A surprise decision

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I will be waiting here, for the white snow to melt-

for the roses to be smelt for you to feel what I feel_  Rumi

undeniably   there are days  when the weather aligns perfectly with your mood but  in reality, it's just a synchronization of your heart to peace that conceals any difficulty  ahead enclosing  them in a gift of contentment,

 which was a similar sketch of Ameera's spirit  that day allowing her to  peacefully enjoy the breezy winds embraced by her shiny hairs sweetly harmonizing it with early chills as she sipped on her tea accompanied by her Bi Jan in the garden consuming every last minute before she had to leave for  uni

It was a much needed time after a toughly packed week of extremely hard work of non-stop studying, For their finals were almost over after  whirling them in a chaotic routine ribboned with sleepless nights and no free hour  as they worked hard anticipating to excel in their subjects  amidst a veil of their sacred relation which spoke volumes through emotions yet words clocked  by certain boundaries of many restrictions stowed  by their  hearts 

Daniyal's car zoomed past the slight busy bridge to their uni as Ameera hastily brushed her hairs trying to make them presentable thanks to her inner voice which had  forced her to enjoy the tea in a  garden this morning 

"I know your mood is off now, but can't a labouring student  enjoy her tea for once ?"

"I was only 2 minutes late!" she rolled her eyes at his sudden accelerated speed  giving his answer

"Exactly I should've left you after 10 minutes of wait!" he gave her a glare before steering their car in a sharp turn

"you know what! where is my lady driver you once spoke about? I think I would like her now!" she huffed binding her hair smoothly with a jewelled pin before reaching the dashboard for her lipgloss all this while trying her best not to show her quivering state of heart or fear in her light eyes,

yet those striking words of her were successful to perk up his ears 

"oh really Ameera you want a lady driver?" he asked calmly easing the speed  making her internally sigh in relief  

"yup" she smiled with a side glance 

"I was quite serious back then for your driver but then I thought about your beauty box"  he signalled his filled dashboard "and I am certain no one was going to let you make  one there!" he teased with a smile as she slowly shut the dashboard while they pulled up in the parking of their uni 

  such a turn in attitude bipolar human!!!

"That MR daniyal was quite offensive not seeing how privilege your car is to have my precious belongings in" she said checkliy 

"ofcourse my important documents which now sit at the back trunk because of your precious luggage think the same" 

"They are just boring old car papers" she shut the door making him smile 

"your chipmunks are missing ?" He raised his eyebrows at the empty garden seat normally being filed by her friends 

"eww don't say that you just had something really bad for breakfast" she retorted making him laugh as her name was called by ASHLEY coming her way enthusiastically 

"Alvin and the chipmunks" daniyal teased earning her annoyed  glare 

 "Than your  squad is officially a bunch  yellow minions" she retorted earning his slow chuckle 

"HI daniyal bhai" Ashley greeted exchanging a few words

"well Adnan bhai said if I saw you then inform that Mr Rauf is waiting"

"why ?"Ameera jumped in curious

"Kids don't meddle in every matter" he smirked before quietly  leaving them be 

"He had something really silly for breakfast," Ameera explained making her friend chuckle as they resumed their walk 


A profound musky environment was their host in an amicable silence of the huge library where whispers of anxious students blended in with shifting of their crisp pages, where lived a world of both fantasy and reality, yet nowadays packed with students aspiring to cramp as much to score for their closing term.

Ameera with her few mates preferred a seat at a  far corner, as they sought to perceive as much to indulge themselves in their academics occasionally sipping through  homemade warm drinks along with small discussions, while seated on unique wooden lush chairs which squeaked with their every move

"do you think this chapter is important?" Ashley probed curiously supporting an exhausted face 

"going by our luck I would say leave anything but that chapter " a burst of muffled laughter rang around their table at Ameera's honest remark

"Well you guys have ample time to go through the whole book"Sophie added highlighting her notes

"Sophie please I know you are going to get all the A's, so stop fretting over the book you have gone through a million times panicking us, "Ashley said examining her friend's masses of coloured notes

Beholding their ongoing banter Ameera smiled almost completing her assigned work, her heart was calm, exams were going great and preparations for the one's left was good however again there was this niggling feeling deep in her heart. how is that despite the challenges her days had been going so smooth?

lately, those two combinations were almost impossible to blend so smoothly, hence giving her a whiff of concern which she waived away

