A Twilight of frenzy

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{your, errors can also lead you to the truth } RUMI 

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Flurries of the crisp  morning wind played about casually slurping around tress as  students rushed in and out of their campus while others enjoyed that slight hazed wind chirping away with their fellow colleagues 

Devouring  a spoon full of Singaporean rice Ameera moaned in delight

"yar Ashley your hands have a charm in making them" she praised obtaining her sweet  smile 

"it's very  delicious "Sophie agreed just  as they enjoyed their little break in the campus garden seated amidst cold grass, the grace of those crisp howling winds, away from their normal gatherings secluded behind that captivating cherry blossom trees

"I was starving "Ameera took in another spoon full of the soft white rice while her locks troubled her excursions despite a bronze band holding them 

"did you miss your breakfast again ?"Sophie inquired pouring them each a glass of diet coke

"nope just didn't get a chance to munch on anything between class" Ashley laughed along with Ameera 

"I just don't get how could you have something during  lectures?" Sophie shook her head at her grinning friends

" We just eat in short lecture breaks" she shrugged" and  I had to share my breakfast  with daniyal since he didn't felt like having his! "came her soft grumble

"you could have given him all, knowing you have a personal pantry in our dorms "Sophie teased along with chortling Ashy  making her gasp 

"do you not realise how sharing with men's are Sophie? it means I  just ate a quarter! and I was too late to pay a visit to  my personal pantry" she chided making them chuckle

"Hey Meeru" that  gruff voice instantly attracted  three pairs of eyes towards his polished grey ones, as he waved personally having his attention on one

"What is your problem zaid?" Ameera uttered absolutely frustrated at this new drama instinctively noticing  his slight bandaged head 

"don't worry, you know me and fights! they just get along very well " he smirked catching her gaze

"if you don't want any dilemma for yourself then you should consider leaving us alone" Ashley warned making him smile 

"what if I want to be creative" he raised his eyebrow in answer 

"zaid ?"Ameera warned with a glare equally concerned of how easily she seemed to be  losing every grip against the sudden happenings of her life 

 "Alright alright meeru just came to check up on you" he stated before calmly leaving them be 

'"This is turning into a problem"Sophie looked at Ameera who sighed tying her hairs loosely and shrugged "what isn't a problem in my life "

"relax Ammy its nothing we can't handle" Ashely set a small pastry in front making her slightly smile  

"yes I know, I just don't want any fights and you know daniyal and it's not even just about him you know his friends they are not going to stop him of any foolishness rather will be a huge part of it "Ameera looked faraway promptly catching sight of sana making her way towards them 

"let's not bring zaid now" Ameera urged hinting towards sana 

"I couldn't turn down such a delicious invite although I had to skip tennis practice with Kiran" sana smiled guiltily  receiving their beams upon her arrival 

"is she not joining ?"

"nope good news for Ashley  she is on a strict diet " she winked at  Ameera

"shukar hai" Ashley lauded making them laugh 

"and I have been looking everywhere for you all!!", a figure shadowed their mini arrangement 

"A person at least reply's to a text ?"Haider complained standing over

"oh sorry Haider was too caught up'" Ameera gestured towards the food making him chuckle 

'I hope you saved some for me" he looked at Ashy who nodded securing his smile 

"anyways I came here to invite you all, my mother and sister are here for a week and  they wanted to meet you all" Ameera wiped her hands carefully  listening to him 

"she is preparing a special lunch today "

"uh Haider" Ameera started but was hastily cut off by Sophie 

"sure Haider I soo wanted to meet your sister" she smiled delighted

"yeah I am in too" Ashley shrugged

"mee too" sana added

"I don't think I can actually, because today ;

"Ameera my mother would love to have you all over" Haider cut in before observing their group docking his eyes on her 

"come on Ammy we are going" Sana finalized  

"there you are!" Usman joined placing a hand on Haider's shoulder as he politely greeted them all 

"Are you going as well?"

