A gesture of secrecy

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The heart is a
 thousand-stringed instrument

That can only be tuned with



Strolling adjacent  a twisted marble staircase, Ameera marveled the architecture of the extensive bungalow,her pumps sank in thick beige  carpet as she walked along the dark wooden railings mesmerized by  massive paintings and decor with akin intricate details and came to halt in front of a  spacious glass wall just beside a modest sitting of luxury sofas and four-legged mirror table  at its core ,side lamps lighted away to polish the soft glow of  evening 

they are so lucky, and this is just one segment of  upstairs  Ameera thought her small frame  gazing outside in awe of the fairly lighted garden that hummed with fluttering breeze of the night

"Miss Ameera, mrs Naila" has requested your presence startled her long lashes lifted as she turned around hairs whirling with her move, 

she beamed 

"I shall guide you" he adhered to her approval 

 "call me Ameera, please it's just, formalities suffocate me" she gestured with her hands trying to make the man understand who seemed to be in his late forties 

After contemplating her for a second "sure" he nodded

"can we rehearse ?" she  cheekily requested, of course,it was Ameera how could she let it go that easily 

"beta" he inclined his head with a smile 

"Thanks, uncle "

the man regarded the young girl before him, she acts just like her

silently hoping the invisible  thick clouds which loomed around the house would fade with an antique spark she bought 

it wasn't the way she acts but there was something, something that girl wasn't even aware herself of

 while Ameera internally huffed not used to such bothersome formalities it was truly irritating the way these people live to many rules.

Just a few hours ago they were introduced to  rightful owners of the house in which  shamsa wasn't included much to their relief that lady seemed creepy

due to a slight urgency, they weren't  present to welcome the duo for which they respectfully apologized

the huge house comprised of just three people  

A married couple who had 2 kids one happily married and the other on training in a foreign country 

and their old mother whom Ameera learned everyone calls bi Jan

The man of the house Sarfaraz ,despite being in his late fifties appeared more fit and active having an authoritative aura yet surprisingly  lenient and had made sure they were  thoroughly taken care of seeing to their comfortableness on the other hand his wife Safia Begum had been quite strict talking only as she pleased nothing more nor less focusing just on essential points but quite equitable for her age and than came bi jan Sarfaraz's mother who was an extremely sweet lady she had lovingly  embraced Ameera praising the duo quite often 

  this meeting sure made them more comfortable now, but  rules never changed they were as strict as shamsa informed them 

and a little more just for them, after 9 they weren't allowed out which for Ameera wasn't much but daniyal surely flipped he was a night person zooming through the streets of muree and seeking adventure he had done throughout his teenage, this rule either had to be removed or broken he had thought at that  ..

but he will wait until they all settle...

A new place of residence where she aimed at embracing a dream yet a challenging path for daniyal where he intended to revaluate his goals...

Both interlaced in the same web of arduous destination. 


"Taking in the smell of freshly buttered paratha" Ameera smiled turning it with a wooden ladle,

"wow this smells delicious " daniyal took a seat freshly dressed in a dark button-up shirt as she kept his breakfast in front, as expected they both were late for their first breakfast

one thing common in both  was none of them could start their day without this particular breakfast paratha with tea and owing it was her favorite Ameera was a perfectionist in making them

"I never could have imagined you cook"daniyal commented appreciating the delicacy  in front

"I don't know how to, I can just make paratha and some minor dishes i enjoy "she emphasized arrogantly her eyes twinkling with mirth

"thought so" he rolled his eyes

"I am just warning you to be on time for dinner because I wouldn't be able to save your huge stomach from grumbling" she sipped rather loudly on her purple huge shiny mug deliberately stinging Dani's eyes

"you just had to bring this elephant-sized irritating cup" he chewed on his breakfast completely annoyed 

"hey !!! it is my favorite cup and this is a unicorn " ..she argued, dani raised an eyebrow his sharp eyes covering her antics with a sip of his  black tea  every now and then 

"You both are awake i had an idea you would be late so I told the chef to stay for a while," bi Jaan entered the kitchen amused as they greeted 

" thank you actually I can't have bread and uncle didn't know how to make paratha"Ameera orated confused making her chuckle 

in reality, more of it was that he  didn't know how to make it exactly how she likes thin  and crispy  

the old lady just gazed at her and smiled " Chalo shabash get ready after this " 

"you have five minutes if you want a ride with me" dani got up gobbling the last piece of the oily goody in his mouth

"unfair bi Jan" she stomped her feet running after him

and now exactly the elderly lady understood what her beloved friend had said about them but she feared the heartbreak for both..how would they bear ..the girl is too innocent for that harsh reality with a cane in hand she disappeared to the main hall

the beats  of her dashing upstairs behind daniyal with lines of her juveline warnings hauled an unusual message alerting the residence at such commotion of  which they weren't used to 

the newspaper stilled in the hand of Sarfaraz and an expression of shock settled  on his wife

it appeared like a concealed waterfall in a lagoon which seemed hushed from decades  

