Chapter 11

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Hey guys... hope you like the story so far.... pls keep voting and commenting... it keeps me motivated to write for you guys... so lets move to the update...
And a very Happy Mother's Day...

A week passed by after the incident... misha was coming back to normal and the siblings did not inform the parents about the incident as well as they were already in stress for their one and only daughter wedding preparations... same follows for hardik... he did not inform his family about the incident as well...
During the week, both have realised that they love each other and are waiting for a right time to confess it... whenever they both are chatting, hardik can barely control to confess his feeling to misha... thus he decided to propose to her properly by asking her for a date...
Meanwhile misha was with the ladies choosing the dresses and jewellery... they were even sharing with misha about their wedding experiences with her... at that time she got a call when all the attention has gone to the mobile... seeing the caller all smile and ask her to attend the call... misha went little away from the ladies and answered the call...

Phone conversation 📱
Misha: hello
Hardik: hi, hope i did not disturb you.
Misha: no... maa, nani and mami were talking about their wedding experience when you called...
Hardik: oh... ok... so i called to ask if would you like to go on a date with me?
Misha (shock and blush): what!!!! Why suddenly date???
Hardik: just want to spend some time with you before the wedding functions... my family was saying that we can't meet when the function starts... so ya... so what is your answer????
Misha: yes... i would love to go on a date with you... (with a blush)
Hardik (bright smile): ok... so i will pick you up at 7pm today... and before you worry about permission... i have asked both our families permission and they happily agree to let me take you out on a date...
Misha: what!!!
Hardik: yes... now misha go and take rest... while I finish up the preparation for the date....
End of phone conversation 📱

Misha turn around to see all the ladies are looking at her... misha just blushes and hide in her nani embrace... seeing hr like this all laugh and misha also laugh with them...

After the laughing session... misha told them the matter and the ladies got into the job to find a perfect outfit for misha which will blow hardik mind away...
time skip to 5pm...
All the ladies meet up in misha room to get her ready for her date... they made sure she look ethereal for hardik while misha was just letting her maa and mami to get her ready... while her nani was adoring them... (the elders are open minded and are chill with this... plus since misha is the only girl child gives them more priority to misha)

Soon it 7pm and misha was ready... misha was walking down the stairs when the doorbell ring... she knew that it would be hardik so she stops and see what is going downstairs as all the gentleman are sitting in the living room... one of the maid open the door and it reveal hardik... hardik walks in with many bouquet of flowers... everyone was confused seeing so many bouquets... by the time the ladies were present as well...

Nani: what is this hardik??? Why so many bouquets???
Hardik: nani... I bought it for all the pretty ladies... (gives a cute smile)
Hardik gives each bouquet of flowers to all the ladies...
Ram: hardik... bouquets for the ladies than what have you got for us???
Hardik: woh papa... I don't what to get for you... (smiles sheepishly) but next time i will get you something...
At that time misha came down... seeing misha, hardik was just looking at her... everyone around him was just giving teasing smile... misha was blushing sensing hardik gaze on her... hardik came oht of his gazing by sameer fake cough... hardik realise what he was doing he was blushing...

Misha outfit:

Hardik outfit:

hardik (composing himself) : papa... shall we take our leave? I will bring misha back by midnight.
Ram: i am sure you will take care of misha... you may take your leave now if you were to comeback by midnight...

Soon both misha and hardik left and they were on a highway... both were enjoying the comfortable silence with the radio on... hardik decided to break the silence...

Hardik: you are looking really beautiful today misha...
Misha: thank you... you are also looking handsome today... where are we going???
Hardik: its a surprise... somewhere where the media will not disturb us... and we can spend time with each other...
Misha: thank you.
Hardik: why thank you... its my right to make you comfortable first... plus i don't want our date to be a news for the public... its just for us... our time...
Misha: hmmm....

Soon they reach the place... its somewhere the outskirts of mumbai... (google it... sorry if its wrong)

Date decorations:

Hardik led the way for misha... misha was seeing the date decorations and was happy... misha turn to hardik...
Misha: hardik it's beautiful...
Hardik: thank you... come lets have our dinner...

They were talking and enjoying their dinner... once they finish their dinner... hardik and misha was walking along the shore enjoying the breeze when hardik stop and misha turn back to see him kneeling infront of her... misha seeing this was shock...

Misha: hardik... what are you doing???
Hardik: shhh... let me speak... the first time i saw you, i know that you are the one i am willing to spend my life with... and we agree to get married...
I always find something new about you whenever we meet... all the things you do only makes me to fall in love with you... yes i have fallen crazily in love with you... i love you misha... and i know that we are getting married but still (takes out a ring) will you marry me and make me the happiest person in the world?
(Sorry not good with romantic lines)

Misha (with happy tears): i love you to hardik... and yes i will marry you...
Misha forwards her hand and hardik slides the ring in her finger... hardik than stands up and hug misha... after a long hug both are staring in each others eyes... unconsciously they both move closer and their lips are an inch away... hardik looks at her lips and than looks into her eyes for permission... misha closes her eyes giving him permission... both share a loving and passionate kiss... soon they broke the kiss and was breathing heavily with their heads leaning against each other... misha was blushing and hide herself in his embrace...
soon they move to the cozy spot and hardik gave her a gift...
Hardik: this is for you... (a basket with a cloth covering it)
Misha: what is it???
Hardik: open and see it your self...
Misha (open the cloth and shocked) : hardik... its so cute...
Hardik gift:

Hardik: so what are you gonna name her???
Misha (cuddling the puppy): hmmm... Angle... she really is an angel...
Hardik: ok... (takes another basket uncovering the cloth) name him as well for me...

Misha: aww... his so cute...
hardik: thank you... now help me name him as well... btw this is my puppy huh...
Misha: what!!! Are you serious???
Hardik: yes... so you give a name for him...
Misha: hmmm... how about rocky???
Hardik: best name... we will name him rocky...

Soon both hardik and misha was spending time with their new puppies and playing with them...

So guys thjs is todays update... hope you like it... and pls like and comment...

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