A day of essence

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 "Your hand opens and closes, opens and closes. If it were always a fist or always stretched open, you would be paralyzed. Your deepest presence is in every small contracting and expanding, the two as beautifully balanced and coordinated as birds' wings.",,,

― ,

The nearby vast mountains stretched  with the radiance of early morning gasp  as small suburbs and tress swayed exhaling an inviting breeze with a wiggle of  dew filled grass capturing the once asleep birds with its unique fragrance portraying an enticing environment to the people around   

the wide jungle offered  its treat of nature hidden beneath the tall shrubs and artistic wood  as it drummed with an occurrence of a pair  

"STOP!!!"  hands-on knees and  a few strands out of her sleek  ponytail Ameera breathed constricted with closed eyes 

"HA look at the superwomen,", attired in a sports apparel, his  hairs messed up daniyal  smiled broadly gazing at the girl who an hour ago haughtily demanded to join him  

"shut up" she groaned with a huff struggling to stand straight 

 "Ameera my dear I am proud to announce that you are totally out of shape" daniyal crossed his arms utterly smug fancying her glare 

" Ameera  spiderrr !!"

with a screech, she ran towards him  as he doubled in laughter 

"you are such  a wicked human  " Ameera scolded hitting him on the shoulder, but how could she compete with a person who had this routine since ages, contrarily, she  was a type of girl who would utilize every little second of the morning until she can and here this?, she was already regretting every minute of her stubbornness 

"just a little more" daniyal persuaded playfully  ignoring her constant blazing eyes  as they reached atop 

"We have such an enormous  park near us why  come to the mountains specifically a jungle,?" she questioned with a troubled puff

"it's more fun here"  he shrugged barely tired 

"it's so hard" Ameera moaned struggling to keep up with him. trying to grasp how unfit she actually was, while she had a notion of being the most active person  

"nope you are too lazy " he corrected 

"Next time we are going to the park" she declared  picking up a fallen dandelion 


"why ?"

"There are  to many people ameera see this, it's quite peaceful " he persuaded plus it just made him uncomfortable having her in that crowd 

"who effing people climb mountains  6 in the morning ?" she inquired but  getting no reply her keen eyes wandered around the vast meadows on the hilltop taking her breath away 

"let's take a break"  he sat down opening his water bottle which was gracefully snatched by her 

"where is yours?" daniyal inquired annoyed seeing her gulp the crystal liquid  

"it's too hefty  to carry" she shrugged handing him back  with a cheeky smile 

"what are you ameera?" he shook his head chugging down the rest 

But how is she like? Ameera's gaze took in his sharp jaw  with secretly hooded acute eyes 

does she enjoy morning runs to?

"you see that meadow ?" Daniyal's abrupt  question took her out of a trance 

"where ?" her eyes blinked a number, scared of being caught 

softly tugging  her close, his finger  pointed at a faraway  place hidden in bushes 

"I heard they grow each kind of berries. we have to go there" he explained making her nod excited 

"let's go we will be late" 

her shoulders slumped looking at the rocky path down 

"I don't have the energy" she whined

"I can't carry you,  let me look for a wheelbarrow nearby" daniyal joked

"shut up" she retorted getting up 

"I thought short people can run fast, why shortie can't you ?" he taunted halfway down 

she gasped "I am not a shortie" 

"then what are you?" he scanned the girl who  barely reached his shoulders despite her secretly standing on  toes 

"let's race than shortie"  he jogged

 "cheater !! and I am just fun-size" she squealed from  behind 

As the massive place came in view she smiled although not perfect, yet  it was a sort of temporary abode for them, it had  been over a week and she was still getting used to it, there were corners and places in the house still left undiscovered, halls in which she never wandered and then there was that lady who never even smiled at ameera  

'Assalam o alikum bii Jaan" Ameera squealed entering,  the old lady smiled placing her warm drink aside very well knowing a cheerful hug was on its way 

"I am rather surprised to see our baby awake at this hour."

