Meetings under the snow

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Hello everyone Nightingale here. Here is the second chapter of "An Act of Kindness", and before the start of this chapter i would like to explain in what point of the DxD cannon it will start from, and how it will unfold from there. First the story will take start a little before the cannon and progress from there, for the most part it will follow Snow, the MC, and the group he will be with. I won't show his past or all his abilities in the first chapters in order to add some sort of mystery to the story. That is all for now, so i hope you guys enjoy the story.


No One's P.OV

Currently in the Underworld, a group of five individuals were walking through a moutain path in the middle of a dense forest, probably trying to get to a village or a inn somewere in the said moutain, in order to get out of the terrible weather that they were experiencing. Through out the moutain, rain was falling down and the sound of the water drops could be heard everywere. The group that was going uphill was a strange sight to see in the underworld, two females and three males. That was not the strange part however, the strange thing was what each member of the group was.

????: Vali.

A man young man of the group called for the member that was leading the group though the moutain path. Both appeared to be their early twenty's. The one who called was dressed in a chinese armor and had a monkey tail coming from is lower back. 

Vali: (silence).

The man, knowed as Vali, had light silver hair and hazel eyes and kept walking, ignoring his companion's call.

????: Oi Vali!

The armored monkey tried to gain his attention once more ....

Vali: (silence).

.... and once again was ignored...

????: VALIIIIII!!!!!!!!

.... but he tried once more, and this time louder, so loud in fact that made Vali and remaining members of the group flinch at his booming voice.

????: (sigh) Vali please don't ignore Bikou, if he keeps yelling like that someone can hear us, and that would affect the sucess chances of our mission.

The one talking to Vali was the remaining male member of the group. Much like the other two he was also young, around their age. He had blond hair with a strand of hair across his face and was dressed in a business suit.

Vali:(sigh) What is it Bikou?

The silver-haired finally answered Bikou but kept looked foward, not bothering to turn is face around to speak with Bikou.

Bikou: Tell me again, what are we doing here?

He questioned their leader.

Vali: You would know, if you actually payed attention to what i said before we came here.

Bikou: C'mon Vali don't be like that, tell your best budd Bikou, why are we exactly here?

Bikou tried to get is answer once again using a playfull tone in his voice.

Vali: Two things: (raises one finger) one, you're not my "best budd", (raises another finger) and two if you actually payed attention, like you should, i also said "pay attention because i won't repeat myself".

The playfullness on Bikou's face disappeared because of his response.

Bikou: Damn!!! that was cold, even coming from you Vali.

Vali: Deal with it.

????: Bikou-san.

A sweet voice called for the monkey youkai gaining his attention. That voice came from one of two female members that made the group, a young girl with shoulder-length blonde hair and blue eyes, dressed in a Japanese school girl uniform. She was wearing a huge blue hat with a black bow and a cape that gave her a sorceress-like vibe.

????: We came here looking for someone.

Bikou: And "who" are we looking for exactly Le Fay?

Le Fay: Well, i don't actually know "who" or "what" are we looking for.

Bikou: (confused) You don't?

Le Fay: No, not really.

Bikou: (looks at the blond man) How about you Arthur, do you know something?

Arthur: (shakes head) No, i'm as curious as you two.

Bikou: You too Arthur? Kuroka!!!! you wouldn't happen to know who this mysterious fella is would you?

Bikou turned to the last member of the group, a beautiful young woman with a voluptuous figure, long black hair with split bangs with cat eyes, and hazel-gold eyes with cat-like pupils. She was wearing a black kimono with a yellow obi that was open at her shoulders, giving view to her large breasts, further enchanting her beauty.

Kuroka: No i don't Nyah! (turns to Vali) but what i would like to know is WHY ARE WE HERE LOOKING FOR A GUY, who we know nothing about by the way, IN THE MIDDLE OF A MOUTAIN, IN THE MIDDLE OF THE FREAKING RAIN!!!!

Vali: Didn't Arthur already told you that yelling can affect the sucess chances of our mission.

