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Sapphira was wide awake. She feared if she fell asleep she would get kidnapped or killed.

She had to keep her guard up, with all that was happening and no one knew who was doing it. She had to.

Metus started driving to crater. Sapphira instantly recognized it from the movie, the Fire Tribe Volcanous.

She didn't even bother to listen, she just looked around seeing everything. And praying no one would try to kill her for being an organic. They finally stopped getting Sapphira out of her thoughts and she jumped off along with Mata Nui as Metus got out of the drivers seat.

They began walking, Sapphira staying close to Mata Nui's side as she fiddled with her hoodies sleeve, already had putting her hood up on her head to hide her face.

"There was so much of a mess to clean up so we decided to do something, better." Metus said. 'Oh I know where this is going already.' Sapphira thought to herself.

They made it to the top of the bleachers of a stadium seeing a fight going on. Sapphira already recognized the two Galorian's fighting-Straxx and Ackar-but like always with those thoughts, she decided to stay silent.

The three began walking down the bleachers to the bottom part of it. Sapphira could feel Mata Nui's anger from next to her. She knew he didn't like this.

People were do interested in the fight that they didn't even notice Sapphira, Mata Nui and Metus.

They stopped at the spot where the leader of the tribe was at, everyone watching besides Mata Nui, Sapphira, and Metus were screaming their heads of cheering.

Metus had a smile on his face as he explained to Mata Nui of all of this, Sapphira listened to the bracelet to study their battle styles for up incoming battles.

She understood why, she knew what was gonna happen, but each time she watched it, it was like watching it for the first time.

Suddenly one of the Glatorian's-Ackar-got in trouble in the battle, Straxx pulling an illegal fast move on him in the Glatorian battles, and also looking like he was about to behead him with his axe weapon.

Mata Nui saw and having something going on in his mind, he jumped into battle. "MATA NUI!!!" Sapphira yelled as she reached her arm to stop him as Click transformed into his weapon form.

She felt a hand grab her's and she was dragged off somewhere, she looked to see Metus was dragging her off somewhere..He stopped when they were in a room and turned to her.

"Well, you may be a organic, but your the finest one I've ever seen." Metus began to flirt with her.

Sapphira rolled her eyes as she crossed her arms across her chest. 'Well, he's definitely a pervert..' Sapphira thought. "Agreed child, I agree." the bracelet told her agreeing with her.

"Look buddy. I'm not interested, got it. So you better leave me alone. Cause I'm not as helpless as you think I am." she told Metus. Metus chuckled, "Fisty, I like that." He said.

Sapphira gagged internally. She saw a bucket of water above him making a smirk appear on her face.

"Have you finally come to your senses?" Her asked. Sapphira flicked her wrist making a shard of ice bounce around then hit the bucket and the water pour on Metus, then the bucket on top of his head.

Sapphira laughed in her head as the bracelet did also. "Like I said, I'm not a damsel in distress." she said then walked off to go find Mata Nui.

She walked back to the bleachers seeing people leaving. She looked down seeing Mata Nui had Straxx's shield, showing he had won the battle as Ackar stood next to her.

She jumped down and ran to them. "What I missed?" she asked them once she reached the three.

Ackar immediately pulled out his sword and aimed the tip at her making Sapphira put her arms up in the air. "Do not worry. She will not harm you." Mata Nui told him, resting a hand on his shoulder.


They made it to back to the other Glatorian or Ackar, as he introduced himself's area.

Sapphira muttered a 'wow' as she saw a tall wall covered with shields from other Glatorian's he had beat in battles. "And you stayed, why?" she heard Mata Nui ask Ackar making her look at the two.

"Dignity." Ackar said as he threw down a small rock. He stood up as he began to talk more, venting aloud.

Mata Nui walked up to him, Ackar faced him as he did so.

"You chose your honor. You are a true Toa." Mata Nui told Ackar placing a hand on his shoulder. "Toa?" Ackar asked him with a brow rose. Mata Nui was about to explain to him.

"He-e-e-ey!" Metus' voice rang out making Sapphira hide behind a rock to get away from him. "You were amazing out there!" Metus complemented Mata Nui.

Sapphira poked her head a bit from behind the rock to watch and hear the conversation. "I have an idea. How would you like to join?" Metus asked him.

Mata Nui denied. Metus tried to convince him still, only making Mata Nui threaten him by putting his battle mask up as he growled angrily in a warning manner, making Sapphira and Ackar shocked.

But what they didn't know, Mata Nui had a feeling while Sapphira and Metus were away. Metus did something to her that made her hide.

Metus back away slowly. "Ok ok, you don't wanna join. But if you change your mind, you know where to find me." He said. He went around the entrance corner.

He peeked back around into the room. "I'm leaving now." He said stating the obvious, before running off. The two males began to laugh as Sapphira came from behind the rock laughing a bit, even the bracelet was giggling.

