A disappointment

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The closer I get the more I see how far I am  



There are days where despite  the most radiant glow of sun it lacks to lift up your spirit, and rather gleam some of your  doubts to a crucial extent,  

maybe it was one of those days for her yet she hoped to endure it well 

Ameera pursed her lips enclosing the small wooden box and crisscrossed her legs on Ashley's bed keeping  it aside 

"so what do you think?" Ashley inquired cautiously  from her armchair 

Ameera dwelled on the signs before proffering a confirm nod "I think its the same group "

"I knew it" Ashley bounced in frustration 

"And  I am still not over a fact, that you hid such a thing Ameera that wasn't very brave of you " Ashley added looking at her  unbothered companion 

"I didnt meant to, I just thought it wasn't that important" Ameera shrugged 

"what do you mean ? are you crazy? you received a letter half-covered it blood last week and you didnt think it was necessary?"

"No I mean I knew who was  playing this game so I thought not to bother myself " Ameera explained her furious mate

"Are you sure there wasn't anything written inside it ?"

"No," she shook her head" it was just a paper with blood" Ameera cringed 

"you should have told us !!"Ashley scowled once again 

"ok ok,  I did a mistake, I thought they would end it if they don't get any reaction, but I guess I was wrong your this little gift tells me they are desperate for reaction  " Ameera concluded, 

"True, however not that they will receive any  now, is it?"

"of course! we won't even open the packet, Allah knows what's inside "

" just because they didn't get a  chance to do it before they are trying now, you are right its some sort of a dirty prank lets just throw it away  " Ashley rolled her eyes 

"precisely they were just being cautious because of our first-day disaster, and Daniyal's warning dont you remember how no one was used to approach us. But I am so glad to be out of that phase" Ameera hoisted her hands in relief 

"After what you said Ameera there is no doubt who is behind it   "Ashley revealed coming to sit beside her. 


"Those snobbish girls Ammy, boys don't do this type of pranks!" 

"How can you be so sure?" Ameera scrunched her eyebrows  

"They want attention and you know if we inform daniyal Bhai or anyone how this is going to turn out" but seeing Ameera's clueless expressions Ashley huffed.

"Don't you see Ammy they can't threaten girls, it will rather turn adverse for us and they will gain much positive attention from all of this " 

"if that's the case  I am  glad I didnt tell dani, and you are right i think its them  since they know our schedule so well "

"we will find out and of course there will be a comeback"Ashley smiled 

"let's see alright dont tell this to Sophie you know how she is"Ameera covered the box perceiving Sophie's arrival anytime 

"you are right" Ashley nodded as  the door knocked making sigh in relief 

"wah-wah look at our cosy guest" Sophie entered reflecting  Ameera's lazy state 

"welcome einstein we were waiting for you, how was your class? "she regarded  her marron dress 

"It was good, very informative" she added keeping her bag aside meanwhile thanking  Ashy for the juice 

"do you have any more class for the day?"

"Nope, why? she slowly sipped on her juice 

"yay, we thought to visit the new library which opened near our uni " Ashy applauded

"really where ?"

"its just a 10 min walk" Ameera assured  

"The fact I know you both are more  excited for its cafe rather than books" Sophie taunted making them gasp dramatically 

"That's a serious accusation you know we love libraries " Ashley defended  

"yes"  Sophie bowed sarcastically" I am so convinced  anyways let me keep my things and come alright"

"I need a presentable  dress "Ameera  unbuttoned her long cardigan as the door clicked closed 

"can't believe you attended the class in this "Ashley laughed at her silly friend 

"I was too lazy for a good outfit" 

"Now what do you have "she opened Ashley's cupboard  gazing at  the dresses 

"Anything you want"

" I am so glad our sizes harmonise,  trust me maybe  that's the main purpose I bear you" 

"No ammy I am sure that was the  only reason you became my friend" she teased  combing her hairs

"How can you deny actual facts I am a very far-sighted person" 

could recognise a disaster before it's even born her heart whispered fighting a sudden sting in her eyes .it was growing hard to clear her thoughts of the former day

from a little someone,  now she felt a complete stranger  Thanks dani

"Who are you texting?"Sophie asked as they made their way out 

"its Sania, she wants to join us" Ameera looked up fro their approval 

"Kiran isn't there" she assured recognizing Ashley's sour expression

"Alright then "they agreed

"she and Kiran are never going to get along" Sophie rejoined 

"oh shoot!! " Ameera hid behind the nearest  tree witnessing Daniyal's car penetrate their  parking lot 

