A step unheard

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"The past is an interpretation. The future is an illusion. The world does not move through time as if it were a straight line, proceeding from the past to the future. Instead, time moves through and within us, in endless spirals. Eternity does not mean infinite time, but simply timelessness. If you want to experience eternal illumination, put the past and the future out of your mind and remain within the present moment." – 

In a fervent ambiance snuggled with luring aroma of  diverse coffee beans including freshly baked tender croissants, Ameera  with her companions worked in silence not paying  any consideration to the passer Byers in their university cafe   

with heads down in concentration the trio hastened to finalize their homework assignment 

Tucking a loose lock of her brown hair, Ameera sipped on her warm drink as she inhaled the comforting fragrance around, her companions still engrossed in their task typing and writing away efficiently,

Ashley and Sophie with time had grown immensely dear to her, they always sought to program things together even at times when their classes didnt match they ensured to engage after each one ...Ameera often considered herself blessed, considering they were as they portrayed themselves plainly simple and honest, the time she already had or was spending with them just compiled in her cherished memories one after the other, even granny considered them as her best team,  being very well acquainted with them, her family members constantly reminding her how at peace they were now but sometimes she did wonder why?

 like daniyal was there best choice, right? she rolled her eyes but paused her views she was happy today and wouldn't destroy that 

"finally done" they smiled squeezing her out of thoughts 

"I am soo excited for tonight's barbecue " Ashy grinned earning a set of enthusiastic nods 

"what are you going to wear," Sophie inquired zipping her bag commemorating their banters when Ameera helped them choose theirs 

"umm I will have to take a look again but I have shortlisted three dresses I will send you pictures" she assured munching on Ashy's grapes 

"you have to" they warned noticing her head bob crowned with a simple white band 

Tonight  there was a barbeque  evening in their uni and oh boy were they excited, it was an event to make students more acquainted and everyone seemed too thrilled it was  kind of  a first refreshing gathering of the university as a whole except for seniors who do have their fair amount of parties  every now and than 

"Are you leaving now?" Ashy inquired as she loaded the bag with once opened books  

"No, I have to meet the professor before that" she presented gloomy 

"oh, why? you should  go home contrarily you won't get enough time to get ready, "Sophie stated concerned adjusting her glasses 

"chemistry" Ameera huffed reminding them  

"We are going with you then " ashy arose swinging her bag 

"no, it's okay  let me talk to him first" Ameera replied gazing at her two anxious friends 

"But we have to go with you " Sophie persuaded yet she denied 

"We have to prepare posters as well just a week left for the campaign" Ameera reminded

"I know right we have to gather students as well"

"call Usman and tell him to shortlist the quotes" ameera gazed at Sophie 

"and I will message Haider to select  designs and rest  we will do "Amera nodded 

their punishment of a campaign was rather divided into three  consecutive portions  now acknowledging how helping and coordinated the first one was they all were selected to be club members  of a professional one appreciated by the administration 

"Alright see you then" Ashley and Sophie patted her soft cheeks with a short hug  as they left strictly ordering her to leave soon 

she took a moment looking around addressing a mate or two along answering her family's messages 

until she decided to proceed towards her possible task at sharp 2 very well discerning he will be in the office  

"May I come in sir ?" she cracked the door, granting it a short knock 

The old man looked up from, behind  his laptop ushering her in with a  rigid nod, he was a man with fairly executive personality, although a bit short but his stance had a commanding aura having a powerful impact on students 

confidently taking a seat as well placing her beige  bag on the side chair she gave a polite smile   regarding the  nobly organized office with a perfect blend of grey and white which always for some odd reason  gave her nips, yet  the old man in front somewhat made her comfortable who was also the head of their department 

"what brings you here young lady ?" the man inquired observing his popular patron while fixing his round glasses 

"long time no see?" Ameera  jested graciously as always entertaining the man with her chosen words  

This was the very professor which their class has dodged the  ball on   and to say the least, this gesture had thoroughly bothered her 

She had always been taught to respect her teachers and she always had since a very young age thanks to her siblings who had always set a mark 

A person who grants you the knowledge, should never be disrespected how can anyone do so? no doubt she did had problems with some throughout her life but never had she been disrespectful to any

