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Sapphira opened her ocean blue eyes seeing a galaxy sky. "What the actual hell. What." She muttered as she ran a hand through her hair.

She saw the bracelet on her wrist. She growled at herself. "This is why I shouldn't take strange packages." She growled to herself in irritation. She was about to rip it off her wrist-

"My child.... Listen to me..." A female's voice in her head said. She looked around looking for whoever was talking.

"I'm the bracelet that's talking. And I'm taking in your head.." The voice said. She looked at the bracelet.

"How the hell can you talk?" Sapphira asked it incredulously. "Soon you will find out, my child of winter. Soon you will. But first..." The bracelet said. "We must find Mata Nui....."


"I can not flippin believe I'm doing this...." Sapphira muttered to herself. She was walking through a barren landscape, not seeing a single ounce of life for miles and miles.

As the bracelet gave her directions of where to go to find Mata Nui. She sighed as she tried again to get the dirt and dust out of her hair again.

Which much to her dismay, failed for the fifth time.

"Stop right here." The bracelet said suddenly. Sapphira stopped in her tracks.

"Why-" Suddenly something was falling from the sky. "Shit...." she muttered then hid behind a bolder for cover. She then heard a giant explosion making her cover her head and curl up in a ball still hiding behind the rock.

After about 5 minutes. "Hurry my child! We must get to Mata Nui before we lose him!" The bracelet told Sapphira. "R-right!" She said and got up and ran trying to be quiet.

She ran around a corner only for a Vorox to jump at her. She screamed that the bracelet knew for sure that Mata Nui heard her scream.

Sapphira began to back away from the creature. Which it came to her filing steps.

"My child. The time has come." the bracelet said. "The time for what?!" Sapphira yelled at it.

"The time for your powers." "What powers?!" Sapphira yelled confused, wanting to live for once in her life.

"There's no time to explain my child. Now, focus and imagine a weapon in your hands." the bracelet told her.

"O-ok!" Sapphira said. She closed her eyes calming her fear and imagined a pair of weapons in her hand.

She brought her hands to her face and flipped them a bit making metal fans ninja's would use for battle but instead being made of metal, they were made of ice. They appeared in her hands.

She brought her arms to her sides and looked like she was ready to fight. She snapped out of whatever trance she was in and looked at her hands seeing the Tasami fans.

"WHAT THE HELL?!?!!!! HOW THE HELL DID I DO THIS?!?!?!!!!!!!" Sapphira yelled in alarm at what she did.

"Now's not the time my child. You need to fight to survive." the bracelet told her. "Right." Sapphira said getting back on track.

She got back into stance and the Vorox ran to her. Her fear took control and she tried to block it's attack with it's stinger with her fans making her fans shatter leaving a scratch on her stomach.

Sapphira stepped back rubbing the scratch. "Well, that didn't go as I thought it would...." the bracelet said. "Wait? How'd you think it would go?!" Sapphira yelled looking at the bracelet.

The bracelet just stayed silent. Sapphira just continued to back away till she tripped on a rock and fell backwards falling, The Vorox took this as an opportunity to strike. It got ready to strike, Sapphira covered her face with her arms.

Instead of her getting striked-


Sapphira opened her eyes slowly which they widened with shock at what she was seeing.

Mata Nui had Click in his weapon form blocking the attack, which had made the Vorox's stinger break off. The Vorox backed away scared then ran off away from the three.

Sapphira sat there dumbfound trying tom trying to figure it out what had just happened. 'So, this isn't a dream at all....' she thought to herself.

Mata Nui got out of fighting stance and Click turned back to normal as he put his battle mask down. He looked at Sapphira seeing her still in shock.

"Are you alright?" he asked her, his voice sounding calm as always. Sapphira snapped out of her shocked state and got up.

"Y-ya. I'm fine..." she said, internally cussing herself out for stuttering. 'I'm not an overused yn from a fanfic who is a target for slander here.' She thought to herself. "Mind if I ask you, how did you summon your weapons, and why were you talking to a bracelet?" he asked.

Sapphire got worried a bit. "I'm not sure about the first part, but about the bracelet, well-"

Suddenly what looked like a desert buggy came driving to them. Mata Nui grabbed the stinger of the Vorox and got into stance standing in front of Sapphira.

The buggy stopped revealing another bot. Sapphira instantly recognized him from her countless times watching the movie, before her grandmother threw it out seeing it as a 'waste of space' and 'useless trash'.

"Hello there!" the guy said.

The two stayed silent as they looked at each other including Click.

Timeskip near Volcanous

After some talking with the guy-now known as Metus-Sapphira and Mata Nui were riding with Metus on his buggy.

Metus began to speak about the place of the tribes, Agori and Skrall and Bone Hunters. Mata Nui just stayed silent as he watched the scenery go by.

"Not from around here, are you?" Metus asked him. Sapphira tuned out the rest of their conversation which had went dead silent.

She wondered if she was safe her, why she was here, why she was given the bracelet, how long has she had these powers for, would she go home or if she even wanted to.

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