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Hey guys Nightingale here with this year's final chapter. It's a short one to prepare for the next season so sit back and enjoyyyyyy


Snow's Castle - Underworld

It was the day after the party and Snow managed to get what he wanted. Do to his schemes and preparation, Sirzechs Lucifer's position was now in danger. With last night's party, Vali and his team finally understood the meaning of his actions and were dumbfolded that he tought so far in the future.

Le Fay: So, the marriage, Lucifer's plans and the Phenex family. You had everything planned?

Snow looked at the young magician.

Snow: I wouldn't say "everything" Le Fay-san, there were some situations that I wasn't expecting, but for the most part yes, I knew that this was going to happen.

Vali and the team still couldn't believe that he managed to hit the most powerful devil alive with such a powerful blow. Snow then turned to Vali and crossed his arms and asked him a knowing way.

Snow: So. Tell me Vali, how's the show that I prepared?

Vali shoulders started shaking and Divine Dividing appeared on his back, tha others were worried by this, since he took his sacred gear out.


*Clap*Clap *Clap

Both Vali and the spirit inside of his sacred gear bursted out laughing at the same time as Vali started to clap.

Albion: Bravo young devil!!! Bravooo!!!

Vali: I couldn't have said it better Albion! Bravo Snow! Next time give us a front seat to the show will ya, hahaha!

His Team's eyes went wide as plates. During the long time that they were together, they haven't seen Vali, or Albion, laugh so much. In reponse to Vali's and Albion's words, Snow merely gave a bow, much like an actor would do in the end of a play.

Snow: I'll be sure to send a ticket next time, the ones for this one were already sold out.

In a couple more minutes Vali laugh finally ended and Arthur remembered some details of her sister's talk with Snow.

Arthur: Snow-san.

Snow: Yes?

Arthur: Earlier while you were speaking with my sister, you mentioned some "unexpected situations" correct?

Snow: Yes I did.

Arthur adjusted his glasses.

Arthur: And what are these "unexpected situations"?

The groups attention went towards Snow.

Snow: Just a few that benefited me a lot and will continue to do so in the future.

Bikou: Huhhhh, you have to be a little more precise for us to understand Snow.

Snow went around the table took a seat next to Kuroka and Le Fay.

Snow: Well for one there were you, Vali's Team, and our alliance, that wasn't something that I had planned, but helped me get everything ready much faster than I had calculated with everyone's cooperation.

Bikou scratched the back of his head.

Bikou: Ohhhhh! C'mon, you'll make me blush.

Kuroka: You didn't do anything Nyah.

Bikou turned towards Kuroka with a tick-mark on his forehead.

Bikou: YES I DID!!!

Kuroka: Say one thing that you did Nyah.

Kuroka crossed her arms under her breasts. Bikou thought and something came to his mind.

Kuroka: Emptying the friedge doesn't count and it's not helpfull Nyah.

And he stopped.

Kuroka: That's what I thought Nyah.

Snow: Then there's the business with the Phenex Clan that I will report right now.

Albion: Oh! There's even more things? Let us hear then young Snow.

Snow: The exchange that I did with them went far better then expected. Not only did I gain their attention but also their trust too. As it would appear, Lord Reinor thought that I'm a young devil hoping to raise my social rank, and offered me his and his clan's support to do so, in exchange of me maintaining a good relation and support the Phenex Clan in the future.

Once again he surprised them.

Le Fay: THAT'S AMAZING SNOW-SAN!!! To think that you managed to get the support of such a noble clan in the underworld!!!

Kuroka: But this could be bad Nyah.

Le Fay: How so?

Kuroka: Le Fay you're forgeting that Snow-kun was there as a unknown person wanting Phenex tears. He's objective was to get in, get the tears and what he needed in order to get the marriage to be a scandal and get out Nyah.

Le Fay understood.

Le Fay: But now Snow-san is a in everyone's eyes including the Phenex Clan.

Snow: Correct. That was the other thing that forced me to change my plans. The Phenex's support in a golden oportunity after all.

The others didn't understand.

Arthur: Please explain.

Snow: You see, now that I'm in every talk in the underworld I can't be exactly stealthy anymore, if I tried to, it would sound suspect. But on the other way, if I raise "Frost" social rank, we will be inside the devil's group, among them, with all that information and beneficts, all of it without everyone knowing. Now tell me, isn't this a chance of a life-time?

Arthur: (thoughts) You already created such a masterplan even with all the changes that happened recently. As expected of you Snow-san.

Albion: Then what are you going to do now Snow?

Snow raised from his seat.

