Scene 3. Free Parking Spot

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*Main, Cam, Park, and optionally Others are in a parking lot or on a street. Park is in a spot, while Cam is in the passenger seat of Main's car. Don't forget to keep working on that hamburger, Main!*

Main: "In this lesson, you will learn how to get parking spots that are as free as possible. If the only spots close by have meters, look for a spot already occupied by a car, but where the driver is sitting in the car." *Couple minutes later, I suggest skipping ahead or using time warp here.* "We have now come to a spot where someone is in their car. This could mean two things: the person just parked or is just leaving. Let us find out." *Yelling out the window to Park* "Are you just pulling out or in?"

Park: "Pulling out, why?"

Main: "Any money left in your meter?"

Park: "Ten minutes..."

Main: "Great! Keep moving." *Park slowly and carefully begins to move out, Main gets agitated.* "Almost out?"

Park: "No... Just a little bit more..."

Main: *A couple seconds later, Main honks the horn.*

Park: "Are you honking at me?"

Main: "Yes, just keep moving! You are wasting my ten minutes!" *Main starts freaking out and keeps hitting the horn, which annoys and slows down Park even more.*

Park: "The less you honk the quicker I will get out!" *Main stops, embarrassed, as Park finally pulls away.*

Main: "Well, that might have not been the most polite way to do it (or the best) but it worked eventually! Now go ahead and do whatever you need to do." *Glances at the meter* "Oh, no! I only have eight minutes left!" *Runs off*

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