Business and Celebration

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Hey guys! Nightingale here back with another chapter for you all. I'm sorry I've been away for so long I hope this chapter helps with it. Enjoyyyyyyyyy ...


Phenex Castle - Underworld

Snow: Again!

A week had passed since the incident on the scandalous marriage between Rias and Riser and after a continuous investigation made by every single noble clan in the underworld, they found out Sirzechs's skeleton on the closet and because of that, his position had been afected quite a lot. Serafall, as well as the remaining Satans, were all equally annoyed by their friend's action and Serafall did as she promised Grayfia she would do. At the time to decide what to do with Sirzechs, she letted the Council members decide the appropriate punishment. The truth was however hidden from the population in general, since there as risk that it could start a revolt.

The man who planned this outcome, or rather his "persona", Frost, was once again in the Phenex Clan's domain. Today he came after Isabela used the magic panflet that he had gave her, as well as Karlamine and Ravel, in order to receive a couple more fighting lessons. Karlamine ended up hearing them from her room and excitedly decided to join them.

Karlamine: YAHHHHHHHHH!!!

Karlamine dashed at him and did horizontal slash with her blazing broadsword. Snow saw that he couldn't block it, so he made a jump to the air.

Isabela: Don't forget that I'm here too!

Isabela unleashed the demonic power that she had in her fist making her now signature Devil Bullet. Snow raised a barrier and the Bullet smashed agaisnt her, but, not being strong enough, was destroyed and hitted him creating a cloud of smoke around the area.

Isabela: Did I get him?!

She looked closely at the smokescreen and saw something falling from it. From the bottom of the smoke, she saw pieces of Snow falling, those pieces were white and seeamed like parts from a statue that fell and broke into small fragements.

Isabela: An ice clone?! Shit, were is he?!

Before she could look around to try and find him, she felt an arm going around her waist and something poking her neck. She turned her head to the side and saw a familiar silver mask. Snow was behind her, holding her by her waist with a hand and making a pistol sign with tip of his indicator finger on her neck.

Snow: You're out Isabela-san.

Isabela sighed and nodded. Snow released her and she went to the side.  Karlamine used this distraction to dash to Snow's side, going for another horizontal slash.

Snow: Excellent.

The blade was inches away from him, but in an instant he caught her heated blade with one of his hands stopping the slash.

Karlamine: W-What?!

Making use of her surprise, Snow took her sword away from her now that she had lost some of her grip on the handle and trew it away from them and launched himself at her.

Karlamine: Oh no!

By reflex, she went to jump back trying to gain some distance and then use her Knight trait to recover her weapon, or so she wanted to. As she tried to jump back, she felt that she couldn't mover her feet. Looking at them, she saw that they here enclosed in ice and trail of it covered the ground between her and Snow.

Karlamine: When did he had the time to-

Karlamine felt two hands on her face that made her turn foward, making her look at Snow, who was very close to her.

Snow: It looks like I won again Karlamine-san.

Karlamine had her cheeks red to the proximity between her and Snow's face, but nodded none the less.

Karlamine: S-So it would seem.

Snow letted her go, both from the grasp on her face and the ice on her feet and they went towards Isabela, who was seating near a table were Ravel was.

Isabela: (sigh) We lost again.

Isabela letted out a frustrated sigh as she layed back on the garden's grass with Karlamine soon joining her after collecting her broadsword.

Karlamine: It's the fifth time today.

Snow: Hahaha, did you really though that you lost?

They nodded immeadiately with no hesitation.

Snow: (shakes his head) Well if you think that way. Ravel-san.

Snow approached Ravel as she was looking at a couple of papers that where spread across the table. The young Phenex jumped up from her seat a little at the fact that she was called and she wasn't expecting it.

Ravel: Y-Yes Frost-sama?!

He laughed a little at her jump scare.

Snow: Can you perhaps tell both Isabela-san ans Karlamine-san, why they are wrong?

Ravel sat back on her chair and gained a thinking expression on her face. The other two looked at both their teacher and Ravel in confusion. A realisation appeared to hit Ravel.

Snow: It seems like you though of something Ravel-san, so, mind telling us the answer?

Ravel gained a bit of a shy demenour.

Ravel: W-Well, I-I'm not a 100% sure that it is the answer you are looking for Frost-sama.

He placed a hand on her head.

Snow: It don't expect that from you Ravel-san, to be completly sure of the answer that I want, you would have to be able to read minds, something that unfortunately none of people here present are capable of. In life, you'll never be a 100% sure of your choices or the actions of the others, no matter how hard you try. Don't worry I won't be angry and none of us will laugh at you.

Ravel took a deep breath and gave them her answer to his question.

Ravel: I believe that they weren't defeated because they are learned from this Frost-sama.

The others got even more confused.

Karlamine: We ...

Isabela: ... learned?

Ravel nodded and took another deep breath, before starting to explain her theory.

Ravel: Yes. I think that Frost-sama's definition of defeat is a bit different from ours.

She looked at the man in question and he made her a sign with his hand for her to continue.