Ameera being a courageous one had strictly made her whole class cordially write an apologizing tag hence presenting it to the man with her two friends on behalf of everyone 

and since then she has on and off stepped  in his office for any advice or just to check up on him she didnt knew why but she admired this old  man 

"For you," she presented a sheet placing it in front 

The man raised an eyebrow at her given honor 

it was him drawn in the picture with a big thank you written just underneath a token of appreciation on aiding her some time for the  assignment 

The drawing was a bit concerning though, it hardly looked like him but the man acknowledged the efforts 

she chuckled nervously "I am not really good at drawings" she admitted noticing the professors entertained expressions  

"sir your coffee " the tea boy kept his  warm drink on a side while the man gestured towards Ameera in compliance 

" Green tea for me, please" Ameera answered as always, while the  tea boy  eyed her with objection like every time before leaving

"I must say its a masterpiece" he answered closing it inside his drawer  

"And here is my assignment sorry for the delay", she smiled satisfied not proffering any hint, that it was prepared a few minutes ago 


"and I see you did well on your assessment," he added  checking her result 

"thanks to you and maybe daniyal "she added 

"Are you compiling all the grades now? "she fidgeted in her seat striving to begin the issue for which she was here 

"Thank you " Ameera received her drink  mixing it with  two spoons of sugar 

"So what's troubling you, I haven't seen any recent complaints" he jested making her gasp 

"I am a very noble person sir "she defended passing the retreated file with a dim face 

"pretty bad " he scanned each sheet  shuffling trough pages 

she nodded concerned her feet constantly in an uncomfortable fidget 

"you know I am a good student I will definitely level this up . my all other grades are pretty good" she assured, defeating the swift silence 

"but please don't tell this to daniyal" she pleaded after a second, the chief reason  she was actually here for 

"This wasn't expected from you "

"Although it's just a c for chemistry and it stands out with it but if daniyal sees this I am done" she added hearing no response 

"practicing makes perfect ameera I think you need to do that," he said seriously not heeding to her slight jest 

 "I worked so hard but I guess chemistry just played me" she sighed looking at her c grade and how could she explain the chemistry professor hated her so can't really be helped in taking the exam again 

"I know daniyal is your favorite student but don't tell him "she persuaded 

the professor looked amused 

 "and why not?" computing  the number of times Ameera repeated that line 

"you know I just started to discover this town with my friends hardly getting permission for the small outings he will ban them as well" she described 

"I understand that but he is your guardian is he not?" 

"yes but we are not in school where there is a thing called a grades meeting" she settled back in her seat 

"well I can grant you one favor," he said after a while calculating  the bothered girl 

"what?" she asked eagerly  

"I will give you  time to talk to him first" 

"and I will take your side," he added making her silently groan 

"you all are on his side" she narrowed her eyes mentally facepalming her skills of pursuance  she is actually dead she fretted 

"He will torture me so much  you don't understand the men's in my family  " Ameera finalized with desperation knowing how much it could  be fatal for  her fragile being 

The old man  considered for a moment regarding the troubled girl as her impish eyes appealed for leniency 

"Alright I will talk to him and I assure you he won't block anything "

"my word" he assured understanding her unconvinced expressions 

"can you please write it down then?" she proposed confidently 

he raised an eyebrow at her demand 

"you favor them more I won't be at peace" she shrugged presenting him the pen 

"Alright, but I want a level up on the grade for next time" he ordered earning a nod while he signed on a small paper 

"Any more wishes?" he inquired regarding Ameera as she marked his given paper using his stamp while he fought a smile 

"No, but this isn't fair why don't you show me his grades" she folded her arms 

"he is on a tight leash as well don't you worry little miss" 

 but by whom she thought

"Trust me there is someone" the professor answered her unasked mystery to which she smiled smug sipping on her green tea a bit relaxed  

"And we favor all the students equally no one is above" he excused her previous misconception 

"No", she sat straight "that's not true "

"How so?" the man prodded curiously with a closed laptop 

"let me explain to you! All the seniors went camping twice, attended 3 matches and went on 2 dinners while us" Nothing" she orated exasperated 

"And you say you don't favor them" she complained 

"They all have been through the 4 years of their degree miss"  the man answered surprised by her calculations

"are you trying to say we are immature," she asked  shocked 

"see these, they will be affected " he answered calm revealing her chemistry file 

"now you are taunting me", 

"No, I didn't mean that of course, and look on the bright side you are getting something tonight" he sought to relieve her accusations 

"After months" she gestured with her hands 

"I am telling you injustice doesn't suit you" she ended  

the old man actually chuckled witnessing a headstrong girl in front  "you are calling me an injustice person after what I just did ?"

