An excursion of life (part 2)

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Ameera strolled around the mini island carefully perceiving some small offerings of that wonderful place, witnessing many of the pupils wandering around with a lot of them on a hiking spree including her classmates ...she glanced nearby trying to locate an amicable place for herself until her eyes spotted a high vacant ledge attached to wooden stairs driving a small smile on her face

The view on the top was magnificent she could locate the whole lake with delicate notes of splashing water beneath, her form isolated from everyone, seconds turned into minutes and time ceased with her thoughts racing  furthermore steering her into a heavy cloud

A silent tear fell accompanied with some others as those insults poured in one after the other

her heart was too fragile for such heavy words she had been brought up too securely to feel everything all alone, never has she felt so lonely before, it seemed everyone had only one thing on their rims "Daniyal is to good for you, you need to grow up, you need to change"

why? wasn't she good enough as she is, why does she have to change, Her father had always deemed her to be proud of herself to never alter her personality and just that mere reminder soothed her heart as she wiped away the trance of her fallen tears

she needed someone she lacked such personality that can take it all in Ameera sighed painfully slow 

The waves ahead turned more condensed capturing her into their inviting trance her dress flew with a semi-cold flurry, that small shawl around warming her chilled body as she witnessed an awe-inspiring wonder of fresh lagoon secluded high atop the shore on a wooden plank.

too complicated were her wishes..she dreamed of a world filled with her assumptions yet she dwelled, in reality, plucking off her feathers one by one trying to fulfil everyone's expectations

The wood creaked with heavy steps as he slowly made his way towards her, Whilst the oblivious girl  finally occupied a peaceful trance with sealed eyes, warming her heart with the notings of peace every wind brought about

"Everything happens for a reason" Ameera whispered upon the shiny droplets ahead
"Every person has its own place in your journey you just never know till when"


her eyes fluttered open with a sudden call as they found their way to its caller sinking down the next moment

"How are you feeling now?"

 "Much better" her smile hid away her turmoil as she steadily tamed her swinging hairs and slowly tucked them behind

"I just couldn't get a moment with you before" Haider cleared as she smiled in understanding

"Pretty intense gathering you have got there!" he lightened the mood with his smile 

"Yeah" she politely responded  gazing back at the active  waves 

Silence fell as clouds descended it was a time of sunset just a layer of dusk around them lanterns slowly starting to burn all around the mini island 

There were thoughts hidden words concealed and feelings wrapped as Haider exhaled a stiff puff...

He failed to contemplate some emotions which had involuntarily drawn his heart towards her... maybe the way she expressed, her confident banters or at times quirky comebacks they all just fit in his canvas,

there were feelings which were ought hard to hold

he looked at her composed form. A girl so confident yet shy, innocent still bold, funny being elegant these all were quite rare combinations to have 

However, both busy conducting occasional flurry swarmed waves both in a turmoil yet in each other's destiny for a reason however the paths altered.

"Ameera" Haider softly grasped her attention while she blinked with a nod looking at him.

He was at a loss of words yet her conscious for the first time could sense something she never had before despite her tangled thoughts she looked at him in the eyes...

"Haider", she broke the silence before he could utter anything

words transpired to lock and the wind felt too heavy around yet she securely  managed to respond in negative with a small nod 

His eyes tore away witnessing her denial, and those emotions ran haywire

Ameera's answer was too swift yet the time too slow ,Her silent emotions maybe smooth yet it was a rocky path till someone 

She didn't know why she did that but her heart said it needs to be addressed leaving her restless 

Haider raved a hand through his tousled hairs preparing to ask her reason but stayed silent due to her reserved personality moreover he  was a guy from a strong background a son of a great mother with respect being his prime priority,

"Ameeraaaa" Her friend's loud note bought him back and he politely excused 

"i would prefer to wait for your final answer"were his last words before descending down  while Ameera's gaze wandered towards his departing figure and she sighed could it be she let go of something that could have lead her to happiness?

But she couldn't test it not when someone's feelings were concerned for she very well knew how it felt...

