A creased note

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At the center of your being, you have the answer. You know who you are, and you know what you want. ~ Rumi 

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The mundane sound of  professor mixed with quivers of stationery failed to grasp daniyal's interest  today, whose brain was immersed into specific moments of last night 

Casually attired in a  navy blue  hoodie rivaled with tracks daniyal conveniently sat against the  last row with a front chair holding  his long legs, meanwhile, the thumb constantly clicked on a grey pen as  he dwelled on his raging  thoughts 

Ameera's bothered gazed swarmed around his spirit  while her voice invoked a perception of the unknown 

"Can't you see daniyal my hands are already restrained" Ameera's delicate arms had lifted emphasizing her point while he had only starred at  those twilight eyes that certainly held denial

it was a delayed hour of a night where fatigue had already taken up its course  carefully presenting  itself through  her ruffled  form and then there was him  who appeared quite alert due to his  troubling thoughts 

"I won't do this, " she had looked away immersing herself in a coating of slightly lose hair 

"I didnt ask you Ameera!" he had orated serious perceiving a mystified girl in front 

"you can't make me,     it's already enough,       I can't,        don't expect me to do this" her tangled words following certain gaps were served by complete silence whilst he contemplated her chaotic eyes for moments 

"I am tired, please leave" her plea had deeply troubled him but  observing his stature even she knew that he wasn't going to back down 

with all those doubts wandering around her confines he had wordlessly extended the ring making her soundlessly wince 

 her step back blazed his eyes as he gritted his teeth before addressing 

  "Give me a good reason?"He had interrogated tilting his face to define her cloudy features 

"Don't take away my confidence as well, that's the only thing I got" she had murmured faintly totally avoiding his gaze whilst rustling his instinct with those spoken words 

Daniyal had  regarded her for minutes numerous unspoken perceptions passing through them and he had silently departed with unspoken words and left out reasons

 And In all that ordeal, there was this particular notion that bothered him invariably, "that denial in her eyes which has steadily unleashed an alarming bell.

A refusal to accept her fate or denial to accept him  the grey pen bounced between chairs unnoticed due to group commotion as he breathed irritated his hair tousled due to  several ministrations 

he wouldn't be able to concentrate, shoving his books in a bag he fled the class her words still twisting  around

At night he had silently left just because of her capturing statement, Confidence was something he would never take away., it was her shield and he would do anything to preserve that, for where ever she goes no matter how much time it takes, in the end, she belonged to him,

But in all that there was a warning that provoked him what if in her ventures she flies too far away?   

Or perhaps your flight gets tangled, his mind had sauntered 

"Daniyal" DANIYAL!!" Ahsan's booming voice made him halt

taking out his earphones he looked at him "why are you out ?"

"what are friends for ?" he  draped a hand around with  a smug smile probing the reason for his sudden retreat 

"wasn't in a mood" Daniyal  shrugged  

"hey, you two  wait up!!!" Adnan's call made them cease 

"can't let you both have fun without mem eh ?" he winked reacting to  daniyal's questioning gaze  

"Great!!" Daniyal rolled his eyes  "don't tell me girls are out as well?" he  mocked  

"Nope, they won't! who will be the next einstein than?" Ahsan roasted as  they all chuckled 

"you seem quite ruffled up whats the reason bro ?" the unexpected question made daniyal glance farthest 

"up for the biking tonight," daniyal asked after a heed, expertly ignoring the asked question 

"Always!!!" they yelled making him smile 

he needed something reflexive to calm the brewing  storm 

your reasons are futile while my approach is prudent Ameera  


Naila caressed Ameera's hair who calmly lay asleep in a fetus form  amply sunk in her light orchid comforter with just her  face peeking out while shamsa parted her pastel curtains enabling  sunlight to swarm the room  

Ameera groaned forcing her eyes to open as she stared at  bi Jan who sat close with a smile urging her to wake up 

"What happens if I don't go today?" she turned around covering her face with a pillow 

"my billi  get up daniyal told me to wake you up at 9,  you have a class soon" she reasoned taking off the pillow 

Ameera  murmured something  before sitting up completely lifeless, she was actually dying today with just 3 hours of sleep 

"will you tell him if I don't go?" her sleepy eyes inquired making the lady chuckle at her childish expressions 

"I would hide it beta but..." 