"I go wherever he is, oh and who says no to free food" he joked making them laugh 

"yeah sure" Ashley rolled her eyes

"so meet you guys after the last class?" Haider bid farewell securing their positive nods

"How could you guys agree so casually" Ameera huffed looking at her friends 

"I agreed because I was eagerly waiting to meet his sister have you seen her painting's she is a professional, I have so many questions to ask " Sophie defended

"I want to borrow Haider's car for tonight," sana revealed slowly taking in  their surprised reactions 

"Are you serious about his car?" Ameera looked at her startlted

"he is the only one, decent enough t give it and  keep a secret as well"

"what if they don't go today?," Ashley mentioned


"We just have to be prepared"

"you know how to drive a car perfectly," Ameera asked concerned 

"yes yes Ammy I had a license" sana assured 

"think again API I have a weird feeling about this you know "

"We already did, now you go hurry! and ask daniyal I am so excited to meet his mother, and who knows when she will be back in town again"sana urged steering Ameera out of her uncertain thoughts 

"yes it will be fun Ammy come on" Ashley sided swinging her shoulder excitedly 

"let me ask daniyal" she gave in still unsure how their plan is going to turn out 

"why? just text him as sana did!!" Sophie stated whilst Ameera raised her eyebrows at her angelic friend 

"its okay Ammy you go, you know she is a bit slow," Ashley said making her scowl 

"If I do that I am sure he will drop us all off but not sure where though"Ameera smiled candidly making them chuckle 

"they are in the basketball court, " sana reported as Ameera got up dusting her dress 

'I am not taking my things with, me " she ran off towards her new venture

Her eyes peeked through rusted alloy bars where his group played shouting  and cheering to get the ball while her light orbs sought daniyal as she opened the gate and stepped inside instantly catching his gaze courtesy of those metal clanks

his brows furrowed at her sudden approach, tossing them a pause mark he ran towards her in his sleeveless gym clothes 

"come outside" he briskly motioned closing those bars behind 

"you have huge arms" Ameera unconsciously  pointed causing him to raise his eyebrow 

"forget that" her eyes ducked at the realization however his discomfort at her sudden appearance amidst boys suppressed his emotions instead granting her a small nod 

"Ameera you just don't come inside like that, what is it ?" he frowned  observing  her fiery expressions at his words who quite so elegantly carried a high ponytail with small butterflies on the side 

"Really? there are girls inside cheering at you guys" she pointed at the first row 

"and you are angry because I just came in?"

"you could have called"

"It was too important to wait ' she shrugged

"I am listening " he folded his  arms shadowing her small figure by taking a step closer 

"We um are invited to Haider's house since his mom and sisters are here for a week soo"

"Who are we?" he questioned

"Sophie, Ashley"

"so? "Ameera looked at him with those gleaming eyes 

"Let's make this clear, are you asking me or informing me?" he raised his eyebrow earning a huff

"A little of both I guess "she smiled cheekily 


"what?" her expressions divinely soured surely not expecting that 

"I said No'" he tilted closer making it clear

"Danii!!" she stomped her feet

"you may carry on" he turned around yet she appeared in front blocking his path with a frown

"why? I want to go besides we all are going!"

"did you not hear what I said?" his eyes stormed hers

"Danii you are'" her fiery words were cut off by his phone call drawing her huff

"it's granny", he placidly sat down on a nearby bench ushering her with a hand however noticing no movements  slightly tugged her arm bringing her close

" come on let's talk, it's been long" and  she sighed taking a seat beside 

"hi my dearest granny" he opened the front camera later brushing his fingers through his thick hairs to set it 

"where is a proper salam, Daniyal?"Granny playfully glared at his wink

"MA shaa Allah its been long since I talked to you both together " she lovingly answered Ameera's small greeting 

and despite her attempts, she wasn't able to control her complains any longer "Granny, why does daniyal have authority over everything?" Ameera accused engaging the lady towards her mighty words 

"Now what happened my doll" she smiled amused 

"the usual! she disturbs a lot granny nothing important " daniyal dismissed taking the camera away from her 

"it is important granny!! I want to go out with my friends to meet an incredibly sweet Lady who invited us with so much love and daniyal is not letting me" she said in one breath 

"calm down young lady I am listening," granny chuckled directing him to turn the camera

"didn't I tell you she troubles a lot "he zoomed in  Ameera's troubled expressions smirking at the screen at her annoyance

