Chapter 12

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Hey guys... really hope you are enjoying the story... thank you for the love you show this book with your votes and comments... just a head start hardik and misha wedding rituals gonna start soon... ok so lets move to the story...
I am sorry for the short update... i am going for a camp trip so was busy with the packing and have a lot of other things to handle so i could not write a long chapter... hope you will understand... will try to update a longer chapter when i come back...
It was almost 12.30 am in the morning... hardik has just reach misha home... they enjoyed their date as they got to spend time together without the media or the elders around them... misha was getting down the car when hardik hold her hand and stop her...

Misha: what happen hardik??? Why you stop me???
Hardik: misha... atleast give a hug or a kiss (smiles cheekily) before going in...
Misha (blushing): hardik... we are outside our house... what if someone sees us???
Hardik: no one will see us as all would have gone to bed... pls... (shows a pleading face)
Misha seeing his face gave in and gave a hug while hardik took a chance and kiss her lips and forehead... after their moment misha went and took angle from the backseat who was cuddling into rocky... both saw this and took a picture as both were looking so cute... after that misha took angle and gave a kiss to rocky as well... hardik was still waiting at porch as he was waiting for misha to go into her house, once she went in hardik also left...

Misha was carrying angle and cuddling into her and was remembering her moments with hardik when the lights turn on suddenly which broke her trance... she looked up to see all her brothers were sitting in the living room... she went towards them and took a seat on the single sofa placing angle on her lap...

Misha: bhai... all of you did not sleep???
Karan: no misha... we were waiting for you...
misha: oh ok... see now am back already so you all should go and sleep... if not you will fall sick...
Sameer: don't worry nothing will happen to us... ok now tell me how was your date???
Misha (blushing): it was good...
Rudra: good??? Or very good???
Misha: bhai... pls don't tease me...
shivaay: okok... no one will tease you... but tell us where dis you get this cutie??! (Pointing to angel)
Misha: hardik gave this as a gift as well...
karan: so what have you name him???
Misha: its a her bhai... i name her angel... even hardik got one puppy for himself...
Arjun: you say he gifted you this as well??? So what else he gifted you??? (Ask curiously)
Misha (blushing): woh bhai... he confessed his love for me...
All brothers: what!!! (Shocked)
Rudra: omg omg... misha is that the ring he proposed you with???
Misha nodded her head... while rudra was gushing over the ring while her brothers got another satisfaction that their sister is happy and hardik is the guy for her... after talking for a while, all of them have have gone to bed... misha changed into her nightwear and was lying on the bed thinking about all the moments the spend with hardik... she fall asleep thinking about their moments with a small smile on her face...

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