A heartfelt prose

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GOD forbid your heart should find another home, or, far from mine, turn hesitant in love. your stream alone has fed my eyes as they flowered; you are the streak of my tears, and my hearts power. ~RUMI

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A remarkably hazy atmosphere enveloped by rich windy spells forecasted the weather for that day quite  perfectly aligned with their feelings  

Ameera's long glossy hair entangled amidst her brush as she sighed heavily not being able to  gather any motivation to get ready

she had overheard his door open an hour ago yet her anxiety halted her any possibility to face him so now there she sat partly ready and completely disturbed from  the mess she endorsed herself in

"Ameera beta you will get  late" Naila entered witnessing a bewildered girl perched by her vanity table with an entirely disarranged form

"I had a feeling, so I brought your breakfast here" she gently laid the tray before slowly tending  her haywire locks

"Daniyal went?" her lips murmured 

"yes he did and he has requested Sarfaraz to drop you today, so you don't have much time to get ready my dear" the lady gingerly tied her hairs earning her soft sigh 

"Bi Jan, I am really sorry for disturbing you so much last night, I really feel guilty for making you go through such trouble" she looked down securing the lady's smile 

" it's ok beta (daughter) although it wasn't a brave thing to do, but, mistakes happen what matters the most  is that you are safe, Alhumdulilah Daniyal was there, Ameera  you may see things differently now but at times small mistakes make you pay very high prices, so although Daniyal is wrong at places yet he is not at fault to be concerned in this matter and to show it as well" she explained gazing solemnly at Ameera who bit her lip processing those words 

"it still gives me goosebumps when I remember last night beta, you can't imagine how many times I have prayed Nawafils to thank ALLAH that you all-girls returned safely"

" Now just  say shukar that you are safe and moreover  that's not how you help yourself, freshen up a little, you learned that's an achievement," Naila warmed perceiving  Ameera's slight  wet eyes 

"It wasn't a doubt bi Jan I wasn't doubting him I was just worried" she finally spoke still avoiding her gaze 

"I know my dear and  I trust you now have some  breakfast come on Allah knows when you ate last time "

"did Daniyal had it?" she asked concerned  

"oh I am sure he will have something with his friends" Naila sliced the bread for her 

"then how can I bi Jan" she politely refused, hoisting up to pick up her bag 

and despite her resistance, Naila made sure she had at least a little albeit she understood Ameera's feelings when something is already eating a person from inside how can a body hold an appetite? she gazed at Ameera who  dejectedly gathered her books 

"confront him with your honest words he will surely listen" Ameera nodded before  kissing the lady goodbye 

"and make sure last night is never disclosed in front of anyone especially the members of this house" Naila sighed  trying to diminish the storm that overpowered her mind if God forbid the  incident ever evolve  out 


The weather appeared unpleasant around someone, there was a raging  frenzy that emphatically could cause any tough glass to quiver albeit it sailed evenly through his steadily thumping heart as he confidently stood in front of a large french window on the first floor of their campus, Daniyal's sharp gaze spotted Ameera as she entered their campus, her rather hesitant steps naturally displaying her anxiety whilst  her long oversized sweater orating a tail of her lack of efforts as she  gently was embraced by her two friends who now signified having a rather warm chat under the frail sun 

He looked at his watch insuring her due class's timing but frowned scrutinizing her frame advancing towards the dorm forcing him to take out his phone.

Ameera stopped her eyes gazing around  before swiping up his flashing name on her phone 

"Hello" her muffled voice did nothing but only kindled the burning fire

"Don't you have any class now?" 

"I, I do" she responded doubtfully gazing around 

"is it in the dorm today?" his sarcastic gruff voice made Ameera  flinch as her innocent gaze trekked  all-around to discover his secret whereabouts 

"you better get to class" was his last warning before the line went dead, and he  satisfactorily watched their footsteps retreat  entering inside the campus instead

"Hey, Daniyal, ready for the presentation?" Adnan patted his back prowling him out of deep thoughts as he removed his shades. conferring his full attention 

"yeah," he nodded before furrowing his eyebrows "you okay?" he asked noticing a very troubled Adnan

"Yeah, yeah just didn't get enough sleep last night, to be honest, their act disturbed me a lot, and  when there is a sword of doubt hanging at one's head and distrust runs to claim  your partner's heart, know that something is extremely wrong " he shrugged stiffly before adding  "for I am just glad we got to know in time it jolts me to even imagine the consequences that could have taken place  if we were late!" 