"Ameera when is daniyal bhai coming to pick you up?" Ashley inquired

"in an hour why?" she closed her coffee flask consuming her remaining drink

"well I guess they got free a little too early again" she signalled with her acute orbs  

Ameera's eyes strolled their surroundings carefully until it located  his group behind a clear glass of common study Area merrily sipping on drinks while sharing their laptop screen fairly engrossed 

"don't even start" she warned Sophie who was about to speak in their defence 

"They are always around you isn't it"A girl commented from the group

"it's just to annoy us since they are done with their exams" Ameera whined at such relaxed chatters  just as their eyes met incurring  a teasing wink from Dani which was enough to trigger her remaining resolve 

"that's it! "

"Ameera leave them they are just teasing us"Ashley tried to halt her beloved friend who was already halfway across in her raging steps  

"hey, Ammy you finished so early today ?" Daniyal contemplated  playing bewildered while others suppressed their smiles

"your exams finished! I get it, you love to annoy me get it but watching a movie while enjoying your snacks is what kind of humanity !!" she protested gazing at  them  

" would you like to know the ending?" Ahsan beamed earing her scowl

"why? just why are you guys here?!" she said with a bothered whiff

"it's good to keep an eye on children you know"Adnan vocalised who until now was just witnessing the event with a wide grin 

"you guys are embarrassing me in front of my group" she pointed at her seats on the opposite side 

"how can you claim that? we are quite far away and pretty much minding our own business" daniyal raised his eyebrow noticing her fallen lock which smoothly brushed her forehead 

"come on Ammy we just thought to have some fun " sana politely answered

"Sana API why do you let them "

"All my classmates think I am being babysitted by you all," she stated securing their chuckle

"well that's the point" daniyal smirked 

"Thank you guys " Ashely greeted quite sarcastically 

"productive study session!!?" Ahsan appended while Ameera saw her group leave as her friends joined them

"have a seat ladies no wonder you have been studying a lot you all look fatigued "they teased 

"sure! sure you guys can make fun all you want but  don't forget you all have two thesis remaining"' Sophie reminded their smug crowd

"oh, we have it all under control, unlike you guys! who studies so much for mere language exams" Ahsan ridiculed 

'my point" daniyal added like he was not on her head on remaining of her subjects

"We never even opened the book back in our days " Adnan pondered making them laugh

"guys that's enough boasting" sana stopped before Ameera could answer 

"how do you stay with them all day ?"Ameera huffed making them chuckle as she finally took her seat in front of him

"it's very enjoyable to be with us dear one"daniyal answered offering her his unopened juice

"I honestly pray for your future wife Daniyal she must have "the patience" or you must change" sana joked as Ameera squirmed awkwardly avoiding his intense gaze 

"yeah Ameera we need to be very careful finding a bhabhi, " Ashley added 

"tsk easier said than done I will find my own lady hence sparing you all the hassle " he clarified solemnly

"why Ameera am I not generous  enough?"He asked liking her extreme discomfort  

"sure !"! she murmured sipping on her cold juice

"where is Kiran she was to join us by 6 ?" Adnan asked 

"yeah she will be a little late,  call from home" Sana explained 

"soo vacations are coming after this" Adnan began rather uncomfortable gazing at the boys as if beckoning an unknown message into their sharp eyes 

"yes! can't wait to visit all those places and I really want to go back home for a week" she looked at daniyal excitedly 

"Hey!! noo you cant" Ashley interrupted 

"just a week Ashey I really miss granny  " Ameera persuaded looking at her friend 

"well Ashley is right we wont be able to go back home" Daniyal cleared his throat turning serious 


"it's an exciting news  and certainly needs your blessings" Ahsan smiled with an unusual glance

"What kind of  news ?"Ameera asked curiously perceiving Daniyal's grave expressions whose eyes were already occupied scrutinising her deeply as if his next words would brew a storm just like his eyes held 

"Actually they applied for a placement this year and guess what they got accepted in another city" Sana illustrated with a sad  sigh which suddenly awoke a profound silence around them

while Ameera's startled orbs questioned his, amidst its, mixed confusion as she confidently sought an answer and exactly what he was cautious about, as now  his storm whirled in her lightened eyes causing a flash of lightning in his spirit her questions were so loud that he had to break the eye contact concerned of the outcome it could cause 

