The Party

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Hello guys!!! Finally i finished the last chapter of the first season and he his long, the longest I wrote so far. There are plenty of surprises and some forshadow that I will not spoil. I know you came here to read the chapter and not my ranting so sit back and enjoyyyyyyyy...


Lucifer's Castle - Underworld

The Rating Game had just ended and the victory belonged to Riser Phenex. Inside the castle, accompanied by Grayfia, is handsome man who seems to be in his early 20's, turned the TV off. He has shoulder length crimson red hair and blue-green eyes. The best way to discibe this man was that he seemed like a male version of Rias Gremory. This is the current leader of the the Devil race, Sirzechs Lucifer.

Grayfia: It seems like Rias Ojou-sama lost in the end.

Sirzechs just sighed and massaged his temples.

Sirzechs: This doen't feel right.

Grayfia was confused by his words.

Grayfia: I know that you love your sister very much Sirzechs, but even you should be able to see that she was in a clear disadvantage since the beginning. Just 10 days isn't enough to close the gap she had against Riser.

Sirzechs: That's not what I meant Grayfia.

Grayfia: Then what do you mean?

Sirzechs got up and started to leave the room with Grayfia right behind him.

Sirzechs: The strenght of Riser's peerage members doesn't match the information that I got.

Grayfia: You mean his sister and the two girls that made the final blow against Rias's servants. I'm I right?

Sirzechs nodded and Grayfia just sighed.

Grayfia: You may not know because you were not very present during most of the meetings between your father and Lord Reinor, but his daughter, Ravel, has a lot of potential. That girl is kind and has a very solid mind making her a brilliant strategist, the only thing holding her back really is her brother. I am, however, surprised by the strenght of the other two servants much like you.

Sirzechs: Even so, this sudden transformation of them is to sudden. They reached a whole new level of power in just 10 days, and we both know that Riser nor his peerage trains, so what happened?

Grayfia shoke her head in disappointment.

Grayfia: Sirzechs, not everyone is the same. I think that his sister and those two girls realised that if they continue on the path that Riser is guiding them through, they won't be going anywhere.

Sirzechs: Maybe, but now I'll have to make another plan to make sure that Ri-tan doesn't get married.

Grayfia got very worried with his words. Her fears becoming more real at each passing moment.

Grayfia: Whatever you do, please think of the consequences Sirzechs.

The Maou just laughed.

Sirzechs: I know, I know, don't worry Grayfia.

Grayfia just sighed.

Grayfia: (thoughts) Do you really know, Sirzechs?

Phenex Castle - 1 hour after the Rating Game.

On the entrance gate of the Phenex's state, the group of contestants appeared, with the help of their signature orange teleportation circle. As soon as they got there, Ravel, Isabela and Karlamine were the first to walk in the castle's direction in front of the group.

Riser: Damn it Ravel! Do you have any idea of what you did there?!

Riser was angry and his target was his sister that just kept on walking not bothering herself to turn back to talk with him. Their parents that had accompanied them to the Rating Game watched the scene unfold in silence.

Ravel: I am perfectly aware Onii-sama.

Riser waited for her to continue, but she never did.

Riser: That's it?! You're aware?! Don't you have anything else to say?!!!

Ravel: No.

She responded immeadiately without any hesitation making him even angrier.

Riser: Because of you Yubelluna got eliminated from the game and you could have made me retire as well!!! 

Ravel: And because of you, everyone other than Yubelluna, Isabela, Karlamine and us, got eliminated from the game, with all of them only being able to take two of Rias-sama's pieces.

Ravel interrupted Riser, speaking in a calm tone. There girls in question lowered their heads in shame.

Riser: That has nothing to do with this! I'm the King of this peerage and-

Ravel turned around with an angry expression on her face.


She yelled making everyone stop. Her outburst made Riser and the girls shut up in surprise.

Ravel: In these 10 days you did absolutly nothing to prepare yourself or the girls for this game and look where that got you. An entire peerage set almost entirely wiped out by a team of 6 members! Oh and what did you call them? Oh right! "amateurs"!!!

Her parents continued to watch in silence.

Ravel: I waited and waited, hoping that with time you would open your eyes and finally start to act like the noble King that I thought that you would become, but I guess I was wrong after all. This was the last game that I made as a member of your peerage.

Every member of the peerage widened their eyes at her words.

Riser: You can't be serious.

Ravel: I am very serious Onii-sama! If want to continue to drag the name of our family in the mud, then I want no part in it.

She then turned her head towards her mother.

Ravel: Mother you still have some leftover pieces in your peerage if I remember corretly. Can you and Onii-sama exchange pieces please.

Her mother answered her with a stoic face.

Lady Phenex: Is that what you truely want Ravel?

Riser: Mother not you t-

Reinor: SILENCE RISER! This is a matter between your mother and Ravel now!

His father's look scared Riser and made him stop. Ravel continued to look at her mother's eyes and didn't flinch.

Ravel: Yes mother. It's time I start making choices and walk my own path.

They stood there just looking at each other, one waiting for the other's answer. Lady Phenex just smiled.

Lady Phenex: Very well. When we enter the castle we will fix this.

Ravel showed her a small smile.

Ravel: Thank you mother.

Lady Phenex nodded at her and turned her attention to the two girls that were at her daughter's side.

Lady Phenex: What about you two? You do have a say in this matter you know?

Both of them looked at each other in silence. The rest of the peerage looked at them confused by Lady Phenex's words. Eventually they nodded at each other and looked back at Lady Phenex.

Isabela: We share the same opinion as Ravel-sama.

Karlamine: Could you please exchange us to Lady Phenex?

Riser's peerage and himself became shocked.

Yubelluna: Are you turning your backs at Riser-sama you two?!

Isabela: No, we aren't. Me and Karla just want to follow our paths. Unfortunately, they just aren't the same as yours that's all.

Xuelan: Isabela? What are you saying?

The other peerage's Rook asked her friend.

Isabela: It's just as you heard Xuelan.

Siris: Oi Karla! What the meaning of this?!

Now it was the Knight's time to speak between them.

Karlamine: Siris this is nothing against Riser-sama or any of you.

Siris: Then what is it then?!

Ravel, Isabela and Karlamine just turned around and continued to walk towards the castle.

Karlamine: We simply want to go beyond the path that others pick for us, that's all.

Riser was both shocked and furious, but as he was about to say anything his mother interrupted him.

Lady Phenex: Whether you want it or not, this trade will happen Riser. This is your fault and your fault alone, so you will receive this punishment without further discussions, understood?

Riser got even angrier do to the fact that his mother was agreeing with all of this, but the look from both of his parents told him that he wouldn't escape this and simply nodded.

