A familiar feature

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"Instead of resisting to changes, surrender. Let life be with you, not against you. If you think 'My life will be upside down' don't worry. How do you know down is not better than upside?"
Shams Of Tabriz


Trifling with crispy autumn leaves the trio sat in laughter after a detailed study of their current subject whilst trees around favoured them with slight showers of its bronzey leaves sprouting their experience even more

"I am glad we opted for this alternative "Ameera stated proudly facing the fairly empty front field of their university whilst readjusting herself against the thick flank of a tree trunk

"way better than receiving an 'F' in a surprise test" Ashy rolled her eyes highlighting her immediate notes

"Exactly and the best part is we studied what was to appear" Sophie grinned popping the last grape from the snack box

"more like cramped "Ashy responded

"why not do the next lesson as well? we will be ahead than"she beamed straightening her glasses albeit Ameera and Ashley shared a look

"ever the brainy one, out of all the things you could've advised !"

"even if we miraculously get to know the exam question theme you know what Sophie would say Ameera? let's incorporate all the topics just to surpass in our brains "Ashey teased earning Ameera's approved chuckle

"you both are not going to receive my cooked pasta today "Sophie warned the giggling duo which made them abruptly stop not willing to part away from their beloved lunch

Not long ago they were peacefully attending the only class mutual between them when Sophie was smart enough to decode hints which their professor conferred every now and then after which they had smoothy leapt at the interim, already prophesying their result if they gave that test

"why these souls adore to give us a heart attack, trust me who does this" Ashy complained clearing the crumple of biscuits from her dark long shirt

"I could not afford any less percentage am being tortured enough" Ameera dramatically shivered

"daniyal Bhai is a chief you should be thankful that you are getting private lessons"

"I mean not that you need any lessons, of course," Sophie smiled cheekily regarding Ameera's glare

chief of madness her mind satisfied

" come on let's get some iced latte in this awesome weather" Ashey offered hinting towards the looming clouds

"plus to celebrate our first and very legal bunk" they laughed as Ameera closed her hefty book and dusted her pale pink dress off the ground

"wait! stop ! " a shout from behind fused with careless crumpling of the grass compelled them to twist and discern two guys, one of which halted at a far distance while the other appeared in front regarding the three of them with puffs of slight shallow breaths

"yes?"Ashley raised her eyebrow concerning a tall frame which now stood in front

"Daniyal's cousin ?" he skipped to the case resting his gaze at her

"Ameera" she answered instead, returning his acute stare

"whatever" he shrugged with a slight broad structure shadowing her

They all awaited his concerns inspecting his typically gelled hair and suited attire which gave away a redolence of his sound heritage as he gazed down at Ameera with his piercing grey eyes

"listen! give my humble message to your cousin who can't seem to cease impersonating a knight since a few months now, that !this is the last warning, "his jaw flexed hard as his expressions schemed along said words

"without any harm that is ", he added with a grin

" Delete that video! or else ..." he answered their silent question with a sharply raised eyebrow intensely threatening the three

Sophie waived an internal gasp comprehending who he was... and if she wasn't wrong recently a very strong allegation of molesting was also filed against him but the truth was still unknown

observing the uncertainty on Ameera's face and silence on her part he advanced "or else tell him to be ready for the harsh consequences "the boldness in his words was no doubt enriched in his stance and going by his demeanour he was well aware of his trait

silence swung between them as Ameera eyed all-around their relatively empty garden with fewer students lurking around and ceased her eyes on him which had now taken a course from curiosity to a slight haze

"do you have a voice lady?" he asked irritated at her stillness while Ameera clutched Ashy's hand hindering her from saying anything

"I was just waiting for you to finish" Ameera casually answered, frowning at his bold demeanour while her soft baby pink tunic declined to play along with the wind preferably snuggled closer permitting her net beaded shawl to lightly sway

placing her hefty bag on the ground she took back a step sensing his form a bit too close since even her frown lacked to signal his manners

"I recognize you now" she nodded folding her arms

"and it's quite unfortunate to see that a lot like you exist in our uni "her sudden insult took him off guard while Ashley smiled ready to unleash her enigmatic words anytime if needed

"First, you harass a girl? and on being punished, again you come to a girl to deliver the warning! bravo "Ameera taunted facing his furious features while Sophie grabbed her elbow suggesting to end her taunts