"Unfortunately our application got accepted somewhere we didn't really intend to but it is a good opportunity, we thought a lot, it's not like we just accepted it but this is a beneficial sacrifice for a short term " Adnan explained to hush sana's complaining gaze

"wait so you are saying you guys are moving somewhere for work? "Ashley asked trying to sum up their different words 

"yes!" Daniyal spoke finally giving her answers as she blew a breath weighing her down 

"what ?" Sophie stared surprised

"just for few months about 6 that is and remaining will be here," Ahsan said  

all that while Ameera stayed  quiet as everyone gazed at her from time to time anticipating her input which didn't evolve, girls  secretly awaiting her persuasion on their decision yet she chose to stay silent still processing their given information 

"you are moving where?" Ashley urged 

"not far just a few hours plane ride Ameera and the best part is your vacations are going to start " Ahsan smiled in an attempt to gauge her reaction

she looked down silently absorbing the unforeseen channels of information suddenly crafting a mountain on her frail shoulders

"They didn't include me in as well" sana accused attempting to share her freight  

while at that point Daniyal deplored not trusting his intuition he should've told her himself not the way it had  appeared 

"Ameera  its something of great importance and benefit otherwise I wouldn't have"Daniyal seemed to observe her yet she looked away 

"hey guys sorry I am late" Kiran joined 

"let me guess Ameera isn't happy with the news?" Kiran guessed through their gazes

"No, I am really happy to know how last minute we are being informed" she stared at Daniyal  

"kiddo that's not how it is trust me " Adnan initiated discerning the troubled girl

"Ameera we just wanted you all to focus on your exams and we weren't even sure until today" Ahsan supported

"I need to go" Ameera got up leaving the table 

"she has been too pampered in her life" Kiran presumed  

"of course she is sensitive about him" sana screened as Daniyal excused going after her

"way to break the news like a bomb"Ashley looked at Ahsan as she left with Sophie 

"suits you all" sana added with a glare

"All Right! I never knew we were this important" Ahsan boasted earning a book from Kiran 

"and now I feel really selfish "he added regarding  a silent Adnan

"Ameera!, Ameera stop!" Daniyal's loud voice boomed around causing her being to shiver as she wordlessly got out of the library 

"What is this childish behaviour?" he scolded rising in front while she tried her best to not get intimated by his frowning eyes 

"can we at least have a decent talk? before any conclusions"His powerful demeanour contested with her sensitive resolve  

"I will explain it to you" he sternly motioned towards his car moving ahead with the certainty of her following behind 

Despite her being  enormously  irked she took a deep irritated breath to calm herself and followed  behind whilst all her mind fancied  was to smash at least a window or two of his car 

His thoughts justified her actions of disapproval while his inner rage demanded her to act responsibly 

He glanced sideways secretly studying  his frustrated partner before deluding himself on his inner questions for they were numerous because the place he aimed to go meant so much and at  the same time nothing 

indulged in those blended thoughts  the couple arrived at their traditional  artistic spot  now crunching those fallen leaves to climb up a secluded spot amidst Ameera blowing small sighs of breaths due to a difficult trek

Tired from the immediate exercise she took a deep whiff tying her hairs quietly, forming  a seat on one of the peaks above the cold fluffy grass embracing the magnificent view of such paradise whilst modestly ignoring the lava swelling inside her 

 "I will initiate from the beginning " Daniyal carefully sat aside as he gradually  revealed their intentions of placement for a year as he refined how they still didn't adhere to it as there wasn't any good opportunity that could have been worth it until their career coach invited them to apply to his brother's firm and it got selected which they thought wouldn't be possible,

there was a long silence as he awaited her response 


overlooking her complete ignorance he further revealed"it was not planned" 

"I get it Daniyal! I do  but in all that where was I?" her intense accusing  orbs for a second  startled him with a surprise as they dwelled in the mystery of her place in his heart 

"you thought I shouldn't  be considered for even an advice or even a mere suggestion?"

"I told you Ammy this was:

"No Dani! you have no right to defend it , That's not how it's supposed to be  you ought to know each and everything related to my curriculum and I  just get informed that you are to leave for half a year !"

