Hell in Hell

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Hey guys, Nightingale here! Did I make you wait? I know I did and I'm sorry for that, but as I promised, here you have a new chapter. This one is probably the longest chapter I've written so you guys will have plenty to read and I made sure that is filled with a lot of good stuff.

But forget about me and my ramblings for now. Just sit back, relax and enjooooooy ...


Snow's Castle - Underworld

Another day was about to start in the Underworld. Although it was still to early for the fake moon to give it's place to the fake sun to illuminate so he light up the darkness, the morning was soon to come.


But of course, not everyone needed the sunlight to start their day. Just like Snow. 

Covered in his usual dark cloak, the white-haired devel slowly made his way down the last set of stairs of the castle with the sound of his spurs echoeing throught out the silent halls as he went for the entrance of the castle carrying a suitcase in his right hand.


The hinges of the large doors screeched as Snow opened them with the cold gusts of wind from the outside making their way inside almost immediately. Once open, Snow stopped for a second do look back inside, seemingly lost in thought, but soon enough he shook his head to get rid of them and turned back to the open doors to leave the castle. 

Wisp: Hmmmmmm ... Master?

The voice of Wisp, his small familiar, made him stop and look back inside once again. There, he saw the little Jack o'Lantern wearing a black sleeping hat as rubbed the sleep off his eyes. Unfortunatly for Snow, he didn't came alone either. There, right beside Wisp, was the group's witch, Le Fay, still dressed in her blue pijamas. 

Le Fay: Are you going out again Snow-san?

Le Fay asked with a sad expression after seeing the suitcase that Snow had in his hand.

Snow: ... Yes.

The air around both of them felt weird and heavy, but even so, Le Fay made an effort to smile now that she finally had a chance to talk with him again.

Le Fay: Will you be back by night?

That question made him clench his suitcase tighter.

Snow: ... I don't know.

Le Fay: That makes things a bit complicated since I'm the one on cooking duty today.

The young witch said in a joking tone, trying to ease the pressure in the entrance even if just a bit.

Snow: Then don't make my portion. I'll cook something for myself if I return today.

It was obvious to Snow that Le Fay was just trying to connect with him again by extending their conversation as much as she could, but right now, that was not helping none of them. With that in mind he placed a hand on the door hoping that when he closed her he could just leave without anything else happening.

Snow: It's cold out here. You should go back to bed or else you'll catch a cold Le Fay-san. 

As expected, not even the ever optimistic Le Fay was able to say anything else with a smile.

Le Fay: Do you hate us?

At that moment, Snow felt like his heart had been pierced by a a sharp arrow. This was exactly why he wanted to leave the castle before anyone else was awake. His situation with Vali and recently with Kuroka were a clear sign that, right now, the two sides of the alliance needed some time away from each other. Yet, it seems like fate couldn't even be as kind as to let him to that in peace.

Le Fay: I'm perfectly aware that what Vali-san did was wrong, we are all angry with him as well. But even so ...

She was done with the silent treatment. Dispite being a team, Snow knew that all of them were very individualistic, that they were just a group of people that found strengh in numbers rather then one that would cooperate in order to acheive their overall goals, and Le Fay knew it too. But it was because she knew that that she was having a hard time understanding why was he giving everyone a cold shoulder ever since the day of the meeting. 

Le Fay: There's no need to act as if we have never met before is there?

It hurt seeing him act like this after all the effort that they had put in getting to know him and make him open up to them, it made Le Fay feel as if she was invading his home now, that she was not welcomed anymore 

Snow: You are correct.

Snow agreed, surprising her with how easely he actually agreed with her. 

Le Fay: Then-


He devil in white let go off his suitcase and crossed his arms as he turned towards the young girl.

Snow: But as you know there was no need for those two to do what they did as well. Or am I just being unfair? 

Despite how things ended with Kuroka's sneaking into his tower, Snow did not forget that she, just like Vali, had ignored his warning and broke a rule out of the microscopic list that he had given them.

Le Fay: Kuroka-san told us what she did as well. We are all fully aware that she broke one of your rules but I'm sure that was because she was worried about you just like me and the others!

Le Fay was not gonna play dumb, she and the others were warned by Kuroka about what she did, but unlike Vali, who crossed the line for personal gain, Kuroka's reason for disobeying him were a lot more personal. 

Snow: And just because of that I should be like " Ah that's right, they did nothing wrong" and simply forget it, is that what you are implying?

Snow asked, wanting Le Fay to understand that Kuroka's reasons were not what had upset him.

Le Fay: No that's no what I ...

Wisp could only look back and foward between Snow and Le Fay, not liking the way the conversation was progressing.

Snow: I've brought you all here. I fed you. I spoke of my dreams with all of you in front of that fireplace. (points to himself) I gave you bread and only asked for mere crumbles in return and still, despite all of that, some of you were unable to leave it at that ...


Snow: My requests were soo simple.

The haunting sounds of Snow's spurs echoed through out the halls as he slowly made his way up the stairs, heading straight towards Le Fay, his huge figure appearing with each step he took in her direction.

Snow: But curiosity was killing you all inside wasn't it?

He asked her as soon as he had reached the last stair, making the young witch take a step back.

Snow: "What does he have to hide?", "What's in that tower he specificaly asked us not to enter?",  "Why is he soo afraid to show us his face?!" 

The giant mocked as he came increasingly closer to Le Fay who continued to back away until her back hit a cold stone wall. In the instant she took  to realize that she couldn't run anymore, Snow immediately crossed the distance between them and slammed his hand close to her head on the wall scaring Le Fay in the process not only from the sudden action but also with the look he was giving her.

Wisp knew those eyes all too well and the last time he saw them, things didn't end well for anyone.

Wisp: M-Master ...

The little familiar called out for his master hoping to stop him, but he was too scared to even be able to raise his voice enough to be heard, his voice falling into deef ears. 

Snow: Tell me, is my personal space that alluring? Or is it just my face? If I take this off will you finally listen to anything I say?!

Snow yelled as he gripped his scarf, threatening to rip it into shreads and scaring Le Fay even more who couldn't stop shaking now that his burning golden eyes stared right back into her own. She didn't knew this Snow and now, she had no way to escape from him either.

Snow: Is this thing that much of nuinsance for all of you?! 

His pressure was overwelming and Le Fay felt like she was about to pass out as her legs threatened to give up on her.

Snow: TELL ME!!!

Wisp: MASTER!!!

Finally having gathered enough courage, Wisp called out for Snow as he placed himself firmly between his master and Le Fay with his arms open trying to protect her.

Wisp: Please stop Master! Stop! Stop!

It took a second for Snow to finally realize what he had done. Not only was Le Fay scared beyond belief, but his own familiar looked like he just wanted nothing more then to run away from him as fast as he could. But thanks to him Snow was able to come to his senses.

Now in control of himself once again, Snow took his hand away from the wall and took a deep breath in before letting a long sigh escape his lips. Knowing that he had done enough damage, he was quick to get out of Le Fay's way by taking a step aside, placing his own back against the cold wall and slowly sliding down until he sat on the floor covering his face in shame.

Snow: (sigh) I'm soo sorry.

As much as he wanted to give her a proper apologie, those where the only words he was able to say at the moment.

Snow: (thoughts) You idiot. Have you already forgot what you did last time?!

Snow reprimed himself, remembering just how much he had scared Kuroka just a few days ago and now, he did it again with the youngest member of the group being his victim.

Snow: (thoughts) Don't you have enough regrets already ... ?


Right now, Snow was expecting a lot of things, but never Le Fay seating right next to him like she did. Looking back at her, he saw that her legs were still shaking as she tried to get back on her feet with no sucess.

