Days before Chaos

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Hey guys Nightingale here! It's been a while but like I promised you guys I didn't abandon this story. Today there will be new revelations and the final chapter before the start of the Kokabiel fight so just wait for it a bit longer and enjoyyyyyyyyyy ...



Darkness. Darkness as far as the eye can see. That was the only thing Snow could see in the place where he was in.

Snow: (sigh) This again?

He spoke in a monotone tone like it was usual for him to visit this dark place often and the "visits" seemed to be very boring every single time. 

Out in the distance an image began to form. It was a high-class looking room with only the best furniture money could ever buy and velvet red curtains on the windows. Soon the image took over the darkness and Snow now stood in the middle of the room. Inside the room where two persons: A woman dressed in a maid outfit and a child dressed in a mini butler like suit. They were both cleaning the room with smiles on their faces. They seemed to be talking towards each other but there was no sound coming from their mouths.

Snow: (thoughts) You always had a smile on your face. One that no one could take away ...

The Woman stopped what she was doing and pointed towards a place in the window. The child made a surprised face and immediately started cleaning the place where she was pointing. Once done, the woman started patting the small boy in his head, gaining a joyfull laugh from him.

Snow: (thoughts) It's a shame you simply didn't had any luck.


The door was bursted open scaring both the woman and the child. From it came a angry looking man dressed in a fancy suit. He forcefully grabbed the woman by her arm and started pulling her away. The child tried to defend her, but all he got in return was a slap in the face, courtesy of the man who took the kind woman away from him.

Snow: (thoughts) And the worst luck she ever had ...

The child ignored the pain and got up running towards the door only to be stopped by two guards who pushed him back inside and locked him in. He desperately slammed his small fists against the wooden door, but no use. The boy fell on his knees and started crying. Snow just looked at him with a cold glare.

Snow: (thoughts) Was meeting you.


Flames errupted around him incenerating the scene before his eyes and revealing another one. This time it was a large dining room with the flames all around it burning chairs, tables, curtains and corpses. Like he already knew, Snow looked down to see the same man as before laying on the floor not moving a single muscle. He was alive and had an angry expression on his face. He appeared to be screaming for the top of his lungs, but once again there was no sound, and looking at Snow who calmly looked on.

Snow: You again?

Snow said simply as he stared at the man laying at his feet.

Snow: No matter how many times I see this ...

He slowly raised his foot in the air ...

Snow: The answer I gave that day ...

And placed it on top of the man's head.

Snow: Will forever remain the same.


A loud cracking sound came from the man's skull as Snow's boot smashed it against the floor. At the same time, cracks began appearing all around the place where he was and from them a bright light that engulfed Snow and everything around.

Snow's Castle - Underworld

Snow: Ugh!

As Snow was preparing to get up and prepare the usual breakfast for the group he felt a awful headache. If he had to make a comparison, then it would be like having a drill on one ear and one on the other and they where meeting in the middle of his head.

Snow: This is the last time I'll ever drink with those guys.

Instead of getting up, he decided to enjoy the warmness of his soft pillows but suddenly he felt more pillows warming him.

Snow: Hmm?

Still with his eyes closed he tried to push the new pillows away. Not because they were uncomfortable, quite the opposite in fact, they felt heavenly, but because they were suffocating him. 

????: Nyah~

He froze in place. As soon as his hand reached one of the pillows, he heard a feminine moan. Right now he, a devil, prayed with all of his heart he hadn't done something to one of the girls without her consentiment. He opened one of his eyes to see a vision of many men's dreams. Breasts.

Kuroka: You're one of those who has a lot of energy to spend in the morning Snow-kun?~

He gulped a lump on his throat and very slowly looked up the bossom in front of his eyes, only to see the group's Nekoshou giving him a sexy and playfull cat smile. The fact that she had a bit of red on her cheeks didn't help Snow calm himself at all. He was about to take away the hand that was still in one of her large assets but her hands went around his head and hugged his face into her breasts.

Kuroka: You know~ Being an Ice-user, I never thought you could be so warm Nyah~

Snow was about to try to escape her grasp but Kuroka had other plans.

