A storm of silence

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wilt be observant and vigilant, thou wilt sees at every moment the response to thy action. Be observant if thou wouldst have a pure heart, for something is born to thee in consequence of every action.


"But that's what I am clarifying  baba I do eat healthily, mum doesn't apprehend"  Ameera sighed, perched cozily on her bed still in her night suit with slightly drawn curtains, admitting the peachy rays to paint her room  

"Don't judge a book by its cover!" she explained seeing her mother's constant glare 

"Ameera I don't even know what to do with you my bp can't stay normal unless you decide to grow up "Fatima depicted  unsatisfactory expressions

"stop pestering  my daughter "peechey hi parh jati ho bachi key "Salman defended 

"love you baba" she gave a flying kiss 

"And you little lady, eat healthy now " he winked making her smile with a nod

Ameera had a day off while poor daniyal had to go,  she opted to facetime her  parents and it was going  quite  well until her mother spotted her munching on a packet of chips as breakfast and  from then on it was just a series of lectures one after the other 

"Keep that away now" her mom rebuked, quite innocently she folded the wrapper raising her arms in defense 

Fatima shook her head at Ameera who was now sending love emotions through chat yet the naughty glint in her eyes still intact 

"wesay captain I salute you living with her isn't easy" quite serious she commented

"trust me" Salman chuckled siding with her daughter 

"love you mummmyyy" she sang just after  bribing Fatima's soft emotions 

"Beta take care of yourself and daniyal as well, .when will he be back though?" she inquired 

"in the evening probably" she shrugged 

"make something for him, if you are home today" her mother advised 

"hain?" she gave a poker face 

There was no point on elaborating what she actually wanted to convey especially in front of Salman who will only side with his daughter, another time perhaps her mother thought,  paying attention to Ameera who listed  series of concerns she experienced, to which  Salman being extremely supportive adhering to her invalid  tales

"literally just a month there and look at your long list of complaints Ameera beta learn to live with some sacrifices life is not always as you wish" she explained concerned of her daughter's conduct 

"But mummy I can't change myself just because she lives so differently," Ameera said elaborating  safia begum's  routine 

"I see nothing wrong with what safia  is doing beta I spoke to the lady twice now and I really like her, in fact, I would be pleased if she would  make you a proper lady "

Ameera snorted but gave a toothy smile neutralizing her mom's reaction 

"Baba next time you and I will talk when mummy is gone somewhere" she humped, as her mother suppressed her chuckle  

"Not even a tiny difference Salman Sahab not even slightest" her mother pestered making him smile  broad 

"what are you saying, she was the light of this house. it seems dull now beta no one steals my new pair of socks anymore, my all t-shirts hang perfectly without wrinkles. my wallet always have coins now reminding how she used to take all his change for her stuff every single day "

"oh, and how the cushions on the sofa are always at their rightful place. yes yes I know that's enough baba" Ameera chided listening to their laugh 

"where is Rayyan? "she inquired 

"Bhai!" she added cheekily reading her baba's  expressions 

"he is busy in his internship nowadays and finals alongside"

"oh yes I remember  that don't worry I send him a selfie daily so he won't forget my face" she assured her parents 

"I see them regularly to" Salman winked

 "How are you treating daniyal?" her mother inquired with a smile 

like he deserves it 

"you should ask how he is treating me like curfew of the house isn't enough that I have to face his lockdown  in uni" she deadpanned 

"Alright that's satisfying" her mother teased much to her dismay 

"beta help them around the house when you are home its good manners"

"I sit with bi Jan every single day, I even have a baking date today  after 30 min" she beamed 

"she is soo love mummy-like I can't even explain how sweet is she" Ameera unfolded lovingly  as they both  watched bubble of their life with pure affection  

 "wow, what are you baking ?"Fatima encouraged cherishing her impish expressions 

"cookies" she cheered 

 "you know, I had to stock up all the sweet things mummy they didn't have any in the house can you believe it" 

"but ALhumdulilah everything is stocked up now "she smiled satisfied amusing her mother at her confidence 

"beta bi Jaan is diabetic and sugar isn't good for you as well," Salman said worrisome 