Ravel: Frost-sama believes that as long as a person is alive, it hasn't been defeated. Even if it has to retreat or run away, that person gained expirience and knowledge making her evolve. Imagine if that person then joins the same fight or one similar to it.

Karlamine and Isabela were starting to understand.

Isabela: By having survived the previous expirience and learned from it, that person won't have the same problems anymore.

Karlamine: And even if it fails again, so long as it survives, it will become smarter and stronger, and eventually will overcome the challenge and others similar to it!

Ravel nodded excitedly.

Ravel: Exactly! So long as someone survives and gains something from a fight, it will gain a lot of things and improve because of it!

She looked at Frost and lost her excited tone, regaining her previous shy expression.

Ravel: Is this it?

The man started clapping slowly and went towards them.

Snow: Precisely! Even if you fall and get hurt, so long as you survive and get back on your feet you will never lose and always gain something from it. The only defeat on my book is when you let yourself be defeated.

Ravel exhaled the breath that she was holding in relieve.

Isabela: Even so, that's a hardcore way of thinking you have there Frost, "You are only defeated when you're dead".

She tried to imitate Snow's serious tone gaining a laugh from everyone. Karlamine decide to make use of this explanation to solve a question in her mind.

Karlamine: Then can you please tell me how did you caught my sword during the fight Frost-san? I'm sure I overheated it with my flames.

Snow turned towards her and grabbed the edge of the sword.

Snow: Use your magic again Karlamine-san.

The girls got a little scared.

Ravel: F-F-Frost-sama?! If Karlamine uses her fire magic on the sword then she will do more then just burn your hand!

Snow: Don't worry Ravel-san I know what I'm doing. Now Karlamine-san, use your flames.

Karlamine wasn't sure, but nodded anyways. She grasped the broadsword with both her hands and in a second the sword became bright orange with her magic. At that moment they saw steam coming from the place where Snow was grasping the sword, they looked at it carefully and saw a layer of ice forming on the sword's edge.

Isabela: He's freezing a super heated sword?!

Karlamine: I-Incredible!

Snow: This is the answer. Before I grabbed your sword I covered it with a layer of ice and before you had time to understand it I trew it away.

Ravel: But how is this possible Frost-sama?! Your ice should have been melted when Karlamine sword came in contact with it!

Snow: That only aplies if me and Karlamine had the same amout of magic power Ravel-san. If that was the case, her fire element would have a obvious advantage against my ice, but I'm on a magic level far above of a Knight like Karlamine-san.

More steam was created as the ice began spreading through the entire sword.

Snow: To summar it up, my ice didn't melt because the magic power used to created it was stronger then the one used to create the flames.

Snow released his grip for Karlamine's sword that was now covered in a thin layer of ice.

Karlamine: Even so, this is incredible!   

She said while admiring his power.

Snow: (Thoughts) There's also the fact that my power is a bit different from most, but they don't need to know that.

As they kept talking, one of the castle's maids entered the garden. As soon as she saw their small group, she procedded to aproach them.

Maid: I'm sorry to interrupt, but Reinor-sama asked for your presence in his office Frost-sama.

Ravel: Otou-sama did? Did he said what was the reason?

Maid: No, he didn't informed me about the reason, he only said to come and call Frost-sama here to meet him at his office Ravel-sama.

Snow: I see. Very well, please take me to him.

The Maid did a small bow.

Maid: Understood please follow me Frost-sama, I shall take you there.

Snow: Very well.

The two started walking towards the exit of the garden in the direction of the castle.

Snow: Don't you dare slack off while I'm out ladies.

He said in a playfull manner as he left the garden.

Phenex Castle - Reinor's Office

After a small walk, both the Maid and Snow arrived at their destination. Them Maid knocked 3 times at the office's door.

Maid: Reinor-sama, I brought Frost-sama as you asked.

Reinor: Oh he's already here? Good work, please send him in.

The Maid opened the door and closed afterwards when Snow entered the room. Snow walked towards Lord Phenex who was sitting behind a big wooden desk.

Frost: Did you call me Lord Reinor?

Reinor: Yes Frost-kun, but please take a sit first.

He nodded and took a sit on a chair that was in front of Reinor's table.

Snow: May I know what do you need of me?

Reinor: Well I don't need nothing for now Frost-kun.

Snow tilted his head in confusion.

Snow: You don't? Then what's the reason Lord Reinor?

Reinor smiled and opened one of the drawers of his table and began searching for something. After a bit of search he took a letter from it and placed it in front of Snow.

Reinor: This was delivered here early in the morning and it has your name on it.

Snow: Mine?

Snow picked the envelope and saw that his name was written in front of it, he turned it around and took notice of the blue wax seal that it had.

Snow: The Sitri's emblem. What can they possibly want from me?

Reinor laughed a little.

Reinor: Hahaha! I think to much, just open and see it yourself.

Snow stood there just looking at the letter for a few seconds before deciding to open it.

Letter: From Sona Sitri

First of all I hope your going well Frost-san. 

Not being a person that enjoys beating around the bush, as I think you are as well, I'll be direct. 

I, Sona Sitri,  heiress of the Sitri Clan, wish to have a conversation between you and me, related to a business that may be to your liking and benefit of both us in the future. 