"How is that equal?" her demanding words were less compared to her disappointed eyes and even scarce to how she felt

"We didn't consider to take it further until we seriously gave a thought to it with our professor!" yet his defence seemed weak against her strong resolve 

"I wish I would have done the same to you!" she murmured taking him off guard

"what do you mean ?" there was an alarm that tingled in his brain, perceiving  her acute  words 

"nothing Dani but thanks a lot for showing how close of friends we are just as agreed" she looked ahead painfully reliving a sigh  

There was a faint wound of a girl's forsaken beliefs that ignited the breeze of his responses that slipped to coordinate with  mind yet the soul guarded it with its specific key of spring 

"I did all this for a reason Ameera" He answered after taking his ample time of admission

"Yeah? like what" 

"I preferred the idea of placements because I wanted us to graduate together" he orated with a firm stance, these words weren't reckoned to be out his mind nagged  yet those emotions had  won 

"you know I would be done a year before and I don't desire that "his strong observant gaze shared 

"I want that ideal  moment !"

After all her frustrations and millions of  made-up stories blaming Daniyal, this was what she had  least expected to emerge out of his mouth as she stayed quiet still processing his profound words while the flurry playfully tickled her cold earings 

Heeding no response he continued "this was the best option for you have 3 months of holidays and the rest three will go in no time much better than a year alone" He looked at her finally giving her just a tiny glimpse of his feelings 

"I did try a lot to have it here but the months weren't adding up"

taking her reserve as a recognition He breathed seeing her shoulders relaxed 

"wouldn't it be nice to graduate together ? "he smiled playful

Having no words to combat his plans she returned his stare "in short you have thoroughly mapped  ahead to ruin even my last year" she finally gazed at his smirk earning a  chuckle at her sudden complaint

"your protests  don't seize do they ozel?"

"but for your answer  how could I leave you alone, while I promised otherwise "she dropped her gaze at a sudden disclosures 

"My complaint hasn't subsided MR Daniyal shah  you could have included me not just addressed at the end !" she warned making him smile 

"fair enough" he nodded 

 "but if it makes you feel better we three told no one!"

"no, it doesn't"!

"and how come Adnan and Ahsan bhai are so ok with it ?"

"it's an equally great opportunity ozel why wouldn't they "

"so is it justified now! my precious soldier?"

"of course not" she insisted ignoring his raised eyebrow plus those last words

"When do you leave?" she asked with a heavy heart 

"our last thesis is next week so probably at the end of it "

"next week!" she claimed surprised 

"it is a great pleasure knowing how much it is bothering you Ammy" he murmured  simply to make her realize just how he occurred to enjoy  her wavering emotions 

"of course it bothers me," she said after a minute 

"why wouldn't it?  we came here together despite knowing everyone I don't know anyone" she sought to explain securing his chuckle 

"Just say you are too attached to me " yet surprising to his revelation however he could feel her mystic emotions attached to her heart 

"dreams nice dreams" she scoffed  making him laugh 

"you will be fine with bi Jan I had thought about everything Ameera it wasn't a sudden conclusion" and  he meant it 

"I had so many plans for holidays," she sighed dejectedly

"We have 2 more years after this Ameera I promise to take you everywhere "

and a lifetime after it he thought grazing a soft flower near her 

"promise ?" she looked at him expectantly moving his heart at those cute emotions 

he nodded bringing his hand forward for a shake 

"I trust you no need for a handshake" she replied impishly ignoring his  narrowed eyes who made his hand even firmer as she sighed 

"I am not shaking it Dani" she affirmed yet squeaked as it  got  confiscated by his large once to which he gave a soft yet firm shake before finally releasing it

"that's so haram" she fretted wiping her hands with a shawl making him roll his eyes 

"you not adhering to  my demands surely is !" He retorted causing an eerie silence for few a  moments while Ameera gazed at him invariably over time to gauge his sudden shift of mood

 "soo after a lot of thinking I came to a conclusion "she grinned at his frowning eyes


"I am finally going to have time of my life!!" she said excitedly blundering his remainder mood

"clarify, will you?" 

"like wow that's what I wanted I could do whatever and whenever no more curfew no more permissions like I didn't realise my prayers would be heard this soon" 

"Excuse me, my dear lady let me clear a few things" 

"for 3 months you have holidays meaning you will be at home, of course, other than occasional lunches with friends which you have only two one of which is leaving for home" he emphasized 

"the rest of it despite my not being here would be just as I programmed!"