Lady Phenex: Good.

And with that, they all went after Ravel and the other two, this time in silence. 

When Ravel and the girls reached the big entry doors, they were greeted by one of the guards.

Phenex Guard: Welcome back Lady Ravel.

The guard did a salute to her.

Ravel: Thank you, it's good to be back.

She kindly answered back

Phenex Guard: I have something to report.

Isabela: Then wait just a little bit, Lord and Lady Phenex are coming behind us.

Phenex Guard: I'm quite aware Isabel-san, but this report is for Ravel-sama and both of you and Karlamine-san especifically.

Karlamine: To us?

Phenex Guard: Yes.

Ravel: What is it then?

The guard gained a huge smile on his face and made them a sinal to come closer. They were confused but approached him nonetheless. He placed a hand near his mouth and whispered.

Phenex Guard: (whisper) You have visit from a certain man in white.  

Their eyes widened as the guard smiled once more at their reaction and opened the door to them.

Phenex Guard: He's in the living room waiting for your return.

Ravel gained a huge smile picked the sides of her dress's skirt and started running inside.

Karlamine: R-Ravel-sama?!

Isabela touched her friends shoulder with her finger gaining her attention. Karlamine saw a big smile in her friends face to.

Isabela: C'mon did you heard him, we have a visit for us. We can't leave him waiting can we? Isn't that against the Knight's code or something?

After those words, she to entered the castle and started running after Ravel. Karlamine just laughed at her friend's words.

Karlamine: Hahaha! Your right! A Knight can't leave others waiting.

And with that she to started running towards the living room.

Outside the others were trying to figure what just happened that made the girls act like that. Once they got near the door Reinor went to speak to the guard and after a couple of seconds of chatting, Reinor bursted out laughing, adding even more confusion to the others.

Lady Phenex: Honey? 

Reinor: Haha, it seems we have a visit dear, let's go.

Small timeskip

Ravel, now accompanied by Isabela and Karlamine, finally reached the living room. They were all out of breath and were looking around the room franatically, trying to find the person that was waiting for them. Ravel finaly got a glimpse of him on the balcony.

Ravel: Frost-sama!!!

She started to run towards the balcony with Karlamine and Isabela right behind her. Her call gained his attention and he turned towards them, once he had turned around he saw the three of them in front of him.

Snow: There's no need to run ladies I won't run away you know?

He spoke in his usual calm tone.

Ravel: Why are you here Frost-sama?!

Snow: Oh, are you saying that I shouldn't be here? If so then I'll-

Ravel panicked a bit and started to move her arms around.

Ravel: NO! NO! NO! You got it wrong Frost-sama!!! I-I-I just wanted to-

He gently placed one of his fingers on her lips shutting her up.

Snow: Hahaha, I was kinding Lady Ravel, it was all just a joke.

Ravel got a big blush and Karlamine and Isabela tried her best not to laugh.


Because of that they started to laugh really hard with Ravel  scolding them with a small blush still present on her face. When the three of them calmed themselves down  she looked at him.

Ravel: Then Frost-sama why are you here? I thought the contract was done and none of us used the panflets you gave us yet.

Snow: Oh that's right I almost forgot.

Snow placed a hand on top of Ravel's head and started patting her.

Snow: Congratulations on your victory.

Ravel: O-Oh! T-Thank you.

Karlamine got to his side

Karlamine: Did you came here just to congratulate us Frost-san?

He raised his other hand and placed it on Karlamine's head and patted her to gaining another blush from one of the girls.

Snow: Of course. Splendid swordsmanship by the way Karlamine-san, you did well in integrating what I said in your style in just 2 days, very impressive.

Karlamine smiled and nodded.

Karlamine: T-Thank you.

Isabela: What about me? Did I rock, or did I rock?

Isabela asked Snow with a small smile full of confidence.

Snow: I can say for sure that you were a blast.

Isabela: Damn righ I was!

Ravel looked at Karlamine and something sparked in their minds, they gained a evil smile on their faces and then turned to Isabela who shivered at their looks.

Isabela: W-What's wrong?!

Ravel: Oh nothing Isabela, please come here. I believe Frost-sama also has a reward for you.

Isabela knew she was refering to the headpats and she took a step back.

Isabela: T-That won't be necessary, I-I'm just happy that w-we-

Karlamine: Don't be like that Isabela~

Isabela looked behind to see her friend with the same evil smile as Ravel on her face.

Isabela: Shit! When did you-

Ravel: She is right you know, it's rude to refuse something from someone~

Isabela looked to the other side and saw that Ravel that appeared seemingly out of nowhere.

Ravel: So be polite and accept it~

With their combined efforts, they pushed Isabela towards Snow who caught her by placing his arm around her waist and started patting her in the head like he did with the others. Isabela's blush was immediate and her body stiffed at the contact. Seeing that their plan worked, Ravel and Karlamine bursted out laughing at the Rook's face.

Ravel: Hahahahaha! I never though I would the tough Isabela with a blush like that in her face! This is the best day of my life!

Karlamine was holding her stomach.

Karlamine: I know how you feel Ravel-sama! Hahahahaha!

After a couple of more minutes laughing, the others finally appeared and looked to were the laughter was coming from, only to to see Ravel laughing so hard that she was almost crying at thatpoint with Karlamine doing the same seated against the stone railing of the balcony and Isabela being held by Snow with a huge blush on her face while he was patting her.

Reinor: I see that everyone is in a good mood here.

They all looked at Reinor and Isabela used this opportunity to escape Snow's grasp.

Ravel: Haha, yes father I can't remember the last time I laughed so much.

She cleaned the tears that were forming on her eyes with her finger.

Reinor: Hahaha, that's good.

Reinor walked towards them and stopped in front of Snow and they both greeted each other with a handshake.

Reinor: Good evening Frost-san. If I knew you were waiting for us then we would be here faster.

Snow: There is no need Lord Phenex, I came here without a warning so it I don't mind waiting for a little bit.

Lady Phenex approached them.

Lady Phenex: I hope you're having a good evening Frost-san.

He turned towards the lady of the house, took his hat and holded it near his chest, doing a small bow.

Snow: A splendid one Lady Phenex, and I pray you're having one as well.

Lady Phenex: Oh there is no need for all the pleasantries.

Reinor: Please come in, I will tell the maids to bring us something.

Snow: You're both to kind.

They entered to living room, with Karlamine closing the window to the balcony and when he got inside Riser saw Snow with his sister and his parents.

Riser: What are you doing here low-life?!!!


Riser: With all the respect father, I don't trust this man so I don't want him in our house. Girls!

At his sign they started to walk towards him.

Riser: Everything started crumbling apart in the day you came here. Because of you, I lost 3 peerage members in a day.

