Chapter 1: Tortoise, not turtle

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And if you're reading that on TeenFic, you have smol peepee.

" ": You talking

' ': You thinking

* *: Narrator/Voice-off

Your POV:

*Another 3 years have passed since then... We're now in march 1999, and things are about to get even more "Bizarre", but for now, let's take another point of view, shall we ?*

*March 1999. It's already been 3 months since the new year began... This year is famous for "Nostradamus' great prophecy" and it's all over the news. But, most people don't really care about that and went on with their lives, getting ready for the upcoming spring...*

*My name is... Well, you don't really need to know... Koichi Hirose, 15 years old. For me... The past 3 months were both stressful and exciting, since I'm going to a new school. Highschool, actually... Until I met some really strange guys...*

Koichi: W- What ?! Weird... Didn't I get bumped and fall down ? And... Didn't I drop my things... ?

???: Sorry about that. I was looking at the town map and wasn't paying attention...

Koichi:'How tall ! He must over 190 cm !'

???: Kid, can I ask you something ? Do you know the house name "Higashikata" ? I am visiting someone who lives there.

Koichi: "Higashikata"... I'm not sure. This town is kinda big, there's around 53,000 people living here, you know.

???: Oh, I see... Then how about this address ? Number 6, Zyouzenji Road...

Koichi: Hmm... Yeah ! I know ! You can go to Zyouzenji road pretty quickly by taking the number 3 bus at that stop over there. You probably couldn't catch a cab at this hour...

*Well... This is the first one. Jotaro Kujo. Later I got to know that he's 28 years old and works as a marine biologist. He is famous for his study on sharks and whales. I wasn't afraid of him. He looked rough, yet also very smart and gentle... The person I was afraid of was that other one, that Higashikata guy...*

Seniors: Hey freshman ! Shouldn't you be greeting your seniors ?!

Koichi: G... Good morning ! Senior !!

Senior: Hmph. Well done !

Jotaro: ... ...

Koichi: It's fine... Those guys are heading to the number 5 bus. that's in a different direction...

Jotaro: ... ... ... ...

Koichi: Ah ! G- Good morning ! Senior !

"Ummm... Okay... ? You're... Welcome... ?"

Jotaro: I told you to ditch the uniform a long time ago.

"If it fits, I'm wearing it. You know that, Mr.I-traveled-to-Egypt-wearing-nothing-but-my-uniform."

Jotaro: Whatever. You done with that enrollment thing ?

"You have no idea of the amount of paperwork I had to fill in order to get accepted... But yes, I start today."

*This was the second one, Y/n L/n. As much as he looks like a late teen, he and Jotaro share the same age. He is a renowned astrophysicist, mostly known for his research about the Sun.*

(A/n: Don't judge me.)

"So, I take it you've yet to find that Higashikata guy ?"

Jotaro: not yet, but at least we've got a direction.

Senior: What the heck are you doing here ?! Who do you think you are ?!

???: ... ... Well... I was... This turtle seems like it just woke up from hibernation. And you see... I don't really like reptiles. Actually I'm kind of scared of them... So, well, I was thinking it would be cool if I could overcome my fear...

Senior: I'm not asking about that shit !! Stand up, Moron !!

Senior: Heh, you're pretty tall for a freshmen.

Senior: Hey idiot, is that how you look at your seniors ? Probably think you were the shit in middle-school, huh ? You gotta greet us first if you're comin' to our school !!

???: He... hey... Stop... I really don't like reptiles... Well, i'm scared of them... A lot...

Senior: Goddamn ! That ain't funny !!

???: I'm really sorry ! I didn't know that's how things worked in this school !

Senior: Some kids got sent to the hospital right after saying that. "I didn't know." Just like... You and this turtle... You wanna end up like this ? Huh ?!

???: ... ... ...

Koichi: Oh my...

'Looks to me I'll have a lot to worry, with guys like them around...'

Senior: Tch ! You'd better behave yourself. We'll let you go this time... take off your school uniform ! And pay us your respects, in cash !

???: Yes ! I'm really sorry !

Jotaro: He deserved it. If you don't wanna get unnecessary attention, then don't dress like that. And that hair... I'm rather pissed at the kid, as well. The turtle got killed and he didn't do a thing about it.

"Actually, I think it's a tortoise, and not a turtle..."

Jotaro: Good grief...

Senior: Hey pussy ! What's your name ?

???: Yes ! I'm in Class 1-B. Josuke Higashikata.

"Josuke... What ?"

Jotaro: Did he just say... Josuke Higashikata ?!

Senior: Josuke ? How do you spell it ?!

Senior: Sure as in like how you write "Help"... ? Huh ! We'll call you Jojo from now on, Josuke !

Josuke: Y- Yes... Thank you very much...

"'Jojo', heh... Heh, Jotaro ? Heh ? Heh ? Heh ?"

Jotaro: Shut up...

Senior: Hey ! Hurry, take off your clothes ! The bus is coming and if you don't hurry it up, I'm gonna shave your stupid-looking haircut !!!

Josuke: ... Hey... Senior... What was that about my hair... ?

Future burgers: Huh ?

Jotaro: 'Huh ?! A Stand !'


Josuke: I don't give a damn if you are a senior, if you trash my hair, I'll kill you. What was that again ? Think my hair looks stupid ? Too cartoon-like for you ?

Senior: W- Wait ! I didn't say that at a-

Josuke: I heard it ! Bastard !

