Flowers Blooming

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Hey guys, Nightingale here! Waited much? I know you guys did and I'm sorry for it, so here it is!On the presvious chapter Snow had some troubles with his relation with Vali's team and is now very confused on what he should do now that one more person, Kuroka, knows about the terrible secret hidden behind the scarf. How about we go and see what's happening right now?

If you are curious, then just sit back, relax and enjooooooy ...  


Lilith - Underworld

The day of meeting between the leaders of the Underworld, Heaven and Grigori was long gone at this point and fortunatly, it was a great sucess. The news had already spread through out the Underworld and everyone seemed happy to know that had two less enemies to worry. Sure, there were those that were still a bit sceptical about the whole thing, devils, angels and fallen angels had been enemies for centuries so it was to be expected, but slowly, people were warming up to the idea of peace.

Amongst all of those people, none were enjoying it as much as the four Satans who had all gathered in Sirzechs's Castle to enjoy a moment of quietness that they didn't have in a long time since they took over their respective positions.

Falbium: It took us centuries, but I guess now we can all rest assured that none of the other factions will try something funny.

The Satan in charge of the military affairs sighed out as the tried to find a more comfortable position in the couch he seated on.

Ajuka: Big words coming from the one who's asleep most of the time.

The Chief Advisor for the Technology Department wasted no time in making his collegue the butt-monkey of the group with a small joke gaining a chuckle from their two other friends. Falbium didn't deny it though, it was too much of pain to do when the one saying it was one of the greatest minds in the Underworld.

Sirzechs: You are one to talk Ajuka, most of the time you just lock yourself inside that lab of yours.

Now it was Falbium's turn to laugh at Ajuka's face who knew that his best friend was right and because of that remained quiet.

Ajuka: (points at Sirzechs) My best friend ladies and gentleman, now imagine my enemies.

Unlike their usual meetings together where they had tons of works to do, this one was filled with a lot of good mood and very few work related issues. Just like they all always wanted to.

Ajuka: But that aside, I heard Rias and Sona are done with school for a while so they will be coming back to the Underworld for the summer vacations.

At the mention of their little sisters's names, both of Serafall and Sirzechs's lit up with countless starts. Falbium couldn't help but facepalm at the topic that Ajuka had to bring up durring their conversation.

Falbium: (sigh) Now you did it ...

Serafall: That's right! So-chan will come home for 40 whole days! I can't wait for her to be here!!!

Sirzechs: To think that Rias-tan will be coming tomorow morning. Ahhh~ I think I'm in Heaven.

As expected both of the siscons had their head in the clouds with the idea of spending time with their respective sisters.

Serafall: On top of that, I don't have to worry has much as I did before with fights between the three factions anymore and  I'll finally be able to do the event to present the 5th season of my show in just a couple of days.

As they had imagined, the most energetic person among them had already made plan to occupy her newly acquired free time with both of the things that made her the happiest, Sona and her show that they knew had to be put on a hiatus for quite some time do to her functions as the Satan in charge of their Foreign Affairs.

Serafall: We got a ton less enemies now and Michael-chan and Azazel-chan really believed in our wish for peace after seeing Frost-chan performance against Katerea and the others soo our side is safe from suspicions, I'm so happy!!

Serafall squealed knowing that between all the three Factions that had participated in the meeting, the Devil side was the one that showed the greatest comitment towards peace do the events before it and Snow's performance against a member of his own race to make sure that peace was all that the devils really wanted and with that, prove that they had nothing to do with Katerea's attack in Kuoh.

But even if every single word that Serafall said was both true and good news, Sirzechs couldn't help but fown a bit at the mention of a name.

Ajuka: Hm? Why the long face Sirzechs? 

Noticing the sudden change in Sirzechs's behaviour, Ajuka couldn't help but to be curious to what made his friend show such a rare frown in his face.

Sirzechs: No ... it's nothing.

But appearently Sirzechs didn't want to ruin their reunion with whatever was bothering him, so he remained quiet, eating a sweet piece of cake hoping to balance the sour taste left the mention of someone in Serafall's talk.

Grayfia: It's most likely because Serafall-sama mentioned Frost-sama's name.

Sadly for the red-headed Satan, his wife knew him far to well and he couldn't even hope to be able to hide something from her.

Sirzechs: Grayfia!

Grayfia: By that reaction, I guess I was right.

Apparently it was all a trap, and Grayfia managed to make her husband fall for it. Knowing that was enough for her so she decided to take a sip of the sweet tea of victory as Sirzechs stood there like a deer caught in the headlights not believing that his own wife had ratted him.

Ajuka: Sirzechs, are you are stil thinking about what happened during that man's promotion?

The green-haired Satan wasn't able to believe that Sirzechs, out of all the persons he knew, was even able to hold a grudge, but his reaction and lack of denial to what Grayfia said didn't make it any easier to make him believe in that anymore.

Falbium: Don't tell me you are the type that gets upset just because someone doesn't like you eheheheh.

Falbium joked at the never seen situation.

Serafall: C'mon Sirzechs-chan, I know Frost-chan was rude on that ocasion but that's no reason to hate him, I mean, you saw what he did for all of us right? And if we include the time he saved So-chan and Rias-chan that would be two times he helped us already.

Being as kind as she was, Serafall wanted nothing more then make sure that her long date friend and eventually that man in white that she had befriended could get along with each other, something that for now, seemed a very difficult task.

Sirzechs: I'm only ... (sigh). There's just something strange about that man, and that has been bothering me ever since we exchanged words for the first time.

And just like that, the entire mood of the meeting was ruined.

Ajuka: Look, I know you are not exactly used to the idea of being hated with that much intensity do to your past and family but we can't please everyone Sirzechs.

Sirzechs: What do you mean by that?!

Asked Sirzechs, slightly offended with what Ajuka just implying.

Falbium: Let's be honest here buddy, most of the remaining pillar clans aren't exactly known to be particularly nice to the lower-classes like the Gremorys, maybe only the Sitris and a few others being exceptions to that, so people don't have your family, you included, that high on their "Must hate" list. So yeah, you are not particularly used to having someone dislike you.

He was right, Sirzechs was not used to it. Being born in one of the few devil clans that actually gave some respect and care to less afortunate devils and growing up having their respect and kindness as something natural and granted in return, the Lucifer was not used to be seen as something bellow that, especially from someone amongst his people. 