"Baba don't you worry everything is under control here, besides  I can't leave them like this "

"There is no life without you guys, "sugar is life and  life is sweet" she quoted her famous phrase 

"If I had twins like you Ameera my world would be upside down" her mother glared at her cheeky smile 

"That's why Areesha api came before so you would have an extra person to help you deal with me" she smirked making them laugh 

And at the name of Areesha, the three smiled with twinkle indeed she was a gem and the most helpful person 

"I am telling you, mom, if api would have been here in my place she would have started drinking sugarless tea with salty biscuits" she laughed earning two sets of glare doubling her in laughter 

she was indeed a candy of their eyes "sweet and sour" 


With a perfectly white apron above  her light beige chemise, Ameera stood beside the cook demonstrating him as she blended all  the ingredients with precision, at times cracking a joke to make them laugh or orating  her baking failures panicking the already concerned man 

while bi Jan sat aside with a cup of warm ghawa in front regarding the fiery damsel who was unknowingly shuffling their patterned lifestyle, much to her delight it was about time the house echoed with chirps..the quietness had already darkened enough of their life.. the only concern she had was of Ameera's smile...

she prayed for the storm hidden inside would not be followed by a hush after...for a girl like her is chased by cessation, As thunder hunts  lightning 

"Beta don't eat it raw, "the chef's warning interrupted bi Jan's thoughts. she gazed amused witnessing ameera who confidently tasted the batter closing her eyes in delight 

"you worry too much, uncle please pass me the powdered sugar, "

"Don't  you fear  bi Jan they will be healthy, it's brown sugar and I kept it less so you may enjoy as many" she explained now with her apron a little messed up in dough and hairs tied up in a bun while she instructed the man to heat up the oven 

bi Jaan chuckled at her state "I completely trust you sparrow  "

"I think you should put  chocolate chip after blending so it wouldn't get moist" the person added 

"you are smart" she praised  making him forcefully  taste the batter 

"It seems fine," he said unsure 

"oh, uncle, they will be amazing" she assured adjusting  the temperature of the oven 

The man  gave a slightly panicked look  towards  Naila when Ameera took out the lush silver tray from the glass cabinet  at a far corner 

it was the most adored and valuable crockery section of safia begum which was only and only taken out for very close or special guests but sometimes things should be disturbed to be awaken thought bi Jan encouraging the girl

Not comprehending the disaster that could take place because of that 

Now out in the breezy garden, they both strolled breathing in the pleasant air patiently awaiting for their delicacy to be baked 

 Ameera beamed peering  at the dazzling rows of dahlia and celosia crowned by pansies the special flowers of season Autumn while bi Jaan revealed more of what she  had planted herself with some imported ones from different countries  

"This is my rose section" the old lady toured the opposite side, with immense care and devotion revealing her most cared bunch and noticing her expressions  anyone could say the  lady loved gardening 

"oh wow bi Jaan they are so  beautiful" she tried to inhale different colors of perfectly planted roses, with wavy  hairs drifting towards her as she did so 

"you know if Areesha api was here, this would be her spot for the whole day "she elaborated extending her smile

"Bless her, which reminds me next time you talk to her inform me" 

"definitely," Ameera affirmed

"They bloom much more in spring these stems are loaded than " she looked at the small plants carrying a flower or two in each 

"you don't  like Roses ?" Naila asked amused seeing the girl now seated on the ground caressing the petals of pansies instead 

 "I like them but they are not my favorite" she shrugged trying to locate the ladybird she just inspected 

" why not?"