"not you too" she pouted taking a seat beside 

"don't worry beta just a few minutes ago she was all praises for you," Sarfraz sided  with a newspaper in hand making her smile broad until daniyal entered after one more lap around the garden 

"Come in beta, can't lie I am very impressed by your routine, I invite you to have a run with me at 5 am  sometimes,  you will be a nice company "Sarfaraz praised seeing daniyal approach

"nice company? uncle you will regret it I am warning you," ameera interrupted

"He will take you to barren life-threatening jungles"daniyal rolled his eyes at her explanation of a mountain while others laughed aloud 

it was a quite  refreshing change for them, a breeze so delightful that they were starting to enjoy her banters but it surely  took them few days to get used to her routine and loud laughs but now they cherished it except safia begum of course 

to her ameera was ruining a  very well poised house, rather turning it  into a circus to which she had to take control sooner or her reputation among neighbors will be tarnished not to forget visitors and relatives 

"I will freshen up " daniyal excused 

"MEE TO" ameera added rather cheerful 

"beta take your time I already ordered your breakfast and made sure he will make just the way you like it " 

"you didn't have to bi Jaan but thank you so much, you are a charm "placing  a kiss she got up 

"your always welcome" the  old lady shook head at her antics 

"next time ameera beta please enter the house a little politely" safia interrupted coming in snatching her smile

"what's wrong ?" Sarfaraz looked at safia as ameera left slightly dejected 

" can't you both  see what's she is doing to our house  and you ask me what's wrong ?" she glared furiously 

"please leave her alone' bi Jan warned 


In a highly tedious environment, Ameera peeked at Ashley with bored expressions who imitated same emphasizing it with a subtle sigh

it was a dazzling inaugural of the season fall with its youthful and crisp inviting breeze which pretended to call their names chanting songs of freedom whilst they enclosed in since hours

"Ammy can't take this person anymore..!" Ashley groaned and if observed closely every other student portrayed the same story, it wasn't all about the appealing weather outside but mainly because of the current professor, who is known to be the sternest one not blessing any student a chance to even move caging each of them cleverly with his frequent questions so they stay alert

a hushed whisper arose catching their attention and they almost gasped at the boys. their eyes now glued to the drifting ball made of foil until it zapped professor's arm

and they struggled to facepalm at their insane idea noticing a very furious professor who turned around while one of the culprit chewing the sandwich to its last bit probably where the foil emerged from

"explain!!" the older man glared at the hushed class bearing a shiny missile in hands

"This defines your manners, I can't even comprehend how you were eligible to get admission here !!"

"will anyone justify ?" yet no one did preparing for the worst

"for your foolish and immature behavior, I dismiss the lesson for today you will have to go through it yourself and since everyone is in this together I will not answer any queries of this topic in future and to warn you it's vital for this term "

picking up his things he dashed out leaving everyone in utter unexpected shock yet the roar of cheers just after, interpreted just how happy his decision made them

"Are you serious he just left ?"Ameera sat shocked 

"Ammy we are free" Ashly tugged excitedly 

"thanks to us" the group  added proudly 

"oh sure if he had known it was you, you would be out of this uni" Ashy answered, while ameera warned her through eyes.. you shouldn't be talking back to everyone 

"But they aren't" Usman defended  stuffing his book in the bag 

"Thanks to us !"Ashy argued

"Guys I think it's the best we  discuss our project we have got enough time and I am sure everyone is free" Haider proposed advancing towards their table 

"Now ?" ashy moaned  with  a sad face 

"of course I wouldn't want to take extra time after the uni" Usman sided 

"yes it seems like a good idea" Ameera nodded after a thought noticing everyone exit the class

Haider and Usman were the two guys with whom they had a little unsettlement with and because it took place in a cafe how could that not spread to  officials 

being a very regulated center. an action was taken immediately, and so they were entitled to work  together and organize a project building a team which would take place on their cordial day 

"just 30 minutes" Ashley added

" can't wait for that to be over" Usman rolled his eyes as they moved ahead while Ameera slowed her pace to text 