"cheap stunt I must say "Ashy tsked barging into fierce his emotions

"SHUT UP "he kicked on the tree trunk beside, deforming his once styled hair

" relax buddy "his partner stepped in front patting his shoulder not paying notice to any other

"I would say man up and say that to daniyal yourself and please stop relying on girls," Ameera's brave confront implied something that could heavily weigh upon her in future or yet could possibly be the opposite

its an ink from the pen that ornaments, merely as a unique glow from the sun polish the luna

"if you have such bravery that is " the shock of insult was quickly layered with turbulence as he gazed at her with complete animosity

gritting his teeth he opened his mouth but was bluntly pushed away by Haider

"get your pretentious self away from them zaid" he scolded shielding him from the trio

"what were you doing here ?" Haider stood in front with a glare

"Haider stop it,!!!" Ameera marched beside anger evident in her tone

"I can very well take care of myself you don't need to interrupt,!"

"stay out of this Ameera" Haider answered calmly

"No Haider you leave, please and you too!!" she said infuriated

"and please from now on Haider stay away from my matters" she glared at the dumbfounded person

"will wait for the result"zaid tipped his head with a small smirk before turning around to leave

"Ameera?" Ashley began equally shocked at her remarks

"Not now Ashy, Haider leave" she looked at him rigid as he silently left before gazing the site where zaid departed

"you shouldn't have said that Ameera what got into you" Sophie scolded passing her bag

"you were too rude to Haider I agree" Ashley sided still trying to comprehend her behaviour yet no words arose from her side

Briefly escalating up the stairs to enter their campus Ameera slightly observed the place where the grey-eyed person disappeared

why does she have a notion she knows him?

"Ammy I think you should apologize to Haider he has been nothing but a gentleman throughout the months he didnt deserve it "

she sighed hearing their constant appeals as they now sat in the cafeteria after an hour of debate whilst sipping on their drinks

"I know I know! but I did that for a reason" she finally admitted

"if I wouldn't have been strict their argument would have led to a fight which in return could prove fatal for all of us, you know how fast any news sparks around here and I certainly did not want our names to be attached to any mayhem nor I wanted any bruises for anyone"

"make sense" Sophie supported "but still, you could have told him afterwards"

"I will when I see him" Ameera shrugged looking away

maybe it was more of a sign for him rather than an act

"wesay I must confess darling you are a tigress" Ashley started

"shh," Ameera faced around,

"will talk later let's go pray Asr now "

Ameera just could not risk this event becoming a gossip already she was managing a lot she did not want to invite anything further

But flashes of those grey eyes appeared uniformly, connecting dots, leading her to a sanctuary of distress,


placidly cruising past their hall safia Begum tapped Naila( bi Jan) door before entering

"What is the matter safia" naila removed her round glasses regarding the lady who rarely shunned her afternoon nap, it has to be something important she deemed

placing her fabric aside that presently ensued to be adorned by miniature gems Naila straightened herself on the bed

"your hobby to design these articles has resurfaced yet again Ami Jan, I am overwhelmed" safia took a seat in front noticing various clothes scattered around the soft bed

"When a unique season commences yet again the once flown devotion often locates its way back safia" the old lady smiled eyeing the troubled expressions on Safia's face

safia regarded her serene emotions for a minute

"If you are referring towards Ameera than downfall to this sudden devotion "

"safia! your speech should not cross limits" Naila warned deeply dejected at her harsh words,

"Ammi Jan I am regretful to vocalise such words" she abruptly covered enduring bare emotions

"what does that innocent girl do to you safia stop being so hard"yet the concern in her voice failed to tingle any feeling in an already rehearsed heart

"I am here to talk about that angelic girl of yours and it deeply depresses me to see your leniency towards her "

"talk clearly safia"

"I will not go around the bush but, I can't tolerate Ameera anymore!"safia affirmed causing a crease in Naila temples

"don't you dare even consider that again,safia how could you come to this" she glared

"if cliffs of this pale oasis are being hued yet again by her why would you seize it?"

"In years now, some decisions have bought nothing but gloominess to this house my son Sarfaraz has borne enough Depression some griefs can never mend but if someone is switching the atmosphere why would you halt that ?"