"This is horrendous" safia  begum  shot up leaving them, yet bi Jan wiped away a tear giving an assuring smile to his concerned son 

was it history of some sort repeating itself but it was almost impossible 


with  wavering conscious, Ameera stepped on the parking lot of her dream objective, her eyes swirled with a dew of mystic drops, the feelings seemed delusive...the hell she braced to get into it significantly the court of her family

"Ready ozel?" came a voice, bearing  same excitement as her feelings, even the massive garden ahead persuaded her being by fluttering its autumn leaves creating a bed of magnetizing nature, where amidst resided their harbor in all its tough dignity 

"yes, "she almost squealed, then narrowed her eyes at his particular word 

"I warned you a thousand times don't call me that!!" fussed Ameera beginning her journey towards its entrance  

"do you know what it means? daniyal  smirked his sharp orbs scrutinizing her attire

she was dressed in a knee-length royal blue chemise with a stylish  peacock garnished at  its right along with a white stole covering her neck, surely elegant, but he would have appreciated a shawl on her head 

"it means an annoying lady!" he whistled,  strongly clipped  by her induction file as they both raced towards the entrance 

"if I get kicked out on the very first-day don't forget I am taking you with me" he notified earning a   giggle but abruptly  made her halt due to people coming in view, with a puff she cleared her wavy hairs away from the  face

After an impelling  and strict induction of enormous students, they both seemed ready for their first class daniyal for masters and Ameera for her bachelors 

"I will drop you off at your class than will leave for mine," he said concentrating on her schedule while she just gazed  around the massive campus  taking in  its lavish and tempting arrangements 

"Ameera ?"

"seriously stop looking at the snack bar"  he bumped her shoulder making her grumble as they passed through many students 

"shall I drop her highness  inside the  class ?" he forcefully averted her still form which stood in front of a closed-door since a few minutes now

Ameera scowled moving away "why? I can go by myself!"

"sure" daniyal rolled his eyes 

"I am not a kid you can go now!" her stance firm as she ordered his huge form 

"Ameera inside" he pointed as she huffed 

"you are not my baby sitter daniyal" she stomped irritated,   next second her eyes enlarged as he pushed  opened the door,

handing  the documents amused he turned away as she glided through a hushed environment owing to her such magical entrance 

I hate you dani mentally roaring, she tucked her hairs behind an ear taking a seat in the mid after  conferring the form to the professor 

"greetings ms Ameera," he said scanning her paper and then surveyed the crowd of over 40 students 

"its the first day so welcome as  you all  come but after today bear in mind  punctuality means virtue to me" the aura of sternness glowed around the  formally attired lecturer as meek chorus  of "yes sir" filled around yet the whispers never ceased making her cautious 

  Despite an awkward start, enthusiasm filled her form as she emerged out of her last lecture. preserving it's an hour before daniyal finishes, a smile brewed ..its time to give herself a tour !! 

skimming through a corridor, the once moderate steps hindered at a strident commotion, where a girl quarreled with someone,..two hefty  guys, stunned at her bravery Ameera contemplated within but decided to move away yet  halted due to certain words

oh Ameera hope you don't file a complaint on your very first day 

"is everything alright? she inquired polite, attracting  attention thus  recognizing the girl, it was her who saved  a seat in every other class being the first one to smile despite the awkward entry 

 "Please can you control your friend" a fellow supporting dark  premium shades addressed Ameera 

"what do you mean why can't  you  teach your friend some  manners" the girl argued, Ameera  caught her pointed finger  backing her away from the furious one who she seemed to be arguing with, the man literally  had fire in his eyes 

seriously it was her first day she wasn't ready for any drama 

"commenting at girls how low of you " the girl fired

"that's enough he is feeling  guilty so let's go" Ameera cut in the  guy who was about to answer not making any eye contact and turned her around forcefully 

 "IDIOT" she glanced back and shouted Ameera sighed 

"seriously you had to say that" Ameera glared at her as they walked  away from the commotion 

she blew out a large puff and glanced at Ameera "thanks"

"no problem" Ameera nodded gazing  at her she was beautiful  with straight long  hairs and grey eyes wearing a long Arabic dress 

"you know I am not an attention seeker, not that type at all" she tried to clear a little nervous 

"I just  can't bear those men's who comment at girls like bro you are here to get education, learn some etiquettes,  hate those barbaric ones, so I reflected  staying quiet will only give him more vigor it's better  to step up" she explained 

" that's amazing" Ameera appreciated her thoughts

"you think so ?"