Kuroka: If I were you I wouldn't make too much of a fuss Snow-kun~ We wouldn't want to wake up our dear magician would we Nyah?~

Snow: W-What?

She took one of her arms from around his head and pointed towards the place where he was sleeping. He looked bellow him only to see Le Fay sleeping there with a serene look on her face. His face was using her surprisingly large breasts as a pillow and her uniform was all messed up with her  cleavage exposed and her skirt pulled sligtly up. If he wasn't red before, he definately was now.

Snow: Please tell me I didn't do it.

She placed her lips near his ear and whispered

Kuroka: (whisper) Didn't do what?~

She was enjoying the situation he was in. It was kinda of hard to get any reaction or expression out of the white-haired, but now, do to some comedy miracle, the most reserved member of the group found himself in the best possible situation for her to tease him and she was going to enjoy every second of it.

Snow: Did I ... force you or Le Fay into anything?

Her smile only grew at each passing second.

Kuroka: In my case I wouldn't say you forced me Nyah~. I enjoyed. every. second we had last night. Le Fay on the other hand ...

Kuroka looked to Le Fay with Snow forcing himself to look at the sleeping magician.

Kuroka: You were quite rough with her. I can still remember every detail Nyah. You pushed her down into this couch and pinned our little Le Fay. She tried to resist, but your desire was just to much for her Nyah.

Snow's face became the same color as his hair and froze.

Kuroka: Poor girl had no chance as you letted all of your carnal desires possesse you and-


Before she could finish the door of the living room was sent flying to the other side of the room. She saw Vali in the entrance and honestly, the Hakuryukou had seen better days. He had most of his clothes ripped and covered with ice. She also noticed him shaking, but she wasn't sure if it was because he was cold or because of the intense murder aura around him.


Kuroka looked to her bossom to see that Snow was no longer there. 


Vali stomped towards a corner of the room where Snow was crowched down hugging his knees, faced towards a wall.

Vali: OK POPSICLE-MAN, any, last ... words?

Vali stopped his words once he felt the biggest and most depressing aura he ever felt.

Snow: (mutter) I'm a pig, trash, the worst kind of person in every pantheon and world.

The group was awake now, Vali's screams and the flying door helped them with him.

Bikou: Ohhhhhhh GOD! Every part of my being hurts.

Le Fay: Kyahhhhh! Why are we like this Kuroka-san?!

Arthur: What the world is that scream and this depressing aura?

Every single member of Vali's Team grouped up in the middle of the room.

Vali: So ... I was fighting for my life against the castle's defenses. Can anyone explain to me what the hell happened after that and why ....

Vali pointed at Snow.

Vali: Is he like that?

Snow: (mutter) I'm a pig, trash, a simple vermin.

Le Fay noticed Kuroka freezing at Vali's words.

Le Fay: Kuroka-san.

Kuroka: Y-Yes Nyah?

The group saw that she was avoiding eyes contact with them.

Le Fay: You wouldn't happen to know why Snow-san is like this, would you?

Everyone's eyes were now in the Nekoshu.

Kuroka: N-No not really?

Vali's Team: Kuroka.

She knew she couldn't escape any longer. She looked at them. They had a very nasty glare directed at her. She scrached the back of her head and started explaing.

Kuroka: It's a very funny story actually ...

One explanation later - Breakfast time 

Kuroka: Snow-kun I'm sorry Nyah!

After her explanation, the group needed an hour to try and take Snow out of his depression. If it had not been for Le Fay's explanation that nothing happened like Kuroka had told him, the poor giant would still be in an intense state of self-dispise. As it was to be expected, Snow wasn't happy with Kuroka's prank.

Snow: I thought I forced myself onto you and raped Le Fay-san. You will spend the next week doing everyone's chores and that's final.

Kuroka: Why a week Nyah?!!!!

Snow: I suppose you want a month then?

Kuroka paled at that.

Kuroka: Please no.

Bikou: You know, my entire body is killing me, but it's so satisfying to see the cat get a punishment for once kakakaka!

Snow: Do I need to remind you this happened because you wanted us to drink?

At the reminder every person in the room focused their rage into Bikou.