"yes I am "she nodded confidently  

"Alright we will arrange some more things but your batch's percentage needs to go  up " he demanded 

"We work  arduously  and definitely will work harder if we have some good exposure "she articulated

"Khair thank you for your time I may take my leave" she ended noticing man's amused expressions. it was best to leave till here, her message had been conveyed and that was enough 

"and can you please keep some candies or something for students in the office" 

"it raises productivity" she explained leaving the office and the old person with some a rare smile  


she  glanced outside from one of the nearby galleries comprehending daniyal would  be there at this time and as always she spotted him with his buddies gathered under a tree relaxing with their informal talks 

she scrutinized observing the forms around, it was Sania and kinza  with two of  his other male  friends this was his family clan which she knew and was allowed to join save for others she was directed to either call or message 

her mustard long v neck tunic  splayed from  behind as she made her way towards the garden

her white band complemented her slight dark hairs with net white shawl and trousers 

Sania waved locating her, this group had turned to be one of her closest associates credits to daniyal who often made her join them 

"join us" she invited    

Daniyal gazed at his  approaching companion,  busy adjusting her beige bag as she confidently made her way towards them '

he smiled studying her slight bouncy curls which she had made with so much trouble and he remembered messing them up as well just to annoy her 

"glad to see you"  Sania gave a side hug followed by kinza as ameera took a seat amidst

"Assalam alikum bhai's" she waved at the two guys who nodded with a smile 

They all had  been very  well acquainted with ameera now and fairly enjoyed her bubbly company, she was a girl whose presence could never leave you bored and they welcomed her innocence who kept nothing in her heart, as daniyal they all were like a family to her who looked out for her much to her annoyance 

"your skin is glowing yar please invite me and Sania to your # mee time days" kinza requested caressing her soft cheeks 

"of course" ameera smiled mentally preparing to hear Ashy's scolds, kinza was a good human but for some odd reason they both didnt get along well 

 Daniyal analyzed Ameera  who easily conversed with his friends recalling how he had offered her lunch but she never gave a reply in return 

they had been to her favorite pasta place in their breaks a few times  but the lady has her own mood swings and  this time he wondered what the reason could be 

"your cookies" daniyal caught a box from beside 

Ameera praised excitedly with a smile they were her favorite cookies,freshly-baked just once or twice a week  in their cafe and as soon displayed they were gone and usually she had her class at that time 

but daniyal would make sure he gets it  for her whenever he could  

"long time no see Ammy " Adnan commented who was also Sania's husband  and Sophie's mentor for studies 

"you know busy people" she shrugged successfully opening the box

"it's not like we go on any trips, stuck in  studies and all "she taunted after a while, fake gasps followed as they stared at her 

"you can't be serious?" Ahsan questioned earning a snobbish look in return he was the one who had been awarded the  status of  her big brother from day one credits to daniyal but  he really treated her as one 

"I am pretty serious and I am not forgiving anyone of you for doing this to us" she pointed at each with her delicate finger 

Though she did her part complaining to the professor, yet still  she was so riled up because being to so  many places alone wasn't enough that just 2 days before they had gone camping at a place Ameera had regularly suggested and she wasn't going to pardon them for this 

"yar we truly wanted to take you all with us," Sania defended taking her hand 

"it was a quiet  peaceful trip no hassle just good personalities around" daniyal smirked irritating her while Sania glared 

"We just wanted to check if it was safe for you" Adnan defended earning her blank expressions 

"It wasn't  all that  good"Ahsan supported while daniyal enjoyed her steadily shifting expressions as his friends attempted to uncover justifications 

"if you lied one more time I am leaving" she warned hearing their playful chuckles

"hate you all, can't even fulfill pledges " she humped 

"We could take you with us"Kinza upheld peeling her orange 

"How could I go without my friends I am not  a traitor like you guys" she emphasized nibbling her biscuits alone 