"I am glad things weren't worse" Haider spoke from beside her 

"surprisingly yes" she gave a short answer not taking her eyes off her phone 

"How did you manage to do that one question in another class ?" the lighted hallway hid the dim weather outside as they passed through boards of activities along the way   

"look Haider please don't mind but I don't really appreciate these type of frankness I know we have a  project to do and  we will do it but apart from that I don't really want us to have a talk "she cleared internally uneasy at his efforts 

He smiled gazing at her "of course as you wish I just wanted to clear the mist that took place between us, I come from a background where ladies are given immense respect my mom my sister and cousins they have been brought up  in a very respectful environment, so I just didnt wanted you to have a different notion about me it was very unsettling for I have always respected women " he cleared not once looking at Ameera 

her stars earrings dangled going perfectly along with her baby pink floral shirt as she gazed at the person

"I respect you" she ended shortly as they entered through the door of a colossal  outdoor cafeteria 

yet there stayed a remark that captured her intellect 

"I think this is the best spot" Ashley waved inviting her 

"yes "ameera smiled keeping her things 

"what  drinks?" Haider proposed 

"I will get mine and ashy's" replied ameera 

"oh no please let...but before he could complete she was gone 

"is that Sofie ?"Ashley pointed helping her with the warm drinks in hand  

"yes" Ameera furrowed her eyebrows at her, who sat amidst daniyal and bunch of his classmates 

"I never knew she was a senior?"

 "Neither did i" as they gazed at her who was busy typing away as the guy beside her spoke 

"look your cousin"Ashly pointed excitedly 

"of course I saw him !" Ameera rolled her eyes completely ignoring the girl sitting beside him 

A full round table conference ameera thought as she caught Daniyal's eye on the table while Haider and Usman  joined them with their  refreshments  in hand

scanning both  guys on their table Daniyal  raised his eyebrows looking at Ameera who gave a very confident smile witnessing his narrowed eyes in return 

"First, we need to build a team" Haider drew a circle on a piece of paper engaging them with a nod 

"An active and willing team" Ameera joined 

"sorry couldn't reply to your texts it was on silent" Sophie interrupted joining them 

"you are a senior never told us?"ashy questioned excitedly 

"oh no I was just given an assignment which required a senior as a mentee for some research so I was sitting with them"

"yar brother Adnan is amazing like he is so intelligent ma shaa Allah taught me so many things and you know his wife studies with him, the girl who was beside me how cool is that" she beamed 

"that's nice" Ashley spoke

seeing the other two guys she grinned nervously noticing their confounded expressions 

"Did I interrupt anything? , she chuckled 

"No actually, we will need your help," Haider said thoughtfully 

Daniyal  knew about the campaign they were given and partly thought  or rather believed it was his fault ameera got in this situation and  definitely didn't trust that bunch  around her she was too childish for somethings and he just didnt knew what should he do prevent this stupid campaign 

"your class finished early?" daniyal leaned in having a piece of cake near Usman, as the girls stiffened noticing his every action cautiously, they didnt really want any more thrill especially after the first encounter 

"yup the professor had some emergency," ashy said breaking the alarming  silence" please do take a seat"

"No I am fine I just came to say since you will be needing a team and it's going to take you ages to select and convince people me and my mates will be a part of it" he smirked gazing ameera 

"what?" Ashley beamed 

"NO !!" ameera Interrupted 

"why not ameera you should be happy seniors are getting involved ?" he  added as she threw daggers at him, 

"I mean we haven't decided what type of team we need to build so .."

