. 𝒃𝒆𝒇𝒐𝒓𝒆 𝒊 𝒈𝒐 .

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I'm exhausted, Alora.
I feel so fucking empty right now.
Save me, sweet sister.
Hold me before I go.

"Aurora." Opening my eyes in fear, I let out a scream. Where is she? "Aura?" I called her. I could hear my heavy breathing, my hand trembled and my head ached.

"Aurora, this is not some stupid joke. Come back here." I warned her. I know she is hiding somewhere and is trying to annoy me. Hold me before I go. Go where? Save her from what?

I called her back, but she won't come out. Where is she hiding?

I blinked my eyes a few times and reality hit me. This is not my bed, this is not my room. Where am I? The walls are grey with no posters, no frames, nothing. Just a dull wall.

I tried getting up from the bed, but the sudden pain in my head made me let out a screeching cry. I held my head and shut my eyes, trying to get rid of the sharp pain.

"Ugh." I cried. Once I opened my eyes again, everything seemed blurry. Water formed in my eyes, I wasn't crying, but these tears were of the pain because of the headache. I need my meds, I need to drink water.

I tried getting up again, this time the headache, even more, sharper and my cry louder. Anyhow, I walked to the door and unlocked it. I was welcomed by white walls of the narrow hallway. The small corridor led me towards the stairs in the end. This is a bad idea, but I have to walk down the staircase.

I stepped two stairs and my legs trembled. I could fall, I can't think straight, I'm not in my senses. I tried to get a hold of something but had nothing. I placed a left hand on the wall to stand straight and other was still on the head, trying to block the headache, only if I could.

Once again, I tried to take a step and climb down the stair, but the blurry vision didn't help much.

"Fuck." I mumbled, as my leg trembled again. In the next second, before I could steady myself, I was already losing my balance and was ready to fall off the staircase and hit my head on the floor. I let out a scream in fear of falling, in fear of hurting myself.

I shut my eyes in fear and still tried to hold something, anything, that could help me and I got a hold of something, maybe a piece of cloth. My heart was already beating fast that I could've died in the fear rather than falling and breaking my bones.

I felt myself being pulled, maybe away from the stairs. "Hey hey. You're okay." I heard a masculine voice. I held the person's arm and could feel the presence of a good biceps. I opened my eyes and found the green eyes already looking at me, with concern and worry.

"Are you all right?" He asked. I nodded, I was too scared to speak anything. I didn't fall, I'm safe. The guy had his arm wrapped around my waist. He pulled back his hand and made me stand straight on my floor.

"When did you wake up?" He asked. Who is he? "How do you feel now?" What happened to me? "What are you doing out here?" Where is Aurora? With everything question asked by the guy, my questions confused me more.

I stood blank, not knowing what to say. "Who are you?" I asked him, once I realised he was waiting for me to say something. He gave me a confused look.

"You don't remember me?" He asked.

"Am I supposed to?" I asked back. Oh god, Alyssa, what are you saying. "Who are you?" I asked again. Wait. I took a step back, away from him. Where am I? Did he kidnap me? Fuck, I need to run, I need to save myself.

"No, wait Alyssa. I'm not what you assume me to be. I'm not a kidnapper. Chill. Breathe." He spoke up once he saw me breathing heavily. How did he know what I was thinking? "Relax. I'm Jordan." He stated.


"Zoey's boyfriend." He stated. Zoey?

Oh. The bitch.
She tried to hurt me with the notes in my locker. She warned me, she called me a victim of my accident.

"Where am I?" I asked. I need to ask resourceful questions rather than focusing on that annoying chihuahua.

"You don't remember anything." He mumbled to himself. "Let's get you some meds and a glass of water first. You must be thirsty." He stated. I nodded. We walked back to the room where I came from. I sat in the bed, while he sat next to me, keeping his distance. He handed me a glass of water. I drank and finally could feel my head relaxing a bit. I signed. I needed to drink water, or else I could've fainted.

Woah. Wait. I remember.

"I passed out." I stated, once remembering everything that happened.

"Yes, you fell on the ground and I had to carry you here. I tried to call your brother but his phone was out of reach." He declared.

"Thank you." I passed a weak smile. He helped me. He could've left me there, after everything that I said to his girlfriend. But he did not.