"I definitely think we found our guy... "


Koichi: Oh ! Weird... the tortoise's fine. Its shell was really messed up, wasn't it done for ?

Senior: Urg...

Seniors: Look ! His nose went back to normal ! His nose was broken and pissing blood just now ! It's already healed ! That's strange... He looks fifferent from before !

Josuke; Damn, I actually touched that turtle. I really didn't want to... Bleh ! You made me touch that goddamn turtle ! Now how do you want to die ?

Seniors: HEEEEEEELP !!!

Senior: Wait ! What happened to my nose ?!

Jotaro: Hmm... So he's the one, related to the old man... Looks like the guy we were looking for !

Josuke: Huh, that guy looks a bit like me... What are you looking at ?!

'We still need to be sure... Sure that he's really related to Mr.Joestar-'


Josuke: HOLY SHIT !!

'... Nevermind, he's the one."

Josuke: Geez ! That turtle again...


Josuke: Huh ? Do I know you ?

Jotaro: Josuke Higashikata, born in 1983. Your mother's name is Tomoko, she was 21 at the time, studying at the university of Tokyo. You've lived here since you were born. In 1987, when you were 4, you had a severe fever due to an unknown sickness for 50 days and almost died. You father is... 'This is harder than I thought...'

"Joseph Joestar."

Josuke: ... ... ...

"He is currently 79 years old, and still healthy... But when he tried sorting his inheritance, your name got on the list, a name he didn't recognize. That was pretty hilarious, seeing that old dumbass saying he only love his wife like some saint."

Jotaro: And now we finally found his son for him, that fickle... Hrm. Anyway, my name is Jotaro Kujo, your nephew... As strange as it sounds.

Josuke: Nephew ? Oh, well... Nice to meet you.

Jotaro: So, you'll get 1/3 of the inheritance after he passes away. We came here to tell you about this on his behalf. He and his family are in serious trouble right now about his affair.

Josuke: really ?! Serious trouble... Is it that bad ?

"You have no idea. For the first time in 61 years of marriage, his wife was positively livid. It's a good thing we managed to take away her cane, or else we would've came here to actually give you your inheritance."

Josuke: I'm very sorry about all of this ! This is all my fault !

Jotaro: What's up with you ? Why are you apologizing ?

Josuke: Well, I mean... if the family is in trouble, it's all my fault... My mother was in love with him and raised me herself, and I'm okay with that. You don't have to worry about us. My father, Mr.Joestar ? Tell him we're fine.

'He's more mature than I expected...'

"Pffr... Pfffffrrr..."

Jotaro: Don't you dare...

Girls: Josuke... How are you ? Let's go home together~ ! Your hair looks nice today~~. Oh, you look so cool~. You're so cool !

"That situation is kinda familiar to ONE of us, isn't it~ ?"

Jotaro: *Incoherent grumbling*

"Anyways, Josuke ? We weren't exactly finished yet, so could you girls leave us alone for a moment, you can continue that boring hair discussion later.

Josuke: ... !

Girls: Oh no ! You... You shouldn't have said that !

Josuke: Hey ! You bastard !! What the fuck did you say about my hair ?!

Girls: He's done for ! Oh god ! Oh god ! Oh god ! He just doesn't understand how cool you are ! Josuke hates when people insult his hair !!

Koichi: Just like before !

"But when did I... ?"

Jotaro: 'This is it ! Josuke's Stand !'

Josuke: I won't let anyone talk trash about my hair ! I don't know why I'm this pissed, I guess I just naturally hate you !



Girls: Josuke ! Josuke !! Are you hurt ?!

Jotaro: Shut up !! You're damn annoying !!

Girls: ... Fiiiiiiine...

"Now Josuke. Are you calm now ? Because you being a member of the Joestar family was only half the reason of our presence here. The other one is this..."

Jotaro: Look at this picture. The old man took it using his own power, his "Stand". Something is hiding in this town. Something dangerous.

Josuke: he's... In my town... ?

"The old man wanted to take a picture of you, to see what you looked like, but this guy appeared on it instead, and we don't know why. You surely have nothing to do with him, but just so you know, you better watch out in case."

Jotaro: Koichi, you're probably asking yourself what's going on. But if you see him, stay away, alright ? he's dangerous, and calling the police won't help. We will both stay here at a hotel until we finally find him.

Josuke: Wait a sec ! Who is this guy anyway ?!

Jotaro: I'll see you tomorrow. Josuke, your ability is really dangerous. Try only using it when necessary, okay ?

Josuke: That was bizarre... "Stands" ? I don't understand that very well...

Koichi: AAH !! The opening ceremony ! If we don't hurry, we're gonna be late !!

Josuke: UWAAH !! Why didn't you tell anything sooner ?! Let's go !!

"Right... I really don't want to be late on day one..."

Josuke: 'In the end, I barely made it in time. But didn't that other guy come with us... ? Where is he ?'

Teacher: Good morning class. I know this is your first day, but I'd like to introduce you to your physics teacher, who will also happens to be your homeroom teacher for this year. If you may ?

"Yes, yes, I get it. Welcome to highschool, all of you, the name's Y/n L/n. You may be only first years here, but I'll be painfully blunt with you all. Make ruckus during my class... And you'll discover a whole new meaning to the word 'pain'. Got it ?"

Whole class: *Nervous gulping*

"I'll take that as a yes. Now without further add, I'd like every one of you to come in front of the class to introduce yourselves. And make it quick please, we don't have all day."

Josuke: 'This will be one painful school year...'

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