Meanwhile with the Kou siblings

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A/N: While I was writing this I realized that I hadn't put much input with Kouen, mostly with the reader. But hear me out when I say that Kouen is pretty hard to write in these circumstances, so, please bare with me and can I just say how much I appreciate all the nice comments on this story? Thank you all so much!


Kouen had gone to his study to get some work done and opened the door to be met with servant with an uncertain expression on their face. He rolled his eyes at them, "what is it?" He asked, taking a seat, "I have important work to do."

The servant barely moved and continued shivering, "E-Emporer Koutoku is asking for you, my Prince," he said, the shaking affecting his voice. 

Kouen sighed and pushed aside the work he was going to do and quickly stood up, "I will be there now," he said, dismissing the servant and leaving his study to go to the throne room to see his father. Along the way, he felt his thoughts wander as to what his father would want. He had to doubt anything concerning his late mother, his father seemed to have forgotten quickly after taking a second wife. He also doubted anything concerning the subjugation of the western front as things seemed to be stable. 

He sighed and hoped it wasn't anything that would waste his time. 


Kouen walked into the throne room with the same stoic look on his face. He saw his father sitting on his throne with the same unpleasant look on his face, Kouen stood in front of his father waiting for him to speak. When nothing was said he spoke, "father, you called for me."

Koutoku's look turned stern, "it seems that the war with Ryukyu is going to have a different outcome than expected," he began, "in exchange for the kingdom's safety, he is giving us the hand of his eldest daughter for marriage," he explained, not at all unpleased with the terms.

"And what of the rumors of their army?" Kouen asked; everyone in the Empire had heard that Ryukyu's army rivaled theirs but it wasn't known for sure as it was just a rumor.

Koutoku scoffed, "don't be stupid. It's an obvious lie," he said, "back to business, I had accepted these terms for you to marry her and produce a strong heir. Do not disappoint me, you may go."

Kouen nodded and with a small bow, he left. As he walked through the halls he wondered about his future bride and the future of his Empire. Princes like Kouen didn't have to much time to think of his own choices, after all, he doesn't get to have many of them.


Kouen had tried to remember what his tutors had taught him when he was young about arranged marriages. One of the things he had remembered was as the groom he was supposed to shower his bride with gifts. So, he called his servants to gather all the finest silks and jewelry they could find in Kou, anything that would be lovely enough for his future bride. 

When all the servants returned Kouen looked over all the silks and all the jewelry. He gazed at all of them with extensive care to make sure that all of them were fit for his future bride.

His eyes landed on a butterfly pin, he picked it up and ran his thumb over the butterfly at the top. It was beautiful and he made sure to choose it, from what he read before butterflies were meant to be the symbol of hope and change.

Once he chose the best in all of the Empire he ordered for them to be sent to you immediately. 

After the preparations were made Kouen went back to his study to get back to work. As soon as he sat down Koumei came in with a stern expression, almost mimicking Kouen's normal look, which wasn't normal for him. "Something wrong, Koumei?" He asked, reading over a book he had on his desk. 

"Aniue, I know you like reading those history books but with your wedding coming up you better not stay here all night," he scolded, "besides you don't need your bride coming in here on late hours to try and coax you back to bed."

Kouen only hummed in response, barely even paying attention to what Koumei had said. Koumei rolled his eyes at his brother's lack of attention and walked out only to be met with Kouha walking through the halls, "hey, Mei-nii, did you hear about all the false rumors?" He asked. 

"If you're talking about their military then there's no need to tease me for having wrong information," Koumei said, referring to when Kouen had asked him for information on his future bride. 

Kouha chuckled, "I'll give you a break today, Mei-nii," he said cheerfully, "but I still have to ask, why did Father choose to have the arranged marriage with some woman instead of using force to subjugate them?"

Koumei thought for a moment and realized that Kouha had a point after all their father seemed like the type of man to use military strength to gain things above all else. Then, it dawned on him, his eyes widened as he remembered the information he had told Kouen. 

"She has also fought for her country on several occasions, leading them to victory."

Koumei seemed to be standing there for so long that Kouha had to snap him back to reality, "sorry," he muttered.

 Kouha rolled his eyes, "you need to get some more sleep, Mei-nii," he said. 

Koumei nodded and let his thoughts wander back to their father.

Would he really go that far just to gain more military strength?


It was to the clear understanding for Koumei and Kouha that Kougyoku had met with Kouen's future bride. Unlike Kouen, with his natural curiosity, they hadn't asked much and Koumei still seemed to be thinking about what his father was thinking. Even more so after the news of the bride's royal test. 

Almost everyone in the palace had come there to see how she would fare against their dungeon monster, Entai. It was quite a surprising sight to see her come in with a modest-looking dress, but it seemed like all the rumors circling the palace were true, she was beautiful. 

It seemed like Kouha thought the same way based on the way he stared at her. Koumei's attention was taken away from the upcoming battle when his household tapped his shoulder, "Chuu'un, where's Yuki?" Asked Koumei before Chuu'un could speak.

"She decided to stay somewhere else during this fight," he explained, "anyway..." He proceeded to whisper the rest into Koumei's ear causing him to nod. 

"Thank you, Chuu'un."

He turned back to fight, waiting anxiously for it to start like everyone else. He made sure to keep looking at his father during the entire thing. Once Koutoku called for the fight to start everyone was the edge of their seats, almost everyone was expecting her to die or at least get seriously injured.

It was a shock, however, when she was slammed into a pillar during the fight and proceeded to get up. Entai seemed to get enraged as the fight progressed and tried slamming into her every chance he got.

Kouha looked in surprise, "hm. Looks like I was wrong," he noted, "she can fight."

Koumei nodded, "Aniue will be pleased to know this," he said, hiding his face with his fan as he analyzed your movements. He turned to his other siblings, "what do you think, Hakuei?"

Hakuei nodded, "she's very skilled. I hope to learn something from her," she said with a smile.

Koumei nodded and turned his attention back to you as you fought against Entai. His eyes narrowed, 'I wonder though... How powerful is she with her metal vessels.'


Kouen resisted the urge to say anything to Koumei after interrupting his conversation with his household. He was a bit upset that he couldn't find out more about his bride, but he guessed he would have to find out more during the wedding. 

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