"We truly missed you there" Sania revealed honestly  

"you know we traitors literally have  to be  detectives to get your favorite biscuits every time," Ahsan said  

 " That's your duty " she kept the biscuits close amusing the lot 

"But we are making up with the barbecue" they reasoned  

"After months and months, we deserve better and that to you all are going to be there "

"why would you want it without us?" daniyal interrupted gravely 

"slow down you will go places but grow up a little" Adnan  reasoned 

"Bhai don't say that" she quipped making them laugh as she bit into the delights  offering Sania and kinza who gladly accepted it 

"where is my share  ?"Ahsan gestured eyeing her beloved packet 

"no, they are all mine" she narrowed her eyes  yet kept it in the middle 

"Next time if there is a trip without us trust me I am going to boycott you all" she informed 

"nooo who will defend me and bring me, sweets?" Adnan teased

"is she this stubborn at home," kinza asked gazing at daniyal who rested peacefully on the bar of tree 

"trust me" he smiled which started yet another war 

unknowingly having her with him  always keeps him at peace, she isn't immature  but his heart rests assured that she is safe around his eyes 

"you are free now?" daniyal inquired after some time glancing at the watch 

"yes" she nodded 

"you need time to get ready as well I will drop you home first because I have a class in an hour "

"no, it's alright I will go" 

he looked at her with an expression like if that has ever happened before 

"our czarina can't go alone ever " Adnan smiled annoying her 

"guys, I will join you later "he got up indicating ameera 

"Do you need it? " Ameera offered a cookie as they made their way to the car 

"my hand's aren't clean" he nodded negatively 

"here you go "she stuffed the biscuit in his mouth while he tipped his head on her generosity 


The whole arena of their university was loaded with students, either busy conversing in groups or being entertained by various snacks, savoring every moment of  their candid time 

The string  lights were lit throughout amidst the swinging pieces of eye-catching creations bounded on every other tree bar, while the whole uni  ignited in  shadow lamps kindling a warm yet friendly environment 

Distinct kinds of barbeque grills were lined up on the north side of  campus where Daniyal and some  other boys stood to enjoy, however lending a hand at times to pupils preparing a feast

Everyone seemed engrossed in their own set of  company relishing the snug surroundings of the breezy weather, Sophie and Ashley too laughed along with their classmates including Haider and Usman meanwhile  waiting for their  beloved friend 

Daniyal glanced at their entrance for a  third time expecting Ameera 

He arrived earlier as Ameera required more time and his group had to initiate, watching out for some orderings however seeing the time presently she was quite late 

wearing a white polo shirt paired with blue jeans he appeared to be the center of attention in his group  who kept him occupied yet  he gazed at his phone for any response of a message he had done 15 minutes ago 

The feast looked scrumptious as it grilled misting the vapors around with its tempting aroma, he  chuckled at his friend's joke still eyeing  the opening, even the doors were closed now, where are you ozel he breathed irritated dialing the number 

he was about to call their driver when Ashley's speedy flight towards the entrance distracted him 

The lights oddly turned  dim along the path as a screech of an electric gate reverberated around attracting specific observation of many and the young lady stepped in with a smile modestly hugging her awaiting friend

The breeze wafted playing with her lightly secured strands, embracing her from each side possible, hindering her steps yet her confident march with that alluring smile enhanced her being with a glittering star pin embedded in her hair 

her ocean blue dress twirled amidst the melody of wind  matched with black leggings and a pearl embedded scarf her high boots clicked as she made her way to her mates oblivious to the chaos she presently created not just around but in someone's soul as well 

Ameera's  stance lighted multiple patterns while she appeared out as an epitome of grace, being admired a little too much by someone in her friend's gathering the reason being her  primitiveness and courage for amidst the fakeness around she seemed  like a breath of fresh air distinct from many possessing a rare combination of a specific class and strict boundaries that even after months they didnt had  guts to  message or even converse privately, No this privilege wasn't granted to any for which she had been very stern and clear about it from day one

Haider  greeted as she joined them 

"you got so late" Sophie hugged "so pretty MA shaa ALLAH" 

"I am so sorry I was polishing my boots, a gum was stuck on it" she elaborated making them laugh 

only ameera could say that 

"literally driver uncle helped a lot" she glanced at her finely polished boots earning some laughs 