If you are interested in it then I will waiting for you at nightfall on Kuoh Academy in the human world.

The best regards

Signed: Sona Sitri

Snow: Haha. Well Lord Reinor, it seems like I'll be visiting the human world in a few hours from now.

Reinor: Was it Sona Sitri the one who sended it?

Snow: Yes, it looks like she wants to discuss something with me.

Reinor: Not bad Frost-kun, of all the young devils you caught the attention of one the "Rookies Four".

Snow: And the one that it's said to have the highest intelect of them all. Hahaha, it looks like I'm in a lucky spree, so I better go and make good use of it.

Reinor crossed his arms as Snow got up from his seat.

Reinor: By your way of talking you're already preparing something for your meeting.

Snow tiped his hat.

Snow: I wonder what are talking about Lord Reinor. I wish you good afternoon.

Reinor: Hahahaha!!! You sly fox! Good luck Frost-kun.

Moments later he teleported away from the Phenex state, leaving Rreinor to deal with his papers once again.

Kuoh Academy - Sstunednt-Council's Room

The sun was almost setting in the town of Kuoh and inside the academy, Sona and her peerage were finishing the last papers regarding their school activities. Today Sona seemed a bit more, "happy", not that she usually wasn't, but the usual stern expression was replaced by a very small and barely noticeable small.

Momo: You have been in a good mood today Kaichou, any reason in particular?

Hakanai Momo, her white haired Bishop piece asked her.

Saji: I was thinking the same thing. Not that there is something wrong with it Kaichou! Is just that you usually don't show it as much as you did today.

Her peerage looked at her waiting for her to answer.

Sona: Did I? Well, lets say we'll have a visit from someone very interesting today. I've had that on my thoughts all day and can't help but be ... interrested in the results of this visit.

Tsubaki: Do you think he'll come Kaichou?

Sona gained a small smirk.

Sona: I'm sure he will.

 Saji: WAIT! WAIT! WAIT!!! He?! The one coming here is a guy?! Oh no! Is it one of those guys trying to marry you Kaichou?! If you want I can-

Sona: That's not it Saji, control yourself!

Saji became pale at her scolding.


Sona: Tsubaki can you-


Saji stomped towards the door before any of the girls could do or say anything.


As soon as the was opened he smashed his face against something hard and "cold"

Saji:  AH! WHAT THE ...

He looked at the "thing" that he hwent against and there saw a very tall man dressed in all white and a mask. Even with the mask he could see two golden dots shining in the darkness. Needless to say that he lost all the color in his skin and his underwear on the other hand, almost gained a brand new color.

Saji: Hell?

The figure leaned himself a bit foward until he was face to face with the already terrified Pawn.

Snow: Good evening, is this the Student Council Room by any chance?

Saji couldn't answer his question so Sona decided to receive her guest herself.

Sona: Yes this is the one.

Sona came from inside the room and Snow immeadiately forgot about Saji and turned his attention towards Sona instead.

Snow: I'm not late I'm I?

Sona: No, you came just in time. Please come inside.

They both passed by Saji and entered the room. Inside, the heiress decided give some instructions to her peerage, the first being her Queen.

Sona: Could you make some tea for your guest Tsubaki?

Tsubaki: Right away Kaichou.

Sona: Everone, this man is-


Her Knight, Tomoe Meguri, said in a loud tone while pointing at him.

Sona: Tomoe don't shout like that in here.

She sternly scoded her Knight.

Tomoe: I-I'm sorry Kaichou.

Sona: (sigh) As I was saying, this man is the person I have been expecting. Some of you may remember him from Rias's party.

The entire peerage nodded and Snow took a step foward taking his hat and holded it near his chest.

Snow: Good afternoon everyone, my name is Frost, do to an invitation from your King I'm here today, it's a pleasure to meet you.

Snow turned towards Sona who did the same and placed his hand foward.

Snow: It's a pleasure to be here before a member of "Rookies Four" such as yourself Sona Sitri-sama.

Sona took his hand and shook it.

Sona: (thoughts) At least he seems to have manners.

Sona: The pleasure is all mine Frost-san. I'm very glad to see you accepted my invitation, even if it was a bit sudden.

Snow: Then, shall we discuss the reason to why I'm here before you today?

Sona smiled, like she imagined this man didn't beat around the bush with unecessary flattery or boot-licking.

Sona: Straight to the point I see.

Snow: Hahaha, forgive me if I was too blunt, I'm by nature a curious person and as you can imagine, your business proposal is tickling that nature of mine very intensily.

Her smile only got bigger and bigger by the second.

Sona: Then let's take a sit then.

Snow: Thank you.

Both of them went towards her table and took their seats with Sona's peerage paying close attention to the stranger. Tsubaki came in a few seconds later and served her King and her visit with some tea.

Snow: Much appreciated Miss ... ?

The Queen stopped for a second, not expecting him to want to know her name at all.

Tsubaki: Shinra. Tsubaki Shinra.

Snow: Then, thank you for the tea Shinra-san.

Now that all was in place, Sona decided to speak.

Sona: Frost-san I know I invited you here to speak of business, but could you allow me one thing in this meeting of yours?