"How do you feel now?" He asked again, his eyes on me, waiting for an answer.

"Good, I guess," I stated. "I have a headache, but it's minor. So I'll be all right."

It was a dream, Aurora was in my dream. It wasn't real. She didn't go anywhere, she is all right. I could feel myself relaxing now that I know Aurora is perfectly fine and it was just a dream.

"I should get you something to eat." He got up from the bed and walked towards the door.

"Hey," I called him. He turned back to face me. "Where is the restroom?" I asked. He pointed towards a door on the right of the room. I nodded and he left the room. I got up and walked into the restroom. When I looked in the mirror, I could see myself staring back at me, all tired, hair messed up. This isn't me, this isn't the Alyssa I was in the morning. Turning on the tap, I splashed water on my face and let the worries wash away.

I walked out of the restroom and got my phone that was placed on the desk next to the bed. It was switched off, the battery must've died. Leaving the room, I walked out. This time, I'm going to walk down the stairs without hurting myself.

Once I carefully climbed down the stairs, I found no one there. I was welcomed with white and grey colour. The only third colour was brown and some aesthetics here and there. But mainly white and grey.

Where is Jordan? The house is dead silent, so quiet.

"She is all right, dude." I heard a voice. "I told you she is fine. You need to calm down."

"It's the third time that she fell unconscious in school. What is wrong with her?" I heard a second voice. I'm sure the first one belonged to Jordan, but who was the second person? They were talking about me. The guy knows that I passed out thrice in school.

"You know what is wrong with her. It will take her time to adjust. Everything is heavy on her. People are new to her, the surrounding is new. We need to give her the space that she needs." Jordan stated. Does he believe that? Jordan is a sweet guy, unlike his girlfriend. His words, they reflect care for me, while his girlfriend wants to go see me suffer.

"Zoey needs to stay away from her. She is giving her a hard time. We cannot let her do that. We know what can happen if she..."

"I know mate, I know. We have to be careful. I'll talk to her. We can't blame her as well. She is angry, she feels betrayed. Everything that has happened, is very hard for her as well." So he is taking her side as well.

"I don't want her to go through any pain. Is that bad to ask for it? Zoey doesn't understand that this is not easy for me. I'm trying to put everything into pieces, but I can't. I'm walking with explosives in my hand. My mind says to be like her and forget everything, but my heart stops me from being heartless." There was sadness in the guy's voice like he was holding hard from not giving up. If he gave up, he could cry any moment now. I couldn't see him, but I know I've heard this voice before.

"I can't be ruthless. I tried, you know I did. But every time I try to forget about everything, I'm dragged back to that night when it all ended. I can't fool myself..."

"Alyssa." Jordan saw me, I wasn't hiding, I was standing at the door of the kitchen. Just like the hallway, the kitchen also had only three colours, White, Grey and Brown.

The guy stopped speaking further. I faced his back and still couldn't figure out who he was.

"Umm, there is no milk in the fridge. I should go to the store and get it." Jordan stated and walked past me, out of the kitchen leaving me with the guy, who still wasn't facing me. He just stood there, not moving a bit. Why did Jordan leave me with a stranger? Who is this guy?

I walked towards him. "Hi." I whispered. I know he heard me because I could feel him adjust his shoulder as if he was nervous. I know him. I know this jacket, I know this hair. The voice...I know this guy.

"Kyle?" I called him. As soon as I mentioned the name, he turned to face me. Yes. this is him. "What are you doing here?" I asked. His eyes were dark as if he had cried in his heart, there was no hint of tears, though I knew he was sad.

He didn't say anything. "Are you okay?" I asked him. He ignored me and walked past me towards the fridge that was on the left of the kitchen. What is wrong with him?

He took out a jar of juice and poured it in a glass. That's when he finally met his eyes with mine, he finally looked at me, handing me the glass of juice.

"This will help you." He spoke. How can someone's voice be so smooth that it makes you forget all your worries? When my fingers touched his hand, he stiffened. He pulled back his hand and started working on the meal that he was preparing. The sleeves of his shirt were rolled up and I could see black ink on his forearm, it was a tattoo, a weird one. I wanted to ask him what did it mean, but I couldn't. It was so unique, I thought it holds some secret in it and he might not want to share it.

"Do you cook?" I asked, trying to get him to say something because I want him to speak. I took a sip of the juice and it helped me. My headache was fading away slowly.