Before anyone could say or do something Isabela and Karlamine stood in front of their friends with their new fighting stances.

Karlamine: With all the respect Riser-sama ...

Isabela: We won't allow you or them to touch this man.

Riser was now fuming.

Riser: Out of the way you two!!!

Ravel: No...

Ravel also placed himself in front of his brother's peerage members.

Ravel: You are just trying to place the blame on Frost-sama. This person is a very important guest now, so if you insist in attack him...

In her back, the signature Phenex flaming wings appeared and she had a approached them with a scowl in her face.

Ravel: Then there will be problems Onii-sama.

Lady Phenex made a clap with their hands gaining the attention of everyone in the living room.

Lady Phenex: That' enough children! Riser get out of the room.

Riser: But mot-

Lord and Lady Phenex: (glare) NOW!!!

Riser gritted his teeth in frustration and glared at Snow.

Riser: This isn't over low-life. Let's go girls!

Riser and his peerage members left the room. An ashamed Reinor spoke to Snow.

Reinor: (sigh) I'm so sorry. All of my children are so educated, but Riser just seems to enjoy doing this shamefull things. I'm really sorry Frost-san.

Frost patted him in the shoulder and went past him towards the couches.

Snow: I believe I've already told you what I think about someone apologizing about something that they didn't do Lord Reinor. I would rather enjoy a bit of talking than speak of your son's actions.

They all found his humility and understanding refreashing and smiled. They all took their seats with Snow being in the same couch as the girls.

Reinor: With that out of the way, can I know what brings you here?

Snow: There is no big reason for it Lord Reinor, I simply thought that I should come here and congratulate these girls for the victory that they tried so hard to conquer, nothing more.

The three girls gained happy smiles on their expressions.

Reinor: That was very kind of you. You came here to give your students a complement and don't lie because I know you did more than just give them information, you sneaky fox.

He said with a big smile.

Snow: Students? Not at all. They took the first step and made their own way by themselves, what I gave them, was a little push, nothing else.

Lady Phenex: My, so humble, you seem to have a lot of faith in this girls.

Snow: Why shouldn't I?

The compliments and faith that he had in them resulted in the girls gaining a small blush. Snow noticed that Reinor had gone quiet and was looking at him with a serious face.

Snow: Is there something wrong Lord Reinor?

The others noticed the face that he was making. Lady Phanex knew that he was thinking about something but she said nothing, curious about what her husband's thoughts.

Reinor: Frost-san.

Snow: Yes Lord Reinor?

Reinor: You are a devil correct?

Snow: That's correct, a low-class to be exact.

To prove his point, a pair of bat like wings appeared on his back. Reinor looked at him for a while before taking a deep breath, then he stared into Snow's eyes with the same serious face.

Reinor: Frost-san, what would you say if I invited you to our son's wedding party?

The entire room got quiet and Snow tilted his head to the side.

Snow: Pardon?

Reinor: Maybe I was to blunt, allow me to rephrase that. Frost-san I'm inviting you to come to the wedding between my son and Rias Gremory, could you give us the honor of going with us?

Snow: I understood it in the first time Lord Reinor, what confuses me is, why? I'm just a low-class devil, a mere peasant in the nobles eyes.

Rave: T-T-That's right father! While I don't have anything against it, I'm sure the people that will attend the party will be very rude towards Frost-sama! And after the stunts Onii-sama pulled I doubt he will want to go!

Reinor: I won't allow no one to even think about insulting him!

Lady Phenex: You still didn't answer Frost-san's question dear.

Reinor: You're right ... I'll be honest, I wish to bet on this young man.

Lady Phenex raised an eyebrow.

Lady Phenex: Bet?

Reinor: That's right.

He turned his attention once again towards Snow.

Reinor: After what everyone has been saying and from what I saw with my own eyes, Frost-san, I'm completly sure that you are indeed a very capable young man. Your manners, stealth, strenght, as well as mental and social capacities are superb and I have no doubt that you will start to raise in the social rankings very soon even without the support of a noble family. Before that happens I wish to establish a solid relation between you and my clan right now for the sake of our futures.

The others understood what the Phenex leader was trying to do now. With a good friendship between Ravel, Isabela, Karlamine and Snow and the huge potential that he saw in the young man, the clan could very well gain a powerfull ally before any other clan and earn a lot of benefits, the same goes for Snow. 

He remained silent as if he was expecting Reinor to speak something more.

Reinor: With that in mind, if you acompany us to the wedding, you will have a good opportunity to come in contact with the current leaders of each clan and the younger generation of devils to. I'm sure that these contacts will be helpful in the future and you will gain acess to a lot of resources and information.

Snow crossed his arms and kept silent.

Reinor: What do you think?

Snow looked at the man in front of him and the women in the room remained silent, waiting for his answer.

Snow: You do have a point Lord Reinor, if I wish to raise in the ranks then your clan's help and contacts from the other Pillar Clans will be of great use to me. I already consider your family as irreplaceable business partner so being in an even better relation with you all will be pleasure to me.

Reinor: So that means ...

Snow: I'll gladly accept your invitation Lord Reinor, I hope he continue with this partnership for many years from now on. It will be a pleasure to acompany you and your family.

He got up and raised his hand towards Reinor who also got you and gladly took the handshake.

Reinor: The pleasure is all ours Frost-san.

As the mans were doing their things, a light bulb lit up on top of her head and she gained a teasing smile.

Lady Phenex: Oh that's wonderfull, now Ravel as someone to escort her to the party!

At her mother's words Ravel became a blushing mess.


Reinor: OH! What a wonderful idea dear!

Lady Phenex: Fufufu, I'm sure Frost-san would love to escort you into your brother's wedding Ravel. Isn't that right Frost-san?

The young girl slowly turned around to look at the man in question that suddently took her hand.

Snow: Would you allow a low-class devil like me to have the pleasure to escort you to the party, Lady Ravel.

In her eyes, this man's invitation was like one made in one of the fairy tales that the maids read to her when she was a child. It was strange, all of her like she was surrounded by nobles, yet in her eyes, this commoner had the noblest aura out of everyone she knew.

Ravel: Y-Yes. I-It will be an honour Frost-sama.

Her mother went on full fangirl mode.

Lady Phenex: Kyahhhh! My Ravel will bring a man to a party for the first time. Oh dear Maou! We need to buy you a new dress and shoes for this and...

She continued ranting making her daughter redder by the second, even if Ravel tried to stop her, she was to deep in her dreamland to listen.

Snow: Also could I get a dance with you two?

Isabela and Karlamine where surprised.

Karlamine: Eh? Us?

Snow: Of course.

Isabela: I'm not really the dancing girl type you know?