"Next time try petrol it goes away faster " Usman advised earning a thumbs up 

 Meanwhile, her little chortles and wavers of assuring hand gestures were sharply being noted by someone,daniyal narrowed his eyes at her why didn't she joined him?

she had the privilege to do so only she does, but no she was there happily chatting with her friends

"yes  definitely we have to " she answered her friends receiving some compliments while she tried to return the favor honestly 

"I didnt had anything since the afternoon I am dying" she gazed at ashy who pooped a piece of chocolate in her mouth  

"hush now just a little more wait" Sophie patted giving her some crisps  

Daniyals curious gaze was still on and off intact on her when he decided to scrutinize Haider whose eyes seem to be unnecessarily  stuck on Ameera,  a little too much for his liking 

"she is appealing in a graceful manner" he heard Sania  tumbling his head even more   

"yar call ameera here already she is late," Sania added getting no reply 

"she is a busy person, don't you see "kinza and her friend retorted 

"Tell her this squad is waiting for her comments" daniyal nodded with a smile still furiously eyeing their group 

when did she make so many acquaintances daniyal surveyed the group around her  

The night was young as those stars just emerged trying to peek at their evening while  the teachers sat on their enhanced table already enjoying their feasts experiencing the gathering of polite students with a soft tune 

"I am so glad for this night at least they had some mercy  on us" a girl spoke '

"I agree on" Ameera scanned the beautifully lit garden 

"I second that" 

"why didnt you come with your cousin ?" her mate asked 

"As you can see he has been here since long  and I wasn't ready "she shrugged trying to locate him 

"yes I met them, all having a pretty time and Sania came twice to ask about you btw " Sophie distracted her survey 

"not kinza ?"Ameera winked teasing her 

"don't you dare start this" Ashley warned drinking her soda 

"you know you should all come to my house my family would be pleased  "Haider proposed with a drink in hand 

"you don't live in the hostel?" Ameera inquired refusing the drink Ashley offered 

"you don't  even know that come on  ?" they all gazed at her disappointed 

"oooooh" Usman voiced   dramatically while others joined in  teasing her

"Hey stop it, you are catching  attention " Ameera hushed 

"don't worry you caught enough attention when you entered, "sophies teased 

"yikes, " Ameera thought how foolish she must have  been seeming 

"But I actually didn't know mostly everyone here stays in a hostel " she defended her swan earrings dangling against her glowy skin

"my family lives here since long now" he answered catching her soft gaze 

" will you join" he inquired taking of his jean jacket 

"umm will have to see we hardly get permission to explore the town together" she denied politely 

"we will arrange a dinner soon" a girl spoke 

Ameera's breath hitched at a sudden swarm of warm breaths in the chills of darkness  that sailed through her bare neck a peculiar scent wafting through her senses as she dared not to look aside afraid of being touched by such close proximity 

Daniyal inched a little more closer inhaling her light fruity fragrance as he whispered 

"They are waiting, join us  ?"

her faint breaths  enhanced his senses her shiny bronze hair paving a path as he noticed her glistening clip 

he gently touched her elbow softly tugging her towards him 

Those moments held unknown messages his heart sensed yet mind doubted while Ameera's heart overly shaken to brew anything at all

her eyes were constantly on her companions noticing their reaction, surprised were they of his presence but neither seemed to notice such close proximity as it was fairly dark to see and he had been clever enough to be behind her forming an illusion for others 

Gloomy she excused her complaining friends as they both walked in silence  her thoughts still in perplexity yet Daniyal's sudden brush of warm hands hitched her remaining breaths and she hastily parted away 

"Why you turned out so late?" she looked at him her glossy lips sealed since words refused to reach out

"Don't do that again" she warned the person whose expressions were dangerously  normal 

"I did nothing wrong" he played as she peered at him a with a glare 

"Besides you should have been here with us when you were specially invited" he proposed boastfully denying her any claim 

"They are my classmates, my actual group," she reminded as they approached the table  

"I was telling how can it be Ameera is here and not with us and trust me you look charming " Sania praised 

" I was with my friends "she cleared not fancying their curiosity 

Their talks bounded her as she associated herself with some of his other friends 

catering a plate in Ameera's hand Sania ordered her to taste and comment on the certain sizzling bites which were made by the guys of their group 