Snow tilted his head to the side.

Snow: I see no problem but can I know what I may or may not "allow" Sona-sama?

Sona: Nothing much I assure you. You see, there's not much knowed about you and I wished to know just what kind of man is the person which I'll be speaking.

Snow: Basicaly a couple of questions about me, correct?

Sona: Correct.

Snow: (thoughts) She's collecting information that may giver the upper hand  and those eyes, they are just like "hers". Hahaha, very interesting Sona Sitri, you want to play a little mind game with me? Then let's play.

Snow: Even after I told you I was a curious by nature, you ask me something like this, you are so cruel Kaichou-san.

Snow said in joking way earning a small laugh from Sona.

Student Council: (thoughts) KAICHOU IS LAUGHING ?!!!

Sona: Don't worry it won't take long I promise.

Snow crossed his arms and gave her his answer.

Snow: Very well, but only if I'm allowed to make one in return until the end of this meeting.

Sona wasn't expecting a person from a lower social-class to try  and bargan with her, not because she thought less of them, but because mostly they would just grant any noble is request without a second thought.

Sona: (thought) So, you noticed what I was thinking and decided to gain something from this too. Eheheh, it as been such a long time since I had a good conversation with a boy that I forgot. 

Sona: I accept your condition, can I start?

Snow: Shoot.

Sona: To start us off, I would like to know what are your likes.

He got into a thinking position.

Snow: Well Sona-sama, for starters I enjoy reading books.

Sona: What kind?

Snow: Novels and Mystery are by far the ones I enjoy the most. The "Sherlock Holmes" books from Sir Arthur Conan Doyle are, in my opinion, a true work of art.

Sona: Eheh, a mistery man that enjoys mysteries.

Snow shrugged his shoulders.

Snow: What can I say, I like to keep it simple.

Sona: Well "mistery man" what else is to your liking.

Snow looked at the cup of tea.

Snow: I happen to enjoy a relaxing cup of tea, and I'm not saying this just because your Queen gave me a suberb one.

Tsubaki gained a small smile at the complement.

Sona: What about your dislikes? Surely you can't be just sunshire and rainbows.

The room began to get cold after she finished her words. She noticed that the window's glass and his cup of tea was getting covered by a ice.

Snow: Oh belive me Sona-sama there is a lot of things that I hate in this world, but I'll try to keep it short.

Sona: (thoughts) An ice-user like Onee-sama? 

Snow: I despise ignorance, flamboyance, unecessary violence, loud noises and above all else ...

Sona felt a shiver in her whole body once she saw two gold dots shining behind his mask.

Sona: (thoughts) W-What's this man's insane pressure?! 

Snow: (menacing tone) People who believe that because of their status, they possess the right to do whatever they wish and that it will excuse them from facing the consequences of their actions.

Sona kept her calm and made her next question.

Sona: Do you hate the nobles?

Snow: I won't deny that.

Sona once again was taken back by his bluntness. Snow decided to hold his power back before any of the peerage members, or even Sona, passed out.

Snow: (sigh) My apologies, it's just ... bad memories.

Sona took a deep breath.

Sona: I imagine that's the reason you hide your face behind that mask.

Snow tugged his scarf up.

Snow: ... Yes, but let's forget this. Please, continue with your questions.

Sona decided to finally reveal her true intentions to the man in front of her and her peerage.

Sona: Frost-san ... Would you perhaps be interested in joining my peerage?

The jaws in every member of her peerage droped to the floor. It wasn't like Sona to make such a risky bet.Usually their King would do a more extended research on a possible recruit, was this man such a valuable asset?

Sona: Of course I'm not asking to serve me at the cost of nothing-

Snow raised his hand to stop her.

Snow: I believe that's the reason you brought me here?

Sona nodded.

Sona: Yes this is the reason I sended a letter to the Phenex clan.

Snow: Because they were the only ones that had a connection with me.

Sona: Correct.

Snow took some time to choose his next words carefully.

Snow: Sona-sama the invitation you gave me is a great honor, I'm sure any person would be happy to work for you ...

Snow got up from his seat and did a small bow to her.

Snow: But I'm sorry, I can not join your peerage.

Sona stood there looking at him as he straighted himself up and looked at her directly into her eyes.


Sona: Don't say one more word Saji!

She interrupted him before he could say anything else. Saji did as he was told and didn't say anything else.

Sona: May I know your reason Frost-san?

The man in white started to walk away from her and into the window's direction and stood there looking at the last rays of light that the day had to offer.

Snow: Can I use the question that you promised me earlier?

Sona got confused.

Sona: (thoughts) Why bring that now?

Snow took as silence as a "yes" and made his question.

Snow: Sona-sama, can you reveal to me your dream?

Sona and the rest of the peerage got a bit of cold sweat at his questions.

Saji: (thoughts) Why? Why that of all the questions?

They were scared because Sona's dream had been redicularizated more than once in the past. They knew she was strong, but even her couldn't take that much blows to her heart and simply shrug it of like it was nothing, she was after all, just a girl.

Sona: My dream ... is to create a Rating Game school in the Underworld.