"why do I have to take permission and not him" she drove away from his phone 

"Ameera my Jan listen to me "

"No granny why its always me who has to ask! and why from  him ?" she said frustrated amusing daniyal who casually relaxed giving her a complete spotlight 

"why is my doll so angry "

"he never lets me go anywhere granny, not even with my friends,  and it's my life I will go wherever I want "she cleared releasing a breath 

"you see granny why I don't let her?" he teased further irking her

"daniyal beta let her go " granny backed noticing her troubled expressions

"Don't go on her emotions my dear granny and no she isn't going not on my watch! she can't, and trust me I am doing it for her safety" He assured ignoring her glare 

"No, you are not and granny I am not going take his permission from now on !" she declared moreover amusing him yet it didn't sit well with the lady 

"Ameera beta enough" granny scolded halting her next words 

"but granny you don't understand why him every time" she whined making him wordlessly smile

"because he is your husband Ameera!" her precise words struck straight at Ameera's heart whose  script of  words faded devising her silent 

"and you both are a part of each other, one soul with two hearts" she explained earnestly taking them both off guard 

Daniyal's stark  orbs probed an inquest for her emotions while her eyes refused to meet anything other than a lone tree stretched a little far from them 

her heartbeat was in a restless frenzy although their bond wasn't hidden from the wisdom of her heart yet a sudden reminder always triggered profound feelings foreign to her 

the sudden  reticence was slashed by daniyal who after a long stare smiled at granny "yes exactly that's why she shouldn't go anywhere without me" he softly bumped Ameera's shoulder  jerking her out of a sudden trance

"I am an independent wom;;;

"Ameera no" granny shook her head silencing her 

"Daniyal do you plan to join us back?" Adnan called peeking from the gate 

"it's alright we will talk later my children stay blessed my prayers are always surrounding you and Ameera if he allows you have my permission" she winked making her finally smile

"and call me when you are free" she directed Ameera before disconnecting  the call 

"I don't need your permission now since granny said I can go," she said confidently 

"Is everything alright" Adnan came close with hands on his hips 

"They won?"daniyal smirked at his nod 

"it's alright  you will win next time bhai"Ameera encouraged totally ignoring that she was the cause of it 

 "Thanks, kiddo", he chuckled waving of his any frustrations

"sana API is going with us to Haider's house," she informed studying his expressions

"except you," daniyal added mindfully

"yeah received her message and why? let her go, " Adnan furrowed his eyebrow

she got up dusting her hands before looking at his serious expressions

"sana API is going as well Dani" she repeated overlooking his serious expressions 

"I will drop and pick you up right after an hour if that's acceptable you may "he presented his deal rather annoyed

"make sure your car is ready by 4 then" she dared before leaving with a huff equally amusing both the guys

"you should be thankful she is rightfully fulfilling a gap of a family in your life here" Adnan chuckled making him smile 

Yet unknown to his friend  a miffed roar reverberated through a sanction of his heart whispering a strong noting to cage her soul within his four chambers yet his mind calmed its flurry instantly reviving her gleaming eyes

A quest she was, hiding her treasured heart, with its key secretly  protected inside the lock for no one would  be able to conspire until she  decree's to unravel  it before a soul most treasured to her 


Ameera's lips tilted in a  silky curl as she recalled her time at Haider's house, such unusual hospitality and love,  didn't even seem it was their first time, they were considerably welcoming especially his mother 

Shortly after reaching she had successfully prepared for her quiz and was now curled up on the sitting room sofa where she had initially narrated all her experience to bi Jan who was  seated at the opposite one knitting a scarf for Ameera while giving her company to learn the art as well according to Safia's guidance hence her delicate hands held a small cloth with a needle to knit 

"Can I join you, ladies?" Dani altered her thoughts as her gaze observed his firm built with a laptop in his arms 

"of course, beta" the lady politely smiled, warmly inviting him to some warm croissants baked not long ago

her trip was almost perfect except where daniyal arrived just after  40 minutes and asked one too many questions on the way considering  Haider's mother even insisted him in but he refused thankfully

"What did you make today?" his strong voice vibrated through her thoughts as she observed his now freshly  filled teacup 