Ajuka: On top of that, you were born with a lot of talent and a powerfull demonic trait from your mother that became your signature power, soo, the high-ranking devils don't dislike you as well or at least don't dare to show it in front of you.

The same could be said from the High-Ranked devils as well, only this time, these ones respected his talent and power he was born with and knew that they couldn't be on his bad side.

Even with all of that, Sirzechs couldn't help but wonder what thoughts they had on the person that he was seemingly disliking for no reason at all.

Sirzechs: Are you all seriously telling me that I'm the only one that finds that man strange?

Serafall: And what's soo strange about Frost-chan other then the mask he wears Sirzechs-chan?

Quickly asked Serafall not liking the fact that Sirzechs could start babbling nonesense to the two Satans that didn't have the chance to speak with Frost personaly like she did and get the wrong impression of him, just because Sirzechs was acting like a child.

Sirzechs: Maybe the fact that all that we know about him is his name, if the name he's using is actually his real name, his business with the Phenex Family and Sona and his distaste for me and apparently my sister.

Disliking Rias? That was a new information for them as well.

Serafall: Rias-chan as well?

Grayfia: Yes, it would seem so ...

Grayfia decided to be the one to continue since Sirzechs was not in a neutral position towards the devil in white anymore, making it very likely for him to badmouth him knowing how much of a siscon he was.

Grayfia: It has been going on for a while now and it seems like Frost-san has been clashing with Rias-sama for quite a number of times now. Because of that, she and most of her peerage don't really like his presence too.

Sirzechs: See? I'm not the only one that thinks something is wrong with him.

Grayfia: But according to Sona-sama, who I spoke to recently, most of those clashes were triggered by Rias-sama.

Just like that, Sirzechs was immediately stopped from being proud of his sister.

Grayfia: As far as I know, she forced her entrace in a meeting between both Sona-sama and him as when Kokabiel invaded, he declined Rias-sama's help and injured her Pawn after he threw himself to the middle of the battle due to her being unable to control him.

After hearing all of what she heard, Serafall couldn't simply let all of this go on any longer.

Serafall: From what I can see both you and Rias-chan are the ones at fault here Sirzechs-chan.

Falbium: Agreed.

It would seem like Sirzechs wouldn't get any support for both of them in this matter, so he turned towards his closest friend hoping for some support.

Ajuka: I want to be on your side my friend, I really do, but I just can't support you on this.

Serafall: The whole incident you caused on the wedding that you supported and ruined, which I didn't forgot by the way, and your sister's behaviour are all the reason I need to see that soo far, Frost-chan has all the right in the world to dislike you.

Crossing her arms, Serafall made her position on this matter very clear and she didn't pick Sirzechs side.

Falbium: Now that you meantioned it (turns to Grayfia), didn't that guy get hurt during his fights? Is he alright?

At those words, for some reason, Serafall's heart skipped a beat surprising even herself as of what could the reason be for that. Probably the honey colored eye that she now knew he had were the reason for it, after all, she still felt like she had seen it somewhere before.

Ajuka: Yeah, how is he? It's not everyday that a devil fights against the Vanishing Dragon and actually survives after all.

Grayfia: So far, he didn't make any further contact with anyone after.

Now back from her daydream, Serafall returned to the conversation.

Serafall: I'm not sure about the Phenex Family, but I told So-chan to telling me if she happens to talk to him and so far, nothing.

 At those words, Falbium gained a disappointed look on his face.

Falbium: Damn it! I thought I could invite him to come have a drink with us before the gathering of the younger devils and Odin's visit.

With peace assured for now, the next steps to fortify it would be to prepare the next generation of devils to make sure they continued with their new legacy and were trained to defend it, and expanding the peaceful relation of the three Faction with other Factions, in this case, the Nordic Pantheon lead by Odin.

Everyone seemed to like the idea proposed by Falbium, admiting that, they too, were curious about Frost and wanted to get to know him. All, but one ... 

Sirzechs: You're trying to piss me off aren't you Falbium?

Sirzechs. Falbium simply gained a condescendant look on his face and placed a finger in front of his lips to silence the now unamused Sirzechs.

Falbium: Hush child, this is for your own good ...

Answered the bald Satan, much like a parent would do in response to his son.

Falbium: ... and yes, I want to piss you off.

Phenex Mansion - Underworld

Meanwhile in the Phenex Mansion, life went on as it has been for the last few months with Riser still locking himself within his room, Reinor carring on with the Clan's business, Ravel studying and Riser's former pieces, Isabella and Karlamine, training under their mentor.

Siris: I can't believe it, Riser-sama was humiliated in front of everyone and locked himself inside of his room and those two are still wagging their tails to the masked freak.

The last remaining Knight piece that Riser had, Siris, said as whatched from the balcony of the living room, Isabella and Karlamine spar yet again without a single worry in the world. She was  tall young woman with long black hair with a dark blue tint featuring five thin ponytails going around her head and brown eyes. 

Her outfit consists of a white top with black accents that is modeled after a Chinese cheongsam , red shorts, and armored, knee-high boots with matching gauntlets. The top features a diamond shape on the chest area, giving view of her breasts and cleavage.

Seeing her tapping her finger against the edge of the balcony soo furiously, one of her friends sighed and placed the tea she was about to enjoy back on top of the table. The girl in question was a young girl who most notably is always seen wearing a Kimono with a color pattern of purple, orange and pink with her dark-brown hair tied on opposite side and golden eyes. This girl's name is Mihae, the last Bishop piece that Riser had after Ravel left the peerage.

Mihae: It's about time you move on Siris. They choose their path and you need to respect it.

Calmly said the usualy quiet girl, tired of her current mood that had become the usual one for her.

Siris: Oh you have to be kidding me Mihae. You are not going to tell me that you are on their side are you?

Once again, Mihae was forced to stop herself from enjoying her cup of tea do to her collegue.

Mihae: No, you know that's not it. I can't say I'm happy with what they did but it just doesn't make any difference anymore. They left the peerage on their own free will and are not coming back so just accept it.

Xuelan: Then why are they even here ... ?