Karlamine: Me to, I'm more comfortable with a sword in hand than in middle of a ballroom.

Snow: Hahaha. Please rest assured, I survived things more dangerous than someone steping my feet.

Isabela: Well it's your feet so you do whatever you want with them.

Snow: That won't be a problem.

Reinor: Hahaha, it's good to be young. I still remember those days.

Snow took a seat once more.

Snow: Well the night it's still young, so why don't we leave the party talk for another day and share some stories?

Reinor nodded in acceptance and took a seat. They spent the next hous simply speaking of banal things while Ravel continued to try to bring her mother back to reality.

Snow's Castle - 2 days later

Kuroka: So you were invited to a big ass party by the leader of the Phenex clan to his son's weadding and all of it with just 10 days of contact with them. Did I get that right Nyah?

Snow: Yes, that pretty much summars it up.

Kuroka: ... If I had a hat, I would tip it to you Snow-kun Nyah.

Snow took his hat from the top a the table and trew it at Kuroka who caught it.

Snow: You can use mine.

Kuroka: Ohhhh someone is in a mood for jokes Nyah.

She took his hat and placed it on her head. Then she did a playfull tip just like she said she would. 

Snow: Hahaha, no, I'm simply on a good mood.

Kuroka jumped from the couch and walked towards Snow who was in front a ice mirror fixing his suit. She stopped right by his side and looked at him from top to bottom.

Kuroka: Looking good in that suit Snow-kun Nyah.

Snow: Why thank you.

Le Fay also got by his side as he was starting to do his tie knot.

Le Fay: Oh! I will help you with that Snow-san!

Kuroka: Nah! I will do it, he's to tall for you Le Fay, you tie his hair, ok Nyah?

Le Fay: Yes I can do that.

Kuroka made Snow turn towards her and started to make the knot while Le Fay gently took his white hair and tied it with a black ribbon.

Snow: Thank you for your help.

Le Fay: Nonesense, we are comrades aren't we Snow-san?

Kuroka: She is right, don't worry that pretty head of yours handsome, I just want to see your "checkmate".

They finished the adjustments and he looked at the mirror again.

Vali: Yeah me to. I sure hope that this little show that your trying to make is good.

Bikou: That again?! C'mon Vali, the guy said we'll see what he planned soon, so cut him some slack will yah.

Arthur: He's right Vali, patience is a virtue.

Vali: Just as much as waiting is boring.

Snow: Tomorow.

The others looked a him.

Snow: Tomorow morning you will have all the answers that you want.

He looked at the wooden clock and saw that it was almost time for him to meet the Phenex family.

Snow: Well it's time to for me to get going.

Le Fay: I know that you are going there in business, but try to have some fun to Snow-san, you work to much.

In response the patted her head.

Snow: Don't worry this will both work and fun for me Le Fay-san.

Snow turned towards Kuroka.

Snow: And I will need that back.

He pointed at his hat that she was still wearing.

Kuroka: Why don't you take it then Nyah?~

She said in a teasing voice. In response he took her hand, made her twist around and bent like they were dancing a tango. Her eyes got wide at his actions.

Kuroka: Oh you're good Nyah!

She took his hat from her head and placed it on his. Snow picked her with the arm that he had around her waist making her stand back on her feet. A teleportation circle appeared o his feet and another smaller one appeared in front of him and he placed his hand inside, taking his Frost's silver mask and placed it on his face. 

Snow: Wish me luck.

Everyone but Vali: Have a safe trip.

And with that he was gone.

Phenex's Castle - Underworld

Ravel: Ohhhhh were is he?

Inside the castle Reinor and the others were looking at Ravel as she walked back and foward in a panicked state.

Isabela: Calm down Ravel-sama, the are still a few minutes left before the agreed time, so stop panicking.

Lady Phenex: She's right Ravel, you're a lady so wait patiently for your companion for the night comes to get you.

Ravel: But ...

Karlamine: Don't worry Ravel-sama, Frost-san is a man of his word, he will come.

Ravel: And you know that because?

Karlamine: Call it a Knight's instinct.

Ravel: That doesn't really reassure me at all.

In the other side of the room was Riser with scowl on his face, dressed in his weading suit and surrounded by his peerage that were all dressed in fancy dresses.

Riser: I still can't believe that the low-class will come with us to attend to my marriage.

Reinor: My word is final Riser and we won't discuss this again. You may not understand it now but eventually you will see the beneficts of having that young man by our side.

Riser: I highly doubt it.

As they ended their dicussion a maid entered the room and bowed towards them.

Maid: I'm here to inform that Mr. Frost as just arrived and is outside waiting to be called Reinor-sama.

Reinor: Oh he's here at last! Please tell him to come in.

Maid: Understood.

The maid bowed once again an left the room. Moments later she came back, this time with Snow by her side. He looked ready for the party, his suit as usual was in a white theme apart from his inner shirt, only this time it looked fancier. On his shoulders rested a long white coat and this time he was using a much shorter white scarf to cover the bottom part of his face. 

Snow: My apologies, I had to make sure I looked good.

Ravel: Frost-sama!

The young girl went towards him, Snow noticed her and grabbed her hand and twirled her around much to her surprise.

Snow: You look stunning in that red dress Lady Ravel, I must pay attention during the party or else someone will try to take you away from me.

Ravel blushed and returned the complement.

Ravel: Y-You look very good in that suit to Frost-sama.

Reinor: It's good that you are finally here, now we can head to the party together.

Reinor made a big orange magic circle in the middle of the room and everyone started to head towards it.

Snow: Shall we go Lady Ravel?

In response the young girl latched herself into his arm and nodded.

Ravel: Yes, let's go Frost-sama.

They went towards the other and dissapered in the pillar of light.

Lucifer's Castle - Underworld

As soon as the Phenex members and their guest reached the gates thay started heading towards the ballroom. Right before the room they met the servant that was currently checking the guest's names.

Servant: Hello Lord Phenex.

Reinor: Ah Good afternoon, me, my family and the household servants are all in here you can check.

Servant: Of course Lord Reinor, allow me to have just a minute to check everything...

The man looked at everyone's faces and started writting something on the papers he had with him but he stoped as soon as he saw Snow. He raised an eyebrow and flicked the pages and looked at Reinor.

Servant: That person isn't in the list Lord Reinor.

Reinor: Oh my bad, this young man's name is Frost and he will be attending the party with us as a personal guest of my family.

Servant: Oh I see! Then we have no problems then, please go inside and have fun in the party. Also, congratulations on your marriage Riser-sama.

Riser merely nodded and went inside to prepare himself, before Reinor could scold him Snow aproached the man.

Snow: Please forgive his rudeness, he's just nervous with the marriage. I mean what man wouldn't be right?