"hm it's alright but I guess they need improvement" her honest comment formed stillness around 

"I mean events like these will make them perfect" she advised gaining collective chortles

"of course madam what else? "they teased

"nothing just frequent events to make you better" she grinned laying her frock down sparing to eat with her friends instead 

"I guess they will be a perfect chef until marriage" kinza suggested busying herself with food 

They had a good laugh as  Ameera  narrated her story of befalling late with her cute gestures on being asked

but her entrance played so many times in his thoughts  that Daniyal carved it  in his mind next time she isn't  appearing alone no matter how late they get 

"perfect entry yar you love attraction, don't t you " kinza taunted 

her smile dropped "no! no one really paid attention "she avoided his gaze as she described 

"we made you your fav salad though," Adnan offered 

" thank you" she beamed looking at the cream fruit salad 

Shortly daniyal beckoned her to meet a professor who had been newly appointed here and was Umar's friend ( Ameera's brother in law }

She associated with Danial's numerous associates reflecting how unusual this event was aiming out for her, it felt more of a business social rather than her first student party  failing to  recognize there could be a personality desiring to be in her place but to her, it was not at all progressing accordingly, so after a few minutes of further communication she excused herself joining  her friends who excitedly welcomed her back

In the fiery night of radiating smiles, they had a blast as they chatted aimlessly while roaming around the snug fire hearths,  cracking silly  jokes while diligently pleasing their sweet tooth and after a pace of relishing  time they all gathered  to contest which attracted the attention of many including some teachers who joined in their sessions of riddles including Daniyal's deluxe squad

The teams were made by the seniors themselves including ameera with daniyal which she had no problem of rather than being with some other random person  including the ground under a tree now filled with many 

You measure my life in hours and I serve you by expiring. I'm quick when I'm thin and slow when I'm fat. The wind is my enemy. 

Usman observed smugly as everyone thought proudly giving the answer 

"A candle" he had answered erupting many is ohhhs and ahhhs 

Do you need a shawl? Daniyal  wrapped her murky colored shawl covering her hairs along  as he resided just beside, too engrossed  in the game she had let go of his stance, covering herself a little more earning a secret smile of someone 

Daniyal stared at ameera who giggled and laughed along with her friends as she commented on and off about something to him while he just nodded his mind lost somewhere, 

What always runs but never walks, often murmurs, never talks, has a bed but never sleeps, has a mouth but never eats? someone  questioned 

As a hush filled yet again as ameera suppressed her giggle noticing daniyal's concealed indications of google as he whispered the answer in her ear   

"A RIVER "she shouted earning cheers of her friends with a small wink from daniyal 

"The last one" Haider interrupted amidst roars 

I have cities, but no houses. I have mountains, but no trees. I have water, but no fish. What am I?

" A map" A smug professor answered taking the lead as they continued with their cheerful night 

Daniyal adamant on concealing his companion from a crowd either by being close to her or constantly engaging her in a conversation clearly marking the line around fairly glad  she had a shawl in his car 

It was a night ideally spent, an oracle of which would ever persist in her portrait of sweet memories and its photos in an adventure album 

Ameera entered her room taking off her dark long boots when a soft click resounded and safia begum came in 

The lady scrutinized her from top to bottom making her squirm under an intense gaze 

"Mom wanted the drops of eyes you use which one was it?" safia asked standing in a dimly kindled room not an ounce of affection in her stance 

"oh yes just a second" Ameera switched on her main lights proceeding towards the drawer while  safia inspected her  bed loaded with dresses and pallets of her makeup with some scattered   jewelry 

getting the drops from her she steered her nose in distaste looking at Ameera 

"wonder how could someone  marry such an untamed girl" Ameera flinched at her unexpected remarks that collided directly at an already  uncertain heart 

 she softly sealed her door registering the insult, her eyes connected with a sudden sting of tears 

 she was just  getting late otherwise her room is always organized her mind consoled her afflicted  heart or  maybe it was just Safia's constantly  ridiculing nature  that was forming her sensitive with things she had never even bothered before 

She gently  removed her earrings still in thoughts when was summoned by bi Jan herself with a sigh she adjusted her sad expressions proceeding to her request switching the lights off 