"I know I know" she sighed, bi Jan kissed her forehead composing her bird nest hair earning  her smile, the luxury of being  awoken by such love and care wasn't really common to her being and feeling it after so long, she couldn't hold her gratitude in 

"what would I do without you here?" she smiled hazily deeply  appreciating her presence in life  

"Allah always knows who would be needed", the lady wisely answered 

"I have made your breakfast Chalo be down quickly" the lady roused 

"Just give me 5 minutes" she answered already deciding the easiest  outfit  in her head 

Never in her life had she experienced emotions so dense as last night  that even now she felt those strings could drown her taking her life out not comprehending yesterday night could just be a trailer of what awaited her in future 

because life isn't easy nor it's tough but it sure is a  turbulence of unseen 


Discharging from  his sports class he perched on  stairs preparing to  facetime  granny whose persistent calls had not seized propelling him to  respond as soon as he got free 

"Assalam o alikum granny" his freshly showered hair styled perfectly as  he smiled broadly seeing his first love who he had trouble all his life 

"missed me quite huh?" he winked witnessing her laugh 

"of course beta!, How is my princess doing?" she inquired gazing at his mischievous child 

"wah!! I am offended! , you know what.  I should be the only star, universe, world or whatever of your eyes, ask about me first !" he complained 

"you are! you are! now update me it's been two days daniyal don't you know I wait for you to tell me  all about your day?" she scolded 

"tsk tsk, gossips, right? you want to know things so  you all can add masala to my simple life and discuss?  cheeky grannnnny" he teased 

"you would earn a smack if I was there" the lady paused her threatening smile

"of course sweetheart of course," he winked 

"Now tell me about my doll" she inquired eagerly as it had been quite some days since she last had a talk with Ameera 

"Why? am I not enough!" he inquired vaingloriously 

"daniyal tell me about your wife right now!!" she demanded, earning his  chuckle he loved troubling her 

"Alright alright she is fine she must be in  class now" he looked at his watch not knowing she may be cruising in a dreamland 

"btw she is creating good chaos in my life" he sighed dramatically 

"don't you speak that about my little doll"

"how protective are we " he teased 

"What is she up to nowadays?"

"studying and going out and about with her friends since she has started getting permission to go out  she usees it well"

"That's good, I hear such lovely stories form naila about her "granny praised 

"your friend adores her trust me they have a popcorn date every other night with silly cartoons and oh let me just tell you how pleasing it seems to safia Begum"

"But don't you worry" daniyal interjected seeing her expressions "your doll has not one but two soldiers guarding her every mischievous move and no I am not the one I would never do that" he finished amusing the old lady 

"she has never stayed alone daniyal what she needs the most is your company" 

"We do spend time together  "he zoomed the camera "just because of her, your precious son has dark circles" he fretted 

" because madam craves snacks from outside every other night !!" he declared with a huff 

the lady laughed but content listening to their musings yet still deep down there was a bubble appearing very disruptive to her  

"improve and be close to her daniyal she is your crown to protect" the lady had lastly said before they said their greetings 

granny, you can't understand the mirage around us, its a mystic glass with a mirror of trust ✨


Ameera  squirmed in her sleep due to someones blaring phone 

"why is that, people don't silence their phone? "perceiving  a familiar tone for minutes her eyes tore open at a sudden realization and she sat straight grabbing the phone, witnessing an awful number of calls

"oh shoot!!!" Ameera's  nervous gaze wandered towards the clock making her shrink 

" How can I let this happen?" she panicked recklessly  knocking her foot on the bedpost in the process of getting up 

"ouch! , pagal "she moaned  fixing the bed and somewhat straightening her unruly hair with an inappreciably wrinkled dress 

"I am up ashy, I am up!" she breathed answering her noisy  phone meanwhile setting up her shawl

"I was about to come down to my room now,!!  and  don't panic about your class it happens" Ashley consoled her whining  friend 

"calm down ammy I will find someone of your class and photocopy the notes meanwhile you hurry up, daniyal Bhai has called me twice and he is waiting for you since an hour now" 

cladded in a long green tunic with plain tights she squealed  in annoyance locking the room as she dashed out of the hostel with her bag swaying due to her pace 

"why is it always her plans that seem to fail!! just why ?"

it was right after the  second class Ameera had completely  dumbed her forehead  head on their cafe table complaining about lack of sleep to her friends with being totally annoyed at every screech of the fork to tap of spoon around, while Sophie had softly caressed her hairs attending to her endless whine

After motivating Ameera with everything they could and regarding her lifeless condition Ashley had proposed an idea for her to sleep in her dorm room until the next class which had a gap of an hour and knowing how drained she was Ameera had jumped at the opportunity while presenting them a peck of hearty gratefulness 