Snow: That's obvious Albion-san. The show must go on, I finished the first act so, I'll prepare the second one.

Kuroka: Want to tell us what are you planning to do this time Nyah?

Snow: That depends...

He looked at Vali.

Snow: Will you question my motives again?

Everyone looked a Vali with teasing smirks on his face.

Vali: Ok, ok, geez. I get it, don't worry I won't.

Snow: Good, then  I'm planning to get some contacts with other clans to expand our influence. If any of you manage to get any useful information to help me get closer to them, I would highly appreciate it.

The team smiled knowing that after all this time and effort he was finally trusting them.

Le Fay: Of course Snow-san, you can count on-

Ophis: Donuts.

Le Fay: KYAHHH!!!

Everyone got scared by the new person in the room that decided to appear, once again out of nowhere. They looked to see Ophis just floating near Snow.

Kuroka: S-Since when are you here Nyah?

Ophis: I , arrived, now.

Kuroka: I-I see Nyah.

Arthur: By the way Le Fay.

Le Fay: Y-Yes?

Arthur gained a teasing smile and pointed at her.

Arthur: You should pay attention to where you are.

She was confused and looked around to see that she was hugging Snow's neck and was looking directly at his golden eyes, not only that, but he was holding her bridal style. Her cheeks became crimson red.

Kuroka: Ohhhhhh! A direct aproach, you go Le Fay Nyah!!!

Kuroka words didn't help the situation at all. Not knowing what to do, she jumped out of his arms and ran away from the room.


Kuroka and everyone got a good laugh because of her reaction.

Arthur: I'll go get her.

Arthur then silently got out of the room to get his sister back. At that moment Snow felt a light weight on his shoulder, he turned around and saw Ophis seating there looking at him.

Snow: So you wanted some donuts is that right?

Ophis: Yes. I wish for, donuts.

Snow: Very well then, let's make some then.

Occult Reserch Club - Human World

In this day, Rias Gremory was truly happy. Finnaly after so long she felt free, now she didn't have to marry Riser and could decide her own fate , nothing could ruin this day.

Akeno: Ara ara, you seem to be on a good mood Buchou.

Rias smiled at her Queen's words.

Rias: Yes Akeno. All of this looks like a dream to me. After so long, I can finally live my live like I always wanted. It feels like I'm truely free you know?

Akeno just laughed a little bit.

Akeno: Yes, you even got yourself a perverted prince didn't you?

Rias cheeks became the color of her hair.

Rias: AKENO!!!

Akeno: Fufufu, just saying~


Both the president and vice-president of the club turned towards the door.

Rias: Come in.

The door opened to reveal two girls. One of them is a young bespectacled woman with long straight black hair that extends all the way down to her knees, with split bangs, light brown eyes and a pair of blue, semi-rimmed glasses with square lenses. The othergirl in front of her,  is a young bespectacled woman with a slim figure, black hair styled in a short bob cut and violet eyes. These are both the President and Vice-president of the Student Council of Kuoh Academy, Sona Sitri and her Queen, Tsubaki Shinra. 

Sona: Good morning Rias, Akeno

Rias: Hello Sona and you to Tsubaki.

They bowed to each other.

Akeno: What brings you here Sona-sama, are you here to congratulate Rias-sama?

Sona: Well that should be my intention, but unfortunatly I came here to give her some, less then good news.

She said to them in a serious tone.

Rias: D-Did the Phenex-

Sona: No Rias, your wedding is done for good don't worry.

Rias took a deep breath in relieve.

Akeno: Then what happened Sona-sama?

Sona sighed.

Sona: It's for the best if we take a seat first.

They all nodded and took a seat.

Sona: Rather then saying it, it's better if I show it.

Tsubaki took a small jornal from a blue magic circle and placed it in front of them.

Rias: What is this?

Sona: Read it, especially the first page, Tsubaki prepare a magic barrier please.

Rias and Akeno were confused to why it would a barrier be needed but said nothing. RIas took the paper, looked at the front page and her eyes widened. Sona watched as she read the first page and the one after it to.


Her power flared as she screamed. Sona was already expecting this reaction.

Rias: Onii-sama is being acused of favouritism and comiting law bending?!!!

Sona: After you left the party ...

Rias turned to Sona.

Sona: One of the "guests", felt like the Phenex Clan was being insulted, and didn't like it at all. He was the one that made the acusations.

Rias glared at her.

Rias: Who is the one responsable, a noble, the media?!

Sona shoke her head.

Sona: None of those.

Akeno: Then who?

Sona: Frost.

Rias: Frost?

Sona nodded.