A night of bliss after so long and discern that it turned out to be...not knowing there could be other things appearing to cause her slumber to elude entirely   

It was after an hour she appeared back in her room, barely having any  energy, her eyebrows furrowed at the half-open door, walking inside her lamp shadowed room her steps halted noticing daniyal who stood facing the window comfortably dressed in his pj's

hearing steps, he shifted as their eyes met a swift concern passed through his stormy orbs  regarding her..in moments like these she appeared so fragile  that it scared him to even advance a trace afraid it could break her, under the light of dim shades she resonated energy of sensitivity desiring him to protect a blossom that could fade away 

To Ameera  he seemed a little complexed nowadays, his aura had suddenly shifted around her blessing her with confusion, those fun enduring eyes had a storm which now often occurred in those dark orbs at times frightening her 

Their unusual trance faltered as daniyal smiled gazing around the room proud 

"And you say I am messy" he recalled the times she had taunted yet cleaned his room sid by side

"yes Ashley and Sophie drove me crazy rejecting my every other dress can you please help me" "she softly  gathered her pallets as he wordlessly assisted grasping his inner storm at bay 

it was  middle of the night and the hush between them seemed too dangerous Ameera noticed how not even a comment was passed by him, the seriousness his features depicted alarmed that he has a lot to say regarding  her mini activities 

his strong orbs noticed her every action making her nervous and she sighed, battling her eyes with his perilous ones she decided to approach an anonymous confusion 

"you wanted something daniyal?" she came opposite to him with her head hoisted up analyzing his presence at this hour 

he regarded her small form in front, that  twinkling pin slightly undone now,  releasing  her wavy locks to shade her some  features, with tiredness peeking through her eyes in which  swarmed series of doubts yet that glow that surprising glow still intact 

He was angry yes he was absolutely fuming at what transpired today he knew their distances yet still he can't adjust with  people complimenting her without identifying she is already bound to him 

there were times multiple things irked him and she made sure to go totally against him and now seeing those eyes the words and sentiments he had just didnt make sense 

would he be  able to release the speech he prepared, sensing her faint beats, no he won't, and to Ameera, at this moment his aura seemed alarming  the complains his eyes held could easily be perceived by her  

"what's wrong?" she asked after minutes 

he just stared in her uncertain eyes no emotions just accusations yet slowly retrieved a box from his pocket 

all the awhile ameera observing  his  planned actions with confusion 

he cracked the mini velvet box which displayed a gleamy ring proudly rooted inside ignoring her perplexed gaze 

"I believe you should start wearing this for your own  safety " unconsciously she stepped back his words stormed through her mind  

"Seriously?" her words  even though in whisper came out harsher  as she gazed at the person incredulously yet his stance unmoved, those eyes carrying same vigor 

"and who said my safety is at threat ?"

"in all your independence don't forget what our relation holds"he took a step ahead frightening her 

"you cease and I will stop" he whispered solacing those fearful eyes yet their distance critically decreased

At that moment it was a battle of two hearts against two minds  

if you halt me I will invade 

resist me and I will  consume the poison of  space

and you will fly, with  solely me being  your wings 

Assalam o alikum wa Rahmatullah wa Barakatuho

 I believe you are doing well in this crucial phase the whole world is facing

and  hopefully every single one of you in quarantine 

please Remember everyone in your prayers, especially children and old people 

Now coming to the point I promised many there will be umreesha in it but the way it has planned to unfold they couldn't be adjusted in this chapter but surely they will be there in many future chapters.

but true to my words  I had written their really  small snippet just to give you all a glance in their life which will be uploaded in their story by tomorrow as I am writing it while you read this 

but for that, I do need a lot of comments and insights of yours regarding this story I know evil muahahaha lol .. I will post early than ;p

**********jokes apart I have to discuss something important related to this story so I have been approached by some other website for this story but they have their own rules and demands that I wouldn't be able to publish this here as I like, to be honest, it felt really wrong like you guys have been waiting and supporting this story from long despite my hiatus so I have not decided anything yet but please do tell me if I do so what will be your thoughts I mean will you miss them or is it okay if I move it, don't kill me please  I won't do anything against your will, as you all are my priority first but I need to know******** 

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