Still Waiting

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Heya guys

Hope you all are fine !!!!😊


Sanskaar blinked his eyes still shocked when she laughed loudly. '' Why are you looking at me like that? "she asked laughingly. '' What did you just ask?'' he demanded. The teasing smile came on her lips again. '' I asked , you want something else, with me? '' Sanskaar gulped visibly.

He couldn't fathom, what he should answer on that question. Of course, he likes her, Of course he wants more than friendship, but the question coming from her, made him so giddy as well as nervous. ''What should I do? Should I answer truely! If she was just teasing and isn't serious it. What will she think about me!'' he thought huffing a long breath.

'' Sanskaar...!!! '' she called when she saw him lost in his thoughts. '' What are you thinking? Aren't you going to answer me? '' she pressed and Sanskaar gulped one more time. '' Ragini, Wo...I... We... I mean you and I..'' he blabbered and she made a confused face. '' I didn't understand, Sanskaar.'' she said innocently.

That's the reason he can't utter what he was feeling right now. See, she is too innocent for all this. He was continuously battling with in whether to say to her or not. He shut his eyes and  exhaled a long breath.

'' Ragini, you remembered, the first day you come and talked to some seniors in the class?'' he started. '' Jeejs and your brother..! '' she responded. He nodded and continue '' That was first time,I got distracted from my books because of your voice '' he said with a smile but Ragini pouted listening this. '' Did I distrub you that day ? That's why you gave me hankey, so we can fight . '' She said cutting him in between.

He laughed.'' You are still stucked on that handkerchief thing. '' She pouted again and he continued. '' No, you didn't distrubed me that day. But you are distrubing me now. If you again utter in between, than I am not going to say anything.'' He said with twisted lips.

'' Okay..! Okay..! See..!'' she said putting her index finger on her lips. He smiled. '' So when I listened yor voice, I don't know why, it kind of stuck me. I was just wishing that you didn't stop talking.'' he said dreamily remembering that day. '' And here you are stopping me to talk '' she twisted her lips, still not removing the finger from her lips.

'' And are you listening? You are still talking..!!! '' he huffed. She bit her tongue sheepishly. '' And then we became friends. You made me laugh often, you made me realize that life can be live with smiling face, without caring about the people around us. You made me realize that, I can be smile more often. I can be the better version of myself.'' he said with a smile.

'' You know, My dad used to say that, "The purpose of our life is to be happy.'' But I forgot that when I lost him. '' he saw confusion on her face and he smile sadly. '' For Mom and dad, their business and lifestyle was more important than their own son. When I was 5, they shifted to London, to establish their business there, leaving me with 'Bade Papa', promising me to be back soon for taking me with them. But it never happen. They didn't come back.'' he said with a pained voice.

Ragini placed her palm on his hand and squeezed it. Her eyes got teary as she felt the pain he was going through.'' I waited.. waited so long, but it waas always their business that comes first.''

'' You didn't try to go there by yourself? '' she asked softly. '' No..!! I guess, a part of me, still waiting for them to come and take me.'' he said with moist eyes. ''I didn't tell this to anyone, not even laksh bhai. But I don't know why I did share it with you. ''

She squezeed his hand one more time to give him assurance that it's okay. He huffed a deep breath and wiped the corner of his eyes. '' I think that's enough for today. I can't talk more. May be we can meet some other day. I promise, I will not bore you with my sad story.'' he stood abruptly and smile. '' I am sorry, for making your mood sour, I just didn't know why I.......''

He stopped as he felt her fingers entwinged with his fingers. He looked at their joint hands and she gave him a smile. '' Thank you for sharing a part of you with me. Thank you for making me feel special.'' She placed her head on his shoulder as she said those words.


Hope you liked it.

Ragika  ❤️

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