Sona: He's a low-class devil that somehow managed to get the attention of Reinor Phenex and his family.

Rias was shocked.

Rias: A low-class?! That is not possible, it was impossible for a devil like that to enter the party without an invitation!

Sona: He got one from Lord Reinor himself, and stop acting like you don't know who this man is, both you, and especially Akeno here, know him even if it was just for a moment.

Rias ad Akeno got thinking but they didn't remember someone like that at all. Sona sighed.

Sona: Look at the image of the front page, it will help refresh your memories.

Rias quickly picked the journal again and looked to the first page as did Akeno. There they saw Frost pointing a finger at Sirzechs who had a shocked face.

Rias: This man ... !

Akeno: He's the one that took down Kiba, Issei and us with the help of two of Riser's pieces.

Rias glared at the picture.

Rias: (menacing tone) So this man is the one responsable.

Sona: And that is not all Rias. It appears like his envolviment is not only with your brother but with you to.

Rias pointed at herself.

Rias: Me?

Sona: From the rumours that I heard during the party, it would seem like this man is powerfull and helped Riser's sister, Ravel, as well as the Rook and Knight that gave your pieces their final beating in the Rating Game, to get a huge power up.

Akeno: Now that you mentioned it, Kiba-kun told me that the Knight he faced was much stronger and posessed a different battle style than what the battle data that Rias got us said.

Rias sighed and seated once again.

Rias: Why another arrogant one? and to make things worse he's licking the Phenex's boots to. Because of him Onii-sama is-

Sona: He's not to blame here Rias.

Rias didn't like that.

Rias: Who's side are you Sona?!

Sona adjusted her glasses.

Sona: I'm on no one's side Rias. Do you know what I did once I got to my home in the Underworld after the scandal?

They didn't answer.

Sona: I got to the library and with the help of Tsubaki here, I was able to read most of the Ars Goetia's laws. Do you want to know what I found?

Rias gulped.

Sona: This man was right. What your Onii-sama did was ilegal, even if he's a Maou like Onee-sama.

Rias didn't want to believe her friend.

Rias: Onii-sama didn't do that on purpose he just wanted to give me one more-


The usual calm President had an angry scowl on her face.

Sona: I understand why he did it Rias, don't forget, I have a sibling too. But you need to understand that he can't just do things like this just because he wants to. Now the entire Council doesn't know what to do and the other Clans want to know the truth by all costs in order to make sure that what happened in your party, won't happen to them as well. Because of him, we are exposed to outside treats more than ever.

Sona got up and so did Tsubaki, and went towards the door of the room.

Sona: I intent to gather some information and maybe contact this man in the future Rias, so I suggest you do your homework about him to.

Rias got up and was about to scold her, but Sona gave her a look that gave her no room to say anything.

Sona: I know you may not like him, but this man's knowledge, power and guts make him a very desired piece for any peerage Rias. Congratulations on leaving your marriage. Have a nice day.

They both left, leaving Rias and Aakeno once again by themselves.

Rias: Akeno could you leave the room for a minute, I have to make a call.

Akeno knew she was going to call either her parents or her brother, so she did a bow and left to leaving Rias alone in the room.


In the underground of the Vatican, corpses were spread across the room were the Excalibur Blessing was held. In front of ever were three man, an old man, a very familiar psychotic ex-exorcist and a fallen angel with 10 wings.

????: Valper, get the sword.

Valper: Yes lord Kokabiel.

Freed: Nah I will get, it need to have extreme caution and precision to take it from there.


Freed smashed the glass were the sword was and took it.

Freed: And done.

Valper: Now we only need two more pieces to complete the Excalibur and then-

Kokabiel: No.

The old man looked at the fallen angel to see him with a bloodthirsty grin on his face.

Kokabiel: We are starting our operation now. Now that we stole most of the swords from the  Vatican, so they won't be quiet about this and will probably send the wielders of the other two to get them back, so don't worry you'll your holy sword.

The old man nodded.

Kokabiel: And besides, kukukuku ...

He started laughing like a maniac.

Kokabiel: HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! Now that the idiot that is that Lucifer screwed things up, it will be a golden chance. Before the devils have time to solve their inner problems, we'll attack and make it a declaration of war, HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!

His laugh echoed in the underground as he eventually teleported away to prepare for his evil scheme.


Andddddd done! Well guys that's it for this year. Like I said this chapter is to connect the season 1 and 2 so don't worry the next ones won't be so short. As always, and especially now, leave your suggestions and doubts for the second season of the story and I'll see you next year (Had to make that joke sorry). Ciao!

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