"I don't want daniyal to know we are going" she quickly whispered 

"I am not sure if this  tree is capable enough to hide us all than "  Ashley ducked behind a car alternatively  making them follow suit 

"you didnt came with daniyal bhai today?"Sophie asked as they watched him from the glass window 

"uh no he didn't have a class in the morning" Ameera hesitated  

"but he still drops you!"Ashley pointed 

"yeah but I thought not to bother him today" Ameera ended not revealing the actual scenario of how she sought to request the driver instead of sitting in daniyal's awaiting car who had honked multiple times confusing the driver still Ameera had persuaded. she wasn't sure about his  mood but he had surely followed the car till uni and she never looked back

Ameera ducked a little as daniyal emerged from the car attired in a navy blue polo with his dusky shades on 

"is whistling haram in Islam?"Ashley asked innocently, 

" he is your brother !!"Ameera responded 

"yeah so can't a sister whistle for her brother? "Ashley smiled earning two sets of deadly glares

"nevermind I know my friends are a bit  illiterate on fancy humour" Ashley shrugged earning a smack from Sophie   

 "Must he do a 360 turn of the boring parking lot "Ameera rolled her eyes as she  winced at her beeping phone 

"ah yes, Sania by the Assassin's gate " she whispered 

"she is waiting by that door" Ameera pointed her eyes glued to daniyal who took his sweet time proceeding inside as they arose relieved 

"I dont get it why did we have to... Ameera kept her palm on sophies lips 

"no questions Sophie!!" she scolded 


Hidden in the fresh wooden isles every arranged book whispered its own unique tale beckoning the passerby to experience  a novel adventure or its portrayed wisdom or maybe an antique love which involved solving numerous quests of trust and passing through an ocean of undeniable passion 

"This is marvellous "Ameera smiled gazing at the three-story frame filled with thousands of ventures, they had been here since an hour yet  they still seemed caught up in the magnificent portrayal of books kindled by golden bulbs and stringed streams of  tiny bulbs 

"As jk rowling  once said "I do believe something very magical can happen when you read a good book "Sania breathed holding Ameera's hand 

" That's elegantly said you know the main reason I cherish to read  books is that they let you travel without even  moving your feet " Ashy beamed looking at Ameera to go with the sync 

"We lose our selves in books and we find ourselves there too, I don't remember where I read this but it explains my thoughts" Ameera tucked her loose strand behind, her light orbs misty amidst the titles of numerous books as she secretly  set on a sail of a mystical  quest to find her own self 

"Not to pop the bubble but this isn't Adnan bhai it's our Ammy" Ashy teased hinting at their adjoined hands 

"Thanks for the kind reminder Ashy I was in the feels," Sania complained earning their laughs

"oh I have one to take you back in those feels may I?" Sophie requested earning their approval 

"As ANNA Quindlen once said" Sophie proudly adjusted her stylish glasses"Books are the plane, and the train, and the road.....they are the destination, and the journey they are home!!" she sighed  revealing her small trolley filled with at least 10 books receiving rather soberly surprised reactions from all 

"um that was great Eisenstein didnt expect any less from you, but I think we should head to the cafe now" Ashley teased  

"When will you all see it's main importance" Sophie sighed making them chuckle 

Taking a seat on the farthest corner Ameera looked as the duo proceeded to order leaving her and Sania alone 

"I hope Kiran doesn't find out. she will kill me"  Sania grinned placing her bag on the empty side chair 

"ah yes she won't dont worry" Ameera tuck a strand behind her ear casting her next words with reluctance 

"um Sania I need to talk to you "Ameera initiated after weighing  multiple  times 

"Yeah?" she looked at her

"um you know how Adnan bhai and all go for riding right "

"Which leaves me in scare every single time yes, what about it" Sania prodded paying her  full attention  

"yeah dangerous, um don't you think? I mean haven't they commenced going quite often now and late as well " she inquired equally disturbed at her confused thoughts 

"like the past week, they have been going  continuously and late as well "she clarified staring at Sania's puzzled expressions 

"Are you sure Ammy? I mean they told us they have stopped it for a while " Sania answered as Ameera's gaze shifted in alarm

"Relax Ameera tell me what happened ?"Sania held her hand 

" Adnan bhai didn't go even once last week ?"Ameera panicked at her negative nod 

"Are you sure Sania?" 

