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A/N: Sorry to keep you all waiting. It's finally happened~! The wedding~! And more of Kouen's thoughts. Just saying now all of the Kou sisters I use here, their names are not canon but I found a post contributing to their possible personalities and names (which I realize is something we probably won't get anytime soon) on Tumblr.

If you guys are too lazy to look for it (no shame in that) I made a (shitty) collage of all the princesses with their names in order. All credit goes to that link from Tumblr and remember that none of this is actually canon. Also, the reason why it starts at two is because Hakuei is the first princess.


You sat in front of the mirror, your red gown spilling down to the floor as you gazed at yourself and the eccentric jewelry you had on. 'They must really want this to be something special,' you thought to yourself. You almost wanted to grab the jewelry and toss it onto the ground, the feelings of all of this had set in. All the feelings of dread and sadness, the thought of being another princess used for political purposes didn't sit well with you. Not to mention the main reason why this happened, but you'd rather not remember.

You sighed, at least you had Kougyoku. Either way, it still hurt, especially when you thought of her being used for purposes like that as well. You stood up and looked out a window to see all the preparations coming together. You had to admit, you imagined this to be a happy day with a man you loved. Unfortunately, that dream lay in the dust like all the others.

Your thoughts are soon interrupted when Kazue comes in, "my Princess, it seems that some have insisted on meeting you," he said, standing in front of the door.

You rose a brow but said nothing. You wondered what he meant by some, but didn't question it. You only turned back to the mirror, looking at yourself at every possible angle. You sighed and closed your eyes for a moment only to open them once more to see six girls with similar features to Emperor Koutoku.

You yelped in surprise, "u-um, if I may ask, who are all of you?" You asked. Although, with the fancy looking attire they had on you had to guess that they were imperial princesses. One thing stuck in your mind was, did Koutoku really have that many kids?

A very mature and regal princess stepped forward with a small smile etched onto her lips, "I am Kouko, the second princess of Kou and these are my sisters," she said while gesturing behind her.

She gestured to each of them as she said their names in order; Kouran, Kounami, Kouzue, Kouhana, and Kourin. It was clear to see that each of them had been married, both by the ring on their finger and with the way that they carried themselves. They carried themselves with silent grace as if they could never speak when their husband was around. It scared you to see that. You only hoped you wouldn't be the same way when you got married. 

You gave them a nice smile and gestured for them to take a seat. Once they were seated you looked to Kazue, "Kazue, can you get us some tea please?" You asked.

Kazue responded with a bow, "of course, Princess."

When he left you turned back to the princesses and sat down on a stool in front of them, "not to seem rude, but is there anything you all needed?" You asked, your hands folded in your lap. 

Kounami spoke up first, she spoke behind her sleeves and seemed to be a timid sort of girl. "I had heard rumors... That you had participated in wars and fought with a sword," she said timidly.

You nodded wearily, "..yes... Is that a problem?" You asked.

Kouzue had her arms crossed, it looked like she didn't seem to like the idea. "Well, as you're going to be a lady of Kou I don't think it's very proper for a lady," she said, despite the way she held herself there seemed to be a slight defiance in her voice. Like if she rebelled from time to time.

Kouko nodded to her, "yes, very right," she said while standing, "let me see your hands."

You reluctantly held out your hands and she grabbed them, she ran her thumbs over them. She huffed, "just as I suspected... Calluses," she said stiffly.

You pulled your hands away and clutched them to your chest, "I... Um..." You didn't know how to respond.

Fortunately, Kazue came back in with seven tea cups along with sugar, honey, and milk. He placed the tray with tea down and quickly left the room with a bow. 

Unfortunately, your luck didn't last very long as he soon left. You sighed, "excuse me, but, what's the problem with me fighting for whats right and for a better tomorrow?" You asked.

"Women don't fight. They support their husbands in their own way," spoke Kouran. 

You couldn't believe any of the words they were saying, "you mean with silent submission?" You asked rhetorically, "what if you were kidnapped and were going to be killed? Then what?"

"Guards would surely come to save us," one spoke up.

You resisted the urge to roll your eyes, "and if they don't make it on time?" You asked. They couldn't say anything and just sat in silent submission, probably like they always had.