A new voice was heard as another one of their friends entered the room and took a seat on the couch on the opposite side of Mihae. This girl, much like the other two, was a well-endowed young woman, she appeared to beof Chinese descent with shoulder-length black hair and blue-green eyes. Her hair has two Chinese-style buns on both sides of her head and dressed in  navy blue qipao with gold accents, a white sash around her stomach, and black, low-heeled shoes. This girl was the Rook of their peerage, Xuelan.

Xuelan: If they wanted to leave the peerage then why are they still living here? I can understand Ravel-sama since she's a member of the Phenex Clan like Riser-sama, but are they still living with us?

Xuelan asked, genuinly curious why Karlamine and Isabella were not out of the house yet since they had no reason to stay anymore now that they were no longer Riser's pieces. 

Siris: Exactly! If they like the masked freak soo much, then why don't they go live with him? I bet he would love to see them drolling over him all day.

Mihae started to massage her face up and down at their stubbornness in not wanting to understand what was right in front of their eyes.

Mihae: They were traded to Rachel-sama so tecnically, they are Rachel-sama's pieces and so, they have all the right to stay here just as we do.

That answer didn't made any of her friends happy in slightest, with Siris scoffing at what she heard.

Siris: Pfff yeah, until they decided that they don't want to be her pieces anymore and want to leave just like they did with Riser-sama.

Xuelan: It already happened once, so it shouldn't be hard to happen twice.

And just like that, Mihae's patience finally reached it's limit.


Both of her friends's eyes became comically wide as plates. Ever since they became Riser's pieces, this, was the first time Mihae actually raised her voice.

Done with Siris and Xuelan, Mihae picked up her cup of tea and left the room, scaring some of the maids that were cleaning the halls of the great mansion with the look that she had on her face as she went past them in a fast pace, something also never seen for the kimono wearing devil.

Siris: W-What the hell happened?

Asked the confused Knight as her brain was still processing the fact that she and her friend had actually made the quietest member of the entire peerage leave the room looking like a raging bull, something that not even the two pairs of energetic twins Pawn pieces were able to do.

Xuelan: I'm ... not sure myself.

Answered the equally confused Rook. But even so, as baffled as they both were, neither of them could stop thinking about the idea that Mihae unintentionaly gave them. Looking at each other in the eyes to confirm that they were both thinking the same thing.

Xuelan: Even so, it's not a bad idea right?

Siris smiled in response to Xuelan's question.

Siris: I've been itching to give them a piece of my mind either ways, plus, I don't want rust in my sword so it's a good chance to fix that as well.

Nodding at each other, both of them decided to prepare themself to confront their former teammates and so, they left the room.

What they didn't notice, was that someone heard everything that they said after Mihae left.

Ravel: I guess this had to happen eventually.

Coming from one of the halls on the opposite way of the room, Ravel appeared, looking slightly worried with the turn of events. She knew that she wouldn't be able to stop her brother's pieces even if wanted to, since to them, she, much like Isabella and Karlamine, was just someone that was being tricked by the "masked freak" in their eyes.

With a small sight escaping her lips, Ravel turned around and knowing that she couldn't stop the conflict she began walking towards a certain room in the house. It didn't take her long to reach her destination and findher mother in front of the said room, knocking at the door.

Rachel: Riser are you alright in there dear?

Asked the worried mother that had not seen her son ever since the disaster that was his wedding.

Riser: ... (sigh) Yes mother, I'm fine. Please just let me be.

Rachel couldn't help but to lose her smile at the answer that Riser gave her. Sure he didn't have the best behaviour or even great manners during his life, but he was still far better then most devils from his generation and above all else, he was her child. 

Speaking of her children, it didn't took too long for the matriarch of the Phenex Clan to notice her youngest child now standing beside her.

Rachel: Oh, hello Ravel, how are you?

Even if her mother tried to hide her sadness from her, Ravel knew that the cold shoulder that her elder brother was giving her was actually hurting her a lot.

Ravel: Everything is fine as usual mother. Did we made any progress here?

It was a rethorical question, but Rachel already knew that before even answering.

Rachel: No, we didn't take even a step closer. No matter how much I try or what I say, Riser just doesn't want to leave this damned room.

Showing the first signs of weakness in front of her daughter, or any person as the matter of fact, Rachel just placed her forehead against the closed door of Riser's room.

Rachel: What should I do? If I can't even help my son, just how can I call myself a mother?

Never in her life did Ravel see her mother behaving like this. The image that she always got from her was that of an independent and strong woman that could take care of any problem in her way by facing it face to face and solve with a tender smile. In none of her memories could she see a weak or desperate Rachel like the one in front of her.

Ravel: Let me try mother.

Ravel asked, before taking Rachel's hand and taking her a few steps back from the door.

Rachel: Ravel ...

Ravel: It's alright. You know how men are, always trying to be the biggest, toughest brute around, of course Nii-sama would never go to you to talk about his problems, he doesn't want to be mama's little boy.

Her small joke won a small laugh from Rachel, that decided to let Ravel try her luck, who knows, maybe she'll be the one to bring Riser out.

Rachel: You're right, Riser is too prideful to even think of asking me for help. Alright dear, go for it.

Managing to get both cheer up her mother and get her chance, Ravel placed herself in front of the set of doors and took a deep breath before knocking twice.


It took some time, but eventually, Riser's voice was finally heard.

Riser: Mother, I already said I want to be left alone.

Ravel: It's not mother, it's me Nii-sama.

Ravel letted out a akward smile thinking in how silly her brother was being, especially since both of the women were just speaking in front of his door just seconds ago. Not the best idea now that she thought about it.

Riser: Oh it's you Ravel ...

Ravel: Yes, it's me Onii-sama.

This was not the best talk they ever had, but with how Riser had been acting, this was far better then most of the previous attempts other people tried.

Ravel: Onii-sama, I think Siris and Xuelan will challenge Isabela and Karlamine to a fight at any second now, could you come out and try to stop them before things turn bad?

Since he didn't want to come out by himself, Ravel used the thing she knew he liked above most things in the world. The girls.

Riser: (sigh) And?

Her lack of entusiasm in this situation were he could get an excuse to be close to the girls really worried Ravel, since Riser was always looking for an excuse to get to do things with the girls ever since, well, always.

Ravel: You are their King Onii-sama, they won't listen to me or mother so if you could tell them to stop I would be very grateful.