He only nodded his head. How come he not use words to interact? He was perfectly okay in talking to Jordan, so what is wrong with me? He was okay in the Church, what is wrong today?

"Did I do something?" I asked. He stopped chopping the carrots and turned to face me. Oh god of beauty, how can you give such precious eyes to someone? "What did I do to piss you? Did I say something wrong in the church? You walked away after I asked the question. I know I shouldn't have but I don't know. I thought something was wrong with you. I thought you needed someone to talk to. I'm sorry I..."

"You did not do anything. Stop apologizing." He finally spoke. This is the most he has spoken to me today. I like to hear him speak. I nodded. He began to chop the vegetables again.

I decided to help him, so taking another knife from the stand, I started chopping onions. "What are you preparing?"

"Chicken noodle soup." He stated. "That is my favourite." I stated, smiling. "I know." I heard him whisper. What.

"What happened to you?" He asked me. Did I hear him say that he knew chicken noodle soup was my favourite? "Why did you pass out?" He poured the chopped carrots in boiling water. Once he did, he faced me. As I chopped onions, I could feel his stare on me.

"I don't know. It has been happening a lot lately. I guess my medicines are working their effects on me. Doctor Payton had already warned me it would happen if I took an extra dose."

"Extra dose?" He asked me. "Extra dose of what?"

I couldn't face him. I don't know why but it felt like if I lied, it would annoy him. He will be angry. I didn't want to say the reason, but I wanted him to know the truth.

"Melatonin." I stated. He stopped me from chopping any further. He placed his hand on my wrist.

"Are you nuts?" Told you, he'd be angry. "Extra dose of melatonin?" He asked again as if he didn't hear me right. I nodded, not meeting my gaze with his. "You know it can affect your health. It can lower your blood pressure, that is why you faint all the time." He raised his voice and let go of his hand off my wrist. His grip was tight, it stopped the circulation of blood through my veins.

"Thank you for almost blocking my blood circulation." I hissed at him, rubbing the area that he held.

His eyes soften. "I'm sorry. I just.."

"You don't have to act like my father. I know the dose is harmful to me. But one pill doesn't help me, nor does two pills." I stated. "Do you know what it feels like to not have a good sleep? Have you ever felt so tired but every time you close your eyes, you just cannot go to sleep?" I asked him, now facing him. "I can't sleep, even after the extra doses. It is not my fault. So stop blaming me and stop acting like my god damn psychiatrist." I raised my voice at him and slammed the knife on the chopping board. I hissed as the knife cut through my hand exactly at the same place where fork did. So it started bleeding.

"Jesus, Alyssa." He rolled his eyes and took my bleeding hand in his. He rushed me towards the tap and opened it. The water fell on my hand mixing with the blood, cleaning all of it from the hand. It burnt, it actually hurt.

He closed the tap and made me sit on the chair next to the small table. Opening a cabinet, he took out a first aid kit and walked back to me. He took a seat on the next chair and took my hand in his and applied betadine on the cut. Then he covered the wound with a cotton bandage.

"Extra dose of anything ruins the functioning of your body." He spoke, his eyes on the wound, as he rolled the bandage around my hand.

"Nothing can ruin my body anymore." I whispered but I know he heard that because he sighed.

"You have to be careful, Alyssa." The genuine plead in his voice made me want to be more careful in life from now on. I wanted to obey him, believe in whatever he said.

"Why do you care?" I took back my hand from his and got up from the chair. "I can take care of myself."

He didn't speak anything further, but walked back to the stove and started steering the soup. I shouldn't have said that he was trying to be helpful, he was taking care of me. I shouldn't have acted like a bitch.

"I'm tired. I haven't slept in a long while." He mumbled after a silence of five minutes. In those five minutes, he had cleaned the blood from the board and chopped the remaining onions. The soup was almost ready.

I wanted to hug him, make him feel okay because of the way he said that, there was so much pain in those words. I wanted him to feel okay. He knew exactly how I felt and so he was trying to help me and I only tried to be a bad person here.

"I'm sorry." I stated. I really am. For today and for that night when I asked him the wrong question that made him leave the Church. I shouldn't have made him feel uncomfortable.