Ackar looked at Sapphira. "Why did you hide?" He asked her. She sighed, "It's nothing." She lied. Ackar scoffed as he looked back at Mata Nui.

"So what are you're plans strangers?"Ackar asked the two as he went back to pack his bag. "I must look for a way to get back to my homeland." Mata Nui told him as he looked at his mask. "Same with me as well. Since I have no damn clue why I'm here." Sapphira said as she crossed her arms over her chest.

"And where would that be?" Ackar asked the two. "If I told you, you might not believe me." Mata Nui told him. "I swear on everything I will." Ackar said.

Mata Nui sighed. "Alright." Mata Nui said. He looked at Ackar.

"My home is not here, on an entirely different planet." Mata Nui began. "I was once a great ruler, until an evil I couldn't see took over and enslaved my people." Mata Nui finished.

Ackar looked shocked at him before the two focused back at Sapphira. She sighed as she let her hood down. "My home is a different planet as well, but nothing is special or interesting of my life there. I just want to go home, but I'm not sure I want to go back home with everything there." Sapphira explained as she brushed her royal blue hair from her face and looked at Ackar, not noticing Mata Nui's gaze at her.

Ackar looked shocked, to say the least. "YEEEEES!!!!!!" A female's voice came from the entrance making the four look at the entrance seeing a female of blue around with what looked like a trident like weapon in hand as she spun around and jumping like a mad woman.

"I KNEW IT!!!!! I TOLD YOU!!!" The girl said. "Kiina!" Ackar scolded the woman or Kiina was her name. "Proof! Proof of what I've been saying for years is true!" Kiina yelled happily, jumping around happily.

"Now isn't the time Kiina!" Ackar scolded her. "But I was right!" Kiina said happily getting in his face.

Mata Nui pulled out his new blade that was formed by his mask from the stinger of the Vorox he had kept. "Who is this?!" He demanded. Sapphira looked at the blade in Mata Nui's hands confused. "When did you- never mind. Not even gonna ask." She said as she looked back at Kiina.

"Names Kiina, and you two just won me a lot of bets!" Kiina said before began to mock other Glatorian's.

"For months, 'Kiina's crazy. Theirs no such thing as other worlders.' But now, these two prove it!" Kiina said as she looked at Mata Nui and Sapphira.

"I don't know if I should be worried or not." Sapphira said aloud making Mata Nui nod in agreement. "Don't worry, as ranking goes and the fact she does unnecessary things Glatorian's don't usually do, such as sneaking in the shadows! I trust Kiina." Ackar reassured the two.

"Good to meet you Kiina," Mata Nui began as he and Sapphira watched as she walked around happily whole spinning her trident weapon around like a Gymnast baton. "I have just realized what a gift it is to find people you can trust." Mata Nui said as he looked at Click then Sapphira.

"So what their saying is true?" Kiina asked Ackar, he nodded with a hum in confirmation. She looked at Mata Nui seeing Click on his shoulder, she let out a grimace at the Scarabax Beetle on the golden bot's shoulder.

"Let me guess, you call him Click?" Kiina asked as she inspected Click. The said Scarabax Beetle began to hiss at her slightly making her back up in alarm. "H-Hey! I was just kidding." Kiina said to the Scarabax Beetle. "I like it, Click it is." Mata Nui making the Scarabax Beetle now named officially Click happy.

Sapphira laughed softly at that. "My child, we must help them..." The Bracelet told her making her look at it. 'Why? I don't even know if I wanna go home or stay here.' Sapphira asked her through her thoughts.

"If you do go home, you have to deal with your grandmother's abuse again...." Sapphira growled getting the fours attention to her. "Well exuse me if I don't feel safe here ether!" she yelled at the bracelet.

"Umm, who are you talking to?" Kiina asked her making Sapphira's head shoot up seeing the four looking at her.

"U-ummm... N-noth-" "She's talking to her bracelet.." Mata Nui said interrupting her, making Sapphira stiffen.

"How can you talk to a bracelet though? It's an inanamit object." Ackar asked with a brow rose. Sapphira sighed as she relaxed.

"I'm still trying to figure that out. But I was able to create these ice weapons with it." she told them. "THEN SHOW US!!!" Kiina said excitedly.

Sapphira sighed mentally laughing at Kiina.

She closed her eyes crossing her arms over her face. She opened her palms in a way you would hold a fan. The ice fans appeared in her hands in almost in an instant as small snowflakes came from them as they appeared and fell to the ground disappearing as they did.

Sapphira opened her eyes and brought her hands down and looked at the fans in her hands. "I still don't understand any of this." she said to herself as she looked them over.

"Wow..." Kiina said amazed as she took a look at the fans. Ackar and Mata Nui were shocked themselves.

Mata Nui had a feeling that there was something familiar with the bracelet, but couldn't remember why.