The servant laughed at his small joke.

Servant: Oh it's quite alright, marriage is a big step so it's normal, please go and have a good night Frost-sama.

Snow tipped his hat.

Snow: I wish you the same and good luck with your job.

With that they said their farewells to the man and kept going towards the ballroom. Once they got to the big doors two servants opened them for them.


The servant annouced their arrival, the attention of everyone in the room was instantly turned towards the stairs were the Phenex family were, even the Underworld's media was present in the event.

Nobleman 1: Now the families of the bride and husband of the party are here!

Noblewoman 1: My they look so chiqué as ever!

Nobleman 2: Frost? Never heard that name before!

Noblewoman 2: Who is the masked man that is with the daughter of the Phenex Clan?!

The room was now filled with whispers and rumors about the Phenex and the mysterious masked figure. As soon as they reached the bottom of the stairs they were surrounded by the lower ranking noble families that obviously wanted to please the higher ranking nobles. After a couple of long minutes chatting with them they reached one of the tables full of food.

Lady Phenex: (sigh) Somethings never change.

Reinor: I know want you mean Rachel.

????: You seem tired Reinor, the party has only started so don't tell me you need a seat already old friend.

A voice called for Lord Phenex. In the sea of people he could see an unmistakable crimson red hair and with that we knew immeadiately who it was. It was a handsome looking middle-aged man, with bright blue eyes and a short and red beard or stubble. This was Reinor long date friend Zeoticus Gremory. 

By his side was his wife Venelana Gremory. She looks very much like her daughter Rias with shorter flaxen hair and violet eyes much like the natural born members of the Bael Clan, which she belonged before marrying with Zeoticus. Maybe due to her devil lineage, she appears around the same age as her daughter.

Reinor: Gomorin! You old prick how are you?!

They instantly bro hugged laughing loud and clear for everyone to hear.

Zeoticus: Hahaha! Don't call me by my house's mascot name you old bird brain.

Rachel Phenex and Venelana looked at each other.

Rachel and Venelana: Men!

They laughed.

Venelana: How are you Rachel?

Rachel: Esplendid Venelana. It looks like it will finally happen won't it?

Venelana: (sigh) Yes, it gave us a lot of work but now our Clans will finally be connected.

Venelana looked behind her friend and noticed Ravel and the girls.

Venelana: Dear Maou you three look absolutly stunning. Ravel, how much time as it been since I last saw you? Look at yourself so grown up and killing in that dress.

Ravel did a small bow.

Ravel: Yes it's a pleasure to see you again Venelana-sama. It has been almost half of an year since our last meeting and I'm happy to see that you are in good health.

Venelana then looked at the tall man that she was holding and tilted her head to the side.

Venelana: I'm sorry but I don't believe that I ever saw you young man.

Ravel: Allow me to introduce him to you Venelana-sama. This man is Frost-sama, he is an ally of sorts to our clan, do to his services for us he was invited to participate in the party.

Snow took a step foward and took his hat of his head placing it near his chest.

Snow: It's an honor to meet the "Brown-haired Ruin Princess" in person. As Lady Ravel said, my name is Frost and I'm but a simple man who had the luck to acompany Lord Reinor and these lovely ladies to your daughter's wedding. I wish her the best of happiness.

Venelana: Ara ara, you're so polite. To which clan do you belong dear?

Ravel: That's ...

Snow: It seems like I wasn't clear with my presentation, my apologies. Unlike what you may think I'm a low-class devil, I don't belong to any clan, being it on lowest or the highest ranking, nor I'm I a servant of any clan to, just a simple low-class nothing more.

The people around gasped at his words. Venelana simply placed a hand near her lips.

Venelana: Oh my! I had no idea.

Zeoticus: So this is the young ladd that you have been telling me about Reinor?

The two leaders aproached them.

Reinor: He sure is! This young man was one of the keys to my son's victory in the past Rating Game against your daughter old friend.

Zeoticus: I don't remember your son, Riser, liking to have the help of others in his affairs.

Rachel: Oh he didn't help Riser directly Zeoticus. Let's say he gave a push a little push to these three.

Lady Phenex gestured to her daughter, Isabela and Karlamine.

Venelana: Could you perhaps be the reason behind their sudden power spike?

Snow: Hahaha, Lady Phenex is just exaggerating. I didn't do anything other than give a small advice to them, they are the reason for their sucess not me.

He turned to the stage and saw that the musicians were about to start playing their songs and grabbed Ravel's hand gently.

Snow: I'm sorry to cut this conversation short, but I need to take this little fire bird to the dance floor, I will be back before you notice it.

Ravel: Eh?!

Snow: Let's go my lady, the musicians won't wait for us.

Ravel was guidded towards the dance floor by Snow, but before he reached there he turned towards the other two girls.

Snow: I hope you have prepared yourselves, I also want the dance that we promised each other 2 days ago~

Their eyes got wide and a blush appeared on their cheeks.

Isabela and Karlamine: YOU WERE SERIOUS?!!!

Snow: Of course. I'm a man of my word after all.

Through the next hour, Snow danced with the three girls, being especially carefull with Karlamine and Isabela who were not used to it.

Ravel: I didn't know of this talent of yours Frost-sama

Karlamine: Dear Maou! My feet are on fire, these high heels are not comfortable at all.

Isabela: Well at least we didn't destroy no one's feet, but I need a drink tho.

Ravel: I think I need one to.

Karlamine: Me to.

Snow: I will wait here, you girls go and do what you need to do.

The girls nodded and went to get their drinks. Snow looked around to see the nobles looking at him, some with disgust others with keen interest.

Snow: (thoughts) So far everything is going smoothly, but I wonder were is the "happy couple". I will need them for this to work and also-

????: Hey there!

Snow was cutted from his thoughts by a call coming from his right side. When he turned around he saw a handsome young man with black hair and violet eyes. He had the same height as him only this man was much more muscular. Snow immeadiately knew who this man was.

Snow: Where you perhaps talking to me, Sairaorg Bael-san?

Sairaorg: No need for "san" just Sairaorg, I don't relly like formalities you know hahaha!

The young man laughed.

Sairaorg: So you're the person that everyone is talking about.

Snow: Me?

Sairaorg: Yep! There isn't a devil in this room who is not questioning who you are and why did the Phenex brought you here to their son's wedding.

Snow: And what are your thoughts in the matter then "Strongest Youth"?

Sairaorg shrugged his shoulder.

Sairaorg: How should I know? I only met you a few seconds ago.