Trying a different aproach, Ravel did something that never in her life she thought she would do, and spoke in a childish manner, much like the younger pieces of her brother Ile and Nel usually did, trying to appeal to Riser's nobility with this little act.

Ravel: (thoughts) I want to die.

Everything from what way she said those words to the way she was acting really made Ravel want to run and hide in her own room, especially since Rachel was just behing her watching the while thing.

Riser: ... Isabela and Karlamine are not my pieces anymore, they are mother's pieces now.

Ravel: B-But Siris and Xuelan are, aren't they dear Onii-sama?

Riser: And what about it? I doubt any of the girls would even listen to me anymore after what happened. Three of them left me already didn't they?

Now that was unfair. Ravel stood by Riser's side because she saw in him many of the qualities that a great king should have, the same being said for the girls as well. But eventually, his pride, lazyness and lack of commitment became unberable.

Ravel: C-C'mon Onii-sama, it's not the time for jokes, we all still like you very much so could you do your cute little sister this small favour.

Rachel could see her daughter cheeks getting increasingly red as she put up with the humiliation of her own act. But even with all of her will put in this, Ravel was close to give up.

Riser: The sad part is, I lost them to a guy that hides his face and he didn't even had to try, that's how much of a failure I am.

At those words, Rachel thought she head something snap inside of Ravel  and went to carefully check on her, only to gulp a lump in her throat at the most anger filled Ravel the universe had ever seen. As it would seem, she was not very happy that her brother had for one, not learned a damn thing, and two, that he, unintentionaly, said that she and her friends were easy girls.

Rachel: R-Ravel dear, let's take deep breaths alright?

It was not just something that snapped , it was her patience that had finally snapped and apperently the locks to something inside Ravel that should never be allowed to come out.

Ravel: (thoughts) OHHHHH THAT IS IT !!!

Inside Riser's room

Inside the room, Riser waited to see if Ravel had anything else to say, wanting nothing more then to back to sleep and forget everything again and since he never heard anything else come from the outside, that was exactly what he was gonna do.

He deeply apreciated what they were trying to do, he really did, but after the wedding and his loss, everytime he looked at a mirror, he couldn't see the son of the great Phenex Clan anymore, just a loser that shouldn't ever show his face in public and embarass his family. Fortunatly for him, not everyone though about him in the same way.


The loud booming sound, followed by the destruction of many pieces of furniture and the brand new source of light inside the room scared the living hell out of the blond devil who quickly was forcefully waked from his sleepy state by the brand new wake up call. 

Riser: What the actual fuck?!

Now inside of his room, were the set of doors smashed against other things on the other side of the room. They were now broken in half, with a visualy noticeble small foot mark in the place near the place where the door lock should have been.

 Ravel: Nii-sama I'm coming in ...

Now inviting herself in, Ravel entered the room with a sweet smile on her face, making Riser look at her, looking for answers.

Ravel: (smile) My, my, this is no good. Nii-sama why does your room smell like that? Could it be that you haven't taken a proper shower in a while?

Riser: Ravel, what the hell was that? Who did that to my door?!

In a way that was as quick as it was scary and sudden, Ravel turned her head towards him, never losing her smile.

Ravel: (smile) Ahh there you are. My, I guess you haven't shaved in quite a while as well.

Ignoring his question, Ravel mentioned her brother small beard that he now had as she began aproaching him.

Ravel: (smile) But that doesn't matter, let's go.

The still shocked Riser could only stare at his sister with wide eyes.

Riser: I already said that Isabela and Karlamine are now mother's pieces so tell her to take care of that fight.

Ravel: (smile) Please don't be so unreasonable.

The talk went back and foward until Riser got enought of Ravel invading his own room when he specificaly told her that she didn't want to see anyone. The noise created by the mess inside the room brought the attention of many of the mansion's residents, including Reinor and Riser's remaining pieces who was looked inside at the two siblings arguing.

Riser: Ravel, I'm gonna give you five seconds to leave this room before I force you to leave.

Even with those words, Ravel just continued to show him her little sweet smile.

Ravel: Is that so .... ?

She said, as if she was daring him to actually do it.

Riser: That's right!

 With her older sibling in front of her, Ravel seemingly lost her courage and simply did a small bow to say she was sorry for what she did. Or what she was about to do ...

Ravel: Then please excuse me Onii-sama ...


With one with quick close-eyed smile, Ravel gave Riser the fastest, loudest and by far strongest slap of his entire life, feeling as if he was about to be decapitated as soon as her hand came in contact with his face.

The only other male that was present, closed his eyes imagining his son's pain from the slapped that was still echoing through out the halls and offered him a silent respect for not yelling or even passing out. Sadly for him, his daughter was not done yet. Finally losing her smile and grabbing his brother by the collars of his shirt and begining her scolding session.  


As soon as Ravell letted go of his collars, Riser was instantly out of his bed and all the spectatours eyes and mouths wide open.

Ravel: Now (deep breath), I want you to go clean yourself and (deep breath) go outside so we can both have a talk with the girls. But first, go shave that beard (deep breath), because you look like a homeless goat with it.

Ravel said as calmly as her anger allowed her to.

Riser: B-But you told me to-

Tugging his collars harder, Ravel brought him closer to take a good look into her eyes and see that she, the sole daughter of the Phenex Clan, Ravel Phenex, was done with his shit.

Ravel: (angry tone) Huh?! Dear brother, that was not a request, I told you to go get that poor excuse for a beard off and wash yourself. AND WHAT ARE YOU GOING TO DO?!!

Riser: (scared tone) I-I'm gonna get this poor excuse for a beard off and wash myself!!

Ravel: (angry tone) And when are you going get that poor excuse for a beard off and wash yourself?!

Riser: (scared tone) Now-

Ravel: NOW!!!

Riser: (scared tone) YES MA'AM!!

Seeing that she didn't want to hear anything else from him, Riser was quick to enter the bathroom and do what he was told to.

Ravel: And you better take less then 10 minutes in there!

Ravel said as she was about to leave the room, far more composed now that she took that out of her system.

Riser: (Mutter) "You better take less then 10 minutes in there".

Riser muttered, imitating his sister's voice.

Ravel: (angry tone) WHAT WAS THAT?!