(A/N: I just want to say now that if some of you are a tad upset with how I'm writing the Princesses, we're all gonna have to remember that they were basically taught in the ways Kou which I'm sure don't treat women very well. Especially during ancient times.)

You sighed, "look, I don't mean to make you feel bad, but this is why women like us need this," you explained, "you never know when we can to be taken advantage of and that's why I learned how to defend myself. I can teach you all if you want to."

The girls stayed quiet until Kouzue spoke up first, "I-I want to, but I'm... not allowed to carry a sword," she said, her tone growing shy with each word.

You smiled and shook your head, "you don't have to be good with a sword to protect yourself. Sometimes all you need is your hands or even a knife," you said, "and with dresses like these it makes it easier to hide."

Kouzue nodded, interested in what you have to say. You smiled at her interested look, "I would be more than happy to teach all of you if you'd allow me. Even if you are a refined lady, every lady needs to know how to fight for themselves. There will be times when we must discard our dresses for armor," you said, glancing at your sword and necklace in the corner of the room. 

Kouhana then spoke, it soon occurred to you that you don't think she had spoken the entire time. "I would like to know as well," she said quietly, to you it seemed as if she was scared somewhere would hear.

You smiled at her as well and soon enough all of the other girls began to think it was a good idea. You noticed that Kouko hadn't said anything, you walked up to her and knelt down in front of her. "You know," you began, "all I would like to do is make sure all of you can be safe, after all, I am going to be your sister." 

You grabbed her hands and noticed that she had allowed you despite the calluses on your hands. You noticed her blush and she nodded her head at you, you giggled. "Thank you," you said.

Soon enough, all of you were talking to each other as if you'd all been friends forever. It was such a nice feeling to have sisters that may even enjoy you around, it almost made you had happy to leave your old life behind. 


"My little princess looks so beautiful!"

You felt arms wrap around you and squeeze you tightly. It was your mother. "Thank you, mother," you said, smiling as tears began to fill your eyes. It was a tradition for a bride to cry on her wedding day, it apparently showed her reluctance to leave home. It was the maids' idea as it was a tradition in Kou.

You didn't take her compliment to heart though, you knew she was just pretending. Along with the rest of your sisters who decided to comment on your looks. The tears that were threatening to fall almost seemed to be more of sadness.

The sisters of Kou had left quite some time ago as they had to meet with their siblings after so long, you only hoped Kougyoku would be included. You almost felt upset that you hadn't seen her, but brushed it off as you were going to be seeing more of her soon.

Your father looked at you with a big smile on his face, but as soon as neared you he grabbed your arm and whispered into your ear, "don't mess this up," he snapped. You resisted the urge to glare and tugged your arm away. Meanwhile, your brother only gave a smile which you interpreted as wicked and stood at your father's side.

Kazue then cut in, to which you were grateful for, and placed the red veil on your head. Had it not been for the circumstances you were sure Kazue would have been more than happy for you, but given that he only said this, "you look beautiful, Princess."

You nodded with a bright smile, "thank you

He then turned to you, "it's time."

You took a breath in and out, "let's do this."


You took a deep breath as you walked down the silk red carpet to meet your betrothal and actually see him for the first time. A red veil covered your head, you could see through it though, the purpose of this was to reveal yourself once the ceremony was over. As to why?

When royals got married in Kou the bride-to-be was to cover her face to show her purity and virginity. Kouen would be the one to remove it once the two of you became husband and wife. In a way it symbols the husband holding the wife's purity in his hands. It was a figurative vow to protect it.

She walked up and knelt down next to Kouen, in front of you two was a fancy looking red Ottoman. Both of you were instructed to place your forearms on it. Unfortunately, you couldn't see most of his features yet as you were instructed to look forward the entire time. All you saw was the back of his head with the signature red hair in the Kou royal family.

"Dearly beloved, we have come together in the presence of king Solomon to witness and bless the joining together of Prince Kouen and Princess Y/N.

"Let us lift our hearts together as one in jubilant celebration of the marriage union we are about to witness between Prince Kouen and Princess Y/N.