Below Daniyal's gaze examined Haider as he made his way down plus Ameeras frail stance, a predator is what he felt hardly perceiving his clutched hands with his broad shoulder tensed under an involuntary furry.He was unmistakably turning into a different person something he never thought he could 

Ameera caught his intense gaze her hands automatically covered her arms due to a swift shiver as she pondered upon her strange acts,

For his heart recognised something had transpired something, he wouldn't have liked...

And in a few steps, he raced towards her, thumping those stairs underneath and her heart raced wild with his every step yet his sharp gaze made her shudder which he never broke...

"Why are you here:?" 

"alone!" he combined approaching closer 

"You shouldn't be here alone"..daniyal continued before she could say anything his double aims weren't dropped by her yet Ameera chose to ignore 

"I needed some fresh air" her gaze lowered  although she did nothing still why does it feel like something has been breached by her

What was this feeling

Without  her say, He draped His dusky hoodie around  ignoring  her slight protest and zipped it up with its cap on her hairs

and strangely that's what he felt like doing, having her hidden and destroying anything  inching closer  

"Don't take it off !" he warned as she tried taking its cap off before,and took a step back, And his eyes again found Ameera's in question while her lashes curled down in an answer, he sighed 

"I am sorry" he whispered and a drop slipped on her cheek his words struck her deeply 

For how many reasons her heart questioned

He looked away as she hastily cleansed her eyes though he knew sorry was not enough for the burdens he has given her...

She hated her tears yet she was too hurt her insecurities were hiking every second and all she heard from everyone was how she wasn't good enough for him doesn't she already know that?

Hidden within were emotions to sacred to be shared yet also painful to hide, and in those lines resided the story of her heart 

"Isn't daniyal to protective of her?" Kiran pondered out loud  as they looked at Dani and Ameera coming down

"Kiran he is her only family here, plus her legal guardian he has to be!"sana answered 

"Yeah but isn't it a bit too much?" she shrugged

"We all are protective of Ameera she needs that besides that's how she has been brought up quite delicately '

"You don't understand what I am trying to say its just daniyal doesn't have this in him but with her, he is different he can never be like that with us,"Kiran emphasized 

"Do I sense jealousy here" sana inquired strangely 

"Of course not I am just saying as his friend she at times takes to much of his time from us ..." Kiran hastily cleared 

"Don't imply this in front of daniyal she is his family, of course, she has to be his top priority?"sana said getting inside their boat

"hmm" Kiran watched as he helped her inside their yacht reserving her the first-row seat with her friends but huffed in annoyance when he took a seat there as well ...

On their late arrival their  coach was in a fury equipped with a huge lecture of carelessness as they saw the once filled island completely empty with a cover of the dark sky...

"The bus is waiting and the first bus left 30 minutes ago as those students had to be on campus in time for the home rides" the coach glared at each of them 

"but your batch!!!"He huffed compelling them to follow

but nonetheless, no one looked ashamed as they had a rather wonderful time with their picnics under the canopy of highly shaded trees

Finally residing on the bus the girls sighed in relief it was too dark outside maybe due to it being remote the island hardly had any lights. the only lights they had at the moment was off the bus and their own torch lights.

"You were all supposed to be halfway home" their coach's voice reverberated through windows as he schooled the boys making the girls giggle inside 

"Trust me even bi Jan had called me thrice now " Ameera commented parting the closed curtain of her seat 

But soon they all settled and this time the girls occupied last seats leaving the front ones for the boys ...

"You kidding me? Adnan spoke hopping on  the bus

"Now that's a crime!!" Ahsan  added coming behind

'I don't understand how you all settled at the front" daniyal glared at all the seated boys 

"That's for torturing us in the morning" Ashley smiled.

"Just wait for tomorrow "Ahsan grumbled as they all took their seat with irritated huffs and puffs

"Wesay Bhi ghosts sit at the back" Adnan replied..

"In an island isolated from any city, far away in woods and all the girls together," the other one said dramatically attempting to frighten as their  bus zoomed past the darkened roads 

"Just imagine when the bus goes under a heavy tree and many of you know what...

"Stoop it," Kiran stated.

"And  the girls all on one side" Ahsan whispered blatant

'You guys chill" sana scolded

"And then with you, will go an invisible partner... just imagine" daniyal spooked

"Danii" Ameera said as the bus halted making the girls scream while the boys enjoyed a hearty laugh.