"Answer me "the lady turned stern with sudden shallow breaths which alarmed safia

"calm down Ammi Jan your bp will shoot" safia hurried to pour water in her glass

"Don't forget safia this is my house who stays and who goes, I will decide and I am warning you if even slightest utterance of this reached them my blessings will no longer be with you"

"of course Ami Jan I never meant it in that sense I insure my intentions were quite distinct" Safia's eyes passed concern at Roksana's unexpected response

"All I wanted was, your support to make her more poised "she clarified in honesty

"safia leave me, "she held her hand up

"just studying, chatting and wandering around isn't a sound girls trait not to forget causing undesirable strains"

"let her live her life safia she is not your concern" Naila fumed

"The qualities she possesses ..' .. wait let me make it simple "

"flying too fast can damage any wings, permanently Ami Jan and you understand that more than me "

"and what do you plan ?" the old lady inquired disturbed

"I will govern her for some tasks that every girl should acknowledge simple!"

"and I have her mothers permission she knows what's good for her daughter "

"oh safia" Naila looked at her retreating back

"for your sake, I won't stop you"

safia exhaled she didnt apprehend how close Ameera had become towards her but that isn't a great sign as she glanced back at the closed door


"I can't wait for our luncheon" Ashly expressed excitedly as they both emerged from their last class

"same here and thankfully we submitted this assignment on time " Ameera blew a breath securing single zip of her bag in time catching a glimpse of someone

"Hey! Adnan Bhai " Ameera summoned from behind halting two very occupied frames

"Greetings little sis how was your day "Adnan beamed at her with regard

"Ameera, " Ahsan tilted his head in greetings

"forget about my day come on tell me how did it go? were you successful ?" her pressing enthusiasm made him chuckle

Daniyal for once had been quite reluctant in his presentation compared to his past experiences where he proudly boasted around after every performance utilising his confidence of bagging an A into his report and just to pop up his such huge ego Ameera had asked for some help

"Ammy you are so naughty, they gave him such a hard time " Sania commented joining in as the guys looked at each other

"your wacky cousin is too sharp "Adnan grazed his little beard

"Bhaiii" Ameera whined in disappointment,

"BUT...Ahsan was cut off by someone

"who is too sharp you traitors!!" Daniyal came beside him eyeing them amidst a scoff while her silver dolphin earrings swayed as she craned her head to the side

"you both are going to pay" he warned challenging his friends

"We were just following orders" they defended with a smirk

Danial's gaze rested at Ameera who smiled nervously casting a cute shrug

whereas those mischievous orbs blended perfectly with her innocent features unknowingly she was lucky that despite his inner battle she was marked adorable courtesy of his keen eyes which he with an effort steered it away

"That's the reason I was so confused when you all bombarded with such troubling questions and the funky voice interruptions, totally next zone! " he scowled at his group

"yeah but don't forget you ignored us, he is so clever during rest of his presentation he quit looking at us even when we raised hands for questions the clown never picked us moreover he directed the professor towards us " Ahsan complained

"serves you right and you?" he looked at a very innocent Ameera" will see you at home! "while she held her head in act earning chuckles

"drama queen" Sania pinched her cheek

"Bhai I promise I wasn't with her" Ashley cleared with a guilty smile

"heyyy" Ameera gasped

"Sorry for the interruption Ashley here is the practise sheets of past years" Haider handed the USB

"No problem at all how have you been? busy guy" Ahsan inquired

Ameera blinked steadily whilst staring at Haider as he replied to their questions.

should she?

her eyes subconsciously wandered towards Daniyal whose keen eyes sought her thoughts slowly she placed back a single bang of her slipped hair peering away maybe another time

while Ashley's elbow delivered a different message

"Thank you so much, Haider, we also wanted to discuss with you regarding it, could you spare us some minutes?"