"it's weird the way I think but people don't let them live, they are a victim of every other person I don't  appreciate  that about roses" she orated her thoughts innocently, gazing at the foreign flowers as the wind skipped through their soft colored petals 

"How would you know that you are special unless you are demanded everywhere "the lady tucked Ameera's hair helping her stand up 

"what's the use of interest  when they are just  going to sting you in return" she gazed in the soft matured eyes pecking the lady as they resumed their  walk 

"hurt is an imperative message beta, tie that in your heart" she radiated at the girl's angelic gestures , who just appeared to love her cheeks

"bi Jan, was safia aunty always like this?" Ameera asked out of  blue, refereeing to her strict routine, even in such a pleasant environment the lady was asleep on her exact time taking an afternoon nap 

Naila  thought for a second slowing her pace, While  Ameera halted noticing the faraway expression on the old lady's face 

"some talks are better concealed  since  they could worsen if resurfaced" she patted Ameera's hand containing the palm of her's 

Ameera understood not persuading as she quietly  laid the fabric beside bi Jan's chair noticing their savories approach along with  tea 

The slight misty cold grass always soothed her spirit  especially with its earthy fragrance which relaxed her mind 

Naila  looked at the quiet girl who helped the maiden as she arranged the items, deep in thoughts 

"Ameera beta you don't have to wear those dresses every day," Naila urged  noticing the maiden leave  however at her sudden proposal  Ameera's eyes lifted puzzled  regarding her honest expressions 

"I don't min bi Jan" she shrugged after a second flowing the warm drink in their fancy white teacups 

"of course, you do! why didn't you say inform me  ?"The lady asked curiously 

"I did not fancy to create any chaos" Ameera hoped with all her heart that bi Jan didnt witness daniyal and her exchange 

"if you really hold it in that sense than let's be fair, you can wear whatever you like and for any 3 days of the week wear what safia made for you "

"I will handle her, besides she should compromise to"the lady added witnessing the girls perplexed expressions

"I don't mind wearing them bi Jan" 

"don't lie now and besides, I adore your colorful cupboard, finally someone has a nice taste " she winked at a surprised girl   

"so wear what you prefer" she added securing  Ameera's broad smile   

"Thank you! thank u bi Jan" 

"ladies mind if I join ?" came the sound of a gentleman 

"Before you give me  looks I must admit  couldn't resist the tempting aroma inside the whole house" Sarfaraz graciously took a seat beside Ameera granting them a broad smile 

"I had to taste whatever was made" he appreciated as Ameera gladly  welcomed the guest offering him savories with a warm drink 

"you will love them and she hasn't added to much sugar either" Naila spoke encouraging his son for more  

And certainly, the dessert was scrumptious , and how could it be not when love and sincerity combine often great things are composed for which the girl was given her due share of appreciation 

Ameera locked her phone for the third time as they conversed having a great time in pristine surroundings, On other hand, Ashley ad Sophie was persuading her for an hour now to meet them, so they could work together in their dorm room, being lazy or something else. Ameera was quite confused about what to do 

"Bi Jan I have to leave for uni to complete my work" she informed  satisfying Ashley after her feisty message 

 "At this time, but daniyal would be coming soon?" 

"No, it will take him some time. he has sports training today "she explained 

"it's an okay beta you can," Sarfraz nodded 

"Actually I am going to my friend's dorm room don't tell daniyal if he calls you before" She appealed 

though he had gone to his friend's dorms multiple times, yet she was aware if he came to know that she went he will undoubtedly have a dilemma 

"I trust you beta just be safe" Bi Jan smiled  

"Assalam o alikum Aunty "Zeeshan with his work coat in hands entered the lawn carrying a broad smile, it was his routine to greet bi Jan whenever he came from his office 

"come in beta our daughter  made cookies today you have to try them" she ushered him in 

That's great but I am really tired, I will try them in the evening IN shaa ALLAH" he was the  only person safia  begum would actually smile with and in a month this was perceived he was actually close to this family joining them every other night 

"your loss, they are warm and crispy at present " Ameera implied  making them chuckle

"I agree " Sarfaraz admitted 

"Alright I will have a bite than "he surrendered 

" You took a day off kiddo?" he ruffled her hairs accepting the  plate 

"bi jaan!!!!" Ameera puffed 

"she is not a kid Zeeshan call her Ameera" Sarfraz defended 

 "I see I see 4 years of association opposed to a month, oh what a dilemma " he raised an eyebrow earning their laughs at his remark 


 "your life ...is a dream" Ameera quoted surveying their modest dorm room consisting of a cozy cabin bed and a good-sized study table enhanced by  a wooden book rack with  two lamps  on either side 

Especially in the weather like this where coral ambiance sailed around composing a snug habitat with its crispy sails...