"Stop IT"the coach scolded from the front and they quietly sailed for sometime until  the girls shrieked again as the bus halted after wheeling for a few seconds. with  the lights switched off 

Daniyal turned on the roof lights his eyes landing on Ameera first, assuring her with a blink.
He and Adnan with few others got out of the bus after a few minutes of wait 

"Close the door" daniyal signalled after getting out

"What's the matter, coach?"They asked 

"Looks like we have two flat tyres" he  confirmed looking at the driver 

"And  why that doesn't seem like an accident or coincidence?" Dani pointed

"Exactly" The coach itched his eyebrow

"We are being tracked" Adnan concluded with furrowed eyebrows 

"I have called the other bus they are too far ahead but they will arrange us a ride but it might take a while."

"We need to get you all safe and please spare the girls from the details." the alarmed men requested 

"There was an inn a few kilometres back" A boy advised

"It might take  30 min by foot but if we travel smartly we will be safe"Ahsan devised

"We won't be able to do much with the road gangsters ay this hour with girls by our side ../"

'I need all the boys out now" Daniyal looked at Ahsan who nodded going towards their bus 

Their coach was panicked as he had the responsibility of many young girls but he was lucky enough to have mannered men by his side...

After a good few minutes of instructions, the doubtful ladies were allowed to step out.

Ameera's hand tightly clutched by Sophie and Ashley

 what was going on? was a question commonly making rounds

The area was deserted with toes of huge trees on both sides with merely their bus for miles...

The air was chilly and she regretted giving Dani back his hoodie 

They scrunched pass on leaves towards the opposite side where everyone gathered.

"This is freaking scary," Kiran voiced glancing around 

While boys had a firm stance with, no emotion at all as they all faced the girls having  multiple emotions yet no one spoke

"No one was afraid before?" Adnan joked to lighten up the mood

"We aren't' they all chanted in unison

"sure we believe you" the guys reacted yet their coach stepped ahead informing them about the short trip they will need to take before the bus is arranged 

As instructed they were all pacing together girls towards the interior and boys shielding them, Haider purposefully assigned at  last with Usman

"You know these woods are famous for wolves "Ahsan pointed making the girls stiffen

"Just joking relax ladies we won't let anything happen to you trust us.!" Adnan confirmed squeezing sana's hand in assurance

"We can very well take care of ourselves" Ameera pointed.

"I know but seriously we might have a hint towards something going on and if someone does come we all will be together do not panic and please don't try to act smart trust us we will handle"Daniyal advised as they all walked among the trees with their torch lights on a deserted road 

"What do you mean?" Ashley probed

"There are road gangsters here and there in these areas which could be there doing"

"Are you serious they exist ?" a girl asked 

"They do and they do have weapons so please let us handle otherwise walk fast we must reach the inn asap" they slowly opened up about the dangers just in case for them to be ready 

An animal-like sound ignited their heartbeats as everyone alerted their senses for it signified just woods around them 

"calm down ladies it's nothing" the coach assured who rounded their group from time to time 

"Everything seems spooky" Ameera whispered forging someone's ears to perk up

Daniyal took a step back as he eyed Ameera huddled with her two buddies

"Ahsan be with Ashley and Sophie please"

"Ameera" he secretly took her hand without notice and pulled her closer to him 

"Do I sense fear lady?" he looked at her gently as they walked along with others in a deserted street filled with the slow sounds  of everyone's feet 

'No" Ameera tried to pull her hand

"Not letting go it's too dangerous ozel, I want you beside me just until we get there"He explained giving it a little squeeze much to her discomfort 

No matter how many jokes they made boys had an idea just how serious this walk was especially with girls beside  them they weren't armed at all yet they could expect anything,they were all exposed under the faint light of moon making a journey that could result in anything 

"You sure you don't want my hoddie again?" he initiated 

'Nope" Ameera made a face securing his quiet smile

The rare dim lighting shadowed her small face as she walked by his side and at that moment all he wished was to keep her safe. It affected him  that she wasn't herself with him, that she was too quiet, she rarely spoke being a mysterious book which he was failing to study and he wished to make it right 

"He wanted to ask her about the tears before..he was sorry he  snatched her joy for this trip, But her hands beneath his made him more aware of what they truly were and those precious emotions were too intense for his heart 

Adnan slowed his pace as a small light emerged from afar giving a heads up to every man to stay close to their group.

