Chapter 17: Silver lining

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 " ": You talking

' ': You thinking

* *: Narrator/Voice-off

Your POV:

"I'm gonna beat both you and your Stand, using nothing but my bare hands, and you won't be able to do a single thing about it."

Akira: Heh, don't try to act tough ! You don't need to give yourself restrictions-


"Oh, it's not a restriction. I just don't like doing more than the necessary effort to get rid of a nuisance like you."

Akira: M-MY PINKY !! AHHH ! What the fuck do you think you're doing ?! My precious pinky !! It's broken !!

"So tell me, how do you plan on beating us with your pinky, if you don't have a pinky ?"


"Yeah... Nah, not gonna happen."

Akira: This sufering, this pain... Where, where am I supposed to channel it... ? Aghhh... This anger... Who am I supposed to plead to ?!

Akira: there, I expressed it... That ultimate anger in my heart... ! I was able to express it... Give me a round of applause, all you idiots in the world...

"What are you waiting for then ? Bring it on."

Akira: Don't be so full of yourself... Right now, I have the whole town's electricity supply on my side. With that... I AM INVINCIBLE !!

Koichi: AH ! R- Red Hot Chili Peppers ! It popped out of the small gutters around !! Is the asphalt under Morioh's harbor lined with electrical wires... ?!


Josuke: He... He didn't even flinch...

Akira: What just happened ?!

"... Thank you kind sir, may I have another ?"

Akira: You... This is the power of your Stand, huh ?!

"My Stand ? You're mistaken, it would seem. I did say I'd beat the shit out of you just with my hands, didn't I ?"

Akira: Don't... LOOK AT ME LIKE THAT !!

Okuyasu: AH ! It's a boat ! I can see the "Traffic" with my own eyes ! We're almost there ! And... the damn model airplane is nowhere in sight !

Koichi: Only 25 more seconds... !

Akira: Alright... I'll admit it, I underestimated you a bit. I don't know what you did, but I've got no time ! I only have 19 seconds left ! I gotta get serious !!

Josuke: S- So bright ! This light... And these shock waves... !

Akira: I'm concentrating all of the town's electrical power within Red Hot Chili Peppers !! The reason I didn't do this before is because, well, once I use the energy up, then I'll have nothing to fall back on later. I'd have drained all of the town's energy ! BUT I DON'T FUCKING CARE ANYMORE ! ONCE I GET RID OF YOU, ALL I HAVE TO DO IS USE THE BATTERY IN MY MODEL AIRPLANE TO FLY WHERE JOSEPH IS AND KILL HIM !!

Koichi: Aghhh ! I- I can't see ! He's getting brighter and brighter !!

Akira: HA ! How does THAT one felt ?!

"Goddammit, you ruined my favorite clothes ! I don't own a lot of them, you know ?"

Akira: What... What on the actual fuck is that ?!!

Koichi: is that... It looks like a simple protective suit... like something you'd use for painting...

"It is. But it's no ordinary protective suit. You chose to reveal yourself because you were sure you could kill us ? Well, Jotaro left me here because we were 100% certain you couldn't get past us.

Akira: Rubber suit...

"Nope. Rubber is a good electric insulator, but this is the complete opposite. This is a custom-made protective suit, entirely weaved with silver thread. Courtesy of the Speedwagon foundation."

*Silver thread. Out of all the metals existing, silver is by far the one that conduct electricity the better. And since electricity always tend to take the easiest route, it'll travel through the suit, leaving the body completely unharmed.

A/n: And yes, these suits exists, and they're used by those who works on high voltage electric cables.*

"It can hold on to several millions of volts, way more than you can use with this town's electrical supply."

Koichi: I... I think I've heard about it... A Faraday cage, that completely isolate whoever is inside, despite being made of metal !!

"I told you, didn't I ? That I wouldn't need anything else than my hands to defeat you."

Chili: L-Let go !!

"No, I don't think I will. There's another reason we decided to fight you at the harbor, you know ? Can you guess why ? I'll give you a hint, the answer is just like you, very salty."

Akira: N- No... If you do that, I'll die for real !!

"And look over there, it's all the fucks I don't give ! You're in for a dip, fucker !!"

Chili: I... i'm sorry ! So please ! I, I'm falling apart...

Koichi: O, oh yeah... I learned this in my first year of middle school, in elementary science ! Salt water disperses electricity like crazy ! And since the ocean's so vast, that energy's going to travel pretty far...

"You said you didn't have much time left. Somehow, you were absolutely correct with that."

Koichi: Since his Stand was scattered all over the place... Is he... dead ? he's still standing... But he's dead... ?

Echoes: We defeated the user ! Jotaro, we've taken care of Red Hot Chili Peppers' user !

Jotaro: Good job. i'm relieved, Koichi.

Okuyasu: 'So this guy is Josuke's old man... he's pretty damn big, but, looks pretty senile to me... Well, it's good that he didn't get killed by Red Hot Chili Peppers, I guess.'

Joseph: Ahhh... So, you're... Uh... What is your name.

Okuyasu: Okuyasu.

Joseph: Okuyasu ?

Okuyasu: i'm Josuke's neighbor. And I'm a Stand user too.

Joseph: Huh ?

Okuyasu: Stand user !

Joseph: Huh ?

Okuyasu: S-T-A-N-D USER !!

Joseph: Oh, you can't stand losers ?

Okuyasu: STAND USER !! Come on !!