"yes I am sure because Adnan..." her eyes lifted battling Ameera's in an unforeseen realization 

"did daniyal go the whole past week?" Sania asked  in anticipation

"yes" Ameera answered confused at her sudden shift 

"and when did he return?" 

"Around 2 am "listening to it Sania groaned 

"why doesn't Adnan bhai ?"

"Ameera Adnan  has been lying to me!!"Sania revealed extremely troubled 

" We usually spend the evenings together until we go to our dorms, it has been like this since we came here except when they go for their  drives "

"The whole past week Adnan told he has been sleeping early like after 10, he doesn't even reply to any of my messages" Sania explained upset 

"Oh!!" Ameera blinked slowly hoping she hasn't made things worse 

"why would he do that ?"Sania thought  wearily 

"I have no idea , but this was  troubling me now, so I thought to discuss " 

"you are right is there even a point  of what they are doing ?"Sania sighed 

"I dont know, but we will not confront until we know something, " Sania agreed at her words but silenced her as Ashley and Sophie approached with deserts

"Nothing like a good tea and sweet cake in such ambience" They smiled  

"right I loved this place thanks a lot for letting me in" Sania praised 

"no problem as long as you are alone" Ashley hinted at Kiran 

"Ashyy" Ameera warned 

"kidding!" she took in her first bite of red velvet muffin 

"so Sania tell us about your love life" Ashley inquired confidently  taking a sip of her fresh lavender tea while Ameera rolled her eyes at her quirky mate 

"I see pretty intense" Sophie smiled at Sania's blaring phone before she could even  start 

"hey,  yes I am with Ameera, I told you before coming, didn't I?"

"yeah um we are nearby" she shrugged 

"tell daniyal  his cousin is safe and no I am not telling where we are" 

must he? Ameera looked away 

"oh she forgot her phone in Ashley's dorm "

"Alright see you then" 

"They said we should be back in 5 minutes because they have planned  something and want our opinion" Sania revealed 

"and before you tease, no I guess daniyal urged him to call"Sania cleared 

"He is such a good guardian honestly I love  these traits about daniyal bhai," Sophie said making Ameera  uncomfortably nod 


The longer she desired to avoid any encounter with daniyal  soaring the possibilities became  arising, now how is she supposed to make any justification or  excuse to avoid his peculiar gaze it will only remind her of his spiked words 

But as some say at times when  stream decides to flow in a certain route  its nearly impossible to alter its path, precisely as her eyes landed on daniyal and his club seated on the course bench shaded by the sturdy leaves of a hefty tree expecting their appearance 

could this be an illusion her eyes involuntarily closed taking in  their invites 

" We have a little work to finish Sania will surely  join you later" Ameera chose to give  her last straw ignoring the chorus of the students around 

"why? what work? come on dont leave me now "she furrowed her eyebrows at a sudden demand 

"come on Ammy, Adnan bhai has something to tell us,  remember? "  Sophie  persuaded keenly awaiting for the news, regarding their interest quite uneasily but Ameera walked towards the garden hardly avoiding Daniyal's scrutinizing gaze  which she knew was on her from minutes now 

"wah, wah I see someone had fun without us" Ahsan observed  sophies filled bag 

"We bought you cupcakes" Sania presented them their share to stop their further badger 

"Aye MA shaa ALLAH, "Daniyal smiled albeit Ameera's palms turned clammy. it was seeming too arduous to avoid his  fixed gaze or maybe someone was just figuring out the situation of her mind was it still too disturbed or maybe there was a little place for his defence  

"Finally, ladies commenced having generous hearts "Adnan lauded enjoying the sweet  delicacy  

"Girls are always generous it just depends who we choose to exhibit too " Ashley's prompt defence had them chortling 

"We are no less, ladies here the most prestigious and tough  cookies to get a hand on"

" I got just in time, as I was scared of  Ameera's fury because your kin was late today "Ahsan handed  out the packet 

" Thanks" she smiled imparting it to a very eager Ashy .