Kuroka: I DON'T GIVE A DAMN!!!

Her loud voice made the members flinch once again.

Kuroka: Seriously when you picture a cat, the picture that comes to your mind is him laying comfortably in front of a fireplace, not long walks in the rain, because of that i'm getting cold and soaked Nyah!

Bikou: Maybe if you brought something other then just that (points to the kimono) you wouldn't be.

Kuroka: Don't push it Bubbles.

Bikou: WHAT THE HELL DID YOU CALL ME AHO NEKO!!!! (stupid cat).

The two started glaring at each other with sparks coming between them. Arthur approached the the two arguing members.

Arthur: Please calm yourselves down, if the the target we're looking for hears you, he may ....

Kuroka and Bikou: (both turn to Arthur) STAY OUT OF THIS FOUR-EYES!!!!

The two interrupted the young man, who gained a tick mark and, in is moment of rage, created a magic circle near his right hand and it looked like he was going to take something that was forming in the middle of it.

Le Fay: (panicked tone) O-O-Onii-sama!!!! please don't take your excalibur, someone can really get hurt and the target might also sense the holy aura coming from it!!!!

As the group attempted to work on their inner fight, Vali, who had stopped walking, watched as Kuroka and Bikou continued with their insults to each other, and Le Fay tried to calm her brother down, which resulted in the palm of his hand meeting is face.

Vali: (sigh) Who did i kill to deserve this?

Then he turned to the members of his group.

Vali: Alright guys you had your fun, now break it up!

All of them stopped what they were doing and turned to Vali.

Vali: Now that you calmed yourselfves down i can give you some information regarding the target.

That got everyone's attention. Beside that fact that they had no information about the target, it was not every day that the current Hakuryuukou (White Dragon Emperor), got so interested in someone that needed the assistance of all the members of the group to find it, since normally he would go by himself.

Bikou: Finally!!

Vali: Well from what i heard from the rumors ...



Bikou interrupted Vali, which in return rewarded him with a demonic sphere passing right by is face.

Vali: Interrupt my talking again, Bubbles, see what happens.

Bikou stood there, pale and completely frozen in place, but gave a single nod to show that he understood the consequences resulting in Kuroka trying her best not to laugh at her comrade's state.

Vali: As i was saying, from what i heard from the rumors, i think the person we are trying to find is a guy not a girl.

Kuroka: You think? are you not sure?

Vali: No i am not, they are rumors so they are never 100% correct, but from the descriptions i heard from most of them i hardly think it could be a women.

Le Fay: That certainly is a start, but we can't hope to find him with just that Vali-san, how do the rumors descibe him?

Vali: I was getting to that Le Fay.

Everyone got one step closer, curious about the rumors surrounding the mysterious target.

Vali: They say that he's tall, very tall, like a bear, always dressed in shadows with a white veil of snow covering is face and head, and despite of is massive size he makes almost no sound at all, but can however hear him come over your direction.

Kuroka: Geez! it looks like you are talking about a character from a horror film Nyah!

Bikou: (turns to Kuroka) I know right!

Le Fay: (Shivers).

Arthur: (turns to Le Fay) Are you okay Le Fay?

Le Fay: (turns to Arthur) Y-yes, I-I am w-why to you ask O-Onii-sama.

Arthur: You're shaking.

Le Fay: O-Oh, don't worry O-Onii-sama it must be the cold, it is r-raining after all.

Arthur: Very well if you say so, but be carefull not to get sick.

Le Fay: H-Hai!!! O-Onii-sama.

Vali: The things that i just told you...

The attetion of the group returned to Vali, waiting for him to tell them more.

Vali:... are the ones that seemed the more realistic out of ones I heard.

Bikou: HUH?! How are "always dressed in shadows" and a "white veil of snow" covering is head realistic?!

Vali: It was either those or things like he's a nameless ghost of a giant who has no face or arms and preys on the ones that decide stay out during the night.

That made Bikou blink once, then twice.

Bikou: Forget i said anything.