Snow: (menacing tone) My head his making me go crazy from the hangover and Kuroka's little stunt didn't actually help, so don't push it or you will spend the next week surviving on breed and water alone.

Bikou decided that silence was the best option for him, he didn't want THAT punishment for sure.

Snow: (sigh) I apologize for the mess and having to see that side of me everyone.

The group members looked to each other for a couple of seconds and smiled.

Vali: Just don't get anywhere near alchool while we are here.

Bikou: You guys need to admit it was fun as hell, even if only the first part kakaka!

Arthur: Apologies accepted. Next time don't be so direct with Le Fay, you may have more chances of sucess like that~

Not wanting to lose this chance, Arthur teased both his friend and his sister.

Le Fay: ONII-SAMA!!!

She became a blushing mess, gaining laughs from everyone.

Snow: How about you?

She looked to the side to see Snow standing near her.

Snow: Can you forgive me Le Fay-san?

Images from last night flowed into her mind. His complements, the warm contact and above all, the moment where their faces got very close to each other.

Le Fay: I-It's ok, it was the alchool speaking Snow-san. I forgive you.

She felt her a hand on her head. Snow's hand.

Snow: I'm forever gratefull Le Fay-san.

Ophis: It is not, fair.

The entire group jumped from fright was they heard Ophis's voice at the entrance of the division. She was dressed in a purple pyjama and a sleeping hat of the same color. She floated from the entrance of the kitchen towards Snow and once she got near him, she picked his free hand up and placed it on her own head.

Ophis: It is not, fair

Snow smiled at the jealously of the Ouroboros Dragon. For as creature with infinite power, she was quite childish. He did as she wanted and patted her head too. As she was enjoying the feeling, she looked at Le Fay or more preciselly, her breasts.

Le Fay: I-Is something wrong Ophis-sama?

Le Fay asked while trying to cover her assets with her arms. Ophis just looked blankly at her like always.

Ophis: I found, the reason of, injustice.

Before they could even think about the meaning of her words, Ophis was consumed by a bright purple glow making everyone cover their eyes. The glow soon stopped and where Ophis stood a far more mature version of her. She mantained all of her usual characteristics but far more mature and developed, expecially her hips and breasts.

The only problem with Ophis sudden transformation, was that she forgot to make her clothes do the same to fit her size, leaving her stomach part and cleavage exposed and her curves left nothing to imagination.

Ophis: Now, there will be, no, injustice.

She floated closer to Snow and he got his head hugged into a pair of breasts for the second time in the morning.

Snow: (thoughts) Why me?!

Kuoh Academy - One week later

Sona: Why can't I just get some peace and quiet?

Inside the Student Council's room in Kuoh Academy, the mood wasn't exactely the greatest. After the fallen angel incident a month ago and the confusion with her friend's arranged marriage thing, it seems fate really enjoyed screwing with her only this time it was much worse. Another fallen angel treat, but this time it wasn't a group of gruts and low-classes but one of the highest-ranking, a Cadre. Not only that, but some madman decided to steal and bring the pieces of one the greatest weapons against her kind, the Excalibur, to where she lived. The two exorcists that came to the town were not kind enough to give them any more information than that, so she couldn't form a plan to counter the fallen's avance.

Tsubaki: What should we do Kaichou? 

Her entire peerage wanted to know the answer to that question too. Aside from Tsubaki, all of them were still recently reincanated devils, so when they say that one of the greatest and most powerfull, devil-haters in the world is in their town and brings with him a couple of the strongest devil destructing weapons, it's only normal for them to be freaking out.

Sona: (sigh) I wish I could have that answer Tsubaki.

Sona didn't want to give them false hopes, she wanted to give them assurances and protection, but right now she couldn't give them any of those. It was the first time that they saw her so lost.

Momo: Couldn't we ask for help from your sister Kaichou?

Sona: She is currently not in the Underworld, trying to get a good relation with Asgard. If I told her she would come here flying, but the gods of the Nordic Panthion could see that as an offense and treat us as enemies. Unfortunately I can't borrow her help on this case.

They looked towards each other, hoping that one of them had a good idea to get them out of this dispair. One of them stood up with firm determination.

Saji: I have an idea.

The girls looked towards the only male in her group.