"No,thanks to you guys for the delicious cupcakes" daniyal stared  at Ameera's lowered gaze enough to make her fidget as she skilfully fixed the scarf around her  blue dress

"you guys, we have to discuss with you something" Adnan initiated engaging  spirited gazes  of his mates confusing the clueless  ladies 

"Ameera" Ashley tugged a very puzzled soul 

"Haider "she denoted eyeing  the opposite side and by far after a week of not noticing  the person, Ameera couldn't be more glad for a life-saving distraction 

"Um Adnan bhai there is an  urgent work I need to take care of, will join you all later " Ameera politely excused stirring off without an answer,  even if she had ignored those dark orbs her eyes did have an involuntary  peek to notice the same storm whirling  within 

"We promise it's important" her friends explained the doubtful lot  trailing after

"Haider" Ameera voiced preventing  him from entering the campus building 

"We  need to talk to you" she solved his surprising reaction as Sophie and Ashy joined her 

"sure, everything alright?" He responded poised, regarding the three, 

while a person not far behind tried concluding their reason for such immediate talk 

"didnt see you much last week? " Sophie began presenting  Ameera time to figure  out the ways to initiate her talk 

"yeah I had to take some days off had a pending work to finish " His eyes picked up a tiny glance of Ameera's nod  as she was about to commence 

"bro was waiting for your boring presence to show up at the study lab" Usman crashed  in whilst earning a very unpromising look from Haider 

"Sorry, ladies my sincere greetings" he placed a hand on his heart with a slight bow

"manners and you are a faraway fantasy" Ashley sighed at his abrupt  appearance  

"No, we are just in a long-distance relationship" He quipped blessing everyone with involuntary smiles  

"jokes apart my apologies for crashing in, it's just I missed my boring lad so you may continue "he looked at Ameera 

"About the other day," she began  heeding Haider's  encouraging  nod 

"I didnt meant to offend you, um it came out a little harsher than I thought"  Haider smiled noticing her pearl packed clip as she revealed her insights 

"I just wanted to protect you Ameera " he looked at her

"and  Ashley and Sophie, because we are a family  right,?" he said gently 

"I just wanted to say that I didnt meant to shout I was just in a very uneasy mood "She gazed away 

"its alright Ameera I didn't mind "he smiled genuinely easing her 

"Finally!, thanks Ameera  because that day he was  biting  everyone's head off " Usman commented joining in 

"thanks for the privacy guys, "Haider  said sarcastically making them laugh 

"right, let us just leave this in past we do'nt need to be awkward anymore" Ashley sighed relived  

"well you are right so I guess this reunion calls for good news I wasn't allowed to but I have to share it" Haider smiled broad 

"We have an excursion to a mini island after a day, and it officially confirmed by the coach I was in the conference " He revealed as their eyes lit up followed by excited  smiles and  Usman chortled loud enough to induce  an angry boom from behind

"Haider, I hope you didnt do what I think you did" Adnan scolded from behind making him smirk in honour as he deemed them coming 

"looks like someone was more impatient to break the news despite the coach's warning"  daniyal stood  beside with his hand pocketed as Ameera twitched at his closeness 

"yes couldn't be more honoured to do it first "Usman defended 

"we will make sure your honour remains intact Usman" Ahsan warned 

"be aware of our eyes watching you their" Adnan joined while daniyal stayed quite observing them all especially Ameera

Sania rolled her eyes at their exchange "guys we need to do preparations and we are very excited" 

"Exactly no matter who  told first  we are finally going somewhere that's what  matters" Ashley joined looking at their locked gazes 

"I have to tell Kiran as well" 

"We need lists" 

"A lot of snacks"

"Ameera a minute " Daniyal requested admit the chatterings 

Noticing everyone overheard, Ameera glared at daniyal yet nodded following him away 

Once inside a secluded corner, Daniyal breathed studying her bothered  frame, she wasn't going to be easy  on him but the concerning matter was more relevant at first 