Daniyal swigged away the soreness before nodding, they already had a long discussion on it and he refrained from any further, especially with so many ears around 

"I am glad you called Ahsan back, I wanted  to stop you but avoided saying anything" Adnan admitted 

"yes the hidden it remains the better so I just told him to return the car for now  otherwise Haider had a lot to pay" he gritted 

"it wasn't his fault"

"of course it wasn't" Daniyal glared ahead before proceeding towards their class


Accumulated in Sana's cosy dorm room the girls discussed several ways to approach their fierce associates for they were left restless because of their silent treatment

"I can't believe it's been almost two days and they haven't said a word" Ameera slowly paced through the little space beside a single study table just opposite a small window glowing with some fading light

"exactly that's what bothers me the most I was expecting a lot of things but not this" Sana sighed crossing her legs on her bed

"not even a reply to any of our texts" Ashley referred to their group chat

"Forget the chat, they don't even sit with me in the class, never have I felt more alone, their whole group sits on one side not even sparing a glance at me " Sana complained as the girls looked at her sympathetically

"what about Kiran? didn't see her at all" Ashley frowned 

"she came to me the other day but I was too frustrated to have a talk so I requested a little time but now she is on a two day's holiday one of our classmates informed me " Sana answered

"But Kiran does need to explain the reason for her act !"Ashley responded

"I don't even know what to do I am tired of justifying myself through texts!!"Ameera huffed

"you guys need a plan for them to acknowledge how sorry you are! just texting them won't do" Sophie suggested from beside the window with a book in her hand silently perceiving  their discussions from long 

"like what?" Ameera scrunched her eyebrows going through all the possibilities

"make an effort of some sort" Sophie emphasized with a shrug

"Today is poetry night" Sana evoked suddenly recalling all the hassle around their campus 

"you are staying for it right !" she summed

"yes of course I have been  so excited the whole week for today and I couldn't even participate in anything, not even decorations" Ameera sadly breathed her eyes locating the window to see students hustling with different LEDs and colours

"yeah they are bustling since morning," Ashley said

"We can invite them to a dinner tonight," Sana said thoughtfully

"What I mean is we can prepare a small feast and summon them in the back garden since it's all decorated with tables and lights already, we will just have to add a little touch " Sana explained observing Ameera's confused expression

"oh yes that's a wonderful idea" Ashley jumped in encouragement

"what if they don't come ?"Ameera voiced still doubtful of their sudden enthusiasm

"of course! when they recognise there had been efforts behind this arrangement they will! for sure" Sophie interjected brewing a hopeful smile on Ameera's face

"it's done then" she clapped with the sudden excitement

"I will make rice with grilled chicken since they all favour it" Sana planned

"I will make something for dessert with a traditional touch" Ashley added hinting at their sweet tooth

"Sophie you have to make that pasta" Ameera snatched her book away

"Alright, alright" she gave in witnessing the three pairs of anticipating eyes

"What shall I make?, " Ameera asked innocently "I doubt they will like paratha at night since I am utterly pro at that "she grinned making them laugh 

"A smoothie or any fancy drink?" Ashley suggested

"Shall I make a berry cocktail ?" she asked unsure securing their approved nods

"I have a feeling Ammy, your drink alone will do the work?"Sophie teased  earning her smack 

"so do you have your dress here or you will go home first ?"

"no, I doubt Daniyal is going to do me that favour since I have been going with bi Jan and supposedly I am to meet my new lady driver today" she huffed in annoyance

"you serious ?"