"It was not your fault." He stated. Those five words were something else. Those words made me want to believe that it was my fault. I was to be blamed for something, but what? "You didn't know." He added.

"I didn't know what?" I asked, confused. This isn't about the talk we are having right now, this is about something else. He didn't say anything further but poured soup in two bowls. He placed the bowls on the table and took a seat himself. He was waiting for me to join him, I didn't want to, I wanted him to speak up, not be quiet about this, but the intoxicating smell of the soup drove me towards the table. I could never resist such delicious looking soup.

I took a seat on the chair and tried my best to ignore him. I don't want any more answers, because I know he won't have any. I'll be left with more questions.

With the first taste of the soup, I knew I had tasted heaven. This one sip of the soup had me forget about the headache, about everything else. I didn't realize I drank the soup with making noises, the weird one's.

I heard a soft chuckle that brought me back to earth from the heaven of soup.

I raised my brow at him. This is the first time I've heard him laugh, saw him smile. The laugh was sudden, it ended in a second, the smile still lingered on his lips. His eyes narrowed as the effect of the laugh yet remained on his face.

"You're still the same. You still eat like a child, Alyssa." He declared, adding onto another chuckle, then stopped, the smile vanishing and wrinkles forming on his forehead. The dark, still face was back in mode and I couldn't get to admire the smiling face of him.

"I don't eat like a child." I protested. It is not my fault that the soup tastes so good. "Wait... What did you say?" I asked once I realized.

"Nothing." He said.

"No, you said I'm still the same. What does that mean?"

"Can you stop being so stubborn?" He got up from his chair and walked to the sink, placing the emptied bowl in it. I walked to him and placed my hand on his arm, pulling him to face me.

"Can you stop being a dick?" I raised my voice. His eyes turned darker asked I called him with the d-word. His eyes were narrowed. I gulped, I shouldn't have called him that.

He pinned me against the wall and blocked my space by grabbing my arms vigorously. The anger in his eyes scared me, I thought he was harmless, but right now, I've triggered some emotion in him, the rage in him is now terrifying me.

I wanted to shut my eyes in fear, but the intensity in his eyes made me want to stare back. The blue oceanic eyes, though being angry, held softness in them. He didn't speak anything for a good minute, with every second passing, my heartbeat rose and fell, his matching to the rhythm of my beats. I could feel his breath on my face, we were so close, his lips almost touching my nose. He shut his eyes, I didn't. I still had mine on his, he was leaning in and I was shaking. I couldn't think straight, I wanted him to lean a little more and place his lips on my nose. I wanted him to be close to me, yet his grip hurt me, but the pain was nothing compared to the pleasure that my heart was receiving.

"I..I...Kyle..." I whispered I couldn't speak. Words barely left my mouth. He didn't stop, he kept on leaning until his lips were now almost on my neck. My hands were trembling but he kept them steady. By now, I too had my eyes shut.

Before I could feel his lips on my neck, I felt a sudden push, a hard one. I opened my eyes to find him walking out of the kitchen. I stood there shocked, perplexed, I couldn't move. The effect of his grip was still on my arm.

What the fuck just happened?
Why did he do that?
What was that?

I called him a dick, he was angry about it. So why did he do what he did? Why did he give me these feelings, why did he almost kill me with his actions? Why didn't he carry on further? Why did he leave?

Such a dick.


It's been a week to that event. A whole week to make me go mad, make me think about it again and again and again. I cannot stop, I don't want to. It feels like he is still holding my hand, though in an aggressive manner.

"Something is wrong with Danielle. I'm sure an evil spirit has possessed her soul." Zach stated as I, him and Skye sat in the library. We were allowed to talk, but to keep the voice low.

"She is the evil spirit, Zachary." Skye rolled her eyes. Zach ignored her comment and carried with his story. "This morning, she intentionally got into an argument with Miss Givers. Everyone knows they both loathe each other. Miss Givers would do anything to have her suspended out of school. Though she got on her nerves. I'm telling you, Danielle is on another level."

"Who doesn't loathe her?" Skye asked. "She deserves it. She has been a bitch to everyone. Let Miss Givers have her moment too. I'm sure, she'll show that pinky her real place, that is in a plastic bin."

"Why do you hate her so much?" I asked. I want to know her story, even if I've known it already and forgotten.