Sona: Please tell us Saji, we could use anything right now.

Saji pointed at her table confusing her.

Saji: We could use that man's strenght Kaichou.

She was confused at first, but soon knew who was the man that her Pawn was talking about and she didn't like it.

Sona: (angry tone) Are you asking me to get an innocent involved in this life or death situation Saji?

Saji stood firm and shoke his head from one side to the other.

Saji: I would never ask you to do something so cowardly like that Kaichou. But he offered that envelop saying that you would could call him for basically anything right?

The gear on her brain started spinning at an absurd rate. Sona understood now where Saji was going with this.

Sona: Of course, OF COURSE!!! Why didn't I thought about it sooner?!

Tthe remaining member didn't understood a single thing that happened. Sona opened the drawer where the envelop was and ripped it open taking a black panflet with a white sigil in the middle and placed it in the center of the room.

Sona: You will all understand in a moment but please get back.

They did as she told them and took a step back. She raised her hand up and the sigil started glowing. As soon as the glow disappeared, the man in white stood in the middle of the room in all his pride and glory.

Snow: Good evening everyone.

He greeted them with a tip from his hat.

Sona: Good evening Frost-san. I'm sorry to have called you in such a short notice but I needed to speak with you about something.

The man took big and slow steps towards the young girl and stooped when he was in front of her.

Snow: No need to apologize Sona-san. That aside, how can this humble devil be of service to you?

Sona was so thankful that he didn't lose time with pretty words. The clock was ticking and every second was precious for them.

Sona: It came to my mind a couple of times that I tried to create a peerage focused on balance and their habilities based on tactics and strategy.  Because of that I'm afraid I ignored the need for other aspects such as power and speed. In the future this may become our achilles heel so I called you here in hopes of having your assistance in helping me fix this mistake I made.

Snow nodded at her words.

Snow: In other words, you want me (point to himself) to help you (points at Sona) to train them (points at her peerage).

Sona nodded.

Sona: Yes that's correct.

They finally understood the idea. Having the strongest devil available at he moment training them and get them a power up before any conflict. Snow placed a hand on his chin in thought. 

Sona: I promise you'll be rewarded generously for it.

Snow just laughed and waved his hand on her surprising her.

Snow: I wasn't thinking if I should or not help you Sona-san. I was thinking about what training would suit you all better.

He lowered his hand for her to shake.

Snow: But if you want to offer something, then if I ever need your help I want you to be there to help me just like I'm doing today. Just a fool helping another fool hahaha.

He managed to get a small laugh out of her with the choice of words from their first conversation. How Sona regretted not being able to have this man in her peerage. She took his hand and shook it.

Sona: (joking tone) How foolish of me to forget that. Very well, if you ever need me I promise I shall be there no matter where you might be. 

They letted go of each others hand and shared a laugh.

Snow: Now then ...

Snow turned his attention towards Sona's peerage members.

Snow: Tell me. Are you up for this?

The members were about to answer but he raised his hand to stop them.

Snow: Before you answer let me tell you. I will make everything within my power to help you all grow stronger. With that being said, I tolerate mistakes and doubts as they are part of growing up. But. I won't tolerate any lack of will. If I sense you are holding yourselves or any of your team members back do to your lack of determination I won't hesitate of kicking you to the side and let you behind. You are making a deal with the devil here ladies and gentleman, choose wisely.

They were now nervous. Just like he wanted. He could see the doubts on their eyes and didn't say anything. Sona did the same, this was his test towards her peerage and it will help them grown up so it was not her place to force them. Once again to their surprise it was Saji who took the first step.

Saji: We have no other choice but to accept.

They looked at him as he got closer to Snow.

Saji: In the devils society without power you can't do anything. You can't protect someone or hope to conquer your dreams so we need to make the best out of any oportunity, count me in.

His speach seemed to inspire the group.

Tsubaki: Obviously as the Queen, I can't let Sona-sama go without me.

Tsubasa: Training? Sounds good to me, take your best shoot Frost-san.

Momo: We are members of Sona Sitri's peerage, you need a lot more than this to intimidate us.

One by one, all of them got near their king with determined faces and whilling hearts In response he clapped at the brave people in front of him.