As RIser was basically tearing apart his bathroom in search of a razor blade, everyone made way for Ravel to come out. Many of her brother's peerage members were either hiding behind Lord and Lady Phenex or hugging eachother in fear of this new side of Ravel ...

Ravel: Mother ...

Even her own parents didn't knew how to react.

Rachel: Y-Yes dear?

The look that Ravel gave to her mother one of pure joy, looking as if she had finally been able to take something off of her shoulders.

Ravel: Onii-sama said he will come out of the room shortly, isn't that wonderfull?

This time there was no deceit in her sweet smile, but after what they had just withnessed, they were scared for life.

Rachel: Y-Yes it is dear, thank you for having a talk with him.

Ravel: I was nothing mother ... 

With nothing else to do there, Ravel began walking down the hall with a mery skip on her steps.

Ravel: Be sure to tell Onii-sama to come to the garden girls.

The entire peerage nodded as if their lifes depended on it, which might have not been far from the truth.

Reinor: My goodness ...

Reinor at last said something, looking at his daughter with the wide eyes that he used to see the altered version of Ravel smack one of his sons.

Reinor: She's just like Rachel.

Rachel: (looks at Reinor) ...

Reinor: (looks at Rachel) ...






Garden of the Phenex Mansion - Underworld


Karlamine: I happen to be a girl you know?!

As all of the action happened inside of the mansion, both Isabela and Karlamine continued with the training regiment that Snow gave them and they had been following meticulously, not knowing about the troubles that were that were coming their way.

From the looks of it, they were training Isabela in her defense since right now, Karlamine was currently using a shinai to repetively hit her friend who didn't dodge or fight back and simply tanked the hits.

Karlamine: YAHHHHHH !!!


On one of those stikes, the shinbai that the Knight girl was using broke snapped before breaking in half once it came in contact with Isabela's arm.

Karlamine: Another one bites the dust I guess?

Karlamine sighed , throwing the broken bamboo sword into a small pile of other shinai that ended up in the same way.

Isabela: Those things are too fragile at this point.

Isabela commented before picking a towel for herself and throwing one at her friend.

Karlamine: Maybe you are just far too tough at this point.

The swordswoman joked gaining a laugh from her friend.

Siris: Or maybe she was just too dumb.

They food moment was interrupted by the sudden insult coming from Siris who was coming closer to them in the distance, acompanied by Xuelan. 

Xuelan: You know that a Rook doesn't have to get beaten up by those things to break them right Isabela? Didn't that guy taught you anything?

Their former teammates didn't say anything and continued to clean the sweat off of their skin after sharing a look with eachother.

Isabela: It's rare to see you two coming here, what's the special ocasion?

The red-headed Rook was never one to back down from a fight, something that her former teammates were seemingly looking for right now, but with time and a proper guidance, she knew that simply starting to throw punches away was not going to make her a proper winner, so she allowed them to talk to their heart's content, finding those insults not even worthy of being considered that.

 Siris: Quit with your bullshit! You both know what we are here for!

As fun as she tought it would be to get on their nerves before, right now Siris wanted nothing more then to simply put both Isabala and Karlamine in their place.

Karlamine: (Looks at Siris) Do you have any particular reason for all that sudden anger?

A Knight like her raising her sword like Siris did couldn't only mean one thing, but Karlamine wanted to know the real reason for her to raise her sword against them.

Xuelan: When was the last time you spoke to Riser-sama ever since that masked freak appeared here?

There was a line that shouldn't be crossed with insults, and Xuelan came very close to crossing it.

Xuelan: Your old master was humiliated in front of the entire Underworld and the only thing that came across your heads was drooling over your new boy toy rather then come see him. 

Siris: Not only that, but you also continue to live here at his expense, living under his roof and eating from his food, don't you two have any shame?

Now the argument was getting a bit too heated with all the things that Siris and Xuelan were implying.

Isabela: What are you trying to say?

Isabela was the first of the two to show displeasure by throwing away her towel and taking a couple of steps towards Riser's pieces. Finally getting the reaction that they wanted from her, Xuelan  aprached her and started to poke her shoulder.

Xuelan: We are saying that you are just leaches and freeloaders. Why don't you just ask the albino mask who keep waving your tails for to leave with him, I bet he would love to get two pets to keep watch over it.

Being slightly tallerthen the other Rook, Isabela leaned down a bit to look at Xuelan dead in the eyes and gave her exactly what she wanted ...

Isabela: Wanna feel how much a pet's bite can hurt little girl?

The fight that they wanted.

Xuelan: I thought you never asked.

Xuelan answered back with with a serious face. In the meanwhile, both of the Knight had to come with an agreement themselves. Knowing that if Karlamine was still anything like the Karlamine she knew, Siris knew that the knight girl wouldn't decline her challenge do to her own personal code.

Siris: How about you Karla? Do you accept my challenge?

Pointless. That was the only thing that Karlamine thought of this whole situation, but not wanting to embarass herself, her friend and their mentor, Karlamine was left with no other choice but to accept the request for a duel.

Karlamine: Very well, I accept that request of yours.

As both sides prepared for the eventual fight that was about to break out, the residents of the mansion that included the Phenex family and Riser's remaining peerage had arrived to the garden and now holded their breaths in anticipation.

Now in their places, the two of the fighters that asked for this fight couldn't help but get irked but what they were seeing.

Siris: OI! What's the big idea here?!

In front of them, Isabela stood there, not taking any fighting pose and the same for Karlamine, only that in her case, a Knight, she didn't even brought a sword with her.

Karlamine: Don't worry about it, we are fine like this so come at us whenever you want.

Karlamine explain, with Isabela following with a daring them to come closer by signaling them to come closer with her finger.

Isabela: C'mon little girls, (grin) we'll play with you.

And with those words as a trigger, the two on two fight began, staring with Xuelan dashing towards Isabela.

Xuelan: Don't mock me!!!

Once Xuelan was at the perfect distance, she ignited her own leg with flames, preparing herself to throw a kick at Isabela. 


The kick exploded right when it came in contact with Isabela's exposed abdomen, giving a sense of pride to Xuelan when she felt it connecting with her opponent.

Xuelan: Hmph! Some training you had ther-


Much to her surprise, Xuelan felt a hand grabbing her leg by the ankle and Isabela looking down at her. She didn't even budge from her intial spot.