Snow: (thoughts) Sairaorg Bael. The son of Lord Bael and Misla Bael. He had a tough childhood because he and his mother were shunned from the rest of his clan due to the abuse that he received from his father and other clan members, part of it because he wasn't born with clan's Power of Destruction. He then trained in the countryside of the Bael territory training his body to its utmost limits in order to become powerful and then defeated his younger half-brother reclaiming the title of heir of the Bael Clan that his father took from him. I heard rumors that he can wield a Longinus. This man can become a good ally in the future or ...

Sairaorg: You ok? You're spacing out.

Snow waved his hand.

Snow: No need to worry yourself with me thank you. By the way my name is Frost, a pleasure to make your acquaintance.

Sairaorg: The pleasure is all mine.

They shoke their hands.

Sairaorg: (thoughts) This guy has a strong grip.

Sairaorg: Well I really just came here to say hello, I have to get back to my peerage, see ya later.

Snow: I hope we can met again.

Sairaorg gained a huge smile and went away. Snow's eyes found the members of Rias Gremory in the middle of the crowd. They looked down, probably because of their defeat and Rias marriage. Snow also noticed that two of them were missing.

Snow: (thoughts) I doubt he will use the former nun in this plan of his. So that means that the Perverted Dragon Emperor will be his choice.

He smirked beneath his scarf.

Snow: (thought) Just as I expected.

The girls then came back and they started talking between themselves, when out of nowhere Riser appeared on top of the stairs of the room in a fireball and began his speech.

Riser: Ladies and gentleman, I, Riser Phenex, wish to thank you for attending my engagement party with the heir of the Gremory Clan, Rias Gremory. I believe that this union will not only bring good luck between the two houses, but to all of the Underworld, giving continuity to our pure noble bloodlines.

The crowd clapped at his words.

Snow: (thoughts) And with this ... the countdown begins.

Riser: Now without further ado, I present to you my future bride, Miss Rias Gremory.

From a teleportation circle came Rias, dressed in a white wedding dress, and as expected, she wasn't happy with her situation.

Riser: And now, let's begin the-


The doors  in the other side of room came crashing down.

Riser: What's the meaning of this?!!!

From the door came Issei, running with his Boosted Gear equipped in his arm.


Snow: (thoughts) Not cliché at all.

He mentally thought.

Rias: ISSEI!!!


The reactions were diverse, some felt disgusted, his teammates sweatdropped and Rias gained a huge blush on her face.

Snow: (thoughts) Look at that, he's both cliché and stupid.

Riser: You have no business here Pawn, I won so this marriage will happen whether you like it or not. GUARDS!!!

In a flash, Issei was surronded by numerous armored guards and naturally the Gremory group went to help knocking a few of the guards down.

Issei: Guys!!!

Kiba: You ok Issei-kun?

Koneko: You're late pervert.

Akeno: Fufufu, go on Issei-kun we'll hold them back, go get Buchou.

He nodded and started running again.

Snow: (thoughts) What a beautiful moment ...


Issei: Who's this guy?!

Ravel: F-Frost-sama?!

In a second Snow got in front of Issei.

Snow: (thoughts) ... it's such a shame that I'll have to end it~


Snow kicked Issei in the stomach making him vomit blood and sending him back to the others.

Gremory group: Issei-kun/Pervert!

Snow: Don't turn your eyes away.

Everyone felt the power rising within Snow's body. The power was so strong that made a huge air gust around him. He raised his arms and a glow appeared, blinding some people in the room with it. When the glow died out, his arms were covered by two chains. Both of them were gorgeous, they were a very dark colour of blue but in each of the chain's links could be seen small stars giving the impression of be staring at a beautiful night sky. They also had two small spikes in each side of the links. One of the tips had a arrow like shape with Two small green jewels. As for the other tip it looked kinda like an emerald looking turtle shell.

Snow lowered his arms and the chains started to go to the ground and around him. With each turn they created a bigger circle around him, some of the nobles took a step back for precaution.

Nobleman: What are those chains?!

Noblewoman: They're so beautifull, it's like I'm staring into the numerous stars in an clear night sky.

Issei got up with the help of his friends.

Kiba: Issei-kun let's keep the same plan as before, me and Akeno-san will make a path for you so go and get Buchou.

Issei: Alright!

He started dashing towards Snow.

Issei: Out of the way asshole!!!

Snow raised the chain with the arrow tip up and Kiba appeared near his left side and Akeno was flying on his top side preparing her signature Thunder Magic.

Kiba: I don't know who you are, but we need you to get out of our way!

Akeno: Fufufu, I wonder how will you react to this.

Snow didn't bother to spare them a glace and as soon as Kiba took a step inside the circles created by the chains, they reacted as if they were alive and closed around his leg with the spikes digging into her, much like a bear trap would.


Akeno: KIBA-KUN!!!

Snow: I believe I told you to don't turn your eyes away.

Karlamine: He's right you know?

Akeno eyes widened as she turned around to see Karlamine, she received a kick in the face sending her face first into the ground. As soon as she did contact with the ground Karlamine went down towards her and placed a foot in her back and her sword near her neck.

Karlamine: Don't fight back or I'll cut it off.

Koneko who as busy with the guards noticed her comrades situation and tried to go to their rescue.

Koneko: Akeno-san.

Keyword: "tried".

Isabela: How many times do we have to repeat, don't turn your yes away!

With a quick movement, Isabela twisted Koneko's arm behind her back and holded her other one around her own neck. Koneko trashed around trying to break free but it was useless.

Koneko: Let ... go!

Isabela: Stop trashing, you're only hurting yourself.



In his enraged state he continued to charge towards Snow, forgeting about what happened to Kiba, and jumped up going for a punch.

Snow: How stupid. 

The one of the chains reacted undoing the circle formation and flyed directly towards Issei with the other chain not letting Kiba go. 

Issei: Not this shit again.

Issei tried to punch the chain but she moved away from his fist and went directly towards his face.

Issei: What?!!!

The chain went around his neck and the spikes on the links digged into his flesh. He fell into the ground and tried to scream but the chains chocked him harder each time he tried.

Snow: Now for the final touch.

Both of the chains started to move around Issei and Kiba's bodies giving them no more chances to escape. Rias panicked.

Rias: LET THEM GO!!!

Snow: All targets neutralized. (Turns to Lord Phenex) Lord Reinor, we have captured the intruder and his accomplices.

Reinor: Thank you. Now, what is the meaning of this Zeoticus?

Lord Gremory paled.

Zeoticus: Reinor! I swear I have no idea of what is happening here!!!

Reinor: Then tell me why did your daughter's Pawn enter here in that barbaric way, screaming blasfemies like a madman with the rest of her servants following him!!!

Zeoticus turned towards Rias.


Rias was also lost on what was happening and couldn't give her father a proper answer either.

????: There is no need to shout a her like that father.