And that silence was to deeming as Ameera's heart along with others drummed faster while the voices from the car emerged stronger with passing second ...

Daniyal secretly snaked his heavy arms around her waist as the open roof jeep came into sight with four burly men not visibly detected,.and in that moment of tension all Ameera wanted was the satisfaction of everyone's safety

"Don't fear , I won't let anything happen to you" Daniyal genuinely looked at her as he prepared for the worst.

"Guys" the coach made a fist in the air to halt with a slight  whistle and the silence grew denser also the once crunching sound of leaves replaced with just a rustle of the night wind 

AS expected the jeep stopped just beside their group facing their coach who stood in front with a keen gaze

"You lot look in trouble ?" the man on the driver seat spoke as the thundering sound of jeep halted with its engine being switched off

Daniyal and Adnan surveyed their open trunk occupied by two hunting guns and some ropes 

"No we are perfectly fine gentlemen" the coach answered yet two men's stepped out alerting them 

those moments appeared too heavy as it burdened them with various scary thoughts in a flash all their previous excitement seemed to disappear and for miles, they couldn't detect anyone for help

"Now now you have ladies and we sure won't mind to give them a ride"The man offered with a smile studying the whole group 

"We don't need any thanks"daniyal spoke handing Ameera's hand to sana while walking to the side where Haider and Usman followed 

"I see, well nice bus you had their poor thing couldn't take you home?" the  man smirked seeming to  ink  danger and the girls wordlessly assured each other with their eyes

"Knew it, bastards," daniyal whispered while Ahsan joined them 

"What do you want?" the coach questioned 

"Clever man" the man shouted from his driving seat

"Let us be clear, what we want is money or any special belongings you all have earnestly no harm done," he said casually 

while the coach nodded his head towards Ahsan and daniyal

seriously!! Ameera thought 

"what cheapsters !!" Ashley's involuntary comment perked their ears as one of the men raised his eyebrow at her and instead of backing down she arrogantly looked him in the eye

"You should be ashamed off stealing plus we are all  students" Ashley cut of Adnan coming in front while Dani glared at Ameera of not keeping her friend behind...

He bent down to look at her as the coach stepped in front and  Ameera pulled her back

"Don't you dare" the coach warned bravely standing in front at the same time daniyal lastly looked at him for confirmation before giving a small clap and the boys attacked them together while daniyal and Adnan caught their guns.

Everything was chaos as they fought Ameera huddled closer to sana and the girls.
 The fight made many of the boys bruised yet the men were badly beaten up now being tied to the farthest tree where the coach stood in front making sure everything gets done smoothly 

those moments seemed blur yet too alarming as it revolved in each of their minds ,from their angry roars to painful hisses it appeared to spontaneuos for them to react and they all preferred staying closer together praying for everyone's safety with their closed eyes 

"Everything is fine girls relax"Ahsan elaborated with his hands coming back as the boys whopped in victory

"Adnan, you will drive  girls to the inn a and Ahsan will come back to take us" Daniyal repeated their coach's order joining them and the only thing revolving in his mind was to get them somewhere safe as soon as possible for they didn;t knew what could be awaiting for them 

"Trust us everything is okay"he assured reciving a few breaths of relief as they scattered a bit 

"Now girls you need to show some affection and squeeze together at the back" daniyal guidedas the girls went on

"Are you serious I am not leaving you here" Ameera spoke from beside making him raise his eyebrow at her concern 

'We will be fine ammy plus the bad guys are all tied up"Daniyal assured her 

"No, you can't be here!!" she looked up at him.