Le Fay: D-Do the rumors say anything else about t-this person?

Vali: Yes, yes they do, and this facts are continuously being repeated in all of them so they are our best clues to identify him.

He made a small pause.

Vali: Whenever he is close, the temperature around gets lower, and the most depicted thing in him, are his eyes.

Kuroka: His eyes Nyah!?

Vali: Yes, it's said that is eyes are cold and have no emotion what so ever, some of them described them has empty, soulless even, and that they glow like two stars in the middle of the darkness.

There was a brief moment of silence, within the group as they tried to process what Vali told them. It was hard to believe that someone or something looked like that. The one that broke the moment of silence was no other than Arthur.

Arthur: Vali.

The blond swordsman called out his leader, making Vali turn is head and attention to him.

Arthur: Let's say i believe your story. Everything you just said still didn't answer our first question.

Both of them stood in their place looking into each others eyes, with Arthur adjusting his glasses for a second.

Vali: What do you mean Arthur.

Arthur: Vali, i may not know you for that long, but i know that you are not the type of person to go around, chasing things said in rumors, it just don't seem something you would do. So tell me, why do you want to find this individual? how are you so sure that he is real and that he is here? and finally, why bring us with you?

The group saw the logic behind the blond swordsman's thoughts and had to agree, Vali just wasn't the kind of guy who would waste time on this kind of thing, and bring them all along just for fun.

Vali: Hahaha, you know me well Arthur.

Arthur: Glad to hear that, so, care to share with us the missing peaces of the puzzle.

Vali: Haha, very well.

Vali took a deap breath before starting to talk again.

Vali: In case you haven't noticed, most things that i said about this person were relative to his physical appearance and not his abilities, don't you find it strange?

That made the group think.

Bikou: Now that you mention it.

Le Fay: It's true.

Kuroka: Yeah, normally you would say something like " I don't care what he looks like, only if his strong" or something like that.

Kuroka said while trying to mimic Vali's voice.

Arthur: So, what kind of abilities does he possess?

A familiar kind of smirk, found his way into Vali's lips.

Vali: "When i tried to stab him, the sword passed though him and broke into a thousand pieces", "when i tried to blast him with demonic power, i only hit what was behind him", "when i tried to burn him, the flames went out", "no matter what we did he just wouldn't stop and kept walking like nothing was happening at all" these are just some of the things i heard from a mercenary group that was unfortunate enough to crossing him.

Bikou: Wait a second! Vali, didn't you fight a mercenary group yesterday?

Vali: That's right, and i was seriously disappointed, i thought i could get a challenge but apparently they tried to bite more than they could chew a few hours before our fight.

Le Fay: Because they crossed that person, right?

Vali: That's correct Le Fay.

Kuroka: That's good and all, but that doesn't really say that if he is strong you know. I mean every single one of us could've easily take care of a couple mercenaries by ourselves.

Arthur: Kuroka is right, that fact alone doesn't make this person a force to be reckoned with by our standards.

Vali: Yes your right, but my instinct tells me otherwise, you can call it a hunch if you want. 

Group's Thoughts: that doesn't really reassure us.

Arthur: (sigh) His abilities aside, how are you so sure that he is here somewere within this mountain.

Vali: That information also came from the mercenary group. It looks like they were, much like us, going after this guy, appearently there is a reward to the ones that can prove that he is real, and the clues they gathered took them to this mountain here, but unlike us, they didn't have the firepower to stop him.

Arthur: So reason that you're in such a hurry is...

Vali: It seems like you got it Arthur. That's right, we can't lose is track, not when he is so close, if we let this opportunity slip right through our finger, we may never get another one.

Le Fay: I understand now, that also explains why you brought everyone with you Vali-san. You need me and Kuroka-san to try and sense him with our powers, and Bikou-san and Onii-sama in case things go wrong and he is stronger than what is said in the rumors, is that right?

Vali: Hahaha, you're correct once again Le Fay, this guy is unusually sneaky and i'm not really the sensory type, i'm more of the fighting type and if we are together we can corner him so he doesn't escape.