She uncomfortably hoisted up her creation of a small handkerchief kind of knitted baby pink piece which made the hall vibrate with his loud chuckle enunciating a surprised gasp from Ameera 

"stop laughing !!!" she  complained regarding an overly amused daniyal 

"bi Jan!!" her accusing eyes met her slightly smiling orbs

"she has made it beautiful beta and she is working really hard on it"the lady politely explained stifling her smile yet again 

"I didn't say anything" he defended analysing her cute expressions through his observant orbs

"but definitely more work is required if you want to impress Safia aunty dear lady" he sweetly passed a teasing wink

"Why doesn't he have to do this why only me" she complained 

"Really ?" he gave her a look 

"yes " she confirmed  scrutinising his teasing chuckle 

"you can't just compare everything with me Ozel your every "why" has a very descriptive answer which I would love to  narrate anytime you wish" he pointed 

"but do note that if I do it, I will be better" he winked receiving a  woollen ball causing him to grin whilst he caught it peacefully sliding away  her annoyed gaze

while amidst their exchange the old lady chose silence to witness their small event for her eyes saw something from far away, courtesy of her life long  experiences which she only wished to turn blissful in their regard for she attempted to bury those fears which resurfaced everytime Ameera's eyes gleamed or his eyes thundered

"Now let me  work in peace" he opened his laptop and unconsciously Ameera's thoughts wandered towards their night plan considering sana who had been texting her on and off about any hint of their programme tonight, but how can she ask in front of bi Jan and daniyal hadn't said a word about it  till now either 

Thankfully sana was successful in getting the car, wish she was there to witness it but thanks to daniyal her conscious scolded him one too many times yet any  words refused to leave her lips

"Have you finished it Ameera?" Safia Begum entered  in her elegant saree supporting  a combed bun steering her extremely uncomfortable from her calculating gaze 

no one scared her more than this lady now 

"she is learning Safia" bi Jan hindered as she scrutinized her creativity, whilst Ameera glanced at her stoic expressions 

"Never knew someone could be such a fast learner, I was impressed at how neat it is" daniyal interrupted before Safia could say a thing 

unknown to her his observant eyes could clearly read her nervous form and it acutely bothered him to see her so troubled, he won't let her say anything, not on his watch which he is sure to keep always

Safia didn't say a word just a nod as she gave it back to Ameera giving her a different colour to continue 

her orbs sought his as his eyes wandered in her soul there was a knot that couldn't be undone yet there was a secret string tightening their bond 

the only plea their destiny held was that what appeared a beautiful knot in future would not turn into just a mere tangle 


Her tender hands wandered through her long hairs for the umpteenth time as she paced her dimly lit room, there was no information regarding their plan yet and their group chat was flooding with inquests continuously being asked via her as it was already 10 pm

Ameera played sana's yet another voice note when her door was unceremoniously opened binding her conscious at a swift occurrence 

"What happened to you?" daniyal elevated his perfectly sculpted eyebrow casually  sauntering  towards her causing a rather unfamiliar hurricane in her startled heart 

"ozel? "he observed her startled form  rather closely alarming a delicate being too different heights 

"yes?" came her whisper as she collected herself earning his acute chuckle 

"whats with you dear one" he softly  tapped her round pearly cheeks making her frown 

"daniyal!" she faintly moved away annoyed at his bold antics

"Finally,!!" he smiled at her delightful scowl

"nothing happened I was just pondering on something! what bought you here without a knock might I graciously add?" she folded her arms 

"what were you thinking about?" he refused to play along with her given reason

"nothing related to you I assure, just girly things" she shrugged 

"oh like what colour nail paint you are going to apply next?" he teased with a smile

"yes exactly I am thinking of going with pastels this time," she thought loud causing him to shake his head 

"you definitely are one of a

"princess" she interrupted bouncing close 

" exactly your highness" he unconsciously tucked away her lose strand venturing to guess her profound emotions amidst her hesitance while she looked away and he cleared his throat rather, locating those eyes elsewhere 

 "Anyways I came here to inform you that I will be going at 12 today you know what you need to do?" he pointed 

'um yeah don't worry "


"you sure you're alright? no tantrums no lectures" he felt her forehead with a warm hand