"of course, but in a slightly different way"  Ameera teased making her chuckle 

"I am Ashley but you can call me ash "

 'Ameera" she smiled

"coffee? "ash offered

"why not"

"what's this" ash gazed around the large cafeteria with not a single vacant table

"so that's why halls were so empty," Ameera murmured locating a space

"Can we sit here?"Ameera smiled 

"sure" the girl nodded busy on the phone 

"mom I am fine and  had lunch on time everyone is nice and I am safe "

"yes your packed food will not go to waste I promise will eat it "she persuaded

"g g i will not " she rolled her eyes with a smile 

"sure mom  don't worry okay that's fine/ok take care love you " 

"typical mom" Ameera couldn't control  as they all chuckled

"very desi "she corrected her glasses

"I am Sofia" she beamed as they introduced themselves getting along on a  softer note with decent talks 

"I am staying in a dorm and you both" ash asked 

"same here" Sofia joined excited 

"I live with family friends, came here with a cousin, "Ameera said disclosing he is a senior on their further questions 

"Woah really that's amazing" ash exclaimed

gazing at their confused expressions she elaborated "you see here in this uni seniors play an important role, if they are lively it's going to be fun for us, all the trips, plans, and events are programmed by  them the more outgoing they are the more freedom we have plus knowing seniors has its own perks" she explained cheekily 

"well he is pleasant, as long as he is in a mood" the trio chuckled 

"hayee can't wait to meet the seniors when will they finish "ash sighed but straightened perceiving  ethereal looks from her two  mates 

"can we have a seat?" noticing two  familiar faces heated Ameera's as ash's expressions 

"We were just leaving" Ameera answered while girls nodded 

there was no point creating a scene 

"we su...

"Please stay away" Ameera interrupted before he could complete

an ample shadow braced her blocking their path "now you are insulting us "he objected  

"oh seriously" ashy taunted coming beside, observing the dawning  blaze in his eyes yet his mate who was  the actual culprit  stood fixed never taking part in their conversation 

"We all are students of the same batch, just wanted to clear the dust "he stated expressionlessly

"well your friend thinks otherwise "ash pointed

"he will excuse than" his stern expressions made the other one miff

"Whatever I didn't mean it  that way "he shrugged 

"say sorry !" ashy demanded 

"What !! no way "he grouched 

"sorry "he gritted after a second making her smile victorious 

"I am Heider" the other one  introduced with a gentle nod  

"Ameera ?"

oblivious to her the cafeteria was much full now but on turning   her eyes clashed  with  the carrier of that voice, noticing daniyal with some boys,  with that   cafeteria started mounting with more  seniors 

"Daniyal's eyes narrowed taking in Ameera's position in front of someone striking his heated gaze on the guy 

waking past the group she neared daniyal, with  two girls behind, having Ameera by his side he glared in front 

"Next time do something more proper for you " daniyal warmed, an abrupt  hush filled around at his voice surprising Ameera 

"why don't you?" they answered with an equal battle of fiery gazes

dani stepped forward as his friends but Ameera held his arm 

"let's go" she whispered tugging him back thoroughly  embarrassed of the scenario 

"we mean no harm it was just talking, "Haeder said calmly 

"it better was,"  he said the final words holding her arm to sway her out, halting  at the entrance 

"so this is your cousin ?" ashy broke the dense  ice gazing at daniyal his striking features alluring 

"yes ameera" nodded slightly introducing them to daniyal her face still heated  

"Nice to meet you," Sofia said in a decent tone 

he raised his eyebrows and nodded with a polite smile " same here" 

"shall we " he looked at Ameera, seeing the scenario he was done for the day 

see you tomorrow they  gave a slight wave heading  towards their  dorms 

"dani your documents" a male came forward slight out of breath halting their move 

"Thanks, buddy " he playfully punched his shoulder 

"Assalam o alikum "he smiled politely looking at Ameera

"meet Ahsan, my friend, since college" daniyal gestured

"walaikum asalam " she murmured 

"consider him as your big brother if I am not around he will be !"

they both glanced at a serious dani who just  tied them both in a new relation

"sure" he smiled awkwardly "I should  leave "

"what was that !!! "Ameera questioned closing the door

"How was your day?" he ignored  igniting the engine 

"daniyal I am serious. why did you create a scene ?"

"I asked you something" he pointed unfazed

"I am asking  too you thick-headed person" Ameera shrieked starling him

"what did you say?" 

slightly flustered she coughed "I mean, answer me "

"tell me what I asked and then we will come to it "

exhaling in her seat she started off with praises for him  reminding him about the entrance making him chuckle and orated everything in detail

"your day seemed interesting " he took a sharp turn  

"except for the way you made friends"  he added

"what do you mean"her eyes confused as she tied her hairs

"look Ameera stay away from drama I don't want to see any connection between you and them got it? "

"I know the difference between right and wrong!!"