Isabela: Is this all you got?

Do to her shock, the chinese looking devil couldn't even find the words to answer her question.

Isabela: Disappointing ...


Disappointed with the level of skill that her former teammate showed, Isabela quickly gave her a back-handed slap that even though it seemed like a simple slap, it's strenght was enough to send Xuelan down and make her body ricochet on the hard ground bellow her.

Siris: XUELAN !!!

Siris didn't expect this level of power from the Rook. While she always knew that, amongst everyone in Riser's peerage, Isabela was always the strongest member in physical terms, this level of raw strenght was something that she didn't previously have.

Karlamine: I wouldn't worry much about her if I were you ...


Karlamine's voice reached Siris's ears, coming directly from behind her.

Karlamine: You have your own problems to deal with after all.

Siris: (thoughts) Shit! When did she got behind me?!

Siris: YAHHH !!!

In her panick do to the scare Karlamine gave ever, Siris didn't thought on what she was doing and out of reflex she went for a horizontal slash, even if she knew that she would never be fast enough to hit a Knight piece that stood right behind her. And as it was expect, she was unable to reach Karla once she stopped her momentum by holding her arm and ending the possible rotation.

Karlamine: Slow, that was too slow Siris.

Siris obviously didn't like the tone that she was using when talking to her. It was like a child trying to teach an adult, and as someone older then her, Siris found that very insulting.

Karlamine: And that stance in your legs, I bet that with a kick I could just ...

Wasting no time in demonstration what she had in mind, Karlamine easely sweeped Siris off of her feet with a fast kick in the legs, immediatly making her fall into the group after releasing her hold on her arm.

Siris: Gah!

And it was no gentle fall.

Karlmine: See? One quick kick to destroy your stance and your balance.

Seeing that the fallen Knight had lost her sword during the fall, the green-eyed beauty gently picked it up and stabbed it near Siris's right arm.

Karlamine: Pick up your sword.

No matter who was watching the duel unfold, every spectator couldn't help but look a this as more of child's play rather then an actual fight. Karlamine and Isabela barely did anything and yet, they were absolutly dominating the entire fight.

Riser: W-What the hell happened to them? 

Riser asked with his eyes wide as plates as drops of sweat started falling down on his neck at the display in front of them.

Ravel: This is nothing Onii-sama.

Her sister's voice gained his attention. Ravel was right beside him and unlike him who couldn't understand the huge changes in front of him, she looked at it like it was one of the most tedious things to see in the world.

Ravel: Frost-sama put both of them through a hellish training regiment. If they were unable to even do something of this level, then me and most likely him, would be very disappointed.

 As they spoke, Xuelan was finally getting back on her feet.

Xuelan: (thought) Is it possible for a slap to be that strong?! Shit! That made me lose my consciousness for a second there.

True to her words, the slap itself was able to put her unconcious for a second, if the impact of her body ricocheting on the ground did not happen, then the fight would have been over right there.

Isabela: You know Xuelan ...

Isabela spoke to gain Xuelan's attention as she was still trying to get back, something that was proving to be very difficult with the shaking on her legs.

Isabela: I used to admire you a lot girl. I admit, I'm not the brightest brawler out there, all I ever did was take the hit and give some of my own and hope my opponent would fall before me, so seeing you pull out all those Kung Fu moves with the skill I knew I would never have really made me admire you. But now ... 

Isabela moved for the first time and turned towards her Rook friend.

Isabela: I only see sloopy moviments. 

The red-haired Rook was never one to insult her enemies, and she wasn't trying to, but right now, those words really hurt Xuelan' pride as a martial artist. 

Isabela: I'm not trying to say that, that is your fault, but I'm also not saying that it isn't your fault either. Be honest with me here, how many times did you actually tried to improve your skills? And I mean really try.

As expected, Xuelan didn't have an answer to that. No, she didn't want to answer that knowing exactly what the answer for that was.

Isabela: I apologize for not paying much attention to you, the girls or Riser-sama ever since the day Rating Game, you guys have all the right to hate my guts for that. But I want you to understand that me and Karla went a different path not because we hated any of you or disliked how we were treated under Riser-sama, we just wanted some different from you guys.

Isabela letted her heart speak for her, hoping to reach her friend with the feelings she was venting out, hoping for things to go back to the way they were before.

Xuelan: (chuckle) Oh that's precious. You wanted something more?! Riser-sama gave you everything you two could possible want!

Isabela simply shook her head with a sad face.

Isabela: No. No he didn't. Even I forgot what that something was at some point so I don't blame you for not understanding. But I guess I have no choice but to show you what I really want for that to happen.

Wasting no more time with words, Isabela dashed towards her friend who tried to block her punch, but was too slow to do it.

Xuelan: (thoughts) S-SHE'S FAST!!

Isabela: Point-blank bullet ... !

Now used to charging her demonic power in every part of her body, Isabela was able to quickly charge it in her fist and unleash all of it directly into Xuelan abdomen.


Isabela: Shotgun !

 The loud bang from her fist connecting with Xuelan sounded like a shot of a real gun, and even forced her arm back to the recoil caused by it's strengh. Xuelan immediatly lost all of the air in her lungs as her body was sent flying upwards.

Xuelan: *gasp*   

But Isabela was not done yet. With a jump upwards, she placed herself right behind Xuelan, now floating in parallel behind Xuelan's back.

Isabela: This is ... the path that I choose.

Giving Xuelan no time to react, Isabela grabbed her in a tight bear hug and leaned them both back in order to let gravity take them down to the ground at full speed. 

No matter how much she struggled, Xuelan couldn't escape the tight grip that Isabela had on her as they were both going straight down towards the ground at full speed and head first.

Xuelan: Ah! Stop acting all tought and let me go already, the truth is that you are dying to let go right?

Sadly, Isabela had no intention to let go.

Isabela: No, I'm dying to see our skulls splattered on the ground. Eheh, it's going to be one hell of a mess for whoever is going to clean that later.

Hoping to see fear in her eyes, the chinese Rook girl looked back, only to Isabela grining at her like a madwoman and that, upseted her greatly.

Xuelan: You can't be serious!

Isabela: No getting cold feet now girl, me, you and this duel are going down right now!