Le Fay: Eheheh, I think my legs gave out on me. I can't get up.

Le Fay said followed by a small laugh at how silly she must have looked. Yet again, Snow found himself releaved somewhere in his heart. For the second time, his darker side managed to find his way out of him and terrify someone, yet, it's victims ended up forgiving him with a kind smile.

Snow: I'm sorry.

Le Fay shook her head from one side to the other to deny his apologie.

Le Fay: No, I'm the one that should be sorry. I know you're under a lot of pressure and even so I came all the way here to acuse you of being unfair. I was just being selfish so forgive me Snow-san.

Thankfully Le Fay didn't seem to hold any grudges against Snow, something that Snow also shared in relation to her, something that Wisp looked thankfull to see. Now he could finally place himself between them and enjoy the caresses he loved from his two favourite persons in the world, much to the devil and the mage's amusement.

Snow: I want to believe ...

Le Fay: Huh?

Snow's suddent words broke the silence in the area and confused Le Fay.

Snow: I just need some time to clear my head. Please understand that two of you already crossed the line I've asked you not to cross so what guarantee do I have that you won't do it again? It might be Vali again, it might be you or maybe your brother this time and I can't simply be at ease with all of you like I used to be with just a snap of my fingers you know?

Maybe this situation happened for the better, Le Fay thought. During the months that she and the others had been living with him and Wisp, Le Fay never really knew how Snow actually thought of them. Many times she wondered if he actually thought of them as anything more then just guests or if the friendship she thought they had was just something that she had imaginated for herself. Thankfully, right now, she had a clear answer, he did care about them and liked to be with her and the others. That enough made the scare she got earlier totally worth it. 

Snow: But even so, I want to believe.

Snow said as he grasped Le Fay hands as gently as in the first time she had ever been inside this very castle. They were as small as he remembered and the small mage leaning on him still looked as fragile as in the day where he met her making him feel all the more guilty of his previous actions. It was not much of a compensation for the scare, but Snow thought that right now, he had to be completly honest with her.

Snow: I want to believe in the girl that's right in front of my eyes with all of my heart. But I need time. Time to think. Time to calm myself and see things straight without the doubts clouding my mind. All so that I may be able to believe once again. 

The devil in white allowed his heart to take over his words for this one time only as he got up and helped Le Fay getting back on her feet again.

Snow: Right now, that's all I'm asking for Le Fay-san.

This. This was was the Snow she knew, the one who was soo warm that it actually betrayed what he was named after. Yes, this was without a doubt the one she knew, but only a small part of the person that he actually was, and now, she realized that.

But it was not enough for her anymore. Le Fay wanted to know more of him, all of his sides, no matter how scary he could actually turn out to be once she saw what was under that thick blanket of kindness he showed her. But right now, she was gonna have to be patient, she knew they didn't lost him yet, so she would just need to be patient, and if she was to start building that trust all the way from the scratch, then so be it.

With that in mind and in her heart, Le Fay nodded at Snow's words and showed him one of her beautifull smiles.

Le Fay: I undestand Snow-san. Take all the time you need to get your thoughts in order again.

Truely, this girl in front of him was a blessing.

Snow: Thank you Le Fay-san.

With all of this mess finally settled, Snow playfully flicked the little witch on her forehead.

Le Fay: Aw!

Snow: Now go back to bed before you get sick. I would like to go do my job with nothing weighing on my conscience.

Le Fay puffed her cheeks at his actions as Wisp laughed at the sight of the person he thought as a teacher being scolded like a child. 

Snow: That goes for you as well Wisp.

Sadly for the Jack o'Lantern, his master did the exact same to him before starting to go down the stairs and into the door, hoping to be able to actually leave this time, and leaving Le fay to giggle at the small payback she got from Wisp laughing at her.

Snow: (looks back at them) ... I'll be going ...

He said as soon as he picked up his suitcase again, looking as if he was expecting something but didn't want to actually ask for it. Le Fay and Wisp clearly understood that and looked at each other with smiles before saying the words that he wanted to hear before going.

Le Fay and Wisp: (smile) Have a safe trip!

Wisp: Yes! Yes!

With his heart finally at ease by those words, Snow went throught the open door and closed it behind him as the two youngest ocuppants of the castle made their way back to their bed, not noticing Vali's figure coming out of one of the rooms downstairs and heading towards one of the windows.


Vali sighed at the sight of his companion walking away from the castle as he crunched the snow under his steps and decided to head back to bed himself. Why had he came all the way here to listened to all of that conversation in hiding?Well, he was not sure himself why.

Kyoto - Japan

Just as the morning came to the Underworld, the same happened in Kyoto with the sun bathing the old capital in sunlight and giving back most of it's land to the human side of it's population. 

As the humans did their usual prayers and morning activities, Yasaka stood once again seated near the gardens of her shrine enjoying a cup of tea. Well, trying to enjoy it at least.

The last meeting between the leaders of the Clans of Kyoto was still vivid in her mind. After many years, Snow finally showed himself before those important figures and made quite the impression on all of them. 

As Yasaka had expected, many still just thought of him as a bloodthirsty animal, but thankfully, Brunch was there to offer reassurance that the proff he brought them was real. It was hard for her to explain the meaning behind his promise to her amongst other things without mentioning their secret encounters, but she had been smart enough to give them a proper explanation that left that detail out of her stories. She was still the ruler of Kyoto and Snow an exile after all and she couldn't risk Kunou's safety because of that.

As Yasaka mused on the matter, one of the shrine maidens appeared around the corner and called out to her.

Maiden: Y-Yasaka-sama you have a visitor.

The fox maiden was clearly nervous, and in Yasaka's mind that only meant one thing. Snow.

Sadly her expectations were betrayed as soon a smaller figure came out from behind the maiden and revealing Shuten Douji rather then Snow.

Shuten: Hi there Yasaka. Mind if I come in?

The strongest Oni gretted with a mischevious smile ever present in her face. It made perfect sense why the maiden was that nervous. Usually Snow's presence was the only thing that could upset the members of the temple, but everyone knew about the countless stories about Shuten's actions in the past, including her ruthlessness. Thankfully, as time went by, Shuten became more docile, but to immortal creatures, it was as if her actions had happened just a few years ago.

Yasaka: Of course, make yourself at home Shuten-san. (looks at the maiden) You may leave now.

The young fox wasted no time in bowing down to both of them and leave the place as fast as she could as Yasaka went back to her neutral expression after having her hopes up for nothing.

Shuten: Eheheh, how cute. There was no need for her to look soo scared, I don't bite ...

As expected of her, Shuten was not oblivious of the fear she instigated on people and laughed as the young fox forgot of the posture required in her job and was pratically running away at this point.

Shuten: Well, not anymore at least.

With that joke coming from out of her dark sense of humor, she made her way to Yasaka and sat next to her with one of her legs crossed over the other.

Shuten: Eheh, by the look on your face I guess you were expecting someone else. 

Shuten teased the leader of Kyoto knowing exactly why she looked soo disappointed at her appearence.

Yasaka: Not at all. Would you care for something to drink?

Yasaka obviously denied Shuten's guess and offered her some of tea to change the subject as quickly as possible. 

Shuten's wits were as vast as her strenght, something that allowed her to take control of an entire race of mostly barbaric beings with no one daring to challenging her authority, so Yasaka knew entering one of her mind games when she was a curious as she was right now was dangerous.

Shuten: Don't worry sweatheart ...

The petite Oni refused the drink, taking a bottle of sake she had brought with her and poured some on a cup before placing the bottle down between her and Yasaka.

Shuten: I've brought my own drink.