"I've remained her target ever since I moved in here. She found out about my sexuality and asked someone to click some pictures of me and circulated them in the hallway. Everyone got to have a look on my body, they all enjoyed it. I became a walking hoe for everyone." She stated. I placed a hand on her's, as she passed me an assuring smile. "I can tolerate anything but not demeaning anyone's physical appearance. Their looks aren't made by them, it is a creation of God. She can't degrade someone just for her pleasure. She is a vicious bitch, she enjoys other people's pains and fears."

That bitch.

"It has to stop, she had to stop. No one really stood up against her. But you guys did and you guys helped me stand against her." She smiled. Zach placed a hand on her shoulder. "You guys were my support. We didn't fear her, we stood against her. That is why she hates us the most."

"What about the others?" I asked. "Why can't they stand against her?"

"Money speaks louder than anything else. She has power, the position. Who would ever want to go against the Trustee's daughter?" Zach asked. Yeah, he is right. People are afraid of people in position, in power. So the powerful people, they try to humiliate the weaker one's, curb their mindset by terrorizing them, which is wrong.

"Who are we targetting today?" We heard our friend's voice as he placed a hand on my shoulder. "How was the quiz meet?" I asked him as he stood next to me.

"Neil is the champion. I'm a hundred per cent sure he is elected as the captain of the team." Skye stated.

"I let Kira be the captain." He declared.

"What the actual fuck dude. Who gave her the place in the team?" Zach asked, surprised. "She is great, man. I thought maybe there was some error. But she actually is good at it." He stated.

"Woah, so blondes finally have a brain," Zach exclaimed. I smacked his head with my hand. "Don't feel targetted babe. You're our favourite blonde." He let out a chuckle.

"We are biased." Neil stated. "Only because you're our best friend." Zach spoke. "Yeah, not because you don't have a brain." Neil laughed. I rolled my eyes.

"Shut up guys. We all know she could practically have been the new Sherlock." Skye stood up for me.

"Sherlock without brain." Zach laughed and high fived Neil. I got up from the chair and turned to walk away.

"C'mon Ally. It was just a joke." He shouted as I walked away. I showed him a middle finger and giggled. "You're a joke, Dawson."

I had my next class. It was an extra class to cope up with the studies that I missed while being away. I've been taking these classes lately. Mr. Exford told me that the school has agreed to grant me a tutor who'd help me with the academic. I was supposed to meet the tutor today.

Walking towards the library, I saw Zoey and Jordan talking about something in the parking area. They were arguing about something. She even pushed him and walked away. Should I go and talk to him? He helped me that day, I should at least check up him right now.

"Hey." I walked to him, he was about to leave. He turned to face me and passed a smile. "Hi. Alyssa. How are you?"

"I'm good." I passed a smile. "I hope you're okay?" Concerned, I asked. "Is everything all right between you and Zoey?" My question left him off guard. "I saw you guys, she pushed you and left. You okay?" I asked again. He nodded. "Couple problems. We'll be all right."

"You sure?" I asked again. I wasn't appealed by his words. He seemed lost, sad. She must've said something to him. He nodded, assuring me he was all right with a smile. He was about to leave when I called him. He turned back to face me again.

"Um, how is.." I paused. How should I ask this? "How is he?" I asked. "Kyle?"

The mention of his name made him raise his brow at me. What?

"He is fine." He replied. I nodded. I needed more information. After that day, I still never saw him on the school campus or anywhere in town. I nodded and walked away from him, not believing his words. Why did he give me that look at the mention of his name?


"What is the matter now?" Neil groaned as the announcement was made for everyone to gather in the auditorium hall. "Must be some stupid election or something. Heard they were auditioning for some musical play." Skye declared.

"What musical?" I asked as well walked towards the hall.

"Based on Legally blonde." She stated.

"Oh god. Why would they want to ruin such a good movie?"

"I guess it's a brilliant idea. I mean Elle Woods is already an icon and her being in the musical will be outstanding." Skye must be in love with the character. She practically loves every strong woman character.

I loved Reese in the movie, Aurora used to tease me, she thought I could be like Elle. She saw every detail of Elle in me, excluding the part where my boyfriend would leave me for Harward. She told she'd be my Paulette. I laughed at the thought. Aurora and Paulette are totally different. I'm sure, she would've made me a different Elle, if she were Paulette. But Aurora could be the real Elle, intelligent and sensitive, just like the character. I'm not even blonde in the first place, no..right now I'm.