"looks pretty normal to me "he attempted to reach her cheeks 

"I am fine" she swayed apart from his proximity taking  a breath aside  his strong cologne in an effort to control her shivering heart  

"I will cover you don't worry" she smiled which weirdly didn't sit well with him still he nodded walking away  but his unsure gaze did analyse her before closing the  door and she released a whiff catching the click of her door 

 "why was she so weird?" she scolded herself 

and in a moment of  frenzy, she missed to, grasp a moment that lingered between them or an emotion which so apparently kissed her soul

it was definitely one of the riskiest things she was working on and knowing they would be out after midnight created a sudden flurry not following her side no matter what  reasons she assured herself with 

A path of fear often leads to concerns that dwell a being into its unending enigmas


That night was dreary  amidst the howling winds wheezing past many wild trees before streaming leisurely on the vacant roads of twilight

with a thunderously pounding heart and million doubts in mind, Ameera stood under a midnight sky cloaked in a thick velvety veil and awaited for sana's arrival at the entrance of their back garden 

Even a sizzle of a sleeping bird hitched her breath as she blew out a  cold breath finally spotting the car outside, strange tedious feelings didn't stop bothering her as she exited  the house finally taking a seat in the car 

"you guys  have no idea how scared I am right now," Ameera fastened her seatbelt whilst  sana and Ashley assured her by narrating their comic story of sneaking out of their dorms this late 

"This car is nice "sana mentioned trying to tick off the heavy silence, especially concerning Ameera 

"Really API" Ameera chuckled lightning the environment 

"I can't believe we are on a spooky adventure" Ashely sighed dreamily observing the long empty roads 

"I love adventures if daniyal isn't involved" Ameera cleaned the slight foggy front glass 

"don't worry they wont even have a gist of it" sana hopefully assured

"exactly and I  wish Sophie could join us too" Ashely smiled leaning in between the front seats

"I am glad she didn't"

"you have no idea how I controlled her tantrums  and you know  she was fully dressed to join us" Ashley laughed 

"such a true friend, but her assessment tomorrow is more important" Ameera smiled gulping away her uneasiness  

"switch on the GPS now  we are already 20 min late  " sana instructed taking a turn on the main road  

"where did you keep the phone, tracker?" sana asked 

"the back pocket of Daniyal's passenger seat,  " 

"smart "sana praised 

'where did you guys get the tracker from?"

"We didn't Ashy I just switched on sana's spare phone's  location and left it in there and now we are just tracking it" she shrugged earning a pat of appreciation 

Their talks slowly faded gradually mounting their anxiety as they witnessed long empty roads  since their departure, and the reality of being isolated slowly started blowing its cover when every turn and each cut commenced having identical scenery hence causing them to  exchange various expressions with one another 

"it's been 40 minutes  since we are driving and now there isn't even a trace of civilization" Ashley slowly voiced her fears 

"you are right" Ameera agreed considering the three of them were currently roaming in a city they know nothing off, never has she gone anywhere without daniyal except some nearby cafe's of their uni as her  eyes wandered around from the passenger seat observing rows and rows of long  plain trees

"where did they even go?"sana commented gazing at the red line of their location 

"and just imagine if they find out?"  

"Ashy!!!" sana and Ameera scolded at the same time 

"Relax, guys relax  just a suggestion" Ashley answered nervously to their glares  

"i don't even want to think its a possibility" Ameera shuddered  

"they cant know " sana gulped away her shiver 

"wesay how Haider gave you his car so easily ?"Ameera asked curiously

"he is a gentleman I knew he wouldn't refuse and it was just for a day "

'lol he didn't know it's going to be out in the night " Ashley grinned until a bike zoomed past them leaving their heart in fright as it was almost half-past 1 at night despite the GPS they had no trace of anything and their car halted in the middle of the road 

"sana API ?" both the girls chided in alarm

"Relax it just went off suddenly" she started  again securing their  sigh of  relief 

just 10 more minutes Ameera nodded examining the screen as their car went  into a tunnel coming out to a huge complex on the side 

"its a hospital" Ashley read as their car wandered around some more medical amenities until again isolation claimed their view ahead 

