Chapter 2: Enemy Stand !

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 " ": You talking

" ": You thinking

* *: Narrator/Voice-off

3rd Person POV:

Jotaro: Just looking through his history made me sick. Anjuro Katagari, nicknames Angelo by the media. He's by far the sickest, most dangerous criminal in all of Japan. He was born in this town in 1964, with an IQ of 160. When he was 12 years old, he was arrested for robbery and rape. Since then, he kept coming in and out of jail for countless crimes. He's 34 years old, and has spent 20 years of his life in jail !

Jotaro: Reading about his latest crime made me physically ill. On March 1994, Angelo met 3 14 year old boys. He raped and killed two of them and took all of their valuables. He was going to kill the third boy too, but he found out he was from a rich family, so he decided to hold him for ransom.

Jotaro: He was caught when making the exchange, but he managed to kill one policeman and the boy was already dead. He had cut off the boy's genitals and stuck it to a pillar. But... Last year, in 1998, something unbelievable happened. In October, he was hanged, but he was still alive after 20 minutes. His heart was still beating. Thus the execution was called off and rescheduled.

Your POV:

"Two weeks later, he broke out of jail. Either he was already a Stand user or he became one after being sentenced to death. Angelo is still in this quaint little town, lurking in the shadows, waiting for his next prey..."

Josuke: That's some pieces of information I could've lived without, you know.

"Just thought it would dissuade you to play hero."

Koichi: But, Mr.L/n...

"Koichi, when we're not at school, just call me Y/n. I'm not that old after all."

Random Guy: Hey, quit shoving kid ! You're stepping on my foot ! IDIOT !!

Josuke: Oh... Sorry about that...

Police: Stay back, stay back ! It's dangerous here !

Koichi: We can't get through this crowd, what's going on ?

Old lady: There's a robber in the convenience store. The guy took a female clerk as hostage. Hee hee.

Koichi: What ?

Police: Look ! He came out !

Police: Throw your knife away ! Let her go !

Robber: All of you stay back !

Koichi: Hey, I recognize her ! She already served me !

Josuke: Oh man, he really looks pisses ! He's really gonna kill her !

Robber: I want a car ! Now ! Everyone stay back !

Koichi: Wow... Let's go back...

Josuke: Y- Yeah... Man he's pretty scary...

"You know nothing about fear..."

Robber: Hey you ! You with the stupid hair ! I told everyone to stay back ! You wanna die or something ?!

"Well, that happened. Now the danger is real."

Koichi: Something bad is about to happen !!

"He literally threw Jotaro's warning through the window already."

Koichi: Don't tell me you're getting riled up because of THAT again, Josuke ?!

Police: What are you doing ? Stay away from him !!

Josuke: What the hell... Did you just say ?!

Robber: Who the fuck are you ?! Get back !

Clerk: NOOOOOOO !!

Police: Get back, kid ! He might kill her because of your stunt !

Robber: DAMN IT !! Now I'm really pissed ! I'm gonna cut her really fuckin' bad !!

Josuke: Well then.

Koichi: Woah !!

"And it's even more impressive when you actually see what's happening. 'But that way of fisting someone... Brings back memories I'd rather not...'."

Josuke: YOU'RE really pissed ? That's what I should be saying !

Clerk: Huh ?! I- I'm fine ! Perfectly fine !

Robber: UWAAAAAAH !! M- My knife !! My army knife is inside my stomach !! How did this even happen ?!

Josuke: A surgeon can take it out. In the prison hospital !

"This... This must be the work of an enemy Stand !"

Koichi: A what ?

Stand: Gugugu... So I'm not the only Stand user in town... It was fun committing crimes with this guy's body. You ! You dare disturb my plans...

Josuke: Ah ! You're the one, the guy from the picture !

Stand: I'll keep an eye on you from now on... Everywhere you go, I'll be watching you. Hehehehe, got it ?

Josuke: What ?! You bastard-

Police: Get that punk !

Josuke: Uwaah ! H- Hey officer ! W- Wait a second !

"Of course. What'd he expect, honestly ?"

*Stand user: Josuke Higashikata.

Stand: Crazy Diamond

-Power: A

-Speed: A

-Range: D

-Durability B

-Precision: B

-Potential C

Punchy anti-entropy boi*

3rd person POV:

Tomoko: Damn... That shovel... Where did I put it ?

Tomoko: Ah ! The milkman ! Careful there !


Tomoko: ... Did you win ?

Milkman: Yeah... Stepped on gold... Right on target.

Tomoko: This pisses me off ! That guy with his dog, he doesn't even clean up the mess. I was gonna put it into a plastic bag and put it into his pocket next time... Dirty ?

Milkman: No... This kind of thing happens a lot. I'll just put the milk here. See ya !

Tomoko: Wait ! You're not the usual milkman, are you ?

Milkman: yeah... I'm just replace him for today.

Tomoko: Oh, right. Sorry to bother you, but... Why is the cover for this one broken ?

Milkman: really ?

Tomoko: I'm not kidding, it's really broken. Right here... I'm sorry, but I want a new one.

Milkman: Sure.

Tomoko: Do you want to wash your shoes ?

Milkman: No, thanks, it's no big deal. i'll be going now. Thanks for the business !

Milkman: That fucking bitch !

Angelo: That woman is really careful. If Josuke drank that milk... My stand, [AQUA NECKLACE], could get into his body !

Angelo: That Josuke... Which room does he stay in ? What a cozy home... With a sexy mother who makes people jealous... I swear I will ruin your mind and life completely ! I hate how you walked out of the crowd yesterday and ruined my plan ! I love to eliminate people like you... Heh heh... It feels good...

*Stand user: Anjuro "Angelo" Katagari.

Stand: Aqua Necklace.

-Power C

-Speed C

-Range A

-Durability A

-Precision C

-Potential E

Nourishment-less water*

Josuke: So.. The stand was on that man, right ? He was inside that man's body, he didn't attack me...

Jotaro: That Angelo... Is he still around ?

Josuke: No, not really...

"A rather weak, but remotely controlled Stand, that can enter people's bodies and control them... Donuting him was the right choice Josuke."

Jotaro: Whatever... We're going to your house now. Before we get there, don't eat or drink anything. Don't even think about having a piss or a shower !

Josuke: You're coming over right now ? But I haven't told my mom about you !

Josuke: My mom is very strong, but she still loves my dad. If she thinks about him she'll cry, and if she sees you, Mr.Jotaro, she'll know that you have something to do with him.

Tomoko: Josuke... What's this picture ? I saw this guy before... He was delivering milk, do you know him ?

"Josuke, something's wrong ?"

Josuke: It's already too late ! I saw him in my mom's mouth through the coffee !

Tomoko: Josuke... Hey Josuke... Do you want coffee ?

Josuke: Um... Milk and sugar please...

Tomoko: Sure !

Tomoko: ... ... ? Um, milk and sugar, right ?

Josuke: Er, that's right. Jotaro, Y/n ? I caught the stand. What should I do with it ?

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