"I can be your Emmett." Neil whispered in my ear. I pushed him away.

"You will always be my Warner." I giggled. "First, I'll love you and then I'll regret it because you'll be a dickhead."

"At least, I'll be your first love." He winked.

I rolled my eyes. "You're never going to be my boyfriend, Weber."

"I'm happy at being your best friend, Pearson." He pulled me in a side hug and then resting his hand on my shoulder, we walked. "You guys would've had all your chances if Alyssa wouldn't have been with..."

"Skye." Zach walked to us and stopped her from speaking any further. They exchanged looks and she shut her mouth.

"I wouldn't have to be with who?" I asked. Was I seeing someone? How come nobody ever told me about this? Does Landon know it? Who is the guy? Where is he? Does he know about my situation?

"With your stupid idea of not falling in love with anyone." Neil stated, letting out a chuckle. That was a fake one.

"Why would I not want to fall in love?" I rolled my eyes. They keep on saying that I hated the idea of being in love with someone, but why would I? I may not remember stuff, but I know, I would've fallen for someone at least, someone great, who must've done something to make me fall head over heels for him. I can't be a total philophobic, also if I didn't believe in love, that doesn't mean I couldn't date. There are times when people date each other and not fall in love, I could've done that.

"You guys are assholes." I stated as we entered the hall along with other students. Beth and Jamie were on holidays as their parents planned a day outing. They are neighbours and so their parents do that often and only the Adkins Family and Saunders Family are allowed to be a part of the outing. They both had their negative thoughts on the one day trip. They called it boring, stupid and disastrous. But then, they had each other so they enjoyed it there. Beth wanted Zach to be with her, but they can't go against the policy as Mr. Saunders, her dad would state.

We took our seats and I was in between Neil and Skye. If Zach, Beth and Skye wouldn't have been with us, what would our group be like? I and Jamie used to dress Neil up as a girl so we could be the Powerpuff girls. We were inseparable since the day we became best friends. How did these three manage to get in our group? I'm sure there must be stories to this as well. These people are trying so hard to cope up with me, always helping me to place dots and join them and understand the story, in hope that I might remember something, have any memory or a flashback, but nothing. I'm always a zero.

"Do you think they'll cast Danielle as Elle Woods?" Zach asked us. "That would be the end of the beautiful theatre world."

"Elle is supposed to have brains, Danielle won't be the best option." Skye stated while we laughed.

"I think they'll caste you as Elle." Neil declared looking at me.

"Just because I'm blonde?"

"No, because they need a girl who can be quite ditzy, but is actually a genius," He laughed. "Also, because you love the colour pink."

"Fuck off, Weber. Who the hell loves pink?" I groaned.

"Ariana Grande." Skye answered. Whatever.

"Focus on the part where he called you a genius." She stated.

"Genius with a broken head. Yeah, they can twist the script a bit. Elle gets into an accident and forgets everything, even Warner. Then she joins Harvard thinking she is a genius and falls in love with Emmett."

"That would be boring." Neil groaned. "Elle needs Warner to make her realize her importance in life."

"Truth has been spoken." Zach agreed to Neil. He is right though. In the movie, if it wasn't for Warner to break up with her, she wouldn't have known about her abilities and qualities. Every Elle needs a Warner in her life, as an Awakening Alarm.

We were interrupted in our talks when Mr. Emmons, our Art Teacher walked in the stage and welcomed us all.

"I'd like to invite a special person here today. He has been an excellent student of our School and the former student President. Today, he is here to represent the school's upcoming project. We proudly welcome..."

"We should get out of here." Neil declared. "Why do you always have to get out of the auditorium?" I hissed. "Sit down. Now we are here, so let's just see what the person has to say."

Neil made eye contact with Zach. His actions were reciprocal. "If you guys wanna leave, fine. Go. I'm going to stay back." I declared. Neil sighed and sat back in his seat. "You're a stubborn pant, Ally."

"Always have been." I giggled while he rolled his eyes. The hall went silent after a round of applause for whoever was called up on stage. People must truly adore the person as the way they welcomed him was out of love and compassion. An excellent student? No, can't be Landon. Lol.