"I don't really see a problem" Sophie answered, 

"I think we need time," Haider added as Usman nodded 

"what do you mean? it's decided we will be a part of this because we want to "daniyal challenged 

and of course, no one wanted another argument with them, they were already mending the past one  on their very first week 

ameera briefly closed her eyes cooling her nerves 

" see you guys later Ameera if you are done let's go home ?"daniyal smiled satisfied at boys reaction 

seriously? Ameera thought 

"No, we have a march to attend " Sophie reminded as ameera noded 

"can I have a word then?" he demanded 

"sure" she got up  slamming the paper away 

"what was that daniyal" she  questioned as they now stood near gallery on the opposite side 

"what? I just tried to help as you have been complaining about me being the reason for this all!? He defended 

"yes, that's true! but I don't want your help!" she emphasized gritting her teeth 

"you don't have a choice, plus leave the stupid march its a waste of time and energy  " he shrugged casually creasing  his grey jumper 

"what do you mean? look daniyal stay out of my life, stop this stop  interrupting my work, stop bossing me around "her light dress swirled with enhancing wind while  hairs gathered making her tuck behind every now and then  

" we agreed on it before we came here now stick to it please ?" she bolted in anger leaving a very irritated daniyal behind 

I won't ameera, he clenched his jaw seeing her retreating back

I can't 

After about 2 hours the march came to an end and to tell the truth her legs were in agony  but she wouldn't concede to it of course 

Daniyal warned you her conscious reminded smug  to which she stomped  even harder 

"I regret this so, much" sofie groaned as the trio took a seat on the stairs in the garden 

"why no one warned us" Ashley grumbled and ameera looked aside

"at least we got to experience something new" she added 

"can't lie I loved how we smashed the record of  past students and troubled  seniors by breaking the rules on every turn, they were so furious on leading us  " Ashley chirped as they laughed 

"your cousin looked so mad honestly I was scared especially after the first-day everyone has a quite different notion about him"

"I agree  their group is considered dynamite "Sophie added   

"who told them to manage us, they voluntarily shifted their duties with us "Ameera shrugged 

But  smiled thinking back to how they deliberately chanted biased lines carrying  the boards opposite and the way they kept marching in the wrong directions at last daniyal had squared her shoulders showing her the way, not only that he made sure she never diverted or broke  the line well though it was fun to annoy him he deserved it, she was surprised he stayed back instead of going home after their argument 

A sudden commotion broke their conversation, confused they decided to see what happened 

A huge  tree around which few students gathered one guy climbing it while the other supporting  with cheers of some students around to encourage them 

Ameera scrutinized her eyes trying to locate  the cat clearly which  was way up high 

"fascinated?"daniyal spoke from aside starling her 

"well of course" she calmed her heart 

"mee too" he added leisurely pocketing his hands  

"at least they are trying to help the poor kitten" she taunted noticing  more students join

"This is just their trick to have an impression on girls, " daniyal grinned eyeing her 

"if you can't help don't point out on others!" she puffed making him smile

"Besides if she isn't stuck then why can't she jump?"

"you wanna see a trick" he raised an eyebrow noticing her light dazzling eyeshadow emerging with  sun 

"what do you mean?"

He winked at his friends' group, one of them emerged with a few  biscuits in hand 

moving forward he  lowered the treat  making specific tone  hearing  which she meowed loud and in few minutes jumped down taking the biscuit as his friend patted the cat surprised looks were all around with  raging faces of those boys 

"it's my friend's cats  " he grinned 

"They tried to bound her but of course how could we not ruin their plan" he pointed towards  the blade in his friend's hand who secretly emerged from behind the tree

"Impressed?"daniyal smirked taking in Ameeras adorably shocked expressions

looking at him she shrugged "not really" and he chuckled 

"Typical ozel" he teased the air of frustration leaving between them 

"I am tired let us go home" she handed him her bag as she tied her hair heading towards the car after saying her goodbyes 

"one more thing I am going to take my revenge of what you did to us today" he warned  

"I was just angry" she smiled cheekily 

"Just wait for it Miss ameera you will regret annoying me" 

she looked at him closing the car door "you won't do that to me right ?"