 "Everyone makes mistakes right ?" Ameera tried to smile at her glaring friends who awaited  by the  compound meanwhile aligning her dress as she proceeded close 

"We were in another class otherwise trust me ammy you wouldn't have had  the privilege to miss your lesson" Sophie glared  

"do I look presentable, " she inquired sheepishly as they helped fix her tangled hairs perilously scolding of her endeavor 

"I had a comb you could have used that," Ashley tied her band 

"I was in such a rush" she stopped seeing daniyal and his friends come in view 

"Looks like someone studied a lot today " Adnan teased  greeting her as they all encircled and quite oddly she went entirely perplexed 

"yes the professor wasn't letting anyone out "  Sophie commented shielding  Ameera

"is it me or it looks like you just woke up, was your class that boring?" kinza remarked analyzing her uncomfortable state 

"no uh i "she scanned the people around, telling a lie needed next level confidence right now which unfortunately she seemed to be lacking 

daniyal watched  her with mirth, why does she appear confused was it because of yesterday night, her expressions seemed comical he deemed studying her 

"quit it guys leave my cousin alone" he emphasized after few minutes coming in front to block her from the rest 

"Ready to go?"  she nodded avoiding his peculiar gaze whilst bidding farewell to her friends 

Gladly out of everyone's sight she breathed, was today meant to be a day to receive such a huge welcome she imagined recalling the crowd of his friends around her and their unending queries 

"so how was your day? took you long enough to come out"  he raised an eyebrow gazing her 

"It was okay, I was uh busy " she mumbled 

"sure?" he leaned in picking out a piece of  paper from her hairs while she fastened her pace disregarding his unsatisfied eyes 


A  fairly medium cabin, adorned with the dusky light of setting sun received a couple who walked in taking their usual  seats, it was daniyal who persuaded her to have supper at their favorite pasta place, of course, she had  denied which he didnt take in account, their short trip was stuffed with silence apart from few talks  the awkwardness of the night still instilled heavily on both

"will you please quit starring ?"Ameera spoke annoyed after minutes of  noticing daniyal's peculiar gaze on her who sat opposite whilst they waited for their food 

Regarding her claim for a second, his broad form leaned in completely humorless while  he  placed his arms on the table making her slightly nervous 

"I will when you drop this awkwardness!" he proposed rather serious, his prominent features capturing her attention  

At his words, her uneasy gaze wandered towards the counter where waiters bustled with freshly made new orders attending everyone efficiently in a faintly lit restaurant

"you created this," she responded collecting her senses without looking at the person who had her full attention 

 "We were  going well dani " she paused regarding their food being  plastered in front 

"continue" he bit into a piece of carrot albeit serving her 

"I am not a kid dani, I can attend myself," she stated eyeing her stacked plate of noodles  

 "Ozel at least  I don't take you as a kid,  I never did!" his keen gaze held honesty yet his words  quite hefty on her being  

"I was just being a gentleman" He smiled while an involuntary chuckle escaped Ameera's  lips cracking the tension of his earlier words 

"you doubt  me?" he asked miffed perceiving her reaction 

"I can't believe you can be one, that's all  "she shrugged staring at her food, she was famished 

"that low, never expected it" he breathed earning  her timid smile as they started with their delicacies 

between there snack, his gaze noticed her ivory hands particularly the void finger causing her to fidget which did not go unnoticed by him 

"Be as you were before with me Ameera,  and as you want I will be your friend "he reminded her words of a few months back while his gaze held honesty 

"And this I am letting it go just, for now," his gaze roamed her delicate hands resting at her perplexed face 

"Just for you !"  and he got up to pay the bill  leaving her in chunks  of an unsolved puzzle with feverish feels 

"A friend" 

 "Right! "she grasped her hazy nerves which had  tortured her mind with a repeated question since yesterday 

she could have possibly spoken plentiful words but strangely nothing came out in front, it was his doing altogether which became impossible for her to present in words

In the process of securing her feelings had she confined him so far away that just demand of a  ring made her consciousness so quizzical 

But her troubling thoughts caused her to ponder whether his original title had been sealed by her soul that just an idea of what he proposed appeared to be such torture to her  

Has she forgotten their actual connection her heart gnawed 

what has she done that despite their connection she cannot imagine living a life with him, her hesitant gaze located daniyal who frankly conversed with a man behind the counter 

anyone could like him but 

"oh no"  she briefly closed her eyes at the present dilemma

she can never perceive him as her partner,!