"yes thanks to his huge ego which forbids to acknowledge my words but still I am not going to go with that lady  no matter what" she declared earning uncertain nodes

"Don't worry she owns  a corner of my cupboard " Ashley reminded making them laugh

"yeah I have a few dresses in Ashley's cupboard for emergency dinners or so" she grinned  proud, of her foresightedness 

"you can have any of mine as well" Sana offered, acquiring her grateful smile 


The bluebells gleed amidst the cold drizzle as it bathed in an enchanting shower collecting small gems to crown its exterior while the girls got ready assisting each other to look their best for the upcoming night

The boys weren't behind although ignoring them was just a motive to control their inner rage of what they felt of their doings

Daniyal had gone home to change into his traditional dress before contemplating to ask Ameera but eventually, had shunned the idea, going alone instead

the fragrance of evening surrounded the lightly shaded sky ready to say its farewell to the dimming sun who played with its last awarded colours for that day,

While on another side the girls were satisfied finally getting their task done when Ameera with her mates  decided to bring a few decorations from their campus craft suite

her pastel flowy dress danced beside her heels, which she borrowed from Sana, slight uncertain for it being a sparsely different size

"I just hope the rain doesn't cancel our event" Ashley whined as they approached the threshold of their dorm welcomed by the light drizzle and chilly wind

"the stage is set up outside as well right?" Ameera shuddered from the abrupt chill that kissed her hairs flowing them in a wavy pattern

"hmm" Sophie confirmed as they strolled past the wet grass to enter their campus building when a sudden small screech whiffed the air as Ameera's heels slipped into the small muddy path snatching her balance to land her down with a thud

"Ameera!!" the girls screeched witnessing an unexpected occurrence


"oh no!" Ameera looked at them out of breath when her gaze met Zaid's coming out of the campus in a traditional dress and smirked emerging closer

"A beautiful damsel" he tsked "need help" he lowered his hand eyeing Ameera's dress covered in splotches of mud while her friends helped her up blocking his view

"Leave us alone!" Ashley glared as he backed away sending an amusing look towards Ameera before leaving them be as she painfully sighed both of embarrassment and hurt

"you have bruised your arm Ammy" Ashley fretted examing the small scrapes

"let's go to the dispensary" Sophie helped as she hissed in pain of her sudden fall

Ameera clenched her eyes as the nurse applied a stinging ointment on her slightly scraped elbows while Ashley left to get her a new dress since only one person was allowed inside with her when the door suddenly opened revealing Daniyal's concerned eyes which directly met hers scanning her from head to toe

"what happened ozel?" he breathed striding towards a distressed girl supporting flustered hairs and  quite a ruined dress

"she just had a small fall everything is fine" Sophie explained yet grumbled when the lady instructed her to wait outside

"what were you doing ?" he directed his serious gaze on her while Ameera sighed gathering a comfortable warmth from his proximity

"I was wearing heels and.

"Ameera you know you can barely handle them!" he scolded gazing into her anxious form

"But I really wanted to plus it was slippery that's why " she reasoned yet equally thankful at least he was talking to her!

"and it hurts" she murmured slowly fanning away his rage

"where does it hurt Ammy," he asked gently gliding his large hands to settle her messy hairs clearing her face to his view to settle his doubt of any other injury 

"There is nothing to worry about son it's just small scratches" the lady cleared earning Ameera's small whine

"no, they are not just small scratches "she defended amusing them both

"alright tell me where it hurts" he smiled focusing his attention solely on her

"It hurts here and here and there" she showed small scratches on her arms making him tense yet he smiled shielding it away rather, focusing on her bandaged ankle

"how about your ankle?" he asked diverting her attention as he reached to examine her small bruises satisfied to see them minor

"I just bandaged it so it wouldn't swell otherwise there is no acute injury" the nurse added

"yes but it aching "Ameera murmured as he suppressed his smile at her complaints while she just desired his talks and to forget about the clash between them

yet he crouched a little holding her ankle for inspection

"Alhumdulilah no swelling till now can you walk properly Ammy?" he asked still keeping his focus on it 

"I don't know" she murmured uncertainly as his sharp eyes met her's at the answer

"I think we should go home "