Snow turned his head back a little to look at her.

Sona: Not one like the ones that already exist, but one for low-class devils. The ones that we currently have just instruct the higher class devils and if things continue, the discrimination will never cease and we'll lose a lot of potencial that the lower ranks may have to offer. This, Frost-san, is the dream of my life.

She said it loud and clear. Every word she said came from her heart and she had pride in it. Her peerage couldn't help themselves but respect her even more, this was indeed the King that they wished to follow for their lives. Sona looked at the Snow waiting for his reaction.

Snow: I see ... a stupid dream by devil standards.

He looked outside the window once again. Sona's peerage was about to pounce on him for mocking their King's dream.

Snow: Hahaha, I guess we are both idiots then.

Sona eyes got wide.

Snow: My dream ... is peace. Not peace among classes or peace among devils, but a real peace.

He turned around towards them with a visualy exagerated spin.

Snow: Tell me. Wouldn't it be fantastic to end all of the useless bloodshed between the three factions and the hatred that the Youkai Faction has against us. 

He took long and happy steps towards Sona like a child that was playing around in a park.

Snow: End it all and not have to fear what tomorow brings you. Families no longer turned apart or children dying from starvation, everyone having the same oportunities and your sucess being decided by something that you earn, rather then something you are born with.

Snow stopped right in front of her . Her eyes were wide as plates and her glasses almost fell from her face.

Snow: Pretty stupid right? our dreams. Simple childish wishes. But, aren't they just gorgeous?

Sona's heart skiped a beat 

Snow: I can't help myself but be ecstatic. To think that I would meet a fellow fool with such a selfless dream.

Sona felt a sting in her eyes and tears were treatening to come out. Snow took one of her hands and gently held it with both of his.

Snow: I know it's a bit ironic saying this being a devil, but today, I feel truely blessed to be able to meet someone like you Sona-sama.

She place a had on her chest.

Sona: (thoughts) I didn't think ... It has been tramped on for such a long time that ... I didn't think that someone, besides my family, would ever think of my dream as something beautifull.

Snow: But that's why ...

He released her hand and took a step back.

Snow: That's why I can't join you. To be able to help a lot more people and pursue this childish dream of mine, I can't work under anyone. I hope this answers your question Sona-sama.

She made a long sigh.

Sona: When you say it like that I don't really have a way to make you change your mind. As a fellow fool, I can't ask another fool to forget his dream because of mine. 

They both had a good laugh and Sona cleaned her eyes. When she looked at him again, and saw him holding an envelop towards her.

Snow: I would like however to offer you my support to your dream. In this envelope is a special panflet to summon me just like you and your peerage do with your contracts. If you ever need information, a sparing partner or even someone to talk, please use it.

She looked at the envelope and gently took it from his hand.

Sona: I will gratefully take it, please be prepared to be called in a close future Frost-san.

She told him with a smile gracing her lips.

Snow: I shall be prepared for when that happens my foolish lady.

He made an exagerated bow towards her gaining a laugh from every person in the room, even the previously distrustful Saji.



Sadly every good moment has to end, and what ended this one was a scowling RIas. The red-head violently opened the door and started to look around the room.

Sona: Rias! What's the meaning of this?!

Obviously, Sona wasn't  happy at all her friend's behaviour at all. Rias didn't pay her any attention being too angry for it. She continued to scan the room until her eyes landed on Snow and immeadiately started to walk towards him. Her servants, Kiba and Akeno, appeared a few seconds later at the door and got worried on what she could be thinking of doing. 

Rias stopped in from of Snow, as he looked down at her in silence.

Rias: So, after pulling a stunt like that at the party you have the nerve to come to the town that I am? What brings you here?

Snow leaned himself foward and stared at her, directly into her eyes.

Snow: That's for me to know, Rias Gremory.

Rias's aura started flaring up.


Sona raised her voice in hopes of bringing Rias to her sense.

Rias: Do you know what you did?!

Snow: I did a lot of things during my life, you have to be a bit more expecific sweet-heart.

He said in a knowing and calm tone wich made her even more angry.

Rias: Because of the acusations you did, Onii-sama is in a lot of trouble! 

Snow: Ohhhhhh! "that" thing.

His attitude only continued to get her more and more angry by the second. She poked his chest with her finger in an angry manner.

Rias: "That" thing, is causing a huge mess in the underworld and in Onii-sama's life, so you'll take the acusations back right now!


Snow slaped her hand away.

Snow: And tell me, just who is going to make me do it, Rias Gremory?

She grabbed his scarf and pulled him towards her level.

Rias: If necessary, me!

Everyone was quiet not knowing what to do anymore.

Snow: Let.the scarf.go.

Rias: And who's going to make me?

Before Sona could desarm the situation, it blew out of her control. As soon as those words left Rias's mouth, Snow grasped her lower face and squeezed hard, as soon as she felt the pressure, she letted his scarf go and tried to break free. Sadly for her, his grip was just to strong.

Kiba: BUCHOU!!!

Kiba created a sword as dashed towards Snow ready to cut him, but Snow raised Rias and placed her in front of him making him stop.