"Right Ameera?" she smiled

"ah, yes "came her reluctant nod

"We are heading home Ashley if it's not necessary perhaps you all could talk later?"Daniyal interjected

"see you tomorrow" Haider left on queue avoiding Ameera's gaze

"no problem" Ashley smiled

Ameera sighed maybe she wasn't ready to talk or clear anything and observing daniyal even if he sensed any tension he did not ask her anything for which she was thankful as she desired to keep him away from her matters


Perched cross-legged on a thick mat in Daniyals room Ameera starkly watched her scattered stationery on the glass table in front and closed her eyes in frustration. she was tired

Her impish gaze wandered towards the slightly parted azure curtains where a unique radiance of late afternoon flurry winked inviting her out for a breezy walk while she sighed fixing her berry clip and redoing her hair bun once more

His room was quite minimalistic compared to hers Since he had only a few articles out with a very light and fresh atmosphere saturated with a minty fragrance

Painfully driving herself a little more she sighed after doing further two questions

"Daniyallll?" her pleading voice filled his ears

"Ameera don't even think about it" Daniyal clarified carefully teletyping his next assignment not sparing a glance while quite unknown to her, all his senses had been aware of her impassivity since past minutes

"I am here since an hour now and 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9....27 I have done 27 questions that's a lot" she complained glaring at his occupied head

" you can't move until its 30 " he directed still engrossed

"No,! its Sunday " she argued folding her arms

enough was enough the only reason she has been adhering to his commands since the past month was because she was scared he will report it to her mother but as soon as she scores an A in the next exam she will be out for good Ameera contented herself

"you have been giving me a hard time "she added after a minute of no response

despite the tension-ridden task he smiled " Now that's my line ozel" he finally looked at her irked features

"And why are you on the bed while I am sitting down on the carpet ?" She stated instead

He raised his eyebrow at her remark" I offered you first yet, you did not fancy it " daniyal reminded

"yes but that doesn't mean I sit down and you there ?"Ameera argued flinging his tennis ball under his bed

he scowled at her sheepish smile "back to work Ameera! "

"it's giving you superior vibes and it's bothering me "she continued

He breathed, carrying his laptop, and flung the cushion down to plop on the carpet next to her table all the while glowering, very well apprehending, the random topics of argument hinted to just one thing it was the end of her capacity and maybe it was enough for the day, after all, it was weekend

"yea that's alright now" she smiled with a satisfied nod picking his cryptic smile

"30 please" he reminded analysing her expressions and quite hardly drew his gaze away from her innocent expressions

"I would suggest you to stop experimenting with my emotions and rather work off those left questions "he flashed a victorious grin fuming her even more yet she chose to quietly return to her task

"But I am hungry" Ameera declared after a moment

"Ameera ?"

"being hungry is totally related to studying" she justified at his frown

"and don't look at me like that !"

" wait let me finish this email" he responded


At her miffed reply, daniyal gently closed his laptop all the while returning Ameera his full attention with a raised eyebrow making her nervous yet smiled regarding her appearance,

A light pink sweater including excessively long sleeves with a small glistening berry clip holding her front bangs

"you know darling ?" he cupped his face balancing it in on the table causing her to frown both at his words and the phone held upfront in his other hand

"you resemble a small child who is forcefully dragged into tuition every day by her mother" he teased making her gasp at those provoking words.

"I will kill you dani" she got up taking a cushion from beside

"ouch yar I was just joking" he got up

"or maybe not" he stole her berry clip jumping on the other side of his bed

"take your words back, !!"

"haha was I wrong? maybe not?" he shrugged dodging her darting book

"Ameera seriously "he picked up her hefty book in surprise

"daniyal take it back!!"

"what's happening here?" bi Jan interrupted holding back a smile as she entered with shamsa carrying a tray of freshly cut fruits behind.

"Nothing bi Jan he is pestering me " Ameera complained

"daniyal beta, "Naila stared at a person with disrupted hairs

"I am innocent bi Jan its just Ameera cant take an honest opinion" he smirked bouncing her book back on the bed

"he is lying "she pointed

"Okay that's all come here sit down I bought snacks for you both"

"I knew studying makes a person hungry " she smiled at Ameera

"strawberries" she smiled out of all the other cut fruits while daniyal's phone rang

"give my clip back" she shouted from behind as he neared the door

"Never!" he smirked slipping away

"And bi Jan can you please somehow make her grow up," he barged his head before closing the door to answer his call

"my Jan leave him "she smoothed Ameera's tangled hair as she looked away from the door

"he annoys me bi Jan," she said politely

"I know I know," the lady said as they both shared a smile

At times attention should be savoured to make beads of memories because people either leave or change yet they don't remain the same