Snow: Then welcome to hell everyone.

Kuoh's academy - Gate

After the speech back in the Sstudent Council's room, everyone got ready and were now heading towards the outside part of the school's gym, the running tracks. There they had enough space to move around and far enough from the main buildings so they couldn't damage them, it was the perfect place for their training.  As Sona was guiding her visit and the peerage, the group came across two persons coming from the Occult Research Club direction.

Both of the strangers where girls covered with a white hooded cloak with gold and blue accents. The first was a young woman with chin-length blue hair with a dyed green fringe on the right side and dark yellow eyes. She was gorgeous even if she didn't have the most happy expression on her face.

Her colleague was nothing to laugh about either. She too was a beautiful young woman but she had chestnut hair and violet eyes. Her hair is usually tied into twintails, each held with a blue scrunchy and unlike her colleague she had a big smile decorating her joyfull expression.

Both groups stopped in front of each other as soon as they got close enough.

Sona: So. How did it go Xenovia-san?

Xenovia: Obviously we won.

The blue haired girl bluntly said.

Xenovia: If that was the peerage members of the great Lucifer's sister then  God's believers don't have anything to fear.

Irina: C'mon Xenovia, there is no need to talk like that.

Xenovia: Whatever Irina.

Irina: Hey! There is no need to talk like that to me too!

Xenovia paid her no mind and noticed that Sona's group had one more member with them.

Xenovia: Trying to break our agreement already Sitri?

Sona didn't like where she was going with this. She wanted to keep Frost was far away from the fallen angel treat as possible.

Sona: No, this man was scheduled to be here today.

Snow understood most of what was happening at the moment do to the knowledge he gained from Vali. 

Snow: (thoughts) So he's finally here in Kuoh ... good.

Xenovia was still sceptical of her words, but then again, it was not in her nature to trust a devil anyways.

Irina: Woahhhh! He's so tall!

The more cheerfull of the two got near Snow and got on the tips of her feet hoping to get somewhere near his height but no avail. In response he simply leaned foward to look at her in the same height as her.

Snow: Better?

Irina: Oh! Nice mask.

She told him in a cheerfull tone.

Snow: Why thank you Irina-san.

Irina became surprised.

Irina: How did you know my name?! Did you read my mind?! Can you read minds?!

She excitedly bombarded him with questions. The group just looked on as the devil and the church member chatted like it was something normal they did every day. Before answering he simply pointed at Xenovia.

Snow: No. I simply heard your partner calling you Irina, nothing more.

Irina looked at Xenovia who just shook her head at her antics. 

Irina: Oh that's right.

She stuck her tongue out in a cute way making most of the people around sweatdrop.

Xenovia: That will be enough Irina. We have a work to do, so stop wasting time with that devil.

Sona didn't like the tone she continued to use ever since their meeting.

Snow: Hahahaha.

Snow on the other hand laughed at her words.

Snow: There's no need to be so jealous Xenovia-san. You can join the conversation too~

Xenovia didn't find his words funny and glared.

Xenovia: As if.

Snow: Lying is just as much of a sin as jealously~

She gritted her teeth in anger.

Irina: X-Xenovia. You are making a really scary face right now.

Sona: As much a we would like to keep talking to you two, I believe we both have things to do.

Xenovia continued to glare at the man in question as she started walking in his and Irina's direction. Sona and the group thought there would be another conflit but Xenovia just went past him.

Xenovia: Let's go Irina.

Irina shrugged her shoulders at her attitude.

Irina: Same old Xenovia. Bye bye masked devil-san, if you ever want to be judged in the name of God please come find me, amén.

She picked up the pace and got to Xenovia's side towards the school's gate. Sona sighed in relieve.

Snow: I almost forgot ...

Sona's heart sank. Why couldn't she get a minute of peace?

Xenovia: What now devil?

She looked back with little to no interest only to see the man dressed in white taking something from the inside the large coat hanging on his shoulders. He raised it to his side revealing a cross. Xenovia's eyes got wide as she recognized that cross and immediately placed a hand near her chest but didn't find what she was looking for. It was her cross. The group on the other hand didn't understand how could a devil hold a cross like he was doing right now. Snow raised the cross up and mockingly kissed it with his scarf in front of his lips and then turned his face towards the shocked exorcists.