"NO!!" she said abruptly  earning a raised eyebrow

"I don't want to miss the poetry night" she pleaded with concern, internally smacking herself of her overacting 

"I think going home is best for you Ameera" he sternly made a point

"Really and who are you going to send me with the new lady driver?" she taunted

he glared at her remarks "no Ameera for one day I shall take you!" he voiced placing his hands on either side of her bed

"no, but I am fine right aunty" Ameera gazed at the lady tilting her head as the lady smiled

"Aunty?" Daniyal raised his eyebrows at their frankness

"yes we are very familiar with each other " the lady calmly answered

" why?" he asked bluntly

"oh this little lady pays me a visit every other day "she chuckled causing Ameera to panic

"uh not really" she yielded a futile attempt to cover

"But why?"Daniyal turned to look at the lady ignoring her murmurs

"for painkillers or bandages and once even a thermometer" the lady counted while Ameera sighed closing her eyes briefly of her luck

just great!

"Why do you need painkillers so often?" Daniyal frowned looking down at her seriously

"you just give me a lot of headaches" she tenderly placed a hand on her head earning his glare

"Please do not give her any medicines from now on and I am saying that as her legal guardian here " he finished as the lady nodded suppressing her smile at Ameera's antics 

"hey you can't do that ' she scowled

"next time you need any painkillers you come to me Ameera I have plenty!" his eyes bore hers making her jitter in uneasiness 

"and bandages ?" he moved on

"I tend to get a lot of cuts it's not my fault you don't notice" Ameera shrugged  unknowingly endorsing him with  sudden remorse

"thermometer ?"

"I took it only once" she grumbled making him sigh

"what are you ozel ?" he whispered mischievously gazing at her annoying form, 

"I really want to stay for the poetry night Dani" she looked at him hopefully

"your dress is ruined Ameera" He hinted

"I have a spare dress in Ashley's dorm" she reasoned

"Great!!" he said sarcastically as he studied her dishevelled form calming his heart at last for when he received the news he didn't know what to expect but seeing her grumbling complaining and smiling eased his heart

"if you limped even once know that"

"No, I won't please" Ameera interrupted the warnings as he stiffly nodded gently helping her up as she closed her eyes to stop a sudden hiss

"I will be back outside until you come " Daniyal cleared as they neared the girl's dorm

"no-no, it will take me a lot of time" she brushed away as he gently handed her hand in Sophie's

"Ameera I will be waiting here!" he said decisively as they went inside the building

"it was soo hard to convince him and on top of it that nurse aunty uff Allah I can't even explain of how she was so against me !" Ameera huffed as Ashley helped blowdry her freshly showered hair while she redid her slight makeup

"Don't even talk about her didn't even let me in!!" Ashley complained placing the curler on the dressing

"she kicked me out as well when Daniyal Bhai came if it makes you feel better" Sophie consoled with a chuckle

"I guess it was written for you to wear this dress" Sophie held out her traditional pastel green frock

"It feels quite over on this occasion but will do "Ameera shrugged earning two dramatic head shakes from her friends

"It was my first time to see Daniyal Bhai in a traditional dress and Ma SHAA ALLAH he  looked really nice you should've seen Ashy " Sophie encircled her viel 

"Really? wow so  are they all going to wear traditional today" Ashley inserted a small twinkling clip in Ameera's hair 

Ameera shrugged "I didn't notice, and I don't know" she lied fixing her small buttons


And following a small interval of time appeared a welcoming twilight smiling down at the youngsters hyped up with celebratory moments prior to their dry weeks of final assessments, hence they pledged to enjoy it wholly as they bustled here and there to crown the stage ready which already had come to life with small activities performing about, while the lighted air bloomed with the fragrance of a limited showered rain gracing many a feeling of bliss.

The men's were already assembled by their unlimited talks now awaiting at the threshold of the girl's dorms thanks to Daniyal who had executed a point for them to remain until their teammates arrive.