Said Shuten before wasting no time in having some sake. Yasaka had to wonder just how the hell could she drink alchool in the morning, day and night without actually ever getting soo much as a simple hangover.

Both of the woman stood silent for a couple of seconds before Shuten actually got tired of it and simply decided to get over the motive of her sudden visit.

Shuten: (sigh) I really dislike small talk and akward silences Yasaka so I'm gonna get over this quick ...

Yasaka: (drinks some tea) Please be my guest.

Yasaka calmly answered, taking a sip of her tea as she wanted for Shuten to re-start the conversation.

Shuten: For just how long will we have to wait for you to actually bring the kid back to Kyoto?

As Yasaka expected, this was gonna be all about Snow. Thinking back, there was probably no other reason for Shuten to actually make a visit to her shrine, or any shrine at all after centuries without placing a single step inside one.

Yasaka: Shuten-san, Snow-kun was exiled, meaning he can't put a single feet in any territory belonging to the Kyoto Faction. What do you expect me to do if the charges placed against him are not removed?

She was the one that wanted him back more the anyone else, but she couldn't simply abuse her position to get what he wanted. After numerous conflicts and many sacrifices, they needed balance, and Yasaka couldn't simply disturb that same balance because of a selfish wish.

 Shuten scowled at her answer.

Shuten: Then can you explain to me the multiple visits that you've been getting from him over the years here in this shrine?

Yasaka: Pfffffffffffffff!!!

Shuten's accusation made Yasaka unable to take in her tea and spit it out in a not very lady like manner that everyone expected of her and making her cough uncontrolably. Shuten really didn't beat around the bush.

Yasaka: What are you talking- ?!

Shuten: Before you are dumb enough to try to deny it, I can tell you the day of his last visit along with how much time he stayed and what he did. Wanna try me?

One look into Shuten's lustrous purple eyes were reason enough for Yasaka to believe in her words. She knew about their secret meetings. But the question now was, what would she do with it?

Shuten: Rest assured. Only me, Brunch's father and a few other people know about it.

It was hard to rest assured with that. Shuten basically told her that not only her, but quite a few others already knew about her encounters with Snow. Who knew how many more actually knew about it by now.

Shuten: Honestly, I don't really care for the reasons behind your encounters. The fact that you have been keeping contact with him is good enough to be happy, but it's about damn time you bring my pupil back to Kyoto once and for all.

Shuten said, demanding it at this point as she drank some more of her sake.

Yasaka: You seem awfully pushy when it comes to this Shuten-san. Is this the bond of master-pupil talking or is there something more going on that I should know about?

The petite Oni knew what Yasaka was doing, but she was quick to give her her answer. 

Shuten: The world is turning and the winds of change will bring a storm to Kyoto soon enough. If we don't want to be blown away by it, then we need as much skilled personal as we possibly can get, and that includes your little snowflake. 

Yasaka knew all too well of what was being mentioned ehre. The flow of the several powers in the Supernatural world were chaging, and changing fast. If Kyoto didn't want to get squashed under the other factions, then they had to start preparing now.

Shuten: I won't deny that this can also be the master-pupil bond that you talk about, but that kid was able to endure the trials that the Oni set for him in Mount Ooe, that alone should be proff enough of his worth as a fighter. And believe me, I made sure we made his life a living hell up there.

Years ago, when Snow still lived in Kyoto, he had asked to trained under Shuten, something that many saw as suicide do to the conditions that the Oni under her lived, as well as Shuten's more  sadistic tendencies. If the race's brutality, Shuten's impulses or an accident didn't kill him, then most were sure that the miasma around the Oni's dens would. But to the surprise of many, he came back alive. Not unscared by any means, but alive none the less.

Yasaka: Those are some valid reasons. The world is changing far many times and far too suddently as of late. The union between the three christian factions are  a clear proff that they are preparing for something larger so it's logical that we should start doing some preparations for that "something" that might happen. With that being said ... 


The beautifull Kitsune placed her cup of tea down next to her and stared back at Shuten with the same intense gaze she had been getting from her for a while now.

Yasaka: I would like to ask you to not insult my intelligence Shuten-san. 

If Shuten wanted to be blunt, then two people could play that game.

Yasaka: You never cared the slighest bit about our politics or military issues, you never even wanted a seat in Kyoto's Council. You merely took the mantle of leader because otherwise the Shinto gods and the other Yokai Clans would have hunted the Onis down to prevent them from going on multiple rampages over Kyoto and Japan. I hardly think that someone like you would suddently start getting interested in any of those matter out of kindness towards us.

All of what she said was true, Shuten never cared for anything that went on the Faction at all. She would do the bare minimum in terms of contributions and keep her underlings at bay, so, her sudden interest in the future of the Faction that she didn't seem to care at all was too strange to be thought has a change of heart.

Yasaka: What are you truely after here?

Shuten: ... Ehehehe ...

Shuten wasted no time in getting a laugh at the sight of Yasaka getting soo worked up.

Shuten: For a Vixen to be able to see through me. I sure am getting rusty.

Despite her words, Shutan was actually glad to be able to have a smart converstation on this level with another woman. Anyone would do honestly, the closest thing she had to a stimulating conversation was the talks with Ibaraki. Shuten liked her, but her second in command was, like much of her race, too simple-minded to have a battle of thoughts with her.

Shuten: To put it in simple terms, I'm tired of this city's stagnation.

She said as she extended an arm foward, making Yasaka look at the Kyoto in the distance.

Yasaka: Stagnation?

Sure, Kyoto was a bit less lively when it came to cities in the supernatural, but Yasaka didn't understood waht the strongest Oni meant with "Stagnation".

Shuten: Everyone here is the same. All of them walk around with a stupid smile on their faces as they live on with their little lives, when in really they are paranoid with fear of who'll be the next group of people that will come to take something from them. Every single one of them without exception. 

The more Shuten talked about it, the more and more she lost the teasing smile that she was known for.

Shuten: Not even the best sake can take the bitterness that this stupid fake peace left in my mouth ever since I've joined this dumb union of clans.

Her words were solidified by that fact that had actually stopped drinking since began to talk about this stagnation she talked about.

Shuten: It never changes. Many come and go, are born, live and pass on, but this hereditary illusion that they have casted on each other is always present ...

In a small pause Shuten took to calm herself down, she looked at something near Yasaka's feet. Following Shuten's gaze, Yasaka looked down to the ground to see only a small group of ants going on caring pieces of leafs and other things back into thier nest.

Shuten: All those pretty words and ideals, all those thoughts of change and renewal, and still, no matter how much times passes, no one lifted a finger to oppose to the fear that haunts them every day and night. Everyone seems to prefer living as a slave of their own delusions. As for me however ... 

Shuten tipped her cup of sake slightly to the side on top of the nest's entrace ...


As soon as the drink came in contact with the ground, bright blue flames errupted from the place where the sake had fallen, slowly burning the nest and the ants while the Oni enjoyed a sip of the reamining drink in her cup, looking at them squirming on without batting an eye. 

Shuten: I refuse to live the life of a slave. If things are to continue being this way, then I want this city and all of it's peope to either burn their delusions and fears away or just burn to ashes once and for all. 

It has always been quite clear that Shuten was not a people's person, but there was something that didn't quite fit Shuten's idea.

Yasaka: I'm failing to see how Snow-kun has anything to do with your views on our way of living Shuten-san.

Snow. That was the one thing that Shuten was actively trying to overshadow.

Shuten: Oh he has all to do with it dear.

Yasaka: Hm?

Yasaka couldn't be more confused. Snow didn't have the radical way of thinking that Shuten had, so Yasaka was failing to see how he could give Shuten what she wanted to see.

Shuten: There was just one time where I finally saw all of this disgusting dullness slowly being washed away. And the one who created those first waves to get me rid of it, was your little snowflake.