"I need to leave.. I can not stay here. I need to help my people.." Mata Nui said making the three look at him.

"I think I know a way that might help, I discovered a secret place in my village, no one knows about it." Kiina said. "I can take you there." she continued. 'Wait for it...' Sapphira thought to herself.

"But, you have to take me with you." Kiina finished. 'And their it is.' Sapphira thought to herself. "Kiina!" Ackar scolded the woman. "It's alright, if it's within my power I will take you with me " Mata Nui told Kiina agreeing to her deal. "But I must warn you. It will be dangerous." Mata Nui warned her.

"Don't worry about me I'll be fine. But don't even think about ditching me! Cause your my ticket out of here." Kiina warned him glaring at him as if looks could kill.


Later in the night, Sapphira was looking at the beautiful galaxy sky above her. There were so many colors in the sky, so many stars, and soooo many galaxies that could be seen from the surface, like you were in space itself.

Surprisingly everyone was asleep, much to Sapphira's surprise. She brushed her messy hair behind her ear.

"God damn, I hate having hair at times." Sapphira mused aloud to herself as she closed her eyes enjoying the breeze blowing across the barren landscape.

"I think its nice." she heard Mata Nui's voice say from next to her making fall off the rock she was on as her eyes shot open. She put her hand to her heart as she was breathing heavily.

"Fucking hell Mata Nui!" Sapphira whisper shouted at him trying not to wake up the others. He sighed as he got up and helped her back onto the rock she was on and sat back down next to her.

"Do you mind answering me, why did you hide when Metus came?" Mata Nui asked her. She sighed looking at her palms.

"When you went into battle to help Ackar, he dragged me to a room and started to flirt with me. I got him away though." she said.

Mata Nui raised a brow in confusion at that. "How?" he asked, curious at how she did so.

Sapphira started to snicker a she began to remember it making the Great Spirit curious. "I made a bucket of water fall on him by shooting an ice shard at it." she said still snickering a bit. Mata Nui chuckled a bit finding it a bit funny also.

"I don't know how I managed to do it though." she said looking back up at the sky gaining Mata Nui's attention once again. "These powers seem to familiar, but I can't remember anything of why that is since most of my childhood is fuzzy memories since my parents were killed." she finished.

Mata Nui sighed as he shook his head, not wanting to push her memories but wanting to help her remember, feeling he knew where those powers were from. "Well, I am glad you were able to show you could defend yourself." he told her, changing the topic.

Sapphira rolled her ocean blue eyes at him as she looked up at him, her being easily shorter than him of being five foot nine and Mata Nui being seven feet. "I'm not a damsel in distress you know. I can take care of myself." she told him.

Mata Nui rolled his eyes. "Seeing that you didn't know how to fight against that creature. I doubt that you can defend yourself." he told her, a small grin reaching his lips. "He has a point my child.." the bracelet said.

Sapphira glared at the piece of jewelry on her wrist.  "Your not helping me here..." she said to the bracelet a bit angered.

Mata Nui chuckled a bit at this. Sapphira rolled her eyes, "Ya ya ya, go ahead and laugh it up." she said as she looked at her nails.

"I may have a theory of where you're powers are from, but I am not wanting to risk any bad memories to help you remember these memories of yours." Mata Nui told her making her look back up at him.

Sapphira looked to the side as her hair covered her face a bit. "The only things I remember of my childhood, seeing my parents on the optopsy tables of the morge, and the day I dyed and cut my hair to look less like my mom." Sapphira said quietly though Mata Nui could hear the tears in her voice.

He sighed as he was thankful Click was still asleep back in the cave, before cupping one side of Sapphira's face and carefully made her look at him in the eye. The faces were meters apart making Sapphira's face dust a light pink.

Mata Nui carefully brushed her tears from her eyes making her close her eyes so she didn't have the risk of her eyes being poked out.

Mata Nui sighed. "I am truly sorry for the loss of you're parents Sapphira. I felt the same when it came to mine being killed," Mata Nui began making Sapphira confused at what he was trying to tell her. "But I remember before they passed, my mother had told me for when they do, that they will always be watching over me and my brother's," Mata Nui said as pressed his forehead against Sapphira's making her blush darken and her chest begin to ache from the feeling her heart about to burst out.

"Know that you're parents are watching over you as well." He told her as he pulled his head back making Sapphira attempt to calm her blush and heart down.

Sapphira took a gulp of air before speaking. "Thanks Mata Nui," she thanked him. "I needed that." She told him as she smiled softly at him, her blush was still dusting her cheeks but it wasn't as dark as before.

Mata Nui smiled back at her. "Hey, if anything, if neither of us can sleep, maybe we should talk more." Sapphira said, "T-To get to know each other more of course." Sapphira said, internally slapping herself for stuttering the second time today.

Mata Nui smiled more at that. "I would like that." He said as he continued to smile making Sapphira smile more herself.

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