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Kiina and Berix were in a dangling cage hanging from the ceiling of a large cave entrance in the Bone Hunters village.

Kiina groaned/screamed in annoyance. "This wouldn't have happened if you followed him!" she yelled at Berix. "You just had to steal my cave from me, didn't you?" she asked with anger lacing her voice.

"Your cave?" he asked, "That cave was never yours in the first place." he said. "Your a thief just like me." he said with a slight smirk on his face.."I thought you said you were a collector." she snarled back. "SEE! Now she actually listens!" Berix said with fake joy in his voice.

Kiina rolled her eyes as she crossed her arms over her chest. "Look, that place was my sanctuary." Kiina began. "It was my place to get away from everything." she continued. "Can't you just at least, try to understand that." she finished sounding like she was gonna cry from frustration.

Berix sighed at this, "Look I do understand, I have feelings too okay!" he said. "And I didn't steal them." he added. Kiina rolled her eyes at that. "No, you just collected them." she said.

It was silence before the two busted out into light laughter. They stopped laughing, "Hey, when we get out of here, maybe we can share it and it can become our sanctuary." he suggested.

"Look around Berix." Kiina said ushering to the high raised cage they were in. "I don't think we're getting out of here anytime soon." she finished.

"Ok." he began, "Then what the hell is THAT?!" he asked pointing to the direction of the entrance of the village. Walking up to the village was non other than Mata Nui, who had his blade and the weapon form of Click out, and Sapphira was walking beside him with her twin ice fans in her hands.

Two Vorox's chained up to posts of the entrance of a battle arena began to snarl and hiss at the two, Skrall and Bone Hunters began to climb on spikes that were apparently 'seats'. The two went to the center seeing none other than Tuma, leader of the Skrall himself.

'I'm scared for this fight.....' Sapphira thought talking to the bracelet. "Do not worry my child, you and Mata Nui will make it through this. And if you don't. Well, at least you confessed your love for him." the bracelet told her. Sapphira rolled her is internally so she didn't draw attention. 'Gee wiz, thanks for the reassurance...' she told the bracelet which went back to being silent.

The three made it to the center of the arena where Tuma was and got into fighting stances. "I'll be glad to win this fight and rip that mask off your face and that bracelet off of you lovers wrist!" Tuma yelled at the two.

'Okay, said this before in the past, I'll say it mentally again, I wanna kick this guy in the balls so god damn much!' Sapphira yelled in her thoughts in irritation. Tuma began gloating of himself making Sapphira roll her ocean blue eyes which thankfully went unnoticed.

Mata Nui went for a strike which Tuma then kicked him making Mata Nui land on the ground..Sapphira went next as the same thing happened to her only she went tumbling as her arms reopened some cuts and formed new ones that bled slowly.

She stopped herself with the heel of her boot and looked up staring at Tuma like Mata Nui was. As if they were studying him.

"I can't watch, I can't watch. Mata Nui and Sapphira are getting pumbled." Berix said scared. Berix had his eyes covered as Kiina was trying to figure out what they were doing.

"They're doing what Ackar taught us," she said suddenly realizing it. "Study your opponent, find his weakness." she said. "Well they better find it, FAST!" he yelled the last part as he uncovered his eyes.

"DID THESE PATHETIC WEAKLINGS REALLY THINK, THEY COULD TAKE DOWN, THE MIGHTY TUMA?!" Tuma yelled into the crowd. "Be carful." Mata Nui began, "Arrogance can tophle giants." he warned.

Suddenly, Sapphira got up running at Tuma, ducking under as he went to strike her with his razor shield and hit him in a weak spot in his armor with both her fans making him stumble a bit.

Mata Nui then got up and began to fight with her. "Trust me!" he began, "I know!" he admitted as he took a hit at Tuma himself as he and Sapphira began to win the fight against Tuma as faught against him together.

"THAT'S IT! THAT'S IT!" Kiina yelled happily. She grabbed Berix's shoulders and made him look at her. "Mata Nui and Sapphira found a weak spot in Tuma's armor and their using it against him!" she yelled happily. "OK OK! I GET IT!" Berix yelled in fear wanting her to let him go thinking she had lost her mind.