Kiba: You coward! Using Buchou as a shield, don't you have any honor!!!

Snow: I'm not interested in your "wanna be knight" speaches blondie. I have no honor or manners to spare for this women, you can have her for all I care.

With a small push he released her making her fall softly on the floor. Rias was now holding her lower jaw as her Knight came to help her.

Kiba: Buchou are you alright?

Rias got up with the help of Kiba.

Rias: Yes Yuto, I'm fine don't worry.

She proceded to glare at Snow.

Rias: You on the other hand ...

She flared her aura around forgeting that she was inside of her friends base with everyone still inside.

Rias: I will make you go and take your acusation back, even if I have to drag you there!

Snow tilted his to the side and laughed a bit.

Snow: Hahaha, how cute~ ...

Indescribable terror and opression. That was what they all felt once he unleashed his power, complitely extinguishing Rias's aura.

Snow: (menacing tone) She thinks she's intimidating.

The weaker pieces in the room instantly lost their consience. The only ones still up were Saji and both the Queens and Kings. Tsubaki felt like she was about to throw up as well as Akeno, but the one that had it the worst was no other then the responsable for this situation, Rias. Terrified as she may have been, she noticed that behind him, his shadow, had huge beastly shape with a sickning toothed grin that was looking at her misery, something that Sona also noticed.

Snow: Before you start treatening someone ...

He started taking hautingly slow steps in her direction creating ice o the floor with each step and a silver mist around him. She lowered her head in fear of the "thing" that was coming for her.

Snow: Make sure you know who are you picking a fight with brat.

As soon as he got to her, he placed his hands behind his back and started making a small stroll around her.

Snow: Your in the way blondie.


But not before kicking an inanimate Kiba in the door's direction.

Snow: Your pretty dumb aren't you? "Take your acusation back"? Humf! I have absolutely no intention of doing so. Your brother is an idiot and he's currently paying for a small fraction of his mistakes. From the lack of justice in our society to the Nekomata massacre, he's one the main causes of most desgraces that many had to pay for. Because of him, me and many other lost many things and never saw justice for our losses. He was the one that wanted to play favourite here not me. I won't allow him to take a numb-skull like you to the top of the devil hierarchy when there are many other that deserve that more than you.

He stopped when he was behind her as she was hyper-ventilating.

Snow: But what do you know? You're just a spoiled brat that pretends to be all the good that exists in this world. You think, like your brother, that if you show a little smile or grace someone with your presence, that everything will be fine by some miracle. Who do you think you are little girl? You barely left your diapers and you think you're a goddess? Don't make me laugh, you're nothing!!! Every thing you have, it's not yours, it was given to you. You always had luck on your side ever since day one: Loving family, food on your table, the best clothes, finding the best servants on the best possible situations and one was even given to you as a present after a massacre. And even with a little swing from your tits, you managed to get the Welsh Dragon drooling all over you and even brought you a super-healing sacred gear wielder as a bonus, didn't he? 

He crowched down placing an arm over her shoulder and she almost cried.

Snow: Don't worry brat I won't hit you. Why dirty my hands with you? You don't deserve it and it wouldn't look good on me either. Besides ...

He whispered in her ear.

Snow: (whisper) I'm not into Bimbos.

Snow made his aura disappear and got up turning towards Sona.

Snow: I'm sorry you had to see this, I hope this didn't gave you a wrong inpression of me now.

Sona took deep breahs to calm down.

Sona: N-No, It's Rias's fault so I can't condem you.

A white circle appeared at his feet.

Snow: My offer remains the same, summon me whenever you wish. I'll see you soon fellow fool.

He disappeared and after a couple more minutes of deep breaths  to calm down, she looked at Rias with an angry scowls 

Sona: Now, we are going to have a long talk about entering my base and pulling stunts like this Rias!

Snow's Castle - Underworld

Everyone: SURPPRISE!!!

Once Snow got to the castle after his negotiations with Sona, he changed his clothes to his normal attire and went towards the living room. Once he got there, he got a surprise from Vali and the team. The living room was completly decorated with colorfull tapes and balloons and two big tables full of food. Even Wisp was there

Snow: Eh?

He didn't know what to make of this situation.

Kuroka: What's with that face Nyah? It's a party Snow-kun, a P-A-R-T-Y Nyah!

Snow was confused.

Snow: A party? What's the occasion? Is it someone's birthday?

Some of them sighed, for someone so smart sometimes Snow could be very dense.

Le Fay: No. It's been a while since we all joined together and with your recent achievement we thought we could make a party to celebrate Snow-san!

Bikou placed an arm around his shoulder and put a cup in his hand.

Bikou: She's right! You are all work and no fun, face it, you need this. Let's drink and eat until sunrise Snow!

Vali: Of course you would say that.

Arthur: Now, now, what the problem? We have been training and working non stop, I think it was about time we had a break from it. Forget fighting for now and enjoy this Vali.

Vali sighed.

Vali: Yeah, I guess you are right.

Bikou grabed a bottle of champagne from one of tables with his tail and started filling everyone's cups.

Bikou: Well guys who wants to do it?

Kuroka: Oh! I'll do it Nyah!