"yeah sure" she snorted not realizing the depths of his plannings 

"you will see but for the time being, be happy"  he smiled to assured

his easy-going did not sit well with her but she shrugged it off not wanting to know if he had something planned because she wasn't going to follow it anyway

but he doesn't need to know that 

"for I know how sad you are and how a lot I am going to be missed"

"no, you are not going to be missed"

"My heart says I will be" 

"you have such a hard one does it have feelings too?" she leaned on her hand feigning  to think

"ozel?" he glared making her chuckle 

"fine, fine "

Though there was definitely a big void that suddenly took place in her heart scaring her of their attachment, to her nothing seemed fine at that moment   she doesn't want him to leave her heart declared in simple news

while despite his reasons he wanted to be a part of her biggest day yet was it advice of someone perhaps be it that their distance matters or maybe it was a leap of destiny steering him to someone he had fancied and even thought of for a long time 

"shall we leave?" she got up  earning his approval he had many things outlined to narrate but maybe that was enough for now 

"Safia aunty is going to have so much fun" she whined making him snicker

"don't laugh Dani you wont find your same Ameera when you come back1" making him halt at her certain words

and she was quick to realize her mistake 

"I mean:

"your Ameera" he completed with a smug face

"your cousin I meant !" she explained ruining his stance by  receiving a very peculiar glare 

'your friend" she added seeing no shift in that scowl 

"your enemy ?" she smiled evilly 

"My time will come Ozel just you wait till then enjoy your privileges for I will have none of that after!" he warned as her heart leapt of sudden thunder caused by his words  as they resumed their walk indulging  Ameera in a flight of her reasons

whilst the blend of flurry caressed their emotions with  such a perfect synchronization that even those chunks of  intense doubt couldn't ruin its warmth   

For this could be the very  place of a new beginning for them or the parted ways could create an irrevocable distance, for what destiny had in their faith was a mystery of complications

could it be that an already heavy heart of a girl could be shred  into lumps of her tears 

because isn't it an unspoken rule of nature, that a bloomed flower never originates along the wilted one, for in a place of one, another could never perceive  

"you may not have this privilege of freedom once I return so use it wisely for I may like a step ahead of this unrecognizable connection" his sudden serious yet playful words played with her heart halting her breaths as he silently walked ahead to the car 

it was late afternoon,  the last day of Ameera's exam and as expected their door busted open by students rushing to finally catch up on their sleep whilst Daniyal with his friends quite impressively monitored each of their reactions especially Ahsan with the camera his new phone 

"Swear their expressions are worth it!" Adnan commented

"Hope to never, ever, ever see this subject again" Ameera shouted to Ashley amidst the chaos realising after a minute the pair of eyes scrutinizing her little celebration 


" hey" she candidly gazed at all of them 

"wasn't expecting such a  welcome" Ashley cleared her throat as they all chuckled 

"why can't we be involved in your ceremony?" Daniyal remarked 

"We thought this was the easiest subject" Ahsan teased quoting their words

"you all saw nothing"Ameera warned 

"We didn't but! "Ahsan proudly showcased his camera  

"Ahsan bhai delete it now!"


"give it to me"Ameera took a step ahead as Daniyal blocked her path 

"I will do it-'' he looked at her  with a small frown as she stepped back away from them 

"We thought since it's our last day in uni for quite some time why don't we treat you guys" Adnan explained who were all now seated at a fancy restaurant  near their campus

After their announcement unconsciously their gatherings had increased just to make the most of it as they all grew even closer than before 

Kiran had decided she was going to meet her parents for a while as did Sophie while the rest of them planned on staying, Ashley because of Ameera since she couldn't go 

"I am so glad I will have you guys just because of this bunch I don't even know many of my classmates" sana complained looking at her group whilst  Ashley giggled at their expressions

"You seem very happy?"Ahsan inquired

"I am just glad you guys aren't in my class"

"Darn! that's a disadvantage he  replied 

"Why does it feel like we are graduating I am glad we have quite some time together here" Sophie added securing their nods while Ameera just responded to  conversations with a small yes and no 

despite her reassuring herself a million times she felt alone there was a void  scaring her to the core, for he was her partner here in everything she just wasn't sure how is it going to be after he went 

" you guys are going to make me cry can we start our lunch I am famished," Ahsan said uplifting the environment except for Daniyal who kept his glances on Ameera from time to time 

He knew this was an important stage of their life, he could see the distress in her acts which no doubt thrilled him yet was a hefty bag of concern because maybe he didn't want to leave her all by herself 

"My family is soo eager to welcome us," Ahsan said 

"We are eager to meet your family too buddy: Daniyal patted his shoulder 

But there are some spirits meant to cross our  path, again and again, you never know when that meeting could turn into a prayer of unknown

"Your family lives there ?" Ameera inquired, finally addressing their conversation

"No they are just visiting  for few months my paternal side lives there "he explained

"Oh I see" she smiled which dropped catching Daniyal's uncertain gaze

Could it be that a fragrance of an old floral petal bloom yet again or will it wilt leaving  no trace of existence

Time be a beautiful garden filled with the beauty of spring don't turn into an Autumn with winds of no life...be a beginning, not an end.