"I don't get it!" Tuma yelled shocked as he was losing strength."I am, the mighty TUMA!" he yelled in rage. Mata Nui had his blade slung from his hand, Mata Nui growled sightly as he and Sapphira saw Tuma's state. Tuma was breathing heavily as the hits from both Mata Nui and Sapphira were taking a toll on him.

He let out a yell as he tried to hit them both with both his weapons, which they jumped in the air dogging it and landed behind him, then they both hit Tuma at his weak spot. Mata Nui with the weapon version of Click, and Sapphira with one of her fans.

Tuma fell to his knees as he then blacked out. The crowed grew silent could not believing what had just happened before them.

Mata Nui grabbed Tuma's shield and raised it in the air in victory as Sapphira held the shield in her left hand as well in the air with Maga Nui. "I, Mata Nui and my friend Sapphira, take Tuma's shield in our victory!"  he said proudly.

The crowd grew angry as Berix and Kiina were overjoyed with their friend's victory. Then suddenly a slow clapping was heard making the duo, Kiina and Berix look to see-

"Very impressive I must say." Metus said smugly. "That was a joke." he finished with a grin. Sapphira growled glaring darkly at him. "Now drop your shield and your weapons." Metus said. The crowd began to rile up. "That's not a joke.." he said smirking darkly at the duo.

"So you were the traitor!" Mata Nui said as he threw down Tuma's shield somewhere and Sapphira made her fans disappear. Click turned back to normal and he was in Mata Nui's palm.

He placed Click on the ground. "Save yourself my friend." Mata Nui told him. Click looked at him, nodded and then started to dig under the ground.

Then Kiina's trident hit where Click was digging. Sapphira gasped as Mata Nui grew shocked. "Stupid PEST!" Metus yelled where Click was.

"So you were the traitor!" Berix yelled at him finally getting noticed by Sapphira and Mata Nui. "THE GLATORIANS WILL PUNISH YOU FOR THIS!" Kiina yelled angerliy at him.

"You don't understand, do you?" Metus asked them. "We're the only ones that know." Mata Nui and Sapphira said in sync as Mata Nui had pushed her behind himself and was holding her hand in his own.

Kiina gasped realizing it was true. "Exactly." Metus said with a dark chuckle as he looked back at Mata Nui and Sapphira. "Now, I'll be happy to take that mask from your face and Sapphira's bracelet." he said.

"Or better yet," he said as if getting an idea. "How bout Sapphira herself" he suggested,his grin darkening.

Mata Nui growled deeply and held onto Sapphira's hand tighter which she did also and was flushed against his left side. Their fingers were already interlocking, but it was tighter than before.

Metus took notice this, making him frown. "So I see you two have grown quite fond of each other." he said then chuckled darkly. "How disgustingly pathetic." he said as he then looked into the crowed of his army. "END HIM AND BRING ME HIS MASK AND THE GIRL WITH HER BRACELET!" Metus yelled to the crowd.

They began cheering ready to fight. Which soon turned into screams of terror.

"WHAT IS THE MATTER?!" Metus yelled then gasped seeing a ginormous bot like creature coming over the hill swinging its ginormous arms at Bone Hunters and Skrall warriors. "RELEASE THE RETCHED BEASTS!!!!!!" he ordered. "IF THAT THING CRUSHES THEM, SO BE IT!" he yelled. The two Vorox's he was talking about looked at him shocked.

The Bone Hunters and Skrall warriors continued flee, even the Vorox's did. "WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!" Metus yelled at them all. "DON'T JUST RUN, FIGHT!" he ordered them.

"HEY MATA NUI! SAPPHIRA!" Kiina yelled gaining the said Organic woman and Great Spirit's attentions. Mata Nui and Sapphira ran to where the cages are seeing two Bone Hunter's ready to fight them both.

Mata Nui looked around for something to help him. He noticed Tuma's shield. He let of Sapphira's hand grabbing it and threw it into the air. The two Bone Hunter's dodged it and laughed at Mata Nui's attempts to hurt them.

The shield hit the chain of the cage that was holding Kiina and Berix in making it fall. "Might wanna look up boys." Sapphira said smugly as a grin was plastered across her face.