And no doubt it was rather a surprise for the girls to see them all accumulated in front as they finally made eye contact after 2 whole days incorporated within which were doubts as they clashed right with them, and under that canopy of rainbow coloured ball lights their hearts twinkled with many unsaid murmurs

Ameera's light silver earrings cuddled with her cold skin raising goosebumps as Daniyal scrutinized her from within, her lashes lowered with a sudden frenzy, with her eyes greeting a path ahead of her long flowy dress and at that moment those small petals of rain decided to shower again and slowly very gently shielded them from all around 

Daniyal gradually came forward noticing her slight limp as her eyes met his since he drew closer  hiding a sudden glint of unknown

"Are you alright?" he asked receiving a little nod

"Ameera, you guys all ready? it's already started " Haider intervened bringing them out of their daze

"let's go" Daniyal advanced his hand catching everyone's attention as Haider frowned, her heartbeat rose at his sudden forward move yet she made no progress between them at all

"Ameera?" Daniyal called again as she licked her lips scrunching her hands close, yet his intense frown unbounded them as she slightly lifted only to be intertwined by Ashley

"Daniyal bhai you go ahead we will join you" she took Ameera away yet his complaining orbs  did conflict with Ameera's while Haider relieved a sigh

"see you guys at dinner?" Sana confirmed while Adnan stiffly nodded proceeding away

The night was blooming as the pupils gathered around the stage sitting on the ground embraced by a dense covering

the girls wrapped themselves a little more with their shawls as it drizzled with cold winds storming, whereas the glow of lights around with a few gleaming hearts warmed the environment around

As a course of time passed they all immersed into the event enjoying the practice of many heartfelt and a few funny poetries self-written by the participants themselves and so far they had surely done a job fairly good going by the rounds of applauses or roars of traditional "wah-wah"

"ladies I may not be a poet of your stream...

but trust me I am the man of your dreams"!!the crowd chortled at the last phrase of Usman as he came down after entertaining them a lot more than expected 

As the time ticked by, the once far seated guys noticed the places vacant around their group filled it with their presence regarding the crowd around as the girls smiled in a security embrace seeing their circle around

"Next is our very own poet Adnan  fellows" Ahsan shouted

"Go, Buddy!" Daniyal smirked as the small crowd cheered at a taken back person

"you lot crazy?"

"you can do it" Ahsan grinned as the crowd chanted his name

He glared at his friends uttering unique praises at their evil smiles, he was the least poetic person on earth and they knew it!

scrolling through his phone Adnan blew out a breath ready to be laughed at before recalling his saved note he had written for Sana long ago .. he cleared his throat locating his charm in the crowd as he started

while his friends hyped the crowd with their words, Ahsan being the foremost one!

he wasn't going to let them slide easily he vowed before initiating 

May it be endless rows of bloomed flowers which perhaps be disguised by bouquets of wild roses, or may it be soft petals with their enticing fragrance, but even amidst that garden I have an insight of just one flower for no other blossom concerns no matter its beauty for I am blinded to a fragrance of just one,

Sana hid her threatening tears as the awws echoed around for she had no vigour to look at him in the eye, Ameera with a smile gave a gentle squeeze

"Are you cold?" Daniyal leaned in asking Ameera while she looked him in the eyes

"Are you talking to me now?" she asked in an influence of the embracing environment

"Are you cold?" he asked again as she nodded in negative, unconsciously drawing closer to his warmth while he gave away his shawl placing it on her lap

"Now I would like to give a chance to my other two buddies who have been preparing for a week" Adnan smirked at his friends deadpanned faces as the applause echoed

"Shit!!"Ahsan murmured making the girls laugh 

"I don't know any poetry but I may tell you a joke ?"Ahsan grinned earning a few chuckles

You girls make fun of us portraying we are not smart enough,

while in the exam hall we could perceive a whole answer with just a certain cough! Ahsan winked earning chortles of his futile attempt 

Ameera's heart quivered perceiving Daniyal ascend the stage as she got up amidst loud cheers of their fellows, his given shawl pooling on the mat below and she veered away,

He cleared his throat sending chills around her form as she hurried away blocking all  those sounds,  permitting  only the swish of her dress and  scrunch of the grass beneath her