But they say, how can you Scent a Rose? without touching its thorn


Some decisions in your Life are like carved bits of a puzzle meant to be solved at a certain time in your being even if all the pieces reside in your own  hand

Distance doesn't solve problems nor it creates them it's the scenarios within our minds which drag us apart or draw us akin

The twinkling night seemed dull as it sank and flamed the sky around owing it was the last night before He leaves and in all their moments He wanted a few moments of just them, he desired to etch some words, bestow some feelings and most of all cage her infectious laugh somewhere within! which would bound him around for it was one of the heaviest tests of his life however thanks to Ameera who made it quite impossible avoiding, his proximity every time he took a step ahead

Eventually, after having enough, he had  strictly ushered her for a walk in their neighbourhood, now expecting her arrival in the quietness of the hush around catching a  deep whisk from a cool breeze he looked at the stars above and closed his eyes for this was one of the most crucial nights, his heart signified mystery, his thoughts haywire devising  his feelings indistinct 

He opened his eyes merely to get startled for a moment discovering  Ameera  who stared right at him with utter confusion snuggly confiscated in his oversized hoodie

Oh, what a spectacle it had painted in the canvas of his mind!

"weirdo!" he clocked her head with the bean smiling down at her

"who stares like that ?"He asked noticing her smug smile

"Did I scare you Mr daniyal ?"

"No, but rather  you just made me wonder, were you by any chance  memorizing my features since I am leaving tomorrow "he reflected egotistically to look at her with a roguish smile

"A wise man once said dreams can be endless and impossible, so you have the right to think whatever "she shrugged ignoring his mischievous eyes  

While his deep chuckle awoke the brewing night around as they followed a smooth pace of unanswered feelings fermented by several inquests

"Impossible itself means "I am possible" it's just  the way you perceive it" he answered

"sure whatever satisfies your manly ego Mr daniyal" she answered confusing him 

"what's with you today? why so agitated" he softly bumped her delicate shoulder seizing her naughty smile 

"Aren't you a small drama" she shrugged at his remark reminding him of his actual task

yet due to her closed emotions, he had to think multiple times for he knew not what mystery lies within her heart or behind those affectionate eyes for what he wanted to believe was surely not impersonated  by her

"There are few things I want you to follow while I am away Ameera" he initiated solemnly flickering with the silence around them 

"Oh no here they come, I knew it!" she whined amusing him, yet to her mystery, her ruling words  had erupted a life in  the once calm night 

"Just for you to know I already carry a basket of many demands daniyal" she looked at his sharp features immersed in deep thoughts as she waited in calm to let him proceed 

"know that it is still not an easy decision it  never was and this night may seem normal but it isn't for me Ammy there are my concerns and doubts and then there is our bond which isn't as weak as you think it is"he pointed causing her to gulp at his compelling words

she puffed out a small breath dreading the path of their conversation 

"if there was something called our bond Daniyal I would have been the first one you come to before even making this decision not revealing it a week before like a stranger " the disappointment still loomed in her words and even though she had been quite calm throughout the week these thoughts had kept her awake questioning her place every single night

For he had his reasons to hide but he knew it was a big mistake to not tell her personally as his heart had coveted

"you are free to blame but I had my reasons! and you are adamant on denying a reality Ameera you cant go forever with that "He tried to lure her away, for his answers wouldn't be understood by her

"I shall take my chances" at such confident words, his feet  halted to look at her in dismay coming to stand in front he ceased her in the shadows of dense trees around "you are saying a farewell to me with some very heavy burdens ozel" he warned 

just as he greeted her into his life with many burdens she thought

"I am fearful of false assumptions "came her small murmur making him sigh

"your complaints are not hidden Ameera but these few months are important for you, especially to realize the place you need to take!"

yet no sound  rustled out of her heart albeit there was a weeping hush cloaking her around

coming to an edge he closed her towards the wall caging her to finally gaze within those refraining orbs

