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A/N: I think it's safe to say that I'm going to return now. The reason why is because I was re-reading comments and the things some of you guys had said warmed my heart. All I can do is apologize for being gone for so long, I'm so sorry. I'll try my hardest to update as often as I can. 


You panted and hissed a string of colorful words under your breath as the maids began to heal your wounds. You closed your eye in pain at the sharp stinging sensation coming from it, you were sure that was going to leave a scar and as one of the maids tsked it was clear she knew it too. She muttered an apology under her breath as she pressed a cloth onto her eye, "that's going to leave a nasty scar."

You resisted the urge to roll your eyes and let yourself zone out only to wince a couple of times as they worked on healing your injuries. After that battle with the dungeon monster, they had moved to the infirmary in the castle to tend to your injuries and much progress hadn't been made. You didn't blame them as you were slammed into a pillar more than once, not to mention his trunks. 

At the sound of a door opening, you quickly sat up as the maids scrambled to make you look decent. You turned to see four men enter and with the way the maids looked nervous you'd have to guess they were important. Your eyes widened at the sight of two of them, they resembled animals. One looked like a lion while the other resembled a dragon. 

"H-Hello," you greeted, slightly nervous. 

The man that looked like a lion kneeled down, "please excuse us, princess. My name is Kokuton-" he gestured to his comrades while saying their names- "that is En Shou, Ri Seishuu, and Gaku Kin. We wanted to congratulate you on your victory and offer our services," he said politely as the rest of them kneeled. 

"We are part Prince Kouen's household," said Seishuu. 

You smiled, "thank you. It is very nice to meet you all, I am princess Y/N," you greeted, placing a hand on your chest, "what do you mean by offering your services?" You asked. 

Kin was the first one to stand and take out his spear, he rested it in front of you. "Phenex," he said, as soon as he did a small pink glow began to surround you. You felt all your injuries heal themselves and you quickly felt better than before, once the glow disappeared you looked pushed up your sleeves to see all the bruises gone. 

You grabbed his hand, "thank you so much," you said with a smile. 

He smiled with slight arrogance towards his comrades as they glared at him. You coughed causing them to all turn to you, "if you don't mind me asking," you hesitated, "why do you look like that?" You asked, mostly pointing your gaze to Shou, Kokuton, and Kin. 

Shou stood up to answer your question, "when your djinn chooses your household members, they choose it based on the strong connections you have with people. The user can choose to assimilate with their household vessel when their connection is strong enough," he explained, "we did this by choice."

Kin nodded and wrapped an arm around Seishuu, "yeah, but this little guy hasn't assimilated with his yet," he said with a chuckle as Seishuu shoved his arm away. 

"Quit it!" He yelled with a blush tainting his cheeks. 

You giggled and decided to give him a piece of advice, "I find that meditation can help with your connections towards djinn. I know many have it's impossible but I've tried talking to them before," you explained with a small embarrassed blush. Their eyes widened and were about to say something until a servant came in, saying that Kouen had requested them. 

They bid you goodbye and you smiled at them as they left.


Kouen looked at the door of his study to finally see his household come in. "Where were you four?" He asked, they were supposed to report back to him after the fight and they were late.

Shou was the first one to speak, "we were meeting with your betrothed. It seems that she took a beating after the fight with the dungeon monster, despite coming out victorious in the end," he informed. 

Kouen nodded and asked them another question, "did she fight well?" He asked, putting down the quill in his hand and shifting aside the documents on his desk. 

Seishuu spoke up first, "her swordplay was unlike anything I've seen. She was graceful like a swan but as fierce like a snake," he said, his thoughts drifting off to your movements during the fight. 

Kouen hummed, "and what about her-?" He was interrupted by another voice entering his study. 

"Now, now, Aniue. You can't spoil everything before the wedding," said Koumei while he closed the door behind him. 

Kouen resisted the urge to roll his eyes, "you know as well as I do about my thirst for knowledge, Koumei."

Koumei chuckled, "and I'm sure you will be fulfilled during the wedding, but for now you could at least try to restrain yourself," he said. 


Kougyoku sighed while she walked through the castle's halls, looking for something to do. She hadn't had much to do or many sisters to play with as most them shunned her out or were married off, tears filled her eyes and she quickly wiped them. She continued walking and her face lit up once she saw you again, your eyes were closed and your legs crossed. 

Kuogyoku rose a brow and wondered if you had been sleeping only to jump in surprise when she saw your eyes open, "I-I'm sorry," she said timidly, thinking she interrupted something important. Her eyes then widened at the sight of the scar on your eye, she never thought your injury was bad enough to leave a permanent looking mark. 

You smiled brightly at her, "don't worry about it," you said, "something you need?" You asked. 

She quickly shook her head while you rose a brow at her behavior, "Kougyoku, don't lie to me. Tell me the truth," you said, with a slightly stern tone. 

Kougyoku hesitated before a few tears were in her eyes, "I don't have many people to play with and no one pays attention to me," she said, her expression grow more upset with each word she said. 

Your expression fell to sadness and you grabbed her small hands, "if you'd like you can play with me. I don't have much to do," you said, letting go of her hands.

Kougyoku's face lit up and she smiled at you, "thank you, Y/N," she said. She soon began to fidget a bit almost as if she was itching to ask another question. 

You rose a brow again, "something you want to ask?" You asked her with a small giggle. 

She nodded, "Umm... How did you do that with your sword?" She asked, "everyone was saying that they'd never seen anything like it." Which was true, it was all anyone could talk about once the test was over. Even Koutoku was curious about it. 

You smiled, "well, my attendant, Kazue, is from a distant country called Heliohapt. Despite being a slave he learned royal swordplay from watching them, in turn, he taught me when it was my turn to learn swordplay," you explained as pleasant memories of first meeting Kazue filled your head. 

"During that time, I had also watched my sister and loved how graceful she looked. She told, 'fighting is like a dance. Your movements have to be swift and graceful'," you said, "so, I wanted to incorporate the two. In my style of swordplay, I have the swift and unpredictable movements of a snake along with the graceful moves of a dancers feet."

Kougyoku looked at you in awe and abruptly grabbed your hands, "p-please teach me!" She said desperately. 

You grabbed her hands, "of course," you said, standing up and unsheathing your sword, "first lesson; warriors are not born and they are made. Warriors create themselves through trial and error, pain and suffering, and their ability to conquer their own faults..." You stabbed your sword into the ground and laid your hands on the hilt.

"So, Kougyoku, do you think you can handle it?" You asked with a bright smile adoring your features.

She clenched her fists in front of her with a determined expression, "I can try," she said, her tone matching her expression.

You nodded, "I will do my best to teach you," you said, "but it will have to wait until after the wedding." You knelt down and grabbed her hands.

"When I become part of this family I promise to do my best to protect you all."

Kougyoku smiled and wrapped her arms around your neck. You hugged her back.

As someone walked by she smiled at the sight of the two princesses bonding. The longer she stared the more she realized how they reminded her of you and her all those years ago. Her thoughts were soon interrupted by her lover.

"My love, Koumei is calling for us."

She took one last glance and smiled at him, "I'm coming, Chuu'un."

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