A sigh left Vali's lips.

Vali: With that being said (turns to the top of the mountain), i had hoped that by now one of you two would have sensed something, but i guess we are going to need a change of plans.

Bikou: What kind of change?

Vali: It looks that we can't find him by being together and this moutain is way to big, so i think that is better if we split up.

Le Fay: (panicked tone) S-S-S-S-SPLIT UP!!!

Vali: Yes, that way we can cover more ground faster.

Le Fay: (panicked tone)B-B-B-B-But ...

Kuroka: Nyahahahaha! (mocking tone) Le Fay-chan, don't tell me that you are afraid.


Kuroka:(snicker) If you say so.

Vali: Alright let's start our individual searchs, if you find him don't start a fight, make some sort of signal to the others to show that you found him, if we don't find him in the next 30 minutes, let's regroup here and rethink our strategy, is that clear?

The members of the group nodded their head in confirmation to his words.

Vali: Good, i will continue going to the top through this trail.

Vali started walking once again in the trail going to the top.

Bikou: Well see ya later guys i'm going that direction.

Bikou pointed out to a random direction, and started walking there.

Kuroka: Let's just make this quick so we can leave this mountain and this rain (turns to Le Fay) be carefull with the big bad ghost Le Fay Nyah!


Kuroka: (snicker) but of course you're not.

Arthur: Please stop picking on my Imouto Kuroka.

Kuroka: Nyahahaha!

And with that last laugh, Kuroka also started walking in a random direction.

Arthur: Let's go Le Fay!

The older brother called his sister.

Le Fay: Onii-sama i already said that i am not scared, i can go search by myself.

Arthur: (small smile) I know you can, but i just don't feel that is wise going into unknown territory, against a person we know practically nothing about without at least having someone with good sensory powers.

Arthur reassured is sister.

Le Fay: O-Oh, t-that's right, it would be unwise wouldn't it?

Arthur: Hahaha, yes it would, lets go then.

Le Fay: Hai! Onii-sama!!!

And so, the two siblings went into the deep forest in hopes to find the mystery person, and Arthur couldn't stop wondering one thing...

Arthur: (thoughs): Just what kind of being are you after all?

Kuroka P.O.V

15 minutes had passed since the group had split up and the young nekoshou started her search alone, and during that time the results where less then satisfatory.

Kuroka: Damn it!!! Nyah!!!

And the young women wasn't happy with it.

Kuroka: I've been walking none stop for 15 minutes, and nothing at all, not a single clue, no trail, no footprints, i can't try to find is scent because of this stupid rain, and i haven't sensed nothing, not a person or an animal, this is so frustrating Nyah!

She took a pause to regain her breath.

Kuroka: This is all Vali's fault, "Hey guys i heard a ghost story, wanna try being Ghost Bursters and find him, IN THE RAIN!!!, it will be fun".

Kuroka mocked her leader imitating is voice.

Kuroka: Atchuuu!!!

The nekoshou sneezed.

Kuroka: (Sniff) Great now i'm getting a cold Nyah!

She then stopped walking.

Kuroka: SCREW THIS!!! I'm gonna find a dry place outside this freaking rain.

And that was what she did. She found a big three a decided to use it as a shellter.

Kuroka: I will just wait here until the time passes and we have to regroup again, and hopefully we can go home then.

Kuroka closed her eyes and started thinking.

Kuroka: (thought) Still, i wonder. Just what are this guy's reasons to do what ever the hell he does.

She stood there, in safety of the big tree, safe from the rain that was falling down from above, letting her thoughts flow, until...


... she felt a cold shiver running down her spine.

Kuroka: I guess even this tree can't protect me from the cold can it? I'm so soaked that i feel colder by the second.

After a brief moment of silence Kuroka noticed something strange or rather, the lack of something.

Kuroka: Huh? Did the rain finally stop Nyah?!

Curious of the lack of the sound of the rain drops, Kuroka decided to open her eyes and what she saw, surprised her.

