes away from me!!!

Issei went o place a mark in Isabela in order to destroy her cloths, but the Rook was faster and kicked him in the stomach sending him flying hitting a tree in the process.

Issei: Argh!!!

Isabela: If you want to attack someone in a sneaky way, then make sure to make it when your  not screaming like a madman.

Deciding not to give him any time to think Isabela dashed towards Issei with incredible speed for a Rook and went for a punch.

Issei: SHIT!

Issei barely had time to roll and dodge the punch that destroyed the tree behind his back.

Issei: What the hell! I though she was a Rook, how his she so fast.

Isabela: Stop running around and fight, back in the meeting you said you wanted to the "Harem King" didn't you? Then grow a pair and fight me.

Issei: Now you did it, Boosted Gear !!!


While Issei prepared himself to face Isabela, the two Knights continued to clash both of their swords at incredible speeds. To someone normal it looked like they were equally matched, but to and expert, it was obvious that Kiba was being pushed back.

Kiba: What's happening? With my training I should be able to compete with her, no, I should be able to overpower her, so why am I the one being pushed back, this was not what her files said.

Karlamine: It looks like you underestimated me, you came here thinking that all of us would just come towards you with no plan at all. I'm sorry to disappoint you but that won't happen.

Kiba: What?

Karlamine: I'm telling you that you were not the only one to train during the 10 days before this game.

She did a vertical slash and as Kiba was blocking, his sword broke in half. He jumped back in order to gain distance but Karlamine made flames appear around her sword and with another slash the attack left a trail of fire in front of her that hitted Kiba, burning one of his arms.

Kiba: Argh!!!

Karlamine: It looks like it's the end for you Knight of Rias Gremory.

She dashed in his direction. Kiba smiled and did the same.

Kiba: You think so?

In his hand another sword appeared and blocked Karlamine's sword and his sword extinguished her flames. Kiba took this chance and created another sword and went to slash her, thinking that he got her.

Kiba: I got you!!!

Karlamine: In your dreams!

To his surprise Karlamine took a large dagger from one of her brown belts slung across her hip and blocked it.

Kiba: What?

Karlamine: I already told you, we didn't came here without a plan, I'm fully aware of your sacred gear, Sword Birth, it has the ability that gives you the power to create an infinite number of demonic swords based on your imagination. Just like I thought, you created a sword that could extinguish my flames. 

She kneed him in the gut before trying to stab him with her dagger, but he got away just in time. Meanwhille with Issei and Isabela.


Issei: YAHHHHHH!!!

Issei did a series of punches trying to hit Isabela but with no sucess.

Isabella: You got a good amount of stamina, that is very important in a battle, but ...


Issei: Argh!!!

Isabela: You are still an amateur trowing punches everywhere with no technique in hopes that one of them will eventually hit me.

She punched him in the face sending him back into the trees. Isabela noticed someone coming from behind her. In the air was Ravel with her flaming wings coming towards her.

Isabela: You took some time Ravel-sama.

Ravel: It took some effort to do it without alerting everyone. How are things going in here?

Isabela: Me and Karla have everything under control.

Both of the girls looked at the tree line when they felt a sudden magic power rising to see Issei with a small green orb in front of his fist.

Issei: You didn't notice did you? My boosts were not to fight you but to charge this, and now it's to late for you, DRAGON SHOOT !!!

Issei punched the orb and and a ray of energy went for the girls direction as he fell in the ground exhausted.

Issei: (thoughts) I did it!

Isabela raised her fist and pulled her arm back, with one swift moviment her fist clashed with his energy.

Isabela: Devil Bullet !!!

The attacks clashed for a couple of seconds...


But in the end Isabella's punch smashed Issei's energy blast. Issei became pale with the girl's power. As for Isabela her glove and sleeve on her right arm were shredded to pieces by the colliding forces.

Issei: This can't be true. That was my finishing move! How can she still be standing there?

Isabela: That was just my first bullet, I have more kid.

*Grayfia: Rias-sama's Queen retires*

Issei was shocked.

Issei: Akeno-san lost?!

Kiba: ARGH!!!

Issei turned do his left to see Kiba landing on his side.

Issei: KIBA!!!

As Issei went to check on his teammate, Isabela and Ravel looked to their right to see Karlamine walking towards them with her sword in hand.

Isabela: Did you won?

Karlamine: I believe I did.

Issei: Damn you ...

They all looked at him.

Issei: I won't forgive him or you, I will beat you all and save Buchou's FUTUREEEEEE!!!

