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Underworld, a place where the souls of the sinners go in their after life, as an everlasting punishment for their evil and twisted actions while their where alive, and kingdom ruled by creatures even more evil and twisted who amuse themselves with the eternal agony of the mortals ... or at least that's what the church told, and the humans believed.

The truth is, however, different. It is indeed the place where the souls of the damned go as a reward for their bad deads, but the creatures that live there, mostly devils, are not that bad as the followers of god described them. At least not all of them.

In the darkness of one snowy night in the underworld, one so dark that not the moon or even the light of the stars shone, one mansion glowed in the pitch-black night with the bright red flames that where devouring it.

In front of the great mansion that was currently burning was a child, a young boy to be precise. He was not wearing nothing special aside from a long scarf that covered the lower part of his face. At first glance it looked like that the child was shocked to see the big mansion being consumed by the flames, do to the fact that he didn't move a muscle or made a simple sound, but looking closely, the face that he was making was something that could be discribed as a small child having a good dream ....


..... like if seeing the big house on fire....


..... was is greatest relieve.

???? P.O.V

????: Snow-san, Snow-san, please wake up!!!!

In the living room of a castle, a young blonde girl was currently shaking a person, doing her best to wake up the individual that was currently busy sleeping near the window of the room and, much to her disappointment, it seemed like it wasn't working, or was it?

Snow: Is there something you need Le Fay-san?

Le Fay: Kyah!!!!

The blonde girl, named Le Fay, wasn't expecting the monotone voice of the man thinking he was still asleep, then again, it was hard to see any sign that he was awake. Aside from the fact that he barely moved even with her shaking him up, the man was wearing what looked like a pair of black combat boots with spurs, a big dark cloak over is body, and a long white scarf covering the lower part of his face, his long white hair covered part of his face and one of his eyes, the other being currently still closed.


The blonde magician scolded the man puffing her cheeks.

The man, known as Snow, proceeded to stand up from the place where he was sleeping, easily towering over Le Fay. A *clinck* sound came from the spurs in his boots when his feet made contact with the ground, and then one of his gloved hands made is way into the top of her head patting her, and the other into his own, trying to get his hair out of line of sight, and finally opening is honey golden and seemingly cold eyes.

Snow: (yawn) It wasn't my intention to scare you Le Fay-san, i was still asleep when you came to awake me up, i though i was still dreaming when i answered you, please, forgive me.

In contrast to his more, scary look, he was quite polite in his way of speaking, and his voice, even if monotone in tone, was calm and somewhat sweet.

Le Fay: (giggle), it's fine, but don't do it again, it really scared me ok.

Snow: Yes, i won't do it again, i give you my word.

Le Fay: (Looks to his side) Did you fell asleep reading again?

On the side of the gentle giant were two piles of books, some were grimoires and others were simply storys, but all where quite big.

Snow: (Looks to his side) It would seem so.

Le Fay: You know, reading his good, but, staying up until late night reading and sleeping in a cold window is not good for your health.

The small magician warned him in a gentle tone, worried for the man. In response to her warning, Snow continued to pat the top of her head.

Snow: Thank you for your kind warning Le Fay-san, but you have nothing to worry about, and besides (looks through the window) i like to see the snow falling outside the castle, it soothes me.

Le Fay: I see.

Snow: That aside (looks at her), i doubt you would have all that work to wake me up just to talk about my reading or sleeping habits, so i will ask once again, Is there something you need Le Fay-san?

Le Fay: (sigh) Yes, yes there is.

The girl sighed once again.

Le Fay: It's time for breakfast, and Bikou-san was getting impatient, and extremelly annoying to everyone, so the others told me to come and get you, please do something to make him stop.

Snow: I see, that is indeed a problem, then let's go to the kitchen so i can prepare something for everyone, and hopefully, shut Bikou up.

Le Fay: Please do.

Snow: Then let's go Le Fay-san.

Le Fay: (smile) Yes!

After the cheerfull response from the young girl, both of them started walking towards the kitchen where their companions where waiting, the only sound echoing in castle being the steps of the small girl and the spurs of the giant man.



Hello everyone i present to you my very first story here in Wattpad "An Act of Kindeness". As you probably have already guessed, it's a Highschool DxD story, i don't own DxD, i am new to writting and english isn't my native language so if i writte something wrong or ABSOLUTLY BUTCHER YOUR LANGUAGE......Please forgive me and please fell free to correct me. I will also try to make this story interesting and different. All suggestions and comments are welcome, so let's get along everyone.

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