Mr. Emmons left the stage once the person entered. He was not any person, he was him. The guy who walked away that day, leaving me completely perplexed of his actions, the guy who makes me wonder, what happened that day between us, why was he angry and why were his actions not matching with his emotions? He was angry, yet was calm, he hold me like I was supposed to feel him, but when I tried, he walked away.


Every time I speak his name in my mind, those beautiful eyes capture my brain cells and make me numb. But ever since that moment in the kitchen, I've had different thought about him. Why did he do that? Why didn't he move further? Why did he leave?

He thanked everyone through his eyes, the shinning one's, narrowed as he smiled. The smile was minimal, more of professional type. He was here for business, he was here for work.

"Good Morning everyone." He started off, without sensing my presence. "Mr. Emmons called me up today for a special work. The Student Government elections are starting off from next week. Everyone is geared up about it. Eastwood High is known for it's Student Government Body and we, as the students of this school should be obliged and proud to be a part of the elections. I urge every single one of you to consider, nominate and elect the best people for the body. I want you guys to elect the best candidate for the student president because with great power comes greater responsibility. I took this responsibility once and let me tell you, it is nerve-wracking. Everything might be cool about being the President, but the chair is a hard spot to be on. That chair has its powers and dignity." He took a pause. Everyone was so intrigued by his speech that there was dead silence in the hall.

"You had the power too. What could you do, nothing." The boy right in front of me spoke up. I couldn't see his face, but he had short dreadlocks. Some of the others booe'd. "You made this place a living hell for some of us. You abused your powers, you played your games because of your superiority."

"Clark, I request you to sit down or else you'll have to leave the hall." Mr. Emmons warned the guy. He was muscular, maybe he was in some sport team.

"I won't shut up. He corrupted the basketball team. Everybody knows it. But of course, no one will speak a word against him." The guy, Clark gave Kyle a threatening eye. "Scumbag." Then he spits in front of Kyle and let out a laugh.

"You son of a bitch." I saw Nik rush towards the guy, his eyes dark because of the anger, the rage inside of him. Before anybody could anticipate anything, he threw a punch and slammed his fist on Clark's cheekbone, leading him to stumble behind and fall onto our bench. The impact of the punch was so severe that Clark's body jerked and his elbow hit me on my right arm, causing me to fall on my chair.

I let out a whimpered sigh as my hand hit the edge of the chair and that hurt me.

"Oh god Ally. Are you all right?" Skye held me and helped me get up. Neil pushed the guy Clark in front where Neil was ready to beat the shit out of him. "Fuck" Some girl next to Zach let out a high pitched cry. "Blood."

That's when I realized she was talking about my hand. It was bleeding. The sharp edge of the chair cut my arm and let it to bleeding. I placed my left hand on the bleeding part and it burnt. I shut my eyes and sighed. It didn't hurt much, but the sudden pain made me let out a slow pitched cry.

When I opened my eyes, I saw Clark being held by the collar of his shirt. Neil wasn't the one to grab him, nor was Zach. It was him, he held Clark, not giving him a chance to fight back. The darkness in his eyes said nothing, it only showed that he was trying to scare the dreadlocked guy.

"How dare you." He gritted his teeth and spoke every word in pure Anger and nothing else. Each word was enough to make the whole crowd in the hall go dead, everybody went silent. His stare was intense, he could look into the guy's soul with that stare. "How dare you." He repeated his words, this time with more intensity and high pitch.

Even Clark's friends didn't fight for him. They stood on the side.

Kyle wasn't going to let go off the stare, he was going to kill Clark with that look. Someone had to stop him. Of course, Clark challenged him in front of everyone, but that doesn't mean Kyle gets the authority to beat him this way.

"Let go of him," I grabbed his hand and tried to loosen the grip, but he was strong, very strong. "Let him go." I shouted this time, my voice echoing through the hundred other students. My hand rubbed through his shirt and the blood of my hand was imprinted on his white shirt. The pure white as snow shirt was now a mix of fresh bloodstains.

Instead of letting him go, Kyle turned his face to me and gave me a cold stare. I loosened my grip from his hand and soon my hand fell. His stare was demanding me to step away from him and Clark. I did as I was indicated to. I stood there numb for a second and then I realized, his stare had worked it's magic. He scared me.


What is wrong with Kyle?
Any ideas on why is he behaving this way?

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