Joseph: Oh, oh ! So you're a Stand user, too ! Good for you. So, Osomatsu, I haven't seen my cane, do you know where it is ?

Okuyasu: ...

Joseph: Oh ! Sorry, sorry ! I was holding it all along.

Okuyasu: Hey, Mr.Joestar ! Don't just get up by yourself, alright ? When the boat slows down, it'll rock, so just sit tight until it makes a full stop.

Joseph: ... I wonder where Josuke is ? I wonder if I can see him... Oh, oh ! Maybe that's Josuke !

Okuyasu: Nope, that's just a harbor worker... You'll see him soon.

Joseph: Alright... So. There's one thing I want to ask... I didn't even know he was alive... And I left him like that for 16 years... What has Josuke been saying about me ?

Okuyasu: Well... We don't really talk about stuff like that.

Joseph: I see... he doesn't, talk about it.

ICSF: Mr.Joestar, I've come to get your things.

Koichi: YAAAAAAAAAY !! He's finally here !! Come on, guys ! The boat's docking !!

"How is that old fart doing since last time..."

Josuke: ... ... ...

Koichi: What's wrong ? Mr.Joestar got here, safe and sound ! Aren't you happy ?

Josuke: Ah. Yeah, guess so.

"You... Don't seem like you are, though."

Josuke: Huh ? Ah, well, maybe. To tell you the truth, guys... Sure, it's good that he didn't get killed by Otoishi. That's fine and dandy. But, you know, I don't really want to meet him or anything. To be honest, I just want him to leave... I mean, it's kind of too late, don't you think ?

"Yeah... I think I start to see where the problem is... And it's 16 years to late to effectively 'fix' it..."

Josuke: You're probably hoping for some kind of heartwarming family reunion... But this is a guy that I've never even met before. We don't have "family ties" or anything... It'll just be really damn awkward. It's not like I hate him or anything, I'm just worried about how mom's gonna react. You agree with me, right ?

Koichi: Hahh, hahh, hahh... G, g, Guys... ! This is bad... !

"Let me guess, while we weren't looking, the guy disappeared ?"

Koichi: T-The corpse... !


"We better tell Jotaro about this, and quick."

Koichi: I- I'm sending Echoes !!

"It'll take too long, i'm going myself."

Josuke: You're gonna swim to the boat ?! It'll be even slower !

"Swim ? No, I'm going on foot."

"Jotaro, we got bad news ! Red Hot Chili Peppers' user's corpse is gone ! He's still alive, and somewhere around here !"

Okuyasu: What ?! The Stand user is still alive ?!

ICSF: Be careful ! An enemy is aboard the ship ! I've come here to protect Mr.Joestar !

Okuyasu: The hell ?!

ICSF: 'Wait... W- Who... ? This guy... I've never seen him before...'

Okuyasu: Did you just say something ?

'ICSF': T- That was me who said it ! This guy isn't a SPW member !

Okuyasu: What ?! What did he say ?!

'ICSF': This man is clearly wearing a disguise ! This is the first time I've seen him ! He wasn't on this ship before ! HE'S THE ENEMY !!

ICSF: W- What the...

Okuyasu: Really ?! Bastard !

ICSF: AHHH ! Wait ! I came here to tell you that there was an enemy onboard ! Would an enemy really do something like that ?! He's the impostor !

Okuyasu: That's true ! You bastard !!

'ICSF': AHHHH ! B- But I was the one who pointed out that he was an enemy first ! He only came in to confuse you ! He'd say anything to take you off-guard !

Okuyasu: Th- That sounds right, too... Wh... Which one is the enemy ?!


Okuyasu: 'Damn ! I- I have to choose, again ? Which one, which one is Otoishi, goddammit... ?! All my life, I've been relying on my big bro to make decisions... That's why i'm so bad at them !' Mr.Joestar ! Don't you recognize one of the faces ?!

Joseph: Hm ? What did you say ? Can you repeat that ?

'ICSF': 'Yes ! Okuyasu's such an easy shit to fool... I still have a chance ! If I can just kill Joseph and escape the boat... Jotaro hasn't seen my face, yet... ! I can still escape ! I can escape and get my revenge ! Even though my Stand is in pieces... !'


Joseph: Huh ? Pop pop pop the Popper ?

'ICSF': 'I'll kill him ! I'll fucking kill him !'

Okuyasu: Goddammit ! What do I do...


Okuyasu: OH ?! Okay, I get it ! That means, the Stand user, IS YOU !!

Okuyasu: Don't think you can use your bullshit on me twice ! i'm Okuyasu Nijimura, bastard !!

Akira: Guh... Gah.. If... If only, he, didn't arrived...

Okuyasu: Wouldn't have made a difference in the end, wanna know why ? I was planning on punching the both of you. 'Cause i'm not too smart, ya know ?

Josuke: Your feet... be careful, or else you'll fall into the water.

Joseph: Oh... I'm sorry. If I had my cane, I would be able to walk better... But I was just broken in half a moment ago.

Josuke: G... God damn it, then you can... Hold onto my hand.

Okuyasu: hey ! I've got a good idea ! I'm so damn smart ! You can use Crazy D to fix this cane ! Hey-

"Don't say another word, Okuyasu, or you'll ruin the whole thing."

Koichi: throw that away ! This time, he's not going to fix it.

"And that's by far the bast solution."

Okuyasu: Why ? Hey, why ?

Jotaro: ...

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