The trio was gathered in Ashley's room, Ameera being the chief guest who surveyed around quite impressed,  regarding the arrangements of their institution not to forget it was her very first time in any youth  hostel 

"you are more fortunate, you don't have to cook nor rinse any clothes  " Ashley validated parting the closed curtains to enhance the glow  

"But the privacy yarr" Ameera underlined  dreamily causing them to chuckle at her emotions

"yup that's something" they accepted as she stared through a petite window perceiving the sports field of their uni 

"I am so jealous" she whiffed hopping on the  bed 

"come on miss jelly lets start our work" Sophie tweaked Ameera's flushed cheeks accompanying her  with books 

"did your sister send any more pictures of parisa?"Ashy requested keenly

"oh yes" she held out her phone, placing the laptop aside 

unknowingly parisa had become their exclusive joy portal ...the trio absolutely adored the little princess thanks to Ameera who narrated her bubbly stories with such devotion   and now they awaited every other day for her joyous video or a random picture to satisfy their yearn  

"she is my kitten" Ameera caressed her picture where she was cuddled in her blanket peacefully asleep in the  baby cot

"I can't wait to get my hands on this beauty" Ashley mused noticing her snowy ample cheeks 

"I really wish to meet your sister," Sophie said saving Parisa's picture in her phone 

"yes especially after we had a talk with her, Areesha Api is so sweet " Ashley added

"IN shaa ALLAH" Ameeraa nodded initiating their work thinking how really lucky she was to have her beside, Areesha was her energy pill 

"Anyways tell me regarding our campaign progress?" 

"oh yes Haider sent me the slides along with written procedures, I approve  them but have a look at it though" Sophie reasoned   

"Alright I will" Ameera affirmed distracted with arduous sums 

"Thankfully we have enough time for the campaign with a monthly assessment on our heads I can't even imagine thinking otherwise" Ashley reasoned as they worked peacefully helping each other along 

"These are really difficult !!"Sophie huffed after an hour of dealing with crucial sums 

" Drop them for the time being, let me learn from daniyal than I will teach you guys, he is skilled at this stuff" Ameera deduced stretching her slight sore muscles despite being on her most comfortable position 

"I know besides  isn't he already a leader   " Ashley pointed towards him being appointed as the head of business society 

Ameera rolled her eyes thinking back to just how her whole batch was after him to be his mentor for their project  not to forget his society was so brimmed that there were no more spaces available 

"At least he is my ideal "Sophie teased seeing her foul expressions 

"but to be honest Ammy we are blessed to have him beside, especially you"

These three girls were beneath a safe sanctuary, due to him no one dared to mess or even imagine foul regarding them, Daniyal and his squad had emerged perfectly peculiar in regards to others. they always had an upper hand along with strikingly intimidating personalities owing to the administration who his  crew had completely taken control of with their right reasons a multiple times 

Especially Ameera who was under a constant safe radar exclusively set up by him 

The aura they drifted around safeguarded many girls who were now  impervious to taunts and other sickly jokes a group had started to brew crossing their limit in the very start, no one could mess with others unless allowed 

"you know what happened with the guy who circulated  the video of that girl?" Ashley seized Ameera's arm recalling the vital news  

"Jumeira?  I guess" Ameera  scrunched her eyebrows 

"Yeah, you have to know what they did to him"

Ameera sat straight in concentration closing her laptop, allowing rays of sunshine to weave shadows capturing her keen eyes in hues of dusk

"First that guy was locked inside the generator's locker for a whole afternoon and then they left a snake in his room! "

 "not to forget he was completely videotaped  as he ran with screams "Sophie added

"Are you serious?" Ameera  was left baffled at their approach, her mind highly disturbed due to their unfitting  steps as  her friends opened a few more of the inner stories   

"Daniyal and his group did this but who told you ?" she inquired doubtfully 

"Usman did, but don't tell anyone he just informed us because I asked "Ashley answered 

Ameera tucked her loose hair, out through the limping clip why was he creating so many enemies? she thought 