"Gentleman doesn't take revenge" she quoted in the air 

"you will be entertained to see how well of a gentleman I really am !" he reversed the car making her squeal with the sudden speed 

"Gentleman and you could never go together !!!" he laughed pressing the gas paddle a little more 


Freshly out of a shower Ameera hummed a tune draped in her purple tunic, picking out her management folder and laptop from study desk filled with delicate fancy stationery she jumped on the bed 

And exactly after 30  minutes of nonsense gazing at the lifeless things in front  she sighed picking up the photo frame of her family from the bedside table 

"I miss you all" she whispered grazing her hand on the cold glass, no doubt it had been an adventurous week, and, she was also getting used to activities around here, which were totally distant compared to her previous life but her family was constantly being missed, she wasn't used to living alone despite their constant texts and voice notes daily there was part still left unfulfilled.

"Ameera?" daniyal knocked 

"come in" she answered keeping the  frame aside

"what the ?..." he slightly chuckled witnessing   bunny ears on her head 

"what? I like them, they are cute!" She  defended eyeing the big box he kept down 

"your parcel's arrived"daniyal announced  making her jump out of the bed 

"Are you even going to grow up" he  spanked one bunny ear making her huff 

"Next time don't order this, much"  he replied going out 

"Thank you" she shouted from behind 

"No need, next time I am going to make you bring it!" he shot back 

"Sure I already know how  refined man you really  are" she mumbled preparing to open her box until another knock interrupted 

"Shall  I come in beta" her eyes lifted to witness safia begum poshly standing on the threshold

"sure, aunty" she smiled taking off her headband in haste 

eyeing the box safia scrutinized her before slightly  turning back 

"come in shamsa" she gestured gazing back at a perplexed  girl noticing her reaction as shamsa came in with a bar of hanging clothes confusing her even more

"Ameera this house has some of its order and I am sorry to say you have been constantly breaking them "she paused studying her  bewildered expressions

"Now I will, of course, let go of the other things,  we will learn slowly so  for now, the clothes here" pointing towards them she smiled 

"I told shamsa to take your size and had it stitched for you from my finest tailor, I don't appreciate  you roaming around the house wearing those!" eyeing her long shirt and loose trousers with a pale shawl "whatever you may call it" she ended  

Narrowing her eyes ameera disagreed  " what's wrong with these "

"I don't like them and neither want you to wear them around at least  when you come downstairs,"

"These are not the manners, of this household, for the time being, this will be your wardrobe until the coming week where the rest will be stitched "

"and please good girls don't argue" she silenced before ameera could defend anymore

"I hope you don't mind beta but this was necessary "she went out greeting daniyal at the door 

"Did you hear that?" Ameera quizically  gazed at daniyal who  nodded calculating her 

"This isn't fair I will wear what I want!!"

"I knew you would say that look ameera there is nothing wrong in what she said," he advised  keeping a small parcel atop the other 

"you too?"  dejectedly  her eyes wandered in his 

"I have a lot of work to do and I hope you are not going to create any drama," he said breaking her heart  

"but the way she is dictating me isn't right either " she emphasized  her eyes awaited for his aiding  reaction 

"Enough of this, my life already  hasn't been the same after you, now  will you please corporate for this" he gestured towards the rack leaving her aghast

"I won't" she whispered not looking at him as he went out of the door 

what's gotten into him she thought suddenly realizing, of course, how could his life be the same he lost his "love" because of her, with a deep breath she sat down, closing her files with a thump  

how many times should she scream it was his fault, she never wanted this 

Enraged she switched off  the lights getting inside the  bed breathing hard trying  to close her annoying subconscious but to no vail, her anger and irritation was so fierce that even after hours,  sleep was no way near  

tossing and turning she huffed 

She so wanted to tell her family but that would just create another "drama" as dani quoted she shrilled  at the word getting up 

Tying  her hair in a loose ponytail she draped a huge shawl around covering her from head to toe deciding to  take a  walk  