The petite Oni explained as she moved the drink around in her cup with a fond smile taking over her lips.

Shuten: His presence should have been that of an invador, but he brought us innovation and new ideas with him during the time he lived with us. They could've saved us from a lot of trouble during these last decade. Living under opression made him strong enough to actively pursue improvement and great things. He was ambitious like most devils, but not overambitious.

Her smile turned a bit more sadistic at the memories of the time when Snow lived in Kyoto with both of them.

Shuten: Ahhhh~ I still remember how I wanted to see him snap under as much pressure as I could put on top of him and my oh my ...

Truely Shuten was a Oni of the highest level. As beautifull and wise as she appeared to be, her natural instincts where always just one distraction away from making her indulge in her darkest temptations and consume the ones she desired.

Shuten: (smile) What a wonderfull pearl have I seen when I finally broke that shell of his. Back then ...

Shuten: He truely looked delicious~

It was unsettling to see a woman like Shuten talking about the boy she basically raised in this way. She didn't even want to begin what did she mean by "delicious" so Yasaka thought it was about time she ended this conversation.

Yasaka: Well, even if that's the case, there's nothing I can do about it. So long as the charges against him stand, my hands on this matter are tied.

She explained once again, pulling Shuten back from whatever obscene thoughts she was having.

Shuten: Stupid nonsense. If you really wanted him back, then with the support of some of our Clans you could have done that already. I know of at least four clans are completly willing to have your back on this matter.

Yasaka's eyes became wide. Depending on the clans that wanted to support her idea of bringing Snow back, she might had a good chance of actually ending his exile. With them, her authority and the favour of a certain Goddess, this idea was no longer just a dream.

"Snow: ... My presence here would make people doubt your authority, and with that, put you and Kunou in danger ... "

The words Snow said to her countless times over the years echoed in her head and making her lose a bit of the hope she had just received. All of this was only an idea with no garantee of sucess. One mistake and his sacrifices to keep her and Kunou safe during all these years would had been for nothing.

Shuten: You still seem unsure. If I had to take a guess then I would say that you're holding back because of something he said to you. Hmph, something about you and your daughter I bet.

The the sudden look of doubt in Yasaka's face immidiately made her suspect that her pupil had a hand on this. 

Yasaka: How are you soo sure of that?

Asked Yasaka trying to dismiss her idea.

Shuten: Ehehehe, dear Yasaka~ I taught that kid many things. Many, many things~

At this point, Yasaka was sure that Shuten was purposely using that indearing tone in her voice to press her buttons. 

Shuten: But the one thing I made sure to drill into him was to always aim and make use of people's weak spots. Wether in combat or in talks with others.

It took some time to realize to look back at her previous talks with Snow and, true to Shuten's words, he had made sure to use Kunou and that fact that she needed her to completly shut down any possible ideas she could had of trying to bipass Kyoto's laws and system to have him come back.

Shuten: Ahahaha, he made you a hostage of your own maternal love without you even suspecting it, that's cold even by my standards.

Shuten laughed at the realization that Yasaka just had and the fact that even after all these years, her pupil had mastered one of her teachings and was out there actually using it against powerfull beings like Yasaka, and she took a great amount of pride and pleasure in that thought.

Yasaka: May I ask you why did you keep my encounters with him a secret?

Once again, Yasaka tried to move the conversation into a different path, still not believing that Snow had manipulated her. She knew he was right and it was for her's and Kunou's sake, but it still hurt to think about it.

Shuten: The potential that that kid showed us all those years ago is not something that should go to waste so I've been keeping an eye out for him.

Yasaka: So you believed in him back then ...

It would seem that Snow had more people of Kyoto on his side then Yasaka actually thought he had.

Shuten: In a way yes. Everyone is innocent until proven guilty and the proffs that the Council presented were simply too lacking in various places. 

She was not wrong. Snow had received a trial after the Nekomata Massacre over eight years ago, but it was far from a fair one. The fact that the devils were the ones who did it and his presence in the scene where all the proff that his judges seemingly wanted to appoint him as the prime suspect and guilty of being one of killers. Shuten was not that shallow, so those things were hardly enough to acuse Snow of that sort of crime.

Shuten: Plus ...

She continued.

Shuten: Don't forget I was one of the first to get there after the alarm was given.

To this day Shuten still remembers the state of the Nekoshu village during the attack. The piles of corpses of men, women and children laying everywhere as the survivours ran passed her terrified, the blood staining the inside and outside of every single  house as the flames consumed the roofs and the fields around the village. A true sight of what hell should look like, with it's own little devil to terrify every living soul it came across ...


Shuten: ... You were lucky that day.

Before Yasaka could even lash out at those words, Shuten was quick to explain their meaning to her.

Shuten: The sight of that kid bathed in blood over a pile of corpses was not a great sight to see.

Her reflex on her cup of sake slowly became foggy as glowing pair of golden eyes stared back at her, making the petite Oni put her cup down and sit up properly.

Shuten: That image still haunts me to this day. 

The Oni admited. Whatever actual massacre she saw that day, was far from a the ones many of them had seen during their long lifes as yokais.

Yasaka: That's surprising coming you Shuten-san. I thought there was nothing out there that could possibly haunt the strongest Oni that has ever lived.

Yasaka had been taking jabs from the ony standing beside her the whole talk, she sure as hell was gonna give her a jab of her own now.

Shuten: You fool, you only say that because you didn't see what I saw that day.

Now this was actually fun to see, Shuten Douji, the leader of the Oni race, sulky with the fact that she had shown weakness before someone she clearly didn't have much respect for.

Yasaka: With all the respect Shuten-san ...

With all that being said, Yasaka also knew many things about Snow that neither Shuten nor any other person in Kyoto could actually dream of.

Yasaka: Please remember that Snow-kun lived under the same roof as me and my daughter for many years.

Yasaka reminded Shuten.

Shuten: Oh? Then you telling me that you knew about that side of him the entire time and you still allowed him to live in Kyoto with the rest of us?

Yasaka took some time to think of her answer properly. Snow was being carefull not to ruin her reputation so she couldn't simply throw it all away now, she had Kunou to think about.

Yasaka: ... Obviously.

The cheshire looking smile of amusement that Shuten had with that answer could not possibly get bigger. Yasaka, the goody two-shoes figure of a proper woman actually kept things away from the people she ruled over about someone soo dangerous that it actually got to scare her all those years ago.

Shuten: You made one hell of a bet here Yasaka.

Yasaka: Are you gonna try to tell me that I placed Kyoto in risk because of my decision?

Yasaka calmly asked the Oni before taking a sip of tea from her cup. 

Shuten: Hahaha! Of course not, of course not. 

Shuten laughed, waving her arm lightly to dismiss that idea.

Shuten: In fact, I've changed my opinion on you. And here I was thinking you were just a boring, tea sipping, moronic Vixen when you were actually taming a lion behind our backs hahaha. 

Yasaka was not exactly amused by either of those views Shuten had on her, but in comparison to most people's constant uptight attitude towards her, this was a little refreshing. Nothing exactly pleasant to hear either, but beggars can't be choosers. 

Yasaka: Hmph, glad I could redeem myself from that image you had on me.

Said Yasaka with a not very amused smile as the oni stopped laughing.

Shuten: Now, now, I'm complementing you dear so don't frown or else you'll get wrinkles and look like an old hag in no time.

Her tone clearly suggested something that Yasaka wouldn't want that becasue of someone, but before she had time to give a comeback to the Oni in front of her, Shuten continued with the conversation.

Shuten: If his species were not a pack of Hienas then by now he would have probably turned into the greatest guardian that Kyoto ever had with his own seat at the Council. 