"looks like Ameera is studying a lot these days hardly see you partner "Zeeshan commented as they combined at the dinner table

"Don't ask that, my life has taken a whirlwind neither its day nor night for me," Ameera explained with an essence of her dramatics gathering earnest chuckles around

"Chalo let us eat quietly say BISMILLAH " safia interrupted ceasing the banter as she placed the last dish on the loaded dining table taking her seat beside her husband, while gazing at Ameera seated at the counter side beside bi Jan and opposite Zeeshan

"safia we will wait for daniyal," Sarfaraz politely addressed receiving consented nodes from Zeeshan and Naila

" So, shall I tell daniyal to go easy on our princess " Sarfaraz resumed smiling at Ameera

"uncle nothing is going to work for him trust me I think you should report to mummy "her impish eyes glowed while she adjusted her sliding shawl

"Ameera beta" Naila swiftly interrupted with a laugh patting her head whilst amused smiles graced Sarfaraz and Zeeshan's features

"Excuse me to keep you waiting " daniyal joined in beside Zeeshan receiving Ameera's sweet smile and his insights already suspected something has been devised

"Daniyal beta I have complains regarding you" Sarfaraz transferred a tray of rice towards him, and involuntarily his gaze found Ameera who politely twiddled with her cherry tomato

he knew it

"uncle I am just trying to be a good guide" he calmly grinned

"Even when I don't need any ?" Ameera looked up however noticing his narrowed eyes averted her eyes on the plate

"I can tutor you Ameera which subject is it "Zeeshan offered, placing his glass of water on the side

"Don't opt for it Bhai and I am saying this because I am your well-wisher" Daniyal stated gathering laughs

"you are lying," Ameera defended with a gasp

"Aram say beta he is sitting over here and can hear you well enough," safia said sternly amidst a glare

"Sorry, "Ameera lowered her gaze to the food

"why sorry Ameera this little joviality matters a lot " Sarfaraz protected with a wink

"of course my dear it does" safia looked at Ameera but few table manners won't harm anyone, it's for your benefit"

and silence fell as they ate, the remainder of their meal, knowing Safia's nature very well by now

Daniyal took a deep breath looks like granny and I need to have ample talk, he deemed looking at Ameera who silently chewed on her dinner...

Every day and on each turn these taunts aren't acceptable

Drying the last batch of dishes Ameera pondered over the guy named zaid and it has unknowingly bothered her since a few days now each time her instincts hinting her towards a missing puzzle

where has she seen him before?

The sizzling of green tea carried her back, She rushed to pour out the boiling potion in the petite cups laid on a platter

Since it was Sunday which in a ritual holds holiday of cook and the servants in their household, regarding that with time Ameera had volunteered to do everything after dinner which safia Begum reluctantly but allowed after keeping a thorough eye on her following two weeks entrusting the kitchen was safe in her hands.

"Beta we are seated in the back garden today" bi Jan came in regarding Ameera dish out cookies which Zeeshan had requested

"why bi Jan?" Ameera asked

"Sarfaraz thought it would be nice to sit near the swimming pool today rather than the main garden"

"I see, let's go bi Jan " she nodded with a smile as she carried the tray

"Thank you Zeeshan Bhai you are the best " Ameera sat on a cushioned seat of her new patio swing as her escaped locks cruised with her each petty sway

"it's just a small gift for your delicious handmade treats every Sunday" Zeeshan smiled

"That's a really big gift for the agony you go through each week" daniyal joked making them chuckle as Ameera fired him a scowl, even though Zeeshan calls her his little sister and in months he himself is the proof he has treated her as one yet still his previous sentence had made daniyal shift in his seat

"Even I have started to wait for Sunday's just for your deserts beta "Sarfaraz encouraged making her smile

safia silently took her tea her eyes filled with an emotion of anxiousness which jiggled with her feelings a lot more than anticipated

In all this, there was a frame whose consciousness replayed Ameera's tiny squeal of excitement when she noticed her gift with a tray in hands and her huge smile which never left as she swayed gracefully on her patio swing ...it was unknown and maybe would remain as such but her sparkling eyes at that minute could never be forgotten ...it was a study of great detail

"I will have rest of my tea in the room" safia excused as well daniyal hinting to complete his work while ameera stayed conversing