"why didnt I know anything?" she whispered 

"Of course, it's them, no one really has the backbone to do all this, there wasn't any proof but internally we all know " Sophie shrugged fairly 

she sighed why does he have to be the iron man, never really knew this side of dani he has always been so different in  house 

 and just on cue her phone blinked indicating a call 

"your bodyguard" Sophie illustrated with a smile   earning a blank face in return 

she was already so pissed of at him that this talk would only  worsen her condition 

There were unknown practices of him brewing with time 

After 3 straight calls, the message portal blinked 

"where Are YOU?" Dani

"where I want to be!"Ameera

"PICK UP THE CALL ##"dani 

"Ameera he had a match today right?"Ashley asked from beside the window  seeing her friend nod 

 "Just pick his call because I can spot him and he doesn't look very pleased "

Ameera sighed very well guessing her friend's drama

he just has  to make my life hell here she said  frustrated going out of the room with a beeping phone in hand 

"if your childish attitude has subsided can you kindly brief me where are you?" Daniyal initiated   in a fuzzy tone 

"in the uni," she shrugged noticing some  painted frames in the hall, concealing her several questions in regards to the news she just heard 

"I couldn't spot you" going by his words she knew that he already had an idea of her being in the hostel 

"you didnt look hard enough partner I am there somewhere" she emphasized troubling him 

"where?" he wasn't in a mood to joke 

"it's a big uni I can be anywhere" she reasoned proudly,

"you are nowhere ameera now will you quit it?" he warned annoyed 

"oh alright I came to ashy's room" she closed her eyes at the sudden silence 

"why?" came a daunting question 

"We had some work to do daniyal stop questioning me and you know it's safe" she reasoned  his seriousness didn't do well with her heart it was making her nervous for no reason 

he took a breath in 

"Alright come to outside we are leaving" 

"but "

"it's getting late ameera come out in 10 min" 

"say pleaseeeeeeee" she chirped

"5 minutes /"he announced 

"uff ALLAH daniyal I need to pack up I am coming "she cut the line 

Despite his distress a small  smile brew on his lips at her naive antics

"sorry  will have to leave he is waiting outside" Ameera announced closing the door behind 

"We knew it and ALHUMDULILAH we have covered enough so be free," they replied 

"we will escort you, and  Haider is just around the corner so I messaged him  to drop the USB I don't want to go out later" Ashley straightened her dress 


"Ameera don't tell daniyal about the source of news, "Sophie requested following them out of the room 

"of course I won't besides he is the only one who can keep us updated" she apprehended smartly 

because they all knew Usman never created tales

Closely perceiving Ameera along with her companions walk towards the entrance, Danial's gaze   took in her beige outfit paired with a dark shawl as her gestures banded her every  spell while he was certain Ameera  could feel his eyes on her yet the lady chose to ignore 

There hasn't been any girl who had troubled him as much as she nor he could've depicted ever   

"Hey dani" she gave a short wave from a step above 

with dark shades covering his eyes came a small smile with answered greetings of her mates

"What happened to your nose?" was her first hasty  inquiry 

"Nothing, in sports things happen "Daniyal shrugged

"Did you come with a driver?" he raised an eyebrow  brushing away that subject and expecting a valid answer 

"No Sarfaraz uncle dropped me" he nodded satisfied at her answer and was about to say something when Haider participated 

"How are you now?" he asked daniyal standing  beside 

"fine" daniyal kept it short while Ameera scrunched her eyebrows at their demeanor 

"What happened today?" she asked taking a step down

and how come they are so civilized together?

"I was just asking" Haider secured giving Ashley the USB 

"I don't think so" Sophie calculated 

"Let's go home now?"daniyal proposed ushering her towards him 

her eyes wandered through his features, specifically  stuck on a slightly bruised nose however his outer demeanor warned not to speak or demand anything now 


with an icy blue  knitted sweater on and a slightly untied circlet around her hair, Ameera skipped towards the small hilltops nearby  along with daniyal who in his denim jacket  seemed occupied typing on his phone yet warning ameera if she went a little far much to her annoyance 

since their return, many different scenarios circulated her mind, there was more to the story she could feel it, with endless possibilities that could have been just muddled her senses further, maybe it was  Sophie's words or his expressions she couldn't comprehend. So when daniyal informed he is going for a stroll she had to join him not allotting him a possibility to deny 

They came to halt on a narrow hill, topped with freshly dewed grass as the whiffs of air cruised through their frames enlightening their souls...