Shuten grinned before laying down sideways, completly confident in the display of her body.

Shuten: Who knows? Maybe he could have had a seat right next to mine~

The suggestive tone that this short Oni had been using when speaking to Yasaka about Snow was really getting on her nerves now, but then again, that was what Shuten was after the entire time. It didn't exactly help that Snow never told her a word of what happened in the months he spent in Mount Ooe with her, Ibaraki and the other Onis.

Shuten: Eheheh. But as expected of that kid, he really learned his lessons well. I was only able to know his whereabouts when he decided to take a step in Kyoto once in a while but I guess I had my fun for today so let's have this conversation on another day.

Yasaka's morning had been ruined so she was more then glad to know that the Oni was about to leave her house and let her have a bit of peace now.

Yasaka: (angry tone) Have a safe trip.

Now back on her feet,the purple-haired Oni picked up her bottle of sake and began making her way out but stopping to say just one last thing.

Shuten: You better do something about this though Yasaka. I'm a lot more patient then people like those lovable idiots in my group or Tsuchigumo.

Shuten made sure to put a special emphasis on the leader in question.

Shuten: That giant dunce is getting increasely frustrated of the fact he doesn't get a good fight in ages. 

If there was anyone out there more savage or barbaric then any of the Onis under Shuten, then it was the leader of the Ogumo clan, Tsuchigumo.  

Shuten: I can take care of a couple of fools easely but that man is way out of my reach. Don't blame me if he suddently snaps and starts a drunken rampage over Kyoto ...

And with that last warning Shuten continued to make her way out of the Shrine with a small wave of her hand. 

Shuten: Ta ta sweatheart.

Problems. Lots of problems. That was all that Yasaka ended up having each time she had to be with Shuten in any way. This served to confirmed to settle something though. Yasaka was now one-hundered percent sure that she didn't like her at all. Not even a bit.

Train Station - Sitri territory

Saji: Hmmmmmmm! We finally got here.

In the train station in the underworld, the train carrying Sona and her peerage had finally reached it's destination, the Sitri territory, where they would spend their summer break. Her Pawn Saji was the first to leave the train making sure to streach his sore muscles in an attempt to relax them from having to spend soo much time in his seat during the entire trip.

Xenovia: So this is the Underworld.

As Xenovia had come to expect after living with Sona for a few weeks, the hell that had been described to her by the Catholic Church and the actual hell where her King was born and lived where two completly different places.  

Tsubasa: Yeah, not gonna lie here, when I first came here I also expected a lot more fire and screams of damnantion. 

Momo: Same here.

The Rook and Bishops said, but then again, that's pretty much every human's view on hell.

Xenovia: It's surprisingly peacefull.

Everywhere Xenovia looked, she could only see people going on with their lifes in the most mundane ways possible. If she couldn't feel their demonic energies, then he would totally believe that this was just another normal human city like the many she had visited before.

Sona: We do have a place to judge the souls of the damned  in the form of the purgatory, but that's only a very small fraction of the Underworld's territory.

Sona explained, wanting to make sure that her new piece understood the differences between what she was thought as a exorcist of the church and what she was gonna see and feel now as a devil.

Tsubaki: Our transportation should be here soon Kaichou.

Tsubaki warned Sona as she and most of the peerage had already taken their luggage and where now waiting for her orders on how to procced from now. 

Sona: Then I guess we arrived earlier then expected. And it looks like he's here already.

Sona's peerage members, aside from Tsubaki, looked at each other before following her gaze directed at the top of the buildings only to see someone slowly descending towards them.

The said person was someone they all knew all too well at this point. 


Snow: Good morning everyone. 

Landing right next to them was none other then Snow and today, he looked a bit different from what they were used to see. Right now he stood before them without his usual white suit, but rather a grey shirt with it's sleeves folded back up to his elbows, Karlamine's headband firmly tied around his right arm and on his hands were a pair of black gloves replacing the old white ones. As for bellow his waist, he wore a pair of black pants with a two belts buckled around his right leg and a black pair of combat boots. If there was anything slightly similar to his old way of dressing, it was the large coat still hanging over his shoulders and the usual hat on top of his head.

But as it was expected, even if most of his outfit changed, the long white scarf and mask still covered his face perfectly, not giving anyone even a simple hint of how he looked.

Saji: Frost-sensei! Why are you here?!

Asked a surprised Saji, not expecting to see their mentor soo soon.

Sona: I've asked him to help us train during our stay in the Underworld.

Sona answered with a small drop of sweat slowly falling from her face. It was obvious to them that she, much like the rest of the peerage, aside from Xenovia, still remembered the hellish training that this man had put them all through before Kokabiel's invasion on Kuoh.  

She aproached him, extending an hand out to greet him with him immediately take hold of it for a good handshake with the heiress.

Sona: I'm sorry to call you out of the sudden like this yet again Frost-san, I feel like lately I do nothing but ask you for favours.  

From what Sona and the others could see, which was not much, his injuries were all healed and he seemed to be in good health, but she didn't simply want to assume anything. 

Snow: Please rest assured that I'll will be sure to collect all of those favours in the future so feel free to just ask away.

Now that was something the heiress of the Sitri clan wanted to avoid at all costs. Not only would that make her feel and look bad, but a smart man like him could be very destructive with his requests if he wanted to, and she knew that.

Snow: I'm joking. Now that my wounds have healed up completly I have been a bit bored with nothing to do. This is the perfect chance to kill that boredom all at once.

The devil in white was quick to ease her mind as he took of couple of steps towards one of the station's benches and took a sit there. With that situation cleared, Snow now turned his attention to Tsubaki, Saji and the rest of Sona's peerage.

Snow: Hmmmmmmm ...

Sona's Peerage: Hiiiiiiii!

His judging and hidden gaze scanned all of them instantly setting off alarms on every single one of their heads, as Xenovia looked on confused. The memories of the brutal training he put them through were still very much alive in all of their minds.

Snow: ... I'm glad to see that you have all continued with your training.

He finally said after a long period of silence that, honestly, was killing the group, making them sigh in relief. The last thing they wanted was having their mentor giving them extra training to compensate their lack of it.

Snow's eyes kept scanning every member of the group until he ended up setting his sights on something very interesting.

Snow: Now this is surprising. So you've decided to join us here in the dark side Xenovia-san?

He said with an amused tone as his eyes became fixed on the former exorcist that was now a devil.  

At long last he was there before her. After such a long wait, Xenovia finally found herself in front of this devil just as she wanted. She knew this was her chance, but for some reason, she didn't knew what to do or say now that she was actually face to face with him.

Tomoe: C'mon Xenovia, you've been nagging Sona-sama to let you speak with him so don't get cold feet now.

Tomoe, the other Knight piece of the group, joked before giving Xenovia a small push on her back to make sure she would speak to Snow. 

Seeing as her teammate was soo kind as to not giving her any room to escape from this matter anymore, the blue-haired tried her best to start a conversation with Snow.

Xenovia: H-Hello ...

Snow: ...

His answer in the form of a long silence certainly didn't help Xenovia get any less nervous then what she already was. Even if she couldn't see them, Xenovia knew that behind his mask, the devil in white was staring right into her eyes and, that alone, put her on a very uncomfortable position. Maybe she really just left a really bad impression on him and now she lost any chance of having a proper conversation with this person ever again.

Snow: I see you finally got rid of that dead fish look you had in your eyes. That new light that they have suits you a lot better.

The ease in which Snow spoke to her surprised Xenovia. It how seem like the descriptions that Sona and the others gave her of his personality were right after all. 

Xenovia: Thank you.