"it doesn't seem so" he chuckled humorless stinging her heart 

"it seems you are blind than"  she claimed 

"well  you took a wrong decision making them friends" he commented 

"No daniyal I think the wrong decision was to even display that we are related," she said jolting his already heightened senses 

"I am a very calm person and you know that but I guess it could irke anyone of what I saw" he explained after a few minutes of demining silence 

 not getting any response he sighed "I would really hate any drama getting attached to your name Ameera",

 no one can say a word about you his jaw clenched 

"i have lived a uni life before but you haven't" he emphasized 

"but without having heard my explanation how could you conclude I was wrong daniyal"ameera questioned muddled 

"I never meant it in that sense " he looked at her sincerely  

"it's okay I accept your heartiest  apology you don't need to beg" Ameera smiled mischievous hearing his snort 

"and this should be your compensation" after a few seconds she played her favorite Disney song from Alladin 

"uffff" he cringed at the shrill voice of the lady 

"to ice cream parlor" she ordered putting her shades on. daniyal raised his eyebrow 

"your highness shall I bring a mirror in front, in case you forgot your identity"

"ice cream!!!"

"no to much sugar" 

"daniyall" she narrowed her eyes 

"I can't handle a hyper ozel please" she huffed gazing outside 

yet he turned towards the shop making her grin  

but deep within her heart, something seemed so unsettled 


with an oversized floral hoodie, Ameera settled on a chair connecting her laptop, giving one last call to daniyal who had vowed to be there in 5 minutes, half an hour ago and she couldn't wait longer.

"Ameera my flower  how was your first day," granny asked with a huge smile peering closely assuring herself after  heartwarming salutations

 "where should I start from granny it was...

"it was my first day as well you know" dani bombarded  munching an apple and took  a seat beside  much to her annoyance 

"oh wow so how was your first day of  primary school" Ahmad teased  settling beside  

"Woah buddy when did you returned" daniyal beamed adding a few more comments 

"seriously I am still hearing about the havoc you both created" Kiran smiled joining in  

"move away" ameera pushed him greeting everyone while answering their piles of questions 

"seriously women's!" dani muttered shaking his head witnessing quite   unnecessary emotions of  ladies of his family 

"I am just glad you both are settling in the environment still doubtfull at Danial's abilities though" Ahmed commented

"try me," daniyal said smugly  

"But let me tell you something " he looked at ameera but she cut in  

"except for the rules everything is fine honestly granny I have back pain from sitting so straight"ameera complained trying to shut dani 

daniyal smirked " granny your beloved daughter is recking havoc to their rules "

"no, I am not" she guarded strongly  

"Listen to this,   she ate rice with a fork not only that she had a dessert before the main course and after that as well trust me that lady was about to have a heart attack "

they all laughed much to her annoyance  who glared at dani

"everyone should have freedom of choice plus I love  sweets" she murmured 

"oh  and did I tell you dani got me, late granny, I was so tensed" she   added sadly as they all glared at the culprit 

"What a liar!!!" he faked a surprised expression and  the talks went on till Ameera's parents

and to say the least, their family was finally in peace especially after the first call which had kept everyone on their toes 


"Without your presence this  being can't seem to cope, my leaf of serenity lies within your palm oh I miss you"

ameera folded the piece of paper fallen from  Danial's laptop bag and blocked the small bruise forming,  silently she arose  from the ground where her shawl now lay motionless

Peering at the mirror in front who flashed her goals one by one surrounding  and her lashes met blocking everything  away  

deep within she was still very angry at him for doing this to her 

but she can't do this to him, he has done enough, she has to back away and make sure he meets the one he loves, why should he sacrifice his feelings for a mere girl like her and she promised with a heart which already thundered ...

.a heart already securing a strong imprint of someone can never belong to her 

while downstairs Safia begum prepared a list of things for ameera, a girl, especially of their house, will have to learn a lot, this can't go on, she can't let her ruin the sophistication and  respect this house cradles  in front of the whole neighborhood 

will a girl brimmed with colors of life be drowned  in endless expectations and rules placed by her family and the place where she lives in 

will this be a revolution or destruction only time will tell 

she wasn't aware of the battle ahead and it wasn't easy...

her deep hazel eyes stared so far ahead of the universe just from her balcony

*never gets fulfilled yet these eyes has brewed countless dreams*

will daniyal let ameera drawn will he let circumstances strip her of every color could he fall prey to his former feelings ...

Maybe he would 

with a night lamp switched on his hands yet again were helpless to not write phrases brewed by his heart 

what a mayhem of feelings 


how are you, dear readers? and how was the chapter did you enjoy it 

Any comments on where their relationship is headed and about Ameera's character, anyone relates to her habits?

do place your opinions I eagerly  await to read them even the private ones 

and maybe you all would relate to your uni life somehow  reading her's ;-)

until next time 


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