There was  serene quietness outside not a word just soft talks of some servants and clatter of their shoes as she tiptoed away from her wing 

it was very rare of her to go downstairs at this hour usually after dinner she preferred staying in her room unless called and the fact she hadn't explored the whole place yet was another drawback she desperately wanted fresh air and had no idea where the back door to the garden is, besides  the front door was no option the loyal staff wouldn't take a second to inform safia begum  

her pale pumps glided past the hued path from one corridor to the other alongside witnessing the mahogany frames, spiritual duas fitted under the soft lights of dusk colored lamps and a few rooms with closed doors 

the house is massive she thought as she continued her quest to find the back door of the garden until her eyes fell upon the squared glass room  in front, slightly shaded but the rays of shimmering   water confirmed it was a swimming pool

With excited curiosity, she pushed open the door her lips curved forming a smile as she beamed locating the huge pool which was shadowed with various suburbs on the opposite side hinting towards the garden 

dismissing her former idea, she took a deep relaxing  sigh taking a seat on the marbled floor nearly on the edge 

lately, her mind was quite a  chaos maybe the tantalizing water would help 

squeezing her shawl near she counted the troubles created in just a week not knowing she has a very long way ahead .. these happenings were just a teaser of many things that are going to unfold with time molding her 

despite all of this, her main concern nowadays was that particular girl in Daniyals life why was she so helpless to shut her mind in regards to her, why in his every act Ameera tried to locate that girl and in the end why is she so guilty as well angry for coming into his life 

or maybe it's just  the suffocating rules over here that were never experienced before in her life, that doesn't let her mind rest 

she has always been a free person never in her life she had followed rules or be dictated, this is not right it's against her own rules 

her parent's siblings family no one did this to her 

but here Eat this, do that, wear this, ban that it was her life she can't be this way and daniyal wasn't even supporting her, why?

of course, because he is so in love with that ......

A tear of frustration peaked  out which she banished hastily she wasn't weak ameera consoled when an unannounced sniffle tore away as the leave rustled on the counter side alerting her 

"Hello?" her observant gaze met the stranger's keen ones who stood on the opposite side casually leaning on a tree.

when did he come? 

Ameera scurried to stand getting tangled with her shawl in the process making the other one chuckle 


"it isn't funny !"Ameera narrowed her eyes 

"And who are you? what are you doing here?" she wasn't going to get scared, he was totally on the opposite side if he came closer she could easily escape 

"Woah slow down so many questions?" he gave an easy smile confusing her 

he was a lean yet strong man wearing a black polo shirt with jeans having  porcelain skin and friendly features 

"I am just a neighbor, live in a house next to this" he pointed towards the equally built house 

"why did i never saw you then?"Ameera questioned with a calculating gaze 

"When did you ever meet the neighbors?" he questioned back trying to hide his smile. her expressions were so open and equally delightful 

"but still never even saw you around" Ameera emphasized,  

"well because your uni timings are different to mine but trust me since you shIfted I don't really need an alarm to wake up in the morning" he teased 

"Hey!!" she protested with her tangled hand 

"sorry" he surrendered with an apologetic smile but his eyes betrayed his concern 

"I meant it in good terms I often used to get late " he explained further 

"Trust me" he added seeing her still annoyed  

"what are you doing here ?"

"I can ask you the same question it's way past your bedtime kiddo?" he said seriously  

"I am not a kid!" her hairs meddling despite the band  

he wasn't that old maybe in his late twenties or early thirties but why that word 

"you seemed  sad !"

"Why should I trust you ?" she raised her eyebrow 

"Things can be hard in this house but don't worry I see potential in you" he consoled  

"you can do this !!" he smiled gently  

really? she was craving to hear that line which literally took her in a moment of daze until his words snapped her out 

"thanks maybe?" the man offered which she ignored 

"I come here often to play golf with  uncle or at times chess there is great meadow behind " he explained 

"oh" she nodded thoughtfully  

"so why were you sad ?"