Perhaps  those dew drops were there to serve as ink to the  unusual breeze around, and  lend a hand in the composition of a hushed tale of  two distant souls

"I heard someone made cookies today?" daniyal shattered the silence 

"you can be taken for a desi aunty?" Ameera  teased but witnessing his annoyed expressions shrugged with a mischievous smile 

"just saying" she added innocently  

"for example, you tend to know everything even when you aren't present " she cleared a bit further not gaining a reply 

"Sarfaraz uncle informed I didn't ask anyone and I am not that free to keep tabs on everything you do" he reasoned  

"of course, you don't "her mind screamed liar yet her expressions stayed neutral

"going by the pleasantries I heard never got to taste them" 

her eyes batted a few times before smiling "actually Zeeshan Bhai loved it quite a lot so he made them packed for him to have later"

"oh I see" he responded without a glance 

"I can bake again if "I" wish" she proposed generously attempting to understand his reaction 

"No thank you, bake for the neighbors they enjoy it more "he ridiculed 

"I promise I kept for you" she narrowed her eyes at the taunt 

he looked at her with a nod gradually staring away to inhale the evening redolence 

"Daniyal can you please tell me what happened?"

And after a lot of persuading and cajoling, she came to discern about a guy who tried to attack him when they were busy playing but Haider was quick enough dodge it up for him,still  a sudden impact got him a little hit 

 "Things like these are so common ameera I practically grew up with far worse" he admitted not making her feel better  

she looked at his slight bruised nose followed by eyes,

but she wasn't used to these things at all 

"No one should know" he warned  symbolizing  their  family 

"What makes you think I will?"

"you ameera is a live radio of my life" he grinned at her annoyance 

"well I am not that free to keep reporting on you " she chaffed 

"Don't fight daniyal you have a very complex image in  uni and it's scaring me?" she spoke after a flash of silence 

"Why are you scared Ammy,"? he asked gently analyzing her mixed expressions with affectionate eyes 

"from this all  daniyal, I don't want you like this you were different" her disturbed thoughts portrayed themselves through her shuffling hands 

"I have always been like this ameera and if I have the capability to  cease  wickedness and lead justice, trust me I would never hesitate a second no matter the price  "

"Don't create so many enemies" her voice dropped a few octaves 

"don't worry I won't let anything happen to you" he genuinely looked in her eyes 

she was his to protect and he would die but let anything happen to her 

"I am not scared about myself "her eyes misty as his thoughts

"Are you worried about me?" he asked taking her off guard 

"of course you are my cousin why wouldn't I be " she claimed 

"just a cousin ?" her heartbeat hiked as he completely turned towards her blocking her view  

"and an annoying friend" she added but his gaze never wavered 

"your words surprise me Ameera" he whispered trying to glimpse inside her secured thoughts  

"We can never be anything more" she explained, her head dipped down with depths of decisions unaware concerning the sensitivity of certain person's emotion nor her words 

"Nikkah isn't a joke" he pointed rather rough, the alarming preception in his mind indicated of her separation from any of his sentiment 

"Nor are feelings, we have different paths totally distinct  dreams and besides a heart cannot be occupied twice" he flinched but the words were said before it could be taken away concealing a predicament in return 

"Are you sure of what you say?"

