My Power

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Kouen x Reader 2

"I can't believe this!"

Kouen only rolled his eyes, he knew it was bound to happen sometime. But Kouha wasn't taking the news very well, even if he wasn't the one getting married.

"Kouha, there's no changing their decision," said Koumei, not even looking up from the scroll he was reading. Kouha had been talking about this ever since it was announced earlier in the day.

"So?! Why is En-nii getting married?! Couldn't they have just thought of something else?!"

Koumei sighed and gave up on convincing his brother. Kouha groaned, "she's probably weak anyway! What do we need with a useless princess?!" He yelled, referring to all the Kou princesses who had gotten married off.

Kouen finally spoke after three minutes of his brothers ranting. "Do you anything about her, Koumei?" He asked as Koumei usually knew about this and was curious about his bride.

Koumei thought for a moment, "all the king of Ryukyu mentioned was her two metal vessels and her skills with a sword, but I managed to find out more. Throughout the kingdom, her beauty is rumored to be the fairest, not that it matters. Her sword skills average one of a native of Heliohapt and she has conquered the two dungeons at the age of 17 with the help of her servant Kazue. She has also fought with her country on several occasions, leading them to victory."

Kouha scoffed and crossed his arms, "well, at least she's not useless..." He mumbled, still not pleased with the thought of his brother wasting his time with some princess

Kouen hummed, impressed by the information. Who knows? You might make a valuable asset. Unbeknownst to him, you might even become something more.

But all that would have to wait until the day of the wedding.


You swung your sword as Kazue advanced towards you. "You're getting better mistress-" you smiled at the acknowledgment, but that soon faded as Kazue swiped his foot under you causing you to tumble to the ground- "but you need to work on your footing." He lent you a hand as he said this.

You smiled and grabbed his hand so he could pull you up, Kazue pulled you up and asked you something, "how is the progress with your power?" 

Your face fell, "I've been practicing, but so far Andrealphus hasn't responded." Ever since you had captured Andrealphus' dungeon nothing had happened, it's not that you weren't skilled as you did have another one to your father's displeasure.

He hummed and stepped back from you, "try it now."

You sighed and gripped your sword, you twirled it in the air for flare and then stabbed it into the ground.

"Andrealphus, lend me your power."

An eight pointed star appeared on the ground as you said this. You clenched your eyes shut to concentrated, the star glowed brighter the more you concentrated. Your eyes were closed as you were trying to concentrate.

Your eyes then opened abruptly as they shined a different color other than your normal e/c hues.

"Andrealphus, lend me power!"

You sighed as you felt nothing happening, but a faint rumbling feeling came from the ground. You and Kazue looked at each other confused and looked back to where you had stabbed your sword.

As you both stared a small black dot began to form there, which then transformed into a small black hole. It began to suck in anything that wasn't held down, as you began to feel yourself being pulled in you stabbed your sword into the ground to hold yourself down.

You grunted as you felt it pulling you towards it. "Andrealphus! Stop!" You yelled, holding onto your sword.

In a flash, everything stopped, but stray leaves and twigs were littering the ground as well as pieces of rubble and large branches. Your's and Kazue's eyes were still wide as you stared at where the miniature black was once. You looked back to each with hair disheveled and full of leaves, twigs, and small pieces of debris.

Then your father burst in, with your brother in tow. "What happened?!" He yelled, seeing the mess.

"Mistress finally unlocked her second power," said Kazue.

You smiled at him, which he returned.

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