* Boosted Gear: Second Liberation* BOOST*

In a burst of energy Issei's Boosted Gear transformed into a full red gautlet that took most of his arm. The others looked unimpressed as Issei kept boosting himself.


Isabella: Just as you though Ravel-sama.


Ravel: So it would seem. Just like it was written in Frost-sama's notes. The stress caused by the constant fights could possibly trigger the sacred gear to become stronger and catch us of guard with it.


Karlamine: Then let's finish them before something else happens!

The flames returned to her blade and she began focusing them in her, giving it a bright orange glow.


Issei: Hey Kiba can you go on?

Kiba: Hahaha, I only have strenght for one more attack Issei-kun, do you have something on your mind?


Iseei: Just unleash your sacred gear and I will do the rest.


Kiba: Ok Issei-kun let's do this.


All the energy that Issei had, was passed to Kiba who then stabbed his sword on the ground.


From the ground a great number of blades appeared and was going in the girls direction. Isabella and Karlamine prepared their attacks to counter them.

Karlamine: Trail of Cinders !!!

Isabella: Devil Bullet !!!

Before the blades could reach them, they were either cutted and melted by Karlamine burning slash or smashed into bits by the impact from Isabela's attack. Their attack managed to travel throught the sea of blades and hit both Issei and Kiba.


They both fell into the ground being unable to move anymore.

Kiba: Bu.......Chou....

Lights started to appear around him and he was teleported to the medical bay.

*Grayfia: Rias-sama's Knight retires*

Issei was on the ground trying to move.

Ravel: Don't even try we already won.

Issei: We are not finished yet.


Issei saw Riser's base exploding eveywhere and gained a smile.

Issei: Haha, I guess Buchou made it to Riser.

Ravel: No, she didn't.

Issei: Huh?!

*Grayfia: Riser-sama's Queen retires, as well as Rias-sama's Bishop and Rias-sama herself, meaning the victory goes to Riser Phenex*

Issei was shocked.


Ravel: While everyone was busy in the middle of their fights I armed Onii-sama's entire base with explosive traps. I knew Rias-sama's pride would cloud her mind and she would go for Onii-sama herself in hopes of defeating him with her own hands, that was her mistake. I made the traps so that as soon as she was in the middle of the building they would all explode at the same time. Of course that there was a risk of knocking our King out but with our clans regeneration ability he was safe, and now he felt like what it feels to be sacrificed to achieve victory.

The lights started involving them to get them out of altenate space. The victory, belonged to the Phenex Clan.

Snow's Castle - Underworld

Bikou: Damn those chicks are HARDCORE!!!

Le Fay: I though for sure that they would be just like the others before them.


Arthur looked at Snow while adjusting his glasses

Arthur: It seems like you did more than just give them combat data Snow-san. Some of the swordswoman's moves of that girl looked very similar to mine, care to explain?

Snow answered with a happy tone in his voice surprising them.

Snow: You could say that I took a liking in those three girls and gave them a little push. I don't normally use a sword so I decided to help her with a mix from my knowledge  and what I saw from your swordsmanship to help her.

Snow got up his feet and was going to head towards his room.

Snow: Now everyone, all that I ask is a little bit more of patience. All the pieces are now in place and I'm ready to checkmate, and believe me, this game is already 100% mine. By the way the Phoenix Tears in the table are a gift, take them, think of them as a reward for your patience and cooperation.

And with that he left the room leaving the others confused.

Arthur: All of the pieces are now in place? What does he mean by that? Weren't these vial his objective?

Le Fay: It's already amazing that he got this many Phoenix Tear vials, what else could Snow-san get from this?

Vali: I really can't get a read on that guy, but that's why he is so freaking interesting. Very well let's wait a little longer and see the climax of the show he prepared for us.

They couldn't even imagine just what kind that was going to happen or the force with which would strike and shake the entire Underworld.


Annnnnnnnnnnd done! Another chapter is over. It seems like in the end, Riser got his victory, only that it was his sister and other two members to do all of the job by themselves. I always thought Isabela and Karlamine's personalities had very interesting so I decided to give them a spotlight on my story, if there's another girl in Riser's peerage that you think that should get a spotlight or even some love, please tell me.

The next chapter will be about Rias marriage party and Snow's objective will be finally revealed after so much time so wait just a little more. 

As always leave your comments, opinions and doubts so I can make this better and I will see you all in the next chapter, see ya!!!

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