Xuelan: Let me go! Let me go you crazy bitch! 

The only thing Xuelan gor in return for those words, was an even tighter grip on her body.

Isabela: (grin) Don't wanna.

That ground was now very close adn it was only a matter of seconds before of their heads were crushed against it by the force of the fall and their combined weights and that made Xuelan feel her sweat become as cold as ice at that thought.

Xuelan: Let me go!

Only a few meters were left before the impact.

Xuelan: LET ME GO!!!


But she didn't let go and both of them came in contact with the ground, scaring everyone aside from Karlamine and Ravel. As it would seem, Isabela had a very dark sense of humor.


In a impressive display of strengh, Isabela had stop ther own attack by using one of her arms to stop their fall as they were only inches away from the ground. The fingers on her hand had pierced the earth as her other arm made sure to keep her friend in place, with both of them currently being upside down and Xuelan becoming as stiff as a board.

Isabela: Dumbass. Did you really think I was going to blow my brain agaisnt the ground and die? Can't you see that was all a joke?

Unfortunatly, if Isabela was expecting an answer from her friend, then we was gonna have to wait for her to be conceous again.

Isabela: Oh? She passed out. Well, forget it then.

Finally letting go of her, Isabela used her arm to puch herself up into the air and back to her feet just as Xuelan's body felt limp into the ground.

Ravel: That idiot.

Sighed Ravel as the massaged her forehead at the terrible prank that her friend played on her former teammate and decided to simply turn her attention to the remaining fight that was still happening.

There, Siris had started to run after Karlamine slashing left and right like a psicopath and missing every time as Karlamine simply jumped back slightly and dodged her sword with small and graceful moviments, all while never taking her emerald eyes from Siris's eyes.

Siris: Sit still damn it!

While Siris was panting non-stop and getting increasingly more sloopy with her attacks, Karla continued to seemingly dance between her attacks hardly looking like she was exercising. If was tired of something, it was most definatly was not from dodging her attacks.

Karlamine: What the hell do you think that sword is?!

With a slightly faster dodge then the others, Karla placed herself besides Siris who had just thrown a overhead slash at her, and attacked her wrist with a chop, making her lose her grip on the sword.

Karlamine: This isn't a toy!!!


A punch in Siris face was all that she wanted to give her the moment as she, a swordswoman, allowed herself to swing her sword randomly and now even lost it to her, and that was what she gave to Siris.

Karlamine: To us swordswomen or any swordsmen, a sword is an extension of ourselves as well as a precious companion. Don't you feel ashamed of treating it like a piece of junk?

Seemingly sad for the Zweihänder that was now in her posession, Karla gently placed her hand over the large, cold and metalic blade much like a mother would do to caress the face of her new-born child.

Siris: What nonesense are you talking about now Karla? Some third rate philosophy that the masked freak taught you?

Siris refused to admit that her, a piece that had been with Riser for years now, could lose to someone that had betrayed him and turned her back on him.

Karlamine: You can be angry all you want a me, but you have no right to call yourself a Knight in front of me with that attitude towards my mentor and your own companion. Can't you hear it, the cries of your sword?

Siris: What the hell are you talking about? My goodness, that pale guy really made a number on your head huh?

The sadness that Karla felt coming for the large sword in her hands, as well as the turmoil of emotion that she knew that Siris was trapped into, made her unbelievely sad as well. 

The truth was that Siris was sad that both Karlamine and Isabela left the peerage more then maybe everyone else, it was like losing two of her best friends in the same day and this fight was the only wait that she could think off to ease the void left by their choice. 

Karlamine: Say Siris, do you know why I always tried to hide my hair and my body under as much armor and cloth as I could?

Karlamine suddently asked as she undid the large headband around her head and allowed everyine to see her short light brown hair.

Karlamine: It was so my opponents would look at me as Knight and not a woman. I wanted to be respected for what I was rather then what I looked like. When we started winning all those Rating Games, I thought that I had finally managed to get everyone to me as Karlamine the Knight ...

She smiled at the memories of the many victories that both of them helped Riser reach during their first Rating Games. But that smile was short-lived.

Karlamine: But in the end, no one acknowledged me like that. I was still Karlamine, one of Riser's girls. So, (sigh) I tricked myself into believing that things were not like that, and kept pushing those problems into a corner and hoped that they would eventually go away.

Steeling her resolution, Karlamine gripped Siris's sword and finally raised a blade to fight.

Karlamine: But you know, you can never run away from your problems Siris, sometimes you have to stop and face them head on. If you have the courage to do that ...

The image of Snow acklowledging her efforts crossed her mind bringing a radiant smile into her lips.

Karlamine: Then you might find out that there was never a problem there after all. My mentor taught me that being a woman was not a problem, there was no need for me to hide it. I can be a woman and a Knight at the same time and be respected for being both. So I'm not going to try to hide it anymore!!!


Letting go of her white headband, the large sword in her hands ignited itself with a torrent of flames. Karlamine right now looked dashing to say the least, like a rose blooming for the first time ever as the flames danced around her like red petals.

Karlamine: There also this other thing that my mentor reminded me pf ...

Siris didn't feel scared of being desarmed against the superior Knight in front of her, now seemingly begining to understand, even if only a bit, what was the reason for her friends's decision.

Karlamine: Even the most beautiful roses have their thorns ...

Karlamine: Allow me to show you mine!!!

Time slowed down as Karlamine dashed foward towards Siris and she stood there unable to fully understand how and why did her companion bloom so fast and soo beautifully. 

Maybe that was Siris's problem. Karla grew up so quick that it left her behind and now, the distance between seemed far too big for her to reach her, ever back seemed so distant and now, it looked like that was what she was going to be able to see of her ever again. No more talks, no more fun times, no more walking side by side. All of that lead to jealousy that Siris only now knew she had.

This was her loss, a pure and absolute loss in every single way. 


Siris: (thoughts) Look at you all grown up Karla ...

Karlamine: RED THORN !!!

As the flames danced around Siris, it took only one second for Karlamine to bring her sword down and to go past Siris. Once the blazing petals all went out, as well as most of the grass in the garden, Siris fell down on her knees with a small smile. Next to her, was a scorched trail of earth that was seemingly cut but a large blade. Her friend missed on purpose and showed her her true feeling as well as her new found strenght.