Kuroka raised her cup in the air.

Kuroka: To best looking group in heaven, hell and beyond! CHEERS NYAH!!!

Everyone: Cheers!!!

They all made a toast and started drinking the champagne.

Le Fay: I made a lot of food today so eat it all.

Kuroka took the bottle from Bikou and filled Snow's cup again.

Kuroka: Have another one Snow-kun.

Snow looked at the cup and then at her.

Snow: I'm not sure if I should-

Bikou placed him in a playfull headlock.

Bikou: Don't be a party pooper man, it's something that just happens from time to time, so forget about the complicated stuff and have fun!

Wisp floated towards his master.

Wisp: Yes! Yes! Master is always working hard, so you must have fun today! Yes you do! 

He looked at everyone seeing them give him a smile.

Snow: I guess ... It's ok to losen up for a bit.

Kuroka: Yeah! Now drink that champagneNyah!

He brought the drink to his lips.

Bikou and Kuroka: GO! GO! GO! GO!

They chanted as the drink went down his troat.

Snow: Ahhhh~

Vali: Alright, as the leader I order you to party until the new day comes!

Everyone: YEAHHHHHHHH!!!

3 hours later

After hours of partying, most of the food was gone and there was a bunch of empty bottles around the room.

Kuroka: Now this is what I'm talking about Nyah! Finally a bit of fun!

Arthur: It's not bad to do things like this once in a while.

Le Fay was happy that everyone was having a good time until she noticed that Snow suddently had quieted down, she got up and walked towads the couch he was sitting.

Le Fay: Are you feeling well Snow-san? Did you perhaps ate or drank to much?

Snow raised his head a bit to look at her, she saw that his cheeks were slightly red and his eyes foggy, probably from the drinks.

Snow: Le Fay-san~ ...

Le Fay: Y-Yes?

Snow: Did someone ever told you that you are adorable~.

Now her cheeks became red at the complement.

Le Fay: T-Thank you! N-No one ever told me that!


Everyone jumped at the sudden shout and the the fact that e turned a table upside down. He got up from the couch and pointed at Le Fay while swaying slowly from one side to the other.

Snow: I mean *hic* look at you! You're the freaking definition of cuteness *hic*! Were they all gay or something? *hic*

He was drunk, the others thought, very drunk. Bikou smiled and decided to have some fun with this rare chance.

Bikou: Snow!!! Tell us how did your meeting go today!

Snow turned towards him.

Snow: Glad you asked! *hic* Welllll, there I was, having a nice talk with Sona, a good ambient and a cup of tea, when out of nowhere, this Red-Headed Bimbo smashes the door open and enters the room like-like *hic* like she owned the placeeeeeee! Can you believe that?!

Kuroka: Oh how dare she?!

Kuroka snickred at this new side of Snow.

Snow: I know right?!!! *hic* She then comes to me like " Hey! Where you the guy who bullied my Onii-chan?", and I was like " Yeah, so?", and she was like "Apologize" and I was like "Fuck no!". I mean who does this *hic* chick think she is?

Vali: Hahaha what happened next?

Snow turned towards Vali.

Snow: THATTTTTTTTTTT!!! Is an excellent question my single-minded friend: *hic*

Vali: Single-minded?

Albion: Shhh! I wanna hear the rest.

Snow: The period head *hic* tried to all be all high and mighty with me, and *hic* oh boy! that didn't went well for her.

Arthur: ... Please tell me you didn't murder someone.

Snow: Nahhhhhhhhhhh!!! *hic* Just made her SHIT HERSELF LIKE A BITCH!!! Also I kicked some random blonde faggot she brought with her *hic*, so it was *hic* a good day eheheheh!

Kuroka, Bikou and Vali  bursted out laughing.

Snow: But back to you Le Fay *hic*

Le Fay: Again?!

Snow: *hic* Yup!

Fast than her eyes could see, Snow disappeared from her sight and felt herself being hugged from behind and from the corner of her eye, she saw him rubbing his cheek against her cheeck.

Snow: Hmmmmm~ You're so soft~

Le Fay's mind was in overdrive, she was not used to flattering or physical contact with a boy, so Snow's action was just too much for her at the moment.

Arthur: Ok Snow-san, as fun as it is to watch, I have to ask you to release my sister now.

Snow stopped and looked at Arthur, then Le Fay and then  glared at him while holding her even closer.

Snow: Mine!

Bikou was rolling on the floor, crying from laughing so much. Arthur sighed and went to get her sister.

Arthur: C'mon that's enough Snow-san!

He didn't like his tone. He grabbed Vali's leg that was near him.

Vali: Eh?

Snow: I fucking said ...

He temporarily left Le Fay go and swinged Vali like he was a baseball bat in Arthur's direction.



Vali colided with Arthur and smacked him away, breaking at least two walls, and once Snow letted go of him, he was sent flying and made a hole in another wall.

Kuroka, Bikou and Le Fay: EHHHHHHHHHHHHH?!!!

Snow: *hic* And don't you forget it *hic*

Bikou decided that it was enough.

BIkou: Ok man calm down.

Snow glared at him.

Snow: Calm? 