"Despite the little less as you say we have, there is a presence between you can't doubt" her eyes were cast  towards her cold fiddling hands amidst a haywire heart of unending doubts and a string of peace hovering around her sensitive chords

he hoisted her gently to  perch her on the small wooden edge drawing her scared gasp

"I am going to fall Dani!" she panicked obtaining his small chuckle

"Relax Ammy, wouldn't let you fall" he balanced her with either of his hands supporting her

"How can I trust that" she demanded scared for her life

"I want some promises ozel so I may leave in a  little peace "

she narrowed her eyes moving slightly away from his scrutiny 

This was going to be bad she knew it looking at him with uncertainty

and after a long list of his demands, the last one caught her close attention

"No trips until I am gone! " 

"are you serious Dani!" she held before he could go further

"Listen to me first" he glared as she folded her Arms avoiding his daunting sights

"you may go out with your friends but just in a city and Safia aunty has to know the details and even me"

"No funny business or sneak outs trust me Ameera I am not joking at this point! you may stop rolling those eyes "he glared

"if I find out which I definitely will that you violated any rules trust me you don't want to know what could happen" his tone synched precisely with his warnings forcing her heart to thunder but who said that was going to stop her 

"But that's just wrong you can decide to go across the city but I can't even go on mere trips !!"

"I promise to take you around everywhere you want  when I get back "he keenly looked towards her

"Dani I am not dropping any uni trips!" she said adamantly

"you are as I said before " yet to her utter disappointment the seriousness in his bloodshed eyes seemed  remarkably  intimidating at that moment 

"How can I trust you with that? what if you  change" she shrugged

"I don't break promises" and there wasn't a hint of humour in those eyes

"promise Promise?" she  pressed with a raised eyebrow trying to mitigate those bloodshed eyes

"yes" he squeezed her frail hands

"ok I suppose I could do that," she responded sadly noticing his shoulder relax  

" you are acting as if I asked you the world" he complained

"technically you did"

"oh really arent I am supposed to be your world?" he asked  making her laugh  

"Can you just please look somewhere else now"

Upon his confused expressions, she breathed"You look like a vampire with those eyes  and I am  quite scared to be alone here" she deadpanned

He sighed heavily certainly brewing a smile and locking those eyes to soothe it

"I hope you grow up while I am away" he flicked her forehead making her scowl 

"choose your words wisely Mr daniyal shah you may never know what may happen!"  

"I could be living the best life while you are away" she declared proud  

"drama queen" he smiled helping her down

"just take care of this little lady and remember I have been giving you a lot of time but I may want to claim what's mine when I get back!" he wasn't  humorous 

 Tonight his words one after the other were grave securing her to feel something she didn't want to

The moon went further away as the night passed whilst they walked beneath it side by side without a word for quite a while flowing a path away from home just to be there together

The stars drizzled their light upon their shadows trying to unclamp some of their feelings perhaps they were holding on too tight or the lock didn't have a key yet

Just beneath the canopy of the brightest star he halted bringing her close "Be safe ozel and know that you will be missed" his eyes shone with emotions as he tried to inch closer, his lips merely away from her delicate forehead  yet she moved away ruining the hallow trance as he clenched his jaw un clawing it to gently  move her fallen lock of hair back in her hoodie 

"see you very soon" he whispered as they made their way back with a heavy heart 

As she wiped away a treacherous tear trying to calm her screaming heart

For the worst battle, she ever fought was between what she knew and what she felt 

you would be in my prayers 

you would be in my thoughts

and definitely in the heart who said to whom it was a secret only the secret whispers of the twilight knew       

Distance is the longing of hearts yet the souls always stay conjoint to that dear.

Asalam o alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuho.

I know i know its been long but trust me I have to try extremely hard to sit and write the chapter

I can't wait to share all of their journeys with you at times I just don't want to stop a chapter there.

Coming back how was this new turn in their life what do you think will it bring them closer?

And how have you all been my dearest readers i misssed you! Alot!

And thanks again to all those who constantly message me trust me guys you are such such a big motivation at times just because of your eager message i open my laptop at that moment to sit and write trust me

Oh and we are just 4 followers away from a family of 1k yay Alhumdulilah

Although for me it has never been about followers what value to me is that how many hearts can I reach with my words

Anyways till next time take care

Allah hafiz

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