Ile and Nel: Owwwwwww ... !

Mihae: (smile) I guess that finaly settles it.

The audience finally saw the fruits of the training that the misterious devil in white gave to the young girls and the results were breathtaking. Riser can definatly say that since he had still to close his open mouth at the display that his wide eyes just saw.

Riser: (thought) Were they always this strong? All of this is- ! But he couldn't- ! ...... Has it been my fault all along?!


As the fighter all helped eachother to get back on their feet and the audience stood silent, the sound of clapping hands caught everyone's attention. There, seated on the walls of the mansion, stood Snow clapping at the girls performance. He was still dressed in the same outfit that they were used to see him in, the only difference being that now, he only had half of his mask on his face and the other part was behind bandages.

Snow: And so, the curtain for the dazzling show fell and the thunderous was all that was left ... 

Snow said jumping down, but never stopping with his applause. 

Snow: Truely breathtaking ladies, I think I might have fell in love.

He jokingly said throwing the both a flower that he had taken from the garden something that Karlamine caught with a small blush and made Isabela bow as if she was an actress thanking her fans.

Isabela: Glad to know that, but you want something from this star you better pay her a dinner first.

Not expecting an answer like that, Snow blushed a little under his scarf, smiling at the fact that the gorgeous Rook won this talk against him without even knowing.

Snow: Then please have mercy on my poor wallet, o great star.

Now next to them, and not forgeting about the other star of the show, Snow looked at Karlamine and placed a hand on top of her head giving her a small headpant.

Snow: Speaking of stars, I loved the lights Karlamine-chan, and that new look of yours even more.

The girls blushed even harder and started playing with her hair, embarassed by the genuin complement she had just received.

Karlamine: Eheh, y-you think so?

He could only laugh at how cute the girl in front of him looked right now. Sadly, Isabela had to ruin the small moment.

Isabela: The dinner thing applies to Karla as well.

She continued with the previous joke after throwing an arm over Snow's shoulder.

Isabela: Hey, is that ok?

The Rook asked, pointing at the missing half of the mask and the bandages over his right eye, knowing that he had a fight in the meeting between the Factions and they came to know from Lord Phenex.

Karlamine: Does it hurt?

Maybe this visit was what Snow needed to change the pace after everything that had been happening in the Castle. These girls sure knew how to make him feel at ease.

Snow: No, it's all healed up, this is just for safety.

Ravel: I have a few Phoenix tears in my room if you want some Frost-sama.

As expected, the young Phenex was not far behind once Snow made his appearence.

Snow: (turns to Isabela) Do I have to pay dinner for that too?

They all laughed a the samll joke until Isabela surprised them by taking of her mask and placing it in front of him. As he had expected, she looked incredibly beautifull without it, and fortunatly had no scar or anything under it.

Isabela: Take it.

Looking between her and the mask for a couple of silent minutes, Snow finally reached out for it and grabbed the mask from her hand and she took her arm from his shoulders.

Snow: I'm thankfull, but don't you need this?

Isabela just shrugged her shoulders with a smile.

Isabela: I weared that because I wanted to look tough, now that I am tough, I don't need it anymore. Plus, I think you need that far more then me now.

She explained pointing at the missing half of the mask on the right side of his face. Karlamine, droven by a sudden need to not be left behind, grabbed Snow's free hand and placed her own headband on it as well. 

Karlamine: I-I don't need that as well anymore! I'm not sure if you have any use for it, but please take it.

To him, that was both their way to leave their former selfs behind and thank him at the same time. With that in mind, he couldn't just say no to their offer could he?

Snow: Thank you both. Thank you kindly. I just happened to need something new to wear so ...

Not understanding what Snow meant by that, the curiously watched as he undid the knot tying the bandages on his head and letted them all fall down. Sadly for them, they didn't saw much other his closed right eye. Making use of what Isabela just gave him, Snow placed her mask on his exposed righ side and with his power, froze the the two halfs of her mask and his mask, combining the two halves into one as he tied Karlamine's headband around his arm and tied it.

Snow: So, what do you think?

The girls looked at him up and down, happy that now, he always had a way to remember them wherever he was and gave him a thumbs up.

Ravel: Unexpect, but looks surprisingly good, if you need help with choosing the best clothes to match the new look, I woul be more then happy to help you.

Isabela: Now that! (points at the mask) That looks badass!

Karlamine: You look very cool sensei!

Karlamine's words reminded him that Saji had started calling him that recently for some reason and that he didn't understood.

Snow: (thoughts) Why is everyone calling me that now?

Ravel: Well then, should we head inside Frost-sama, I have some cakes made by myself done inside, would you like some?

Isabela: They are good, I can promise you that.

His thought was interupted, but he didn't mind and started to follow the girls as they were now dragging him inside.

Riser: WAIT!!! 

But as it would seem, that would have to wait for later. Just as they were on the way towards the mansion, Riser shouted for them to stop as he ran as fast as he could towards them. Once he got there, the Phenex fell into his knees, panting as he did the unexpected ...


He apologized. Not only that, he was apologizing on his knees, two things none of  the people seeing it actually thought they would actually see in their lives.

Ravel: Onii-sama?

Riser: I was wrong! Everything that happened to me is my fault alone and you had nothing to do with it! And thank you for looking after Karla, Isabela and my sister after I was unfair with them! I don't know if I should apologize to you for anything else so forgive me if there is anything else I'm not apologizing for!

The shock and surprise on everyone was soo great that Rachel actually passed out on Reinor's arms.

Riser: With that being said, I want to- NO! I need to make you a request.

If they weren't shocked enough already, they were about to be. 









Everyone: Eh?


Annnnnnnd done! Well ... that was unexpected huh? I guess Snow is collecting students now am I right? With that in mind, the answer for that request will only be heard in the next chapter so you'll have to wait for that.

Karlamine and Isabela finally got some majour development to their characters just as I always wanted them to have and to the fans of these two lovely and underated girls, expect to see a lot more from them in chapter from now on.

On the next chapter: An answer or Riser, Sona and her Peerage come to the Underworld, Serafall will have her event and Snow will become even more famous. All of this and more, in the next chapter of "An Act of Kindness".

As always, feel free to leave your comments, suggestions and doubts and I'll see you all, in the next chapter. Ciao!

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