He dashed towards him, went behind him and grabed him.



He used Bikou to make a german-suplex and bury is head on the floor.


Snow: It's getting to hot in here *hic* AND IT'S NOT JUST BECAUSE YOUR HERE KUROKA-SAN~!!!

She winked at him.

Kuroka: Baby you know it.

He started to take his shirt of, showing his abs to the girls.


Kuroka: No! No! No! Don't stop Nyah!

Le Fay: This has gone far enough!!!

Kuroka: No it has not!

Snow picked Bikou from the floor by his leg like he was picking a carrot. A question mark appeared on top of his head.

Snow: What now?

Kuroka started chanting.

Kuroka: DDT~! DDT~! DDT~!

Snow made a drunken smile and saluted her.

Snow: Thank you gorgeous~ *hic*

For 15 minutes from there Bikou became a ragdoll in his hands. By the end of it Vali was up again and saw Bikou looking completly destroyed.


Snow narowed his eyes at him.

Snow: Good gracious Wisp you look AWFULL!!!

Wisp: Master I'm here.

Snow turned his head to the left and saw Wisp floating here.

Snow: Oh! ... good to see you as orange as ever Wisp.

Vali stomped towards him and stoped when he was near him.

Vali: You drunken bastard!!!

Snow: Oh yeah!!! *hic* So what if I'm drunk? I got drunk from my motherfucking drinks, drinking from my motherfucking cup in my mother fucking house!!! *hic* And you can kiss my ASS, if you don't like it.

Once again he grabed his leg and in a second he was locked into a Sharpshooter.



Wisp: Do you tap out? Do you? Do you?

Vali looked up to see Wisp with a referee shirt on.

Vali: Where the hell did you get that?!!!

Snow started making even more pressure and Vali had no other choice but tap out. Wisp lifted his Master's arm in a sign of victory and Kuroka clapped.

Wisp: Winner! Winner!

Snow then picked Vali up and went towards the window.

Snow: You know Vali *hic* I'm zorry, I haven't been interely truthfull with you.

Vali: Oh shit.

Snow: You see, I don't really like the fact that you are constantly blowing holes in my castle like you did moments ago *hic* ...


Snow: Or empting the fredge like Bikou, so *hic* I putted a lock on it. With that being said ...

He stopped near the window.

Snow: Ever since a while back, I WANTED TO DO THIS!!!


Snow threw  Vali out of the window, or better, through the window.


He screamed as he fell lower and lower until they couldn't hear him anymore. Snow turned his attention towards the girls again and stated walking towards them.

Le Fay: NOOOOOOO!!! Don't come near me Snow-san!!!

He stopped, gaining teary eyes and dashed towards Kuroka, placing his head in her breasts.

Snow: AHHHHHHHHHHH!!! Le Fay-san doesn't want to be near me Kuroka-san!!!

Kuroka embraced his head further into her chest and petted him.

Kuroka: Shhh! It's ok Nyah. Le Fay is just being a little mean.

Le Fay: Wait ... I'M THE VILLAN NOW?!!!

She looked at him, couldn't help but feel a bit of regret when she saw him like that. Sure he wasn't being his usual self but it was still Snow. She took a couple of steps towards the sobbing giant.

Le Fay: Snow-san I'm sorry , I was just a little scared I didn't want to make you sad, will you forgive me?

Snow and Kuroka looked at each other with a smirk and he hugged Le Fay once again.


Snow changed their position so he was pinning her and Kuroka to the couch with him on top of them.

Kuroka: Oh like were this is going Nyah!

Le Fay: You stay quiet Kuroka-san!!!

Snow: Tell me Le Fay~ ...

He used the most alluring voice she ever heard him use and made her face red again.

Snow: How about we make some "magic" together right now?~

Le Fay's blush got a hundred times more intense when she understood what kind of "magic" he wanted to do.

Le Fay: S-Snow-san you are someone t-that I like a lot b-but-

He placed a finger on her lips to shush her.

Snow: Then no more words are needed now my little magician~

He started to get closer to her lips ...

Le Fay: T-T-This is too sudden ...

And closer ...

Le Fay: I-I-I still need to prepare my heart a-and ...

She then felt something on her breasts.

Le Fay: KYAH!

She had her eyes shutted at that moment until she heard Kuroka.

Kuroka: Tch! So close Nyah!

Le Fay gained courage to see what was happening and saw Snow snoring peacefully on her chest, it seemed like the effects of the alchool finally ended saving her purity, for now.

Le Fay: He finally got tired.

She tried to get up but Sno had placed an arm around her and snuged closer to her chest.

Kuroka: Forget it Le Fay, he will only let us go in the morning now, so you better enjoy the contact Nyah~

Le Fay looked around to see the chaos created by the drunken giant. One thing was sure, as long as she was around, Snow would not have a drop of alchool ever again.


Annnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnd done! What did you thought of this chapter guys, did I made it up to you for being away for so long? Now I made this chapter a little long because I'll need to disappear once again, but only for about a week because of my exams at my University. Once that is over I'll update both my stories frequently again. As always leave your comments, doubts or suggestions and I'll see you guys in the next chapter, Ciao!

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