Snow gestured to the remaining empty space of the seat he was in. 

Snow: Take a seat.

He invited, hoping to have a proper conversation with her now that she was on their side. Xenovia was more then happy to oblige, but even so, she still had no idea of what to say to engage this man in a proper conversation.

Snow: So ... (looks at Xenovia) are you liking your new life as a devil?

He asked her. She blue-haired girl shrugged her shoulders with a nervous smile.

Xenovia: It's not bad, the japanese culture is what's giving me troubles honestly.

Snow remembered all too well the shock that he got when he had to adapt to the japanese culture of Kyoto in the past and couldn't really blame the girl. 

Snow: Hahaha, I can imagine. It's far too  different of a place then what you were used to. Don't worry you'll get used to it eventually. Are you attending to Sona-san's school now?

Xenovia: Yes, Sona thought that it would be the best for me. It would also helpe the group to stay together most of the time so I didn't any complains with it. I've even made a fried that was once in the church like me.

Snow: Oh? Tell me more.

As the small talk went on, Sona and the others could see that Xenovia's nervousness was slowly but surely fading away as she told Snow about her new life as a highschooler and a devil, something that he heard with keen interest.

As time went by, a couple of carriages belonging to the Sitri Clan finally arrived and the servants that came eith them wasted no time in greeting  Sona and the others before starting to pick up their suitcases and belongings and loading the vehicles with them.

Snow: Ah, before I forget, I'll also be training another group as for a personal request of the Phenex Family. Would you find that to be a problem Sona-san?

Snow informed. They all had been informed by Sona's sources that the man in front of them was in charge of training the three former pieces of Riser Phenex's peerage so she didn't really see that as a problem.

Sona: I don't particular mind. Will they meet up with us at the designated spot?

Snow: No. They will be meeting us here soon.

Snow assured. As effecient and straightforward as always, Sona thought.

Ruruko: Why? Wouldn't it be better for them to join us once training starts rather then have to wait for us to drop our things in Sona-sama's mansion?

 Snow simply turned his head to the side to look a the small Pawn before giving her his answer.

Snow: What are you talking about Ruruko? The training starts right here, right now.

And just like that, their brains stopped working for a brief moment.




Everyone: WHAT?!!!

They yelled, scaring a couple of passengers that were still in the train and some of the people outside. Even Sona was surprised. She knew Snow was as straightforward as they come, but even she found this a bit to sudden.

Snow: Obviously I'm joking.

He assured. His sense of humour was gonna be the end of them one day.

Snow: They insisted on meeting me here before we all move towards your family's mansion so I would like to ask if we could wait for them for a couple more minutes. They should be here any second now.

He asked as he looked over the station's clock to see the time.

Sona: You'll be coming as well?

Snow: Yes. I've made sure to contact your parents so they could supply me with the things that will be necessary for the training camp like you said. I'll be going there to thank them and take a look at our supplies to see if everything is in order.

Since Sona wanted to make use of the summer break to giver herself and the others some proper extensive training, she had contacted him weeks before so they could discuss on the place for their training camp and the supplies needed. Since Snow had a lot more time in hands then Sona, he offered to take care of details about the supplies, and in return, Sona gave him her parents contact and funds so he could get what they neeeded.

Sona: Very well. (looks at the clock) How much more time do you think they will take?

Sona asked. Even if they had reached the Underworld with time to spare, Sona wanted to make good use of.

Snow: There's no need to worry Sona-san, (points foward) they finally got here.

Everyone looked at where he was pointing to see a familiar, one that was too familiar in both ways. There in the end of the street, was Riser Phenex and his peerage, current and former pieces, sluggishly running towards them out of breath and sweating beyond what many thought was actually possible.

Not only was this too familiar because they somewhat knew them, but mostly becuase of the face that they had been in that same spot before. It was not a fun spot to be, at all.

Riser: (pant)Sensei (pant)  we (pant) are here. (pant) Fuck I need some water (pant) .

In front of Sona, was one of most well known playboys in the Underworld, sweating like a madman and looking as if he was about to pass out at any second.

Snow: Mhm, good work Riser. (menacing tone) I'm imagining you didn't try cheat in this exercise.

Oh no way in hell RIser would try to that again. The punishment he got last time for even trying that was more then enough to make sure that thought would never cross his mind again.

Riser: No! Never! I made our way here from my house by our own strenght like you told us to.

Ravel: I should have written my testament before ever asking for training myself.

Ravel said in the distance. The idea of getting stronger was also very appealing for her, but next time, she was gonna make sure to ask for a harcore training when she actually had some sort of training herself. The lady like training her and many other noble girls receive would never prepare them for what she had signed for.

Ile: (pant) Are you alright Nel? (pant)

One of the youngest twins of Riser's peerage panted, using her sister as a support as she sat back to back with her.

Nel: (pant) As much as you are Ile (pant) .

Meaning, not very much.

Xuelan: You guys (pant)  are pathetic. (pant)

Not even a second later, the same Rook that said that, ended up face planting in the floor.

Sona: You came flying all the way from the Phenex territory?

Sona turned to Snow as he got up from his seat and adjusted his har back into his proper place, assuming that that was the only way that theiy could be in this state.

Snow: Of course not, that would be ridiculous ...

Of course even he wouldn't make them go throught over something soo extreme, he was not that much of a demonic teacher they all thought.

Snow: We ran.

He was even worse, he was Satanic. And right now, they wanted to go back home.

Sona's Peerage: (thought) Oh my non-existing God we are going to die.

Snow: Good work everyone, have some water from the fountain  to replish the liquids inside you.

Dying to get some of water, they all nodded and went to the fountain, immediately sinking their heads in the fresh and pure water that fell down from it, now looking much like a group of ostriches with their heads firmly placed underground.

Sona and the other wouldn't dare to laugh at them though, they will certainly end up like them eventually after all.

Saji: Hey you ok there?

Saji asked, extending a hand for Riser to take. As soon as their eyes met, he could see something within them. 

Riser: (emotional tone) You ...

Saji nodded. He knew how much of a hell in hell he had probably went through, so he had nothing but compassion from the man in front of him.

Saji: It must have been hard. You did well in enduring it ...

Riser: I-I .... thank you. What's your name Pawn?

Saji: Saji, Genshirou Saji.

He said pulling Riser back to his feet.

Riser: Genshirou Saji ... I'll remember that. Call me Riser.

It would seem like this was a start of a beautifull friendship. One that Snow didn't seem to pay any mind as he was clueless of the actual for it.

Snow: That reminds me. While I might have I said that the training doesn't start now, there's no reason for us to not enjoy this beautifull day with some exercise.

Snow announced as he picked up his own suitcase and gave intructions to Sona's family servants to just take their luggage and leave. Riser and Saji looked at Snow soo fast that it was miracle that they didn't snap their own necks.

Saji and Riser: ... Noooooo ...

Snow: With that in mind ...

Saji: No, no, no ...


Snow: We'll all be making a quick jog to the mansion.

And just like that, they spirits had been broken ...





Sitri's Mansion - Underworld

Isabela: Damn it! Third place.

Karlamine: Considering the disavantages you were with, I can assure you that you gave me one hell of a fight.

Now in the Sitri mansion, it's entrance now looked like a battlefield filled with corpses as the members and Kings of both perrages lied down in several places panting as they tried their best to keep themselves conscious.

Even after building a great amount of stamina during their time with Snow, Isabela and Karlamine had to admit that this marathon was quite the exercise, even for them.

Isabela: Yeah I guess. But ...

Isabela looked foward and Karlamine soon followed, only to see Snow making small jumps and jabbing the air in front of him in the distancein the bottom of the stairs that led to front doors of the mansion, not looking looking tired in the slightest.

