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"Princess, wake up!"

You jolted up and sent a glare at Kazue, laying back down on your pillow. "What is it?" You yawned, rubbing your eyes to try and get the sleep out of them.

"You have received gifts from the Kou Empire's first prince, Ren Kouen."

You blinked, your feeling of sleep gone, as you processed the information and then lightly blushed. "R-Really?" You asked, feeling flattered. He chuckled and nodded.

You immediately got out of bed and got ready. Once you finished getting ready you walked to your study, which is where Kazue told you where the said gifts were put.

When you opened the door your eyes widened, expensive jewelry, gowns, and many other assortments covered the room. You walked to a gown trailed your hand down it, you'd have to guess it was the finest silk in the Kou empire.

You turned to Kazue as you felt the gown, "these gifts are all so beautiful. It almost feels like he's courting me. It's actually a little exciting, don't you think so, Kazue?" You asked as you placed a dress in front of you to see what it looked like.

He chuckled at your giddy attitude, "maybe so."

You giggled, "maybe this won't be as bad as we thought," you said as you admired the necklaces and hairpins.


"Prince Kouen, the gifts were sent to your betrothed."

Kouen looked up from the history scrolls he had been reading to see a maid standing there. "Hm, did she like them?" He asked, slightly bored from the conversation as he turned back to his scrolls.

"It appears so, she seemed infatuated by them," informed a maid.

Kouen nodded, satisfied with the answer and dismissed the servant. With a nod they left, leaving him to think of what his betrothed might be like.


"Ne, Kazue?"

Kazue looked to you sitting at your desk reading a scroll. You put it down and stared at your desk, "do you think they'd let me take you with me... When I go to live at the Kou empire?" You asked, putting down a quill that had been in your hand to rest your head against your knuckles.

Kazue smiled "I hope so, mistress."

You chuckled and picked up a butterfly hairpin you had gotten from Kouen. You gazed at it and smiled when it twinkled in the light. "All these gifts were wonderful if only I could repay him for all of this," you said while averting your eyes back to the gifts.

Kazue laughed, "any other princess would've accepted these gifts without expressing a single word of gratitude, mistress you truly do have a heart of gold."

A sly look crossed your features. "Well, I will admit, I do like being spoiled like this." As you said this you put one of the dresses in front of you as if you were wearing it.

Kazue chuckled, "he's in for an interesting journey..." Mumbled Kazue.


Kouen sneezed as he looked over another scroll. He looked up to see if there was dust in the air, seeing none he shrugged it off.

"En-nii, are you getting a cold?" Asked Kouha.

Kouen looked back to the scroll and answered: "I'm fine."

Kouha nodded and dropped the subject. He then frowned "I still don't think En-nii should marry her. She's only going to weigh him down with her needs..." He crossed his arms and pouted like a child.

Koumei, who was silently reading a scroll the whole time, spoke up. "This is the only way the Kou empire could get the king of Ryukyu to agree to join the empire."

Kouha groaned, "so? We could've just used force."

"Their army strength equals ours."

"We still have En-nii's Djinns," Kouha persisted.

"The princess also has Djinn's, she has also mastered her djinn equip."

Kouha only continued to pout as he still didn't like the idea of the arranged marriage his brother was stuck in. Kouen, once again, didn't comment on the matter.


You sighed as you leaned back into your chair, fortunately, today your father or brother hadn't bothered you. You picked up a butterfly hairpin and admired it, the different colors were all so beautiful. You held it up to the window to see the gems shine. You blinked as the light hit your eyes.

"Hmm, it's so beautiful." You swiped your thumb over the gems and smiled, you decided to put your hair up and pin it with the butterfly hair pin.

"Hello, sister, gifts from your suitor?"

You rolled your eyes and looked down at a scroll, paying whoever it was no mind. You knew it was  your brother but you didn't bother looking up. Your brother then decided to interrupt you by placing his hand on the scroll, stopping you from reading. 

"It's not very polite to ignore your brother." He stated. You looked up at him and flicked his hand away, you weren't in the mood for his behavior.

He drew it back and rubbed the spot you flicked, "now, now, sister. That's no way to treat your sibling."

"What do you want? To gloat that you've received the throne?" You asked, looking up at him while resisting the urge to punch him.

He chuckled, "while I would love to, I have better things to speak of."

You rose a brow, "which is?" You asked testily as you crossed your arms over your chest.

"The Kou empire and your future betrothed of course-" He shrugged  and then his eyes grew serious- "and about sister."

Your eyes darkened and you soon forgot about all the other topics, "...did something happen to her?" Your fists clenched onto the scroll you were holding. You all knew she had gone off to the Kou and join their military, your father had never forgiven her but you understood. She didn't want this princess life only to be married off, in the end, the same thing happening to you.

"She's not well if that's what you mean," he said nonchalantly checking his nails.

You stood up, scraping the chair against the floor in the process, "what happened?" You asked grabbing his collar.

"She's gone."

Your eyes widened as you stifled a gasp, you let go of your brother and cupped a hand over your mouth as tears cascaded down your cheeks.

"Please don't lie..." You whimpered.

"I'm not, sister."

"Why do you sound so solemn!? You never liked Yuki! Or me!" You grabbed his collar once more, "so why all the sentiment?!"

He smirked, "can't I just be nice to my dear sister for once?" He asked as he shrugged.

Your vision turned red with anger as you shoved him out the door. "GET OUT!" You slammed the door shut.

You sunk down on your chair and cried your eyes out, "please be okay..." You whimpered.


As you stared out the window looking at the cherry blossom tree glowing in the night, you couldn't help but think of her as the petals fluttered to the ground freely, just like her. You still remembered when she left, she wanted to leave the kingdom and be in the military, but not for this kingdom. For the Kou empire. Your father and siblings still resented her now, your mother was still too worn out to care.

You pulled the blanket on your shoulders closer, you trembled as more tears came.

You heard the door creak and you quickly wiped them. "Hello, Mistress," someone greeted. It was Kazue.

He set a tray next to you and prepared your tea the way you always liked it. Once he finished he set it in front of you, he looked like he was hesitant, "mistress... Would you like for me to stay?" He asked.

You shook your head, "I'd like to be alone for now."

He bowed, "of course." He then left the room.

As you felt the lock click, you burst into tears. You ripped the blanket off you and threw it to the floor, the feeling was unbearable. It was like a hole in your chest like you could never stop crying.

You trembled on the floor and hugged yourself close. The tears dropped down to the floor, leaving small drops.

You thought of something and wiped your tears. You stood up, slightly staggering. You opened your closet and grabbed something.


You sighed in bliss as you stood in front of the cherry blossom, it was mesmerizing how the petals looked white and fluttered under the moonlight.

You smiled bitterly as you remembered you and her always trained under this tree.


"Sister! Slow down!" You sputtered as she knocked you onto the grown with one hit.

She chuckled as her smile shined like her beautiful white hair, "come on, Y/N! I thought you were stronger than that!"


You stabbed the training sword she had given you into the dirt under the tree.

As you gazed at where the sword stood it was almost like you can see her silhouette standing there and smiling at you.

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