Everyone turned around to look at the man that had now entered the room. It was Sirzechs acompanied by Grayfia.

Snow: (thoughts) Hahaha, all of the actors are now on stage.

Sirzechs: That boy is part of a little entertainment that I prepared for Rias wedding.

Reinor: What kind of entertainment Lord Lucifer?

Sirzechs: It's quite simple. You see, my sister fought well during the Rating Gama, but it was obvious that your son would win. He had far more experience and servants than her, so it was a little boring to watch.

Riser: Are you saying that because of that, my victory is meaningless Lucifer-sama?

Sirzechs: Oh no, no, no! If I said something like that then I would be the same as giving favoritism to my sister, which as a Maou, I can't do.

Zeoticus: What are you trying to do then, Sirzechs?

Sirzechs smiled.

Sirzechs: Simple. I wish to present to our guest the match of the century. Dragon vs Phoenix, a battle between legendary beasts! Is there any better way to celebrate my sister's marriage?

Then he turned towards Riser.

Sirzechs: Riser-kun, would you mind showing me and my parents your strenght once more?

Making use of Riser's pride, the Lucifer got what he wanted.

Riser: Tch! Very well, Riser will give one last match as a single man before getting married.

Sirzechs turned his attention to the man in white that was holding her sister's last hope of freedom.

Sirzechs: Would you mind letting go of my sister's servants please?

Snow didn't move or gave any sign that he heard what Sirzechs said. Then he turned towards Reinor and stood there, looking at him as if he was expecting him to say something. After what seemed like a long mental talk between them, Reinor nodded and Snow released the two men from his chains that disappeared in countless small lights. Isabela and Karlamine also let Koneko and Karlamine and went towards Snow.

Sirzechs: Thank ...

He didn't stay to listen to the rest and went towards the place where Ravel and Rachel were, with both Riser's ex-pieces following him in silence.

Sirzechs: ... you? It doesn't matter. Hyoudou Issei, have do you wish if you win this match.

Noblewoman: He can't be serious!

Nobleman: A reward for a low-class devil like him?!

Zeoticus: SIRZECHS!!!

Sirzechs: It's only fair that he gets a reward for his efforts father. Tell me Hyoudou Issei, what is it that you wish? A promotion to Mid-Class? A Harem full of the most beautifull women? Tell me.

Issei got up holding his neck.

Issei: If I win I want to take Buchou back with me and let her free from this marriage!

Sirzechs smiled.

Sirzechs: Very well! Both of you step closer so I can transport you to your ring.

Grayfia created a teleportation circle and sent them to their battle field. In a couple of seconds a big hologram showed both of the competitors.

Ravel: Onii-sama ...

Snow: Have faith in him Ravel-san.

Ravel looked at Snow.

Snow: Now it's all up to him. Just stay here and wait for him to come victorious.

Ravel: H-Hai!

The girl gained a new determination and both of them looked at the hologram.

Snow: (thoughts) It doesn't really matter who wins now. By the end of this party, I will be the one and only winner.

Grayfia: Start!!!

The match started and immeadiately Issei activated his Boosted Gear and it started to glow with an intense red light and when the light was out they saw him covered by a full scale red raconic armor, the forbidden technique Balance Breaker. In an instant he was overpowering Riser who couldn't do anything to counter. But after a couple of seconds the armor broke apart and te match turned to Riser's favour. However Issei wasn't done and punched him revealing that he was holding a cross, meaning that his arm was not his anymore. But that was not his only surprise, from his pocket, he took a bottle of holy water and trew it at Riser giving a boost in power with his Gift power burning Riser's face badly.

Seeing her brother in danger Ravel teleported to the middle of the fight before anyone could do anything to stop her. Issei, seeing Riser in a weak state, went for the final blow, and it was at that time that Ravel appeared in front of him with her arms extended to the side.


Issei: (thoughts) SHIT! I can't stop!!!

His punch blessed by the cros came closer and closer to Ravel. She closed her eyes and waited for the punch ot hit her. She heard a rattling and then silence. Since the pain never came she slowly opened her eyes to see Issei punch inches away from her face and his whole body envolved in the same gorgeous chains as before, coming from magic circles in different directions.

Snow: You can be really reckless sometimes Ravel-san.

She looked behind Issei to see Snow with his hand streached in her direction and walking towards them and gained a teary eyes.

Ravel: Frost-sama!!!

Issei: OI! Interfering in the match is not fair.

Snow: I know.

With a snap from his fingers, the chains relesead Issei making him fall into the ground. 

Snow: Ravel-san please help me with your brother.

She saw him picking her now wounded brother using his shoulder as a support.

Ravel: H-Hai! I'm coming!

Ravel went to her brother's other side and used her shoulder to support him.


Snow: Yes it is. From the moment Ravel-san and me place our feets here you won automatically by disqualification. Good for you right?

Issei: THAT-

Snow turned to him and  Issei and even Ravel felt a huge amout of bloodlust coming from him.

Snow: (menacing tone) Shut up. Miracles just happen once, so I suggest you grab yours now, because if I have to get my hands on you, no devil piece, medic or sacred gear in this world will be able to fix what I'm gonna do to you. Do you understand, Dick for Brains Red Lizard emperor?

Issei said nothing as they were all teleported to the ballroom again. Once there Issei went towards Rias and took her way, as the Phenex family were seeing if their children were okay.

Sirzechs: (thoughts) I'm glad you finally got out of this nightmare Ri-tan.

Sirzechs started to leave the room and he would had made it, if had not been for Snow seeing him and Grayfia about to leave.

Snow: (thoughts) And now, the checkmate ... SIRZECHSSSSSS!!!

Snow: HOW DARE YOU?!!!

Everyone looked at the silent men that for the first time raised his voice in rage. Snow trew a glass cup towards were Sirzechs was going to leave, shocking every devil in the room at his audacity and gaining the attention of the media that was in the room.


Sirzechs turned towards Snow with a serene expression on his face.

Sirzechs: That's dangerous you know?

Snow was trembling and the air around him got heavy.

Snow: Don't you dare...

Sirzechs: I'm sorry could you repeat?


At last, Sirzechs lost his smile.

Sirzechs: What are you trying to insinuate?

Snow started to take big steps towards him, but Karlamine, Isabela and Ravel grabbed him from behind trying to hold him back.

Karlamine: Calm dow Frost-san!

Isabela: You're raising your voice to the leader of the underworld!

Ravel: Please stop or else you can be arrested.


Sirzechs norrowed his eyes at the stranger as Grayfia started to panick.

Grayfia: (thoughts) No! Please no! My fears ... they're becoming real!

Sirzechs: Oh? Then tell me stranger, what did I exactly do to "spit" on the Phenex's name?