Kuroka: (tilted head) Snow?

The rain had indeed finally stop, only to be replaced by snowflakes who were gently falling in the ground.

Kuroka: No wonder i felt even colder, first rain, now snow, what the hell is wrong with this mountain's weather Nyah!

She looked around one last time.

Kuroka: Well it doesn't matter, it's almost time, i got to go back Nyah!

Just as she turned around to walk in the direction she came from...


... she stopped dead in her tracks, and quickly turned around.

Kuroka: (thoughts) What the hell was that?

Kuroka focused her powers to try to sense if something was hidding in the dark forest, but sensed nothing and took a deep breath.

Kuroka: (thoughts) I guess it's just my mind playing tricks on me. Kinda of ironic, i tried to scare Le Fay, and i am the one getting paranoid Nyah!

Just as she was about to continue on her path ...


... she heard the same sound again, only this time closer. She jumped back and took a battle stance.

Kuroka: (thoughts) Ok that was not my imagination, something or someone is out there.


The sound continued getting closer proving her, that she wasn't getting paranoid. She once again tried to use her powers to sense where was the one who was making the sound, but once again felt nothing.

Kuroka: (thoughts) What's happening?! I know the is someone there, i can hear him, so how can't i sense anything Nyah?!

In the middle of her confusion, Vali's words echoed in her mind.

"Vali: Whenever he is close, the temperature around gets lower..."

She then remembered the chill she felt down her spine a few minutes ago, and the sudden snowfall.

"Vali:...he makes almost no sound at all, but can however hear him come over your direction..."

And the sound continued to get closer and closer.


Kuroka: (thoughts) This doesn't make any sense at all!! i should be able to sense him so how? how is he able to hide his presence Nyah?!


Kuroka: (thoughts) Calm down! calm down Kuroka! even if you can't sense him you can still hear his footsteps, so you have a way know is location.

She took a deep breath and focused on the sound trying to pinpointing his exact location.


The sound was now closer then ever.

Kuroka: (thoughts) It's coming from the left side.

She then turned her attention to her left side, as the menacing sound echoed through out the forest, getting closer with each step.

Kuroka: (thoughts) C'mon show yourself.

And just like that, not even a second later, her wish was granted. Out of the depths of forest, on her left side, she could finally see the one who was making those noises. A tall figure, dressed from head to toe in black, walking calmly out of trees. It was hard to see any details about this person because he had a huge black cloak covering is body, from is shoulders all the way down to his legs. On his feet were a pair of black boots with spurs, which was, what was making the strange sound. Kuroka tried to look at this figure's face but that was covered with a big white scarf, and his head was hidden by the cloack's hood. 

Kuroka: (thoughts) Is he the guy Vali is looking for? Seriously, he is right in front of me, how can't i sense him, it's like he is not even there at all Nyah!

As her mind continued to form a number of hypothesis to explain the situation that she was currently in, she took notice of something.

Kuroka: (thoughts) He isn't stopping. Why? did he not see me here Nyah? 

True to her words, the cloaked figure continued to walk into her right direction, ignoring her, like she didn't exist. His pace was slow and calm, taking big steps and the sound of the spurs continued in a gentle rhythm.

Kuroka: (thoughts) Now it's not the time to be thinking on that, i need to warn the others that i found him.

Just as she was about to signal her comrades, right when the figure was in front of her. He made something that made Kuroka's heart drop. He stopped. That single fact made her shiver, why did he stop? did he heared her? what was going to happen now? Those were some of quest that ran through her mind. The figure slowly turned around to face her, and when he did, Vali's words echoed once again in her mind.

" eyes are cold....soulless even....they glow like two stars in the middle of the dark"

Kuroka: (thoughts) Huge, dressed in black, i can't sense him but i could hear him coming in my way, and those eyes .... there are no more doubts, this is the man Vali is looking for. Now... how can i get the others to come here nyah?

????: Miss.