"Is my form so displeasing for even a glance"  he initiated with his peculiar gaze studying her each expression yet her eyes refused to accept the invite 

"Alright I won't force you" he nodded seeming her mood 

" but care to  tell me where you all went?"He inquired soberly as his scent wafted around her 


"dont act like you dont know" her complaining orbs argued with his  equally disturbed  ones

"I just want to hear it from you" his attention was entirely focused on her much to her disadvantage 

"you have absolutely no right to question my whereabouts" She delivered with a brim confidence  

"and why not?" he raised his eyebrow at her formal response 

"because it shouldn't concern you, dont you get it" she was in no mood for a decent talk his words had hurt her way more  

"No, I dont, moreover, I just asked a simple question,dont complicate the situation Ameera" her utter ignorance and dry responses stirred his inner conceit 

"talk to me !" agitated at her eerie  silence he demanded  making her heart drum 

"I still haven't learnt my manners denial how could I?" her eyes lifted taking him off-guard 

"let me leave daniyal "she demanded as he blocked her path 

has she's always been this stubborn or he  just never noticed  before 

"Listen to me Ameera" He furrowed his eyebrows at her behaviour 

so much for a decent talk  he internally sighed 

"I don't stop you from going anywhere you do as you please but never have I given you permission to go without informing "

"it's the last warning you will inform me and then leave!" he finalized yet her careless expressions expertly played with his inner fire 


"And if you left anywhere without telling me I will make sure you are restricted to go anywhere ever" he expertly cut her in inducing his warning

"and I mean it! I will do it, dont try me" he advised leaving her flabbergasted 

Well Mr Daniyal i will make sure to go everywhere without informing you  she internally  declared equally shocked at his audacity , instead of being a gentleman he was becoming a very different person 

"Got it ?"his words brought her back which only earned her bright glare as she made her way out leaving him once again in his own delimma 

"So headstrong!" he slammed the main door joining his friends .


The sun was partially enveloped under the horizon blowing its golden specks around the living room just enough to brim some furniture with its faint light as Naila pleasantly worked with Ameera near the large  window grasping every peak of the garden leaves  squirming with   soft wind 

While Ameera huffed for the 100th time in past 5 minutes laboriously striving to Crisscross the held yarn 

"This is futile bi Jan" she revealed a blue woollen string amidst the needle exasperated by her futile efforts whilst the old lady  smiled calm, showing her the method again

safia Begum out of the blue had arranged a knitting session, and Ameera was deemed to provide one hour of her life each day because according to safia Begum this was supposed to teach her tolerance 

 how lovely!  and one would say how hard an hour could be right? well you would be surprised 

"wesay how is this going to nourish me or help me  become poised? "she inquired crisply, determined to grasp the trick  but failing yet again 

daniyal wasn't enough that she has to go through this as well, if she died it would be sure that her blood presssure spiked  !!!

Naila chuckled at the sweet  girl perched on a rocking sofa in front rebelliously trying her best  "beta it's just to show you new skills you are perfect as you are my kitten" she smiled at Ameera's  relieved expressions no doubt safia was behind that thought of her's 

when will she  realize this  girl is softer than a cloud 

 "Bi jaan I can't even make one and you are such a long way" she complained after few minutes  visibly distressed 

"patience, my dear, you will get it, bring it here" she fondly bounded her yarn while showing her the main course 

"I am just glad you are here to teach me otherwise I would have been dead by now, " Ameera grinned making the lady chuckle as she patted her head with care 

"you know my grandmother taught me this, in just a week, as it was a must-learn skill back then and I was quite a rebellious child " Naila engaged Ameera  in talks as she orated her delightful tale taking her out of her troubled dilemma as the time went on like a smooth sail 

And elders say student life is easiest, boy they are wrong!  after hours of number crunching making notes and learning for the next quiz, Ameera came out of a shower totally famished

"I am so starved and exhausted" she mumbled annoyed  blowdrying her hair as she thought of daniyal 

What was he doing anyway, she hasn't seen him after lunch nor did he went for a walk with uncle...  quite, horribly, it felt weird not speaking to him, she was so used to disturb him or be commonly with him  in the evenings, but the worst part of all this  ordeal was he did not even seem apologetic which made her more disconcerted, she softly  brushed her fluffy dried hair clipping the front bangs with a tiny flower pin when  her eyes landed on a stack of papers laid on her bed dusting her soft tunic of any fallen hair she moved towards it 

"Now where did this come from?" yet half of her mind was convinced it was from daniyal before even seeing but what she read after made her a lot more infuriated 

Plainly in the front was an attached sticky note endorsed by his writing or warnings perhaps,

So today's work!                          