The two Bone Hunter's looked up and noticed, jumping out of the way scared. The cage hit the ground where the two Bone Hunters once stood, making a large cloud of dirt appear.

The dirt could went down revealing the cage had busted open from impact and Kiina and Berix were free, making the two cheer happily. Mata Nui and Sapphira walked up to the two and Sapphira handed Kiina back her trident.

Kiina took it happily as she let out a breath in relief. "Boy am I glad to have this back." she said happily..Berix saw the creature, "WHAT THE ACTUAL HELL IS THAT?!" he yelled in fear pointing at it making the three look at it.

"I believe we are witnessing the true power of Unity." Mata Nui said as you could hear a smile in his voice. As all the Bone Hunters and Skrall warriors had ran away, the being raised its arms in the air and let out a loud roar.

It then began to fall apart into many of the Scarabax Beetles that Click was. "And, Loyalty." Mata Nui finished as they then saw Glatorians from the other joined villages walking from above the hill ready to fight, Ackar leading them with Gresh by his side.

Small Timeskip


he Bone Hunters and Skrall warriors were charging at them ready to fight..The three were on a large rock as they were getting ready to fight.

Sapphira had her fans in hand, Kiina had her trident, Mata Nui had his blade, as Berix, sadly had nothing.

Mata Nui suddenly handed him Tuma's shield. "Here, take this." he told him, Berix took it in his hands as he was shocked and amazed at the same time.

"Wow, no ones ever given me anything before." he said. "Can I keep it?" he asked hopeful. "Only if you survive." Kiina said making Berix scared. "I'm just kidding." she reassured him. "Just stay close to me." she told him which he nodded in response.

"Is everyone ready?" Mata Nui asked. "Wait a minute." Kiina said looking around for someone. "Aren't we missing a member of the team?" Kiina asked. "Yeah, where is he?" Sapphira asked as she looked around too.

Then that said member, non other than Click, who was thankfully unharmed from Metus' attempts to harm him, came climbing up the rock.

Kiina allowed him up with her trident and held it out to Mata Nui, the Great Spirit held his hand out for him which Click jumped onto and a golden light surrounded him and he had turned into his weapon form.

"Now we're ready." Mata Nui said as he put his battle mask up. He, Sapphira, and Kiina let out battle cries as they jumped down from the rock and began to fight with the other Glatorian's.

Berix's eyes widened. "W-wait for me!!!" he yelled as he jumped down screaming in terror. He fell on a Bone Hunter's Rock Steed and that's where the surprising happened.

As Berix was screaming wanting to get off the animal the being kicked Bone Hunter and Skrall members away knocking them out cold.

Finally the animal stopped. Berix sat up and let his arms out of happiness and in the process-
He managed to hit a remaining warrior with his shield knocking him out cold.

Berix looked around seeing what he had done. He gained confidence and turned around the right way on the steed as he said something hard to understand.

The animal looked at him, well, more like glared at him, which Berix's confidence suddenly went away as he got scared of the animal.

"THERE'S GOTTA BE FIFTEEN OF THEM!" Gresh yelled as he kicked a warrior away from him, "BUT WHO'S COUNTING?" He asked no one in particular as he fired a Wind blast at a warrior knocking him away from both himself and Ackar.

"MORE LIKE TWENTY!!!!!" Kiina yelled as she shot Water from her Trident. Mata Nui kicked a warrior away from Sapphira and himself.

"LET IT BE A HUNDRED! FOR WE FIGHT WITH HONOR AND FOR PURPOSE!" he yelled. Sapphira fanned the air in front of her with her fans sending a few warriors flying through a powerful flurry she had created.

She turned her head seeing Metus trying to get away in his Dune Chariot. "MATA NUI!" she yelled for the Great Spirit getting his attention. He saw and nodded the two ran after him to try to get to him before he drove off.

But to their avail, he did. But it wasn't for long. For the two Vorox's were in his path, and they didn't seem happy.

He stopped his buggy and stood from his seat.."WHAT ARE YOU TWO DOING?!" he yelled at them. The two Vorox's began to shake his buggy trying to flip it over. "NO!" Metus screamed.