"Ameera is right dani you take them" Adnan suggested looking at the concerned girl

"I have to be with the rest of them Adnan the coach said so besides the police will be here shortly " daniyal denied

"Ameera" he looked at her "I will be fine I promise" he smiled at her confused emotions

"Then I will stay as well"

"Ameera you need to leave" he glared at her stubbornness 

"Dani no" she crossed her arms with Ashley and Sophie beside backing her up 

"Girls" daniyal strictly pointed her friends to the awaiting car and with a huff, they walked towards it 

'I am not leaving you here!" Ameera stood closer as daniyal studied her stubborn form for a minute before taking a hold of her arm towards the rear seat of the jeep beside sana 

"Heyy stop it !!"

"Ameera he will fine besides Ahsan will be back in no time " sana assured 

"plus the coach is with them" she added  

"and this dude has a gun with him" Adnan smirked behind the wheel 

"exactly' daniyal nodded

"if you ask me he is the safest of all with those guns" Ahsan winked

"Don't worry Ameera we will take care of daniyal"The coach finally appeared from behind with a smile 

"good job guys " the man complimented and chuckled a bit at their sitting arrangements 

"Promise you will be safe' she tugged at his arm catching his attention 

"I promise" he smiled seeing the fear in her eyes...

"I will hunt you down if something happens" she warned with a pointed expression as he fought his smile 

"Gladly ozel now please for me" he helped her up  reluctantly but she did sit while daniyal closed the door softly

"What did I do to deserve such a seat coach" Ahsan complained stuck on the tyre 

"Adnan safely don't throw me down' he added making them all laugh 

''It's alright we will pick him up on our way, you drive comfortable" daniyal winked at Adnan as he waved them goodbye smiling at glaring Ameera 

It was turning out to be the longest night for them, so far they were safe at the inn now comfortably seated in the lounge waiting for the rest of them while discussing the horror of what transpired 

The security was too tight there with gun man's patrolling the front lawn "wonder why they don't keep it on the roads "Ameera thought yet she was restless tapping her fingers on the glass table not reacting to anything her attention solely on the wooden double door...

"Relax Ameera here have some water "sana sat beside her as the loud roar of boys covered their  encircle indicating them to be here and in a second her eyes were on the doors again

seconds turned into minutes even the coach had entered by now except daniyal and she couldn't wait longer

"Ahsan bhai where is daniyal," she asked sighting  him outside 

"He went at the back, on a call with someone "Ahsan replied with a smile


The atmosphere was themed snug as she made her way towards the backside her dress steadily gliding with her fast moves as she spotted him speaking on the phone his back towards her.

"Yes, don't you worry okay?" He assured calmly disconnecting the call and turned around coming in contact with Ameera. meanwhile, her  eyes surveying him of any injures

"If you are searching for any damage than darling you won't find it on the outer side" he stated chikily...

Ameera rolled her eyes at his remark yet internally sighed in relief 

"That wasn't a really smart move you know" she scolded rooted to her place.

'Why ? were you concerned dear Ameera?" he smirked with a raised eyebrow 

"No," she said to prompt making him smile

"Well then you should have been inside" he shrugged steering her emotions 

"I mean you are a part of the family I had to make sure you are okay anyone would have done that"

"If you say anyone would have lectured me in front of everyone trying to persuade me to go with her then yeah anyone could have done that" he played along finally enjoying her comebacks as he stepped closer 

"Daniyal that was a stupid move I would still say that and you don't have to come closer!"

'Why are you nervous?"

"No, i am still mad!!" she glared ...

"Oh "he scratched the back of his head at her sudden remark 

"Would you let me explain please" he inched closer, persuading her with his eyes...

she eyed him unconvinced but softly shrugged "sure" 

"ok so here goes" he took a huge breath 

"I know what I did the other day was really outrageous I shouldn't have scolded you not like that"

"and I am sorry for that  but trust me it was all involuntary I was upset at something and it came out different" he tried to open up solemnly gazing at her 

"upset about what?"

"not that important hear me out now " he pointed at her interruption securing her nod 

"I realized I was wrong so then I left a sorry note"

"A sorry note?" Ameera raised her eyebrows

'Um yeah" he made a persuasive face 

"Daniyal you call  demands and orders written on that A sorry note?" she couldn't believe him


"Are you serious?" she frowned at his typical answers


He smiled witnessing her I couldn't believe you glare.