Oh, and it has to be completed by '8', No excuses!

Remember the consequences, 

Right?  I  expect No Drama! 

you , know it isn't a joke,

and I mean it ozel!!! so please  be smart for once 

"First, he gets mad for no reason, then crosses his limits by yelling but is  still not ashamed and rather  has started dictating her!"she fumed 

"No Drama? is he serious" Ameera breathed closing her eyes to stop a sudden surge of scream 

"she was so done studying with him" she gripped the bunch and frantically skipped towards his room 

Where Daniyal was conveniently relaxing with his favourite tv show after obstinate hours of formulating his due project  until someone barged in crashing his door with a plop 

"look who is finally here" his dark eyes returned her full attention yet his tone solemn 

"look who is resting" she gritted,  furious at his relaxed form

"can I? when you are around" He smirked infuriating her 

"what the hell is this daniyal" she shrieked thrusting the papers on him 

he raised an eyebrow not expecting  her sudden outburst, yet his frozen gaze creeping a sudden chill on her flushed form  

"What kind of manners are these Ameera ?"

she abruptly  closed her eyes in dread hearing Safia's dangerous scold from behind 

please, please, please, no

her heart hammered bothered as she gradually turned around to face the dreaded reality witnessing the most pointed glare shooting straight at her startled form  

"Is this the idiotic way you have been brought up?"safia fumed yet Ameera kept her eyes lower wishing to be anywhere but there

"Are these manners thought to you by your mother !" her voice increased looking at the troubled girl in front  

"is that How you are supposed to treat your husband ?" she inquired  slowly inching closer 

'Answer me ?"Ameera slightly jumped startled at her grave voice who stood just a mere inches away shooting daggers at her 

Witnessing her perplexed,daniyal gently drew her a little back standing in front " Aunty, this isn't as you saw   "

"your uncle is expecting you" she replied sharply looking at him 

"Alright I will leave  but you need to,,,

"I dislike  when someone defends something wrong you will not benefit her by doing this rather you are spoiling her"

"of course, I see your point but like I said 

"if you care for your future children you won't defend her that's not a mother you would want for your child" Ameera struck up at the sudden blow but her heavy heart weighed it down when daniyal silently left the room without sparing a glance 

her eyes met Safia's as she held her confidence "I can explain this aunty "she politely said 

"Did I ask for an explanation? but you truly never fail to disappoint me by your behaviour Ameera"

"Sometimes I dont get why such a sensible person would marry someone like you" Safia casually struck an arrow tarnishing her spirit, sealing her lips for any defence 

"And if he has for some reason stop making him regret" Ameera looked down praying for her words to end unknowingly she is just giving air to her already blazing insecurities  

"do you have any idea how shameful it will be for you if he decides to leave you and I thought you were getting better I think you need therapy "

therapy really?

 "Anyways I have to speak to your mother about what you did today"Ameera's head bolted at her plan

"No please it was a misunderstanding and I did wrong I am sorry for that I will apologize to  daniyal as well  " her frantic words concealed bouts of feelings 

"Please don't tell mummy "she whispered 

Regarding the frantic girl in front, safia glanced  away 

"Your dinner will be sent to your room , because you are not allowed  on the dining table for a week," She turned around 

"dont tell mummy " Ameera politely requested yet again 

"Ameera I hope you learn otherwise men dont like such women, you may find my words bitter but in reality girls like you can't build a home,  their nest is like a foam blown away by every passing breeze and before you know it ,you are left alone with mere peices of twigs " she left dropping some heavyweight of her words behind 

am I really this incapable 

swallowing the soreness her eyes gazed at the scattered papers how she wished she wouldn't have come .she left his room in pure dismay 

If he had really wanted to he could have explained, he could have stayed, he wouldn't have left her alone ,only if he really wanted to 