The figure called Kuroka, is voice  was definitely a man's voice confirming Vali's suspition that he was indeed a male. His call made her return to reality. It was monotone in tone, but calm and strangely alluring and polite, making her feel, a little more comfortable.

Kuroka: Y-yes?

She hesitantly responded to the man's call.

????: I know it's not my business but, could you please tell me what's a young lady like yourself doing here in the middle this forest?

The man's question took her by surprise, not expecting that question of all things. Was he worried for her safety? Eitheir way this unusional man's question presented Kuroka with a opportunity to learn more about him and, maybe, a chance to take him to her friends.

Kuroka: O-Oh it's no problem, i was trying to go to the top of the moutain before nightfall and get a place to sleep in an inn or something Nyah!

Kuroka answered has innocently as she could.

????: Is that so. Then i am sorry the bearer of bad news, but you won't find anyone living around here, no matter how much higher you go.

Kuroka: Eh? Why Nyah?

????: There are no mineral resources in this moutains and the beasts that live here are very dangerous for most low-class devils, so, they have no reason to live around here.

He then pointed his arm to his right.

????: If you go in that direction you can reach a small village in 1 hour, however i would advise you to be carefull.

Kuroka: Why is that Nyah?

????: A rare Nekoshou walking in the middle of village full of devils...

His words made her eyes wide.

????: ... could surely make a great fuss, don't you think?

Kuroka: (panicked tone) H-How did you know Nyah?

Even with the scare she got from his words, she kept her act.

????: Please don't be so surprised.For starters your ears are a dead give away that you are a nekomata my lady, has for the rest, your two tails show that you fully grown nekomata, they are a symbol of maturity and power that belongs only to the Nekoshous.

Kuroka: (thoughts) This man...

????: So, if you want to go there, i suggest you hide your tails and ears, for your own safety.

The man was going to back to his path when Kuroka called him in hopes of stopping him.

Kuroka: PLEASE WAIT!!!

Her call made him stop dead in his tracks and turned his attention to her once again.

????: Yes?

Kuroka: I didn't came here alone, i came with my comrades, but we got attacked by one of the beasts that you spoke of and i got lost from them.

????: Is that so?

Kuroka: Yes, i beg you, please help me find them, i know nothing about this place, and now that you told me that are more things like the one who attacked us around here, i don't think i can find them alone please...

The figure didn't utter a single word at her plea. Out of nowhere, he started to walk in her direction, with the menacing sound of his spurs returning. 

Kuroka: (thoughts) Shit!!! did he found out?


Kuroka: (thoughts) No that is not possible!!! I've supressed my aura since the moment we came here, he couldn't know who i am Nyah!!! 


Kuroka: (thoughts) But if he somehow found out, then i must...


Kuroka was so lost in her thoughts that only now she noticed that the person had stoped right in front of her. 

Kuroka: (thoughts) When did he got this close Nyah!!!

The figure raised his right arm and it was at that moment that Kuroka expected the worst and closed her eyes, but still continued with her act, surprisingly.

Kuroka: (thoughts) Shirone.

She uttered her sister's name, has she waited for the man's arm to come down on her...


... but it never came. What she felt was not pain, but something warm being gently placed on her shoulders and covering her head. She opened her eyes in surprise seeing two gloved hands carefully placing a dark cloak on her. 

????: Forgive me if i scared you. You were soaked and with so little warm clothes, you could become very sick. At least now you will be a little bit warmer.

This stranger just gave to her, someone he never saw, his own cloak. Even with the cold snow falling on him he just gave it to her

Kuroka: I-It's no problem, i just wasn't expecting it that is all Nyah!

????: As for your other problem, i shall offer you my services until you find your comrades, i give you my word.

The young women holded the black cloack, even if it looked more like a blanket do to the size difference, finally finding a source of heat since she left the groups hideout.

Kuroka: Thank very much Mr...