"As they enter into the sacred and joyous covenant of marriage, we are blessed to witness the magnificence of their love, their open hearts, and their vibrant and willing spirits."

The man doing the ceremony turned to Kouen.

"Prince Kouen, do you take Princess Y/N to be your lawfully wedded wife, to love and to cherish from this day forward?" He asked.

"I do."

You eyed widened as he said so quickly. He must have no regrets when it comes to his country. You didn't think you'd be able to do the same.

"Princess Y/N, do you take Prince Kouen to be your lawfully wedded husband, to love and to cherish from this day forward?"

You gulped and your breath became slightly ragged. You didn't like this, you didn't like it at all.

"I-I do."

The man smiled and grabbed a red ribbon, he began to tie it around yours and Kouen's wrist. "May the red string of fate tie you together and unite your kingdoms as one. May the Rukh guide you to the destined path you, as well as your kingdoms, were destined to walk upon."

"Prince Kouen, you may now remove her veil."

As Kouen reached to the back of your head to remove it entirely, you tensed slightly, as he was very close to you. Once the veil was removed you had gotten a good look at his face, you blushed. The rumors weren't lying when they said he was handsome, his face seemed to be chiseled to perfection and that stoic look suited him; even the goatee suits him.

You were brought back to reality when you noticed his lips pressing a kiss to the red veil. Your face had gotten hotter by the minute, especially when you thought of tonight.

"And so the vow is sealed. You are now bound as husband and wife."

You and Kouen both stood up and turned to face the people who attended the wedding, careful to not accidentally untie the ribbon.

As you stood in front of them, they all cheered with delight. Your sisters only glared at you, meanwhile, your brother only clapped softly. As for you, you only looked at the audience with a stoic look when your gaze met your fathers, almost mimicking Kouen's.


A banquet was now being held to celebrate the wedding. As you and Kouen walked, your parents came and embraced you.

"We're so proud of you," your father said. Your mother nodded in agreement. You gave them a small bow to excuse yourself and Kouen led you to see Emporer Koutoku along with his wife, Gyokuen. 

The Emporer only glanced at you causing you to turn to his wife. When you looked into her eyes you felt fear grip your heart and tears come into your eyes, it was as if you knew her from somewhere. You tried hiding your ragged breathing but you were sure they could hear it. 

"Is something wrong?" She asked, concerned.

You blinked to get out of your train of thought and you were sure you would've collapsed had it not been for Kouen's hand on your waist. You blushed and stood up, "n-no, not at all-" you bowed to them and to Kouen- "please excuse me I probably just need some water." You walked off to find Kazue.

You found him standing off to the side with other servants. "Kazue, may I speak to you?" You asked, gesturing to a more secluded part of the room.

"Of course," he said, happy to escape boredom. You led him somewhere far from the woman and began whispering to him.

"Does something seem off about that woman over there?" You asked, nudging your head to Gyokuen while gripping onto his arm to try and find comfort. Kazue looked to Gyokuen, who was speaking to Kouen at the moment.

He shook his head, "no, not at all. Why do you ask?" He rose a brow at you.

You shifted your gaze to the woman and stared at her for a moment. "... I guess it was just me..." You whispered as you pressed a hand to your forehead.

"Are you feeling sick mistress?" He asked, concerned.

You smiled at his concern, "no, no. Please, don't trouble yourself. Well... That is all I need to ask. Please try to enjoy yourself, okay Kazue?" You asked, moving your hand from his arm to his hand.

"I will try."


You were sitting next to Kouen as the banquet began and you were bored so far. Not many people held a conversation all they did was congratulate you and walk off. Kouen also seemed busy as he was talking to you his household vessel, you tried remembering his name, although you guessed it was Kin Gaku.

You sighed and swirled the wine in your cup.



A/N: Oooooh, little cliffhanger~! Anyway, the wedding finally happened! Yay, hopefully now I can get more things done. Trust me, I have many things planned, hopefully, I don't forget. Regarding some of the wedding traditions, I kind of combined it with tradition from ancient China (as Kou Empire is based off that), my own ideas, and from Magi itself. If I offended anyone by accident then I do apologize. Other than that I hoped you all liked this chapter!

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