The twilight glow around her dimmed with each passing hour even the moon failed to twinkle the water pool  in front portraying her feelings carefully  amidst the dying night yet  pleading some egotistic  clouds to shadow  her gloomy sway as she sat curled up in an  egg swing at very  a late hour of the night 

"Could it be that a person turns out to be such a disappointment?" she charged herself  whilst her plain inky shawl embraced her in peace reminding her of  love and support she owns yet her mind paid head to none, conspiring endless tales of  fears and insecurities diving her in with every flutter, swaying her breathless  

"you shouldn't be here at this time" she bounced at Zeeshan's sudden approach passing a very  glassy glare in response to her thundering heart 

"I come in peace" he whispered  to the startled girl drawing his hands up in justification

"I came here just to tell you to go back to your room " he defended confidently analysing her dilemma while she silently looked away, thuds of her heart still resonating in her ears

Zeeshan  sighed observing the girl with pained expressions and extremely puffy eyes and dared to quietly perch himself down on the marble floor near the swimming pool 

"if it makes you feel any better, I refused  dinner with the boring people when I learnt you wouldn't be there" he quietly studied her unaffected emotions  

"sad aren't you, her favourite," she remarked fiddling with her room keys 

"taunt accepted heartily" Zeeshan kept his hand on his heart bribing a minute glance from her  

"Why are you here ?" she inquired secretly wiping away her brimmed tears 

"I was having trouble sleeping so thought to catch some air in my gallery until I spotted someone, so like a good human being I came to aid "His white polo shirt reflected among the scanty waves as he elaborated 

"it's not a good habit to stare at peoples yard at 1 am you know" she tucked her bang away excessively engaged in her dusky shawl 

"guilty as charged but what can I do, sleep is the culprit here"He tsked drawing her attention as her eyes took in his earnest expressions 

"will you tell me what happened now?" he seized her gaze 

"Why should I trust you?"

"If someone came to meet you at 1 am despite his work in the morning plus risking his life at this time I guess you should, so start kiddo you need to let it out," He persuaded calmly 

contemplating  his smoothly aligned words along with his poised features and  trusting gaze she realised she needs to let it out she was not the kind of a person to retain it all in then she already has 

"I, I had a little argument with daniyal the other day" she skipped some events 

" I am listening" he turned towards  the modest waves providing her  the privacy of her expressions  as she spoke 

"he didnt speak to me the whole day, though it was his fault !"

"hmm" He caught the anguish in her feelings 

"I had a rather dull day I even had to attend safia aunty's knitting session"Zeeshan politely listened to the  whole story as she uncovered a quarter of her heart quite carefully keeping her emotions at bay  

"just the wrong timings hm ?" he concluded as she ended  

"do you think it was my mistake,?" she claimed eyeing  the person who now sat cross-legged fiddling with leaf never glancing at her 

"you just threw the papers I would have banged his head," he replied coolly seizing her blink 


"I would have banged his head Ameera "he winked passing his friendly jest

"that was not even the worse  part yet" her tiny smile was  promptly defeated by a sad  sigh 

"safia aunty told mummy" her voice was so frail that he had to increase his concentration  despite the  quietness around 


"I dont even know how she described it to  her "

"mummy was fuming  when she called me" 

"and then I kind of had an argument with her because she wasn't listening to my side of the story" She fiddled with her fingers taking  a breath while Zeeshan gave her space to balance her emotions 

" the worst part is she called me a great  disappointment" her words eventually cracked due to the density of accusation as though she revealed her greatest fear 

"Ameera" he silently dispatched concerned at her fissured voice  

"I know I am not a perfect  daughter  but wasn't expecting this coming from her" she covered her face  too ashamed of  her uncontrollable tears 

how shall i explain  that how I feel that  I am not good enough for anything already 

"Hey Ameera., kiddo? "he swallowed a lump giving her a good few minutes to empty her heart,

There were some words or attachments she was too sensitive about. almost as a vulnerable cleave, where even a letter serves as a salt,  Zeeshan presumed offering her a pocketed tissue not strong enough to handle any more, for even he was too vulnerable to tears 

"you are a star Ameera and women's are hypersensitive they say things and not mean it" he comforted noticing her slightly sobered 

"How would you know it?"