"I tend to avoid what I am unsure of" her acute statement wounded him   

he looked around, the air wasn't refreshing anymore and no he couldn't blame her there were reasons he couldn't resolve and actions he failed to explain 

"friends than right?" A fake smile brew on his serious face 

"Then promise me, we would never  be less  either " he appended serious trying to keep his inner storm at bay at her short nod which gave her bow clip a way to drink in the fading light 

"say promise!" he demanded drawing  forth his hand 

"Promise" she whispered ignoring the gesture 

 "it's getting  chilly" she gradually turned around brimmed with the weight of lurking reflections

how far will you travel without me, your feet will sore without a helper ...either you will lose or will make me surrender there is no other way 

but for now, take the space I am granting you for your sake, contrarily, the balloon ride we are in could tarnish with your anguish, considering we  just started to soar 

she closed the wooden  door with a thud her eyes sealed, heart leaping a million beats with  her breaths short as she  gradually paced to her table after few moments  

with oracles of his wordings  in hand, a tear shed one followed by another 

"you say it should be more yet your heart composes for another?" her mind sought,

 however, presently she was alright with it because. He occupied no space in her heart just in mind, for she had bound her heart smoothly with a key entrusted to time 

The law within her refused to glance at his heart which did not belong to her, yet  her thoughts at times brewed senseless stories witnessing his acts of safeguarding her 

hours passed as she packed for the next morning perfectly ignoring  of what had  transpired, maybe because she had already advised her heart and was prepared to fight any sentiment attached to him 

"Come in" she answered to the  knocking door zipping her marron university bag 

To her surprise, the door opened revealing Daniyal with a tray in hand perched with two cups 

"Since you did so much work today I thought why not aid you in your bedtime routine" her eyes studied his gestures mainly the confidence he walked in with, his broad form making her feel even smaller when he came near 

yet she chuckled knowing very well he must have added a little chocolate going by the color of her drink  

"I thought too much will make you hyper than you already are" he reasoned reading her expressions with a charming smile  

"besides its okay if you couldn't save cookies, at least I had to do my part ?" she rolled her eyes at a taunt of a very smug person in front 

"I can see your smile you know" she cleared earning a chuckle....yet there was an infused pierce on an emotion of the person unknowingly granted by her  

"Thank you though" she leisurely took a sip of her bedtime drink, ameera was a person who could miss anything but this drink, it could be summers, winters or any other season she could never miss hot chocolate before bed and it was such a routine now that sleep didnt come to her until she had that 

"what are friends for right?  he took a sip of his strong tea  closely observing her unreadable expressions 

Her silent nod with shamsa's interruption conveying  her of  Zeeshan and uncle's offer for chess caused his jaw to clench strongly 

"Tell them she will not be joining today" he responded  instead 

"Hey what ?" ameera argued with a fancy cup close to her heart 

"you trouble me enough not getting up in the morning it's better you sleep on time" he dismissed her plea 

"liar! bi Jan or shamsa wakes me up !"

"I attempt last when they get tired every single day" he summarized much to  her annoyance    

"get in the bed" he finished his drink getting up meanwhile being followed with a set of  fiery eyes 

"I am not a kid" she took her last sip before devouring  the leftover chocolate with a spoon 

"Exactly you should be sensible enough to know its 10 and you should sleep" at times her juveline antics played with his intellect 

"what if I go when you leave"  at those  words he regarded her for a second 

"Be my guest " he slammed the door on his way out making her flinch 

" what did I do wrong ? "she stated now in  bed, of course, she had to argue couldn't give  the satisfaction of him being right 

"I won't sleep with a door open now " she shouted 

And after a second her door was unsealed with the lights switched on 


he needed a good punch on his head 

actually no he doesn't she added after second cuddling with her comforter 

The brewing of something arduous initiated faraway encircling a land residing of youthful glamour  


At times  silence indicates hatching of a wild storm,

speak  for the clouds to drizzle 

a prolonged hush can tarnish  hope 

for quietness is great, until needed,

but converse before it's too late

convey before the emotions brim, 

for if it spills than what's the use?

sometimes silence does hint at a wild storm in making...


Dear readers hopefully everyone is well and at home,

I won't go in detail about the things going on as there is already a lot of panic. 

just please stay safe and indoors,

May ALLAH forgive us and help everyone fighting for their life. And may HE save you all from this disease 

coming back to the chapter now .. please do leave your response and thoughts regarding them 

who do you think is right 

any predictions of the future?

will wait for your comments 

until then stay safe and healthy 

Allah hafiz  

one more thing you must admit it was a quick update :p

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