For she wasn't strong enough to bear the burden of those words he would utter for someone else for she knew he penned his deepest thoughts at times for that girl and at that moment she just wasn't strong enough to endure them. for her resolve would crack spilling out her worst fears 

Ameera sipped some  beads of cold water, now seated on their decorated table alone, trying to ward off the cold sweat, as she unconsciously grasped on some of his words echoing around, deeply disturbed by the concerns of her heart

she looked at the sky closing her eyes she wouldn't be able to handle the sharing of his heart

"Please take me away faraway from him and his love" she whispered amidst the cold swirling air of simmered rain,

while her naive heart didn't comprehend dua's should be made very carefully for some whispers go to the highest level even if they are just a murmur

"Ameera you alright ?"Sana came rushing towards her in her simple pearl filled attire

"yeah just thirsty" she barely smiled seeing their group behind

she gulped down the soothing water as Daniyal along with others made their way to the glowing table adorned by different lighted globes

Daniyal's keen eyes rested on her along with his shawl above his arm as he made his way towards her

"Thank you for taking care of it" he accused sarcastically making her feel guilty

"I uh" her foot commenced pulsating a little as she begrudgingly shifted on the chair while  he silently took a seat beside making her rigid

There coiled around them was a tense air as they all took their seats in a semi-private area while others enjoyed the open buffet chatting around the spacious garden

Their serious gaze examined the elegant table set for them, while the girls prepared to serve them their creations, as the means to their apology! alongside studying their reactions!

 the lights glimmered in their glass balls flickering amidst scanty droplets of occasional rain yet none spoke during the dinner, Ameera gripped her fork twirling the pasta here and there her thoughts stuck on Daniyal whose tense form could be felt beside yet at the same time covered her with warmth in that chilly night

"Appreciate your efforts" Adnan eventually spoke gashing the thick tension as he motioned around the decorated table

Sana slightly cleared her throat "whatever happened that night owned very different intentions of what it appeared to be, we were just worried about your safety as we had a heavy feeling but in any circumstances, we do realize it wasn't a smart move and it's our fault, we shouldn't have done that " she gazed at Adnan as the silence hung heavy, albeit  everyone now observant to clear away the mist between 

"yes, and we apologize for it", Ashley added

"We just thought you guys might be in some sort of problem and you are not sharing it with us because we would get worried it was never a doubt" Ameera breathed trying to see past Daniyal's clenched jaw,

"Taking everything in consideration the only question I have is what gave you guys such confidence to patrol at night in some foreign city you know nothing off !!! "Daniyal gritted trying hard to control as Ameera looked towards him

"They were just worried and their concerns overpowered any incidents that could take place" Sophie defended

"That doesn't explain anything ?"Adnan spoke

"you guys were the confidence we had Daniyal, we just wanted to make sure everything is alright that's it, "Sana said 

"and nothing wrong happened besides we do realize it what else can we do" Sana sighed looking at Adnan who steered his eyes away

"Does being concerned centres to follow us and not confront?"Daniyal queried

"No, Dani, we told you our reasons" Ameera murmured slow 

"And how could you guys take Haider's car!"Adnan added as Daniyal flicked his fork emitting a loud sound of it hitting the plate 

Seeing the situation at hand Ahsan contemplated for a minute before finally intertwining in their defence "listen guys calm down I will tell you what happened" he started ignoring two sets of glares coming from his friends yet no one interrupted

"one of our friends from the riding group got into an accident, and  two weeks before he had a fatal fall fracturing both of  his legs"

"oh" Ameera whispered while other girls looked concerned

"he lives in the hostel where you guys were and the only time we could visit him was at night since the night guard over there is our friend "

"he is in the medical unit of the hostel and we couldn't visit him in the mornings and of course he doesn't have a family here and we just couldn't leave him alone just like that we could never" he ended

"And that's why I didn't tell you for you would have asked so many questions about us going at night and I didn't want to lie " Adnan cleared

"But you guys should've confronted us and thanks to kiran we learned about your whereabouts you have no idea how dangerous It was " Daniyal's tensed shoulder finally relaxed easing Ameera's concerns