"Trust me I know "he smiled at her response 

"What did your father say" 

"Baba wasn't there, I guess he doesn't know yet otherwise he wouldn't have let mummy say that to me and he would've actually called and  listened to my story," she said confidently heaving a small sigh 

'"  I am sure you wouldn't like my suggestion but don't tell this to your baba men's are overprotective over their daughters and it will make things worse for you  at this point" she breathed taking in his wise words 

" Before any explanation from daniyal don't do anything listen to him first " and he was sure silence would be the only response of these words 

"I know I am not receiving the most pleasant gaze" he smiled tearing the small leaf  " but trust me on this and if his  description isn't up to your point, your brother is ready I have four years experience of karate "

"daniyal has a black belt" she warned with a voice light  as father 

"aye wouldn't that be a good competition" her lips broke into a smile at his challenging phrase 

 "I don't know what happened to daniyal he wasn't like this he used to listen to everything I say no matter how foolish it was " she explained her surprise at his current practice 

"The most unfortunate battle for men is emotions, they can't handle it so be a strength for him so he could come out victorious, and explain you the main reason, I understand daniyal and he is a reasonable person "

"you are saying that because you are a man "he chuckled at her frank accusation

"I am saying that because I care for you no less than my younger sister and coming to  your safia aunty she  isn't a villain Ameera she is just quite sensitive  "

"don't even she had not made my life easy here" Ameera warned  

"and now mummy has warned me I am not allowed to deny what she says "she said exasperated making him smile

"you can handle it Ameera only you can" Zeeshan nodded 

"Are you here to take everyone's side except mine?"Ameera asked offended 

"NO, all i beleive in, is  that you are a very smart girl Ameera you have the potential and  after all  bi Jan is always by your side "He drew in her confidense 

" Zeeshan bhai I just wished for a good some years of uni carefree and adventurous and I feel like a victim you know how some bad children are sent to a boarding school to teach them manners"

Zeeshan wholeheartedly chuckled at her judgment "you are definitely something! but let us take it this way  may be just grooming you to be much more than you already are"

"oh yeah, maybe i am the princess of some land so they are grooming me to take care of the nation now?" she articulated making him laugh and her lips finally broke into a big smile 

"you are a princess no doubt in  that" he complimented and Ameera looked away 

some princess i am ,without even a mere honour 

"Now tell me are you in love or something because despite a hectic day you were sleep-deprived"she diverted her dusky thoughts 

he smiled looking down "I think my stay is ended now I should be leaving  "

"you should be married you know you aren't getting young " Ameera voiced 

"sure madam "He placed a hand on his heart as he got up 

"and don't come to others yards, at this time you could have been beaten by me" Ameera warned making him smile

"I certainly don't doubt that, but what can I say I am selfish maybe someone will take care of my loved ones as well" he stared off in the far

"Goodnight little girl" he warded off yet halted at her next sentence 

"you have a small sister or a  daughter dont you?"Ameera stood from her swing tightening her shawl around as her whispered words struck home 

"it's too late go back to your room Ameera," he said without a glance drifting off into the night 

 Ameera glanced at the stary night "May Allah take care of everyone's battle , especially yours Zeeshan bhai"

while not afar yet under the same roof Daniyal sighed after a strong battle with  his consciousness

Unconsciously he carved a perfect heart in the dead of night screeching it with his own pen, on the other end hoped safia hadn't gone to harsh on Ameera    

he was right they shouldn't be living here in the first place yet granny doesn't understand!

"why was her door locked?"

"Not even a single moment you have granted me Ozel" he murmured as he recalled the ways he had tried to approach , since morning till night she had expertly neglected him 

A day after is their trip and she is going to go on ends to ignore him 

he threw away his dusky jacket 

this was the last thing he wanted right now 

word-aligned  by word creates a bridge connecting it to the most stubborn heart 

letter by letter it also forms rivers detaching  the softest of hearts 

Actions swelled with emotions win at last passing the river by a  craft 

Assalam o alikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu.

how are you all doing? 

thoughts about the chapter 

what do you expect should happen 

And again sorry for the delay 

but to be honest your messages trigger me to write even when I am not feeling like it so thank you so much for it 

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