The buggy flipped over making Metus fall out, in front of Mata Nui and Sapphira. Mata Nui growled as he picked him up by his throat and lifted him up to eye level.

"Lo-look! I can help you!" he stared to negotiate with Mata Nui. "We can-" "NO!" Mata Nui yelled making Metus scared. Even Sapphira got scared, she's never seen Mata Nui act this way before. "You will pay for all of this! And pay for Sapphira!" Mata Nui yelled at him.

He pressed his forehead against his own and the Mask of Life began to glow Gold meaning Mata Nui was doing something to Metus.

Metus screamed for him to stop. But it was to late. A Gold light engulfed Metus and disappeared revealing the new him, a snake that looked like it was a skeleton at the same time.

"There!" Mata Nui said as he pulled the new Metus away from him, "Now people will see you for what you truly are!" he said then threw him. Metus landed on the ground then hissed at the two.

"You may have defeated me!" he hissed. "But you'll never defeat my united army." he hissed as he slithered away.."Of course!" Mata Nui exclaimed then grabbed Sapphira's hand and dragged her back to where the others were.

"THERE'S JUST TO MANY!" Kiina yelled as she shot a Water blast from her trident knocking some warriors back, but they only got back up and went back to them as more came.

They were outnumbered and cornered. Mata Nui and Sapphria came as they had their weapons in hand again.

"We can do this." Mata Nui stated. "Together!" Sapphira said. "FOR UNITY!" the two yelled as they held their weapons in the air. "FOR UNITY!" the others yelled as they held their weapons in the air also.

"Now, with our powers combined. We can END THIS." Mata Nui said as he put his blade in the middle still holding it, Sapphira put her right hand holding one of her fans in it, Kiina with her trident, Ackar with his sword, and then Gresh with one of his twin blades.

Then a rainbow of lights began to swirl from their weapons. The warriors were about to attack them when the blast shot them back. It sent so much dirt and dust flying as many or almost all warriors were hit by the blast of all their powers combined.

Life, Fire, Water, Air, and Ice.

The dust cleared revealing the five in stance ready to continue fighting. The warriors saw this and ran away now knowing what they were capable of.

They all put their weapons away and cheered. Gresh threw his arms in the air cheering which Kiina tackled his side in a hug which he hugged back.

Mata Nui looked at the weapon form of Click in his hands, "Thank you, my friend." he thanked Click. Click turned back to normal appearing on Mata Nui's shoulder.

Sapphira took her chance and tackled Mata Nui in a hug which he froze for a second before hugging her back, spinning her around as he did so. Sapphira had an even brighter smile than back at the canyon and when she used her Toa powers.

Mata Nui stopped spinning her and they were both laughing as they were still hugging. "Having fun you two?" they heard Gresh ask making them look to see the three were watching them with their own smiles at the two.

Sapphira only stuck her tongue out at them making them all, including Mata Nui, Click, and the bracelet laugh. Two young Glatorian's came running up to them,

They looked like they needed an entire week off.."I can't believe we did it." one of them said. "Tell me about it." the other one said, agreeing with the other.

Kiina's eyes widened realizing something. "Wait. WHERE'S BERIX!?" she yelled scared. "BERIX! BERIX!" she yelled his name into the area, but sadly, no reply. She screamed in frustration, "I was supposed to protect him! This is my fault!" she yelled.

She was about to continue ranting till they heard a muffled groan in pain. Then some rocks moved and a hand popped out, which belonged to Berix as he was reaching out yelling the best as he could for help.

Kiina gasped in shock. "BERIX!" she yelled as she ran to the pile of rocks and pulled him out. She glared at him. "You little jerk!" she yelled making him terrified. Then, she did that was surprising to everyone.

She hugged him tightly. As a way a big sister would to their little brother, "Don't ever do that again." she muttered happily also sounding like she was gonna cry. "Uh, I liked it better when you hated me." Berix admitted wanting to get away from her. Kiina hugged him tighter making a crunching sound from Berix's body

"Please help me!" Berix muttered to the others which they began to laugh at the scene in front of them. Sapphira stopped laughing looking up at Mata Nui's face as he was to busy laughing at the two to notice her staring.

'What's gonna happen now?' she asked herself.

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