May you live long Ahsan the girl s internally praised witnessing a slight shift of their moods

"We are sorry our concerns deeply hindered our reasons"Ashley spoke 

"Guys like just look at this meal don't you see their love" Ahsan aimed to earn a smile from them

"Excuse me gentlemen not love" Ashley quipped making  them chuckle hence breaking the sudden tension

"if you pledge to confront before doing anything reckless in future then the food was tasty enough to win my heart" Adnan teased making her blush

"can I have a takeaway  of this pasta, please," Ahsan asked

"that would cost money " Sophie shrugged earning his annoyed look

Ameera looked at Daniyal and he finally gave a smile exerting her strain away

"by the way, how did you guys located us I mean we would've known if someone was following us !"

the three girls looked at each other 

"desert anyone?" Sophie interrupted

"We are just really smart" Ameera mumbled slowly tucking her hairs behind 

"pardon" Daniyal raised his eyebrows at his mischievous beauty

"enjoy your desert gentlemen" she smiled innocently blazing an unknown compassion in those dark eyes

They laughed and chattered all night as the clouds danced by, at times scattering their drops amidst the shining bulbs glittered all around as well filling their buckets with cherished memories for them to treasure far later in life, for no one realised the price of their every laugh was worth more than any riches

"by the way, what did you make for me,?" Daniyal whispered cornering her under the glowing shade of a tree nearby as the girls packed food for them, Ameera spared due to her bruise

"A cocktail?" Daniyal raised his eyebrows at her answer while he drank in her gleaming beauty in the threads of dusting clouds, those cold earrings raising the beats of his heart and her nervous glance

"let's just say nothing was more delicious than the mere drink I had" he played with her soft  locks as she took a step back with her thundering heart confused at his demeanour 

"Daniyal?" her mere words swirled away like a whisper, he was just too lost somewhere to notice her soft call, not realising the havoc his closeness forged in her sensitive heart

"Ameera" his eyes bore in her's halting her another call as he inched closer placing a hand on the tree trunk behind as she surveyed around uncertain of his twists, trying hard to proceed away yet he blocked her gaze with his form


"you may doubt the sun for its brightness as it may be just another facade

you are free to dispute those twinkle of stars for it might just be a mere illusion

or maybe the truth to just be another lie

but my dear never doubt a heart that strives to balance a fragile bond, it might not seem to yet  it beats on this attached chord" his eyes hinted towards her hidden heart while those spoken words were too heavy on her frail heart who already laboured with her day in and out on many unspoken notions

There was a secret pull of his warmth yet she refused to look at him in the eyes, while he breathed in her sweet scent suddenly being pulled out of trance at Adnan's call his hands coiling near her Rosey cheeks and she exhaled finally gaining her misplaced confidence

"We shall leave" Ameera moved away with fiery cheeks shivering at the sudden cold while he smiled following her lead, not realizing the complex situation of her heart or the haze of her  chaotic feelings

what's gotten into him? was all her mind chanted 

"Where were you guys Daniyal if I heard you scolded Ameera trust me I won't

"calm down sana we were just having a talk" Daniyal rolled his eyes making everyone chuckle

'Ameera?' Sana looked at her for confirmation

"yes nothing important" she smiled

"Nothing important? oh it was really important" Daniyal scoffed making them laugh yet she beamed staring at his complaining eyes

Their night came to an end, however, it blossomed a spring of promise although her heart was too fearful to let that in

A flower if bloomed would only wilt if not watered religiously and she was too obscure to let anything blossom with no promise of  it being taken care of  so she locked it away as if it never appeared   

For his heart only aspired a chance and if not given would steer away to a place she may never be able to reach 

 It was now in the hands of their destiny or perhaps in the chord of their hearts

Assalam o alikum WA Rahmatullahi wa Barakatuho 

how are you guys ? 

Thoughts on the chapter , eagerly waiting

This would be the last update till Ramadan IN SHAA ALLAH will post the next chapter after it 

but will be together in prayers on Instagram IN SHAA ALLAH 

Until then Take care my dears❤

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