Friends Or More?

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Heya guys, 🙋‍♀️

Long time, no see..!! 😜

Sorry for the longgggggg wait. 😅

Please refer to the last parts if you forgot the story, as I did 😅😜

Happy Reading.😊 ____________________________________________________________________________

" Tell me one thing Ragini! If someday you have to choose between me and your choco, whom will you choose?" Sanskaar asked teasingly.

Ragini frowned and made faces. " Why would I choose? You both are my favourite."

He smiled to listen her answer. They continued their date when Ragini suddenly pouted thinking about something.

" What happened? " asked he confused.

" I am missing baba. I don't know why he left without doing patch up with me. I am angry on him for this." she said cutely.

" He must have some urgent work, Ragu. Otherwise he will never leave your side" he said.

" Can I ask you something? " her voice has seriousness in that particular question and Sanskaar prepared himself to respond to it.

" You can ask me anything, Ragu." he assured her.

" Maa said that baba left me in an orphanage.Was I such a bad child back then?" Her voice broke and he gave he placed his hand on hers.

" No, Ragini. You were not a bad child. You were such a blessing to them. It was just the circumstances that made him do that. And he is repenting for the mistake he did." He consoled her, remembering all the incidents in the past months when he met her baba.

She bit her lower lip to control the tears which was ready to flow out from her eyes. " I want to know about her." she wishpered.

" Who?" he asked confused.

" About my real mother." she said brokenly.

His heart break to see her like that. " May be you can ask your baba, about her. " he said softly.

She nodded and gave him a weak smile.

Arjun and Kajal was sitting in the college campus together when Aditya came along with Mishu.

" I gave the permission to you guys, doesn't mean that you can bunk your classes, Kaju." she jumped from her place listening to his voice.

" Wo..bhai...I....We..." Arjun too look everywhere but them.

Mishu gave a slap on Adi's arm and gave him a sharp look.

" Don't tease them. " he laughed and Kajal pouted.

" You kept blabberring so much, but when it comes to your brother, you are so afraid. Why?" Mishu asked laughing.

" Because she is afraid of me." Adi teased.

" Hey...!!! I am not afraid of you. It's just that...I..." her words got stuck in her mouth again as she felt the arm of Arjun around her shoulder.

She looked at him with wide suprised eyes and he winked at her.

" It's just that she feels shy, when it comes to us." he said teasingly and she blushed.

Trio laughed to see her like this for the first time.

" O, so you feel shy..!! " Mishu teased and she turned more red.

She pouted looking at them but then smirk inwardly.

" What to do..! I am not so cool like you naa....BHABHi...!!! " she streched the last word and it was Mishu's turn to turn crimson.

After so many attempts, Sanskaar finally succeeded to make her smile.

" Acha tell me, what you thought about me when you met me the first time? " he asked curiously.

She blinked her eyes cutely and gave him a wide smile. " I thought, you want to be my enemy."

He too smiled and asked . " And why so ?"

She twisted her lips. " You gave me that handkerchief, that's why. "

He laughed remembering the time. "But you took that handkerchief that day. If you haven't taken that may be We would not be friends now? " he asked supressing his laugh.

Her eyes widened listening that. "Haaaawww...Right Sanskaar.That was our first conversation. If I haven't taken it, we would not be friends. . Then who will bring me chocos, who will take me on a date, who will make me smile and who will give me kisses? "

He chocked inwardly listening her. "Kisses! " he murmured.

She grabbed his hands in hers. " Sanskaar, promise me, that you will never break-up with me. You will always be my friend?".

" Just friend?" before he could control the words were out of his mouth.

She narrowed her eyes. " Yes..!! Why? You want to be something else? " she asked and he looked shocked to see the tinch of tease in her words.

He couldn't believe that SHE 'The Innocent Ragini Malhotra' is teasing HIM.

So, write it after a very very long time.

Hope I can complete the stories I started. 🤞

Till then
Stay safe and stay home. 🤗

Ragika Srivastava ❤️

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