"It is  getting scary" Ameera voiced earning two slow nods as their GPS beeped after a while indicating the proximity of its location 

Their Car  slowed down as Ameera slightly unrolled her windows  to figure out the purpose of a small hotel like building ahead 

"seems like a hotel?" Ameera whispered pointing at its many rooms 

"It is  the exact location lets stop here we cant go further without knowing what is it" Ashley suggested 

"I can see cars parked beside that building, shall we?" sana inquired 

"Yeah that's safer" they nodded 

They traced through the parked rides, while thee car hobbled on the broken rocks as they spotted their cars parked aside each other 

"what could be the matter that they come here so regularly and at this time?" sana voiced with her gaze still on their parked cars  

"Exactly it has to be something! lets park over there" Ashley pointed at the corner

"Are we going to go inside?" Ameera asked eyeing the closed gate aside 

"maybe let's see this was the least I expected I don't think its open probably locked?" sana said unsure 

"but my main concern was why hide? they could've shared at least" sana said as she reversed the car in the parking 

"I just want to confirm that it's not any kind of trouble they're facing! that's it " Ameera voiced 

"API switch of the lights," Ameera said hastily 


sana and Ashley followed her gaze eyeing the three hooded figures running out of that gate in an alarm peering here and there 

It was too hard to determine their faces 

"Could it be them ?" their heart thumped at Ashley's words

"i don't know" came Ameera's whisper as she saw them split going in directions making her breaths slow

"i think that's Dani her words came out stiff "as she rubbed her frosted hands 

"No, it can't be what do we do?" Ashley panicked 

'r u sure Ameera" sana caught her gaze 

"yes I am utterly sure" her eyes  held fright as she recognized his hoodie and  froze observing him run on the other side 

"let us hide down in the car" 

"you are right because that's Ahsan for sure" Ashley pointed as they ducked under their seats in a very cramped position 

cold sweat peered through their faces as the clatter of boots sounded nearby, Ameera placed a hand on her mouth controlling a shudder until it slowly faded making them sigh 

their panicked exchange of gazes gave away the condition of their pounding hearts for they just prayed to be left off unnoticed for the hurricane of otherwise would be a storm to hard for them to  control

After 10 minutes of eerie silence and  shared conclusions, they deemed it safe to come out Ameera's head popped up slowly who took a seat ushering others to follow suit 

"I think we should just leave that's enough of a scary adventure," sana hastily juggled with the keys her nervousness playing with her deep breaths 

"exactly don't want it to turn into a nightmare" Ashley gulped peering around  

"is it clear?"Ameera nodded at sana who ignited the engine with a shivering hand 

Rather slowly she pressed on a gas paddle slightly pushing the car forward until there was a loud continuous honk from behind making them jump in dread  

"NO" a whisper of silent chants vibrated around the three fearful beings 

"please please please Allah don't let it be them, I promise we won't leave this late again " Ameera chanted with closed eyes  but the voice of their rushing boots stole away any hope making their heart thump in utter panic  

"We are so so dead" Ashley murmured looking at Ameera whose shut eyes gave away her horror 

Ameera's hands clutched tightly as her fearful eyes met Daniyal's scary crimson ones who glared instantly turning her pale  as Adnan and Ahsan joined  shock clearly written in those three pairs of eyes now standing in front of their car while they shrank in eerie silence only a muzzle of strong winds hinted of life around "if we don't open the door can't we just drive past them" Ashley muttered desperately 

"they are exactly in front" sana swallowed her eyes on a  fuming Adnan and before they could contemplate anything  in a swift  Ameera's door was shot open and she refused to meet daniyal's fierce stare

"Dani" her soft words aired around 

"OUT!!" the trio shook as he rashly opened the door further 

her shivering legs stepped outside while from the other side sana and Ashley followed suit with their eyes cast down and heart chanting  prayers of kindness

"Sana, if you don't mind may I please know the time?" Adnan spoke for the first time his voice echoing amidst the silent surroundings,

her gaze met his, before glancing away having no answer On the other hand  Ameera's focus was solely on Daniyal's clutched fists making her shift

"would you tell us, what important matter brought you to men's hostel at this time?"Adnan's voice raised a few octaves and the girl's eyes grew in surprise at their location 