"I wasn't, just study stress " she shrugged, he nodded not wanting to intrude her privacy

"I would like if you  join us sometimes" he proposed 

"golf is for old and boring people she chirped but smiled cheekily "I didnt mean that "

"No worries, but never cry for any  stranger in your life "his grey eyes reflected with water 


"chess than?" he inquired

"stop changing the topics so fast you are confusing me and I don't know how to play chess!!"she said irritated amusing him 

"I will teach you but for that, go to bed before you get in trouble " 

"No one will know and I want to stay here, "she said confidently 

"Every rule is meant to be broken yet no rules should be crumbled " He murmured 

"will you stop this, please," she said annoyed  

"AMEERA?" the screech of the glass door with a warning vocal  made her nervous as daniyal came in view 

"what are you doing here at this time?" Ameera's gaze wandered  at the stranger  who depicted  I told you so face making her furious 

"Who are you?" daniyal examined the person with narrowed eyes  

"I am Zeeshan I live next door just came a second ago as I heard someone here, just to see "

"and you shouldn't be here at this time again alright," he said to ameera leisurely leaving them alone 

what is he?

she glanced at daniyal putting a confident face in front of his serious one 

"How did you know?" she gave her best polite smile 

"you werent in the room" he stared 

"I usually sleep at this time who gave you permission to come in my room " she puffed   dramatically 


"stop looking at me like that " she lowered her gaze 

"I wasn't sleepy and it's my life so my rules" she added after a minute of utter silence 

"you really don't want peace in my life do you" he sighed 

"you are not my baby sitter daniyal how should I put that in your mind! stop ordering me around!" his towering figure making her nervous 

"I am just looking after you not guarding you, will you stop acting childish ?" he said rather serious 

"what was so childish about this?" 

"it's just been a week here I don't know who appears or goes in this area.  I hadn't even seen this place until now, can you please wait until I am sure it's safe for you to go around unguarded, we are in a totally different place ameera with people we never met in our life! for example, that joker who happens to live next door did he needed any license to come here ?"

"he is not a joker "ameera defended but noticing  his expressions she added "what I mean is I get you but it was all your fault"

he sighed rubbing his face as ameera smiled though a few hours ago she wanted to bash something on his head however  the poor guy does looks fatigued 

"Stop staring at me creepily "Daniyal pointed 

"you know I hate you with deep passion," she said 

"oh clearly," he accepted with nod yet a smile brew 

his frustration yet his contentment lies somewhere between but why he thought 

"shall we? your highness," 

"Help" she showed her tangled hands making him laugh 

"Is this a  giants shawl or you are just a dwarf "he entangled the ribbons getting her out 

"you are just jumbo-sized" she mumbled assembling the large shawl as he gazed at her 

"How did you know I could be here?" her curiosity shone within those impish orbs as they made their way back 

"I never knew this could actually  be true but your marshmallow scented shampoo  helped " he made a face getting a hit

"so are we going to see a well-dressed person for dinners now " he teased 

"hate you" she mumbled 

"please Ameera it's only for dinners don't test the poor lady's patience you can do this" he winked 

"Alright well you could have said that earlier" she suggested 

"I am learning from the best" he gave  a charming smile snatching her band away 

"Heyyy YOU" she screeched, he kept his hand on her mouth 

"it's late" He glared as she pushed his hands away skipping towards her room 

"Good night ozel and don't close the door completely," he said locking the door of their wing 


"because I get scared" came his voice  and she doubled in laughter making him smile 

"Please?" he further added

"Alright, alright  little one " 

 While they both knew that wasn't the case 

Mystic meadows with thorny branches...how much can you walk, your feet won't take it,

slow down, rest a little, the scanty waterfall could be your solace .. for there is a long way ahead. 

run and you will fall .......walk so you may learn

oh darling waves of love only nurture with time

and if time seems stuck look again it may be that your path differs.



how are you all? missed you ...

"Exams yup they were the culprit before you start scolding me I assure you that was the only thing keeping me away

I know its been long and hope the next one will be on time hopefully 

until then please do comment as it helps me a lot, motivates me and gives meaningful insight into your thoughts 

all the girls having exams now I pray MAY ALLAH bless you with success 

please remember me in your duas as well 

Take care 

will be waiting for your thoughts :-)

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