Chapter 18: Pink Dark boy

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 " ": You talking

' ': You thinking

* *: Narrator/Voice-off

Your POV:

*Akira Otoishi was sent to prison. Though his crimes were kinda hard to explain for someone who wasn't a Stand user, he'd been continuously stealing things using Red Hot Chili Peppers. In total, he'd stolen about 5 million yens worth of goods. The police confiscated all of these items from his room, and he was sentenced to three years in prison. On top of that, Okuyasu, Jotaro and Y/n told him that if he tried to do anything with his Stand again, they'd "chase him down to the deepest corner of hell and end him". Otoishi's reply to that was "It's safer to be in prison than out there !" His Stand, Red Hot Chili Peppers is a mess, and now he's scared senseless of Y/n, so he probably won't be a problem anymore...*

"Good ending, we finally were able to get our hands on that second arrow."

Jotaro: You intend on keeping that one too ?

"I think I'll give it to the SPW foundation for the time being."

*Also, Mr.Joestar and Josuke found an invisible baby*

*Stand user: Shizuka Joestar

Stand: Achtung baby: -Power E

-Speed: E

-Range: None

-Durability: A

-Precision: E

-Potential A

*POP* Ah !!*

"So what you're saying... Is that Koichi just went in that house for no reason ?"

Josuke: It just isn't like him to skip school like that. Good thing we decided to tail him !

Okuyasu: The hell is he doin', breakin' into some house like that ! Who lives there anyway ? M- Maybe it's a girl ? I doubt it, but...

"It's definitely weird."

Koichi: 'I don't really know why, but before I knew it I had already gone in...'

Koichi: Y- You're working hard... 'He has such a ghoulish expression on his face while he works...

Rohan: Ha ! So you came... I was waiting for you, you're right on time !

Koichi: Eh ?

Rohan: Sorry, but could you hold on a minute ? I'm still two pages short on finishing next week's issue. It should be done in about 20 minutes.

Koichi: 'What a weird feeling... I feel like I'm on the verge of remembering something. I came here because... It's some really terrible thing... What was it ?' Um, 20 minutes ? Did you just say 2 pages in 20 minutes ? I think I misheard you. You don't mean those two blank manuscripts on your desk, right ? Also, next week's issue ? Didn't you say yesterday that you'd just finished this week's, right before you let us read it... ?

Koichi: H- He's already done inking ?! And it was completely blank just two minutes ago !!

Rohan: It's all thanks to you, Koichi ! Creativity is just gushing out from inside me ! I have to draw more and more ! I NEED to draw more ! This is the first time I've ever drawn 19 pages in a single night ! Right now, I'm drawing my masterpiece ! And it's made of your experiences, Koichi ! Your experiences are amazing, they're golden !!

Koichi: Huh ?!

Rohan: I want to see the next piece of reality !! Quick, show me the next page !! The more pages I take, the more weight you'll lose, but that's no big deal, right ? You'll live on in my creations !!


Rohan: You only looked at one panel and you're already turning into a "book" ? Great ! That's gotta mean I'm getting better ! Both at a manga artist and as a Stand user !


Rohan: What ?

Rohan: Well well well... If it isn't... Higashikata "Crazy Diamond" Josuke, Nijimura "The Hand" Okuyasu, and Y/n "Dark Void" L/n... But why did they come to my house ? Koichi shouldn't be able to talk about me. Strange... Hm ?

Koichi: 'G- Guys ! I didn't know how you knew I was here, but.. Save me ! Do something ! You've gotta !!! AAAAH !!'

Koichi: Huh ? Oh, it's you ! How'd you know I was here ?

Rohan: Well then. For now I have no interest in any of them. I just need to polish off these last two pages for next week's edition and then plunder some more material from Koichi ! Heh heh... I can't wait.

Koichi: 'No wait... That's not what I wanted to say to them just now. But what was it ? What was I going to say ?'

Okuyasu: You're doing an observation of a manga artist ? And this is supposed to be that artist's workplace ? Kishibe Rohan ? Is he famous or something ? Heard of him ?

"Hazamada tried to kill me for my lack of knowledge on that. Never heard of that guy."

Josuke: Well, anyway, when we saw you wandering around we were worried and followed you. But it looks like it was nothing. What a relief.

Koichi: Would you like to come in and watch ?

Josuke: Nah, I'll pass. Famous people make me nervous.

Okuyasu: Me too.

"You just tagged along to know if he was meeting some broad. In any case, see ya, Koichi."

Koichi: Bye ! ... ? 'I'm forgetting something... I was going to tell them something really important... What was it ?'

Koichi: 'AAAAAHH !! I REMEMBER !!!'

Koichi: See you at school !

"You better not be late !"


*Stand user: Rohan Kishibe

Stand: Heaven's Door: -Power D

-Speed B

-Range B

-Durability B

-Precision C

-Potential A

You really thought I'd write down that entire thing ?*

*You were right: "When manga drawn by Haven's Door's user is observed by any second party, they will be afflicted with its ability which will create openings over their body not unlike pages in a book. These pages will contain information on life events and knowledge of the afflicted party, readable by Heaven's Door's user. With a pan the information can be altered or additions can be made, including conditional removal of memories, or the complete understanding of an entire foreign language. When pages formed by Heaven's Door are removed from the body, weight from the subject is lost, however no outside appearance changes can be observed when this action is made. Although initially the activation of Heaven's Door's ability requires a second party to observe manga drawn on a physical piece of paper, in future chapters Heaven's Door's user Hirohiko Arak- Rohan Kishibe learns how to manifest his ability without the prerequisite of viewing manga on a piece of paper. This ability however does not work on subjects who are not receptive to the user's work, such as Josuke Higashikata".*

Koichi: 'If this continues... My pages will keep being torn off and I'll die !'

Rohan: ... Someone else has entered my estate. At this very moment, someone is approaching the entry hall ! Koichi !

Koichi: AAAAH ! OKUYASU !!

Rohan: You-

"Don't move, asshole."

Okuyasu: Move one muscle, and we'll crush you.

Koichi: I don't know how you knew that I was in danger, but I'm so happy !!

Rohan: It might look like a lucky guess, I just realized, Koichi, that the wound on your hand is a dead giveaway that something was up. You must have caught it on something while you were crawling around. It's bleeding.

Koichi: Huh ? I... Didn't even notice.

Rohan: That's how you knew, right ? Okuyasu Nijimura... Your stand is "The Hand"... You have a complex about your dead brother Keicho, and every time you have to make a decision... You think "If only my big Bro was still around..."

"We've got no time for a psychologist's appointment. Koichi, you know what his Stand's ability is, right ? Tell us."

Koichi: I- It's... 'I can't talk... I know Rohan Kishibe's weakness, and I can't say a single word !! Read even one panel and you're finished ! I want to tell them ! Don't read it ! Don't even look at it !'

"I said don't move !"

Rohan: As things are right now, I'm not really interested in any of you, but I have no choice... Anyone who enters this building becomes material !

Okuyasu: You bastard !!

"What ? When did he... ?

Koichi: S- So fast ! 'That's right, Rohan Kishibe was able to draw that page in a flash ! His fearsome hand moved the pen with lightning speed !!'

"You- !!"

Koichi: O- OKUYASU !! Y/N !! 

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