"You see ozel I am a mysteriously mystical man"daniyal whispered closer 

"If you would see the note again and join the initials it meant I am sorry" he revealed smirking at her startled look

'You are joking'  was  her response 

"Nope darling I have the proof , besides I even left you a hint in the last line "he showed her the picture he took linking those initials

"What can I say I am too smart" he was enjoying the expressions on her face a little too much.

"This is just absurd that's not how you apologise." 

"who does that" she questioned annoyed at her smug expressions

"I know that and that's why I had a plan, I knew you would be infuriated and come to my room banging the door and I knew you would question my doing and that's why I was serenely waiting for you "

Why was she so dumb? She doubted after his explanation

"Feeling low or something " he winked 

"Go away" Ameera slightly pushed him away as he chuckled into the night awaking the birds asleep on the nearby trees.

"I am disappointed the plan didn't go as I sketched it and the reason I left when Safia aunty came was that I knew she would leave you alone if I did."

Ameera's shoulder hunched as she lowered her gaze.

"Seems like she didn't?" he studied her

"she" Ameera started yet stopped

"Hm?" he encouraged the disturbed girl in front 

"She told mummy" came her meek whisper with her heart heavy due to some storming words around her soul

His eyebrows furrowed

'Why would she do that.?"

"She  twisted the words or I don't know  but mummy was furious" she looked at him in dismay 

 "she isn't talking to me either: a tear dropped from her eyes only he didn't know the words her mind replayed a thousand times was now becoming mountains of insecurities before her

'Hey, Ammy" he gently wiped away her tear s wanting to shield her in his arms to console but he was too fearful to try.

"I will make sure she knows the truth I was wondering why she has been calling me the whole day to ask me about you from time to time aunty cares a lot Ameera "he addressed yet she nodded in negative with a sniffle 

"She does ammy," he said softly yet no words came nor her eyes lifted she was on a brink.

"ozel come here" despite her warnings he draped his arms around her shoulder in comfort letting her take out all her frustration it was too much he couldn't see her like this 

And she did cry for all the things his mind had made it impossible for her.

For the insecurities that won't seize.

For her heart that doesn't know where it belongs...but in all that, she made sure to remember the person in front and where his heart belongs...

"Bas Ameera" he glided his hands through her hair closing his eyes to the twist his heart experienced...

Many came and many went...
They could relish or maybe find a pearl in between their short union but even the pearls are a scattered stone without a necklace to hang in....for their necklace being love which was in such an entanglement that it would just remain a scattered station until someone else comes to complete the both...

"You have no idea how much of a hard time you gave me"He complained after a few minutes 

"You deserved it" came her mild murmur

"Excuse me say that again "he was reluctant to let go but she moved away looking at him in the eyes...

'You are a jerk" she said with such confidence that he couldn't stop but chuckle making her smile all along

"If you say so little drama queen' he wiped away her face, 

'Dannii it's my face!!" she complained at his hard hands 

"Not my fault you have such a small face that fits my whole hand " he boasted yet she took three steps back 

"I forgive you but not next time"she warned 

"And don't follow me" Ameera turned around and ran towards the entrance"

'ozel" he smiled seeing her fade away...

Sighing he looked at his hands that a few moments ago held her close.

Dear soul don't let me break her heart or you would be in ruins...

 You shouldn't forget her for you owe her your sanity his heart proffered the  harsh reminder 

broad as daylight, sharp as sunrise were the sensations within him...yet he chose to ponder and ponder dwelling those feelings in haywire of emotions 

you can win if the past is with you but not if it's within you

Assalam o alikum was Rahmatullahi was barakatuho.

hear me out before the well-deserving complaints..

So I had a family of cousins over at my house and due to some restrictions they were stuck here with us now that wasn't a huge issue its too much fun and stuff but it comes with its cons I had NO PRIVACY at all, I was sharing my room, my time, my messed up routine at the moment that I hardly got any time to write 

you have no idea how I penned down these two chapters making sure everyone is asleep or busy trust me it's very hard 

hopefully, my reasons were enough to buy me an apology for such delay 

coming back to the chapters now 

please feel free to let me know your thoughts 

eagerly waiting 

at the end thanks for everyone who kept messaging me it was such a huge motivation trust me 

take care


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