Kuroka raised her head to both thank him, and ask him is name, and, for the first time she got a view of the man's face. He was just as young as the males in her group. The lower part of his face was covered by big, but simple, white scarf,and is expression calm and kinda stoic. But what got her attention was is honey golden eyes that were staring right into hers, and his long white hair that swayed slowly in the wind, his color very similar to the snowflakes falling around them.

Kuroka: (utter) The snow veil.

????: Snow.

Kuroka: Eh?

????: Snow, my name is Snow, no "Mr" please, i don't think we are both that different age wise, pleased to make your acquaintance.

The man, named Snow, took a step back and did a small bow lowering is head, with the palm of his right hand placed in his heart and his left behind is back.

????: May i know the name of the lady that i must escort in this cold evening?

Snow's position remained the same, except for his now raised head.

Kuroka: (thoughts) I can't let him know my real name, i'm a wanted criminal after all.

Kuroka: (giggle) It's Kuroneko Nyah!

Snow: Very well then, Miss.Kuroneko...

Kuroka: No "Miss" please Nyah!

Snow: My apologies, Kuroneko-san, shall we get going?

Kuroka: Yes, and i think i know how to find them Nyah!

Snow:(tilted head) Please do tell.

Kuroka: I'm no hunting dog, but now that it rain stopped, i think i can find their scent and follow it to them Nyah!

Snow: Understood ... I shall trust your sense of smell then, Kuroneko-san, rest assured that if we encounter any beasts, i will take care of them.

Kuroka: I trust you with that then, now it's best if we start moving.

Kuroka started walking her way to her group, with the snow haired man walking by her side not suspecting a thing.

Kuroka: (thoughts) Phew! That was stressing. But now i only have to get him to the others, i just hope he doesn't start suspecting my plan Nyah!



Le Fay: Bikou-san, please calm yourself down, she is just a little late that is all.


Currently, all of members of Vali's team are at the designated regroup spot. Every single one of them gave the group their report, who was mostly nothing since no one managed to find a clue about the target. The only one missing was Kuroka, who was now 15 minutes late, creating the current situation.


Arthur: (turns to Vali): Do you think she came in contact with the target?

Vali: I have no idea, but i'm sure that if she found him she didn't engage him in combat. There were no explosion or magic blast in the whole forest, let's just wait, and if doesn't come back, we will go after her.

Arthur: Understood.

Le Fay: Onii-sama.

The young sorceress called her brother's name gaining his attention.

Arthur: Yes Le Fay?

Le Fay: You don't think that the target got her, right?

She asked him in a concerned tone.

 Arthur: No, i find hard to believe that she would be caught so easily.

 Le Fay: But ...

 Arthur: We are talking about someone that has been hiding herself from the entire Underworld for over 8 years now, have a little faith in your comrade Imouto.

The older brother reassured his sister with a small smile.

Le Fay: Hai! I understand, I shall have faith Onii-sama.

 Arthur: Good, now how about we ....


A sound came from the direction that Kuroka went in, and made the every one tense, adopting a battle stance. Le Fay prepared her wand, Bikou took something from behind his ear that grew into a staff, and Arthur took a sword from is pocket dimension. Vali simply stood up and looked in the direction that the sound was coming from.


Bikou: It's getting closer.


Arthur: And it is coming right in our direction.


Vali: (Glare).

Kuroka: They are right over there c'mon Nyah!

The group relaxed a bit at the familiar voice of their felyne companion. Le Fay couldn't help but wonder if she was speaking to someone. Then suddenly their teammate came into their sight, with a sort of dark blanket on top of her.

Kuroka: Hey Guys!

And like Le Fay suspected she didn't came alone. The group stared at the newcommer and his features, all of them gaining the same surprised reaction. 

Kuroka: (points at Snow): Can we go home now.


Hey guys Nightingale here!!! This the first story chapter in "An Act of Kindness", where Vali's team searched and found their target, mostly Kuroka, a strange man named Snow. What are Vali's intentions towards Snow? How will he react? What lies behind is calm demeanor? These questions will hopefully be answred, hopefully in the next chapter. Just like last time all comments and questions you have are welcome, so stay well everyone.

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