"its been long since you gave us time, "Zeeshan asked

"you are gone every Sunday morning Bhai " she ridiculed but got suspicious when his gaze abruptly veered away but the change in topic steered away her thoughts as they all enjoyed their time


With a small tray of their night milk, Ameera pleasantly skipped towards their portion, when a sudden clatter caught her attention, taking off her instilled hand from the doorknob she silently moved towards daniyal's ajar door who happened to be busy packing his duffle bag where a certain object caught her eye but before she could examine the zip went close and daniyal looked directly at her

"come in Ameera" his swift attention caught her off-guard which caused him to scrunch his eyebrows

"Thanks," he nodded instead regarding the tray being placed on his bedside table but rather Ameera's sight wandered towards his midnight clock

"Don't tell me you plan to leave today as well and at this time " she inquired enduring confused expressions

"yes "he shrugged casually wrapping his gloves

"its a 4th-day in a row daniyal do you realize that ?"

"what do you mean?" his darkened eyes paid her full attention securing her bothered

"you never go continuously and you promised that you will go only twice a week "Ameera reminded

"you can't leave especially at this time "she finalized folding her arms

"Don't associate in my matter Ameera and believe me I am saying it quite calmly to what I perceive "his voice held an abrupt edge yet she looked away ignoring his warning

"I am not helping you sneak today"

"So will I need your permission to leave now?" he argued

"it doesn't look safe to me that's it" she cleared with a puzzled expression

where was he taking this discussion

"I am not a child and neither my decisions your captive" his sudden strong words melted her resolve as she gazed at his stern form stood directly in front


"Ameera listen I am not in a mood right now I don't need your help as well so better leave!" her soft note was denied rather sternly as he pointed towards the door

"This shouldn't be an argument dani "Ameera reasoned as her soft eyes sought his

"Exactly! don't interfere where your opinion isn't necessary, and please before I lose my calm leave me alone" he raved his hands through his hair releasing an audible exhale

"if you go today I will reveal it " Ameera stood her ground where her interior strived to soothe her traumatic feelings at his indifferent demeanour

"be my guest Ameera never really expected loyalty from you anyway "neither his eyes nor his words held gentleness yet swiftly she lowered her gaze it had struck her heart

"This is wrong, tell me than where are you going ?" her words were faint almost a whisper as she dealt with her crazed emotions staring at the ground

A void silence slashed by his audible breath as he rubbed his face giving her a little reliance to gaze up to his rigid stance

"Get out Ameera!!" he ordered his eye dangerously narrowed

Ameera's heart weighed heavily while her eyes closed not permitting him to see his effect as she dashed away without a thought

"And don't bother talking to me until you learn your manners!" he directed as she stilled at the door

"don't worry" she whispered leaving his doubtful form behind

Deep was his thoughts mirrored by an ocean yet completely oblivious to his untamed waves

it was the very first time where her tears graced her delicate face because of his behaviour he has never shown such hostility till now

his actions may have impacted her before but his words completely fragmented her mind

Even at 2 am when he still wasn't home Ameera had silently whiffed her prayers around for him to be safe yet a certain quote from his favourite book had circulated her thoughts even in her dreams

I am just a traveller in your life, don't get attached to me

or maybe a voyager trying to help you get to your shore

my boat isn't connected to your destination nor my spirit to yours

my darling don't get attached to me

Even in my dreams, you don't seem to be mine dani, Ameera switched on her side lamp, sheltering it with a golden tint

she could never decipher what hefty price her little ambition would acquire


First of all thanks for your patience

hope you all are safe and at home, praying your families are safe as well 🎀

how is it going? around your countries

hoping this chapter made up for the long wait which I am of course guilty about but have been caught up with things hopefully will come to regular updates from now on

not to forget a certain glitch last week sorry for those who read that version you would be completely oblivious and I had a mini heart attack. I was so thankful I opened it to write further 🤐😤 and thanks a million for those who messaged making me feel a lot better lol

Anyways how was your EID? what are you all up to are your exams cancelled as well?

lastly your thoughts?

please remember everyone in your prayers all I am trying to do is connect with people and help around as much as I can for we don't know when our time is due just want to do my part as best as I can maybe this is just a little reminder for all of us to prepare the best for surprises take no time

take care love, you all my lovely readers


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