"Dani we" Ameera stopped at Daniyal's reaction as he placed a finger on his lips completely  silencing her 

"it's not what you all think, "sana started 

"We don't trust you so we just came to see whats going on?" Adnan mocked

"So at this time, 3 girls completely unaware of their destination so confidently followed us! where the HELL DID YOU GET SO MUCH CONFIDENCE !!! "AMEERA blinked in surprise at Daniyal's outburst startling them altogether 

"You don't have any idea how dangerous it was right ?" Adnan pressed 

"and on HAIDER'S CAR" daniyal kicked its tyre making them jump 

"calm down guys" Ahsan stepped in 

"We have a friend who got into an accident when we were riding two weeks ago he had a fatal fall and "

"That's enough Ahsan" daniyal cut him off from further explaining 

"Thanks to Kiran who told us otherwise" Adnan wildly raved his hands through his hard making their head jolt at the name, whilst the men's were still enduring  a shock of their presence  standing in front at this hour around such an unsafe territory 

"We came running out as soon as Kiran called us you have  no idea how startled we were wildly running around to locate you guys it wasn't brave  you know" Ahsan revealed slowly trying to steer his companion's outburst further away from the already petrified forms

"It's not safe to stay here longer with them, Adnan you take sana and Ashey back, Ahsan you take Haider's car" he gritted 

"it's too late to discuss anything," Daniyal said whilst the guys nodded in understanding  and  he ushered Ameera close walking towards his car 

Their dread-filled ride was dangerously quite as he predatorily zoomed past those trees in a very uncanny mode 

"Daniyal please you need to hear me out" Ameera looked at his clenched jaw  eventually gathering  enough courage 

"My brain is storming at the moment Ameera, you don't even realise what you did both ethically or morally so don't even try right now" he glared making her shrink in her place 

"but Dani"

"I don't even leave the house until you go inside, how could you even think of wandering around at this hour and you say to hear you out?!!"

"so keep quiet!!" 

"you are too careless" he fired as he took a sharp u-turn coercing her eyes shut as the car screeched awakening the silent night 

"Daniyal please" a whisper caught his ears as he calmed himself down yet banged the steering wheel when alarming thoughts rushed through his brains  of what could have had happened  to them if the circumstances were different or if Kiran didn't inform them 

"Don't you dare cry Ameera!" a small sniffle was nimbly quietened down as they reached home 

"Ameera you scared me " bi Jan encircled her arms  finally relieving a sigh of relief startling Dani of her presence 

of course, she had informed bi Jan being mostly with her at nights, it was rather impossible to convince her but she had done it and the old lady had been sitting outside praying for her since than, and maybe it was those prayers that saved them from the danger of inevitable 

"you got me so panicked Ameera" she tenderly kissed on the head of a very startled girl  who refused to come out of her safe embrace

"I called you so many times, Alhumdulilah you both are safe" she ushered daniyal closer blowing on him while he  waited politely behind his narrowed eyes not moving from the hidden girl in front whose small sniffles could be heard around 

"daniyal beta we need to talk tomorrow but for now go and sleep, you both came  safe that's enough for me right now "

"I will be there whenever you are free" He nodded one last time glancing at Ameera with fierce eyes still in the embrace 

"and Ameera from  tomorrow onwards, you will not go with me to uni"  her heart did a somersault at his biting words while her glazed eyes abruptly  sought his angry ones, meanwhile the floating wind around whiffed her delicate skin it wasn't a normal breeze there was a message of the  breach in that hazy wind that conveyed his blow hurting her more 

the flakes of late winds kissed her tears taking it to him as a plea but he was to far gone 

the hurt of doubt is deeper than a sword wound it's harder to heal

but what awaited ahead was a nightmare that kept the three girls  awake throughout the night 


early update than expected yay!!

SO, how was the chapter, what are your thoughts?

were the girls right?

what do you expect to happen next?

please do comment and vote as it motivates me a lot 

and yes if you are shy to comment you can dm your thoughts about the chapter as many do and I absolutely love it and those who already to comment love you dearly😘

A very special and precious night Isra wal Miraj.. May Allah accept your ibadah's Ameen 

remember me in your precious prayers 

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