Snow: C'mon ladies it was not that bad, get yourselves together.

Isabela: ... Just how much stamina can he possibly have?

Karlamine sweatdropped with an unsure smile.

Karlamine: Ahaha, let's just say he has plenty and leave it at that.

Truely, they mentor was not normal in any possible way, but at this point, they must be abnormal ones for actually seeing it as the new normal.

Riser: They're on fire! Why?! Why are my lungs on fire?!

Saji: Shut up, (pant) you are basically made of fire (pant) . What I would like to know is, why are my lungs on fire?!

And just like that, the friendship of the only males in the group was already being put to the test.

Julius: Well ... this is a first. 

The owner of the said mansion, Julius Sitri, said loss for words. He had welcomed many people into his house as a host before, some more unique then others, his eldest daughter was a prime example of that. However, it was the first time that saw soo many ... immovable guests in front of his house.  

Julius: In more ways then one.

He added after seeing that one of the many exausted people in fron of his house was a his youngest daughter.

Sona: I'm home father.

It's was extremely surprising to see Sona seated soo lazily on the gardens's grass and sweaty mess. I mean, Julius always wanted to do more phisical activities but still ...  

Julius: ... I see you took my advice of getting some phisical exercise done once in a while seriously. Not sure if you had to take it this seriously though dear.

Sona: I can assure you it was not intetional fa ... ther ...

Finally opening her eyes to look at her father, Sona was met with a image that left her speachless on how bad of a timing and like she actually had.

Serafall: (smile) Welcome home So-chan!

It was at a time like this, that Serafall had to appear before her. Either she was too lucky or Sona was just that unlucky for the stars to align like this.

Sona: (nervous tone) O-Onee-sama, y-you're here .......  Why?

Serafall: I'll have a show to announce the next season of my show in a couple of days, so I came home to prepare and be with you So-chan!

Serafall lunged foward with her arms spread wide wanting to hug Sona. In an honestly impressive feat of strenght in her condition, Sona was able to avoid it by barely jumping over her managing to avoid her.

Sona: T-That is wonderfull Onee-sama, I'll leave to your things then. We have much to prepare hahaha.

Serafall: Oh So-chan I always have time for you so come here and accept my love.

Not only was Sona tired but she was also getting increasingly embarassed by having to deal with this with this many people around.

Sona: No, no, no I can wait!

Serafall: Silly Sona, of course you can't. It's been months since we had any source of contact soo come here.

From there, a game of cat and mice started with Sona running away and try to avoid getting caught by her sister and getting into a situation far more embarassing then this.



Maybe, just maybe,  Saji, Riser and the others went through that hell so they could see this side of Sona, or so they liked to think. 

Julius: Now this is something I'm used to. 

Admited Julius as he look at one of his daughters running away from the other just as he come to see ever since Sona's childhood days.

Snow: I must say you have a great family here Mr. Sitri.

Snow said once he had reached the top of the stairs, gaining Julius's attention. When he got closer to the leader of the house he was gonna stay in for the night, Snow extended his hand for a handshake.

Snow: It's a great pleasure to finally meet you Lord Julius. I'm Frost, the one that will be in charge of Sona-san's training during the next weeks at her request. 

Truely the man in front of Julius was everything like his daughters had described him, including the lack of any presence do to the fact of him, much like anyone else, being unable to feel his demonic power. Even so, as curious as he was, Julius took his hand not wanting to be rude to his daughter's benefactor.

Julius: The pleasure is all mine Frost-kun, both of my daughters have told me a lot about you. All good things I assure you.

Both the man laughed at that.

Snow: Ahahaha, then I guess I've been doing something right this whole time.

Just then, Julius's face turned more serious once they ended their handshake.

Julius: I can't thank you enough for everything you have done for them. Not only did you save Sona from Kokabiel when he attacked but you also got hurt during the meeting between the factions to protect Serafall. No matter what any noble and the Council says about you in the future, know that Sitris will be here to support you young man.

This man in front of Julius saved his daughters and with them, him and his family's future. As a father and as the leader of the Sitri Clan, he had to at least be able to promise him that.

Snow: To have your trust and having you go as far as putting the Sitri name on the line for me is a great honour Lord Julius. I'll be sure to show that I'm deserving of that honour.

First the Phenex and now the Sitris. Snow was slowly, but surely, getting more and more powerfull connections to support him in his quest for a new devil society.

Julius: Haha, I'm sorry, I'm afraid I've spent far to much time in my office and meeting that I forgot how to act in a less formal way. Please come inside and make yourself at home. I have everything you've asked for ready inside of one of your rooms.

Julius took a step aside and gestured to the open doors of the house, allowing Snow to enter his house.

Snow: Ah, thank you very much. Would you mind if I just had a quick look to see if everything is in order.

Snow wasked as both of them were going inside, making sure that Julius knew that he trusted him but he simply wanted to be carefull with their things. He wouldn't want to insult him after all.

Julius: Oh of course, of course, I'll take you there. Meanwhile, tell me something about yourself young man.

Snow: Well Lord Julius ...

Everyone in Sona's peerage remembered on how hard it was for them to actually be able to do a proper greeting to her father, yet, their mentor had absolutly no problem in engaging him in a proper conversation. Even Tsubaki had problems in having a proper chat with Julius and Sona's mother, Serena, and she had been with Sona ever since they were children.

Saji: (sigh) We still have a lot to learn. 

The rest of the peerage sighed with weak nods.

Sona's Peerage: Mhm ...






The Day after -  Somewhere in the Underworld

This was finally it. The day that Sona, Ravel, Riser and some others would finally start their training to come closer to the person they have wanted to be for the longest time. Everyone knew that Snow's training was gonna be pure hell, but they all saw the outstanding results they would get from it so he was their safest bet to come closer to their dreams.

Momo: Our tent is set Kaichou.

Siris: Our own tent is also set Riser-sama.

Saji: The man's tent is also set.

The three large tents for both of the girls of the each peerage and the men were finally assembled and set in place along with all of their belongings. As for the remaining things, Sona and Ravel had just finished checking the tent with the supplies and the zone that was gonna serve as the kitchen amking them both look at each other and nod.

Sona: Good work everyone. Are you all ready?

They had all come this far, but Sona, as well as Ravel, wanted to make sure that every single one of them was ready for this. They all took deep breaths to calm their nerves and steady they resolve before noddiing. They were ready as they would ever be.

Ravel: Very well. Let's go everyone. Frost-sama is waiting.

Everyone: Yes!

They left the camp, both peerages walking side by side knowing that for the duration of this hellish training, they were gonna be colleges and comrades. Right now, there was not separation between Phenex and Sitris, if they wanted to overcome this, they would need to rely on each other.

Finally out of the camp they had set, they saw their instructor seated in a rock speaking with Serafall. She childish Maou had decided to come with them before having to go to her singing and dancing practice for her show and also, to hopefully give her sister and her peerage some strenght and support. 

Snow: Are you done with setting up the camp?

Snow asked. One by one, the pieces gathered around the Kings with determined faces and sharp looking eyes in response to his question. They were ready.

Snow: Well then ...

Snow got up and extended his arms out in an inviting way.

Snow: I formally welcome each and every single one of you to hell.

Serafall had no idea of just how nostalgic those words were to Sona and her group, remembering the first time he ever said those words to them all the way back in the Student Council room in Kuoh.

Snow: Before I can create a proper training plan for each of you I need to know just how capable you all truely are. I've read the files that Sona-san and Ravel-san gave me but as you can expect, I would rather see for myself how you use each of your strong points. With that being said, let's start our first exercise. 

Serafall: What do you have in mind Frost-chan?