Snow: May god bless your path eheheh.

And with thoose words he threw her cross back at her and started walking. Xenovia looked like a raging bull from how angry she looked.

Irina: Calm down and let's go Xenovia.

Irina was childish but knew very well when she should fall back when needed, this man was no joke like her childhood friend or Rias's Knight were a few minutes ago. Eventually with some persuasion she managed to hold her friend back and leave the academy safely.

Snow: First lesson ...

He spoke loud enough for Sona and the others to hear.

Snow: (looks at the group) Carefull with your words

Kuoh's academy gym - Outside

Finally on the runnig track field, Snow got to the center of it and took his hat and the coat on his shoulders off before making them disappear into his pocket dimension.

Snow: Feel free to use anything you want against me just give your everything or you will get hurt.

He told them as he started pulling his sleeves up.

Sona: All of us at the same time?

He tugged on his tie for a bit to losen it up a little.

Snow: Like I said: "Feel free to use anything you want against me".

Sona didn't like to use this kind of tactic because it was more of overpowring with numbers rather than a real strategy, but she knew the man in front of them was strong and that they couldn't hold back.

Sona: Everyone to your positions!

At her call, the peerage members surrounded Snow, who simply stood there, Tsubaku being the only one to remain near her.

Sona: We are ready now Frost-san let's begin the-


In a flash he was already by her side with his fist pulled back and getting ready to punch her. The world around her seemed to move in slow motion as his fist came closer and closer to her.

Tsubaki: KAICHOU!!!

Tsubaki managed to react in time and protect her from Snow's fist with her nagitana. The moment his fist colided with it, she felt her arms numb.

Tsubaki: (thoughts) He really wanted to punch Kaichou with this strenght!

Before she could make a swipe with her nagitana he dissapeared again in thin air.

Ruruko: What's happening?!

Snow: What's happening ...

She froze. In front of her was now a shadow that was simply to big for a girl of her size raising it's hand in the air.

Snow: (menacing tone) Is that you are all making me lose my time.

Saji: RURUKO!!!

Snow felt something going around his arm and saw that it was a a blue line. He followed the like until she got to a small black bracer in the form of a small and cute black Chameleon-like lizard with violet eyes and a deformed face on Saji's hand.

Snow: A sacred gear.

Saji was pulling the line towards him hoping that it would stop Snow from hurting his teammates.

Snow: Nice reaction, but ...

Snow grabbed the line with the arm connected to it and pulled it making Saji go flying into his direction. 



As soon as Saji was close enough he received a the powerfull kick of his life in the stomach and sent into Ruruko. The two Pawns were sended flying towards their team landing with a loud thud at Sona's feet.

Tsubaki: Saji, Ruruko! Are you two alright.

While the female pawn was relatively fine the same couldn't be said about Saji. He was gritting his teeth and holding his stomach in pain, staying in a fetal position in the ground.

Saji: Agh!

Tsubasa: OI! What's the big idea?!!

Snow: Your King asked me to train you and that's what I'm doing.

He proclaimed as he got closer and closer to them with slow and loud steps.

Momo: But there's no need to act like this!

Snow: Do you honestly believe that your enemies and rivals will hold back on you? And who do you think they will aim to end first?

He commenced the psicological part of the training.

Snow: The time for tea and buscuits is over ladies.

He raised his demonic power making cracks appear on the ground beneat his feet.

Snow: Now try your best to break me! (serious tone) Or I'll break you.


Annnnnnnnnnnd done! Well that's all for now guys. Poor Snow didn't have the best wake up call in the world (Or did he?) and Xenovia got pissed at him too, definately not his best day with ladies. It looks like Sona got herself hired a hardcore coach for the peerage but hopefully now she and her peerage get the power up she deserved in the anime, but never got. Next chapter the chaos will begin with Kokabiel invasion to Kuoh. How will Snow react and what will he do? Well, wait just a bit longer dear readers and you will find out in the next chapter. As always leave your comments, doubts and suggestions and I will see you all in the next chapter, Ciao!

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