At times hearts locked away for too long could become  arduous to unravel for even timeless keys get stranded in their  lock 


 Night had befallen hours ago sleekly murking over their town, Ameera stood at the door quietly backing daniyal out of the house 

Once again it was an occurrence she didn't quite enjoy, since their stay from a past few months she had diligently helped daniyal sneak at this hour once or twice a week 

 Entirely unknown to her previously  was his passion for riding fearlessly at  nights on a sports bike, which according to him was performed for years by him and unfortunately even coming here couldn't  stop him for long 

And it panicked her dreadfully, having a talk with him countless times and for hours had absolutely no positive outcome, she failed to change his mind 

All he would say each time was that it has been his passion since a child and nothing could cease that, and after his constant denial, she was forced to let go 

but deep down she presumed maybe she wasn't that important  for him to mold some decisions of life just because it scared her and so she had quietly stepped back  

with black riding gloves already on he spun around on stairs outside the house smiling mischievously  taking in her small  form clad  in a gigantic  grey hoodie 

"get out already" she whispered with narrowed eyes  perceiving what was to come 

"you go inside first, lock the door I don't want anyone to get scared" he ordered  whilst playfully commenting on her outfit 

"daniyal I could prove to be very dangerous for you right now," she warned  hinting on waking everyone up, yet, in reality, he seemed far dangerous  owing to his midnight gear  

"that's what I am saying teddy bear" he grinned receiving a smack from her fluffy hoodie drawing his chuckle 

"I will be back before midnight," he said as always noticing the grim expressions, she never desired to come  between his passion but her heart never really approved his thrills

not comprehending she might be the reason for today 

secretly whiffing protective verses she waved directing him to leave  

he turned again  but stopped making her scrunch her eyebrows 

proceeding close  he took something out of his pocket, his gloved hands grazing hers causing her to  internally yelp  as he handed a thin of sheet paper 

"what's this?" 

smirking  at her confused expression "its a timetable for you teddy" he declared smugly observing her 

"I had a chat with Mr. Arif  today" he gave a pointed look as  realization dawned on her 

"And I am going to give you personal classes from 7 to 8 every day "daniyal took in her shift of expression entirely satisfied 

"NO", she shouted completely horrified, he is going to give her insanely tough time 

"I have more than one ways to convince you, don't try me besides this is your first and last chance otherwise all your programs will be personally canceled by me" he tugged her hoodie hat 

"you can't do this to me" she almost cried scrunching the paper in hands

"I am not going to make a new one for you" he warned "now go inside, come on! plus, I am afraid you already have roused someone " 

with a murderous glare, she turned around catching his teasing  whistle  

he is torture !!

once inside her dimly lighted room, she gently crunched open the sheet given to her by daniyal eyeing at its contents and despite being furious at his attempt taking in the neatly sketched plan a soft thought cruised her mind 

"no wonder how much time did he waste on this!" a small smile brew,  witnessing some emojis at the end  "joker !!" she placed it on top of her dresser summoning the envelope she received from the student counselor today deposited  just aside 

The tremors of certain sentiments she was undergoing since yesterday  had thankfully extinguished  giving her mind some rest, perhaps she needed time and a lot of space to awaken that certain chamber of her heart which had forcefully closed on her, frightened to suffer the anguish it could guide to 

Ameera's face paled at now  exposed letter spontaneously descending from her clammy hands as she visibly cringed away from  its content   

A shiver ran up her spine as she thrust it away hastily closing her eyes in disdain 

her heart rate was unusual, she shuddered occupying her bed to surround herself in her light duvet, hopefully, it didn't belong to her Ameera consoled herself tackling her thudding heart   

there has to be a delusion her eyes landed on the basket now  bearing it 

it was gruesome 

"hope you come early today dani " she prayed uneasy knowing she was alone in their wing 

it could be a mistake it has to be, it never contained her name nor any word at all?

for a privilege, kindle, end this  despair 

for gloom to drop, excite your adventure 

to commence your course lead your insights 


Dear readers how was it?🤷‍♂️ eagerly awaiting your response 

so this would be the last update before Ramadan 

please keep me and your family in your precious duas and make the most of this  blessed month, we are lucky ALHUMDULILAH  to witness it again this year so many have passed, so do your best 

I will try, try to post the new chapter on Eid or the week after Ramadan until than we will be engaged sharing virtues posts and inspirational talks on Instagram IN SHAA ALLAH 🌹

Those who don't know its ayeshasyed97 on Instagram 

And lastly to my silent readers thank you for your lovely messages it means a lot 

until next time take care and please leave a comment✨ 

  💖 ALLAH Hafiz 💖

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