Snow released himself from the girls.

Snow: Playing dumb until the last moment I see. Then let me tell everyone here how you, Sirzechs Lucifer, abused your powers as a Maou to help your sister.

He took a small pause as the rummors had already spread like wildfire between the nobles. The jornalist all had a camara or a note book in hand waiting for what could be another big scoup of this party.

Snow: In the marriage contract between Rias Gremory and Riser Phenex, both of the families had agreed to it exactly 8 years ago when the young Rias had 10 years hold.

Sirzechs: Naturally, that's how-

Snow: Or so it has been told.

Sirzechs paled at his words.

Snow: In reallity the contract was made between Lord Reinor...

He pointed at Reinor.

Snow: Lord Zeoticus ...

He pointed at Sirzechs's father.

Snow: And lastly a third party ...

He pointed at him.

Snow: The devil that's currently holding the title of Lucifer, in other words, you.

The nobles looked at each other whispering if this could be true or not. Sirzechs started sweating but kept his posture.

Sirzechs: Even if that is true. I still don't see in what way I disrespected one of the noble family of the Phenex like you said.

Snow: Oh you don't? Then allow me to explain you. As soon as the 3 of you signed the contract, according to the Ars Goetia's laws, any change made in the contract must be agreed by every person that signed it or else that change will be nullified.

Sirzechs eyes widened at his next words.

Snow: When you concided that boy's wish of nullification of the marriage contract, you changed it, and let's not forget that he had holy item in his posession, which are ilegal in the underworld. But that aside, I didn't see Lord Reinor or your father Lord Zeoticus agreeing with that change, yet you accepted it and ended the contract. In other words you used your authorithy to go over their consentiment in the matter, and released your sister from this marriage.

Grayfia lowered her head.

Grayfia: (thought) I knew that this would happen!

Sirzechs tried to clean his name.

Sirzechs: And why woud I do such a thing young man! I have nothing to gain from this and now the devil race lost the possibility of a new union between pure-bloods, so tell me-


Snow: (thoughts) Now for the final blow (smirk).


Sirzechs: I-I did no-


Snow stopped with his speach and everyone turned towards Sirzechs waiting for his answer, but it never came.

Snow: Tch! You're pathetic, if you can't keep your own word, then simply don't give your word.

Snow turned around and stormed between the crowd and picked Riser up.

Snow: My apologies. I didn't want to yell like that, I will accept any punishement, but for now let's take your son back, these burns from holy water look quite serious.

Rachel make said nothing and teleported them back to the Phenex's Castle. Once they were out, every devil in the room started yelling at Sirzechs.

Nobleman: Lucifer-sama is this all true?!

Jornalist: Lucifer-sama! Lucifer-sama! What do you have to say to that man's acusation?

For the first time in years, Sirzechs was afraid to face a crowd.

Phenex's Castle - One hour later

Once they got back, Snow placed Riser in his room and left the woman to take care of his wounds. He was now seated in a couch near Reinor.

Reinor: You know ...

Snow looked at him.

Reinor: I should say something to repreend you for what you did. I should ... but I can't bring myself to do it, not when you were the one the protected my family's name and honor.  Haha, I got to say though, you have a lot of guts to yell at the Lucifer like that in the middle of a party.

He got up and as he passed by Snow patting his shoulder once.

Reinor: What I'm trying to say is ... thank you. You must be tired, you can stay here and rest if you wish. Good night Frost-san.

And with that he left the room leaving Snow alone.

Snow: I guess I should go home to.

He got up and was about to leave when he heard Ravel's voice.

Ravel: Can you wait for just one more minute?

He saw her aproaching him.

Snow: Ravel-san I-

She raised her hand stopping him.

Ravel: I don't want your apologies. What I want, is for you to bent  yourself down a little bit.

He was confused but did as she told him.

Ravel: A little bit more.

And he did it.

Ravel: Just a little bit more.

And he did it again.

Ravel: Perfect.

She took his hat of, holded his head and gave him a gentle kiss in his forehead.

Ravel: It's a little hard for me to give you this do to your size diference. Thank you, Frost-sama, for getting angry for us. G-Good night!

She turned around and left the room, laving him alone once again.

Snow: Haha, this girls knows how to melt a man's heart, she's just to sweet.

He created a magic circle and teleported away. Next to the wall, outside the room was Ravel. She was panting hard and had one of her hands near her heart.

Ravel: H-H-He thinks I'm sweet!!! Why is my heart beating so hard?!!!

She took long deep breaths to calm herself down.

Ravel: Could this be ...

Snow's Castle - The next day.


Bikou: Calm down man, he probably came home late and is still sleeping.

Kuroka: You look like a child wanting to open his presents before the Christmas day Nyah.

Le Fay: Wait just a little bit longer Vali-san

The entire Vali Team was in the kitchen waiting for the news while Le Fay was cooking the breakfast and of couse Vali was at his limit.


Snow: Hello Vali.

Vali: Oh hello Snow. AND I WANT IT-

Vali paused and looked at Snow who calmly went past him and started helping Le Fay with the breakfast.



In a second Snow trew a newspaper into his face.

Snow: Check the first page.

Vali turned the newspaper around as the others also gave in to their curiosity and got closer to see what was written, even Le Fay stopped what sha was doing in order to see.

Vali: Ok let's see "Disaster wedding with a lot of scandals".

Bikou: "A quiet night got runned over by a continuous chain of events that took everyone by surprise ..."

Arthur: " Aside from the fact that the wedding itself that didn't happen, leaving the ex-future husband, Riser Phenex seriously hurt ..."

Kuroka: " ... a mysterious guest brought by the man's family, revealed very worrisome things about Lord Sirzechs Lucifer-sama. The man acused him of favoritism towards his sister and abuse of power, to which the witnesses say the great devil king didn't posesse any defense against. ..."

Le Fay: " Are these mysterious man's words true? Some say so. But the case is now being investigated in order to find the truth behind our Luficer's actions"

Then they saw a picture of Snow dressed in his Frost outfit pointing at Sirzechs who had a shocked face.


Snow: You wished to know the truth then I will tell you.

He stabbed the knife that he was using in the wooden board and looked at them.

Snow: What I wish for is a truely fair devil society, where we can live together with other races in peace without no external or internal conflicts. And the "Great Period Head" known as Sirzechs Lucifer is in the way, so I will start by making him fall down from his mighty trone.


Finally it's complete. The first season has ended and now Snow's dream was exposed at last! He wishes for peace but will he keep true to that dream, or will he just end like the others. Read the next chapter to find out. As always fell free to leave your opinions, doubts and suggestion and I will be glad to read them. Ciao!!!

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