Asked the curious Serafall. She was worried about the fact that Sona could be pushed to hard and get hurt, but she still trusted Snow enough to let him be the one to train her sister.

Snow: (looks at Serafall) Our first exercise will be simple Sera-chan. (looks at the group) You'll all be running away from me and try to avoid me from catching you for 10 minutes. In simpler terms, we'll be playing Catch. But since we will be training you for the future rating games that will be happening, we'll ad the special rule that I'll only win if I can catch both of the Kings present. 

Snow: You are all free to use whatever means you see fit to stop me. You can try to blast me with demonic power, attack me with numbers is a-ok, place traps is fair, stall for time is also an idea but use whatever you can imagine. Just know that the only rule for this little game is the fact neither you or me can fly.

He raised his demonic power to make sure that they new that he being serious with his next words. Serafall had to say she was impressed, in such a short time between the meeting and now, he felt a lot stronger then he was at that day.

Snow: And here's a little warning, if I see any of you purposely trying to sabotage the members of the other peerage for stupid things like your King's pride or something like that, I will immediately administrate a proper punishment so make sure you remember that.

He was here to train them, not to teach them matters, and he sure as hell would not lose time trying to re-educate them in humility. If they thought he was gonna make them suffer with just training, then were wrong cause he was gonna make sure that their lifes would be miserable if he had to waste time correcting shitty attitudes.

Snow: I'll give you all a one minute headstart.

He said without a pause, taking a small alarm clock from inside of his coat and placing it down in the rock where he was previously seated.

Snow: So start running.


With a push of button, the countdown started ticking and Sona and her group wasted no time in turning around to run. Riser still had doubts about this unreasonable game with all the handicaps that his new mentor had given himself, but since the exercise had already started, he would have to keep his opinion and questions for himself this time.

Riser: (looks at Sona and Ravel) Alright you two, you know how Sensei is when it comes to this type of thing, got any helpfull advice?

Riser asked Sona and Ravel.

Ravel: (looks at Sona) Sona-sama I think we should split both of the peerages here. Frost-sama said we would win if we made sure to keep both you and Onii-sama away from him for long enough.  

Sona nodded.

Sona: I was thinking the exact same thing Ravel-san. (looks at Riser) Do you have anything against it Riser?

Riser shook his head.

Riser: None. I'll believe in both of you, you know him far better then me. (looks back at his peerage) Alright girls were gonna split from the Sitri peerage here, after that make sure to run as fast as you can!

Girls: YES!!!

Ravel and her brother looked at each other with nods and then at Sona.

Ravel: (smile) Good luck Sona-sama.

Sona: (smile) Thank you. (looks at her peerage) Alright everyone, you heard the plan so run!

Sona's peerage: YES MA'AM!

And so, the group split itself in two with both the Kings leading them.

Riser: Don't get caught Sitri!

Sona: As if Phenex!

Back at the camp, Serafall looked at the young devils with a smile. But that smile didn't last long. She might be all bubbly and childish, but she knew that Snow only gave them that advantage because he had a way to overcome it. 

Meanwhile took out his hat and coat and folded the sleeves of his shirt back until they reached his elbows to prepare himself. He took notice of Serafall's worries and tried to ease them even if just a bit.

Snow: Please don't look soo frightned. 

He told Serafall as he made small jumps to warm up the muscles in his legs.

Snow: I take no pleasure or any type of satisfaction in having to hurt them and make them go through some pain but that's how they can grow in the limited time we have together. I just want to make them strong.

Serafall: I know you don't, but you know how family is, we are always worried about them even if they are just fine most of times ehehe.

Snow: ...

Snow fell in silence after those words, something that Serafall didn't miss.

Serafall: Hm? Is something wrong Frost-chan?

Snow: ... Yes, you are absolutly right. It's only natural that we worry about family wherever we are or wherever they go.

She knew he would understand.

Serafall: Haha, are you feeling homsesick Frost-chan?

More then Serafall could have ever imagined.

Snow: ... Haha, yeah, that's probably it. But for now, I have a job to do so I'll have to push those thoughts aside.

Snow said. Just then, her watch started beeping, warning her that her time to go had come.

Serafall: Awwww time's up.

Serafall whined, not wanting to leave yet, but she couldn't disappoint her fans so she jumped up from her seat and created a teleportation circle under her.

Serafall: I have to go to practice for the show now so I'm leaving my So-cahn on your care Frost-chan so even think about bullying her alright?

She warned him with a not very threatning pose or tone that found way too adorable.

Snow: I promise that I'll give her back to you safely when the time comes Sera-cahn. I already got my tickets so I'll be looking foward for your show.

Now Serafall was tuely fire up for her practice. Soo much that she ended up transforming into her Mahou Shoujo costume in front of him without thinking.

Serafall: You got it Frost-chan! Magical Girl Levia-tan heading for duty! Bye Bye!

Striking one last pose, Serafall teleported away leaving him and the othersto their training. 

Snow: I don't think she actually realizes just how cute she actually is sometimes. There's only soo much a man can handle.

He said out loud with a shake from his head. Looking foward towards the alarm-clock, only ten seconds were left from the minute he gave them had passed and the group was still not out of their sight yet.

Snow: I promise I'll make sure that they get stronger safely Sera-chan, but they still need to learn a lot of things as the next generation of Devils. For example ...

Snow slowly crowched down, never taking his eyes away from the two groups.

Snow: Words that have no power to back them up have no weight ...

Behind the mask, his eyes became sharp and cold as she locked on to one of them.

Snow: Naiveness can't save anyone ...

The countdown hit the zero and alarm clock started ringing, letting everyone know that the exercise had officialy begun.

Snow: And lastly ... 


In a plit of a second, Snow  had disappeared from sight, worrying the one that was currently the fastest among them.

Karlamine: Watch out! He's comin-


No one was expecting it. Snow had traveled all of that distance by foot in less then a second. 

The girls saw the world moving in slow motion as Snow cut a huge wound on Riser's back before any of them had even a chance to understand what was happening.

Riser: Ahhhhh ...

By the looks of it, not even Riser knew the reason for the sudden rush of pain in his back or why was he falling down.


As soon as Riser hit the ground, Snow used one of the two icicle spears in his ahnds to pierce his shoulder and keep him in place before putting a his boot in the back of his head.

Snow: A battlefield is the place where dreams and hopes go to die, not the place where they are born.

Snow firmly said as he stepped on Riser's face.

Sona and her group were just as shocked. They were now relatively far away from the Phenex group, but after what she saw him doing, Sona wasn't sure that even mattered.

Saji: (whisper) I-It's the same ...

Saji trembled after being hit with a horrible sense of dejá vu after what he saw.

Saji:(whisper) It's the same thing from back then.

Every set of eyes in the area locked on to one thing and one thing only, the satanic instrucor which they had summoned for themselves.

Snow: The time for tea and buscuits is over ladies ...

And he was gonna make sure that both of group would never forget that none of them was the true demon in there. He was.

Snow: Now try your best to break me ...

Snow: (serious tone) Or I'll break you.


Annnnnnnnnnnd done! Holy hell that took a long time! This is probably the longest chapter that I have ever written in my life! With my rambling aside, Snow is abck and you now know is next move. The next part of this story will be a small training arc with Ravel, Karlamine, Isabela , Sona and Riser as well as their respective peerages. For you fans of any of the characters above, prepare, you are gonna enjoy this.

You also got to know a bit more about Snow from Yasaka's conversation with Shuten so you a couple more hints to the assemble the puzzle that is Snow so I hope you liked that and forgive me for the time I take to update these chapters.

As always, feel free to leave your comments, suggestions and doubts and I'll see you all, in the next chapter. Ciao!

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